Train Music
Train Music is a piece of music
Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch , rhythm , dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture...

 for orchestra
An orchestra is a sizable instrumental ensemble that contains sections of string, brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. The term orchestra derives from the Greek ορχήστρα, the name for the area in front of an ancient Greek stage reserved for the Greek chorus...

 written by the Australian composer
A composer is a person who creates music, either by musical notation or oral tradition, for interpretation and performance, or through direct manipulation of sonic material through electronic media...

 Percy Grainger
Percy Grainger
George Percy Aldridge Grainger , known as Percy Grainger, was an Australian-born composer, arranger and pianist. In the course of a long and innovative career he played a prominent role in the revival of interest in British folk music in the early years of the 20th century. He also made many...


This fragment of music written in 1901 by an 18 year old Grainger was originally designed for a massive orchestra. Inspired by a 1900 train journey through the mountains of Italy, Grainger envisioned it for a huge orchestra of 150 players, including 8 oboes and 6 bassoons. The composer got only as far as a fragment of between one and two minutes.
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