The Troubles (Haven)
The Troubles is a term used within the fictional world represented in the American/Canadian supernatural TV series, Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

, which premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...



"The Troubles" is a collective name for the supernatural
The supernatural or is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature...

 afflictions that affect certain citizens at critical moments in the life of the town of Haven. Beside the current plague, an outbreak of The Troubles happened in 1983 when the Colorado Kid was killed, when Max Hansen killed the family he was sent to prison for and when other ghastly events happened. Lucy Ripley, a previous "incarnation" of Audrey, worked with Garland Wuornos to help resolve the problems caused by The Troubles of 1983. Lucy was only in Haven for a few months, but apparently when she left, or perhaps disappeared, The Troubles had been contained.

The Haven Herald newspaper has recorded many of these outbreaks in the past. The opening credits sequence displays headlines that show periods of The Troubles that may go as far back as the foundation of the town over 350 years ago. The afflictions often reflect the emotional state of the afflicted: one person's emotions affected the weather and anger brought storms; another whose anger cause electrical discharges.

Some people in the town see The Troubles as a curse from God. The Rev. Ed Driscoll notes, referring to Troubled people, that "Haven is chock full of the ungodly". Other people are more sympathetic to Troubled people.

The Troubled people

Nathan Wuornos cannot feel any pain or other sensations, except for the touch of Audrey Parker, although he had an opportunity to lose his affliction when it was temporarily taken from him by Ian Haskell.(Ep.202) The late Chief Garland Wuornos was afflicted with the power to hold Haven together, literally, and when he lost concentration Haven would start to crack. The return of Max Hansen pushed the chief over the edge, no longer able to control the cracking. He held the cracking within himself until he exploded into tiny fragments.(Ep.113)

Below is a list of some of Haven's Troubled people.

Season 1

Person Actor(s) Ep. Trouble Outcome
Marion Caldwell Nicole de Boer
Nicole de Boer
Nicole de Boer is a Canadian actress, perhaps best known for her roles as Ezri Dax on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine from 1998 to 1999 and as Sarah Bannerman on The Dead Zone from 2002 to 2007.-Career:...

101 Her moods influence the weather She is looked after by Conrad Brauer
Bobby Mueller Ricardo Hoyos 102 When he sleeps his nightmares become reality to those he feels threatened by. Care and medication help to put him at ease so he doesn't have bad dreams.
Ray McBreen Lyriq Bent
Lyriq Bent
Lyriq Bent is a Canadian actor that is perhaps best known for portraying Lieutenant Daniel Rigg in Saw II, Saw III, and Saw IV.-Life and career:...

103 His music makes catatonic people sane again, but sane people crazy. He sails off into the sunset with a crew of previously catatonic people made sane.
Bill McShaw Sebastian Pigott 104
Consumed (Haven)
"Consumed" is the fourth episode of the first season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on July 30, 2010. It was written by Ann Lewis Hamilton and directed by Rachel Talalay.- Plot :...

Stress causes the food he eats and all other food in the vicinity to wither and people who eat it to die. Changes to a stress-free job.
Beatrice Mitchell Jennie Raymond 105
Ball and Chain (Haven)
"Ball and Chain" is the fifth episode of the first season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on August 6, 2010. It was written by Nikki Toscano and directed by Tim Southam.-Plot:...

Becomes her alter ego who seduces random men and causes each to die of old age in the few days it takes to bear his baby and hold it. She now chains herself inside the lighthouse when it is time to change.
Piper Landon Fiona Reid
Fiona Reid
Fiona Reid, CM is a Canadian television, film and stage actress. She is best known for her role as Cathy on the TV series King of Kensington....

Fur is a synonym for hair, used more in reference to non-human animals, usually mammals; particularly those with extensives body hair coverage. The term is sometimes used to refer to the body hair of an animal as a complete coat, also known as the "pelage". Fur is also used to refer to animal...

Causes animals she stuffs to come to life. She chooses to be killed by her animals.
Vickie Molly Dunsworth
Molly Dunsworth
Molly Kathleen Dunsworth , known professionally as Molly Dunsworth, is a Canadian actress. She is most known for her starring role in Hobo with a Shotgun, where she plays "Abby" alongside Rutger Hauer.-Early life:...

"Sketchy" is the seventh episode of the first season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on August 20, 2010. It was written by Matt McGuinness and directed by T.W. Peacocke.- Plot :...

What happens to the things she draws, happens in real life. The man taking advantage of her trouble is drowned, when his drawing falls into the water.
Thornton Aarons Rick Roberts
Rick Roberts (actor)
Rick Roberts is a Canadian actor. His most substantial role to date is as Donald D'Arby in the series Traders, for which he was nominated for a Gemini Award. He played Elizabeth Berkley's husband in the Lifetime made-for-television movie Student Seduction. Roberts has also appeared in L.A...

Ain't No Sunshine (Haven)
"Ain't No Sunshine" is the eighth episode of the first season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on August 27, 2010...

A blind man whose shadow takes a life of its own and attacks/kills the causes of his anger. He is enclosed in a house so that no light enters and therefore has no shadow.
"Vaughn Carpenter" Leslie Carlson
Leslie Carlson
Leslie Carlson is a character, film and television actor. He acted on stage in both the U.S...

As You Were (Haven)
"As You Were" is the ninth episode of the first season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on Syfy on September 10, 2010. It was written by Jose Molina and directed by Robert Lieberman.- Plot :...

Really a chameleon who took over Vaughn's body when Vaughn was dying during the previous troubles. He is shot and killed.
Matt West Max Topplin 110
The Hand You're Dealt
"The Hand You're Dealt" is the tenth episode of the first season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on September 17, 2010...

His anger causes things to burn. He is provoked to burn up in his anger and impotence.
Vanessa Stanley Cynthia Preston
Cynthia Preston
Cynthia Preston , sometimes credited as Cyndy Preston, is a Canadian television and film actress.Preston was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada...

The Hand You're Dealt
"The Hand You're Dealt" is the tenth episode of the first season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on September 17, 2010...

Sees the last thing that people see before they die. She is killed by Matt West.
Ezra Colbert Jonas Chernick 111
The Trial of Audrey Parker
"The Trial of Audrey Parker" is the eleventh episode of the first season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on September 24, 2010...

Is able to anticipate what people think or do, which "scrambles his head". He is arrested.
James Carrick Tom Barnett 112 Suffers seizures that cause him to vibrate so fast he disappears. He disappears for good though still present.
Max Hansen John Bourgeois
John Bourgeois
John Bourgeois is a bilingual actor, director and educator.-Life and career:John Bourgeois was born in Ottawa. He received his training at Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London and Concordia University in Montreal, where he obtained a B.A...

113 Inability to feel pain or anything else, like Nathan Wuornos. He is swallowed by a rampant crack.

Season 2

Person Actor(s) Ep. Trouble Outcome
TJ Smith Joey Klein 201
A Tale of Two Audreys
"Tale of Two Audreys" is the first episode and season premiere of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on July 15, 2011. It was written by Sam Ernst & Jim Dunn and it is directed by T. W...

Brings what he reads to life. Is made aware of his trouble.
Ian Haskell Bryan Dick
Bryan Dick
Bryan Dick is an English actor, who has starred in multiple motion pictures, television series, and stage productions in both the United Kingdom and United States.-Background:...

Fear & Loathing (Haven)
"Fear & Loathing" is the second episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on July 22, 2011. It was written by Gabrielle Stanton and directed by Rob Lieberman.- Plot :...

Has the ability to take others' troubles through contact with their blood. He is shot and dies while having Jackie Clark's trouble.
Jackie Clark Andrea Wilson 202 Causes people to see their worst fears when they look at her. Her trouble is taken by Ian Haskell.
Lewis Pufahl Hugo Speer
Hugo Speer
Hugo Speer is an English actor.He was born in Harrogate, Yorkshire, and educated at Harrogate Grammar School. He studied acting at The Arts Educational School....

Love Machine (Haven)
"Love Machine" is the third episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on July 29, 2011. The episode's teleplay was written by Matt McGuinness, Nora Zuckerman & Lilla Zuckerman from a story by McGuinness. It was directed by T. W...

His fixing things causes them to come alive and cause harm if they feel threatened. For the good of others, he is forced to stay behind in Haven without his wife so the machines he fixes don't kill.
Mayor Brody Peter MacNeill
Peter MacNeill
Peter MacNeill is a Canadian film and television actor who has starred in several TV shows and movies.His film credits have included The Hanging Garden , Geraldine's Fortune, Giant Mine, Lives of Girls and Women, The Events Leading Up to My Death, Dog Park, Something Beneath and A...

Sparks and Recreation
"Sparks and Recreation" is the fourth episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on August 5, 2011...

His presence causes people to fawn over him. He was killed by an electric shock from a microphone deliberately rigged by his wife.
Chris Brody Jason Priestley
Jason Priestley
Jason Bradford Priestley is a Canadian-American actor and director. He is best known as the virtuous Brandon Walsh on the television series Beverly Hills, 90210, a role which catapulted him to recognition in the early 1990s....

Sparks and Recreation
"Sparks and Recreation" is the fourth episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on August 5, 2011...

Inherited his father's Trouble which means the only person in town who can still treat him normally is Audrey. In "Lockdown", he admits to giving into his affliction that nearly got the people in Haven killed and tells Audrey they should to break up.
Lori Fulcher Kate Greenhouse 204 Her anger causes pulses of high tension electricity. She is to be looked after and kept well "grounded".
The Novelli & Keegan families Joe Dinicol
Joe Dinicol
Joe Dinicol is a Canadian actor.Dinicol was born in Stratford, Ontario, the son of acting coach and actor Keith Dinicol. He started his career as a child actor at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, and has since appeared on national Canadian television series Train 48 and Rideau Hall...

Alexz Johnson
Alexz Johnson
Alexzandra Spencer "Alexz" Johnson is a Canadian singer-songwriter, record producer and actress. Her debut album Voodoo was independently released on March 30, 2010....

Sean McCann
Sean McCann
Sean McCann may refer to:* Sean McCann , Lieutenant General and Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, succeeding Dermot Earley* Sean McCann , Canadian television actor...

Corinne Conley
Ted Atherton
Roots (Haven)
"Roots" is the fifth episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on August 12, 2011. It was written by Jim Dunn and directed by Tim Southam.- Plot :...

Hatred between the families feeds the appetite of trees whose roots kill. Love between the families regained control.
Anson Shumway Ari Cohen 206
Audrey Parker's Day Off
"Audrey Parker's Day Off" is the sixth episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on August 19, 2011. It was written by Nora Zuckerman & Lilla Zuckerman and it is directed by Fred Gerber.- Plot :Chris Brody wakes Audrey up with...

Each time he blames himself for getting things wrong, he goes back to the beginning to set it right, causing the day to restart. He deliberately steps in front of a speeding car to stop further restarts.
Cole Glendower Kenneth Welsh
Kenneth Welsh
Kenneth Welsh, CM is a Canadian film and television actor . He is known to Twin Peaks fans as the multi-faceted villain Windom Earle, and has more recently played the father of Katharine Hepburn in Martin Scorsese's The Aviator.In 1984 he was nominated for a Genie Award as Best Actor for his...

The Tides That Bind
"The Tides That Bind" is the seventh episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on August 26, 2011...

Forced, along with all Glendower males, to breathe water and hence live in the sea at each outbreak of the Troubles Allowed to return to the sea for the current outbreak, promising to turn himself over once possible and asks Nathan to look after his family until then.
Cornell Stamoran Cristián de la Fuente
Cristián de la Fuente
Cristián de la Fuente Sabarots is a Chilean-American actor.-Early life:De la Fuente was born in Santiago, Chile, as the only child of chemist Hugo de la Fuente and Adriana Sabarots, a homemaker of French descent...

Friend or Faux
"Friend or Faux" is the eighth episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It first aired on SyFy on September 2, 2011. It was written by Sam Ernst and directed by Stephen Reynolds.- Plot :...

He manifests physical alter egos which can do the things that he wants to do. He is killed by a copy that Audrey convinces to express his own independence.
Nikki Coleman Kristin Booth 209
Lockdown (Haven)
"Lockdown" is the ninth episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It went to air on SyFy on September 9, 2011...

Her negative feelings are channeled as a fast attacking disease at whoever she touches. Audrey helps her gain confidence to control her feelings.
Frankie, Amelia and Sophie Benton Leah Ostry
Alexandria Benoit
Julia Hines
Who, What, Where, Wendigo?
"Who, What, Where, Wendigo?" is the tenth episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It went to air on SyFy on September 16, 2011...

They are wendigos, people that crave human flesh, but they can survive on any live flesh. After the girls learn to control human cravings in the woods, Dwight takes them to a slaughterhouse where they can live and feed until the Troubles are over.
Dwight Hendrickson Edge 211
Business as Usual (Haven)
"Business as Usual" is the eleventh episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It went to air on SyFy on September 23, 2011...

He explains in "Business as Usual" that he attracts bullets He manages the situation, which includes wearing a bulletproof vest.
Stu Pierce Joris Jarsky
Joris Jarsky
Joris Jarsky , also known as Joris Jorsky, is a Canadian stage, film and television actor who has received recognition for being a versatile actor, and is known for his role as Marty Strickland in the series Vampire High....

Business as Usual (Haven)
"Business as Usual" is the eleventh episode of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It went to air on SyFy on September 23, 2011...

His sweat dehydrates anybody who comes into contact with it to the point of mummification. He and his wife decide to leave, as Haven is no longer a safe place due to the Troubles.
Kyle Hopkins Torrance Coombs
Torrance Coombs
Torrance Coombs is a Canadian film, theatre and television actor.-Early life, education and early acting work:He was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada....

Sins of the Fathers (Haven)
"Sins of the Fathers" is the twelfth episode and season finale of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It goes to air on SyFy on September 30, 2011. It was written by Sam Ernst & Jim Dunn and it is directed by Lee Rose.- Plot :The ghosts of the Haven dead...

Ghosts of people he buries come back to settle unfinished business. He kills himself by thrusting the knife Duke holds into his own stomach, causing the dead to disappear.
Duke Crocker Eric Balfour
Eric Balfour
Eric Salter Balfour is an American singer and actor of film and television. He is the lead singer of Born As Ghosts, formerly known as Fredalba...

Sins of the Fathers (Haven)
"Sins of the Fathers" is the twelfth episode and season finale of the second season of the supernatural American/Canadian television series Haven. It goes to air on SyFy on September 30, 2011. It was written by Sam Ernst & Jim Dunn and it is directed by Lee Rose.- Plot :The ghosts of the Haven dead...

His father tells him he can end a Trouble by killing the person who possesses it and the family is then free of it (It is unclear whether this is to be regarded as a Trouble)
Mara Kopf N/A - The things she touches freeze, Vince Teagues describes it as a "freak temperature inversion." She was rescued from her burning house by Vince Teagues and helped by Sarah (Audrey's earlier self in spring 1958) in an unspecified manner.
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