Ball and Chain (Haven)
"Ball and Chain" is the fifth episode of the first season of the supernatural
The supernatural or is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature...

 American/Canadian television series Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

. It first aired on SyFy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

 on August 6, 2010. It was written by Nikki Toscano and directed by Tim Southam
Tim Southam
Tim Southam is an award-winning Canadian television and film director.-Career:Early signs of Southam's directing ability came in 1995 when he was nominated for the Gemini Award for Best Direction in a Variety or Performing Arts Program or Series for the 1994 documentary Satie and Suzanne about...



Vince and Dave Teagues find the body of an old man in a boat floating near where they were fishing. The boat was probably used for lobster poaching. The man has a round maze-shaped tattoo on his forearm. Harbormaster Beatrice ("Beaty") Mitchell, who has recently adopted a baby and is carrying it, recognizes the boat as stolen from Camden Harbor. Audrey goes to the Grey Gull to see if anyone knows the man. While there, she sees Joe Campbell kissing a beautiful unknown woman, but doesn't find anyone who recognizes the man. Duke invites Audrey to dinner on Friday. The tattoo leads Audrey and Nathan to the Funk Parlor Tattoo where they find the man who "created" it. He doesn't recognize the dead man, but says that the tattoo was not done on an old man. Eleanor Carr estimates that the man was 30 when he died and that he had been rapidly aging before he died. Joe Campbell comes looking for Eleanor. He has aged 50 years in a few days. The Grey Gull waitress remembered the woman with Campbell was called Helena. Vince Teagues is called in to draw a sketch of the woman and Nathan gets a hit on Campbell as a lobster poacher. Audrey and Nathan visit Beaty to get her knowledge. She knew of Campbell as a loser, but not a bad person. An elderly African-American woman, Abby, comes in with Beaty's baby. When Audrey and Nathan leave, Abby asks about them and Beaty tells her that they know about Helena but not when she's coming back.

Outside, Nathan tells Audrey the news that the supplies on the dead man's boat were sold by a bait shop in Camden to two men in their 30s, one of whom was Phil Reiser. The men had ordered equipment which will arrive soon and Nathan thinks that the other man will pick it up. They pick up the second man, James Wardell, and interrogate him at Haven police station. He says that Phil was with Helena at the Grey Gull on Friday night and she was "intense". Reiser was too sick to go out poaching and had outstanding warrants so Wardell put him in the boat. Audrey guesses a pattern where Helena picks up a man on Friday at the Grey Gull. Duke faces the fact that Audrey has stood him up, when Helena comes on to him. In the morning Duke staggers to his car and greets Beaty and Abby in passing. Nathan digs up an old case in Derry from 1954 where a 40-year old is found dead of old age in a few days. The woman who discovered him, Alexandra Leidner, died a week later. Audrey hears from Duke about Helena and they go to his boat to find him aging. Duke is unable to say anything useful about Helena, for it was like he was hypnotized. Asked if he saw anyone out of the ordinary afterwards, he explains having seen Beaty and the old woman. They go to talk to her. At Beaty's house they catch Abby at the door. Inside, Duke recognizes the dress that Helena was wearing, then Audrey recognizes the dress she'd worn the week before and found Beaty's uniform on the same rack. On the wall is a diploma with the name "Beatrice Leidner Mitchell". Abby explains that Beatrice is Alexandra's granddaughter. Audrey comes to the conclusion that Beatrice is Helena.

Abby says that Beatrice is at the lighthouse, where they all go. Duke is much older. Nathan breaks the door down and they find Beaty inside with two babies and she is almost in labor with a third. Audrey realizes that it isn't Beatrice who is killing the men, but the babies. Nathan says that they have to stop the baby from coming, but Beaty breaks water. The stress of meeting her ex-husband who had started a new family put her into a state that caused Helena to come. Audrey, while interrogating Beaty who is now in full labor, works out that the men die when Beaty holds the new born baby, so Audrey takes the baby. From that moment Duke starts to revert. Audrey arranges for child services to take the baby. Beaty will voluntarily remain locked in the lighthouse to look after the two babies she already has to avoid any more deaths.


This episode earned a Nielsen household rating of 1.2/2. It was viewed by 1.884 million viewers.
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