The Trial of Audrey Parker
"The Trial of Audrey Parker" is the eleventh episode of the first season of the supernatural
The supernatural or is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature...

 American/Canadian television series Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

. It first aired on SyFy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

 on September 24, 2010. The story was written by Charles Ardai
Charles Ardai
Charles Ardai is an entrepreneur, writer, editor, and television producer. He is best known as founder and CEO of Juno, an Internet company, and founder and editor of Hard Case Crime, a line of pulp-style paperback crime novels.-Biography:...

, teleplay was written by Sam Ernst
Sam Ernst
Sam Ernst is a television writer and producer best known for working on shows such as The Dead Zone and the Shrek the Third video game. He frequently collaborates with his writing partner Jim Dunn. In 2010, he and Dunn co-created the Syfy supernatural drama series Haven, based upon the Stephen King...

 & Jose Molina and directed by Lee Rose
Lee Rose (director)
Lee Rose is an American director, producer and writer of film and television.She began her professional career in 1993 producing and writing the television film It's Nothing Personal . She also worked on the films Deconstructing Sarah A Mother's Prayer , An Unexpected Family and An Unexpected Life...



Audrey is playing cards with Duke, Julia Carr, and two of Duke's acquaintances, Ezra Colbert and Tobias Blaine on Duke's boat. After Audrey wins a hand Duke checks Colbert's to see that he had folded on a better hand. He suspects a hustle. Audrey's boss, Agent Howard, comes aboard and orders her to explain her actions in Haven and why she should be allowed to remain there. They go into a stateroom and Audrey cautiously outlines some of "The Troubles". They are trapped inside, when the door is locked from outside. On deck Colbert returns to his previous phenomenal winning streak until he explains that it isn't money that he wants but one of the boxes Duke is shipping. Duke takes Julia and pretends to go looking for the box, but they are followed and captured. With no cell reception within the metal walls, Audrey has nothing else to do but continue her report of "The Troubles". A crack forms in the boat and it starts taking on water.

Blaine is unsuccessful at beating the location from Duke, so Colbert anticipates Duke's thoughts, explaining the things that Duke thinks to avoid thinking of the box, until he falters and Colbert sees where the box is, though the effort causes him great discomfort. Audrey, while talking to Agent Howard, has been looking for an escape hatch from the room, as she knows that Duke is always prepared. The boat is now listing because of the water intake. Finding the hatch she escapes and radios Nathan the situation. She rescues Duke who is now tied up on deck. He tells her about Colbert's ability and she devises a plan. Duke confronts Colbert and Blaine on deck, making strange gestures and saying irrational things. Colbert has difficulty with the incoherence and suffers. Duke is following Audrey's instructions through an earphone, so Colbert cannot anticipate. Duke maneuvers them toward Audrey and they are finally overpowered.

Agent Howard provokes Audrey and she resigns from the FBI, so she can remain in Haven. Howard later tells Chief Wuornos that Audrey is staying, as though that was the desired result. He says that Wuornos needs to get "this place under control... soon."


This episode earned a Nielsen household rating of 0.4/1. It was viewed by 1.407 million viewers.
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