Sins of the Fathers (Haven)
"Sins of the Fathers" is the twelfth episode and season finale of the second season of the supernatural
The supernatural or is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature...

 American/Canadian television series Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

. It goes to air on SyFy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

 on September 30, 2011. It was written by Sam Ernst
Sam Ernst
Sam Ernst is a television writer and producer best known for working on shows such as The Dead Zone and the Shrek the Third video game. He frequently collaborates with his writing partner Jim Dunn. In 2010, he and Dunn co-created the Syfy supernatural drama series Haven, based upon the Stephen King...

 & Jim Dunn
Jim Dunn (writer)
Jim Dunn is a television writer and producer best known for working on shows such as The Dead Zone and the Shrek the Third video game. He frequently collaborates with his writing partner Sam Ernst. In 2010, he and Ernst co-created the Syfy supernatural drama series Haven, based upon the Stephen...

 and it is directed by Lee Rose
Lee Rose (director)
Lee Rose is an American director, producer and writer of film and television.She began her professional career in 1993 producing and writing the television film It's Nothing Personal . She also worked on the films Deconstructing Sarah A Mother's Prayer , An Unexpected Family and An Unexpected Life...



The ghosts of the Haven dead start coming back to deal with unfinished business. A husband, who died of a heart attack when he found out about his best friend's affair with his wife, causes the death of the wife at the hands of her lover. A brother kills someone who raped his now dead sister.

Audrey, armed with the photo from Duke's book, knows that Dave Teagues had a relationship with Sarah, Audrey's persona before Lucy Ripley and demands answers from the Teagues brothers. Vince tells her of some of her previous "lives" and then gives her a ring that was Sarah's. Nathan calls her for back-up. On Duke's boat long dead Simon Crocker greets his son.

Audrey and Nathan have the body of the heart attack man exhumed by Kyle Hopkins, the gravedigger at Eastside Cemetery. The body is very much there and dead. Simon Crocker tells Duke about his Trouble: if a Crocker kills a Troubled person, the Trouble dies and no-one in the family will ever suffer from the Trouble again. Duke is unimpressed. While Kyle reburies the body, he is visited by the dead Ed Driscoll, who requires Kyle's help. Simon Crocker, in an attempt to get Duke to continue his work, takes him to a field where a group of children had died because of a Troubled person. If Crocker had killed the Troubled girl's grandfather, the curse would not have been passed on to the child and the others would not have died. Duke walks away. Audrey and Nathan discover that all the dead were buried in the same cemetery, Eastside. Kyle has a list of Troubled people and Driscoll tells him to mark where they live well, so the others can find them.

At Eastside Cemetery, Nathan sees more than twenty dead people, though Audrey can't. They all approach, then go their way. Audrey and Nathan walk through the grounds and find Duke who was burying the box at Crocker's grave. Nathan discovers that the gravedigger was the same for all the dead people who have been seen walking: Kyle Hopkins. As Nathan tells the news he sees his father in the cemetery. Audrey and Duke leave Nathan to his father and go to find Kyle. Nathan and the Chief talk, and the Chief explains that the situation is precarious: the town is like sitting on a volcano. The Chief tells him he can't afford to be in love with Audrey, because she is too important to the town.

Audrey stops when she sees a red X in the street. Duke sees Driscoll who threatens Duke to go with him or he'd take his revenge on Audrey. Nathan picks up Audrey after Duke apparently abandoned her. At Kyle's house they see his pregnant wife with red paint on her hand leaving. Audrey pretends to be lost rather than reveal they are the police.

They follow her to discover that the Rev's people had gathered many Troubled people in a barn in the woods. They watch Driscoll and Duke arrive, but then they are caught by the Rev's supporters including Kyle. Driscoll wants Duke to kill the people in the barn to save their families from The Troubles. He refuses as Audrey and Nathan are brought in. Audrey tells Kyle that he is Troubled. He asks Driscoll for support, but the Rev says he can't help, though he says Duke can save Kyle's unborn child. Someone puts a knife in Duke's hand. Kyle asks Duke to do it, but Audrey tells Duke that they can stop what's happening. Simon Crocker tells Duke that as Sarah, Audrey killed Duke's grandfather, and as Lucy she killed Simon too. Duke is having difficulty and the Rev. says that Audrey is a liar, but Duke knows that is not true. However, Kyle pulls Duke's hand and thrusts the knife it holds into his own stomach. Kyle thanks him and dies. With his death the dead disappear.

At the newspaper office Vince tells Dave that he paid Kyle Hopkins to dig up Garland Wuornos because they need him now. Dave thinks Vince was wrong to do so. Audrey is preparing dinner for Nathan and when she opens the door she is tasered. Nathan discovers her missing and goes to the Cape Rouge thinking Duke is responsible, because he found Duke's whistle in her apartment. After a scuffle Duke is on the floor reaching for a hidden gun with Nathan standing over him pointing his gun at him. Duke sees the tattoo on Nathan's forearm. As the camera scene changes to view the outside of the boat, a gunshot is heard from within.
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