The Infershia Pantheon
The are the final set of villains in Mahou Sentai Magiranger
, the Infershia Pantheon is composed of the ten gods of Hades itself, giants who are N Ma's most loyal servants. When their master was killed, the Hades Gods were revived to punish the infidels who defeated him as well as all of humanity. But as the Magirangers defy the Gods, they ensure the eventual destruction of both surface and heavenly worlds as the Hades Gods' deaths serve an alternate purpose in ensuring NMa's resurrection. They were in a deep slumber within the depths of the Kedomono Realm in the Valley of the Gods until Nai & Mea found their lair with the Book of Prophecy as they reawakened, almost killing Vancuria for entering their "sacred domain" until Wyvern vouches her to be their spy. The Hades Gods all have one goal; to bring upon humans while following a self-made code of conduct called the Dark Precept, using the Slab of Judgement to pick the chosen God to execute Divine Punishment with a Dark Aurora heralding their arrival to the surface, assuming a human-size form to carry out the punishment.
The Hades Gods were divided into three tiers:
The members of the Hades Gods were divided, forming alliances with each other, each having their own agenda. Dagon, Sleipnir, and Sphinx generally worked together, Gorgon manipulated Drake and Toad, while bickering with Sphinx, Ifrit dueled with Titan, while Titan and Toad traded insults. Cyclops was a loner, and Wyvern talked to Nai & Mea. All intended and were successful in resurrecting N Ma, and most of them (excluding Drake, and later Titan then finally Sphinx) showed a degree of loyalty to him.
with a ball and chain as his weapon. One of the Five Warrior Gods, he was the first Hades God Vancuria encountered, expressing rage towards her trespassing, as well as the first chosen to carry out Divine Punishment. He could evaporate anything he glared at, and was even able to withstand Magi Legend's Fire Tornado. To be merciful, Ifrit lit a tower on fire that represented the time that the surface realm had to repent and beg for their lives before he would begin his Divine Punishment, and burn everything to ash. To be sporting, and to enhance his own enjoyment, Ifrit lit another tower on fire, saying that he would destroy the rangers before the tower was consumed. He also promised to tell the rangers where their mother was should they defeat him. Since the fire had died down as he prolonged his fight for too long, Sphinx passed judgment and declares that Ifrit must now atone for his transgression with his life. Dagon then threw his trident at Ifrit's image in the Slab of Judgment, thus killing him in order to maintain the Dark Precept. Before Ifrit turned to stone and blew up, he revealed to the Magirangers that one of the other Hades Gods has their mother captive in "a garden of thorns".
Ifrit is voiced by .
with a bayonet
which allows him to cause anything he shot to disappear in a cloud of red energy. He is also one of the most calm and composed, even when angered he quickly calms himself down, when this happens his infrared
eye blinks and he strokes his chin to calm himself. He would have shot and killed Vancuria if Wyvern hadn't have stopped him from doing so. The second to carry out Divine Punishment, Cyclops challenges the Magirangers with a game of cat and mouse where they had to evade his shooting until sunset or disappear upon getting shot. He managed to take out Makito, Houka, and Urara by hiding in the mirror world and shooting through anything with a reflective surface. However, Tsubasa, despite being broken before the apparent loss of his sisters and brother, eventually wises up to the scheme and manages to sneak into Cyclops' dimension to defeat him with his DialRod Bow Gun and save his siblings. Cyclops was then killed by Magi Legend with assistance from Travelion. Upon his demise, Sleipnir calmed his unnerved comrades by commenting to them on how Cyclops was a fool for having underestimated the Magirangers.
Cyclops is voiced by .
, akin to the aegis
of Athena
, as her weapon and can turn herself into either a nāga
or a giant snake to devour her enemies. She became the third to challenge the Magirangers after conning Toad into fighting the Magi Rangers, knowing it was her turn to fight after Cyclops after getting a brief glimpse of the Book of Prophecy relating to herself, intimidating Toad to in hopes that his actions on the surface would ensure that she won't have any trouble. When her turn begins, Gorgon scatters uses her shield to conjure forth snakes and scatter them so that when there's enough of them, they would bite everyone with Gorgon using her shield to turn the bitten to stone. After displaying her plan by petrifing Smoky, she forces Urara, Makito, Tsubasa, and Hikaru to fight her in her Marudeyouna world, "Gorgon's Garden", where she devoured them. She then went to the surface world to get the powerless Kai and Houka (who, at the time, were trapped in the body of one another), but Sphinx cured the two and Gorgon's plans began to fall apart as Kai and Houka freed their captured siblings and Hikaru from her stomach with a new spell. Gorgon grew large to trigger her Divine Punishment only for Travelion to incinerate her shield, dispelling all of the snakes she conjured before she is killed by Magi Legend, restoring Smoky back to his mobile self. As Gorgon died, she reveals that her successor Drake would avenge her.
Gorgon is voiced by .
that can shoot streams of lightning and possess the strongest Infershia armor that protects him from any blow. While Cyclops began his Divine Punishment, after an attempt to go in place of Cyclops, Drake learns from Gorgon where Hikaru was training and go to him so he could "play". Drake was able to withstand Travelion's attack to Hikaru and Smoky's surprise, and overpower Hikaru before Sphinx drove him away. While Gorgon carried out her Divine Punishment, Drake commented that he thought that she was his ideal woman and took it hard when she was killed, taking out his rage on the other Gods before Sphinx chides him for his petty temper, resulting with a fight between him and Wyvern until selection was made for Divine Punishment, choosing Drake. Once on the surface, Drake assumes a more dragon-like form to blast the city into a wasteland with his dragonfire. However, though hindered by Snowgel, Drake was defeated when Hikaru discovered the god's weakness being the back of his where the armor doesn't cover, defeating him in a truly stunning confrontation. In his last stand, Drake battled alongside Sleipnir (who, at the time, was being used by Dagon to lure out Wolzard). He was weakened by Magi Legend's ScrewCalibur and was incinerated by Travelion's Destruction Fire.
Drake is voiced by .
that also serves as a trumpet
, which he demonstrated on Vancuria when they first met. He occasionally ate High Zobil from a bowl. He could shoot various poisons from his warts, such as a poison that switched bodies and a poison that acts as a "bone-melting" acid and could shoot large, explosive globs of a tar-like slime from his mouth. He could summon "Hades Frog" eggs in huge clouds all over the world, and had doppelgangers of the Magirangers in his game of chance. His hammer/trumpet had several different functions, such as playing destructive musical sound waves, conjure forth mounds of Hades frogs and could expel blue fire. Toad was also a collector of souls, unintentionally capturing Miyuki during his post-awakening visit to the Flower Garden of Souls and taking his "Rare-tan" into the Briar Garden within the depths of the Kedomono Realm with his dark aura hiding her.
When Gorgon forced him to go to the surface to deal with the Magirangers, Toad fought Kai and Houka and ended up accidentally switching their bodies by squeezing the wrong wart (as he had done to Nai and Mea moments earlier). Toad goes into battle with Magi Legend and Travelion but flees back to Hades as selection was taking place, though his actions on Kai and Houka gave Gorgon an advantage until Sphinx learns of this action. After Drake's death, Toad was chosen to carry out the Hades Gods' wrath. In carrying out his Divine Punishment, Toad conjured forth huge clouds of Hades Frog Eggs in the sky, so that when they matured, they would rain down upon the earth in a Plague of Frogs, covering everything. Urara especially couldn't stand him because of him being a frog, er, toad, to which he took offense to and brought to his domain. After they cheated in a game of his making, Toad fought against the Magirangers when they attempted to take Miyuki back. When the siblings came close to getting her, Toad used one of his tar-slime globs to destroy the brier container she was in and seemingly destroyed her as well, but the spell Wolzard cast on her there was in effect as the Ozu siblings restore their mother to normal as she freezes the Hades Frogs before Toad met his end at the hands of the Legend Magi Rangers & Magi Mother.
Toad is voiced by .
that can could send powerful energy spheres from his staff. He stopped Cyclops from killing Vancuria, he talked with Nai & Mea regularly, introduced them to each member of the Hades Gods, and treated them the kindest out of the Hades Gods. Vancuria developed a bit of a crush on him before long and it seemed like the feeling was mutual. However, after being seriously injured by Wolzard, Wvyern suddenly turned bitter from being easily defeated by a weaker opponent, lashing at the Nightmare sisters when they tried to come to his aid or comfort him. During the fight against Houka and Makito, he knocked Makito's DialRod out of his hand, then tried to kill him with a hailstorm of energy, but Titan intervened and took the blow himself. After making amends with Titan once they escaped from Wyvern (who was unaware that he was being spied on by Vancuria, who informed Dagon via fish-scale hand radio about their escape), Makito and Houka posing as Titan lured the flying Wyvern out of the forest and into the quarry. Infurated, Wyvern proceeds to attack without mercy as two then backed up by Kai, Tsubasa, Urara, and Hikaru. He forced all six Rangers out of their armor with a powerful attack before using an even stronger one to try to destroy them, but Isamu showed up and absorbed the flame. Rather than go after Titan, Wyvern attempts to get revenge at Isamu, who had by now transformed into Wolzard Fire and killed Wyvern with the Raging Storm Slash after an incredibly short standoff.
Wyvern is voiced by .
-like hairdo and no visible eyes. One of the Hades Gods' most physically strongest members, he uses a double bladed staff
, Titan abhorred the ideas of needless suffering and pointless fighting. When accompanying Dagon and Wyvern to seek out Wolzard to reclaim N-Ma's soul, Titan was even able to shatter the Jagun Shield with his staff, leaving Wolzard open for Dagon to finish the job. When chosen to carry out the Hades God's goals, he followed his Divine Punishment of using the surface electricity to create a large ball of energy that would fall to surface. This way, he explains, the inhabitants of the surface world would be killed instantly and painlessly, thus be spared of further needless suffering.
Houka eventually learns that Titan has a kind heart as she saw for his concern for life when a puppy
came near him. Befriending Titan, whom she affectionately called "Afro-Kun", Houka convinced him to call off his Divine Punishment. Unfortunately by this point, Titan was chosen by N Ma's soul to hold his spirit for his reincarnation. Titan was then congratulated by Sphinx and Wyvern for that honor of him to sacrifice his body by taking his own life. However, his refusal to do such an act labeled him a trator as Wyvern pursued him, Houka, and Makito in a protracted chase to the Marudeyouna world known as the Eternal Woods. With Houka and Makito distracting Wyvern, Titan makes his way to the Lake of Slumber with the intent to eternal rest, thus preventing N-Ma's resurrection. However, before he could enter the lake, Dagon amushed Titan and killed him, thus allowing the N Ma to be revived in the god's lifeless body while ripping out of it.
Titan is voiced by .
, she encountered Hikaru after unintentionally saving him from Drake and asks his reason for protecting a world that is not his home, amused at his answer while warning him not to interfere. Eventually, Sphinx begins to notice Dagon's disregard for their rules and those sent to carry out Divine Punishment being easily killed by the Magirangers, whom she help only to make things fair and whose actions and passion amaze her to no end. When Titan is chosen as N Ma's vessel and refuses to lay down his life, Sphinx abducts Kai, Tsubasa, Urara, and Hikaru into her Marudeyouna world, "Sage's Night", in order to understand how they get their power to defeat the Hades Gods in return for sending them to Titan's location, further amazed to hear their answer to be courage.
Upon N Ma's resurrection, Sphinx argues with Dagon and Sleipnir that they should spare the Surface World as it may be worth learning, though N Ma commands her carry out Divine Punishment in order to convince her that the Surface World and its inhabitants were of no worth. But though she was able to overpower the Magirangers single-handly and tells them that N Ma can't be defied, Urara's words convince her to cancel her Divine Punishment, fleeing to Sage's Night. She was then confronted and is attacked by Sleipnir and Dagon on N Ma's orders for abandoning her sacred duty. However, Sphinx survived the ordeal with Vancuria using her resurrection power on her, saving Miyuki from Dagon while being forced to kill him. She later held N Ma off so Vancuria can resurrect Isamu, Hikaru, and Smoky as well. After N Ma's defeat, Sphinx, as the only remaining member of the Pantheon, became the new leader of the Infershia, setting up an alliance between her kind and Magitopia as she begins overseeing the rebuilding the Kedomono Realm after it was wrecked by N Ma's power.
Sphinx is voiced by .
. A knight
-like demon who wields either a jousting lance
or a jagged sword and a shield, his breastplate is designed to look like a horse
's head. Sleipner acts like a war-leader and an advisor in the Hades Gods and boasts the greatest offensive attacks of them, his strongest attack being Ranging Spear Crusher, a spiral thrust attack. When the Hades Gods first appeared, he effortlessly defeated Magi Legend with a single blow. His most powerful attack is the where he leaps into the air and spins with his lance facing forward in a corkscrew. Be later battled Magi Legend on Dagon's command during Drake's Divine Punishment, arriving on the surface world in his Hades Chariot pulled by Barikion-like horses until he is forced back into Infershia by Wolkaizer. He and Dagon confronted Sphinx because of her treachery and struck her, admonishing her for talking so much and having grown tired of it. Sleipnir allowed Dagon to finish her off. After Sphinx was taken care of, Sleipnir was commanded to take up Sphinx's duty, and complete the Divine Punishment by attacking the city to draw the Magirangers out and defeated Magi Legend. However, Slepnir is overwhelmed by a confident Kai knocking him down and shattered his shield, with the Rangers using the Five Fantastic Aerial Attack to kill him off. As Sleipnir died, he finally realized exactly what Sphinx said about how their power could not compare to the Magirangers' courage.
Sleipnir is voiced by .
as a weapon. Dagon trusts no one except for himself and N Ma, caring only about serving N Ma, and furthering his master's goals, and nothing else, not even the well-being of his fellow Hades Gods seen when he killed Ifrit for failing to honor his rule.
When he realizes that something's array with the Dark Percepts, Dagon attempt to use his Marudeyouna World to find N Ma's soul, only to find Wolzard as the reason for his master's hindrance. After seeing that the Ozu family can't be underestimated because of their courage, Dagon goes against the law by having Sleipnir support Drake to draw out Wolzard. Once Vancuria plants one of his fishscales on Wolzard during the battle, Dagon takes Wyvern and Titan with him to ambush Wolzard, taking personal pleasure in mortally extracting N Ma's soul from Blagel and sending him to plummet to the fiery depths of a crevasse.
He also gave another of his scales to communicate with Vancuria, so that he had information on the situation with Wyvern and Titan, as well as giving Vancuria orders to make sure Wyvern does the job right. He ambushed and killed Titan so that N Ma could be reborn in Titan's body. With Sleipnir's help, Dagon slew Sphinx when she abandoned her Divine Punishment. Dagon was confronted by Magi Mother in the finale while Sleipnir faced the other Rangers, and fought her until the Rangers intervened. He attempted to blast Urara with an energy ball, but Smoky intervened and took the hit for Urara, killing him. He then teleported himself and Magi Mother to the Infershia lair, where he would enlighten Miyuki of "paradise" that is N Ma's desire. Dagon was surprised as well as infuriated when Sphinx arrived, alive and well with Vancuria at her side. Even though Sphinx offered him a chance to change his ways, Dagon refused and tried to strike her down again, as Dagon only desired the power of darkness and the perfect nightmare, but Sphinx shot and fatally wounded Dagon with her bazooka. As he died, he was left wondering whether or not the power of darkness was truly absolute as he originally thought.
Dagon is voiced by .
Mahou Sentai Magiranger
, is Toei Company's twenty-ninth production of the Super Sentai television series. The action footage was used in Power Rangers Mystic Force and both shows had scenes simultaneously shot in New Zealand...
, the Infershia Pantheon is composed of the ten gods of Hades itself, giants who are N Ma's most loyal servants. When their master was killed, the Hades Gods were revived to punish the infidels who defeated him as well as all of humanity. But as the Magirangers defy the Gods, they ensure the eventual destruction of both surface and heavenly worlds as the Hades Gods' deaths serve an alternate purpose in ensuring NMa's resurrection. They were in a deep slumber within the depths of the Kedomono Realm in the Valley of the Gods until Nai & Mea found their lair with the Book of Prophecy as they reawakened, almost killing Vancuria for entering their "sacred domain" until Wyvern vouches her to be their spy. The Hades Gods all have one goal; to bring upon humans while following a self-made code of conduct called the Dark Precept, using the Slab of Judgement to pick the chosen God to execute Divine Punishment with a Dark Aurora heralding their arrival to the surface, assuming a human-size form to carry out the punishment.
The Hades Gods were divided into three tiers:
- The low tier known as the : Titan, Ifrit, Wyvern, Cyclops, Toad
- The middle tier known as the : Gorgon, Sphinx, Dagon
- The high tier known as the , which included Drake and Sleipnir (Infershia's ShieldShieldA shield is a type of personal armor, meant to intercept attacks, either by stopping projectiles such as arrows or redirecting a hit from a sword, mace or battle axe to the side of the shield-bearer....
and HalberdHalberdA halberd is a two-handed pole weapon that came to prominent use during the 14th and 15th centuries. Possibly the word halberd comes from the German words Halm , and Barte - in modern-day German, the weapon is called Hellebarde. The halberd consists of an axe blade topped with a spike mounted on...
The members of the Hades Gods were divided, forming alliances with each other, each having their own agenda. Dagon, Sleipnir, and Sphinx generally worked together, Gorgon manipulated Drake and Toad, while bickering with Sphinx, Ifrit dueled with Titan, while Titan and Toad traded insults. Cyclops was a loner, and Wyvern talked to Nai & Mea. All intended and were successful in resurrecting N Ma, and most of them (excluding Drake, and later Titan then finally Sphinx) showed a degree of loyalty to him.
was the most fiery spirited of the gods. A fire demon who uses a clubClub
A club is an association of two or more people united by a common interest or goal. A service club, for example, exists for voluntary or charitable activities; there are clubs devoted to hobbies and sports, social activities clubs, political and religious clubs, and so forth.- History...
with a ball and chain as his weapon. One of the Five Warrior Gods, he was the first Hades God Vancuria encountered, expressing rage towards her trespassing, as well as the first chosen to carry out Divine Punishment. He could evaporate anything he glared at, and was even able to withstand Magi Legend's Fire Tornado. To be merciful, Ifrit lit a tower on fire that represented the time that the surface realm had to repent and beg for their lives before he would begin his Divine Punishment, and burn everything to ash. To be sporting, and to enhance his own enjoyment, Ifrit lit another tower on fire, saying that he would destroy the rangers before the tower was consumed. He also promised to tell the rangers where their mother was should they defeat him. Since the fire had died down as he prolonged his fight for too long, Sphinx passed judgment and declares that Ifrit must now atone for his transgression with his life. Dagon then threw his trident at Ifrit's image in the Slab of Judgment, thus killing him in order to maintain the Dark Precept. Before Ifrit turned to stone and blew up, he revealed to the Magirangers that one of the other Hades Gods has their mother captive in "a garden of thorns".
Ifrit is voiced by .
was the best sharp shooter of the Gods, a robotic Cyclops demon who wielded a sniper rifleSniper rifle
In military and law enforcement terminology, a sniper rifle is a precision-rifle used to ensure more accurate placement of bullets at longer ranges than other small arms. A typical sniper rifle is built for optimal levels of accuracy, fitted with a telescopic sight and chambered for a military...
with a bayonet
A bayonet is a knife, dagger, sword, or spike-shaped weapon designed to fit in, on, over or underneath the muzzle of a rifle, musket or similar weapon, effectively turning the gun into a spear...
which allows him to cause anything he shot to disappear in a cloud of red energy. He is also one of the most calm and composed, even when angered he quickly calms himself down, when this happens his infrared
Infrared light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength longer than that of visible light, measured from the nominal edge of visible red light at 0.74 micrometres , and extending conventionally to 300 µm...
eye blinks and he strokes his chin to calm himself. He would have shot and killed Vancuria if Wyvern hadn't have stopped him from doing so. The second to carry out Divine Punishment, Cyclops challenges the Magirangers with a game of cat and mouse where they had to evade his shooting until sunset or disappear upon getting shot. He managed to take out Makito, Houka, and Urara by hiding in the mirror world and shooting through anything with a reflective surface. However, Tsubasa, despite being broken before the apparent loss of his sisters and brother, eventually wises up to the scheme and manages to sneak into Cyclops' dimension to defeat him with his DialRod Bow Gun and save his siblings. Cyclops was then killed by Magi Legend with assistance from Travelion. Upon his demise, Sleipnir calmed his unnerved comrades by commenting to them on how Cyclops was a fool for having underestimated the Magirangers.
Cyclops is voiced by .
was the slyest of the Gods. Gorgon used a mirrorMirror
A mirror is an object that reflects light or sound in a way that preserves much of its original quality prior to its contact with the mirror. Some mirrors also filter out some wavelengths, while preserving other wavelengths in the reflection...
A shield is a type of personal armor, meant to intercept attacks, either by stopping projectiles such as arrows or redirecting a hit from a sword, mace or battle axe to the side of the shield-bearer....
, akin to the aegis
An aegis is a large collar or cape worn in ancient times to display the protection provided by a high religious authority or the holder of a protective shield signifying the same, such as a bag-like garment that contained a shield. Sometimes the garment and the shield are merged, with a small...
of Athena
In Greek mythology, Athena, Athenê, or Athene , also referred to as Pallas Athena/Athene , is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, warfare, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, justice, and skill. Minerva, Athena's Roman incarnation, embodies similar attributes. Athena is...
, as her weapon and can turn herself into either a nāga
Naga or NAGA may refer to:* Nāga, a group of serpent deities in Hindu and Buddhist mythology.-People:* Nayan / Nayar/Nair people of Kerala Society* Naga people, a diverse ethnic identity in Northeast India...
or a giant snake to devour her enemies. She became the third to challenge the Magirangers after conning Toad into fighting the Magi Rangers, knowing it was her turn to fight after Cyclops after getting a brief glimpse of the Book of Prophecy relating to herself, intimidating Toad to in hopes that his actions on the surface would ensure that she won't have any trouble. When her turn begins, Gorgon scatters uses her shield to conjure forth snakes and scatter them so that when there's enough of them, they would bite everyone with Gorgon using her shield to turn the bitten to stone. After displaying her plan by petrifing Smoky, she forces Urara, Makito, Tsubasa, and Hikaru to fight her in her Marudeyouna world, "Gorgon's Garden", where she devoured them. She then went to the surface world to get the powerless Kai and Houka (who, at the time, were trapped in the body of one another), but Sphinx cured the two and Gorgon's plans began to fall apart as Kai and Houka freed their captured siblings and Hikaru from her stomach with a new spell. Gorgon grew large to trigger her Divine Punishment only for Travelion to incinerate her shield, dispelling all of the snakes she conjured before she is killed by Magi Legend, restoring Smoky back to his mobile self. As Gorgon died, she reveals that her successor Drake would avenge her.
Gorgon is voiced by .
was the most violent and hot-blooded of the Gods, he represents Infershia's shield. However, Drake has no loyalty towards N Ma or any respect towards the ritual of the Slab of Judgement. Drake's only desire was to go on a rampage and destroy everything on the surface as he demonstrated by destroying buildings when the Gods revealed themselves. Drake is armed with a swordSword
A sword is a bladed weapon used primarily for cutting or thrusting. The precise definition of the term varies with the historical epoch or the geographical region under consideration...
that can shoot streams of lightning and possess the strongest Infershia armor that protects him from any blow. While Cyclops began his Divine Punishment, after an attempt to go in place of Cyclops, Drake learns from Gorgon where Hikaru was training and go to him so he could "play". Drake was able to withstand Travelion's attack to Hikaru and Smoky's surprise, and overpower Hikaru before Sphinx drove him away. While Gorgon carried out her Divine Punishment, Drake commented that he thought that she was his ideal woman and took it hard when she was killed, taking out his rage on the other Gods before Sphinx chides him for his petty temper, resulting with a fight between him and Wyvern until selection was made for Divine Punishment, choosing Drake. Once on the surface, Drake assumes a more dragon-like form to blast the city into a wasteland with his dragonfire. However, though hindered by Snowgel, Drake was defeated when Hikaru discovered the god's weakness being the back of his where the armor doesn't cover, defeating him in a truly stunning confrontation. In his last stand, Drake battled alongside Sleipnir (who, at the time, was being used by Dagon to lure out Wolzard). He was weakened by Magi Legend's ScrewCalibur and was incinerated by Travelion's Destruction Fire.
Drake is voiced by .
was the most gluttonous of the Gods, also the most hypersensitive. Toad carries a hammerHammer
A hammer is a tool meant to deliver an impact to an object. The most common uses are for driving nails, fitting parts, forging metal and breaking up objects. Hammers are often designed for a specific purpose, and vary widely in their shape and structure. The usual features are a handle and a head,...
that also serves as a trumpet
The trumpet is the musical instrument with the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instruments, dating back to at least 1500 BCE. They are played by blowing air through closed lips, producing a "buzzing" sound which starts a standing wave vibration in the air...
, which he demonstrated on Vancuria when they first met. He occasionally ate High Zobil from a bowl. He could shoot various poisons from his warts, such as a poison that switched bodies and a poison that acts as a "bone-melting" acid and could shoot large, explosive globs of a tar-like slime from his mouth. He could summon "Hades Frog" eggs in huge clouds all over the world, and had doppelgangers of the Magirangers in his game of chance. His hammer/trumpet had several different functions, such as playing destructive musical sound waves, conjure forth mounds of Hades frogs and could expel blue fire. Toad was also a collector of souls, unintentionally capturing Miyuki during his post-awakening visit to the Flower Garden of Souls and taking his "Rare-tan" into the Briar Garden within the depths of the Kedomono Realm with his dark aura hiding her.
When Gorgon forced him to go to the surface to deal with the Magirangers, Toad fought Kai and Houka and ended up accidentally switching their bodies by squeezing the wrong wart (as he had done to Nai and Mea moments earlier). Toad goes into battle with Magi Legend and Travelion but flees back to Hades as selection was taking place, though his actions on Kai and Houka gave Gorgon an advantage until Sphinx learns of this action. After Drake's death, Toad was chosen to carry out the Hades Gods' wrath. In carrying out his Divine Punishment, Toad conjured forth huge clouds of Hades Frog Eggs in the sky, so that when they matured, they would rain down upon the earth in a Plague of Frogs, covering everything. Urara especially couldn't stand him because of him being a frog, er, toad, to which he took offense to and brought to his domain. After they cheated in a game of his making, Toad fought against the Magirangers when they attempted to take Miyuki back. When the siblings came close to getting her, Toad used one of his tar-slime globs to destroy the brier container she was in and seemingly destroyed her as well, but the spell Wolzard cast on her there was in effect as the Ozu siblings restore their mother to normal as she freezes the Hades Frogs before Toad met his end at the hands of the Legend Magi Rangers & Magi Mother.
Toad is voiced by .
was the most fast of the gods, and in Dagon's opinion, the most talkative of the gods, as well. Arrogant, Wyvern wields a spearSpear
A spear is a pole weapon consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head.The head may be simply the sharpened end of the shaft itself, as is the case with bamboo spears, or it may be made of a more durable material fastened to the shaft, such as flint, obsidian, iron, steel or...
that can could send powerful energy spheres from his staff. He stopped Cyclops from killing Vancuria, he talked with Nai & Mea regularly, introduced them to each member of the Hades Gods, and treated them the kindest out of the Hades Gods. Vancuria developed a bit of a crush on him before long and it seemed like the feeling was mutual. However, after being seriously injured by Wolzard, Wvyern suddenly turned bitter from being easily defeated by a weaker opponent, lashing at the Nightmare sisters when they tried to come to his aid or comfort him. During the fight against Houka and Makito, he knocked Makito's DialRod out of his hand, then tried to kill him with a hailstorm of energy, but Titan intervened and took the blow himself. After making amends with Titan once they escaped from Wyvern (who was unaware that he was being spied on by Vancuria, who informed Dagon via fish-scale hand radio about their escape), Makito and Houka posing as Titan lured the flying Wyvern out of the forest and into the quarry. Infurated, Wyvern proceeds to attack without mercy as two then backed up by Kai, Tsubasa, Urara, and Hikaru. He forced all six Rangers out of their armor with a powerful attack before using an even stronger one to try to destroy them, but Isamu showed up and absorbed the flame. Rather than go after Titan, Wyvern attempts to get revenge at Isamu, who had by now transformed into Wolzard Fire and killed Wyvern with the Raging Storm Slash after an incredibly short standoff.
Wyvern is voiced by .
was the most muscular of the Gods, gray armored with afroAfro
Afro, sometimes shortened to fro and also known as a "natural", is a hairstyle worn naturally by people with lengthy kinky hair texture or specifically styled in such a fashion by individuals with naturally curly or straight hair...
-like hairdo and no visible eyes. One of the Hades Gods' most physically strongest members, he uses a double bladed staff
Bo (weapon)
A bō or kon , is a long staff weapon used in Okinawa and feudal Japan. Bō are typically around long and are now used in Japanese martial arts, in particular bōjutsu...
, Titan abhorred the ideas of needless suffering and pointless fighting. When accompanying Dagon and Wyvern to seek out Wolzard to reclaim N-Ma's soul, Titan was even able to shatter the Jagun Shield with his staff, leaving Wolzard open for Dagon to finish the job. When chosen to carry out the Hades God's goals, he followed his Divine Punishment of using the surface electricity to create a large ball of energy that would fall to surface. This way, he explains, the inhabitants of the surface world would be killed instantly and painlessly, thus be spared of further needless suffering.
Houka eventually learns that Titan has a kind heart as she saw for his concern for life when a puppy
The domestic dog is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, a member of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. The term is used for both feral and pet varieties. The dog may have been the first animal to be domesticated, and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and companion animal in...
came near him. Befriending Titan, whom she affectionately called "Afro-Kun", Houka convinced him to call off his Divine Punishment. Unfortunately by this point, Titan was chosen by N Ma's soul to hold his spirit for his reincarnation. Titan was then congratulated by Sphinx and Wyvern for that honor of him to sacrifice his body by taking his own life. However, his refusal to do such an act labeled him a trator as Wyvern pursued him, Houka, and Makito in a protracted chase to the Marudeyouna world known as the Eternal Woods. With Houka and Makito distracting Wyvern, Titan makes his way to the Lake of Slumber with the intent to eternal rest, thus preventing N-Ma's resurrection. However, before he could enter the lake, Dagon amushed Titan and killed him, thus allowing the N Ma to be revived in the god's lifeless body while ripping out of it.
Titan is voiced by .
is the wisest of the Gods, she makes sure the other gods follows the Dark Precepts and serves as the observer of their activities. Armed with the Lionic Blade gauntletGauntlet (gloves)
Gauntlet is a name for several different styles of glove, particularly those with an extended cuff covering part of the forearm. Gauntlets exist in many forms, ranging from flexible fabric and leather gloves, to mail and fully articulated plate armour....
Bazooka is the common name for a man-portable recoilless rocket antitank weapon, widely fielded by the U.S. Army. Also referred to as the "Stovepipe", the innovative bazooka was amongst the first-generation of rocket propelled anti-tank weapons used in infantry combat...
, she encountered Hikaru after unintentionally saving him from Drake and asks his reason for protecting a world that is not his home, amused at his answer while warning him not to interfere. Eventually, Sphinx begins to notice Dagon's disregard for their rules and those sent to carry out Divine Punishment being easily killed by the Magirangers, whom she help only to make things fair and whose actions and passion amaze her to no end. When Titan is chosen as N Ma's vessel and refuses to lay down his life, Sphinx abducts Kai, Tsubasa, Urara, and Hikaru into her Marudeyouna world, "Sage's Night", in order to understand how they get their power to defeat the Hades Gods in return for sending them to Titan's location, further amazed to hear their answer to be courage.
Upon N Ma's resurrection, Sphinx argues with Dagon and Sleipnir that they should spare the Surface World as it may be worth learning, though N Ma commands her carry out Divine Punishment in order to convince her that the Surface World and its inhabitants were of no worth. But though she was able to overpower the Magirangers single-handly and tells them that N Ma can't be defied, Urara's words convince her to cancel her Divine Punishment, fleeing to Sage's Night. She was then confronted and is attacked by Sleipnir and Dagon on N Ma's orders for abandoning her sacred duty. However, Sphinx survived the ordeal with Vancuria using her resurrection power on her, saving Miyuki from Dagon while being forced to kill him. She later held N Ma off so Vancuria can resurrect Isamu, Hikaru, and Smoky as well. After N Ma's defeat, Sphinx, as the only remaining member of the Pantheon, became the new leader of the Infershia, setting up an alliance between her kind and Magitopia as she begins overseeing the rebuilding the Kedomono Realm after it was wrecked by N Ma's power.
Sphinx is voiced by .
was the most reliable of the Gods, he represents Infershia's halberdHalberd
A halberd is a two-handed pole weapon that came to prominent use during the 14th and 15th centuries. Possibly the word halberd comes from the German words Halm , and Barte - in modern-day German, the weapon is called Hellebarde. The halberd consists of an axe blade topped with a spike mounted on...
. A knight
A knight was a member of a class of lower nobility in the High Middle Ages.By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior....
-like demon who wields either a jousting lance
A Lance is a pole weapon or spear designed to be used by a mounted warrior. The lance is longer, stout and heavier than an infantry spear, and unsuited for throwing, or for rapid thrusting. Lances did not have tips designed to intentionally break off or bend, unlike many throwing weapons of the...
or a jagged sword and a shield, his breastplate is designed to look like a horse
The horse is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus, or the wild horse. It is a single-hooved mammal belonging to the taxonomic family Equidae. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature into the large, single-toed animal of today...
's head. Sleipner acts like a war-leader and an advisor in the Hades Gods and boasts the greatest offensive attacks of them, his strongest attack being Ranging Spear Crusher, a spiral thrust attack. When the Hades Gods first appeared, he effortlessly defeated Magi Legend with a single blow. His most powerful attack is the where he leaps into the air and spins with his lance facing forward in a corkscrew. Be later battled Magi Legend on Dagon's command during Drake's Divine Punishment, arriving on the surface world in his Hades Chariot pulled by Barikion-like horses until he is forced back into Infershia by Wolkaizer. He and Dagon confronted Sphinx because of her treachery and struck her, admonishing her for talking so much and having grown tired of it. Sleipnir allowed Dagon to finish her off. After Sphinx was taken care of, Sleipnir was commanded to take up Sphinx's duty, and complete the Divine Punishment by attacking the city to draw the Magirangers out and defeated Magi Legend. However, Slepnir is overwhelmed by a confident Kai knocking him down and shattered his shield, with the Rangers using the Five Fantastic Aerial Attack to kill him off. As Sleipnir died, he finally realized exactly what Sphinx said about how their power could not compare to the Magirangers' courage.
Sleipnir is voiced by .
was the seemingly-invincible leader of the Hades Gods who uses the Samukama tridentTrident
A trident , also called a trishul or leister or gig, is a three-pronged spear. It is used for spear fishing and was also a military weapon. Tridents are featured widely in mythical, historical and modern culture. The major Hindu god, Shiva the Destroyer and the sea god Poseidon or Neptune are...
as a weapon. Dagon trusts no one except for himself and N Ma, caring only about serving N Ma, and furthering his master's goals, and nothing else, not even the well-being of his fellow Hades Gods seen when he killed Ifrit for failing to honor his rule.
When he realizes that something's array with the Dark Percepts, Dagon attempt to use his Marudeyouna World to find N Ma's soul, only to find Wolzard as the reason for his master's hindrance. After seeing that the Ozu family can't be underestimated because of their courage, Dagon goes against the law by having Sleipnir support Drake to draw out Wolzard. Once Vancuria plants one of his fishscales on Wolzard during the battle, Dagon takes Wyvern and Titan with him to ambush Wolzard, taking personal pleasure in mortally extracting N Ma's soul from Blagel and sending him to plummet to the fiery depths of a crevasse.
He also gave another of his scales to communicate with Vancuria, so that he had information on the situation with Wyvern and Titan, as well as giving Vancuria orders to make sure Wyvern does the job right. He ambushed and killed Titan so that N Ma could be reborn in Titan's body. With Sleipnir's help, Dagon slew Sphinx when she abandoned her Divine Punishment. Dagon was confronted by Magi Mother in the finale while Sleipnir faced the other Rangers, and fought her until the Rangers intervened. He attempted to blast Urara with an energy ball, but Smoky intervened and took the hit for Urara, killing him. He then teleported himself and Magi Mother to the Infershia lair, where he would enlighten Miyuki of "paradise" that is N Ma's desire. Dagon was surprised as well as infuriated when Sphinx arrived, alive and well with Vancuria at her side. Even though Sphinx offered him a chance to change his ways, Dagon refused and tried to strike her down again, as Dagon only desired the power of darkness and the perfect nightmare, but Sphinx shot and fatally wounded Dagon with her bazooka. As he died, he was left wondering whether or not the power of darkness was truly absolute as he originally thought.
Dagon is voiced by .