The Curse of Peladon
The Curse of Peladon is a serial in the British
science fiction television series Doctor Who
, which was first broadcast in four weekly parts from 29 January to 19 February 1972.
and Jo
land on the planet Peladon, where they become embroiled in the politics of its admission to the Galactic Federation, and have to contend with an ancient royal curse.
has arrived and will be presenting its credentials shortly. Peladon is on the verge of joining the Galactic Federation, and the delegates will discuss and make the final decision. However, High Priest Hepesh is opposed to the planet joining the Federation, warning that the curse of Aggedor - the Royal Beast of Peladon, whose spirit is worshipped by the people - will visit doom upon them all if they give up the old ways. Torbis argues that they should go ahead with the application. Peladon halts the arguments of his trusted advisors and tells Torbis to inform the other delegates that Alpha Centauri
has arrived. Torbis leaves, but he is killed in the corridor by a large, ferocious beast that vanishes as quickly as it appears; the killing is witnessed only by Grun, the mute King's Champion.
Below the castle, the TARDIS
materialises on the edge of a cliff. Inside, Jo complains to the Doctor
that the test flight of the TARDIS was supposed only to take a few minutes but has lasted much longer; she was dressed up and ready to go on a date with Captain Mike Yates
. When the Doctor opens the doors of the TARDIS, however, he finds that they have not returned to Earth. Jo barely makes it out of the TARDIS before the ship tumbles over the edge of the cliff to the rocks below. The Doctor reassures Jo that the TARDIS is indestructible, but they will need help to retrieve her. He spies the castle above and they start to make the climb.
Meanwhile, Alpha Centauri, a hermaphroditic
hexapod with one gigantic eye, presents itself in the throne room, where Peladon informs it of Torbis' death. This news agitates the highly-excitable alien
, who wants to cancel the conference. Peladon manages to persuade Alpha Centauri that it is safe, and Hepesh escorts it to see the other delegates. On the side of the mountain, the Doctor and Jo find an entrance which leads to a network of tunnels beneath the castle. Wandering through the tunnels, they hear the distant roar of an animal, and find a shrine containing the statue of a giant, fur-covered creature with a single horn and wicked-looking claws.
Alpha Centauri meets the delegate from Arcturus, a tentacled head in a glass dome mounted on a mechanised life-support box that allows it to breathe in Peladon's atmosphere. When told of the potential danger, Arcturus warns Hepesh that, although the Federation eschews violence, they are capable of using it in self-defence. To demonstrate, Arcturus destroys a vase with an energy weapon mounted on its box. Hepesh says that Peladon only desires their friendship, and returns to the king. Peladon reminds Hepesh that when his father died, the boy king refused to take the throne but Torbis and Hepesh convinced him to, and his mother, an Earth woman, allowed it. It was Torbis' dream for their planet to join the Federation, and Peladon asks for Hepesh's support to fulfil it, but Hepesh says he will not trust the aliens. Peladon asks for the delegates to be brought to him, so he can convince them that his people are not the primitives the Federation think they are.
The Doctor and Jo find a concealed way out of the tunnels, activated by pulling a mounted torch on the wall. Once through into the corridors of the castle, however, the Doctor spots a familiar, hulking shape, an Ice Warrior
, and ducks back to hide. The two are discovered by the palace guards, who take them to the throne room, where the other delegates are gathered: Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, the Ice Lord Izlyr and the Ice Warrior Ssorg. The delegates had been discussing the curse, based on Aggedor. Young men used to hunt the Royal Beast in the old days, and the legend has passed down through the centuries. Its fur trims the royal robes and its head is Peladon's emblem. The prophecy says that when Aggedor's spirit returns, a stranger would also appear who would bring great tribulation to the planet. As this is said, the Doctor and Jo are brought before the King. Izlyr mistakes the Doctor for the delegate from Earth, and the Doctor does not disabuse him of the notion. The Doctor claims that his "shuttle" crashed, and his credentials lost as a result. He asks for help in recovering his ship, and Hepesh says that it will be arranged. When Hepesh points out Jo, saying that only men of rank or noble personages are allowed in the throne room, the Doctor introduces Jo as the "Princess Josephine of TARDIS", a neutral royal observer from Earth. The young King seems quite taken with Jo.
As the assembly brings the Doctor up to date on what has transpired, Grun surreptitiously starts to loosen a heavy statue of Aggedor placed above the corridor outside the throne room. When the Doctor is taken to the conference room to debate further, the statue topples over. The Doctor manages to push Alpha Centauri and the Ice Warriors ahead of him, saving their lives. Arcturus and Jo were lagging behind. Grun gets away unnoticed as the delegates discuss once more if the conference should continue. Hepesh blames the ghost of Aggedor, but Peladon reminds him who is king. Jo, at a nod from the Doctor, finds her way to the ledge where the statue once stood, and finds a small electronic component there.
Peladon tries to assure the delegates that there is no plot to endanger them or keep them as hostages. The Doctor takes them away, but Peladon asks Jo to stay behind. He tells Jo that it is difficult to find someone in whom he can confide. He tells Jo that his mother was from Earth, so there is already a bond between Jo and himself. Peladon asks her to believe him, holding her hand, and she replies that she does. He then asks Jo to speak to the delegates on his behalf. Jo is hurt by the request, accuses Peladon of only wanting a political ally and leaves. In another part of the castle, Hepesh tells Grun that the failure of the sabotage with the statue was not his fault, merely Aggedor's mercy. Hepesh prays to Aggedor and tells Grun to destroy the Doctor.
The Doctor examines the component Jo found, and identifies it as an electronic key, possibly for a spaceship. It's made of trisilicate, which is only found on Mars
, the homeworld of the Ice Warriors. His previous experience with the Ice Warriors makes him suspect that they are behind the sabotage; Ssorg's strength could have easily shifted the statue. The Doctor cannot explain, however, how Ssorg managed to slip away during the debate. At that moment, an alarm sounds; rushing to investigate, the Doctor and Jo find Arcturus, his box smoking. Someone has removed the servo mechanism to his life support system, and while the Doctor tries to repair the damage, Jo goes to look for the missing mechanism in the delegates' quarters. Arcturus recovers, but cannot remember who attacked him. Grun comes along and motions for the Doctor to follow him, while Hepesh secretly watches.
Jo finds the mechanism in the Ice Warriors' chamber, but is found by Ssorg before she can leave with it. Ssorg locks her in and goes to tell Izlyr, who is speculating to Alpha Centauri that perhaps the Doctor is responsible, cementing a secret alliance between Earth and Peladon for its mineral deposits by means of a royal marriage between the king and "Princess Josephine". His suspicions appear confirmed when Ssorg tells him that the missing mechanism has been found with the "Princess". Jo, in the meantime, has climbed out a window and is working her way along a ledge. She moves back into the corridors, and, frightened when she sees the Aggedor beast, runs straight into Izlyr and Ssorg.
Grun, in the meantime, has led the Doctor to a secret passage to the tunnels, but runs away when they hear the roars of the beast, which starts to pursue the Doctor. The beast having now vanished from the corridors, Izlyr does not believe Jo when she says she saw it. Jo accuses Izlyr of the sabotage, but Izlyr points out that removing the mechanism would only have induced a metabolic coma in Arcturus, not kill him. He explains to Jo that the Ice Warriors were a warrior race once, but no longer believe in violence except in self-defence. After all, to have peace, it is necessary first to survive.
The Doctor finds another way out of the tunnels, into the room which holds the shrine of Aggedor. He touches the statue of Aggedor, but is discovered by Hepesh and Grun. They forcibly escort him to the throne room, where Hepesh accuses the Doctor of sacrilege. Peladon, although distressed, has no choice but to sentence the Doctor to death. Unfortunately, Federation articles state that the delegates cannot interfere with local laws, so they are powerless to intervene. Izlyr suggests a royal pardon, but Peladon cannot pardon sacrilege. However, over Hepesh's protests, the king offers an alternative: as the Doctor is a delegate and thus a man of rank, he can undergo trial by combat, a duel to the death with the King's Champion. The Doctor, now knowing Hepesh is behind it all, is taken away to await the combat at dawn.
When the delegates leave, Jo pleads with Peladon once again to pardon the Doctor, but Peladon maintains it was his duty to sentence the Doctor. Peladon proposes marriage to Jo, who greets the proposal with incredulity. Jo does not understand how Peladon can condemn the Doctor one minute and ask her to marry him the next, and leaves. In the Doctor's cell, Hepesh tells the Doctor that his "shuttle" has been recovered. Hepesh has no wish to see him dead, and offers him an escape route. The Doctor is sceptical, believing Hepesh just wants an excuse to kill him while escaping. Hepesh draws the Doctor a map, and in answer to the Doctor's questions, explains that he believes the Federation will exploit Peladon for its minerals. The Doctor says that joining the Federation will free them from superstition, but Hepesh counters that he is not alone in this.
Jo also tries to convince the delegates to intervene, but although Izlyr agrees that the death of the Doctor (as the delegate from Earth) will mean war, they cannot. Alpha Centauri and Arcturus both want to leave, in case hostilities do break out. Jo leaves in disgust, but Izlyr explains to her in private that all votes must be unanimous by Federation law, and Izlyr has voted to stay and save the Doctor, to repay him for saving Izlyr's life outside the throne room earlier. However, Arcturus has used a listening device to eavesdrop on the conversation.
In his cell, the Doctor fixes a spinning mirror to his sonic screwdriver
and pockets Hepesh's map. He leaves, following the marked route to the tunnels. Izlyr and Ssorg find the Doctor gone, and suspect he has been eliminated. In the tunnels, the Doctor encounters the beast again, and using the mirror as a hypnosis
device and singing the strains of a Venusian
lullaby, calms "Aggedor" down. However, Jo finds him at this point and uses a torch to frighten the beast away, to the Doctor's frustration.
In the throne room, Hepesh tells the King that the Doctor's absence is proof of guilt, and he will hunt the Doctor down. At this point, the Doctor and Jo appear, and the Doctor tries to tell the King about the reality of Aggedor and how it is being used to sabotage the conference. Hepesh dismisses the talk of secret tunnels as lies, and orders that the Doctor be taken away to face Grun in combat. The fight in the pit starts with spears and ends with hand-to-hand combat, but eventually the Doctor is victorious, and spares Grun's life. Suddenly, Arcturus powers up his energy weapon, preparing to fire. Ssorg opens fire with his own rifle, killing Arcturus, as Hepesh slips away with another guard. The others now realise what is going on: It was Hepesh who was behind the planting of the trisilicate key on the ledge and the placing of Arcturus' servo mechanism in the Ice Warriors' quarters to make it look like the Ice Warriors were behind the plot. The attack on Arcturus was faked, and Aggedor is one of the few remaining wild beasts that were the source of the legend, trained by Hepesh to pose as the "spirit of Aggedor" when Hepesh needed it. As Arcturus and the Ice Warriors are ancient enemies, it would be simple now to accuse the latter of murdering the former's delegate. Hepesh must have made an agreement with Arcturus for Peladon's mineral deposits in exchange for his help, as Arcturus' planet lacks minerals. However, to replace Hepesh might result in civil war. The Federation allows for interference in crisis situations, but Alpha Centauri is still uncertain if this is justifiable.
While the delegates argue, Hepesh is gathering his own forces to take the throne room by force, but reminds them that the king must not be harmed. Grun, who is trying to repay the Doctor for sparing his life, tries to persuade Hepesh from this course of action, but is defeated by Hepesh's men. Eventually, the delegates vote unanimously for intervention, with Alpha Centauri's vote under protest. However, they are unable to communicate this vote to their orbiting ships, as their communicators in their rooms have been smashed by Hepesh and his men. The Doctor finds Grun, and they make their way into the tunnels to find the Aggedor beast. There, the Doctor tames Aggedor again, and leads it away by its horn.
Hepesh's forces have taken the throne room, and hold the king hostage. Hepesh tells the king that he will live, as long as he goes back to the old ways. Hepesh then leaves to fetch the delegates to the throne room. Once gathered, Hepesh tells them to leave the planet and tell their governments that Peladon does not want to be part of the Federation. Suddenly, the Doctor arrives with Aggedor, accusing Hepesh of betraying the king. The guards are awed by the appearance of the legendary beast, but Hepesh denounces it. To prove that it is not the spirit of Aggedor and it is he who controls it, Hepesh orders Aggedor to kill the Doctor. However, the beast turns on Hepesh instead, inflicting a fatal wound before the Doctor manages to call it off. The chancellor dies in the king's arms, murmuring that he might have been wrong, but that all he wanted to do was save Peladon. The king weeps, but pulls himself together. He pardons the rebel guards, and drapes a cloth to cover Hepesh's face.
As the court prepares for the king's coronation, the Doctor shows Jo where the TARDIS is being kept after its recovery by Hepesh's men. He muses that it was no coincidence that they landed here at this crucial moment in Peladon's history; the Time Lord
s must have steered the TARDIS here, so the ship is still not within the Doctor's control. Aggedor arrives, having grown attached to the Doctor, and he leads the beast away as Peladon himself comes to speak with Jo. He asks Jo to stay, but she protests she is not even a real princess. This does not matter to him, however, and he will talk to her again after the coronation; he does not intend to give up.
The Doctor returns as Peladon goes to be crowned king. He asks Jo if she really wants to leave, and Jo says sadly that she had better. They will watch the coronation then quietly make their exit. On their way, however, they nearly stumble on the real delegate from Earth, who is being told by the other delegates what has happened. "What Doctor? Doctor who?", the Earth delegate asks, as the Doctor and Jo decide that it would be best if they left quickly. They rush back to the TARDIS with the delegates following close behind. Before the delegates' amazed eyes, the police box
-shaped time machine
, was published by Target Books
in January 1975. In 1995 the novel was also issued by BBC Audio as an audio book
, read by Jon Pertwee.
Target novelisation
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
science fiction television series Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a time-travelling humanoid alien known as the Doctor who explores the universe in a sentient time machine called the TARDIS that flies through time and space, whose exterior...
, which was first broadcast in four weekly parts from 29 January to 19 February 1972.
The Third DoctorThird Doctor
The Third Doctor is the third incarnation of the protagonist of the long-running BBC television science-fiction series Doctor Who. He was portrayed by actor Jon Pertwee....
and Jo
Jo Grant
Josephine "Jo" Grant is a fictional character played by Katy Manning in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who...
land on the planet Peladon, where they become embroiled in the politics of its admission to the Galactic Federation, and have to contend with an ancient royal curse.
In an ancient castle on the side of a mountain on the planet Peladon, Chancellor Torbis informs the young King Peladon that the Galactic Federation delegate from Alpha CentauriAlpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus...
has arrived and will be presenting its credentials shortly. Peladon is on the verge of joining the Galactic Federation, and the delegates will discuss and make the final decision. However, High Priest Hepesh is opposed to the planet joining the Federation, warning that the curse of Aggedor - the Royal Beast of Peladon, whose spirit is worshipped by the people - will visit doom upon them all if they give up the old ways. Torbis argues that they should go ahead with the application. Peladon halts the arguments of his trusted advisors and tells Torbis to inform the other delegates that Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri (Doctor Who)
Alpha Centauri, played by Stuart Fell and voiced by Ysanne Churchman, is a fictional alien delegate for the Galactic Federation who appears in two serials of the BBC television series Doctor Who.-Character traits:...
has arrived. Torbis leaves, but he is killed in the corridor by a large, ferocious beast that vanishes as quickly as it appears; the killing is witnessed only by Grun, the mute King's Champion.
Below the castle, the TARDIS
The TARDISGenerally, TARDIS is written in all upper case letters—this convention was popularised by the Target novelisations of the 1970s...
materialises on the edge of a cliff. Inside, Jo complains to the Doctor
Doctor (Doctor Who)
The Doctor is the central character in the long-running BBC television science-fiction series Doctor Who, and has also featured in two cinema feature films, a vast range of spin-off novels, audio dramas and comic strips connected to the series....
that the test flight of the TARDIS was supposed only to take a few minutes but has lasted much longer; she was dressed up and ready to go on a date with Captain Mike Yates
Captain Mike Yates
Captain Mike Yates is a fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, played by Richard Franklin. He was adjutant of the British contingent of UNIT , an international organisation that defends the Earth...
. When the Doctor opens the doors of the TARDIS, however, he finds that they have not returned to Earth. Jo barely makes it out of the TARDIS before the ship tumbles over the edge of the cliff to the rocks below. The Doctor reassures Jo that the TARDIS is indestructible, but they will need help to retrieve her. He spies the castle above and they start to make the climb.
Meanwhile, Alpha Centauri, a hermaphroditic
In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes.Many taxonomic groups of animals do not have separate sexes. In these groups, hermaphroditism is a normal condition, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which both...
hexapod with one gigantic eye, presents itself in the throne room, where Peladon informs it of Torbis' death. This news agitates the highly-excitable alien
Extraterrestrial life
Extraterrestrial life is defined as life that does not originate from Earth...
, who wants to cancel the conference. Peladon manages to persuade Alpha Centauri that it is safe, and Hepesh escorts it to see the other delegates. On the side of the mountain, the Doctor and Jo find an entrance which leads to a network of tunnels beneath the castle. Wandering through the tunnels, they hear the distant roar of an animal, and find a shrine containing the statue of a giant, fur-covered creature with a single horn and wicked-looking claws.
Alpha Centauri meets the delegate from Arcturus, a tentacled head in a glass dome mounted on a mechanised life-support box that allows it to breathe in Peladon's atmosphere. When told of the potential danger, Arcturus warns Hepesh that, although the Federation eschews violence, they are capable of using it in self-defence. To demonstrate, Arcturus destroys a vase with an energy weapon mounted on its box. Hepesh says that Peladon only desires their friendship, and returns to the king. Peladon reminds Hepesh that when his father died, the boy king refused to take the throne but Torbis and Hepesh convinced him to, and his mother, an Earth woman, allowed it. It was Torbis' dream for their planet to join the Federation, and Peladon asks for Hepesh's support to fulfil it, but Hepesh says he will not trust the aliens. Peladon asks for the delegates to be brought to him, so he can convince them that his people are not the primitives the Federation think they are.
The Doctor and Jo find a concealed way out of the tunnels, activated by pulling a mounted torch on the wall. Once through into the corridors of the castle, however, the Doctor spots a familiar, hulking shape, an Ice Warrior
Ice Warrior
The Ice Warriors are a fictional extraterrestrial race of reptilian-like humanoids in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The race originated on Mars, and first appeared in the 1967 serial The Ice Warriors where they encountered the Second Doctor and his...
, and ducks back to hide. The two are discovered by the palace guards, who take them to the throne room, where the other delegates are gathered: Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, the Ice Lord Izlyr and the Ice Warrior Ssorg. The delegates had been discussing the curse, based on Aggedor. Young men used to hunt the Royal Beast in the old days, and the legend has passed down through the centuries. Its fur trims the royal robes and its head is Peladon's emblem. The prophecy says that when Aggedor's spirit returns, a stranger would also appear who would bring great tribulation to the planet. As this is said, the Doctor and Jo are brought before the King. Izlyr mistakes the Doctor for the delegate from Earth, and the Doctor does not disabuse him of the notion. The Doctor claims that his "shuttle" crashed, and his credentials lost as a result. He asks for help in recovering his ship, and Hepesh says that it will be arranged. When Hepesh points out Jo, saying that only men of rank or noble personages are allowed in the throne room, the Doctor introduces Jo as the "Princess Josephine of TARDIS", a neutral royal observer from Earth. The young King seems quite taken with Jo.
As the assembly brings the Doctor up to date on what has transpired, Grun surreptitiously starts to loosen a heavy statue of Aggedor placed above the corridor outside the throne room. When the Doctor is taken to the conference room to debate further, the statue topples over. The Doctor manages to push Alpha Centauri and the Ice Warriors ahead of him, saving their lives. Arcturus and Jo were lagging behind. Grun gets away unnoticed as the delegates discuss once more if the conference should continue. Hepesh blames the ghost of Aggedor, but Peladon reminds him who is king. Jo, at a nod from the Doctor, finds her way to the ledge where the statue once stood, and finds a small electronic component there.
Peladon tries to assure the delegates that there is no plot to endanger them or keep them as hostages. The Doctor takes them away, but Peladon asks Jo to stay behind. He tells Jo that it is difficult to find someone in whom he can confide. He tells Jo that his mother was from Earth, so there is already a bond between Jo and himself. Peladon asks her to believe him, holding her hand, and she replies that she does. He then asks Jo to speak to the delegates on his behalf. Jo is hurt by the request, accuses Peladon of only wanting a political ally and leaves. In another part of the castle, Hepesh tells Grun that the failure of the sabotage with the statue was not his fault, merely Aggedor's mercy. Hepesh prays to Aggedor and tells Grun to destroy the Doctor.
The Doctor examines the component Jo found, and identifies it as an electronic key, possibly for a spaceship. It's made of trisilicate, which is only found on Mars
Mars (Doctor Who)
Mars, the fourth planet in our solar system, has been featured in the Doctor Who fictional universe on a number of occasions. In the various Doctor Who serials which feature the Ice Warriors, mention is made that Mars is their homeworld....
, the homeworld of the Ice Warriors. His previous experience with the Ice Warriors makes him suspect that they are behind the sabotage; Ssorg's strength could have easily shifted the statue. The Doctor cannot explain, however, how Ssorg managed to slip away during the debate. At that moment, an alarm sounds; rushing to investigate, the Doctor and Jo find Arcturus, his box smoking. Someone has removed the servo mechanism to his life support system, and while the Doctor tries to repair the damage, Jo goes to look for the missing mechanism in the delegates' quarters. Arcturus recovers, but cannot remember who attacked him. Grun comes along and motions for the Doctor to follow him, while Hepesh secretly watches.
Jo finds the mechanism in the Ice Warriors' chamber, but is found by Ssorg before she can leave with it. Ssorg locks her in and goes to tell Izlyr, who is speculating to Alpha Centauri that perhaps the Doctor is responsible, cementing a secret alliance between Earth and Peladon for its mineral deposits by means of a royal marriage between the king and "Princess Josephine". His suspicions appear confirmed when Ssorg tells him that the missing mechanism has been found with the "Princess". Jo, in the meantime, has climbed out a window and is working her way along a ledge. She moves back into the corridors, and, frightened when she sees the Aggedor beast, runs straight into Izlyr and Ssorg.
Grun, in the meantime, has led the Doctor to a secret passage to the tunnels, but runs away when they hear the roars of the beast, which starts to pursue the Doctor. The beast having now vanished from the corridors, Izlyr does not believe Jo when she says she saw it. Jo accuses Izlyr of the sabotage, but Izlyr points out that removing the mechanism would only have induced a metabolic coma in Arcturus, not kill him. He explains to Jo that the Ice Warriors were a warrior race once, but no longer believe in violence except in self-defence. After all, to have peace, it is necessary first to survive.
The Doctor finds another way out of the tunnels, into the room which holds the shrine of Aggedor. He touches the statue of Aggedor, but is discovered by Hepesh and Grun. They forcibly escort him to the throne room, where Hepesh accuses the Doctor of sacrilege. Peladon, although distressed, has no choice but to sentence the Doctor to death. Unfortunately, Federation articles state that the delegates cannot interfere with local laws, so they are powerless to intervene. Izlyr suggests a royal pardon, but Peladon cannot pardon sacrilege. However, over Hepesh's protests, the king offers an alternative: as the Doctor is a delegate and thus a man of rank, he can undergo trial by combat, a duel to the death with the King's Champion. The Doctor, now knowing Hepesh is behind it all, is taken away to await the combat at dawn.
When the delegates leave, Jo pleads with Peladon once again to pardon the Doctor, but Peladon maintains it was his duty to sentence the Doctor. Peladon proposes marriage to Jo, who greets the proposal with incredulity. Jo does not understand how Peladon can condemn the Doctor one minute and ask her to marry him the next, and leaves. In the Doctor's cell, Hepesh tells the Doctor that his "shuttle" has been recovered. Hepesh has no wish to see him dead, and offers him an escape route. The Doctor is sceptical, believing Hepesh just wants an excuse to kill him while escaping. Hepesh draws the Doctor a map, and in answer to the Doctor's questions, explains that he believes the Federation will exploit Peladon for its minerals. The Doctor says that joining the Federation will free them from superstition, but Hepesh counters that he is not alone in this.
Jo also tries to convince the delegates to intervene, but although Izlyr agrees that the death of the Doctor (as the delegate from Earth) will mean war, they cannot. Alpha Centauri and Arcturus both want to leave, in case hostilities do break out. Jo leaves in disgust, but Izlyr explains to her in private that all votes must be unanimous by Federation law, and Izlyr has voted to stay and save the Doctor, to repay him for saving Izlyr's life outside the throne room earlier. However, Arcturus has used a listening device to eavesdrop on the conversation.
In his cell, the Doctor fixes a spinning mirror to his sonic screwdriver
Sonic screwdriver
The sonic screwdriver is a fictional tool in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and its spinoffs. It is a multifunctional tool used by The Doctor. Its most common function is that of a lockpick, but can be used to perform other operations such as performing medical scans,...
and pockets Hepesh's map. He leaves, following the marked route to the tunnels. Izlyr and Ssorg find the Doctor gone, and suspect he has been eliminated. In the tunnels, the Doctor encounters the beast again, and using the mirror as a hypnosis
Hypnosis is "a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination."It is a mental state or imaginative role-enactment . It is usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a long series of preliminary...
device and singing the strains of a Venusian
In science fiction and ufology, a Venusian is a native inhabitant of the planet Venus.-Etymology:The word "Venusian" is simply a combination of the name of the planet Venus and the suffix -ian, formed on the analogy of "Martian" . It is usually pronounced or...
lullaby, calms "Aggedor" down. However, Jo finds him at this point and uses a torch to frighten the beast away, to the Doctor's frustration.
In the throne room, Hepesh tells the King that the Doctor's absence is proof of guilt, and he will hunt the Doctor down. At this point, the Doctor and Jo appear, and the Doctor tries to tell the King about the reality of Aggedor and how it is being used to sabotage the conference. Hepesh dismisses the talk of secret tunnels as lies, and orders that the Doctor be taken away to face Grun in combat. The fight in the pit starts with spears and ends with hand-to-hand combat, but eventually the Doctor is victorious, and spares Grun's life. Suddenly, Arcturus powers up his energy weapon, preparing to fire. Ssorg opens fire with his own rifle, killing Arcturus, as Hepesh slips away with another guard. The others now realise what is going on: It was Hepesh who was behind the planting of the trisilicate key on the ledge and the placing of Arcturus' servo mechanism in the Ice Warriors' quarters to make it look like the Ice Warriors were behind the plot. The attack on Arcturus was faked, and Aggedor is one of the few remaining wild beasts that were the source of the legend, trained by Hepesh to pose as the "spirit of Aggedor" when Hepesh needed it. As Arcturus and the Ice Warriors are ancient enemies, it would be simple now to accuse the latter of murdering the former's delegate. Hepesh must have made an agreement with Arcturus for Peladon's mineral deposits in exchange for his help, as Arcturus' planet lacks minerals. However, to replace Hepesh might result in civil war. The Federation allows for interference in crisis situations, but Alpha Centauri is still uncertain if this is justifiable.
While the delegates argue, Hepesh is gathering his own forces to take the throne room by force, but reminds them that the king must not be harmed. Grun, who is trying to repay the Doctor for sparing his life, tries to persuade Hepesh from this course of action, but is defeated by Hepesh's men. Eventually, the delegates vote unanimously for intervention, with Alpha Centauri's vote under protest. However, they are unable to communicate this vote to their orbiting ships, as their communicators in their rooms have been smashed by Hepesh and his men. The Doctor finds Grun, and they make their way into the tunnels to find the Aggedor beast. There, the Doctor tames Aggedor again, and leads it away by its horn.
Hepesh's forces have taken the throne room, and hold the king hostage. Hepesh tells the king that he will live, as long as he goes back to the old ways. Hepesh then leaves to fetch the delegates to the throne room. Once gathered, Hepesh tells them to leave the planet and tell their governments that Peladon does not want to be part of the Federation. Suddenly, the Doctor arrives with Aggedor, accusing Hepesh of betraying the king. The guards are awed by the appearance of the legendary beast, but Hepesh denounces it. To prove that it is not the spirit of Aggedor and it is he who controls it, Hepesh orders Aggedor to kill the Doctor. However, the beast turns on Hepesh instead, inflicting a fatal wound before the Doctor manages to call it off. The chancellor dies in the king's arms, murmuring that he might have been wrong, but that all he wanted to do was save Peladon. The king weeps, but pulls himself together. He pardons the rebel guards, and drapes a cloth to cover Hepesh's face.
As the court prepares for the king's coronation, the Doctor shows Jo where the TARDIS is being kept after its recovery by Hepesh's men. He muses that it was no coincidence that they landed here at this crucial moment in Peladon's history; the Time Lord
Time Lord
The Time Lords are an ancient extraterrestrial race and civilization of humanoids in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, of which the series' eponymous protagonist, the Doctor, is a member...
s must have steered the TARDIS here, so the ship is still not within the Doctor's control. Aggedor arrives, having grown attached to the Doctor, and he leads the beast away as Peladon himself comes to speak with Jo. He asks Jo to stay, but she protests she is not even a real princess. This does not matter to him, however, and he will talk to her again after the coronation; he does not intend to give up.
The Doctor returns as Peladon goes to be crowned king. He asks Jo if she really wants to leave, and Jo says sadly that she had better. They will watch the coronation then quietly make their exit. On their way, however, they nearly stumble on the real delegate from Earth, who is being told by the other delegates what has happened. "What Doctor? Doctor who?", the Earth delegate asks, as the Doctor and Jo decide that it would be best if they left quickly. They rush back to the TARDIS with the delegates following close behind. Before the delegates' amazed eyes, the police box
Police box
A police box is a British telephone kiosk or callbox located in a public place for the use of members of the police, or for members of the public to contact the police...
-shaped time machine
Time travel
Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space. Time travel could hypothetically involve moving backward in time to a moment earlier than the starting point, or forward to the future of that point without the...
- In The Monster of PeladonThe Monster of PeladonThe Monster of Peladon is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in six weekly parts from 23 March to 27 April 1974.-Synopsis:...
, the Doctor returns to Peladon with a new companion Sarah Jane SmithSarah Jane SmithSarah Jane Smith is a fictional character played by Elisabeth Sladen in the long-running British BBC Television science-fiction series Doctor Who and its spin-offs K-9 and Company and The Sarah Jane Adventures....
, 50 years after the events of Curse. The Doctor has also returned to Peladon in spin-off media. In the Fifth DoctorFifth DoctorThe Fifth Doctor is the fifth incarnation of the protagonist of the long-running BBC television science-fiction series Doctor Who. He is portrayed by Peter Davison....
audio The Bride of PeladonThe Bride of PeladonThe Bride of Peladon is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.-Cast:*The Doctor — Peter Davison*Peri — Nicola Bryant*Erimem — Caroline Morris*Beldonia — Phyllida Law...
, the Doctor's companion ErimemErimemErimemushinteperem, or simply Erimem, is a fictional character played by Caroline Morris in a series of audio plays produced by Big Finish Productions based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. A princess of Ancient Egypt born in 1419 BC, she is the daughter of...
marries the new king of Peladon. In the Seventh DoctorSeventh DoctorThe Seventh Doctor is the seventh incarnation of the protagonist of the long-running BBC television science-fiction series Doctor Who. He was portrayed by the actor Sylvester McCoy....
novel LegacyLegacy (Doctor Who)Legacy is an original novel written by Gary Russell and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Seventh Doctor, Ace, Bernice, the Ice Warriors and Alpha Centauri and a return for the Doctor to Peladon. A prelude to the novel, also penned by...
, the Seventh Doctor manipulates events to convince Peladon to temporarily withdraw from the Galactic Federation to keep it safe during an upcoming war with the Daleks. The Third Doctor Companion Chronicles story The Prisoner of PeladonThe Prisoner of PeladonThe Prisoner of Peladon is a Big Finish Productions audiobook based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who...
is told by King Peladon, with David Troughton reprising his role for the first time. - The Doctor sings a Venusian lullaby to Aggedor (the words first used in The DæmonsThe DæmonsThe Dæmons is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in five weekly parts from May 22 to June 19, 1971.-Plot:...
) to the tune of the Christmas carolChristmas carolA Christmas carol is a carol whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas or the winter season in general and which are traditionally sung in the period before Christmas.-History:...
, "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen"; a 1994 Virgin Missing AdventuresVirgin Missing AdventuresThe Virgin Missing Adventures were a series of novels from Virgin Publishing based on the British science-fiction television series Doctor Who, which had been cancelled in 1989, featuring stories set between televised episodes of the programme. The novels were published from 1994 to 1997, and...
novel by Paul LeonardPaul Leonard (writer)Paul J. Leonard Hinder, better known by his pseudonym of Paul Leonard and also originally published as PJL Hinder, is an author best known for his work on various spin-off fiction based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.Leonard has acknowledged a debt to his...
featuring the First DoctorFirst DoctorThe First Doctor is the initial incarnation of the protagonist of the long-running BBC television science-fiction series Doctor Who. He was portrayed by the actor William Hartnell from 1963 to 1966. Hartnell reprised the role in the tenth anniversary story The Three Doctors in 1973 - albeit in a...
was titled Venusian LullabyVenusian LullabyVenusian Lullaby is an original novel written by Paul Leonard and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who...
. Iris WildthymeIris WildthymeIris Wildthyme is a fictional character created by writer Paul Magrs, who has appeared in short stories, novels and audio dramas from numerous publishers...
also uses the Venusian Lullaby to little effect in The Claws of SantaThe Claws of SantaThe Claws of Santa is a Big Finish Productions audio drama featuring Katy Manning as Iris Wildthyme, a character from the spin-off media based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.- Plot :...
- Working titles for this story included The Curse and Curse of the Peladons.
- During production it was noted that Alpha Centauri had a somewhat phallicPhallusA phallus is an erect penis, a penis-shaped object such as a dildo, or a mimetic image of an erect penis. Any object that symbolically resembles a penis may also be referred to as a phallus; however, such objects are more often referred to as being phallic...
appearance. So director Lennie Mayne insisted on the addition of a yellow cape to the costume in an attempt to rectify this. - The original 625-line master videotapes of the serial were wiped around 1975. In the late 1970s, 525-line NTSCNTSCNTSC, named for the National Television System Committee, is the analog television system that is used in most of North America, most of South America , Burma, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, and some Pacific island nations and territories .Most countries using the NTSC standard, as...
copies were returned to the BBC from CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
. The tape of Episode Three was in a very poor condition and a salvage transfer to 625-line was made in 1982 for a repeat of the story. As a result it was feared that it may not be possible to make a new Reverse Standards ConversionReverse Standards ConversionReverse Standards Conversion or RSC is a process developed by a team led by James Insell at the BBC for the restoration of video recordings which have already been converted between different video standards using early conversion techniques....
of the episode. However, the tape of Episode Three had not been lost and was lent to the restoration team by Ian LevineIan LevineIan Levine is an English songwriter, producer, and DJ. He is also a well-known fan of the long-running television show Doctor Who.Levine attended Arnold School in Blackpool from 1963 to 1970...
, after heat treatment, tape was used to create new Reverse Standards Conversion 625-line videotape digital copy.
Cast notes
- David Troughton is the son of Patrick TroughtonPatrick TroughtonPatrick George Troughton was an English actor most widely known for his roles in fantasy, science fiction and horror films, particularly in his role as the second incarnation of the Doctor in the long-running British science-fiction television series Doctor Who, which he played from 1966 to 1969,...
. He had previously appeared in Doctor Who as Moor in The War GamesThe War GamesThe War Games is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which originally aired in ten weekly parts from 19 April to 21 June 1969. It was the last regular appearance of Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor, and of Wendy Padbury and Frazer Hines as companions Zoe...
(1969), and he would appear in the revived series episode entitled "MidnightMidnight (Doctor Who)"Midnight" is the tenth episode of the fourth series of British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It was first broadcast on BBC One on 14 June 2008. The episode placed much more emphasis on the role of David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor than in the rest of the fourth series, with the...
" (2008). - Geoffrey Toone previously appeared as Temmosus in the film Dr. Who and the DaleksDr. Who and the DaleksDr. Who and the Daleks was the first of two Doctor Who films made in the 1960s. It was followed by Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D....
In print
A novelisation of this serial, written by Brian HaylesBrian Hayles
Brian Hayles was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England. His body of work as a writer for television and film, most notably for the BBC science fiction series Doctor Who, lasted from 1962 to 1978....
, was published by Target Books
Target Books
Target Books was a British publishing imprint, established in 1973 by Universal-Tandem Publishing Co Ltd, a paperback publishing company. The imprint was established as a children's imprint to complement the adult Tandem imprint, and became well known for their highly successful range of...
in January 1975. In 1995 the novel was also issued by BBC Audio as an audio book
Doctor Who audio releases
There have been many official and unofficial Doctor Who and related spin-offs released on audio, as LPs, audio cassettes, audio CDs and MP3 CDs. Recordings here are listed by their original release date.-Television soundtracks:...
, read by Jon Pertwee.
Broadcast, VHS, CD and DVD release
- This story was repeated on BBC One (excluding BBC Wales) as two 50min compilation episodes on 12 and 19 July 1982 as part of "Doctor Who and the Monsters".
- It was released on VHSVHSThe Video Home System is a consumer-level analog recording videocassette standard developed by Victor Company of Japan ....
in August 1993 for the series' 30th Anniversary. - The story's original soundtrack was released in the UK in November 2007 and linking narration was provided by Katy Manning. The CD also featured a bonus interview with the actress.
- It was released on DVDDVDA DVD is an optical disc storage media format, invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than Compact Discs while having the same dimensions....
on 18 January 2010 in a boxset entitled 'Peladon Tales', along with The Monster of PeladonThe Monster of PeladonThe Monster of Peladon is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in six weekly parts from 23 March to 27 April 1974.-Synopsis:...
External links
ReviewsTarget novelisation