Task Force Kandahar
Task Force Kandahar is the formation conducting the International Security Assistance Force
International Security Assistance Force
The International Security Assistance Force is a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan established by the United Nations Security Council on 20 December 2001 by Resolution 1386 as envisaged by the Bonn Agreement...

 (ISAF) mission in Kandahar Province under ISAF Regional Command South
Regional Command South
Regional Command is a multinational military formation, part of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. It is responsible for provincial reconstruction and security in Kandahar, Lashkar Gah, Qalat and Tarin Kowt. The Command also has responsibility for the provinces of Nimruz...

. The formation includes a Canadian Forces
Canadian Forces
The Canadian Forces , officially the Canadian Armed Forces , are the unified armed forces of Canada, as constituted by the National Defence Act, which states: "The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist of one Service called the Canadian Armed Forces."...

 battle group, three U.S. Army battalions (two of infantry and one of military police), an engineer regiment, a signal squadron, Operational Mentor and Liaison Teams (OMLTs), and contributions to Operational Mentor and Advisory Teams (OMATs) and the Police Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (P-OMLT).

Move From Kabul

On 29 November 2005, the Canadian base Camp Julien
Camp Julien
Camp Julien was the main base for the Canadian contingent of the International Security Assistance Force in Kabul, Afghanistan.The camp was named after Corporal George Patrick Julien, a Canadian soldier who was awarded the Military Medal as a Private, for his actions at Hill 187 in Korea in May 1953...

 in southwest Kabul officially closed. Canadian Forces
Canadian Forces
The Canadian Forces , officially the Canadian Armed Forces , are the unified armed forces of Canada, as constituted by the National Defence Act, which states: "The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist of one Service called the Canadian Armed Forces."...

 (CF) components that were in Kabul
Kabul , spelt Caubul in some classic literatures, is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan. It is also the capital of the Kabul Province, located in the eastern section of Afghanistan...

 under Operation Athena
Operation ATHENA
Operation Athena is the Canadian Forces contribution to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.-Overview:Operation Athena was a two phase Canadian Forces mission...

 were relocated to Kandahar
Kandahar is the second largest city in Afghanistan, with a population of about 512,200 as of 2011. It is the capital of Kandahar Province, located in the south of the country at about 1,005 m above sea level...

 as part of the United States-led campaign against terrorism known as Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). The Canadian component was initially designated Operation Archer
Operation Archer
Operation Archer is the Canadian Forces contribution to Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. It began in July 2005 with the deployment of a 220 member "theater activation team" to Kandahar....

. A Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team
Provincial reconstruction team
A Provincial Reconstruction Team is a unit introduced by the United States government, consisting of military officers, diplomats, and reconstruction subject matter experts, working to support reconstruction efforts in unstable states. PRTs were first established in Afghanistan in late 2001 or...

 (PRT) had already been at Camp Nathan Smith
Camp Nathan Smith
Camp Nathan Smith is an American military base in Kandahar City, Afghanistan. Originally, it was an abandoned fruit factory. In November 2003, it was built and operated by the US Army Soldiers of Charlie Battery, 3rd Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment from Fort Bragg, North Carolina...

 in Kandahar City since August 2005. The PRT integrated elements from the Canadian Forces (CF), Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC), the Canadian International Development Agency
Canadian International Development Agency
The Canadian International Development Agency was formed in 1968 by the Canadian government. CIDA administers foreign aid programs in developing countries, and operates in partnership with other Canadian organizations in the public and private sectors as well as other international organizations...

 (CIDA), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police , literally ‘Royal Gendarmerie of Canada’; colloquially known as The Mounties, and internally as ‘The Force’) is the national police force of Canada, and one of the most recognized of its kind in the world. It is unique in the world as a national, federal,...


Task Force Afghanistan

In early 2006, Canada's contribution to Operation Archer
Operation Archer
Operation Archer is the Canadian Forces contribution to Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. It began in July 2005 with the deployment of a 220 member "theater activation team" to Kandahar....

 increased to approximately 2300 personnel. The then designated Task Force Afghanistan also included a Canadian-led multinational brigade headquarters, designated Task Force Aegis, and Canadian battle group designated Task Force Orion centred on 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry is one of the three regular force infantry regiments of the Canadian Army. The regiment is composed of four battalions including a primary reserve battalion, for a total of 2,000 soldiers...

 (1 PPCLI). This time frame also saw the introduction of the M777 howitzer
M777 howitzer
The M777 howitzer is a towed 155 mm artillery piece, successor to the M198 howitzer in the United States Marine Corps and United States Army. The M777 is also used by the Canadian Army, and has been in action in Afghanistan since February 2006 along with the associated GPS-guided Excalibur...

 as part of the task force in February 2006. The period was highlighted by Operation Mountain Thrust
Operation Mountain Thrust
Operation Mountain Thrust was a Canadian and Afghan-led operation in the war in Afghanistan, with more than 2,300 U.S., 3,300 British troops, 2,200 Canadian troops, about 3,500 Afghan soldiers and large air support...

 and Operation Zahara (also designated the First Battle of Panjwaii
Battle of Panjwaii
The Battle of Panjwaii was a battle fought during two periods in the summer of 2006, primarily involving Canadian and Afghan soldiers being supported with some small elements of the Dutch, American, and British forces. There were two separate times in which the forces were involved in heavy...

). 1 PPCLI was given the Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation from the Governor-General of Canada for "exceptional determination and courage during relentless combat in Afghanistan, from January to August 2006". On 31 July 2006, with the expansion of the International Security Assistance Force
International Security Assistance Force
The International Security Assistance Force is a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan established by the United Nations Security Council on 20 December 2001 by Resolution 1386 as envisaged by the Bonn Agreement...

 (ISAF) mandate, US-led Coalition forces handed command of the southern region of Afghanistan to Regional Command South
Regional Command South
Regional Command is a multinational military formation, part of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. It is responsible for provincial reconstruction and security in Kandahar, Lashkar Gah, Qalat and Tarin Kowt. The Command also has responsibility for the provinces of Nimruz...

. With the transfer of command authority, the majority of Canadian Forces
Canadian Forces
The Canadian Forces , officially the Canadian Armed Forces , are the unified armed forces of Canada, as constituted by the National Defence Act, which states: "The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist of one Service called the Canadian Armed Forces."...

 in Afghanistan
Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...

 came again under Operation Athena
Operation ATHENA
Operation Athena is the Canadian Forces contribution to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.-Overview:Operation Athena was a two phase Canadian Forces mission...


Task Force 3-06 (Operation Athena Rotation 2)

On 19 August 2006, the 1st Battalion of The Royal Canadian Regiment
The Royal Canadian Regiment
The Royal Canadian Regiment is an infantry regiment of the Canadian Forces. The regiment consists of four battalions, three in the Regular Force and one in the Primary Reserve...

 Battle Group (1RCR BG) assumed command of the Kandahar Province area of operations from Task Force Orion. In early September 2006 the Task Force lead Operation Medusa
Operation Medusa
Operation Medusa was a Canadian-led offensive by major elements of the International Security Assistance Force, Afghan National Army and an A-Team from the 3rd Special Forces Group, as part of the ongoing war in Afghanistan. It aimed to establish government control over an area of Kandahar...

 with the aim to clear Taliban insurgents from a fortified position in Pashmul. For the operation, the battle group was partnered with forces from the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

, the Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...

, the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

, Denmark
Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The countries of Denmark and Greenland, as well as the Faroe Islands, constitute the Kingdom of Denmark . It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark...

 and Afghanistan
Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...

. The Battle of Pashmul
Operation Medusa
Operation Medusa was a Canadian-led offensive by major elements of the International Security Assistance Force, Afghan National Army and an A-Team from the 3rd Special Forces Group, as part of the ongoing war in Afghanistan. It aimed to establish government control over an area of Kandahar...

 marked the first time NATO had engaged in combat operations at the battle group-level. In the citation for the Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation, the Battle Group had succeeded "where larger forces had failed, they prevented the enemy from realizing their goals of capturing the city and weakening international resolve and cohesion". An Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT) was formed to work with the 1st Brigade of the 205 Atul (Hero) Corps
205th Corps (Afghanistan)
The 205th 'Atul' Corps is a corps-level formation of the Afghan National Army since 2004. The establishment of the corps started when the first commander, Gul Aqa Nahib, and some of his staff were appointed on September 1, 2004. The corps was officially established in Kandahar on September 19, 2004...

 (1/250 Corps), based in Kandahar Province
Kandahar Province
Kandahar or Qandahar is one of the largest of the thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan. It is located in southern Afghanistan, between Helmand, Oruzgan and Zabul provinces. Its capital is the city of Kandahar, which is located on the Arghandab River. The province has a population of nearly...

. This surge, along with the deployment of a squadron of Leopard 1 tanks from Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians)
Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians)
Lord Strathcona's Horse is a regular armoured regiment of the Canadian Forces. Currently based in Edmonton, Alberta, the regiment is part of Land Force Western Area's 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group...

, CFB Edmonton
CFB Edmonton
CFB Edmonton is a Canadian Forces base located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is also known as Edmonton Garrison or "Steele Barracks".-History:...

, increased the number Canadian Forces
Canadian Forces
The Canadian Forces , officially the Canadian Armed Forces , are the unified armed forces of Canada, as constituted by the National Defence Act, which states: "The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist of one Service called the Canadian Armed Forces."...

 in Afghanistan
Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...

 to 2500. With Brigadier-General Timothy Grant
Tim Grant
T.J. Grant is a retired Major General of the Canadian Forces.Grant attended the University of Guelph, graduating in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science Degree. Upon graduating he enrolled in the Canadian Forces through the Direct Entry Officer programme, becoming an armour officer...

 assuming command of the Canadian elements in Kandahar in November 2006 and the construction of Provincial Operations Centre at Kandahar Airfield
Kandahar Airfield
Kandahar International Airport is located 10 miles south-east of Kandahar City in Afghanistan. The airport was built by the United States in the 1960s, under the United States Agency for International Development program. It may have been intended to be used as a possible U.S...

, the framework for Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTF-Afg) was in place.

Task Force 1-07 (Operation Athena Rotation 3)

Although the battle group for TF 1-07 was based on 2nd Battalion of The Royal Canadian Regiment
The Royal Canadian Regiment
The Royal Canadian Regiment is an infantry regiment of the Canadian Forces. The regiment consists of four battalions, three in the Regular Force and one in the Primary Reserve...

 (2RCR) from CFB Gagetown
CFB Gagetown
Canadian Forces Base Gagetown, referred to as CFB Gagetown is a large Canadian Forces Base located in southwestern New Brunswick.- Construction of the base :...

, the headquarters for Task Force Kandahar was primarily force generated from Land Force Atlantic Area
Land Force Atlantic Area
Land Force Atlantic Area is responsible for Canadian Army operations in the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. LFAA is headquartered at Canadian Forces Base Halifax on the Atlantic coast...

, taking on a greater responsibility than previously rotations' Nation Command Elements. The commander for Task Force Kandahar was also designated Commander Joint Task Force Afghanistan, ultimately responsible for all Canadian Forces personnel and assets deployed in southwest Asia. The task force contributed to Operation Achilles
Operation Achilles
Operation Achilles was a NATO operation, part of the war in Afghanistan. Its objective was to clear the Helmand province of the Taliban. The operation began on March 6 of 2007 and the offensive was the largest NATO based operation ever held in Afghanistan to date...

 mid-April to
mid-March 2007, the clearing of Taliban fighters from Helmand Province
Helmand Province
Helmand is one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan. It is in the southwest of the country. Its capital is Lashkar Gah. The Helmand River flows through the mainly desert region, providing water for irrigation....

. This offensive action was the largest NATO operation in Afghanistan
Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...

 up to this point. On 15 May 2007, the Canadian OMLT took over full responsibility for the mentoring of 1/250 Corps
205th Corps (Afghanistan)
The 205th 'Atul' Corps is a corps-level formation of the Afghan National Army since 2004. The establishment of the corps started when the first commander, Gul Aqa Nahib, and some of his staff were appointed on September 1, 2004. The corps was officially established in Kandahar on September 19, 2004...

 from the United States Army. In July 2007, the Government of Canada
Government of Canada
The Government of Canada, formally Her Majesty's Government, is the system whereby the federation of Canada is administered by a common authority; in Canadian English, the term can mean either the collective set of institutions or specifically the Queen-in-Council...

 increased its diplomatic presence in Kandahar by appointing Michel de Salaberry as the Representative of Canada Kandahar (RoCK).

Task Force 3-07 (Operation Athena Rotation 4)

Both the headquarters and the battle group were generated from 5e Groupe-brigade mécanisé du Canada
5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group is a Canadian Forces brigade group that is part of Land Forces Quebec Area of the Canadian army. It is based at CFB Valcartier, near Quebec City in Quebec, Canada...

 (5e GBMC) with Brigadier-General Guy Laroche
Guy Laroche (Brigadier General)
J.R.M.G. Laroche is a Brigadier-General in the Canadian Forces.Laroche enlisted in the Canadian Forces in 1979. By 1980 he had completed his training as an infantry officer and was posted to the Royal 22e Régiment at CFB Valcartier, near Quebec City...

 as the commander. This rotation of the headquarters saw the "digitizing" of the task force, modernizing the command and control information systems within the task force and the standing up of Task Force Kandahar Signal Squadron.
The 3rd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment
Royal 22e Régiment
The Royal 22nd Regiment is an infantry regiment and the most famous francophone organization of the Canadian Forces. The regiment comprises three Regular Force battalions, two Primary Reserve battalions, and a band, making it the largest regiment in the Canadian Army...

 Battle Group (3 R22eR), which was awarded the Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation, was "instrumental in dismantling improvised explosive device networks, re-capturing checkpoints and returning them to Afghan control, enhancing the capacity of Afghan forces and providing guidance on community building and local governance." On 16 October 2007, the Government of Canada indicated the current mission was to end in 2011.

Task Force 1-08 (Operation Athena Rotation 5)

  • Battle Group - 2nd Battalion, PPCLI
  • TFK - Roto 4 TFK headquarters remained (9-month tour)
  • Dates - February 2008 – August 2008

Task Force 5-08

Based on headquarters from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group is a Canadian Forces brigade group that is part of Land Forces Central Area of the Canadian army. It is currently based in CFB Petawawa...

, TF 5-08 was also part of Operation Athena
Operation ATHENA
Operation Athena is the Canadian Forces contribution to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.-Overview:Operation Athena was a two phase Canadian Forces mission...

 Rotation 5, but as the headquarters were on nine-month tours vice the standard six, the headquarters were no longer in sync with their respective rotation. The headquarters, although it was involved with force-generation exercises with both Rotation 5 and 6, the Commander, Brigadier-General Denis Thompson, referred to the headquarters as "Rotation 5.5". On the evening of 13 June 2008, Taliban fighters executed a raid on Kandahar’s Sarposa Prison
Sarposa Prison attack
The Sarposa Prison attack was a raid on the Sarposa Prison in Kandahar, Afghanistan by Taliban insurgents on June 13, 2008. One of the largest attacks by Afghan insurgents, the raid freed 400-1000 prisoners...

, freeing as many as 1100 prisoners (approximately 400 Taliban).
  • Battle of Arghandab
    Battle of Arghandab
    The Battle of Arghandab began on June 18, 2008, when NATO-led forces attacked Taliban militants in response to Taliban attacks in Arghandab District and Kandahar...

  • 2-2 Infantry Battalion (US) comes under operational command of TFK for operations in Maywand.

Task Force 3-08 (Operation Athena Rotation 6)

  • Battle Group - 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group
  • Operation Shahi Tandar
  • Joint Task Force Afghanistan Air Wing stands up 6 December 2008
  • Dates - August 2008 – February 2009

Task Force 5-09

  • TFK - Headquarters rotation only. Based on headquarters from 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
    1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
    1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group is a Canadian Forces brigade group that is part of Land Forces Western Area of the Canadian army...

  • Comd - Brigadier-General Jonathan Vance
  • Transfer of Command Authority 19 February 2009

Task Force 1-09 (Operation Athena Rotation 7)

  • Battle Group - 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment
    Royal 22e Régiment
    The Royal 22nd Regiment is an infantry regiment and the most famous francophone organization of the Canadian Forces. The regiment comprises three Regular Force battalions, two Primary Reserve battalions, and a band, making it the largest regiment in the Canadian Army...

     Battle Group
  • Dates - February 2009 – August 2009

Task Force 3-09 (Operation Athena Rotation 8)

  • Battle Group - 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group
  • Dates - August 2009 – May 2010

Task Force 6-09

  • TFK - Headquarters rotation only. Based on headquarters from 5e Groupe-brigade mécanisé du Canada
    5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
    5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group is a Canadian Forces brigade group that is part of Land Forces Quebec Area of the Canadian army. It is based at CFB Valcartier, near Quebec City in Quebec, Canada...

  • Comd - Brigadier-General Daniel Ménard. Relieved from his position and Colonel Simon Hetherington was designated as Acting Commander in the interim. Brigadier-General Jonathan Vance returns in until TF 5-10.
  • At the beginning of July 2010, Canadians transferred command responsibility for Kandahar City, Arghandab
    Arghandab District
    Arghandab is a district in the central part of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. It borders Panjwai and Khakrez districts to the west, Shah Wali Kot District to the north and east and Kandahar District to the east and south....

     and Zhari to U.S. forces and control for the Horn of Panjwaii directly to Regional Command South
    Regional Command South
    Regional Command is a multinational military formation, part of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. It is responsible for provincial reconstruction and security in Kandahar, Lashkar Gah, Qalat and Tarin Kowt. The Command also has responsibility for the provinces of Nimruz...


Task Force 1-10 (Operation Athena Rotation 9)

  • Battle Group - 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment
    The Royal Canadian Regiment
    The Royal Canadian Regiment is an infantry regiment of the Canadian Forces. The regiment consists of four battalions, three in the Regular Force and one in the Primary Reserve...

     Battle Group
  • Dates - February 2010 – October 2010

Task Force 3-10 (Operation Athena Rotation 10)

  • Battle Group - 1st Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment
    Royal 22e Régiment
    The Royal 22nd Regiment is an infantry regiment and the most famous francophone organization of the Canadian Forces. The regiment comprises three Regular Force battalions, two Primary Reserve battalions, and a band, making it the largest regiment in the Canadian Army...

     Battle Group
  • Dates - October 2010 – July 2011
  • Last TF with under combat operations mandate

Task Force 5-10

  • TFK - Headquarters rotation only. Based on headquarters from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
    2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
    2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group is a Canadian Forces brigade group that is part of Land Forces Central Area of the Canadian army. It is currently based in CFB Petawawa...

  • Comd - Brigadier-General Dean Milner
  • Last HQ prior to Mission Transition Task Force and Operation Attention.
  • Canada's combat mission in Kanadar ends 7 July 2011.

Related Pages

  • Operation ATHENA
    Operation ATHENA
    Operation Athena is the Canadian Forces contribution to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.-Overview:Operation Athena was a two phase Canadian Forces mission...

  • Canada's role in the Afghanistan War
  • Canadian Forces casualties in Afghanistan
    Canadian Forces casualties in Afghanistan
    The number of Canadian Forces' fatalities resulting from Canadian military activities in Afghanistan is the largest for any single Canadian military mission since the Korean War between 1950 and 1953...

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