Register allocation
In compiler optimization
Compiler optimization
Compiler optimization is the process of tuning the output of a compiler to minimize or maximize some attributes of an executable computer program. The most common requirement is to minimize the time taken to execute a program; a less common one is to minimize the amount of memory occupied...

, register allocation is the process of assigning a large number of target program variables
Variable (programming)
In computer programming, a variable is a symbolic name given to some known or unknown quantity or information, for the purpose of allowing the name to be used independently of the information it represents...

 onto a small number of CPU
Central processing unit
The central processing unit is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, to perform the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system. The CPU plays a role somewhat analogous to the brain in the computer. The term has been in...

Processor register
In computer architecture, a processor register is a small amount of storage available as part of a CPU or other digital processor. Such registers are addressed by mechanisms other than main memory and can be accessed more quickly...

. Register allocation can happen over a basic block
Basic block
In computing, a basic block is a portion of the code within a program with certain desirable properties that make it highly amenable to analysis. Compilers usually decompose programs into their basic blocks as a first step in the analysis process...

 (local register allocation), over a whole function/procedure (global register allocation), or in-between functions as a calling convention
Calling convention
In computer science, a calling convention is a scheme for how subroutines receive parameters from their caller and how they return a result; calling conventions can differ in:...

 (interprocedural register allocation).


In many programming languages, the programmer has the illusion of allocating arbitrarily many variables. However, during compilation, the compiler must decide how to allocate these variables to a small, finite set of registers. Not all variables are in use (or "live") at the same time, so some registers may be assigned to more than one variable. However, two variables in use at the same time cannot be assigned to the same register without corrupting its value. Variables which cannot be assigned to some register must be kept in RAM and loaded in/out for every read/write, a process called spilling. Accessing RAM is significantly slower than accessing registers and slows down the execution speed of the compiled program, so an optimizing compiler aims to assign as many variables to registers as possible. Register pressure is the term used when there are fewer hardware registers available than would have been optimal; higher pressure usually means that more spills and reloads are needed.

In addition, programs can be further optimized by assigning the same register to a source and destination of a move instruction whenever possible. This is especially important if the compiler is using other optimizations such as SSA analysis
Static single assignment form
In compiler design, static single assignment form is a property of an intermediate representation , which says that each variable is assigned exactly once...

, which artificially generates additional move instructions in the intermediate code.

Isomorphism to graph colorability

Through liveness analysis, compilers can determine which sets of variables are live at the same time, as well as variables which are involved in move instructions. Using this information, the compiler can construct a graph such that every vertex
Vertex (graph theory)
In graph theory, a vertex or node is the fundamental unit out of which graphs are formed: an undirected graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges , while a directed graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of arcs...

 represents a unique variable in the program. Interference edges connect pairs of vertices which are live at the same time, and preference edges connect pairs of vertices which are involved in move instructions. Register allocation can then be reduced to the problem of K-coloring the resulting graph, where K is the number of registers available on the target architecture. No two vertices sharing an interference edge may be assigned the same color, and vertices sharing a preference edge should be assigned the same color if possible. Some of the vertices may be precolored to begin with, representing variables which must be kept in certain registers due to calling conventions or communication between modules. As graph coloring
Graph coloring
In graph theory, graph coloring is a special case of graph labeling; it is an assignment of labels traditionally called "colors" to elements of a graph subject to certain constraints. In its simplest form, it is a way of coloring the vertices of a graph such that no two adjacent vertices share the...

 in general is NP-complete
In computational complexity theory, the complexity class NP-complete is a class of decision problems. A decision problem L is NP-complete if it is in the set of NP problems so that any given solution to the decision problem can be verified in polynomial time, and also in the set of NP-hard...

, so is register allocation. However, good algorithms exist which balance performance with quality of compiled code.

Iterated Register Coalescing

Register allocators have several types, with Iterated Register Coalescing (IRC) being a more common one. IRC was invented by LAL George and Andrew Appel
Andrew Appel
Andrew Wilson Appel is the Eugene Higgins Professor of computer science at Princeton University, New Jersey. He is especially well-known because of his compiler books, the Modern Compiler Implementation in ML series, as well as Compiling With Continuations...

 in 1996, building off of earlier work
Chaitin's algorithm
Chaitin's algorithm is a bottom-up, graph coloring register allocation algorithm that uses cost/degree as its spill metric. It is named after its designer, Gregory Chaitin...

 by Gregory Chaitin
Gregory Chaitin
Gregory John Chaitin is an Argentine-American mathematician and computer scientist.-Mathematics and computer science:Beginning in 2009 Chaitin has worked on metabiology, a field parallel to biology dealing with the random evolution of artificial software instead of natural software .Beginning in...

. IRC works based on a few principles. First, if there are any non-move related vertices in the graph with degree less than K the graph can be simplified by removing those vertices, since once those vertices are added back in it is guaranteed that a color can be found for them (simplification). Second, two vertices sharing a preference edges whose adjacency sets combined have a degree less than K can be combined into a single vertex, by the same reasoning (coalescing). If neither of the two steps can simplify the graph, simplification can be run again on move-related vertices (freezing). Finally, if nothing else works, vertices can be marked for potential spilling and removed from the graph (spill). Since all of these steps reduce the degrees of vertices in the graph, vertices may transform from being high-degree (degree > K) to low-degree during the algorithm, enabling them to be simplified or coalesced. Thus, the stages of the algorithm are iterated to ensure aggressive simplification and coalescing. The pseudo-code is thus:

function IRC_color g K :
if ∃v s.t. !moveRelated(v) ∧ degree(v) < K then simplify v
else if ∃e s.t. cardinality(neighbors(first v) ∪ neighbors(second v)) < K then coalesce e
else if ∃v s.t. moveRelated(v) then deletePreferenceEdges v
else if ∃v s.t. !precolored(v) then spill v
else return

The coalescing done in IRC is conservative, because aggressive coalescing may introduce spills into the graph. However, additional coalescing heuristics such as George coalescing may coalesce more vertices while still ensuring that no additional spills are added. Work-lists are used in the algorithm to ensure that each iteration of IRC requires sub-quadratic time.

Recent developments

Graph coloring allocators produce efficient code, but their allocation time is high. In cases of static compilation, allocation time is not a significant concern. In cases of dynamic compilation, such as just-in-time
Just-in-time compilation
In computing, just-in-time compilation , also known as dynamic translation, is a method to improve the runtime performance of computer programs. Historically, computer programs had two modes of runtime operation, either interpreted or static compilation...

 (JIT) compilers, fast register allocation is important. An efficient technique proposed by Poletto and Sarkar is linear scan allocation. This technique requires only a single pass over the list of variable live ranges. Ranges with short lifetimes are assigned to registers, whereas those with long lifetimes tend to be spilled, or reside in memory. The results are on average only 12% less efficient than graph coloring allocators.

The linear scan algorithm follows:
  1. Perform dataflow analysis to gather liveness information. Keep track of all variables’ live intervals, the interval when a variable is live, in a list sorted in order of increasing start point (note that this ordering is free if the list is built when computing liveness.) We consider variables and their intervals to be interchangeable in this algorithm.
  2. Iterate through liveness start points and allocate a register from the available register pool to each live variable.
  3. At each step maintain a list of active intervals sorted by the end point of the live intervals. (Note that insertion sort into a balanced binary tree can be used to maintain this list at linear cost.) Remove any expired intervals from the active list and free the expired interval’s register to the available register pool.
  4. In the case where the active list is size R we cannot allocate a register. In this case add the current interval to the active pool without allocating a register. Spill the interval from the active list with the furthest end point. Assign the register from the spilled interval to the current interval or, if the current interval is the one spilled, do not change register assignments.

Cooper and Dasgupta recently developed a "lossy" Chaitin-Briggs graph coloring algorithm suitable for use in a JIT. The "lossy" moniker refers to the imprecision the algorithm introduces into the interference graph. This optimization reduces the costly graph building step of Chaitin-Briggs making it suitable for runtime compilation. Experiments indicate that this lossy register allocator outperforms linear scan on the majority of tests used.

"Optimal" register allocation algorithms based on Integer Programming have been developed by Goodwin and Wilken for regular architectures. These algorithms have been extended to irregular architectures by Kong and Wilken.

While the worst case execution time is exponential, the experimental results show that the actual time is typically of order of the number of constraints .

The possibility of doing register allocation on SSA-form
Static single assignment form
In compiler design, static single assignment form is a property of an intermediate representation , which says that each variable is assigned exactly once...

 programs is a focus of recent research. The interference graphs of SSA-form programs are chordal
Chordal graph
In the mathematical area of graph theory, a graph is chordal if each of its cycles of four or more nodes has a chord, which is an edge joining two nodes that are not adjacent in the cycle. An equivalent definition is that any chordless cycles have at most three nodes...

, and as such, they can be colored in polynomial time.

See also

  • Strahler number
    Strahler number
    In mathematics, the Strahler number or Horton–Strahler number of a mathematical tree is a numerical measure of its branching complexity....

    , the minimum number of registers needed to evaluate an expression tree.
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