Raphaël Millet
Raphaël Millet is a French writer
A writer is a person who produces literature, such as novels, short stories, plays, screenplays, poetry, or other literary art. Skilled writers are able to use language to portray ideas and images....

, critic
A critic is anyone who expresses a value judgement. Informally, criticism is a common aspect of all human expression and need not necessarily imply skilled or accurate expressions of judgement. Critical judgements, good or bad, may be positive , negative , or balanced...

, producer and director of cinema
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects...

 and television
Television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome or colored, with accompanying sound...

, as well as an organiser and programmer of cultural events.


Having completed his secondary education at lycée Henri-IV in Paris, Raphaël Millet graduated from the Paris Institut d'études politiques de Paris
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris
The Institut d'études politiques de Paris , simply referred to as Sciences Po , is a public research and higher education institution in Paris, France, specialised in the social sciences. It has the status of grand établissement, which allows its admissions process to be highly selective...

 (Sciences Po) in 1994, obtained a master's degree
Master's degree
A master's is an academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice...

 (diplôme d’études approfondies - DEA) in political science
Political science
Political Science is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government and politics. Aristotle defined it as the study of the state. It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics, and the analysis of political systems and political behavior...

 (with a specialization in African studies
African studies
African studies is the study of Africa, especially the cultures and societies of Africa .The field includes the study of:Culture of Africa, History of Africa , Anthropology of Africa , Politics of Africa, Economy of Africa African studies is the study of Africa, especially the cultures and...

) from University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne in 1995, and a master's degree (diplôme d’études approfondies - DEA) in film studies
Film studies
Film studies is an academic discipline that deals with various theoretical, historical, and critical approaches to films. It is sometimes subsumed within media studies and is often compared to television studies...

 from University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle
University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle
The New Sorbonne University is a public university in Paris, France.The Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle is a founding member of the Paris Universitas, a union of 6 Parisian universities....

 in 1996.


Raphaël Millet started his career in 1996-97 as a consultant for the Paris office of international law firm
Law firm
A law firm is a business entity formed by one or more lawyers to engage in the practice of law. The primary service rendered by a law firm is to advise clients about their legal rights and responsibilities, and to represent clients in civil or criminal cases, business transactions, and other...

 Shearman & Sterling
Shearman & Sterling
Shearman & Sterling LLP is a law firm headquartered in New York City with 20 offices located in major financial centers around the world founded in 1873. It is well known for both its litigation and transactional capabilities, especially in International Arbitration, Capital Markets, Finance, and...

, then for the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. In 1998, he joined French National Center of Cinematography and the moving image, as advisor to the CEO. In 1999, he joined French public national television broadcaster France Télévisions
France Télévisions
France Télévisions is the French public national television broadcaster. It is a state-owned company formed from the bringing together of the public television channels France 2 and France 3 , later joined by the legally independent channels France 5 , France Ô , and France 4 France Télévisions ...

, as advisor to the CEO. In 2000, he became counselor for culture, cinema, television and new media, attached to the Minister of Overseas France
Minister of Overseas France
The Minister of Overseas France is a cabinet member in the Government of France responsible for overseeing French overseas departments and territories .The position is currently held by Brice Hortefeux, who is also the Minister of the Interior...

, Christian Paul
Christian Paul
Christian Paul is a French Socialist politician.He was one of the founding members of the Nouveau Parti Socialiste...

. Simultaneously, from 1997 to 2002, he taught film studies at La Sorbonne University.

In 2002, Raphaël Millet joined the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2002 to 2006, he was posted as Cultural attaché
Cultural attaché
A cultural attaché is a diplomat with special responsibility for promoting the culture of his or her homeland. The position has been used as an official cover for intelligence agents. Historically, the post has often been filled by writers and artists, giving them a steady income, allowing them to...

 in the Singapore
Singapore , officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the...

, where he supervised the programming of the annual French Film Festival, and where he organised the outdoor exhibition Earth from Above
Earth from Above
-History:He founded the Altitude Agency in 1991, which was the world’s first press agency and images bank specialising in aerial photography ....

(La Terre vue du ciel) by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a French photographer, journalist, reporter and environmentalist.- Early life :Yann Arthus-Bertrand was born in Paris on March 13, 1946 in a renowned jewellers' family founded in 1803 by Claude Arthus-Bertrand and Michel-Ange Marion. His sister Catherine is one of his...

 on Orchard Road
Orchard Road
Orchard Road is a road in Singapore that is the retail and entertainment hub of the city-state. It is regularly frequented by the local population as well as being a major tourist attraction...

. From 2006 to 2008, he was posted in Dubai
Dubai is a city and emirate in the United Arab Emirates . The emirate is located south of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula and has the largest population with the second-largest land territory by area of all the emirates, after Abu Dhabi...

 as Regional Audiovisual attaché for the Middle East
Middle East
The Middle East is a region that encompasses Western Asia and Northern Africa. It is often used as a synonym for Near East, in opposition to Far East...


In 2007, he founded with Olivier Bohler a production company
Production company
A production company provides the physical basis for works in the realms of the performing arts, new media art, film, television, radio, and video.- Tasks and functions :...

 called Nocturnes Productions
Nocturnes Productions
Nocturnes Productions is a French production company founded in 2007 by Olivier Bohler and Raphaël Millet.- Activity :Nocturnes Productions produces mainly documentary films about cinema and film-makers, such as Code Name Melville directed by Olivier Bohler and Pierre Schoendoerffer, the Sentinel...

 which became active from 2008 onwards. There, he served as executive producer
Executive producer
An executive producer is a producer who is not involved in any technical aspects of the film making or music process, but who is still responsible for the overall production...

 on feature documentary Code Name Melville
Code Name Melville
Code Name Melville is a feature length documentary about Jean-Pierre Melville, directed by Olivier Bohler and produced by Raphaël Millet for Nocturnes Productions in 2008. Its world premiere took place in November 2008 at the Golden Horse Film Festival in Taipei...

and as director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

 on feature documentary Pierre Schoendoerffer, the Sentinel of Memory
Pierre Schoendoerffer, the Sentinel of Memory
Pierre Schoendoerffer, the Sentinel of Memory is the first feature length documentary about French writer and filmmaker Pierre Schoendoerffer, directed by Raphaël Millet and produced by Olivier Bohler for Nocturnes Productions in 2011.- Synopsis :Pierre Schoendoerffer revisits his life and...


From 2009 onwards, while retaining his production activities, Raphaël Millet joined as a partner Singapore-based creative communications company Phish Communications.

Since 1995, Raphaël Millet has also kept on writing articles (for magazines such as Qantara, Cinémathèque, Positif, Trafic, Atlas des Cahiers du cinéma and Simulacres), as well as books generally about cinema (with a specialization both in Middle Eastern and Asian cinemas ). He has also published a collection of unrhymed tercet
A tercet is composed of three lines of poetry, forming a stanza or a complete poem. English-language haiku is an example of an unrhymed tercet poem...

 poems about melancholy which are indirectly influenced by both Celt tercets and Japanese haiku
' , plural haiku, is a very short form of Japanese poetry typically characterised by three qualities:* The essence of haiku is "cutting"...



  • Singapore Cinema, Singapore, Editions Didier Millet, 2006, 160 p. ISBN 981-4155-42-X
  • Petites mélancolies de tous les jours qui passent, Nantes, Joca Seria, 2004, 70 p. ISBN 2-84809-019-7
  • Le Cinéma de Singapour. Paradis perdu, doute existentiel, crise identitaire et mélancolie contemporaine, Paris, L’Harmattan, collection « Regards pluriels », 2004, 142 p. ISBN 2-7475-6055-4
  • Cinémas de la Méditerranée, cinémas de la mélancolie, Paris, L’Harmattan, collection « Regards pluriels », juillet 2002, 117 p. ISBN 2-7475-2921-5

Other publications

  • « Remembering Henri Huet
    Henri Huet
    Henri Huet was a French war photographer, noted for his work covering the Vietnam War for Associated Press .- Early life :Huet was born in Da Lat, Vietnam, the son of a Breton engineer and Vietnamese mother...

    , the Young Veteran », catalogue of the exhibition Requiem, Singapore, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), in partnership with Month of Photography Asia
    Month of Photography Asia
    Month of Photography Asia is an international festival of photography organised in Singapore since 2002.The festival serves as a platform to promote photography both as an art form and as a creative industry...

    , July 2011, pp.4-5.
  • Dictionnaire du cinéma asiatique, entries on Malaysian and Singaporean
    Singapore , officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the...

     cinemas, Paris, Éditions Nouveau Monde, 2008 ISBN 2-847363-59-9
  • The Encyclopedia of Singapore, entries on Singaporean cinema, Singapore, EDM/Archipelago Press, 2006 ISBN 9814155632
  • Dictionnaire du cinéma, entries on African, Arab and Iranian cinemas, Paris, Larousse, 2001. ISBN 9782035050311
  • « Cimetières marins : les Méditerranées de Jean-Daniel Pollet
    Jean-Daniel Pollet
    Jean-Daniel Pollet is a French film director and screenwriter who was most active in the 1960s and 1970s. He was associated with two approaches to filmmaking: comedies which blended burlesque and melancholic elements, and poetic films based on texts by writers such as the French poet Francis...

     », in Jeune, dure et pure ! Une histoire du cinéma d’avant-garde et expérimental en France, ed. by Nicole Brenez and Christian Lebrat, Paris, Cinémathèque française / Mazzotta, 2000, pp. 459. ISBN 2900596300
  • « En attendant le vote des bêtes sauvages (Afrique 50 de René Vautier) », in Jeune, dure et pure ! Une histoire du cinéma d’avant-garde et expérimental en France, ed. by Nicole Brenez and Christian Lebrat, Paris, Cinémathèque française / Mazzotta, 2000, pp. 324–325. ISBN 2900596300
  • « L’Indépendance cinématographique dans le champ du pouvoir. Une question éminemment politique », in Théorème, Paris, Presses universitaires de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, n°9, printemps 1998, pp. 39–48.
  • « (In)dépendance des cinémas du Sud &/vs France », in Théorème, Paris, Presses universitaires de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, n°9, printemps 1998, p. 141-178

Production of books

  • The First Night Race. Photographs of the Singapore Grand Prix 2008, by Paul-Henri Cahier, Singapore, LookOutPress (an imprint of Phish Communications), 2009 ISBN 978-981-08-4012-9
  • Engaging Asia, catalogue of Month of Photography Asia 2009, Singapore, LookOutPress (an imprint of Phish Communications), 2009 ISBN 978-981-08-3398-5
  • Grand Prix. The F1 Legend through Photography, by Bernard and Paul-Henri Cahier, Singapore, LookOutPress (an imprint of Phish Communications), 2008 ISBN 978-981-08-1496-0


  • Code Name Melville
    Code Name Melville
    Code Name Melville is a feature length documentary about Jean-Pierre Melville, directed by Olivier Bohler and produced by Raphaël Millet for Nocturnes Productions in 2008. Its world premiere took place in November 2008 at the Golden Horse Film Festival in Taipei...

  • André S. Labarthe Exposed: From the Cat to the Hat

External links

Cinémas de la Méditerranée, cinémas de la mélancolie sur le site de L'Harmattan Code Name Melville on IMDB Notice de Sous le nom de Melville sur le Film documentaire Liste des collaborateurs de Positif sur le site web Art and Popular Culture Review of Singapore Cinema on the blog of the Singapore Film Society
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