Policing in Belgium
Law enforcement in Belgium is conducted by an integrated police service structured on the federal and local levels, made up of the Federal Police and the Local Police. Both forces are autonomous and subordinate to different authorities, but linked in regards to reciprocal support, recruitment, manpower mobility and common training. In 2001, the Belgian police underwent a fundamental structural reform that created a completely new police system. A Belgian parliamentary report into a series of pedophile murders accused the police of negligence, amateurism and incompetence in investigating the cases. The loss of public confidence in the police was so great that the whole population deemed the reform indispensable. The three former police forces, the municipal police, the national law enforcement service (Rijkswacht/Gendarmerie
Belgian Gendarmerie
The Gendarmerie was the former paramilitary police force of Belgium. The Gendarmerie became a civilian police organisation in 1992, a status retained until January 1, 2001, when it was, together with the other existing police forces in Belgium, abolished and replaced by the Local Police and...

) and the judicial police (assigned to the offices of the public prosecutors) gave way to an integrated police service structured on two levels.

Federal Police

The Federale Politie/Police Fédérale conducts specialized law enforcement and investigation missions that cover more than one region in Belgium. The Federal Police has approximately 12,500 personnel that provide support units for the Local Police and the federal police itself.

There are three operational divisions within the Federal Police:
  • the Algemene Directie Bestuurlijke Politie/Direction Générale Police Administrative have two functions: they perform specially assigned law enforcement tasks and deliver all kinds of support to the other departments and the Local Police: the Traffic Police
    Traffic police
    Traffic police or Traffic cops may refer to:*Police controlling traffic, see rules of the road*Traffic Cops, a BBC real-life documentary*Highway patrol*Road Policing Unit*Traffic Guard*Sri Lankan Traffic Police*Municipal police...

     (Wegpolitie/Police de la Route), Air Police (Luchtvaartpolitie/Police Aéronautique), Railway Police (Spoorwegpolitie/Police des Chemins de fer), the Waterway Police (Scheepvaartpolitie/Police de la Navigation), the GeneralRreserve (riot police, prisoners transport, special protection and escorts, Mounted Police) (Algemene Reserve/Réserve Générale), the Royal Escort (Koninklijk Escorte/Escorte Royale), Dog Support Service (Dienst Hondensteun) and the Air Support Service (Dienst Luchtsteun).
  • the Algemene Directie Gerechtelijke Politie/Direction Générale Police Judiciaire investigate heavy, organised and interregional crimes (local crimes are investigated by the Local Police), and conduct proactive and reactive investigation. These investigations involve human
    Human trafficking
    Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, or a modern-day form of slavery...

     and drug trafficking, criminal organisations and groups, murder
    Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human being, and generally this state of mind distinguishes murder from other forms of unlawful homicide...

    , armed robbery, fraud
    In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation...

    , corruption
    Political corruption
    Political corruption is the use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. Misuse of government power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption. Neither are illegal acts by...

    , forgery
    Forgery is the process of making, adapting, or imitating objects, statistics, or documents with the intent to deceive. Copies, studio replicas, and reproductions are not considered forgeries, though they may later become forgeries through knowing and willful misrepresentations. Forging money or...

     and missing persons
    Missing Persons
    Missing Persons is an American band who plays a blend of New Wave and Pop rock. The band was founded in 1980 in Los Angeles by guitarist Warren Cuccurullo, vocalist Dale Bozzio, and drummer Terry Bozzio. They went on to add bassist Patrick O'Hearn and keyboardist Chuck Wild. Dale's quirky voice...

  • the Algemene Directie Ondersteuning en Beheer/Direction Générale Appui et Gestion delivers human resources
    Human resources
    Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations...

    , financial
    Managerial finance
    Managerial finance is the branch of finance that concerns itself with the managerial significance of finance techniques. It is focused on assessment rather than technique....

     and general management to the police organization: recruitment, training, staff management, medical, legal affairs, internal affairs, equipment (standards for both Federal and Local Police are the same), logistics, infrastructure, finance...

The Federal Police is led by a Commissioner General. The Commissioner General's Office is responsible for contacts with the local police, integrated police operations, coordination and external communication. The International Police Cooperation Division (CGI) is Belgium’s national central bureau for the European Police Office (Europol
Europol is the European Union's criminal intelligence agency. It became fully operational on 1 July 1999....

), Schengen Information System
Schengen Information System
The Schengen Information System , is a governmental database used by European countries to maintain and distribute information on individuals and pieces of property of interest. The intended uses of this system are for national security, border control and law enforcement purposes...

 and International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol
Interpol, whose full name is the International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL, is an organization facilitating international police cooperation...


The Commissioner General is also in charge of the CGSU special units
Federal Police Special Units
The Directorate of Special Units is the Belgian Federal Police's Counter-Terrorism unit. The DSU is deployed in cases of terrorism, kidnappings, hostage taking and other forms of serious crime. In major terrorist operations outside the country, the DSU would be replaced by the Belgian Army Special...

A SWAT team is an elite tactical unit in various national law enforcement departments. They are trained to perform high-risk operations that fall outside of the abilities of regular officers...

 and covert surveillance teams) and the national criminfo database.

Local Police

The local police is made up of 196 police forces constituted from the former communal and gendarmerie brigades. 50 police forces cover the territory of one municipality (one-city zone) and 146 cover more than one municipality (multi-city zone). The local police can be compared to municipal police
Municipal police
.Municipal police are law enforcement agencies that are under the control of local government, including the municipal government, where it is the smallest administrative subdivision. They receive pay from the city budget, and usually have fewer rights than the "state paid" police...


Each local police chief is responsible for the execution of local law enforcement policy and ensures the management, organization and distribution of missions in the local police force. She or he works under the authority of the mayor in one-city zones, or under a police board composed of all the mayors from the different municipalities in a multi-city police zone.

Its philosophy envisions a global and integrated approach to security based on maximum visibility focusing police activities on a limited area, which should optimize contact between the police and the population. It aims to restore public confidence in the police force and of improve the objective and subjective feeling of security in communities.


Each police force consists of an operational cadre of police and auxiliary police plus civilian personnel for administrative and logistic work. At the moment, approx. 33,000 local police and 900 civilians work in the 196 regional police forces. The numerical strength of the police is determined by the police board for multi-city zones or by the town council for one-city zones, which must match the minimal standards set by law. Also a Permanent Commission for the Local Police represents all local police services at national level and provides advice on all problems relating to the local police.


To guarantee a minimum service to the population, Belgian law provides six basic functions for the local police: Community policing, responsiveness, intervention, victim support, local criminal investigation and maintaining public order.
  • Community policing consists of developing neighborhood relations and maintaining police visibility. This mission is not merely one of maintaining a physical presence but also of local dialogue, exchange of ideas and personal relationships. The norms call for at least 1 community officer per 4,000 inhabitants.
  • Responsiveness means giving answers to citizens who appear in person, call by phone or write to the police. Sometimes they are directed to an internal service or a more suitable external service. Each police zone maintains a permanent point of contact. In the multi-city-zones, each city or municipality has its own police-post which, if not accessible 24 hours a day, gives citizens the opportunity to get in touch with the police.
  • The intervention function consists of responding to all calls, where police intervention is needed, within an appropriate time. This response can be, depending on the case and the context (seriousness, necessity, circumstances), immediate or delayed; in this last case, the inquirer must be informed about the cause of the delay and the duration.
  • The victims unit gives assistance to victims of crime. Each police officer is expected to give victim support. In serious cases, the police force may use a police officer specially trained to handle victims.
  • The local criminal investigation unit supports local police in the investigation of local crime. In each local police force, about 7 to 10 percent of the force’s personnel work for the investigations division.
  • Maintaining public order means protecting or, when necessary, restoring public order, security and public health. This not only means maintaining public order at large events such as demonstrations, football matches or local festivities but also environmental problems and traffic.

Police Ranks

  • Hoofdcommissaris/Commissaire Divisionnaire - Chief Police Commissioner
  • Commissaris/Commissaire - Police Commissioner
  • Aspirant-commissaris/Aspirant Commissaire - Candidate Police Commissioner

  • Hoofdinspecteur met Bijzondere Specialisatie/Inspecteur Principal Spécialisé - Specialised Chief Inspector (federal detective for IT crimes or financial crimes)
  • Hoofdinspecteur/Inspecteur Principal - Chief Inspector (equivalent of sergeant)
  • Aspirant-Hoofdinspecteur/Aspirant Inspecteur Principal - Candidate Chief Inspector

  • Inspecteur - Inspector (equivalent of constable or police officer)
  • Aspirant-Inspecteur/Aspirant Inspecteur - Candidate Inspector

  • Agent/Agent- Auxiliary Police Officer
  • Aspirant-Agent/Aspirant Agent- Candidate Auxiliary Police Officer

External links

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