Phyllis Wallbank
Phyllis Wallbank MBE
MBE can stand for:* Mail Boxes Etc.* Management by exception* Master of Bioethics* Master of Bioscience Enterprise* Master of Business Engineering* Master of Business Economics* Mean Biased Error...

 is a British educationalist who was born 1 September 1918. She founded in 1948 the first all-age Montessori school in Britain
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 and the Gatehouse Learning Centre
Gatehouse School
The Gatehouse School was a private school founded by in Smithfield, London by Phyllis Wallbank in 1948. It was originally housed in the Gatehouse of St Bartholomew-the-Great church in Smithfield but moved to Bethnal Green in the 1970s...



Mrs Wallbank began as a Froebel-trained teacher. Working in juvenile courts as a children's officer in Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire is a ceremonial and non-metropolitan home county in South East England. The county town is Aylesbury, the largest town in the ceremonial county is Milton Keynes and largest town in the non-metropolitan county is High Wycombe....

, however, she realized that far fewer children would become delinquent if they could be educated to assume their own personal responsibilities and so take their rightful place in society. To do this, she trained under Dr Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori was an Italian physician and educator, a noted humanitarian and devout Catholic best known for the philosophy of education which bears her name...

 and became a personal friend. In Dr Montessori's later years, she served as her co-examiner for both the ordinary and the advanced courses. She served as Chairperson of the Montessori Association in England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

, and as Vice President of the International Montessori Association. She also organized the last International Montessori Congress, which met in London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...

 shortly before Dr Montessori's death. William J. Codd, Professor of Education at Seattle University
Seattle University
Seattle University is a Jesuit Catholic university located in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, USA.SU is the largest independent university in the Northwest US, with over 7,500 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs within eight schools, and is one of 28 member...

, wrote of Phyllis Wallbank: "The one on whom the robe of Montessori should fall to carry on the living tradition".

Phyllis was married to the Rev. Newell Eddius Wallbank, long time Rector of the Church of St Bartholomew
St Bartholomew-the-Great
The Priory Church of St Bartholomew the Great is an Anglican church located at West Smithfield in the City of London, founded as an Augustinian priory in 1123 -History:...

 at Smithfield
Smithfield, London
Smithfield is an area of the City of London, in the ward of Farringdon Without. It is located in the north-west part of the City, and is mostly known for its centuries-old meat market, today the last surviving historical wholesale market in Central London...

, and musician of some renown. It was in the 'Gatehouse' of that church that Mrs Wallbank began the Gatehouse
Gatehouse School
The Gatehouse School was a private school founded by in Smithfield, London by Phyllis Wallbank in 1948. It was originally housed in the Gatehouse of St Bartholomew-the-Great church in Smithfield but moved to Bethnal Green in the 1970s...

 Learning Centre. A branch was later established at Great Missenden
Great Missenden
Great Missenden is a large village in the Misbourne Valley in the Chiltern Hills in Buckinghamshire, England, situated between the towns of Amersham and Wendover. It closely adjoins the villages of Little Missenden and Prestwood. The narrow High Street is bypassed by the main A413 London to...


Through the educational philosophy of Montessori, Phyllis was drawn to the Catholic Church: she felt that Montessori's method naturally demanded the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist. She became a Catholic but was advised by her spiritual director to remain 'underground' so as not to embarrass her husband.

After retirement, Phyllis and her husband moved out of London to Dorney
Dorney is a village and civil parish within South Bucks district in the English county of Buckinghamshire, near Slough and about two and a half miles west of Eton.The village name is Old English and means "island frequented by bumble bees"...

 near Eton
Eton, Berkshire
Eton is a town and civil parish in Berkshire, England, lying on the opposite bank of the River Thames to Windsor and connected to it by Windsor Bridge. The parish also includes the large village of Eton Wick, 2 miles west of the town, and has a population of 4,980. Eton was in Buckinghamshire until...

, where they had a little house on the Common. Both were involved in different ways in Eton College
Eton College
Eton College, often referred to simply as Eton, is a British independent school for boys aged 13 to 18. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI as "The King's College of Our Lady of Eton besides Wyndsor"....

, with Newell taking the service when the BBC broadcast and Phyllis coaching the weaker students, and also introducing them to her Slough Run.

After the death of her husband, Canon Timothy Russ introduced Phyllis to the writings of the Canadian philosopher-theologian Bernard Lonergan
Bernard Lonergan
Fr. Bernard J.F. Lonergan, CC, SJ was a Canadian Jesuit priest, philosopher, and theologian widely regarded as one of the most important Catholic thinkers of the twentieth century....

. Phyllis found in Lonergan a philosophy that was deeply consonant with Montessori's educational practice and convictions. She was subsequently invited to lecture at the annual Lonergan Workshop at Boston College
Boston College
Boston College is a private Jesuit research university located in the village of Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA. The main campus is bisected by the border between the cities of Boston and Newton. It has 9,200 full-time undergraduates and 4,000 graduate students. Its name reflects its early...

; some of her lectures have been published in the proceedings of the Workshop.

The Phyllis Wallbank Educational Trust was founded to continue Mrs Wallbank's educational thinking and experience.

In retirement at Dorney, Mrs Wallbank continues to be active, entertaining international scholars at her home and interacting with a wide variety of people on the internet.

Educational activities

The Gatehouse Learning
Gatehouse School
The Gatehouse School was a private school founded by in Smithfield, London by Phyllis Wallbank in 1948. It was originally housed in the Gatehouse of St Bartholomew-the-Great church in Smithfield but moved to Bethnal Green in the 1970s...

 Centre was "known for its distinguished graduates as well as its integration of exceptional students into the regular classroom." Phyllis has lectured at a wide variety of colleges and conferences, and has also given university courses and lectures under various titles. In particular, she designed the Distance Learning Course of the College of Modern Montessori. In retirement at Dorney, Mrs Wallbank was used as a visiting teacher by Eton College. In 2007 and 2008, in her late eighties, she went on 'Montessori World Tours,' lecturing on her experience as a Montessori title

Charitable and social activities

Besides her innovative involvement in the field of education, Phyllis Wallbank has also been involved in creative charitable and social initiatives. In 1985 she began the London Run, a new ministry dedicated to helping homeless and destitute people living by the Thames Embankment
Thames Embankment
The Thames Embankment is a major feat of 19th century civil engineering designed to reclaim marshy land next to the River Thames in central London. It consists of the Victoria and Chelsea Embankment....

. Some years later, she also began the Slough Run. The Slough Run continues to function, with people of all persuasions and faiths gathering together spontaneously on Mondays evenings on a street corner in Slough, and offering food and drink with dignity to street people. In 1990, a charitable trust was established to manage the activities of the London Run and Slough Run.


In 1996, Queen Elizabeth II
Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
Elizabeth II is the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign states known as the Commonwealth realms: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize,...

 made Mrs Wallbank a Member of the Order of the British Empire
Order of the British Empire
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is an order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by George V of the United Kingdom. The Order comprises five classes in civil and military divisions...


In the same year, Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II
Blessed Pope John Paul II , born Karol Józef Wojtyła , reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church and Sovereign of Vatican City from 16 October 1978 until his death on 2 April 2005, at of age. His was the second-longest documented pontificate, which lasted ; only Pope Pius IX ...

 decorated her with the Benemerenti Medal
Benemerenti Medal
The Benemerenti medal was first awarded by Pope Pius VI to recognize military merit. In 1831 under Pope Gregory XVI a special Benemerenti medal was struck to reward thos who fought courageously in the papal army at Ferrara, Bologna, and Vienna...

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