Pedigree Dogs Exposed
Pedigree Dogs Exposed was a BBC One
investigative documentary, produced by Jemima Harrison, which looked into health and welfare issues facing pedigree dogs
in the United Kingdom
The Kennel Club
(KC), the governing body of pedigree dogs in the UK that runs the prestigious dog conformation show Crufts
, was criticized for allowing breed standards, judging standards and breeding practices to compromise the health of pedigree dogs.
The programme generated much criticism of the Kennel Club. It also caused various sponsors and trade exhibitors to withdraw their participation from Crufts and other Kennel Club events. The BBC—which has broadcast Crufts for 42 years—withdrew its coverage of Crufts for 2009, and chose not to renew it for 2010.
The Kennel Club initially denied the filmmakers' assertion that many dogs suffer from diseases and stated that the vast majority of dog breeds are healthy. It also lodged a complaint with broadcasting regulator Ofcom
, claiming unfair treatment and editing. Due to strong public opinion, it later rolled out new health plans and reviewed breed standards for every breed. Some breeders have condemned the Club for overreacting. Ofcom's final ruling upheld KC's complaints regarding the lack of a right of reply
for some allegations made by the programme but dismissed complaints made in various other areas. The ruling also acknowledges that KC's geneticist Jeff Sampson's views were misrepresented but states that as a whole, the KC was not treated unfairly.
Three separate health reports were commissioned as a result of the programme. Reports by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
, Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare and Sir Patrick Bateson
(funded by the KC and Dogs Trust
) concluded that current breeding practices are detrimental to the welfare of pedigree dogs and made various recommendations that can be taken by the Kennel Club and breeders to improve pedigree dog health.
Plans are underway for a sequel.
A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
was shown to be in agony due to a condition known as syringomyelia
, which occurs as a result of the skull being too small for the brain. Veterinary Neurologist Dr Claire Rusbridge described the brain as a "size 10 foot that's been shoved into a size 6 shoe" and estimated that up to 1/3 of the breed suffers from this problem. Another problem that plagues the breed is heart disease. Cardiologist Simon Swift explained that about half of all Cavaliers aged 5 would have heart murmurs and the rate increases, such that by age 10 to 11 almost all Cavaliers would have the condition.
About three-quarters of the 7 million dogs in the UK are pedigree breeds, and the programme revealed that they chalk up 10 million pounds' worth of vet fees every week. Leading geneticist Steve Jones
attributed one of the key problems to inbreeding. RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evan singled out competitive dog showing as responsible.
, Basset Hound
, Bull Terrier
, Bulldog
, Pug
and German Shepherd Dog
were shown to illustrate how much the breeds have changed over the past century. The German Shepherd used in the show ring was contrasted with the working German Shepherd, which still looks much like the German Shepherd of old.
Crufts Judge Terry Hannan insisted that the working German Shepherds are anatomically incorrect, and that it is the show dog that conforms to the breed standard. When it was put to the Chairman of the Basset Hound Club that they were breeding deformed congenital dwarfs, he rejected that accusation, claiming that current Basset Hounds look very much like those of the 1800s. When shown a photo of a Basset Hound from sixty years ago, he was less than impressed.
Countering Bulldog
breeders' claims that the breed's extreme traits, such as severe underbite and facial wrinkles, are for historical fighting purposes, historian David Hancock pointed out that "the way in which breeders try to justify the short face, the excessive wrinkling and the physique it now depicts as being traditional is just simply untrue." The programme stated that bulldog heads have become so large that the majority are unable to give birth naturally and puppies must be whelped by caesarian section.
The Boxer
breed was presented as suffering from heart diseases and high rate of cancer. One Boxer was shown having an epileptic seizure.
Dogs were initially bred for practical functions such as hunting and guarding, but according the programme, in the middle of the 19th century they became a status symbol, and dog breeding became a sport. The function of the dog then took a back seat to appearance.
RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evans called the Crufts show "a parade of mutants" and "a freakish, garish beauty pageant that has frankly nothing to do with health and welfare." He pointed out that breed standards take no account of temperament and fitness for purpose.
movement, on which it said purebreed dog breeding is based (see Purebred dogs and eugenics). A Rhodesian Ridgeback
breeder interviewed on the programme advocated the culling of healthy ridgeless puppies because breed standards forbid ridgelessness in the breed. The Chairman of the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club stated that she considered ridgelessness a genetic fault. The ridge is a genetic trait, the presence of which is claimed to make the dog more prone to suffer from dermoid sinus
. The programme mistakenly claims that the ridge itself is a mild form of spina bifida. (See below) One in twenty puppies is born ridgeless. A section of the code of ethics of the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club was shown to state that "Ridgeless puppies shall be culled."
When asked about the practice of culling healthy puppies, Kennel Club chairman Ronnie Irving denied knowledge of such practices and said that they were not acceptable. It was shown that after the interview, the Kennel Club wrote to the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club condemning the practice and requested that the club review their code of ethics. The breed club said that the Kennel Club knew about the code of ethics, as they have to be ratified by the Kennel Club every year.
Apart from Ridgebacks, other examples of cosmetic culling that were mentioned included Great Danes with nonstandard markings, white German Shepherds, and white Boxers, although it was mentioned that cosmetic culling is not as common as before, as more breeders choose to neuter individuals who do not meet breed standards.
The programme pointed out that selectively bred dogs were in poorer health than mongrels.
A 2004 paper authored by the Kennel Club's own geneticist Jeff Sampson mentioned that "Unfortunately, the restrictive breeding patterns that have been developed as part and parcel of the purebred dog scene have not been without collateral damage to all breeds..." and that "increasingly, inherited diseases are imposing a serious disease burden on many, if not all, breeds of dogs." Yet when interviewed for the programme, Sampson claimed that "the vast majority of dogs we register [...] will live long, happy, and healthy lives." A study by Imperial College, London, showed that the 10,000 pug
s in the UK are so inbred that their gene pool is the equivalent of only 50 individuals.
It was shown that of the more than two hundred breeds registered by the Kennel Club, compulsory health tests exist only for the Irish Setter
and Irish Red and White Setter
. The Kennel Club defended the lack of health testing requirements, saying that it would drive breeders away from the Club. The president of the British Veterinary Association Nick Blayney agreed with the Kennel Club, stating that "if it becomes too reactionary and loses the support of the majority, it would cease to have any influence. They are doing the best they can in a very difficult situation."
The programme pointed out that no official system for recording hereditary diseases exists, and claimed that any health screens that exist are "often inadequate or ineffective." In the Cavalier breed, responsible breeders have used heart screening tests since 1995, but because many ignore veterinarian advice to only breed dogs over a certain age, there has been no health progress in that front. The Kennel Club defended the lack of improvement, stating that things could have been worse had nothing been done.
It was reported that the 2003 Crufts champion – a Pekingese
– had to sit on an ice pack to have its photo taken. The programme explained that the breed tends to overheat due to its inability to breathe properly, as a result of its flattened face. The dog was revealed to have undergone a soft palate resection earlier, to fix a problem caused by the flattened face. Professor Dan Brockman from the Royal Veterinary College explained that the condition is inherited and is very likely to be passed down to later generations. Despite that, the Crufts champion had sired 18 litters.
The programme stated that people in the dog world who try to do the right thing find it tough going against "a system that often rewards doing the wrong thing." It pointed out that the Kennel Club had started funding research into Syringomyelia in Cavaliers but that breeders were not taking the issue seriously. It also pointed out that because of her proactive approach to the Syringomyelia issue, Cavalier owner Carol Fowler had been subject to vitriolic attacks in online mailing lists. Breeder Margaret Carter also took up the issue after her own dogs were diagnosed with the condition, and she is lobbying for change as part of the Breed Club's health committee.
A Cavalier that won a Best-in-Show was revealed by Carter to have the condition. (One and a half months after the programme aired, Carter was removed from the Cavalier Club Committee for this "breach of confidentiality".) Despite veterinarian advice not to breed from the dog, the dog went on to sire 26 litters, adding to the 8 litters sired before the diagnosis. Dr. Claire Rusbridge expressed her incredulity: "If you took a stick and you beat a dog to create this pain that you could get from Syringomyelia, you'd be prosecuted, but there's nothing to stop you from breeding a dog that can be painful."
When told that the Kennel Club was not doing enough, Irving rejected the claim that many breeds were in trouble, and stated that the Kennel Club and its Charitable Trust are doing much to fix the problems in "some breeds." The programme ended with RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evans calling for a "complete top-to-bottom review of breed standards and the rules and regulations of dog showing to move it away from its obsession with beauty through to quality of life...".
Before the programme aired, the Kennel Club issued a statement warning that the programme may be highly biased. After the airing, it released multiple press releases questioning the neutrality and "sensationalism" of the programme. It also lodged a complaint to broadcasting regulator Ofcom
claiming "unfair treatment and editing". The BBC has stood by the journalism in the documentary.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club calls "absolute nonsense" the programme's claim that the ridge "serves no purpose" and says the ridge "defines the breed from any other large brown dog without a ridge which might be considered a crossbreed i.e. mastiff x pitbull or boxer x mastiff." Regarding the code of ethics statement which says "Ridgeless puppies shall be culled at birth," the Club points to the statement that follows, "if a breeder finds this morally impossible the puppy shall be homed..." as indication that culling is not mandatory. They have since revised their code of ethics to say "no healthy puppy will be culled."
The RSPCA stated that it is "concerned about the unacceptably high levels of disability, deformity and disease affecting pedigree dogs."
In his speech at the Welsh Kennel Club championship two days after the programme aired, Kennel Club Chairman Ronnie Irving said that “If this programme teaches us anything, I hope it will teach the 'purists' in some breeds that they simply must get a move on and realise that in these politically correct and well informed days, some old attitudes are simply no longer sustainable." Maintaining that the majority of dogs are healthy he said that "the roughly 90% of us who thankfully have healthy breeds must continue to guard against exaggeration and must bring pressure to bear on the laggards, otherwise we will – all of us – continue to be tarred with the same brush."
Dogs Today editor Beverley Cuddy, who said in the programme that "dogs are falling apart" and "the number of genetic problems are increasing at a frightening pace" disputes the Kennel Club's 90% figure. She points to a Kennel Club/British Small Animal Veterinary Association health survey, which shows that 37.4% of dogs had at least one serious health issue by age 5, and adds that the Kennel Club had to discount conditions such as hip dysplasia, slipping patellas and hereditary cataracts to get their 90% figure.
On 5 October 2008, Margaret Carter, who revealed the health condition of the Best-of-Breed Cavalier in the film, was voted out of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (CKCSC) committee by its members in a Special General Meeting for "breach of confidentiality." The Kennel Club has expressed concerns with the decision by CKCSC. In January 2009, backed by grassroots members, Carter sought reelection to the committee, but was elected without a ballot being required as she was the only nominee. She has since withdrawn her nomination and quit the breed club after the club chairman, vice-chairman and secretary announced their resignation in response to Carter's nomination. Carter told The Times: "My only interest was to improve the health of the dogs and it has never been my intention to damage the Cavalier King Charles club where I have been a loyal member for more than 30 years... The top showing people and breeders are the ones most threatened by health testing. They either want to win in the show ring or make money and they don't want health problems talked about." Club chairman Lesley Jupp said that "Her presence on the committee was unacceptable in the circumstances. Some people would have found it very difficult to work with her".
As a consequence of the programme, cat breeders have too come under pressure from veterinary and animal welfare associations, with breeds such as the Persian, Scottish Fold
and Munchkin
being singled out.
, the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals and UK's largest dog welfare charity Dogs Trust have since pulled out of the show. On 24 October, principal sponsor Pedigree Petfoods
withdrew their sponsorship of Crufts—estimated at between £0.5 to £1.5 million per year—ending a 44-year relationship. That was followed by major sponsor Hill's Pet Nutrition
's withdrawal from the event one week later.
On 12 December, BBC dropped Crufts 2009 from its schedule after failing to agree terms with the KC. Their request to drop 12 "at-risk" breeds from the main event was rejected by the Kennel Club, who called the request "unreasonable" and said that it would compromise their "contractual obligations" and "general responsibility to dog exhibitors and our audience." The Kennel Club's contract with the BBC is worth a six-figure annual sum and ends in 2010.
On 12 January, the Kennel Club released the revised breed standards, which will "not include anything that could in any way be interpreted as encouraging features that might prevent a dog from breathing, walking and seeing freely." "This will help to prevent the practice of exaggeration, where features that are perceived to be desirable, such as a short muzzle or loose skin, are made more prominent by breeders, and which can have detrimental effects on a dog’s health." Rules to ban close inbreeding (parent/child and sibling/sibling) would take effect 1 March 2009. Show rules have been changed to state "more clearly than ever" that judges should only "reward those dogs that are healthy representatives of their breed." Judges will also have the authority to eject unhealthy dogs from competitions. A Club spokesman said that the changes would take "several generations, to have an effect."
Pedigree Dogs Exposed producer Jemima Harrison calls the change "long overdue". RSPCA chief vet Evans welcomed the ban on close inbreeding but said that the breed standard changes were not "radical enough to really make a difference." He also expressed concern about how standards would be interpreted in the show ring. While some breeders have shown their support for the new standards, others are upset with the new standards and have threatened legal actions against the Kennel Club. The Chairman of the British Bulldog Breed Council said of the new Bulldog standard: "What you'll get is a completely different dog, not a British bulldog. There is no jowl, no upturn of the nose and the legs will no longer be wide in front and narrow behind."
The finding were eventually released on 9 December. Four of the Kennel Club's five areas of complaint were dismissed. The complaint that was partially upheld was with regard to the lack of a right of reply
for some allegations. The KC claims 15 such instances but the ruling dismissed all but four: allegations regarding eugenics, comparison with Hitler, association with Nazi racial theory, and the implied cover-up of the operation undergone by the Crufts Champion. Two complaints by the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Great Britain were upheld: the unfair representation of research on Dermoid Sinus in Ridgebacks and the club's action with regard to the issue, and the description of the ridge of the breed as a deformity and a form of Spina Bifida. CKCS breeder Virginia Barwell's claim that she was portrayed as a "ruthless dog breeder" was rejected by Ofcom but it states that unfair editing oversimplified her views. Complaints by the CKCSC and Michael Randall, a German Shepherd handler who appeared in a brief footage, were not upheld.
The Kennel Club complaints upheld in the provisional findings that BBC had contested earlier was the unfair representation of Kennel Club geneticist Jeff Sampson's views and lack of an opportunity to respond for the Crufts Champion cover-up claim. While the provisional finding stated that there was "some unfair treatment" of the Kennel Club, the released finding acknowledges that Sampson's views were misrepresented but states that as a whole, the Kennel Club was not treated unfairly. The Kennel Club states that "Professor Sampson is our senior representative and spokesman on the health and genetic issues affecting dogs. It is therefore surprising that Ofcom doesn’t also conclude, on this occasion, that the Kennel Club itself was therefore unfairly represented. Ofcom has actually changed its mind on this point since its provisional decision."
Breeder Dave Moger, who is the health representative of the South and West Wales Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, filed a complaint against the program with the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit immediately after it aired. After pursuing the case for almost two years, going through five layers of the complaints and appeals process, in the final ruling the BBC Trust
did not uphold the complaint.
In June 2011, the findings of two more complaints were released. After the Ofcom ruling, Pedigree Dogs Exposed was re-edited for sale and broadcast abroad. The two complaints claimed that the film was still misleading and did not comply with the Ofcom ruling. The BBC Editorial Standards Committee ruled that the re-edited script which says "the ridge predisposes the dogs to a mild form of Spina Bifida" was still inaccurate. The Committee stated that RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evans' description of the ridge as a deformity was an expression of his opinion but that the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club representative should have been given a right to reply to that criticism. With regards to a complaint on the emphasis of culling healthy animal, committee ruled that while the film still included the statement that "it’s still enshrined in the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club’s code of ethics that ridgeless puppies shall be culled." the endboard which states that "Since the broadcast of Pedigree Dogs Exposed, the Kennel Club has introduced many changes… these include… a new Code of Ethics which prohibits healthy dogs being culled for cosmetic reasons." satisfied the requirements of the accuracy guidelines. Two other complaints were not upheld.
The inquiry also stated that "the KC should make the decision about whether registering dogs or dog health and welfare is their primary objective and focus their attentions more precisely on this when taking this issue forward."
was criticised for their plan to broadcast Crufts 2010. "Until the problems of health and welfare are dealt with, the showing of certain dogs with problems associated with inappropriate breed standards is wrong". A More4 spokesperson stated that its "coverage will place a particular emphasis on health and welfare issues, providing a high profile platform to keep these issues in the public eye – something that has been welcomed by the British Veterinary Association."
The APGAW report indicates that the low breeding standards practised by some in the KC's Accredited Breeder Scheme - a scheme meant to help potential dog owners identify responsible breeders - may allow the public to be "falsely led into thinking a puppy they buy from an accredited breeder registered with the KC will have no health or welfare problems associated with its breeding history." It called for more random checks and robust enforcement of the scheme and states that "the use of the word ‘pedigree’ should be tied to a high standard of breeding (for health and welfare) across the board with the KC not just with the few that decide to join the Accredited Breeder Scheme (ABS)."
The report warned that if the health measures implemented by the KC fails, government regulations might be necessary. The Kennel Club has issued a response to the report. PDE producer Jemima Harrison condemned the KC's response, stating that they are downplaying the criticism of the KC in the report and misrepresenting the findings.
ed independent inquiry into dog breeding, headed by Sir Patrick Bateson
and funded by the Kennel Club and Dogs Trust, with support from Defra was released in January 2010.
"Form-driven selective breeding has changed the shape of well-known breeds away from the norm of 50 to 100 years ago by exaggerating specific features considered particularly characteristic of the breed" and in many cases, this has had a negative impact on welfare. In some cases, selection for specific characteristics written in breed standards "can be demonstrated to be directly threatening to health and welfare."
The report stated that showing and judging is a powerful lever for change, as demonstrated by the change in form for many breeds but that this powerful lever can now be used to achieve the desired improvement in welfare. Revisions to breed standards should "recognise the need to avoid the selection for extreme morphologies that can damage the health and welfare of the dog" and in breeds already with a problem, standards should "encourage the selection for morphologies that will improve the welfare status of the breed."
Excessive levels of inbreeding is caused by a small founding population (see founder effect
), the deliberate use of inbreeding (including line breeding) to fix desired characteristics, and closed stud books. While inbreeding "can have the beneficial effect of purging some damaging traits", it can fix recessive deleterious traits, result in accidental selection of deleterious traits and also cause reduced fitness (see inbreeding depression
). Although the KC has already banned parent/child and sibling/sibling inbreeding, the report advised against grandparent/grandchildren matings as well. In breeds with insufficient genetic variations to allow selection towards high welfare dogs, "evidence-based outcrossing to resolve problems must not be ruled out simply to support what are no more than artificial boundaries around breeds."
The formation of a non-statutory Advisory Council on Dog Breeding was recommended as "it is difficult for the club to be both judge and jury when introducing proposals for reforms to breeders who hold strong opinions about dog breeding and are often deeply intransigent."
The report calls for a "rigorous, robustly policed and well-respected" quality assurance scheme to help buyers identify good breeders. The Kennel Club was advised to upgrade its Accredited Breeder Scheme promptly and apply for United Kingdom Accreditation Service
accreditation, otherwise the Advisory Council should implement a new scheme. The report also covered issues beyond the programme's scope and also touched on large scale dog breeding.
The Kennel Club stated that it "welcomes the report’s focus on irresponsible breeders" and the recommendations "to tackle irresponsible breeders and to change the way the public think about buying dogs." It is "glad" that the report "suggests that the Kennel Club’s Accredited Breeder Scheme, with some modification could be used". It claimed that the report "could have gone further".
, ABC1
aired Pedigree Dogs Exposed on 10 September 2009 provoking a similar public, breeder and media reaction that surrounded the original BBC broadcast.
BBC One is the flagship television channel of the British Broadcasting Corporation in the United Kingdom. It was launched on 2 November 1936 as the BBC Television Service, and was the world's first regular television service with a high level of image resolution...
investigative documentary, produced by Jemima Harrison, which looked into health and welfare issues facing pedigree dogs
Purebred (dog)
Purebred dog refers to a dog of a modern dog breed that closely resembles other dogs of the same breed, with ancestry documented in a stud book and registered with one of the major dog registries...
in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
The Kennel Club
The Kennel Club
The Kennel Club is a kennel club based in London and Aylesbury, United Kingdom.The Kennel Club registration system divides dogs into seven breed groups. The Kennel Club Groups are: Hound, Working, Terrier, Gundog, Pastoral, Utility and Toy...
(KC), the governing body of pedigree dogs in the UK that runs the prestigious dog conformation show Crufts
Crufts is an annual international Championship conformation show for dogs organised and hosted by the Kennel Club, currently held every March at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, England. It is the largest annual dog show in the world, as declared by Guinness World Records, and lasts...
, was criticized for allowing breed standards, judging standards and breeding practices to compromise the health of pedigree dogs.
The programme generated much criticism of the Kennel Club. It also caused various sponsors and trade exhibitors to withdraw their participation from Crufts and other Kennel Club events. The BBC—which has broadcast Crufts for 42 years—withdrew its coverage of Crufts for 2009, and chose not to renew it for 2010.
The Kennel Club initially denied the filmmakers' assertion that many dogs suffer from diseases and stated that the vast majority of dog breeds are healthy. It also lodged a complaint with broadcasting regulator Ofcom
Ofcom is the government-approved regulatory authority for the broadcasting and telecommunications industries in the United Kingdom. Ofcom was initially established by the Office of Communications Act 2002. It received its full authority from the Communications Act 2003...
, claiming unfair treatment and editing. Due to strong public opinion, it later rolled out new health plans and reviewed breed standards for every breed. Some breeders have condemned the Club for overreacting. Ofcom's final ruling upheld KC's complaints regarding the lack of a right of reply
Right of reply
The right of reply is the right to defend oneself against public criticism in the same venue where it was published.In Europe there have been proposals for a legally enforceable right of reply that applies to all media, including newspapers, magazines, and other print media, along with radio,...
for some allegations made by the programme but dismissed complaints made in various other areas. The ruling also acknowledges that KC's geneticist Jeff Sampson's views were misrepresented but states that as a whole, the KC was not treated unfairly.
Three separate health reports were commissioned as a result of the programme. Reports by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a charity in England and Wales that promotes animal welfare. In 2009 the RSPCA investigated 141,280 cruelty complaints and collected and rescued 135,293 animals...
, Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare and Sir Patrick Bateson
Patrick Bateson
Sir Patrick Bateson, FRS is an English biologist and science writer. Bateson is emeritus professor of ethology at Cambridge University and president of the Zoological Society of London since 2004....
(funded by the KC and Dogs Trust
Dogs Trust
Dogs Trust, formerly known as the National Canine Defence League, is an animal welfare charity and humane society in the United Kingdom which specialises in the wellbeing of dogs. The charity rehabilitates and finds new homes for dogs which have been abandoned or given up by their owners...
) concluded that current breeding practices are detrimental to the welfare of pedigree dogs and made various recommendations that can be taken by the Kennel Club and breeders to improve pedigree dog health.
Plans are underway for a sequel.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small breed of Spaniel-type dog, and is classed as a toy dog by most kennel clubs. It is one of the most popular breeds in the United Kingdom. Since 2000, it has been growing in popularity in the United States. It is a smaller breed of spaniel, and Cavalier...
was shown to be in agony due to a condition known as syringomyelia
Syringomyelia is a generic term referring to a disorder in which a cyst or cavity forms within the spinal cord. This cyst, called a syrinx, can expand and elongate over time, destroying the spinal cord. The damage may result in pain, paralysis, weakness, and stiffness in the back, shoulders, and...
, which occurs as a result of the skull being too small for the brain. Veterinary Neurologist Dr Claire Rusbridge described the brain as a "size 10 foot that's been shoved into a size 6 shoe" and estimated that up to 1/3 of the breed suffers from this problem. Another problem that plagues the breed is heart disease. Cardiologist Simon Swift explained that about half of all Cavaliers aged 5 would have heart murmurs and the rate increases, such that by age 10 to 11 almost all Cavaliers would have the condition.
About three-quarters of the 7 million dogs in the UK are pedigree breeds, and the programme revealed that they chalk up 10 million pounds' worth of vet fees every week. Leading geneticist Steve Jones
Steve Jones (biologist)
John Stephen Jones is a Welsh geneticist and from 1995 to 1999 and 2008 to June 2010 was Head of the Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment at University College London. His studies are conducted in the Galton Laboratory. He is also a television presenter and a prize-winning author on...
attributed one of the key problems to inbreeding. RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evan singled out competitive dog showing as responsible.
Drastic change
Old photos of the DachshundDachshund
The dachshund is a short-legged, long-bodied dog breed belonging to the hound family. The standard size dachshund was bred to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the miniature dachshund was developed to hunt smaller prey such as rabbits...
, Basset Hound
Basset Hound
The Basset Hound is a short-legged breed of dog of the hound family. They are scent hounds, bred to hunt rabbits and hare by scent. Their sense of smell for tracking is second only to that of the Bloodhound....
, Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier
The Bull Terrier or English Bull Terrier is a breed of dog in the terrier family. They are known for their large, egg-shaped head, small triangular eyes, and "jaunty gait." Their temperament has been described as generally fun-loving, active and clownish...
, Bulldog
Bulldog is the name for a breed of dog commonly referred to as the English Bulldog. Other Bulldog breeds include the American Bulldog, Olde English Bulldogge and the French Bulldog. The Bulldog is a muscular heavy dog with a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose...
, Pug
The pug is a "toy" breed of dog with a wrinkly, short-muzzled face, and curled tail. The breed has a fine, glossy coat that comes in a variety of colors, and a compact square body with well-developed muscle. They have been described as multum in parvo , referring to the pug's personality and...
and German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog
The German Shepherd Dog , also known as an Alsatian or just the German Shepherd, is a breed of large-sized dog that originated in Germany. The German Shepherd is a relatively new breed of dog, with its origin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, the German Shepherd is a working dog...
were shown to illustrate how much the breeds have changed over the past century. The German Shepherd used in the show ring was contrasted with the working German Shepherd, which still looks much like the German Shepherd of old.
Crufts Judge Terry Hannan insisted that the working German Shepherds are anatomically incorrect, and that it is the show dog that conforms to the breed standard. When it was put to the Chairman of the Basset Hound Club that they were breeding deformed congenital dwarfs, he rejected that accusation, claiming that current Basset Hounds look very much like those of the 1800s. When shown a photo of a Basset Hound from sixty years ago, he was less than impressed.
Countering Bulldog
Bulldog is the name for a breed of dog commonly referred to as the English Bulldog. Other Bulldog breeds include the American Bulldog, Olde English Bulldogge and the French Bulldog. The Bulldog is a muscular heavy dog with a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose...
breeders' claims that the breed's extreme traits, such as severe underbite and facial wrinkles, are for historical fighting purposes, historian David Hancock pointed out that "the way in which breeders try to justify the short face, the excessive wrinkling and the physique it now depicts as being traditional is just simply untrue." The programme stated that bulldog heads have become so large that the majority are unable to give birth naturally and puppies must be whelped by caesarian section.
The Boxer
Boxer (dog)
Developed in Germany, the Boxer is a breed of stocky, medium-sized, short-haired dog. The coat is smooth and fawn or brindled, with or without white markings. Boxers are brachycephalic , and have a square muzzle, mandibular prognathism , very strong jaws and a powerful bite ideal for hanging on to...
breed was presented as suffering from heart diseases and high rate of cancer. One Boxer was shown having an epileptic seizure.
Dogs were initially bred for practical functions such as hunting and guarding, but according the programme, in the middle of the 19th century they became a status symbol, and dog breeding became a sport. The function of the dog then took a back seat to appearance.
RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evans called the Crufts show "a parade of mutants" and "a freakish, garish beauty pageant that has frankly nothing to do with health and welfare." He pointed out that breed standards take no account of temperament and fitness for purpose.
The programme traced the Kennel Club's history to the eugenicsEugenics
Eugenics is the "applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population", usually referring to human populations. The origins of the concept of eugenics began with certain interpretations of Mendelian inheritance,...
movement, on which it said purebreed dog breeding is based (see Purebred dogs and eugenics). A Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian Ridgeback
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog breed developed in Southern Africa, where it was used to hunt Lions. This is most likely why this dog is known for its bravery...
breeder interviewed on the programme advocated the culling of healthy ridgeless puppies because breed standards forbid ridgelessness in the breed. The Chairman of the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club stated that she considered ridgelessness a genetic fault. The ridge is a genetic trait, the presence of which is claimed to make the dog more prone to suffer from dermoid sinus
Dermoid sinus
Dermoid sinus is a genetic, autosomal skin condition in dogs. It is also known as pilonidal sinus because it resembles pilonidal sinus in humans. However, unlike pilonidal sinus in humans, dermoid sinus in dogs is a neural tube defect. Dermoid sinus is sometimes also confused with dermoid cyst...
. The programme mistakenly claims that the ridge itself is a mild form of spina bifida. (See below) One in twenty puppies is born ridgeless. A section of the code of ethics of the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club was shown to state that "Ridgeless puppies shall be culled."
When asked about the practice of culling healthy puppies, Kennel Club chairman Ronnie Irving denied knowledge of such practices and said that they were not acceptable. It was shown that after the interview, the Kennel Club wrote to the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club condemning the practice and requested that the club review their code of ethics. The breed club said that the Kennel Club knew about the code of ethics, as they have to be ratified by the Kennel Club every year.
Apart from Ridgebacks, other examples of cosmetic culling that were mentioned included Great Danes with nonstandard markings, white German Shepherds, and white Boxers, although it was mentioned that cosmetic culling is not as common as before, as more breeders choose to neuter individuals who do not meet breed standards.
The programme pointed out that selectively bred dogs were in poorer health than mongrels.
Deliberate inbreeding, including mother-to-son, father-to-daughter and brother-to-sister matings was said to result in serious genetic disease being perpetuated in many breeds. A 2006 report by Companion Animal Welfare Council called for major changes, stating that "inbreeding needs to be controlled" and that "animals with genetic defects should be barred from breed shows." Irving rejected the claims in the report, saying that it was based on emotion rather than science.
The pug is a "toy" breed of dog with a wrinkly, short-muzzled face, and curled tail. The breed has a fine, glossy coat that comes in a variety of colors, and a compact square body with well-developed muscle. They have been described as multum in parvo , referring to the pug's personality and...
s in the UK are so inbred that their gene pool is the equivalent of only 50 individuals.
Health testing

Irish Setter
The Irish Setter , is a setter, a breed of gundog and family dog. The term Irish Setter is commonly used to encompass the show-bred dog recognized by the American Kennel Club as well as the field-bred Red Setter recognised by the Field Dog Stud Book....
and Irish Red and White Setter
Irish Red and White Setter
The Irish Red and White Setter is a breed of dog, more specifically a setter. It is virtually identical in use and temperament to its cousin, the Irish Setter, but is more often found as a working gundog.-Appearance:...
. The Kennel Club defended the lack of health testing requirements, saying that it would drive breeders away from the Club. The president of the British Veterinary Association Nick Blayney agreed with the Kennel Club, stating that "if it becomes too reactionary and loses the support of the majority, it would cease to have any influence. They are doing the best they can in a very difficult situation."
The programme pointed out that no official system for recording hereditary diseases exists, and claimed that any health screens that exist are "often inadequate or ineffective." In the Cavalier breed, responsible breeders have used heart screening tests since 1995, but because many ignore veterinarian advice to only breed dogs over a certain age, there has been no health progress in that front. The Kennel Club defended the lack of improvement, stating that things could have been worse had nothing been done.
Positive steps
The programme acknowledged the Kennel Club's attempts to fix the health issues, in the form of the Accredited Breeder Scheme, and funding for DNA tests, but said neither solved the issue of inbreeding. It also acknowledged that Chairman Ronnie Irving had spoken out about exaggerated traits in some breeds. Some breeds standards, such as the Bulldog's, have been changed to temper the exaggerations. Instead of a "massive head," the new breed standard calls for a "large head." The Kennel Club has also added health and welfare issues to the curriculum for judges. But the programme warned that all that would come to naught if breeders continued to deny the need for change, or interpret breed standards any way they like.Sick champions
The programme showed examples of individuals with serious inherited diseases being crowned show champions. Such individuals are not forbidden from being bred and some go on to produce offspring who inherit the same diseases.It was reported that the 2003 Crufts champion – a Pekingese
The Pekingese, or "Peke" is an ancient breed of toy dog, originating in China. The breed was favored by the Chinese Imperial court, and its name refers to the city of Beijing where the Forbidden City resides...
– had to sit on an ice pack to have its photo taken. The programme explained that the breed tends to overheat due to its inability to breathe properly, as a result of its flattened face. The dog was revealed to have undergone a soft palate resection earlier, to fix a problem caused by the flattened face. Professor Dan Brockman from the Royal Veterinary College explained that the condition is inherited and is very likely to be passed down to later generations. Despite that, the Crufts champion had sired 18 litters.
The programme stated that people in the dog world who try to do the right thing find it tough going against "a system that often rewards doing the wrong thing." It pointed out that the Kennel Club had started funding research into Syringomyelia in Cavaliers but that breeders were not taking the issue seriously. It also pointed out that because of her proactive approach to the Syringomyelia issue, Cavalier owner Carol Fowler had been subject to vitriolic attacks in online mailing lists. Breeder Margaret Carter also took up the issue after her own dogs were diagnosed with the condition, and she is lobbying for change as part of the Breed Club's health committee.
A Cavalier that won a Best-in-Show was revealed by Carter to have the condition. (One and a half months after the programme aired, Carter was removed from the Cavalier Club Committee for this "breach of confidentiality".) Despite veterinarian advice not to breed from the dog, the dog went on to sire 26 litters, adding to the 8 litters sired before the diagnosis. Dr. Claire Rusbridge expressed her incredulity: "If you took a stick and you beat a dog to create this pain that you could get from Syringomyelia, you'd be prosecuted, but there's nothing to stop you from breeding a dog that can be painful."
When told that the Kennel Club was not doing enough, Irving rejected the claim that many breeds were in trouble, and stated that the Kennel Club and its Charitable Trust are doing much to fix the problems in "some breeds." The programme ended with RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evans calling for a "complete top-to-bottom review of breed standards and the rules and regulations of dog showing to move it away from its obsession with beauty through to quality of life...".
The programme, which spanned a production period of two years, was watched by 3.9 million viewers.Before the programme aired, the Kennel Club issued a statement warning that the programme may be highly biased. After the airing, it released multiple press releases questioning the neutrality and "sensationalism" of the programme. It also lodged a complaint to broadcasting regulator Ofcom
Ofcom is the government-approved regulatory authority for the broadcasting and telecommunications industries in the United Kingdom. Ofcom was initially established by the Office of Communications Act 2002. It received its full authority from the Communications Act 2003...
claiming "unfair treatment and editing". The BBC has stood by the journalism in the documentary.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club calls "absolute nonsense" the programme's claim that the ridge "serves no purpose" and says the ridge "defines the breed from any other large brown dog without a ridge which might be considered a crossbreed i.e. mastiff x pitbull or boxer x mastiff." Regarding the code of ethics statement which says "Ridgeless puppies shall be culled at birth," the Club points to the statement that follows, "if a breeder finds this morally impossible the puppy shall be homed..." as indication that culling is not mandatory. They have since revised their code of ethics to say "no healthy puppy will be culled."
The RSPCA stated that it is "concerned about the unacceptably high levels of disability, deformity and disease affecting pedigree dogs."
In his speech at the Welsh Kennel Club championship two days after the programme aired, Kennel Club Chairman Ronnie Irving said that “If this programme teaches us anything, I hope it will teach the 'purists' in some breeds that they simply must get a move on and realise that in these politically correct and well informed days, some old attitudes are simply no longer sustainable." Maintaining that the majority of dogs are healthy he said that "the roughly 90% of us who thankfully have healthy breeds must continue to guard against exaggeration and must bring pressure to bear on the laggards, otherwise we will – all of us – continue to be tarred with the same brush."
Dogs Today editor Beverley Cuddy, who said in the programme that "dogs are falling apart" and "the number of genetic problems are increasing at a frightening pace" disputes the Kennel Club's 90% figure. She points to a Kennel Club/British Small Animal Veterinary Association health survey, which shows that 37.4% of dogs had at least one serious health issue by age 5, and adds that the Kennel Club had to discount conditions such as hip dysplasia, slipping patellas and hereditary cataracts to get their 90% figure.
On 5 October 2008, Margaret Carter, who revealed the health condition of the Best-of-Breed Cavalier in the film, was voted out of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (CKCSC) committee by its members in a Special General Meeting for "breach of confidentiality." The Kennel Club has expressed concerns with the decision by CKCSC. In January 2009, backed by grassroots members, Carter sought reelection to the committee, but was elected without a ballot being required as she was the only nominee. She has since withdrawn her nomination and quit the breed club after the club chairman, vice-chairman and secretary announced their resignation in response to Carter's nomination. Carter told The Times: "My only interest was to improve the health of the dogs and it has never been my intention to damage the Cavalier King Charles club where I have been a loyal member for more than 30 years... The top showing people and breeders are the ones most threatened by health testing. They either want to win in the show ring or make money and they don't want health problems talked about." Club chairman Lesley Jupp said that "Her presence on the committee was unacceptable in the circumstances. Some people would have found it very difficult to work with her".
As a consequence of the programme, cat breeders have too come under pressure from veterinary and animal welfare associations, with breeds such as the Persian, Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is a breed of cat with a natural dominant-gene mutation that makes its ear cartilage contain a fold, causing the ears to bend forward and down towards the front of their head, which gives the cat what is often described as an "owl-like" appearanceOriginally called lop-eared or...
and Munchkin
Munchkin (cat)
The Munchkin is a cat breed created by a naturally occurring genetic mutation that results in cats with abnormally short legs. However, the shortness of their legs does not seem to interfere with their running and leaping abilities...
being singled out.
After the programme aired, BBC, which has broadcast Crufts for 42 years, announced that it was considering cutting its ties with the show. The Club too was considering their association with BBC, saying that they are confident of finding another broadcaster should things turn sour. Various sponsors including the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsRoyal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a charity in England and Wales that promotes animal welfare. In 2009 the RSPCA investigated 141,280 cruelty complaints and collected and rescued 135,293 animals...
, the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals and UK's largest dog welfare charity Dogs Trust have since pulled out of the show. On 24 October, principal sponsor Pedigree Petfoods
Pedigree Petfoods
Pedigree Petfoods is a subsidiary of the american group Mars, Incorporated specializing in pet food, with factories in Great Britain at Melton Mowbray, Peterborough and Birstall, Leeds; and offices at Waltham-on-the-Wolds.-Manchester:...
withdrew their sponsorship of Crufts—estimated at between £0.5 to £1.5 million per year—ending a 44-year relationship. That was followed by major sponsor Hill's Pet Nutrition
Hill's Pet Nutrition
Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc is a subsidiary of Colgate-Palmolive Company. They are a large scale provider of dog and cat foods.- History :In 1928, Dr. Mark L. Morris Sr. established Raritan Hospital for Animals in Edison, New Jersey. At the time, this was one of only two small animal hospitals in the...
's withdrawal from the event one week later.
On 12 December, BBC dropped Crufts 2009 from its schedule after failing to agree terms with the KC. Their request to drop 12 "at-risk" breeds from the main event was rejected by the Kennel Club, who called the request "unreasonable" and said that it would compromise their "contractual obligations" and "general responsibility to dog exhibitors and our audience." The Kennel Club's contract with the BBC is worth a six-figure annual sum and ends in 2010.
Revised breed standards
On 7 October 2008 the Kennel Club announced that it is rolling out new health plans. Breed standards for every breed are under review and show judges will be required to take health into judging considerations. It has also requested regulatory powers from the Government, which would allow the club to take actions against breeders who do not comply with health standards. Some breed clubs have condemned the Kennel Club for overreacting. The bulldog breed council has rejected the new Bulldog standard, saying that they are "at a loss to understand in what way the health and general welfare of the breed could be improved by the proposed changes".On 12 January, the Kennel Club released the revised breed standards, which will "not include anything that could in any way be interpreted as encouraging features that might prevent a dog from breathing, walking and seeing freely." "This will help to prevent the practice of exaggeration, where features that are perceived to be desirable, such as a short muzzle or loose skin, are made more prominent by breeders, and which can have detrimental effects on a dog’s health." Rules to ban close inbreeding (parent/child and sibling/sibling) would take effect 1 March 2009. Show rules have been changed to state "more clearly than ever" that judges should only "reward those dogs that are healthy representatives of their breed." Judges will also have the authority to eject unhealthy dogs from competitions. A Club spokesman said that the changes would take "several generations, to have an effect."
Pedigree Dogs Exposed producer Jemima Harrison calls the change "long overdue". RSPCA chief vet Evans welcomed the ban on close inbreeding but said that the breed standard changes were not "radical enough to really make a difference." He also expressed concern about how standards would be interpreted in the show ring. While some breeders have shown their support for the new standards, others are upset with the new standards and have threatened legal actions against the Kennel Club. The Chairman of the British Bulldog Breed Council said of the new Bulldog standard: "What you'll get is a completely different dog, not a British bulldog. There is no jowl, no upturn of the nose and the legs will no longer be wide in front and narrow behind."
Complaints to Ofcom and BBC
Ofcom was set to release the results of its ruling on November 9, but complaints by the BBC pressured Ofcom to hold off publishing it. The Kennel Club has stated its loss of confidence in the Ofcom complaints process.The finding were eventually released on 9 December. Four of the Kennel Club's five areas of complaint were dismissed. The complaint that was partially upheld was with regard to the lack of a right of reply
Right of reply
The right of reply is the right to defend oneself against public criticism in the same venue where it was published.In Europe there have been proposals for a legally enforceable right of reply that applies to all media, including newspapers, magazines, and other print media, along with radio,...
for some allegations. The KC claims 15 such instances but the ruling dismissed all but four: allegations regarding eugenics, comparison with Hitler, association with Nazi racial theory, and the implied cover-up of the operation undergone by the Crufts Champion. Two complaints by the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Great Britain were upheld: the unfair representation of research on Dermoid Sinus in Ridgebacks and the club's action with regard to the issue, and the description of the ridge of the breed as a deformity and a form of Spina Bifida. CKCS breeder Virginia Barwell's claim that she was portrayed as a "ruthless dog breeder" was rejected by Ofcom but it states that unfair editing oversimplified her views. Complaints by the CKCSC and Michael Randall, a German Shepherd handler who appeared in a brief footage, were not upheld.
The Kennel Club complaints upheld in the provisional findings that BBC had contested earlier was the unfair representation of Kennel Club geneticist Jeff Sampson's views and lack of an opportunity to respond for the Crufts Champion cover-up claim. While the provisional finding stated that there was "some unfair treatment" of the Kennel Club, the released finding acknowledges that Sampson's views were misrepresented but states that as a whole, the Kennel Club was not treated unfairly. The Kennel Club states that "Professor Sampson is our senior representative and spokesman on the health and genetic issues affecting dogs. It is therefore surprising that Ofcom doesn’t also conclude, on this occasion, that the Kennel Club itself was therefore unfairly represented. Ofcom has actually changed its mind on this point since its provisional decision."
Breeder Dave Moger, who is the health representative of the South and West Wales Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, filed a complaint against the program with the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit immediately after it aired. After pursuing the case for almost two years, going through five layers of the complaints and appeals process, in the final ruling the BBC Trust
BBC Trust
The BBC Trust is the governing body of the British Broadcasting Corporation. It is operationally independent of BBC management and external bodies, and aims to act in the best interests of licence fee payers....
did not uphold the complaint.
In June 2011, the findings of two more complaints were released. After the Ofcom ruling, Pedigree Dogs Exposed was re-edited for sale and broadcast abroad. The two complaints claimed that the film was still misleading and did not comply with the Ofcom ruling. The BBC Editorial Standards Committee ruled that the re-edited script which says "the ridge predisposes the dogs to a mild form of Spina Bifida" was still inaccurate. The Committee stated that RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evans' description of the ridge as a deformity was an expression of his opinion but that the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club representative should have been given a right to reply to that criticism. With regards to a complaint on the emphasis of culling healthy animal, committee ruled that while the film still included the statement that "it’s still enshrined in the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club’s code of ethics that ridgeless puppies shall be culled." the endboard which states that "Since the broadcast of Pedigree Dogs Exposed, the Kennel Club has introduced many changes… these include… a new Code of Ethics which prohibits healthy dogs being culled for cosmetic reasons." satisfied the requirements of the accuracy guidelines. Two other complaints were not upheld.
RSPCA Report
In February 2009, the results of an independent scientific report commissioned by the RSPCA concluded that "exaggerated physical features and inherited diseases cause serious welfare problems in pedigree dogs." Quoting Arman (2007), the report states that "Society and sections of the veterinary profession have become 'desensitised to the welfare issues to such an extent that the production of anatomically deformed dogs is neither shocking, nor considered abnormal'". It also states that "Breeding practices and efforts by breed societies and kennel clubs, to date, have been ineffective at protecting the welfare of many breeds of domestic dog" and that "changes in breeding and selection practices are urgently required." The Kennel Club states that the report "fails totally to recognise the real steady progress and advance of scientific knowledge that has already been made in the area of pedigree dog health."APGAW Inquiry
The Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW) released the results of its "inquiry into the health and welfare issues surrounding the breeding of pedigree dogs" in November. The report mentioned the "serious problem with the health and welfare of many pedigree dogs" and how they can be caused by current breeding practices. It made various recommendations: Breed standards should be based less on "visual aesthetics" and more on whether the dogs would be "fit for purpose". Where available for particular breeds, health tests should be strongly recommended and individuals not tested should have their test status reflected in registration certificates and should not be eligible for Champion titles.The inquiry also stated that "the KC should make the decision about whether registering dogs or dog health and welfare is their primary objective and focus their attentions more precisely on this when taking this issue forward."
More4 is a digital television channel, run by British broadcaster Channel 4, that launched on 10 October 2005. It is carried on Freeview, on satellite broadcasters Freesat and Sky, UK IPTV broadcaster TalkTalk TV and on UK cable network Virgin Media and in the Republic of Ireland cable networks...
was criticised for their plan to broadcast Crufts 2010. "Until the problems of health and welfare are dealt with, the showing of certain dogs with problems associated with inappropriate breed standards is wrong". A More4 spokesperson stated that its "coverage will place a particular emphasis on health and welfare issues, providing a high profile platform to keep these issues in the public eye – something that has been welcomed by the British Veterinary Association."
The APGAW report indicates that the low breeding standards practised by some in the KC's Accredited Breeder Scheme - a scheme meant to help potential dog owners identify responsible breeders - may allow the public to be "falsely led into thinking a puppy they buy from an accredited breeder registered with the KC will have no health or welfare problems associated with its breeding history." It called for more random checks and robust enforcement of the scheme and states that "the use of the word ‘pedigree’ should be tied to a high standard of breeding (for health and welfare) across the board with the KC not just with the few that decide to join the Accredited Breeder Scheme (ABS)."
The Inquiry believes that ultimately the KC can win back trust by showing that they are willing to take responsibility for dogs registered with them and that they are willing to lose members who do not meet high standards.
The report warned that if the health measures implemented by the KC fails, government regulations might be necessary. The Kennel Club has issued a response to the report. PDE producer Jemima Harrison condemned the KC's response, stating that they are downplaying the criticism of the KC in the report and misrepresenting the findings.
Bateson Report
A peer reviewPeer review
Peer review is a process of self-regulation by a profession or a process of evaluation involving qualified individuals within the relevant field. Peer review methods are employed to maintain standards, improve performance and provide credibility...
ed independent inquiry into dog breeding, headed by Sir Patrick Bateson
Patrick Bateson
Sir Patrick Bateson, FRS is an English biologist and science writer. Bateson is emeritus professor of ethology at Cambridge University and president of the Zoological Society of London since 2004....
and funded by the Kennel Club and Dogs Trust, with support from Defra was released in January 2010.
"Form-driven selective breeding has changed the shape of well-known breeds away from the norm of 50 to 100 years ago by exaggerating specific features considered particularly characteristic of the breed" and in many cases, this has had a negative impact on welfare. In some cases, selection for specific characteristics written in breed standards "can be demonstrated to be directly threatening to health and welfare."
To the outsider, it seems incomprehensible that anyone should admire, let alone acquire an animal that has difficulty in breathing or walking. Yet people are passionate about owning and breeding animals which they know and love, even though the animals manifestly exhibit serious health and welfare problems [...] Notwithstanding the motivations of the breeders, the time has surely come for Society as a whole to take a firm grip on the welfare issues that evidently arise in dog breeding.
The report stated that showing and judging is a powerful lever for change, as demonstrated by the change in form for many breeds but that this powerful lever can now be used to achieve the desired improvement in welfare. Revisions to breed standards should "recognise the need to avoid the selection for extreme morphologies that can damage the health and welfare of the dog" and in breeds already with a problem, standards should "encourage the selection for morphologies that will improve the welfare status of the breed."
Excessive levels of inbreeding is caused by a small founding population (see founder effect
Founder effect
In population genetics, the founder effect is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population. It was first fully outlined by Ernst Mayr in 1942, using existing theoretical work by those such as Sewall...
), the deliberate use of inbreeding (including line breeding) to fix desired characteristics, and closed stud books. While inbreeding "can have the beneficial effect of purging some damaging traits", it can fix recessive deleterious traits, result in accidental selection of deleterious traits and also cause reduced fitness (see inbreeding depression
Inbreeding depression
Inbreeding depression is the reduced fitness in a given population as a result of breeding of related individuals. It is often the result of a population bottleneck...
). Although the KC has already banned parent/child and sibling/sibling inbreeding, the report advised against grandparent/grandchildren matings as well. In breeds with insufficient genetic variations to allow selection towards high welfare dogs, "evidence-based outcrossing to resolve problems must not be ruled out simply to support what are no more than artificial boundaries around breeds."
The formation of a non-statutory Advisory Council on Dog Breeding was recommended as "it is difficult for the club to be both judge and jury when introducing proposals for reforms to breeders who hold strong opinions about dog breeding and are often deeply intransigent."
The report calls for a "rigorous, robustly policed and well-respected" quality assurance scheme to help buyers identify good breeders. The Kennel Club was advised to upgrade its Accredited Breeder Scheme promptly and apply for United Kingdom Accreditation Service
United Kingdom Accreditation Service
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service is the sole national accreditation body recognised by the British government to assess the competence of organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services.It evaluates these conformity assessment bodies and then...
accreditation, otherwise the Advisory Council should implement a new scheme. The report also covered issues beyond the programme's scope and also touched on large scale dog breeding.
The Kennel Club stated that it "welcomes the report’s focus on irresponsible breeders" and the recommendations "to tackle irresponsible breeders and to change the way the public think about buying dogs." It is "glad" that the report "suggests that the Kennel Club’s Accredited Breeder Scheme, with some modification could be used". It claimed that the report "could have gone further".
International broadcast
In AustraliaAustralia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
, ABC1
ABC1 was a United Kingdom based television channel from Disney using the branding of the Disney owned American network, ABC.The channel initially launched exclusively on the British digital terrestrial television platform Freeview on 27 September 2004. On 10 December 2004 it was launched on...
aired Pedigree Dogs Exposed on 10 September 2009 provoking a similar public, breeder and media reaction that surrounded the original BBC broadcast.
External links
- Pedigree Dogs Exposed at Passionate Productions
- Designer animals or breeding for welfare? (video) - British Veterinary Association Animal Welfare Foundation
- Best of Breed? Pedigree Dogs Face Disease (video + text) ABC Nightline
- Crisis in the kennel: Is Crufts cruel?
- Top dogs and low tactics: how the pedigree of Crufts came under a shadow
- Extent of inbreeding in pedigree dogs revealed in new study Imperial College LondonImperial College LondonImperial College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom, specialising in science, engineering, business and medicine...
- Flaws on paws - Welfare problems in breeding pedigree dogs New ScientistNew ScientistNew Scientist is a weekly non-peer-reviewed English-language international science magazine, which since 1996 has also run a website, covering recent developments in science and technology for a general audience. Founded in 1956, it is published by Reed Business Information Ltd, a subsidiary of...
- Pedigree dog breeding in the UK: a major welfare concern? - RSPCA
- A Healthier Future for Pedigree Dogs - Report of the APGAW Inquiry