Mat Cauthon
Matrim "Mat" Cauthon is a fictional character in Robert Jordan
's fantasy series The Wheel of Time
. He is one of the primary protagonists and has moved over the course of the series from his beginnings as a mischievous farm lad into the role of a powerful, shrewd and successful general and commander of armies despite his dissolute and irreverent approach to life. Mat's character development often alludes to the Norse god Odin
). After the events of The Shadow Rising
, Mat has a prominent scar around his neck which he conceals with a scarf, a wide brimmed hat, and a silver foxhead medallion that has the power to protect him from the One Power. During Towers of Midnight
, Mat's left eye is ripped out, sacrificing 'half the light of the world, to save the world'.
Mat is known to be a troublemaker. Whenever he and childhood friends Rand al'Thor
and Perrin Aybara
were caught out of line, Mat was frequently the impetus behind it (and his sisters Bodewhin and Eldrin frequently the ones snitching on him). He is fond of drinking, gambling
and women, though he can handle people in authority with the same easy charm. Mat constantly claims he never wants to be married (or in a serious relationship at all) yet at the end of the eleventh book he is wed to The Daughter of the Nine Moons, Tuon. From his upbringing in the Two Rivers he acquired a farmer's outlook on life, and skill with a quarterstaff
; from his father, Abell Cauthon, he inherited a keen eye for horse
s. From ancient memories of previous lives, he is a brilliant general. He has a talent for separating fools from their money and an interest in affluence and fine living, though he has very little patience with the aristocracy
and (like Perrin) continually refutes those who would call him a lord. A running theme in the books is Mat constantly trying to think of himself first and saying he's no hero yet finding himself doing whatever is possible to help others despite the dangers. Though he rather dislikes many of the Aes Sedai he's dealt with, Mat seems to find himself the "rescue man" more than once. He ends up rescuing Egwene al'Vere
, Nynaeve al'Meara
, Elayne Trakand
, Teslyn Baradon, Joline Maza, and Edesina Azzedin. At the end of Knife of Dreams
, he finds himself bound to a promise to rescue Moiraine Damodred
from the Aelfinn and Eelfinn, as well. Despite his flippant ways, Mat is a person of honor; when he gives his word, he keeps it.
, and it was revealed that all three were ta'veren
, threads that create a swirl in the pattern disrupting the surrounding area. Mat was the first of the three to show any sign of being ta'veren: during a battle with pursuing Trollocs, Mat gave the war cry of Manetheren in the Old Tongue
, with no understanding of what he had said. Moiraine theorized that this was the result of the Old Blood that many in the Two Rivers are said to possess. Mat has throughout the series been known to unconsciously slip into the Old Tongue.
On the journey away from the Two Rivers, the party stopped in Shadar Logoth
to lose the Trollocs chasing them. Against Moiraine's advice, Mat took Perrin and Rand to explore the city. While exploring, they met a man calling himself Mordeth
, claiming to be a treasure hunter in need of help to carry a large amount of treasure out of the city to his horses. Heedless of the danger, Mat followed Mordeth immediately, and Perrin and Rand, unwilling to leave him behind, were forced to follow after. After he led them to a room full of various treasures, Rand realized that Mordeth lacked a shadow. Upon announcing this, Mordeth quickly reverted to his true form and vanished through a wall. Unnoticed by Perrin or Rand, Mat had picked up a dagger that he carried with him on the flight from Shadar Logoth. The dagger made Mat increasingly sick, as well as inflaming his paranoia, suspicion, and hostility.
, Padan Fain
stole the Horn of Valere
and Mat's dagger, having become tainted by Shadar Logoth's evil himself. Mat needed the dagger to rid himself of its taint, but also to survive until the Aes Sedai
could cure him. He journeyed with Rand, Perrin, Verin
, Loial
, and Ingtar to Falme. On his journey, he discovered that Rand was the Dragon Reborn
, and felt estranged from his old friend. In Falme, about to be overrun by the Seanchan
, he blew the Horn of Valere, summoning Heroes from beyond the grave to fight for him. He is now bound to the Horn; it will work for no other as long as he is alive. He is destined to blow the Horn at Tarmon Gai'don
. He journeyed to Tar Valon
with Verin, Nynaeve al'Meara
, Egwene al'Vere
, and Elayne Trakand
. When he reached the White Tower he was almost dead from the dagger's taint, but the Aes Sedai broke the bond between him and the dagger, though Mat almost died in the Healing. When he awoke, he found that he had many holes in his memory.
to Caemlyn. There he happened to overhear Rahvin
, disguised as Lord Gaebril, plotting to kill Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve in Tear. He and Thom left for Tear
, aided Rand in taking the Stone of Tear, and saved the three women from the Black Ajah. After Rand had secured Tear, Mat talked with Egwene, who reluctantly told him that a freestanding redstone ter'angreal could give him three true answers to any question. She was reluctant to tell him this fact both because it was private information from Moiraine and she worried over what he would decide to do. In Chapter 15 of The Shadow Rising, he deliberately entered it: "Not unless my life depended on it. That's what I promised. Well, burn me if it doesn't!" (The Shadow Rising). He had to decide whether to return to the Two Rivers and save his village, or to continue following Rand's ta'veren pull, which felt like the more natural course. The doorway took him to the land of the Aelfinn, snakelike creatures who would answer his three questions. He asks what he must do next and is told to go to Rhuidean. He then asks why he must go there and is told that if he does not he will die. Thirdly he asks why he would die and is told that if he does not he will be killed by those who wish to prevent his fate. The Aelfinn then attempt to force him to leave their world, but Mat, furious that they lead his questions with their answers, demands to know his fate to which the Aelfinn respond by giving the following prophesy. They prophesied he would: a) die and live once more as a part of what once was, b) marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons, and c) give up half the light of the world to save the world.
In the valley of Rhuidean, while Rand discovered his Aiel
heritage, Mat found another redstone doorway, which brought him to the land of the Eelfinn, who resemble foxes. He was expecting to get more answers, so when the Eelfinn offered him wishes instead: he (unknowingly) wished to a) have the holes in his memories filled, b) be free from Aes Sedai channeling
, and c) a way to get out of here (The Eelfinn world). His last wish was especially important, because in order to receive any wishes from the Eelfinn at all, a person must use one wish to exit their world. Mat now has the memories of countless historical military leaders and is thus privy to over a thousand years of cultural and military knowledge; he has a foxhead medallion that causes flows of Saidar to simply dissolve when applied to him (the medallion's effect on Saidin is disputed); and Mat was found by Rand hanging by the neck in Rhuidean, suspended from a black-hafted spear - Ashandarei - set across two of Avendesora
's branches. Rand managed to revive Mat, though to this day he bears the scar round his neck; he also decided to keep the spear, actually a naginata
-like weapon called an ashandarei in the Old Tongue
, and it has been his signature weapon ever since. The spear's blade and shaft are engraved with two ravens each, and a caption on the shaft reads:
"Thus is our treaty written; thus is agreement made.
Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades.
What was asked is given. The price is paid."
(The ravens and the words "thought" and "memory" allude to Odin
, who, according to myth, is accompanied by two ravens
, Hugin
("thought") and Munin ("memory"))
, he wins almost all the time; and once when on a quest for information, a randomly-chosen tavern yielded exactly what he was looking for. While Rand and Perrin also display the ta'veren's ability to bend chance, they usually create as many unlikely misfortunes as they do miracles; Mat spreads and experiences nothing but good luck. As of The Fires of Heaven
, Mat hears dice rattling in his head when he is about to make a critical choice; when he has made it, the dice stop. More often than not, Mat (and, by extension, the reader) never knows what the important choice is, at least until the dice stop, and sometimes not even then: one instance of rattling ceased when a building fell on him. (He did survive. His resulting injuries also led to him being trapped in the city of Ebou Dar, where he would meet the woman he is fated to marry. Again, which topic the dice were addressing has not been specified.)
Just before the Battle of Cairhien
against the Shaido, Mat attempted to leave Rand's company permanently, but upon seeing a band of soldiers about to drift into an ambush, he stopped to assist them. From there, luck, chance, his encyclopedic knowledge of warcraft, and (to his disgust) a growing sense of responsibility brought him from the fringes of the battle to its center, where he personally slew Couladin, the Shaido leader, and helped bring victory to the Dragon Reborn
. He also gained the allegiance of a multinational coalition of soldiers who would follow him into the Pit of Doom if he led them. This new army, Shen an Calhar, the Band of the Red Hand
, is personally loyal to Mat, believing that, under his leadership, they cannot be beaten. In Mat's absence (see below), Shen an Calhar has been doubled in size by his trusted general Talmanes, currently numbering around 30,000 men.
, Nynaeve and Aviendha
. There, the consummate ladies' man had the tables turned on him by Queen Tylin Mitsobar, who began to pursue him in earnest—and succeeded in catching him, for that matter, despite his attempts to make his lack of interest known. Despite the awkwardness of his status as (temporary) queen-consort, his confession of the matter to Elayne did manage to smooth over some of the more frosty contretemps that had gone on between them previously. He was then responsible for saving her from an attack by a gholam, deepening the gratitude between them.
Though Mat was unable to flee Ebou Dar before Seanchan
conquered it, he was able to sneak out after, along with Thom, Egeanin, Bayle Domon
and several Seanchan prisoners. During his escape, the Seanchan High Lady Tuon
attempted to stop him. Upon restraining her, he found out that Tuon was, in fact, the Daughter of the Nine Moons, the woman he is fated to marry. After learning this he declares, in his surprise at finally meeting his destined bride, that she is his wife, thus unknowingly initiating the Seanchan marriage ceremony (which only required Tuon to also publicly declare herself his wife 3 times to be complete.) He then decides to kidnap Tuon and take her with them, determined not to let his mysterious future wife out of his sight, and, eventually, to keep her safe from the Seanchan forces trying to kill her. Mat and his coterie escape Seanchan
territory by means of Valan Luca's Travelling Menagerie, and during their journey Mat begins to court Tuon in earnest, seeming to finally accept his fate. Her responses are never less than opaque, though, and when she finally does complete the marriage ceremony in Knife of Dreams
, just before her return to Ebou Dar to reassert control over the Seanchan, it is entirely for political reasons, though Tuon expresses interest in the idea of affection growing between them. As the prince-consort of the heir to the Crystal Throne of Seanchan, Mat is now known amongst the Seanchan as the Prince of the Ravens, his title matching the ravens engraved on his ashandarei.
Mat finally brings up the courage to ask Thom Merrilin
about the note that Moiraine handed him before she entered the land of the Aelfinn and Eelfinn while attacking Lanfear
. Thom explains to him that he had specific instructions not to show him the note until he asked. The note explained that Moiraine was a prisoner and that Mat, Thom and a third member were to enter the land via a mysterious spire called The Tower of Genjhi.
While discussing how to enter the Tower, Olver overhears them and says that Birgitte Silverbow told him a tale where the heroine (actually herself in another life) used a bronze knife to draw the symbol for the game Snakes and Foxes on the tower and created a doorway. After deciding to rescue Moiraine, one of Mat's companions, Noal, insisted accompanying him and Thom.
They take along iron, music and fire, three things which can be used against the Finn. Once in the tower, the group uses Mat's luck with random chance to find Moiraine's location. Mat throws dice to figure out which direction to go, because there are 6 different turns they can make. They must reach the Chamber of Bonds, the only place in the Tower of Ghenjhi where the Eelfinn will be bound to the bargain that they might make with humans. The fox-like Eelfinn try to distract the group first by trying to hypnotize them into leaving their fire, until Mat orders Thom to play music and break the lulling tone of the Eelfinn's voice. The Eelfinn falls asleep after hearing the music, but when they enter another chamber, they are accosted by some of the senior groups of Eelfinn, and they have to use their iron weapons and fireworks to escape them. At first, Noal tried to make a map of which chambers they had been in, but the geometry of the land did not work according to the normal laws of physics, so when Mat rolled his dice they often headed back the same direction and ended in a different place.
Once in the Chamber of Bonds, Mat offers one of his eyes as payment for the safe return of Moiraine, a straight passage back to their doorway and that none of the Eelfinn will stop them. In return, Mat fulfills the prophecy he received from them to give up half the light of the world to save the world. This meant giving up one of his eyes, which one of the Eelfinn violently tears out with a claw. Mistakenly, Mat forgets to bargain for safety from the snake like Aelfinn, and the group (plus a weakened Moiraine) is deterred from returning the way they came. Noal dies fending off the Eelfinn and reveals that he is the legendary Jain Farstrider, a famous traveler and author who disappeared years before. Using the dice, Mat leads them to the other ter'angreal that was in the storage room in Tear, but they find it destroyed. Remembering that his original deal was for a way out, Matt realizes that his spear can create an exit and the three manage to escape.
, and each in his own way is just as dangerous as the Dragon Reborn despite being unable to channel. For this reason, it should not be surprising that the books have begun to follow Mat's and Perrin's adventures independently of Rand's. By the time of Winter's Heart
, the three ta'veren all run their own major plotlines and campaigns.
Mat, like Rand, has changed enormously over the course of the story. Originally the quintessential charming rogue, he has found himself in situations of more and more responsibility, most notably during the formation of the Band of the Red Hand. He has discovered what Rand and Perrin already know: that the three of them must lead, and that the Wheel will push them into positions of authority no matter what they themselves want. He is now more comfortable with responsibility, and although initially irritated by her, Mat marries Tuon
at the conclusion of Knife of Dreams
, making him what he always professed to despise— both married, and a nobleman. The events during Knife of Dreams
also confirm what many readers had speculated from previous novels: that Mat would be crucial to the introduction of firearms to the world of The Wheel of Time via gunpowder
used in the making of fireworks
; he has already used explosives to breach the Stone of Tear.
. Whether these 'outrigger novels' will ever be published will ultimately be at the discretion of Harriet McDougal, the late Mr. Jordan's widow and former editor.
Robert Jordan
Robert Jordan was the pen name of James Oliver Rigney, Jr. , under which he was best known as the author of the bestselling The Wheel of Time fantasy series. He also wrote under the pseudonyms Reagan O'Neal and Jackson O'Reilly.-Biography:Jordan was born in Charleston, South Carolina...
's fantasy series The Wheel of Time
The Wheel of Time
The Wheel of Time is a series of epic fantasy novels written by American author James Oliver Rigney, Jr., under the pen name Robert Jordan. Originally planned as a six-book series, the length was increased by increments; at the time of Rigney's death, he expected it to be 12, but it will actually...
. He is one of the primary protagonists and has moved over the course of the series from his beginnings as a mischievous farm lad into the role of a powerful, shrewd and successful general and commander of armies despite his dissolute and irreverent approach to life. Mat's character development often alludes to the Norse god Odin
Odin is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard. Homologous with the Anglo-Saxon "Wōden" and the Old High German "Wotan", the name is descended from Proto-Germanic "*Wodanaz" or "*Wōđanaz"....
Mat has a wiry body, brown hair and brown eyes. He is about 5'10" and about 165 pounds (as described by Robert JordanRobert Jordan
Robert Jordan was the pen name of James Oliver Rigney, Jr. , under which he was best known as the author of the bestselling The Wheel of Time fantasy series. He also wrote under the pseudonyms Reagan O'Neal and Jackson O'Reilly.-Biography:Jordan was born in Charleston, South Carolina...
). After the events of The Shadow Rising
The Shadow Rising
The Shadow Rising is the fourth book in American author Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time. It was published by Tor Books and released on September 15, 1992...
, Mat has a prominent scar around his neck which he conceals with a scarf, a wide brimmed hat, and a silver foxhead medallion that has the power to protect him from the One Power. During Towers of Midnight
Towers of Midnight
Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson is the sequel to the novel The Gathering Storm, and the 13th book in the Wheel of Time series.The novel is the second part of A Memory of Light, Robert Jordan's projected final book...
, Mat's left eye is ripped out, sacrificing 'half the light of the world, to save the world'.
Mat is known to be a troublemaker. Whenever he and childhood friends Rand al'Thor
Rand al'Thor
Rand al'Thor, also known as the Dragon Reborn, is the fictional main character and protagonist of The Wheel of Time, a series of fantasy novels by Robert Jordan.Rand al'Thor has many other titles within the series:...
and Perrin Aybara
Perrin Aybara
Perrin t'Bashere Aybara, or Goldeneyes, is one of the main characters of Robert Jordan's epic fantasy The Wheel of Time. Character is largely based on Slavic god Perun. In addition to the name similarity Perrin's choice of weapons include the axe, hammer, and bow...
were caught out of line, Mat was frequently the impetus behind it (and his sisters Bodewhin and Eldrin frequently the ones snitching on him). He is fond of drinking, gambling
Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods...
and women, though he can handle people in authority with the same easy charm. Mat constantly claims he never wants to be married (or in a serious relationship at all) yet at the end of the eleventh book he is wed to The Daughter of the Nine Moons, Tuon. From his upbringing in the Two Rivers he acquired a farmer's outlook on life, and skill with a quarterstaff
A quarterstaff , also short staff or simply staff is a traditional European pole weapon and a technique of stick fighting, especially as in use in England during the Early Modern period....
; from his father, Abell Cauthon, he inherited a keen eye for horse
The horse is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus, or the wild horse. It is a single-hooved mammal belonging to the taxonomic family Equidae. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature into the large, single-toed animal of today...
s. From ancient memories of previous lives, he is a brilliant general. He has a talent for separating fools from their money and an interest in affluence and fine living, though he has very little patience with the aristocracy
Aristocracy , is a form of government in which a few elite citizens rule. The term derives from the Greek aristokratia, meaning "rule of the best". In origin in Ancient Greece, it was conceived of as rule by the best qualified citizens, and contrasted with monarchy...
and (like Perrin) continually refutes those who would call him a lord. A running theme in the books is Mat constantly trying to think of himself first and saying he's no hero yet finding himself doing whatever is possible to help others despite the dangers. Though he rather dislikes many of the Aes Sedai he's dealt with, Mat seems to find himself the "rescue man" more than once. He ends up rescuing Egwene al'Vere
Egwene al'Vere
Egwene al'Vere is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.-Description:She is described as beautiful, with large brown eyes and long dark hair. Like all adult women in her home village of Emond's Field, she initially wore her hair in a long braid, but as soon...
, Nynaeve al'Meara
Nynaeve al'Meara
Nynaeve al'Meara is one of the main characters of The Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.-Personality:Nynaeve's personality often runs a gamut of emotions, meek at times before more experienced women but also able to stand up and run down others. While she will deny it, Nynaeve is...
, Elayne Trakand
Elayne Trakand
Elayne Trakand is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan. She bears a resemblance both in name and appearance to Ilyena, the doomed wife of Lews Therin Telamon from the Age of Legends.-Description:...
, Teslyn Baradon, Joline Maza, and Edesina Azzedin. At the end of Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams is the 11th novel in the fantasy series The Wheel of Time by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books in the U.S. and Orbit in the UK and released on October 11, 2005...
, he finds himself bound to a promise to rescue Moiraine Damodred
Moiraine Damodred
Moiraine Damodred is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan. She is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and is the niece of King Laman Damodred of Cairhien.-Description:...
from the Aelfinn and Eelfinn, as well. Despite his flippant ways, Mat is a person of honor; when he gives his word, he keeps it.
Mat, like Rand and Perrin, was led away from the Two Rivers on Winternight by Moiraine DamodredMoiraine Damodred
Moiraine Damodred is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan. She is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and is the niece of King Laman Damodred of Cairhien.-Description:...
, and it was revealed that all three were ta'veren
Ta'veren is a term used in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.Ta'veren : "A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding life-threads, perhaps ALL life-threads, to form a Web of Destiny." -Notable Ta'veren:*Current...
, threads that create a swirl in the pattern disrupting the surrounding area. Mat was the first of the three to show any sign of being ta'veren: during a battle with pursuing Trollocs, Mat gave the war cry of Manetheren in the Old Tongue
Old Tongue
The Old Tongue is a fictional language from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time fantasy series. It is depicted as a now-dead language, spoken only by scholars and certain nobles, but still plays a role in the plot of the books.-History:...
, with no understanding of what he had said. Moiraine theorized that this was the result of the Old Blood that many in the Two Rivers are said to possess. Mat has throughout the series been known to unconsciously slip into the Old Tongue.
On the journey away from the Two Rivers, the party stopped in Shadar Logoth
Shadar Logoth
In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time, Shadar Logoth, formerly known as Aridhol, was a city located in what is now Andor...
to lose the Trollocs chasing them. Against Moiraine's advice, Mat took Perrin and Rand to explore the city. While exploring, they met a man calling himself Mordeth
Mordeth is a minor antagonist of The Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.-Background:During the Trolloc Wars, Mordeth was a councilor to the ruler of Aridhol, a magnificent Ogier-built city. Because of his influence, Aridhol's methods at fighting the Shadow became as malevolent as the...
, claiming to be a treasure hunter in need of help to carry a large amount of treasure out of the city to his horses. Heedless of the danger, Mat followed Mordeth immediately, and Perrin and Rand, unwilling to leave him behind, were forced to follow after. After he led them to a room full of various treasures, Rand realized that Mordeth lacked a shadow. Upon announcing this, Mordeth quickly reverted to his true form and vanished through a wall. Unnoticed by Perrin or Rand, Mat had picked up a dagger that he carried with him on the flight from Shadar Logoth. The dagger made Mat increasingly sick, as well as inflaming his paranoia, suspicion, and hostility.
Later, in Fal DaraShienar
In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time, Shienar is the easternmost of the Borderlands; the capital is Fal Moran. The current ruler of Shienar is Easar Togita. Shienarans are a very polite people, which might seem at odds with their ferocity in battle and long...
, Padan Fain
Padan Fain
Padan Fain is one of the primary antagonists of The Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.-Peddler and Darkfriend:Padan Fain was a peddler, who became a Darkfriend in his twenties, for the promise of immortality...
stole the Horn of Valere
Horn of Valere
The Horn of Valere is a fictional object in Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time. It is a horn that is able to call the heroes that are linked to it back from the grave. Sounding the Horn bonds the horn to its sounder. Until that person's death, only he can use the Horn of Valere to...
and Mat's dagger, having become tainted by Shadar Logoth's evil himself. Mat needed the dagger to rid himself of its taint, but also to survive until the Aes Sedai
Aes Sedai
The Aes Sedai are a special society in the fictional universe of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time book series. Aes Sedai means "Servant to All" in the Old Tongue. They are the wielders of the One Power...
could cure him. He journeyed with Rand, Perrin, Verin
Verin Mathwin
Verin Mathwin is a fictional character in The Wheel of Time series of fantasy novels by Robert Jordan.-Description:Verin is an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. Verin has grayed hair and is considered to be one of the oldest Aes Sedai alive; likely over 200 years old...
, Loial
Loial son of Arent son of Halan is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.Like all Ogier, he is deliberate and methodical in his thought; haste leads to waste appears to be his people's motto. However, when roused to anger, he is an implacable enemy...
, and Ingtar to Falme. On his journey, he discovered that Rand was the Dragon Reborn
Dragon (Wheel of Time)
In the fictional Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan, the Dragon is the champion of the Light and the Creator against the evil Dark One. Although the Dark One was imprisoned by the Creator at the moment of creation, he continually seeks to break free of his prison. In each Age, the Dragon...
, and felt estranged from his old friend. In Falme, about to be overrun by the Seanchan
In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time, Seanchan is the name of a continent, the empire that occupies it, and the people that live in the empire...
, he blew the Horn of Valere, summoning Heroes from beyond the grave to fight for him. He is now bound to the Horn; it will work for no other as long as he is alive. He is destined to blow the Horn at Tarmon Gai'don
Tarmon Gai'don
Tarmon Gai'don, or the Last Battle, is an event set in the world of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time fantasy series. The event is both feared and anticipated in the lands of the Wheel...
. He journeyed to Tar Valon
Tar Valon
Tar Valon is a fictional city in Robert Jordan's fantasy series the Wheel of Time.-The City:Tar Valon is an island city in the River Erinin, within sight of the Dragonmount. It is the home of the White Tower, which is the center of Aes Sedai power...
with Verin, Nynaeve al'Meara
Nynaeve al'Meara
Nynaeve al'Meara is one of the main characters of The Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.-Personality:Nynaeve's personality often runs a gamut of emotions, meek at times before more experienced women but also able to stand up and run down others. While she will deny it, Nynaeve is...
, Egwene al'Vere
Egwene al'Vere
Egwene al'Vere is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.-Description:She is described as beautiful, with large brown eyes and long dark hair. Like all adult women in her home village of Emond's Field, she initially wore her hair in a long braid, but as soon...
, and Elayne Trakand
Elayne Trakand
Elayne Trakand is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan. She bears a resemblance both in name and appearance to Ilyena, the doomed wife of Lews Therin Telamon from the Age of Legends.-Description:...
. When he reached the White Tower he was almost dead from the dagger's taint, but the Aes Sedai broke the bond between him and the dagger, though Mat almost died in the Healing. When he awoke, he found that he had many holes in his memory.
Aelfinn and Eelfinn
Soon after his healing, with a message from Elayne to her mother, he left Tar Valon and went with Thom MerrilinThom Merrilin
Thomdril "Thom" Merrilin is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.Not much of his early life is known, although he was Bard to the young Lady Morgase of House Trakand. He helped her ascend to the throne of Andor and became her Court Bard, and was renowned...
to Caemlyn. There he happened to overhear Rahvin
Rahvin is one of the primary antagonists of The Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan. He is one of the Forsaken.-Origin:...
, disguised as Lord Gaebril, plotting to kill Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve in Tear. He and Thom left for Tear
Tear (Wheel of Time)
In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time, Tear is one of the richest nations in the land. This comes in part from controlling the greatest port on the Sea of Storms, at the mouth of the River Erinin. A great deal of Tear's wealth comes from the oil produced on the...
, aided Rand in taking the Stone of Tear, and saved the three women from the Black Ajah. After Rand had secured Tear, Mat talked with Egwene, who reluctantly told him that a freestanding redstone ter'angreal could give him three true answers to any question. She was reluctant to tell him this fact both because it was private information from Moiraine and she worried over what he would decide to do. In Chapter 15 of The Shadow Rising, he deliberately entered it: "Not unless my life depended on it. That's what I promised. Well, burn me if it doesn't!" (The Shadow Rising). He had to decide whether to return to the Two Rivers and save his village, or to continue following Rand's ta'veren pull, which felt like the more natural course. The doorway took him to the land of the Aelfinn, snakelike creatures who would answer his three questions. He asks what he must do next and is told to go to Rhuidean. He then asks why he must go there and is told that if he does not he will die. Thirdly he asks why he would die and is told that if he does not he will be killed by those who wish to prevent his fate. The Aelfinn then attempt to force him to leave their world, but Mat, furious that they lead his questions with their answers, demands to know his fate to which the Aelfinn respond by giving the following prophesy. They prophesied he would: a) die and live once more as a part of what once was, b) marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons, and c) give up half the light of the world to save the world.
In the valley of Rhuidean, while Rand discovered his Aiel
In Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time, the Aiel are a race of people. They live between the "wetlanders" in the west and the Sharans in the east, in a desert which the Aiel call The Three-fold Land and which everyone else calls the Aiel Waste. They have earned a reputation as skilled...
heritage, Mat found another redstone doorway, which brought him to the land of the Eelfinn, who resemble foxes. He was expecting to get more answers, so when the Eelfinn offered him wishes instead: he (unknowingly) wished to a) have the holes in his memories filled, b) be free from Aes Sedai channeling
One Power
In The Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan, the One Power is the force that maintains the continuous motion of the Wheel of Time. It comes from the True Source, and it is separated into two halves: saidin , the male half, and saidar , the female half. It is used in the series by people...
, and c) a way to get out of here (The Eelfinn world). His last wish was especially important, because in order to receive any wishes from the Eelfinn at all, a person must use one wish to exit their world. Mat now has the memories of countless historical military leaders and is thus privy to over a thousand years of cultural and military knowledge; he has a foxhead medallion that causes flows of Saidar to simply dissolve when applied to him (the medallion's effect on Saidin is disputed); and Mat was found by Rand hanging by the neck in Rhuidean, suspended from a black-hafted spear - Ashandarei - set across two of Avendesora
Avendesora, or The Tree Of Life, is a recurring object in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.Avendesora is the last cutting remaining from the chora trees that lined the streets of Paaren Disen, in the Age of Legends. Chora trees are distinguished by their tri-foil leaves and the feeling of...
The naginata is one of several varieties of traditionally made Japanese blades in the form of a pole weapon. Naginata were originally used by the samurai class in feudal Japan, and naginata were also used by ashigaru and sōhei .-Description:A naginata consists of a wooden shaft with a curved...
-like weapon called an ashandarei in the Old Tongue
Old Tongue
The Old Tongue is a fictional language from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time fantasy series. It is depicted as a now-dead language, spoken only by scholars and certain nobles, but still plays a role in the plot of the books.-History:...
, and it has been his signature weapon ever since. The spear's blade and shaft are engraved with two ravens each, and a caption on the shaft reads:
"Thus is our treaty written; thus is agreement made.
Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades.
What was asked is given. The price is paid."
(The ravens and the words "thought" and "memory" allude to Odin
Odin is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard. Homologous with the Anglo-Saxon "Wōden" and the Old High German "Wotan", the name is descended from Proto-Germanic "*Wodanaz" or "*Wōđanaz"....
, who, according to myth, is accompanied by two ravens
Raven is the common name given to several larger-bodied members of the genus Corvus—but in Europe and North America the Common Raven is normally implied...
, Hugin
Huginn and Muninn are two ravens associated with the god Odin in Norse mythology.Hugin may also refer to:*Hugin , a reconstruction of a Viking longship in Ramsgate, England....
("thought") and Munin ("memory"))
Son of Battles
Despite a substantial aversion to fighting, Mat's re-filled memories make him a consummate strategist and tactician; he remembers battles and strategies that have been lost for centuries. Mat is an incarnation of luck: in games where chance is involved, like dice or cardsBlackjack
Blackjack, also known as Twenty-one or Vingt-et-un , is the most widely played casino banking game in the world...
, he wins almost all the time; and once when on a quest for information, a randomly-chosen tavern yielded exactly what he was looking for. While Rand and Perrin also display the ta'veren
The Fires of Heaven
The Fires of Heaven is the fifth book in American author Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time. It was published by Tor Books and released on October 15, 1993....
, Mat hears dice rattling in his head when he is about to make a critical choice; when he has made it, the dice stop. More often than not, Mat (and, by extension, the reader) never knows what the important choice is, at least until the dice stop, and sometimes not even then: one instance of rattling ceased when a building fell on him. (He did survive. His resulting injuries also led to him being trapped in the city of Ebou Dar, where he would meet the woman he is fated to marry. Again, which topic the dice were addressing has not been specified.)
Just before the Battle of Cairhien
Cairhien is a country set in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series of fantasy fiction novels. Cairhien is located in the east central part of The Westlands, on the east it borders with the Spine of the World. The sign of Cairhien is a golden sun rising on a field of deep blue...
against the Shaido, Mat attempted to leave Rand's company permanently, but upon seeing a band of soldiers about to drift into an ambush, he stopped to assist them. From there, luck, chance, his encyclopedic knowledge of warcraft, and (to his disgust) a growing sense of responsibility brought him from the fringes of the battle to its center, where he personally slew Couladin, the Shaido leader, and helped bring victory to the Dragon Reborn
Dragon (Wheel of Time)
In the fictional Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan, the Dragon is the champion of the Light and the Creator against the evil Dark One. Although the Dark One was imprisoned by the Creator at the moment of creation, he continually seeks to break free of his prison. In each Age, the Dragon...
. He also gained the allegiance of a multinational coalition of soldiers who would follow him into the Pit of Doom if he led them. This new army, Shen an Calhar, the Band of the Red Hand
Band of the Red Hand
In The Wheel of Time series of fantasy fiction books by the late Robert Jordan, the Band of the Red Hand is a military group named after a legendary band of heroes who died in the defense of Manetheren.-History:...
, is personally loyal to Mat, believing that, under his leadership, they cannot be beaten. In Mat's absence (see below), Shen an Calhar has been doubled in size by his trusted general Talmanes, currently numbering around 30,000 men.
Daughter of the Nine Moons
Mat traveled to Ebou Dar with ElayneElayne
Elayne is a French female given name meaning "light". It is derived from Elena. Other names with same meaning are:*Elaine*Ailin*Aileen*Elane*Eliane...
, Nynaeve and Aviendha
Aviendha of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.-Description:...
. There, the consummate ladies' man had the tables turned on him by Queen Tylin Mitsobar, who began to pursue him in earnest—and succeeded in catching him, for that matter, despite his attempts to make his lack of interest known. Despite the awkwardness of his status as (temporary) queen-consort, his confession of the matter to Elayne did manage to smooth over some of the more frosty contretemps that had gone on between them previously. He was then responsible for saving her from an attack by a gholam, deepening the gratitude between them.
Though Mat was unable to flee Ebou Dar before Seanchan
In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time, Seanchan is the name of a continent, the empire that occupies it, and the people that live in the empire...
conquered it, he was able to sneak out after, along with Thom, Egeanin, Bayle Domon
Bayle Domon
Bayle Domon is a character in American author Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.Described as a stocky man with long hair that falls to his thick shoulders and a beard that leaves his upper lip bare and frames a round face...
and several Seanchan prisoners. During his escape, the Seanchan High Lady Tuon
Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag
'Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag', formerly known as Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag is a fictional character in Robert Jordan's popular Wheel of Time fantasy series. As the heir-designate to the Seanchan empire, she is titled the Daughter of the Nine Moons...
attempted to stop him. Upon restraining her, he found out that Tuon was, in fact, the Daughter of the Nine Moons, the woman he is fated to marry. After learning this he declares, in his surprise at finally meeting his destined bride, that she is his wife, thus unknowingly initiating the Seanchan marriage ceremony (which only required Tuon to also publicly declare herself his wife 3 times to be complete.) He then decides to kidnap Tuon and take her with them, determined not to let his mysterious future wife out of his sight, and, eventually, to keep her safe from the Seanchan forces trying to kill her. Mat and his coterie escape Seanchan
In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time, Seanchan is the name of a continent, the empire that occupies it, and the people that live in the empire...
territory by means of Valan Luca's Travelling Menagerie, and during their journey Mat begins to court Tuon in earnest, seeming to finally accept his fate. Her responses are never less than opaque, though, and when she finally does complete the marriage ceremony in Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams is the 11th novel in the fantasy series The Wheel of Time by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books in the U.S. and Orbit in the UK and released on October 11, 2005...
, just before her return to Ebou Dar to reassert control over the Seanchan, it is entirely for political reasons, though Tuon expresses interest in the idea of affection growing between them. As the prince-consort of the heir to the Crystal Throne of Seanchan, Mat is now known amongst the Seanchan as the Prince of the Ravens, his title matching the ravens engraved on his ashandarei.
Rescue of Moiraine
In The Gathering StormThe Gathering Storm
The Gathering Storm may refer to:* The Gathering Storm, the first volume of Sir Winston Churchill's The Second World War** The Gathering Storm , a television film about Churchill, starring Richard Burton...
Mat finally brings up the courage to ask Thom Merrilin
Thom Merrilin
Thomdril "Thom" Merrilin is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.Not much of his early life is known, although he was Bard to the young Lady Morgase of House Trakand. He helped her ascend to the throne of Andor and became her Court Bard, and was renowned...
about the note that Moiraine handed him before she entered the land of the Aelfinn and Eelfinn while attacking Lanfear
Lanfear is one of the primary antagonists of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan. She is one of the Forsaken.-Age of Legends:...
. Thom explains to him that he had specific instructions not to show him the note until he asked. The note explained that Moiraine was a prisoner and that Mat, Thom and a third member were to enter the land via a mysterious spire called The Tower of Genjhi.
While discussing how to enter the Tower, Olver overhears them and says that Birgitte Silverbow told him a tale where the heroine (actually herself in another life) used a bronze knife to draw the symbol for the game Snakes and Foxes on the tower and created a doorway. After deciding to rescue Moiraine, one of Mat's companions, Noal, insisted accompanying him and Thom.
They take along iron, music and fire, three things which can be used against the Finn. Once in the tower, the group uses Mat's luck with random chance to find Moiraine's location. Mat throws dice to figure out which direction to go, because there are 6 different turns they can make. They must reach the Chamber of Bonds, the only place in the Tower of Ghenjhi where the Eelfinn will be bound to the bargain that they might make with humans. The fox-like Eelfinn try to distract the group first by trying to hypnotize them into leaving their fire, until Mat orders Thom to play music and break the lulling tone of the Eelfinn's voice. The Eelfinn falls asleep after hearing the music, but when they enter another chamber, they are accosted by some of the senior groups of Eelfinn, and they have to use their iron weapons and fireworks to escape them. At first, Noal tried to make a map of which chambers they had been in, but the geometry of the land did not work according to the normal laws of physics, so when Mat rolled his dice they often headed back the same direction and ended in a different place.
Once in the Chamber of Bonds, Mat offers one of his eyes as payment for the safe return of Moiraine, a straight passage back to their doorway and that none of the Eelfinn will stop them. In return, Mat fulfills the prophecy he received from them to give up half the light of the world to save the world. This meant giving up one of his eyes, which one of the Eelfinn violently tears out with a claw. Mistakenly, Mat forgets to bargain for safety from the snake like Aelfinn, and the group (plus a weakened Moiraine) is deterred from returning the way they came. Noal dies fending off the Eelfinn and reveals that he is the legendary Jain Farstrider, a famous traveler and author who disappeared years before. Using the dice, Mat leads them to the other ter'angreal that was in the storage room in Tear, but they find it destroyed. Remembering that his original deal was for a way out, Matt realizes that his spear can create an exit and the three manage to escape.
Rand may be the central character of the story, but Mat and Perrin are only slightly less important; they are critical parts of Rand's battle against the Shadow, integral to his success at Tarmon Gai'donTarmon Gai'don
Tarmon Gai'don, or the Last Battle, is an event set in the world of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time fantasy series. The event is both feared and anticipated in the lands of the Wheel...
, and each in his own way is just as dangerous as the Dragon Reborn despite being unable to channel. For this reason, it should not be surprising that the books have begun to follow Mat's and Perrin's adventures independently of Rand's. By the time of Winter's Heart
Winter's Heart
Winter's Heart is the ninth book of the Wheel of Time fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on November 7, 2000...
, the three ta'veren all run their own major plotlines and campaigns.
Mat, like Rand, has changed enormously over the course of the story. Originally the quintessential charming rogue, he has found himself in situations of more and more responsibility, most notably during the formation of the Band of the Red Hand. He has discovered what Rand and Perrin already know: that the three of them must lead, and that the Wheel will push them into positions of authority no matter what they themselves want. He is now more comfortable with responsibility, and although initially irritated by her, Mat marries Tuon
'Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag', formerly known as Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag is a fictional character in Robert Jordan's popular Wheel of Time fantasy series. As the heir-designate to the Seanchan empire, she is titled the Daughter of the Nine Moons...
at the conclusion of Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams is the 11th novel in the fantasy series The Wheel of Time by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books in the U.S. and Orbit in the UK and released on October 11, 2005...
, making him what he always professed to despise— both married, and a nobleman. The events during Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams is the 11th novel in the fantasy series The Wheel of Time by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books in the U.S. and Orbit in the UK and released on October 11, 2005...
also confirm what many readers had speculated from previous novels: that Mat would be crucial to the introduction of firearms to the world of The Wheel of Time via gunpowder
Gunpowder, also known since in the late 19th century as black powder, was the first chemical explosive and the only one known until the mid 1800s. It is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate - with the sulfur and charcoal acting as fuels, while the saltpeter works as an oxidizer...
used in the making of fireworks
Fireworks are a class of explosive pyrotechnic devices used for aesthetic and entertainment purposes. The most common use of a firework is as part of a fireworks display. A fireworks event is a display of the effects produced by firework devices...
; he has already used explosives to breach the Stone of Tear.
Beyond Tarmon Gai'don
The author said he intended to write some 'outrigger novels', one concerning Mat and Tuon. This statement suggested that both characters will survive Tarmon Gai'donTarmon Gai'don
Tarmon Gai'don, or the Last Battle, is an event set in the world of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time fantasy series. The event is both feared and anticipated in the lands of the Wheel...
. Whether these 'outrigger novels' will ever be published will ultimately be at the discretion of Harriet McDougal, the late Mr. Jordan's widow and former editor.
- "Burn me!"
- "Blood and bloody ashes!"
- "Sheepswallop and bloody buttered onions!"
- "First Rule: Never kiss with a girl whose brothers have knife scars."
- "One pretty woman means fun at the dance. Two pretty women mean trouble in the house. Three pretty women mean run for the hills."
- "Taking responsibility takes all the joy out of life, and drains a man to dust."
- "Always leave a way out, unless you really want to find out how hard a man can fight when he’s nothing to lose."
- "No wine for me. Strange enough things happen when my head is clear. I want to know the difference."
- "What's life like if you don't take a chance now and then?"
- "Luck is a horse to ride like any other."
- "Dovie'andi se tovya sagain" Old TongueOld TongueThe Old Tongue is a fictional language from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time fantasy series. It is depicted as a now-dead language, spoken only by scholars and certain nobles, but still plays a role in the plot of the books.-History:...
, "Time to toss the dice." From The Fires of Heaven - "Sa souvraya niende misain ye." Old Tongue,"I am lost in my own mind."
- "Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!" "For the honor of the Red Eagle! For the honor of the Rose of the Sun! The Rose of the Sun!" From The Eye of the World
- "Why not? She's my wife! Your bloody Daughter Of The Nine Moons is my wife" (To Egeanin, about Tuon)
- "Bad habits always pay off in the long run." From Fires of Heaven, and The Dragon Reborn
- "I'm no lord. I've more respect for myself than that."
- "I do read sometimes."
- "Light!"
- "I read a book once."
- "I caught a badger. Want to let it go on the village green?"
- "Have a grand bloody day!"
- "You misbegotten son of a goat's droppings." (after pushing the gholam off the skimming platform) From "Towers of MidnightTowers of MidnightTowers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson is the sequel to the novel The Gathering Storm, and the 13th book in the Wheel of Time series.The novel is the second part of A Memory of Light, Robert Jordan's projected final book...