M=SF is a range of science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 and fantasy
Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic is common...

 novels from the Dutch
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...

 publisher Meulenhoff
J.M. Meulenhoff
J.M. Meulenhoff is a Dutch publishing house, which has built a reputation publishing literary works in Dutch and in translation. For many decades, the company was led by Laurens van Krevelen, who received the Jan Hein Donner Award in 2007.In 2001, the company's reputation was damaged...

. The range was started in 1967 and continues to this day (Uitgeverij M continued the range in 2001 and Uitgeverij Mynx since 2006).

Although the bulk of the titles are translations from English language
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...

 works there are several original Dutch language
Dutch language
Dutch is a West Germanic language and the native language of the majority of the population of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Suriname, the three member states of the Dutch Language Union. Most speakers live in the European Union, where it is a first language for about 23 million and a second...

 novels in the range as well.

Selection of books from the range

(original Dutch language novels are in light orange)
No. Writer Title Original title Year
1 Robert Heinlein  Verdwaald tussen de Sterren Orphans of the Sky
Orphans of the Sky
Orphans of the Sky is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, consisting of two parts: "Universe" and its sequel, "Common Sense" . The two novellas were first published together in book form in 1963. "Universe" was also published separately in 1951 as a 10¢ Dell paperback...

2 Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov was an American author and professor of biochemistry at Boston University, best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books. Asimov was one of the most prolific writers of all time, having written or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 90,000...

De Stalen Holen The Caves of Steel
The Caves of Steel
The Caves of Steel is a novel by Isaac Asimov. It is essentially a detective story, and illustrates an idea Asimov advocated, that science fiction is a flavor that can be applied to any literary genre, rather than a limited genre itself. Specifically, in the book Asimov's Mysteries, he states that...

3 Poul Anderson
Poul Anderson
Poul William Anderson was an American science fiction author who began his career during one of the Golden Ages of the genre and continued to write and remain popular into the 21st century. Anderson also authored several works of fantasy, historical novels, and a prodigious number of short stories...

Vlaag van Verstand Brain Wave
Brain Wave
Brain Wave is a science fiction novel by Poul Anderson first published in serial form in Space Science Fiction in 1953, and then as a novel in 1954...

4 Frederik Pohl
Frederik Pohl
Frederik George Pohl, Jr. is an American science fiction writer, editor and fan, with a career spanning over seventy years — from his first published work, "Elegy to a Dead Planet: Luna" , to his most recent novel, All the Lives He Led .He won the National Book Award in 1980 for his novel Jem...

 and Cyril Kornbluth 
Wolfsklauw Wolfbane
Wolfbane (novel)
Wolfbane is a science fiction novel by Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth, published in 1959. It was serialized in Galaxy in 1957, with illustrations by Wally Wood....

5 Harry Harrison
Harry Harrison
Harry Harrison is an American science fiction author best known for his character the Stainless Steel Rat and the novel Make Room! Make Room! , the basis for the film Soylent Green...

Doodstrijd op Pyrrus Deathworld
Deathworld is the name of a series of science fiction novels by Harry Harrison including the books Deathworld , Deathworld 2 and Deathworld 3 , plus the short story "The...

6 J. G. Ballard
J. G. Ballard
James Graham Ballard was an English novelist, short story writer, and prominent member of the New Wave movement in science fiction...

De Brandende Aarde The Burning World  1964
7 John Brunner
John Brunner (novelist)
John Kilian Houston Brunner was a prolific British author of science fiction novels and stories. His 1968 novel Stand on Zanzibar, about an overpopulated world, won the 1968 Hugo Award for best science fiction novel. It also won the BSFA award the same year...

Het Rijk van de Tijd Times Without Number
Times Without Number
Times Without Number is a time travel/alternate history novel by John Brunner.-Publication History:Originally Brunner wrote three stories published in 1962 in consecutive issues of the British magazine Science Fiction Adventures: "Spoil of Yesterday" in #25, "The Word Not Written" in #26, and "The...

8 Philip José Farmer
Philip José Farmer
Philip José Farmer was an American author, principally known for his award-winning science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories....

Binnenste Buiten Inside Outside
Inside Outside (novel)
Inside Outside is an American fantasy novel written by Philip José Farmer. Originally released in 1964, the novel explores the question of what happens before souls inhabit human bodies, and how they are created.-Plot summary:...

9 Thomas M. Disch
Thomas M. Disch
Thomas Michael Disch was an American science fiction author and poet. He won the Hugo Award for Best Related Book – previously called "Best Non-Fiction Book" – in 1999, and he had two other Hugo nominations and nine Nebula Award nominations to his credit, plus one win of the John W...

De Uitroeiers The Genocides
The Genocides
The Genocides is a 1965 science fiction novel written by American author Thomas M. Disch. It was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1965.-Plot summary:...

10 Avram Davidson
Avram Davidson
Avram Davidson was an American writer of fantasy fiction, science fiction, and crime fiction, as well as the author of many stories that do not fit into a genre niche...

Wachters van het Web Masters of the Maze
Masters of the Maze (Avram Davidson novel)
-Plot summary:The Maze connects worlds and times. The secret of the Maze is known by its Masters but they decline to intervene. At various levels the Guardians thwart invasion attempts of worlds by inhabitants of other worlds...

11 Brian Aldiss
Brian Aldiss
Brian Wilson Aldiss, OBE is an English author of both general fiction and science fiction. His byline reads either Brian W. Aldiss or simply Brian Aldiss. Greatly influenced by science fiction pioneer H. G. Wells, Aldiss is a vice-president of the international H. G. Wells Society...

Sterrenhoop Starswarm
Starswarm is a 1998 science fiction novel by Jerry Pournelle. The plot revolves around a teenage boy, Kip, who has grown up on a remote planet used primarily as a research station for its bizarre native life...

12 Isaac Asimov De Blote Zon The Naked Sun
The Naked Sun
The Naked Sun is an English language science fiction novel, the second in Isaac Asimov's Robot series.-Plot introduction:Like its famous predecessor, The Caves of Steel, it is a whodunit story, in addition to being science fiction...

14 Paul van Herck
Paul van Herck
Paul van Herck was a Belgian writer of science fiction novels and radio plays.Van Herck was a Dutch and French language teacher...

(translated in English as:
Where were you last Pluterday?
Where were you last Pluterday?
Where were you last Pluterday? is a science fiction novel by Paul van Herck, originally released in Dutch in 1968 as Sam, of de Pluterdag by J.M...

Sam, of de Pluterdag 1968
15 J. G. Ballard De Verdronken Aarde The Drowned World
The Drowned World
The Drowned World is a 1962 science fiction novel by J. G. Ballard. In contrast to much post-apocalyptic fiction, the novel features a central character who, rather than being disturbed by the end of the old world, is enraptured by the chaotic reality that has come to replace it...

16 Jack Vance
Jack Vance
John Holbrook Vance is an American mystery, fantasy and science fiction author. Most of his work has been published under the name Jack Vance. Vance has published 11 mysteries as John Holbrook Vance and 3 as Ellery Queen...

Een stad vol Chasch City of the Chasch
City of the Chasch
City of the Chasch is the first science fiction adventure novel of the tetralogy Tschai, Planet of Adventure. It was written by Jack Vance and follows the attempts of a man stranded on the distant planet Tschai to return to Earth.-Plot summary:...

17 A.E. van Vogt  De Wereld van Nul-A The World of Null-A
The World of Null-A
The World of Null-A, sometimes written The World of Ā, is a 1948 science fiction novel by A. E. van Vogt. It was originally published as a three-part serial in Astounding Stories...

20 Jack Vance De Sterrekoning The Star King  1964
21 A.E. van Vogt De Schakers van Nul-A The Players of Null-A
The Players of Null-A
The Players of Null-A, usually written The Players of Ā, is a 1956 science fiction novel by A. E. van Vogt originally published as a four-part serial in Astounding Stories from October 1948 to January 1949...

22 Harry Harrison Doodstrijd op Appsala Deathworld 2  1964
24 J. G. Ballard De Kristallen Aarde The Crystal World
The Crystal World
The Crystal World is a novel by English author J. G. Ballard, published in 1966.- Plot introduction :The novel tells the story of a physician trying to make his way deep into the jungle to a secluded leprosy treatment facility...

25 Jack Vance Onder de Wankh Servants of the Wankh
Servants of the Wankh
Servants of the Wankh is the second science fiction adventure novel in the tetralogy Tschai, Planet of Adventure. Written by Jack Vance, it tells of the efforts of the sole survivor of a human starship destroyed by an unknown enemy to return to Earth from the distant planet Tschai.-Plot...

28 Theodore Sturgeon
Theodore Sturgeon
Theodore Sturgeon was an American science fiction author.His most famous novel is More Than Human .-Biography:...

Venus Plus X Venus Plus X
Venus Plus X
Venus Plus X is a science fiction novel written by Theodore Sturgeon, published in 1960. David Pringle included it in his book Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels....

32 Jack Vance
Jack Vance
John Holbrook Vance is an American mystery, fantasy and science fiction author. Most of his work has been published under the name Jack Vance. Vance has published 11 mysteries as John Holbrook Vance and 3 as Ellery Queen...

De Moordmachine The Killing Machine
The Killing Machine
The Killing Machine is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack Vance, the second in his "Demon Princes" series, in which Kirth Gersen, having brought arch-villain Malagate the Woe to justice, sets his sights on Kokor Hekkus, another of the Demon Princes...

35 Robert Heinlein Het Pad van Roem Glory Road
Glory Road
Glory Road is a fantasy novel by Robert A. Heinlein, originally serialized in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and published in hardcover later the same year...

39 Larry Niven
Larry Niven
Laurence van Cott Niven / ˈlæri ˈnɪvən/ is an American science fiction author. His best-known work is Ringworld , which received Hugo, Locus, Ditmar, and Nebula awards. His work is primarily hard science fiction, using big science concepts and theoretical physics...

Neutronster Neutron Star  1966
41 Jack Vance De Dirdir The Dirdir
The Dirdir
The Dirdir is the third science fiction adventure novel in the tetralogy Tschai, Planet of Adventure. Written by Jack Vance, it tells of the efforts of the sole survivor of the destruction of a human starship to return to Earth from the distant planet Tschai.-Plot summary:Adam Reith is stranded on...

43 Ursula Le Guin  De linkerhand van het duister The Left Hand of Darkness
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Left Hand of Darkness is a 1969 science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. It is part of the Hainish Cycle, a series of books by Le Guin all set in the fictional Hainish universe....

44 Jack Vance Het Eeuwige Leven To Live Forever
To Live Forever (novel)
To Live Forever is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance, first published in 1956. In the Vance Integral Edition, it was retitled Clarges.-Plot summary:...

47 Robert Heinlein De Maan in Opstand The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is a 1966 science fiction novel by American writer Robert A. Heinlein, about a lunar colony's revolt against rule from Earth....

48 Jack Vance De Pnume The Pnume
The Pnume
The Pnume is the final science fiction adventure novel in the tetralogy Tschai, Planet of Adventure. Written by Jack Vance, it tells of the efforts to return to Earth by the sole survivor of a human starship destroyed while investigating a mysterious signal from the distant planet Tschai.-Plot...

49 Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick
Philip Kindred Dick was an American novelist, short story writer and essayist whose published work is almost entirely in the science fiction genre. Dick explored sociological, political and metaphysical themes in novels dominated by monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments and altered...

Uur der Waarheid The Penultimate Truth
The Penultimate Truth
The Penultimate Truth is a 1964 science fiction novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. The story is set in a future where the bulk of humanity is kept in large underground shelters. The people are told that World War III is being fought above them, when in reality the war ended years ago. The...

51 A.E. van Vogt Tijd van Leven Quest for the Future  1970
55 Harry Harrison Doodstrijd op Voorspoed Deathworld 3  1968
56 A.E. van Vogt De Arsenalen van Isher The Weapon Shops of Isher
The Weapon Shops of Isher
The Weapon Shops of Isher is a science fiction novel by A. E. van Vogt, first published in 1951. The novel is a fix-up created from three previously published short stories about the Weapon Shops and Isher civilization:...

57 A.E. van Vogt De Wapensmeden The Weapon Makers
The Weapon Makers
The Weapon Makers is a science fiction novel by A. E. van Vogt.The novel was originally serialized in Astounding Science Fiction in February–April 1943. In book form , this serial was first published in 1947...

58 Jack Vance Telek Telek
"Telek" is a science fiction novella about telekinesis by American author Jack Vance. It was first published in the January 1952 issue of Astounding Science Fiction.-Plot summary:...

59 Robert Heinlein Zwerftocht tussen de Sterren Citizen of the Galaxy
Citizen of the Galaxy
Citizen of the Galaxy is a science fiction novel by American writer Robert A. Heinlein, originally serialized in Astounding Science Fiction and published in hardcover in 1957 as one of the Heinlein juveniles by Scribner's...

60 Jack Vance Het Paleis van de Liefde The Palace of Love
The Palace of Love
The Palace of Love ia science fiction novel by American writer Jack Vance, the third in his Demon Princes series.-Plot summary:...

62 Philip José Farmer
Philip José Farmer
Philip José Farmer was an American author, principally known for his award-winning science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories....

Het Verboden Rijk The Alley God  1973
64 Jack Vance Emphyrio Emphyrio
Emphyrio is a science fiction adventure novel written by Jack Vance. It tells the story of a young man who overturns the foundations of his world.- Plot summary :...

65 Theodore Sturgeon Xanadu The Skills of Xanadu  1971
67 Jack Vance Tschai, de waanzinnige planeet Tschai  1970
70 Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert
Franklin Patrick Herbert, Jr. was a critically acclaimed and commercially successful American science fiction author. Although a short story author, he is best known for his novels, most notably Dune and its five sequels...

Duin Dune
Dune (novel)
Dune is a science fiction novel written by Frank Herbert, published in 1965. It won the Hugo Award in 1966, and the inaugural Nebula Award for Best Novel...

71 Philip K. Dick De Spelers van Titan The Game-Players of Titan
The Game-Players of Titan
The Game-Players of Titan is a 1963 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick.-Plot summary:Pete Garden, the protagonist, is one of several residents who own large swathes of property in a depopulated, post-apocalyptic future world. These residents are organized in groups of regular competitors who...

79 Philip K. Dick Martiaanse Tijdverschuiving Martian Time-Slip
Martian Time-Slip
Martian Time-Slip is a 1964 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The novel uses the common science fiction concept of a human colony on Mars...

80 Jack Vance De ogen van de overwereld The Eyes of the Overworld
The Eyes of the Overworld
The Eyes of the Overworld is a fantasy fixup by Jack Vance published in 1966, the second in the Dying Earth series. It features a series of linked stories detailing the travails of the self-proclaimed Cugel the Clever...

84 Jack Vance De Drakenruiters - Grote planeet - Talen van Pao The Dragon Masters
The Dragon Masters
"The Dragon Masters" is a science fiction novella by American author Jack Vance. It was first published in Galaxy magazine, August 1962, and in 1963 in book form, as half of Ace Double F-185...

 - Big Planet
Big Planet
Big Planet is the first of two stand-alone science fiction novels by Jack Vance which share the same setting: an immense, but metal-poor and backward world called Big Planet....

 - The Languages of Pao
The Languages of Pao
The Languages of Pao is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance, first published in 1958, in which the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis is a central theme. A shorter version was published in Satellite Science Fiction in late 1957. After the Avalon Books hardcover appeared the next year, it was reprinted in...

86 Frank Herbert Duin Messias Dune Messiah
Dune Messiah
Dune Messiah is a science fiction novel by Frank Herbert, the second in a series of six novels. It was originally serialized in Galaxy magazine in 1969. The American and British editions have different prologues summarizing events in the previous novel...

94 Philip K. Dick Ubik Ubik
Ubik is a 1969 science fiction novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. Critic Lev Grossman described it as "a deeply unsettling existential horror story, a nightmare you'll never be sure you've woken up from."-Plot synopsis:...

100 Jack Vance Durdane Durdane  1973
106 Philip K. Dick Wacht nu op Vorig Jaar Now Wait for Last Year
Now Wait for Last Year
Now Wait for Last Year is a 1966 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The novel describes a future where the planet Earth has allied with an extraterrestrial species known as 'Starmen in their war against another species, the Reegs.-Plot summary:...

115 A.E. van Vogt Slan Slan
Slan is a science fiction novel written by A. E. van Vogt, as well as the name of the fictional race of superbeings featured in the novel. The novel was originally serialized in the magazine Astounding Science Fiction . It was subsequently published in hardcover in 1946 by Arkham House, in an...

116 Frank Herbert Kinderen van Duin Children of Dune
Children of Dune
Children of Dune is a 1976 science fiction novel by Frank Herbert, third in a series of six novels set in his Dune universe. Initially selling over 75,000 copies, it became the first hardcover best-seller ever in the science fiction field...

117 Theodore Sturgeon Meer dan Menselijk More Than Human
More Than Human
More Than Human is a 1953 science fiction novel by Theodore Sturgeon. It is a fix-up of his previously published novella Baby is Three with two parts written especially for the novel....

118 Philip K. Dick Onze Vrienden van Frolix-8 Our Friends from Frolix 8
Our Friends from Frolix 8
-Plot summary:In the 22nd Century, the Earth is ruled by the "New Men", humans with superhuman mental abilities, who share power with "Unusuals" that possess psionic abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis and precognition. To fight them, Thors Provoni has gone deep into space to find help...

127 Jack Vance Maske: Thaery Maske: Thaery
Maske: Thaery
Maske: Thaery is a 1976 science fiction novel by Jack Vance set in his Gaean Reach milieu.-Plot summary:Long ago, the isolated planet Maske was settled by a religious group. They seized a section of the planet from earlier colonists , and named it Thaery. The ship carrying a dissident faction was...

147 Ansen Dibell
Ansen Dibell
Ansen Dibell was the penname used by Nancy Ann Dibble , an American science fiction author, who also published books about fiction writing. Born in New York, she got her doctorate in English literature of the nineteenth century...

De laatste koning Pursuit of the Screamer
Pursuit of the Screamer
Pursuit of the Screamer is a science fiction novel written by the American writer Ansen Dibell, first published in 1978.- Plot summary :Jannus is the son of Mistress Lillia, the ruler of Newstock, a village near the river in Bremner. The competing villages are protected by the Valde, strange female...

146 Jack Vance Wyst: Alastor 1716 Wyst: Alastor 1716
Wyst: Alastor 1716
Wyst: Alastor 1716 is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance first published by DAW Books. It is the third and last novel set in the Alastor Cluster, a vast section of stars and planets ruled by the mysterious Connatic, which may or may not be a part of Vance’s Gaean Reach.-Setting:Arrabus on the...

149 Jack Vance Lens Larque The Face
The Face (Vance)
The Face is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack Vance, the fourth novel in the "Demon Princes" series. This book was published nearly twelve years after the third.-Plot summary:...

150 Philip K. Dick Dromen Androïden van Electrische Schapen? Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a science fiction novel by American writer Philip K. Dick first published in 1968. The main plot follows Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter of androids, while the secondary plot follows John Isidore, a man of sub-normal intelligence who befriends some of the...

157 Wim Gijsen
Wim Gijsen
Wim Gijsen was a Dutch science fiction and fantasy writer.-Biography:Wim Gijsen was one of the Netherlands' most successful writers of modern Science Fiction and Fantasy books...

De Eersten van Rissan 1980
158 Phyllis Eisenstein
Phyllis Eisenstein
Phyllis Eisenstein is an American author of science fiction and fantasy short stories and novels. She was born in Chicago, Illinois and has lived there most of her life. While attending college at the University of Chicago, she met her future husband Alex at a weekly gathering of Chicago's science...

Alaric Born to Exile
Born to Exile
Born to Exile is a fantasy novel by author Phyllis Eisenstein, the first of her two Alaric novels. It was originally published in 1978 by longtime U. S. specialty press Arkham House in a first edition trade hardcover of 4,148 copies; it has since been published in several mass-market paperback...

161 Tanith Lee
Tanith Lee
Tanith Lee is a British writer of science fiction, horror and fantasy. She is the author of over 70 novels and 250 short stories, a children's picture book and many poems. She also wrote two episodes of BBC science fiction series Blake's 7...

Heerser van de Nacht Night's Master
Night's Master
Night's Master is the first novel in Tales From The Flat Earth by Tanith Lee....

162 Ansen Dibell Ashai Rey Circle, Crescent, Star  1981
164 Wim Gijsen De Koningen van Weleer 1981
167 Jack Vance Het Boek der Dromen The Book of Dreams
The Book of Dreams
The Book of Dreams is a science fiction book by American author Jack Vance, the fifth and last novel in the "Demon Princes" series.-Synopsis:...

168 Tanith Lee Meester van de Dood Death's Master  1979
172 Jack Vance Trullion: Alastor 2262 Trullion: Alastor 2262
Trullion: Alastor 2262
Trullion: Alastor 2262 is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance first published by Ballantine Books. It is one of three books set in the Alastor Cluster, ‘a whorl of thirty thousand stars in an irregular volume twenty to thirty light-years in diameter’...

176 Ansen Dibell Zomermarkt Summerfair  1982
177 Terry Pratchett
Terry Pratchett
Sir Terence David John "Terry" Pratchett, OBE is an English novelist, known for his frequently comical work in the fantasy genre. He is best known for his popular and long-running Discworld series of comic fantasy novels...

Delven/De Donkere Kant van de Zon Strata
Strata (novel)
Strata is a comic science fiction novel by Terry Pratchett. Published in 1981, it is one of Pratchett's first novels and one of only two purely science fiction novels he has written, the other being The Dark Side of the Sun....

/The Dark Side of the Sun
The Dark Side of the Sun
The Dark Side of the Sun is a science fiction novel by Terry Pratchett, first published in 1976. It is similar to the work of Isaac Asimov. According to Don D'Ammassa, both this and Pratchett's 1981 sci-fi novel Strata are spoofing parts of Larry Niven's Ringworld...

178 Tanith Lee Meester van de Waan Delusion's Master
Delusion's Master
Delusion's Master is the third novel in Tales From The Flat Earth by Tanith Lee....

179 Frank Herbert God-Keizer van Duin God Emperor of Dune
God Emperor of Dune
God Emperor of Dune is a science fiction novel by Frank Herbert published in 1981, the fourth in the Dune series. It was ranked as the #11 hardcover fiction best seller of 1981 by Publishers Weekly.-Plot introduction:...

180 Wim Gijsen Iskander de Dromendief 1982
182 Jack Vance Marune: Alastor 933 Marune: Alastor 933  1975
183 Ad Visser
Ad Visser
Ad Visser is a Dutch VJ, presenter, writer and music artist.In 1965 Visser performed with his avant-garde pop trio Blurp on AVRO television....

Sobriëtas 1983
185 A.E. van Vogt Strijd om de Eeuwigheid The Battle of Forever  1974
186 Wim Gijsen Het Huis van de Wolf 1983
189 Isaac Asimov Het Einde van Eeuwigheid The End of Eternity
The End of Eternity
The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov is a science fiction novel, with mystery and thriller elements, on the subjects of time travel and social engineering....

191 Clark Ashton Smith
Clark Ashton Smith
Clark Ashton Smith was a self-educated American poet, sculptor, painter and author of fantasy, horror and science fiction short stories. He achieved early local recognition, largely through the enthusiasm of George Sterling, for traditional verse in the vein of Swinburne...

Zothique Zothique
Zothique is an imagined future continent featured in a series of short stories by Clark Ashton Smith. Zothique is also the title of the cycle of tales which take place there. In terms of number and extent, the Zothique cycle is the largest collection of stories written by Smith...

192 Ansen Dibell Stormvloedgrens Tidestorm Limit  1982
194 Jack Vance Spelevaren op Grote Planeet Showboat World
Showboat World
Showboat World , written in 1975, is the second, stand-alone novel in a pair of science fiction novels by Jack Vance that share the same setting, a backward, lawless, metal-poor world called Big Planet.-Plot summary:Showboat World follows the...

196 A.E. van Vogt Nul-A 3 Null-A Three
Null-A Three
Null-A Three, usually written Ā Three, is a 1985 science fiction novel by A. E. van Vogt. It incorporates concepts from the General semantics of Alfred Korzybski and refers to non-Aristotelian logic....

198 Jack Vance Magnus Ridolph The Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph  1966
199 Jack Vance De tuin van Suldrun Suldrun's Garden  1984
201 Jack Vance Cugel gewroken Cugel's Saga
Cugel's Saga
Cugel's Saga is a 1983 work of science fantasy by Jack Vance, and the sequel to his 1966 book The Eyes of the Overworld. The story picks up where the protagonist, Cugel the Clever, had been left at the end of the previous book: sitting disconsolately on a barren beach far to the north of his...

202 Jack Vance De Talen van Pao The Languages of Pao
The Languages of Pao
The Languages of Pao is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance, first published in 1958, in which the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis is a central theme. A shorter version was published in Satellite Science Fiction in late 1957. After the Avalon Books hardcover appeared the next year, it was reprinted in...

203 Isaac Asimov De Robots van de Dageraad The Robots of Dawn
The Robots of Dawn
The Robots of Dawn is a "whodunit" science fiction novel by Isaac Asimov, first published in 1983. It is the third novel in Asimov's Robot series.It was nominated for both the Hugo and Locus Awards in 1984.- Plot summary :...

204 Frank Herbert Ketters van Duin Heretics of Dune
Heretics of Dune
Heretics of Dune is a 1984 science fiction novel by Frank Herbert, fifth in a series of six novels. It was ranked as the #13 hardcover fiction best seller of 1984 by The New York Times.-Plot introduction:...

208 Tanith Lee Het Geboortegraf The Birthgrave  1977
209 Ansen Dibell Gift van de Shai The Sun of Return  1985
210 Jack Vance Grote Planeet Big Planet
Big Planet
Big Planet is the first of two stand-alone science fiction novels by Jack Vance which share the same setting: an immense, but metal-poor and backward world called Big Planet....

211 Tanith Lee Vrouwe der ijlingen Delirium's Mistress
Delirium's Mistress
Delirium's Mistress is the fourth novel in Tales From The Flat Earth by Tanith Lee....

212 Jack Vance De groene parel The Green Pearl  1985
213 Isaac Asimov Robots en Imperium Robots and Empire
Robots and Empire
Robots and Empire is science fiction novel written by the American author Isaac Asimov and published by Doubleday Books in 1985. It is part of Asimov's Robot series, consisting of many short stories and novels....

216 Jack Vance Rhialto de Schitterende Rhialto the Marvellous
Rhialto the Marvellous
Rhialto the Marvellous is a 1984 collection of three fantasy novellas by Jack Vance as part of hisDying Earth series. The collection was first published by Brandywyne Books in 1984. The first two stories are original to this collection...

221 Frank Herbert Duin Kapittel Chapterhouse: Dune  1985
223 Tanith Lee Stormgebieder The Storm Lord  1977
224 Tanith Lee Anackire Anackire  1983
225 Tanith Lee Schaduwvuur Vazkor, Son of Vazkor  1978
226 Tanith Lee De Witte Heks Quest for the White Witch  1978
228 Jack Vance De Duivelsprinsen The Demon Princes  1981
232 Wim Gijsen Rissan 1987
237 Tanith Lee Prinses van de Nacht Night's Sorceries
Night's Sorceries
Night's Sorceries is the fifth and final volume in Tales From The Flat Earth by Tanith Lee. It is a collection of novellas....

240 Isaac Asimov Zelfs de Goden The Gods Themselves
The Gods Themselves
The Gods Themselves is a 1972 science fiction novel written by Isaac Asimov. It won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1972, and the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1973....

241 Jack Vance Het Laatste Kasteel The Last Castle  1966
243 Peter Schaap
Peter Schaap
Peter Schaap is a Dutch singer and writer.- Biography :Schaap started his music career in 1974. He released four LPs and a CD. After 1982 he turned to writing and wrote several children's books and science fiction and fantasy novels...

De Schrijvenaar van Thyll 1987
250 Tanith Lee Het Witte Serpent The White Serpent  1988
251 Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card is an American author, critic, public speaker, essayist, columnist, and political activist. He writes in several genres, but is primarily known for his science fiction. His novel Ender's Game and its sequel Speaker for the Dead both won Hugo and Nebula Awards, making Card the...

Spreker voor de Doden Speaker for the Dead
Speaker for the Dead
Speaker for the Dead is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card and an indirect sequel to the novel Ender's Game. This book takes place around the year 5270, some 3,000 years after the events in Ender's Game...

254 Ursula Le Guin De Ontheemde The Dispossessed
The Dispossessed
The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia is a 1974 utopian science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin, set in the same fictional universe as that of The Left Hand of Darkness . The book won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1974, both the Hugo and Locus Awards in 1975, and received a nomination for...

255 Jack Vance Madouc Madouc  1990
261 Orson Scott Card Ender Wint Ender's Game
Ender's Game
Ender's Game is a science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. The book originated as the short story "Ender's Game", published in the August 1977 issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact. Elaborating on characters and plot lines depicted in the novel, Card later wrote additional...

243 Peter Schaap Ondeeds de Loutere 1988
270 Tanith Lee Cyrion en andere magistrale verhalen Cyrion  1985
271 William Gibson
William Gibson
William Gibson is an American-Canadian science fiction author.William Gibson may also refer to:-Association football:*Will Gibson , Scottish footballer...

Zenumagiër Neuromancer
Neuromancer is a 1984 novel by William Gibson, a seminal work in the cyberpunk genre and the first winner of the science-fiction "triple crown" — the Nebula Award, the Philip K. Dick Award, and the Hugo Award. It was Gibson's debut novel and the beginning of the Sprawl trilogy...

275 Peter Schaap De Wolver 1989
276 William Gibson Biochips Count Zero
Count Zero
Count Zero is a science fiction novel written by William Gibson, originally published 1986. It is the second volume of the Sprawl trilogy, which begins with Neuromancer and concludes with Mona Lisa Overdrive, and is a canonical example of the cyberpunk sub-genre.Count Zero was serialized by Isaac...

283 Isaac Asimov Nemesis Nemesis  1989
287 Jack Vance Alastor Alastor  1978
292 William Gibson Mona Lisa Overdrive Mona Lisa Overdrive
Mona Lisa Overdrive
Mona Lisa Overdrive is a cyberpunk novel by William Gibson published in 1988 and the final novel of the Sprawl trilogy, following Neuromancer and Count Zero. It takes place eight years after the events of Count Zero and is set, as were its predecessors, in The Sprawl...

295 Tanith Lee Het Bloed van Rozen The Blood of Roses  1990
296 William Gibson Technopunk SF Burning Chrome
Burning Chrome
Burning Chrome is a collection of short stories written by William Gibson. Most of the stories take place in Gibson's Sprawl, an anonymous, shared setting for most of his cyberpunk work...

298 Orson Scott Card Xenocide Xenocide
Xenocide is the third novel in the Ender's Game series of books by Orson Scott Card. It was nominated for both the Hugo and Locus Awards for Best Novel in 1992...

301 Robert Heinlein Vreemdeling in een vreemd land Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land is a 1961 science fiction novel by American author Robert A. Heinlein. It tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, a human who comes to Earth in early adulthood after being born on the planet Mars and raised by Martians. The novel explores his interaction with—and...

315 Tanith Lee Ara A Heroine of the World  1990
331 Tanith Lee Vrouwe van het Duister Vivia  1995
335 Jack Vance Nachtlamp Night Lamp
Night Lamp
Night Lamp is a science fiction adventure novel by Jack Vance. It follows an orphan named Jaro Fath on his quest to learn where he came from.-Plot summary:...

341 Robert Heinlein Starship Troopers: Troepen voor de Sterren Starship Troopers
Starship Troopers
Starship Troopers is a military science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, first published as a serial in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and published hardcover in December, 1959.The first-person narrative is about a young soldier from the Philippines named Juan "Johnnie" Rico and his...

343 William Gibson Idoru Idoru
Idoru is the second book in William Gibson's Bridge trilogy. Idoru is a science-fiction novel set in a postmodern, dystopian, cyberpunk future...


External links

The complete list
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