List of Fiji-related topics
Articles about people, places, things, and concepts related to or originating from Fiji
, include:
- Adi
- Adi Da
- James AH KOY
- Air Fiji
- Air Pacific
- Air Pacific destinations
- Ahmed ALI
- Amjad ALI
- Shamima ALI
- Allanshaw (ship) - Alliance Party
- All Nationals Congress - Charles Freer ANDREWS
- Felix M. Anthony
- Appeal Court
- Narendra ARJUN
- Armed Forces (Fiji)
- Arno (ship) - Kamlesh Kumar ARYA
- Arya Samaj (Fiji)
- Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji
- Assembly of Christian Churches in Fiji
- Attorney-General (Fiji)
- Atu
- Avon (ship)
- Ba FC - Ba Province
- Ba River (Fiji)
- Ba Town - Jale BABA
- Tupeni BABA
- Anand BABLA
- Sharon BAGHWAN-ROLLS - Atu Emberson BAIN
- Praveen BALA
- Qoriniasi BALE
- Battle of the Giants (Fiji)
- Bau Fijian
- Bau Island
- Timoci BAVADRA
- Bayard (ship)
- Belgium, Fiji Embassy to - Beqa
- Berar (Ship)
- Blackbirding
- Bligh Roosters
- Bligh Water
- Sireli BOBO
- Ratu Ovini BOKINI
- Filimoni BOLAVUCU
- Filipe BOLE
- Ratu Meli BOLOBOLO
- Bose Levu Vakaturaga
- - Boyne (ship)
- British Peer (ship)
- Joseph BROWNE
- Bruce (ship) - Jabez BRYCE
- Bua
- Bua F.C.
- Virisila BUADROMO
- Buca Bay
- BUKSH, M.S. - Bula, IL
- Bulou
- Bulu - Poseci BUNE
- Bure
- Burebasaga Confederacy
- Burotu
- Trevor BUTLER
- Cakaudrove
- Ratu Sir Edward CAKOBAU
- Ratu Epenisa CAKOBAU
- Ratu George CAKOBAU
- Ratu Sir George CAKOBAU
- Adi Litia CAKOBAU
- Ratu Seru Epenisa CAKOBAU
- Carpenter's Tower, Fiji - Adi Asenaca CAUCAU
- Viliame CAVUBATI
- Central Division
- Champions versus Champions (Fiji)
- Baba Ram CHANDRA
- Rajesh CHANDRA
- Mahendra CHAUDHRY
- Rajendra CHAUDHRY
- Chenab (ship) - Chief Justice (Fiji) - Chief Magistrate (Fiji)
- Chief Minister (Fiji)
- Chinese in Fiji
- Christian Democratic Alliance (Fiji)
- Church involvement in Fiji coups
- Churchill Park (Lautoka)
- Cibaciba and Drakulu
- Cibi
- Cicia
- Citizens' Constitutional Forum - Elizabeth CLAYTON - Clyde (ship) - Coalition of Independent Nationals
- Coastal Stallions
- Cobia Island - Ratu Tu'uakitau COKANAUTO
- Colonial Cup
- Colonial Sugar Refining Company (Fiji)
- Colony of Fiji - Commissioner of Police (Fiji)
- Communal constituencies
- Communications in Fiji - Constituency Boundaries Commission
- - Conway Reef
- Council of Rotuma
- Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit
- Court of Appeal (Fiji)
- Crimson Shining-parrot
- Culture of Fiji
- Dinesh CHAND
- Ganesh CHAND
- Pratap CHAND
- Vijay CHAND
; Chapters 1
12 13 14 15 16 17
- Dakuwaqa
- Dance of Rotuma
- Danube (ship)
- Daucina
- Vilimaina DAVU
- Namila DAVUI
- Degei
- Jone DELAI
- Vilimoni DELASAU
- Demographics of Fiji
- Vishnu DEO
- Andrew DEOKI
- Sir William DES VŒUX - Laisa DIGITAKI
- Ratu Josefa DIMURI
- Diplomatic relations of Fiji - Director of Public Prosecutions (Fiji)
- Manoa DOBUI
- Manilal DOCTOR
- Dodonu ni Taukei - Dominion of Fiji
- Alifereti DOVIVERATA
- Dranivia
- Dravuni
- Dreketi F.C.
- Pita DRITI
- Moses DRIVER
- Hannah DUDLEY
- Adi Litia Mara DUGDALE - Iliesa DUVULOCO
- Adi Senimili DYER
- Eastern Division
- Economy of Fiji
- Elbe (ship) - Elections in Fiji (List)
; also separate articles: 1963 - 1966
- 1968 (byelections) - 1972
- March 1977
- September 1977
- 1982
- 1987
- 1992
- 1994
- 1999
- 2001
- 2006
- Next election (date not announced) - Electoral system of Fiji
- Ems (ship)
- Erne (ship) - European Union, Fiji Mission to
- Executive Council (Fiji)
- Famous Fijians - Daniel FATIAKI
- Fazilka (ship) - Federation of Cane Growers (Fiji)
- Festivals in Fiji
- Ratu Aliferati FINAU -Flag of Fiji
- Sir Arthur FLETCHER - Flora and fauna of Fiji - Foreign Ministers of Fiji - Foreign relations of Fiji
- Peter FOSTER
- Sir Robert Sidney FOSTER
- Sir Leslie FREESTON - Fulaga
- Fultala (ship)
- {Fiji at the Olympic Games: 1972
- 1988
- 1992
- 2000
- 2004
} - Fiji at the 2006 Commonwealth Games
- Fiji Cane Growers Association
- Fiji Chess Federation
- Fiji Constitutional Crisis of 1977
- Fiji coups of 1987
- {Fiji coup of 2000
: Timeline - Mutinies - Aftermath - Investigations
- Ratu Mara's removal
- Alleged plot against Ratu Iloilo
- Allegations - Trials
- Court Martial
- Military unrest
} - Fiji coup plot of 2006 - Fiji Court of Appeal - {Fiji crisis of 2005-2006
: Timeline
- Baledrokadroka incident
- Reaction
} - Fiji Democratic Party
- Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit
- Fiji Football Association
- Fiji Football Association Cup Tournament
- Fiji Football Referees Association
- Fiji Girl Guides Association
- Fiji Hindi
- Fiji Human Rights Commission
- Fiji Indian - Fiji Infantry Regiment
- Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions
- Fiji Labour Party
- Fiji Law Reform Commission
- Fiji Law Society
- Fiji Live
- Fiji Meteorological Service
- Fiji Muslim League
- Fiji national football team
- Fiji One
- Fiji Petrel
- Fiji Rugby Union
- Fiji Samachar
- Fiji Scouts Association
- Fiji Sports Council
- Fiji Sugar Corporation
- Fiji Sun
- Fiji Television
- Fiji Times
- Fiji Trades Union Congress
- Fiji Tuwawa
- Fiji Village
- Fiji water
- Fiji Week
- Fiji Week, 2004
- Fiji Week, 2005
- Fiji Women's Crisis Centre
- Fiji women's national football team
- Fijian Association - Fijian Association Party (FAP)
- Fijian Battalion - Fijian dollar
- Fijian electoral system
- Fijian Football League - Fijian honours system
- Fijian language
- Fijian mercenaries in Bougainville, 2005 - Fijian naming conventions
- Fijian Nationalist Party
- Fijian people (ethnic group)
- Fijian Political Party - Fijian pound
- Galoa - Jonetani GALUINADI
- Ganges (1861) - Ganges (1882) - Adi Ateca GANILAU
- Bernadette GANILAU
- Ratu Epeli GANILAU
- Ratu Sir Penaia GANILAU
- Sir Ronald GARVEY
- Anthony GATES
- Gau Island
- Gay rights in Fiji
- General Electors
- General Voters Party - Girmit Heritage Party - Girmit Soccer Tournament (Fiji)
- God Bless Fiji (National Anthem)
- Golden Dove
- Gunasagaran GOUNDER
- Government Buildings, Suva
- Government House, Suva
- Governors of Fiji (List)
- Governors-General of Fiji (list)
- Govind Park
- Grand Coalition Initiative Group - Sir Alexander GRANTHAM
- Great Astrolabe Reef
- Great Council of Chiefs (Fiji)
- Chuck GROTTE - Group Against Racial Discrimination (Fiji)
- Gujaratis in Fiji
- Hector HATCH
- Hereford (ship)
- High Court (Fiji)
- Hinduism in Fiji
- {History of Fiji (main article)
- History of Fiji:Discovery - History of Fiji:The rise and fall of Cakobau - History of Fiji:Colonial Fiji - History of Fiji:The modern nation} - A.M. HOCART
- House of Chiefs
- House of Representatives (Fiji)
- Howrah (ship)
- Stuart HUGGETT
- Andrew HUGHES
- Sir Eyre HUTSON
- Sir Everard F. IM THURN
- India-Fiji relations
- Indian Cane Growers Association (Fiji)
- Indian Imperial Association (Fiji)
- Indian Indenture Ships to Fiji
- Indian members of Legislative Council of Fiji
- Indian Reform League (Fiji)
- Indians in Fiji
- Indus (ship) - Instant-runoff voting
- Instruments of Independence
- Intelligentsiya (blog) - Interdistrict football championship (Fiji) - Imraz IQBAL
- IRB Pacific 5 Nations
- Islam in Fiji
- Itu'tiu
- Sir Francis JAKEWAY - Imrana JALAL
- Anare JALE
- Jannif, Ben - Judicial Service Commission - Jumna (ship) - Justice and Freedom Party
- Justice of Appeal
- Kadavu
- Kadavu Group
- Kaibu
- Simione KAITANI
- Kaivalagi
- Kaiviti - Tomasi KANAILAGI
- Kanacea
- Ratu Epeli KANAKANA
- Kanakas
- Kato'aga
- Jonetani KAUKIMOCE
- Kaunitoni
- Adi Salaseini KAVUNONO
- Francis KEAN
- Ro Teimumu KEPA
Sailosi KEPA
- Tulsi Ram KHELWAN
- Kioa
- Kisan Sangh
- George KONROTE
- Koro Island
- Koro-ni-O
- Koro Sea
- Jimi KOROI
- Jokapeci KOROI
- Korovou, Tailevu
- Sidiq KOYA
- James Shri KRISHNA
- Ratu Inoke KUBUABOLA
- Kubuna Confederacy
- Kulu Bay Resort
- Jain KUMAR
- Jainend KUMAR - Sujit KUMAR - Maleli KUNAVORE
- Suliasi KURULO
- Kundan Singh KUSH
- Hafiz KHAN
- Iqbal KHAN - Jahir KHAN
- Mohammed Afzal KHAN
- Labasa F.C.
- Labasa Kisan Sangh
- Ratu Paula LACAWAI
- Lakeba
- Chaitanya LAKSHMAN
- Prince Gopal LAKSHMAN
- Brij LAL
- John Icha LAL
- Surendra LAL
- Ratu Naiqama LALABALAVU
- Lali
- Lami
- Lami F.C.
- Laucala
- Laufitu of Tonga
- Lau Islands
- Lautoka
- Lautoka District
- -Lautoka FC - Lawaqa Park
- Leader of the Opposition
- Legislative Council (Fiji)
- Leleuvia
- Leonidas (ship)
- Ponipate LESAVUA
- Graeme LEUNG
- Levuka
- Levuka F.C.
- Lewalevu - Neumi LEWENI
- Lio on Famor Rotuman Party - Nicky LITTLE
- Local government of Fiji
- Lomaiviti
- Lomaloma
- Long-legged Warbler
- Kenneth LOW
- Felix von LUCKNER
- Sir Harry LUKE
- Lutunasobasoba - Mosese LUVEITASAU
- Macuata
- Sir Kenneth MADDOCKS
- Mago Island
- Maha Sangh
- J.D. MAHARAJ - Sanjeet Chand MAHARAJ
- Main (ship) - Ratu Kinijoji MAIVALILI
- Mak Sa'moa
- Makogai
- Adi Laufitu MALANI
- Ratu Wilisoni Tuiketai MALANI
- Mamanuca Islands
- MANU, A.R. - Daniel Urai MANUFOLAU
- Adi Litiana MAOPA
- Maps of Fiji - Maqewa - Marist Brothers High School (Fiji)
- Master of the High Court
- Petero MATACA
- Ratu Suliano MATANITOBUA
- Matagi
- Mataqali - MATAWALU
- Matuku - Sir Francis Henry MAY
- Meke
- Mersey (ship)
- Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma
- Military of Fiji
- Military-church relations in Fiji
- Minerva Reefs
- Ghananand MISHRA
- Sudesh MISHRA
- Sir Charles MITCHELL
- Sir Philip MITCHELL
- Moala
- Moala Islands
- Ratu Tevita MOMOEDONU
- Muniswamy MUDLIAR
- Vashist MUNI
- {Municipal elections in Fiji
; see also separate articles: 2002
- 2005
} - Perumal MUPNAR
- Murimuria
- Music of Fiji
- Ratu Sir Kamisese MARA
- Ro Adi Lala MARA
- Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba MARA
- Adi Elenoa MARA-RASOVA
- Nabua
- Joeli NABUKA
- Nadogo F.C.
- Nadroga F.C.
- Nadroga-Navosa
- Apenisa NAEVO
- Ratu Apisai NAEVO
- Semisi NAEVO
- Ratu Sairusi NAGAGAVOKA
- Shivlal NAGINDAS
- Dorsami NAIDU
- Richard NAIDU
- Naigani
- Damodran NAIR
- Vijay Nair
- Naitasiri
- Solomone NAIVALU
- Nakauvadra - Nakorotubu
- Nalawa F.C.
- Namalata
- Namena Lala
- Naming conventions of Fiji
- Namosi
- Nananu-i-Ra
- Gyani NAND
- Nainendra NAND
- Ragho NAND
- Satya NANDAN
- Ratu Sela NANOVO
- Neumi NANUKU
- Nanuya Levu
- Serupepeli Naqase
- NARAIN, Sathi
- Irene Jai NARAYAN
- Paresh Narayan
- Nasaqalau
- Nasau Park
- Nasinu
- Nasinu F.C.
- Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party
- Native Land Register
- Native Land Trust Board - Native Transport Detachment - Samueli NAULU
- Viliame NAUPOTO
- Nausori
- Nausori International Airport
- Naviti
- Ratu Viliame NAVOKA
- Navua District, Fiji
- Ratu Josateki NAWALOWALO
- Ndengei - New Labour Unity Party
- Newnham, S.S. - Ngendi - Sangeeta NIRANJAN
- Ratu Epeli NIUDAMU
- Niumataiwalu
- Noa’tau
- Nokia Eagles
- Non-Resident Indian - Northern Division
- Nourse Line
- Nukulau
- Nadi District
- Nadi FC - Nadi International Airport
- Ratu Epeli Qaraninamu NAILATIKAU
- National Congress of Fiji
- National constituencies
- National Farmers Union (Fiji)
- National Democratic Party
- National Federation Party
- National Federation Party - Dove faction (Fiji)
- National Federation Party - Flower faction (Fiji)
- National language debate
- National Stadium (Suva)
- Office of International Treasury Control
(OITC) - Ogea Driki
- Ogea Levu
- Ono Island
- Ono-i-Lau
- Open constituencies
- Orange Dove
- Ovalau
- Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance
- Pacific Islanders rugby union team
- Pacific Rugby Cup
- Lavenia PADARATH
- Narendra Kumar PADARATH
- Paramount Chief of Fiji - Parliament (Fiji) - Party of National Unity (PANU)
- Party of the Truth (POTT)
- Parliamentary Organization for Indigenous Fijians - People's Coalition
- People's National Party
- Pericles (ship)
- Sarojini PILLAY
- Wayne PIVAC
- Politics of Fiji
- Poonah (Ship)
- Post Fiji Stadium - Ayodhya PRASAD
- Krishna PRASAD
- Presidents of Fiji (List) - President of the Court of Appeal
- {Presidential elections in Fiji: see also separate articles: 2000
, 2006
} - Prime Ministers of Fiji (List) - Prince Charles Park
- Protector of Fiji - Puisne judge
- Hari PUNJA
- S.B. PATEL - Vinod PATEL
- Qaranivalu
- Laisenia QARASE
- Qelelevu - Alipate QETAKI
- Qoliqoli Bill
- Emasi QOVU
- Queen Elizabeth Barracks
- Queen of Fiji - Queen Victoria School (Fiji)
- Qurai
- Rabi Council of Leaders
- Rabi Island
- Sitiveni RABUKA
- Kiniviliame RADAVETA
- Radini Nayau
- Pramod RAE
- Monica RAGHWAN
- Mataiasi RAGIAGIA - George Shiu RAJ
- Rakiraki
- Rakiraki F.C.
- Rishi RAM
- Ramrakha, K.C. - James Ramchandar RAO
- Raranitiqa - Rasolo
- Ratu Talemo RATAKELE
- Ratu
- Ratu Cakobau Park
- Ratu Kadavulevu School
- Ratumaibulu
- Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day
- Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day, 2005 - Moses RAULUNI
- Asesela RAVUVU
- Ratu Josaia RAYAWA
- {Reconciliation and Unity Commission
- Blue Ribbon campaign
- Yellow Ribbon campaign
- Moderate voices - Military opposition
- Military-church relations in Fiji
- Foreign reaction
- Religious reaction
} - Red-throated Lorikeet
- Jai Ram REDDY
- Kamlesh REDDY
- K.S. REDDY - Reserve Bank of Fiji Building - Rewa
- Rewa Bridge
- Rewa FC - Rewa Planters Union
- Rewa River
- Rhine (ship) - Rhone (ship)
- Sir Arthur RICHARDS
- Marieta RIGAMOTO
- Ringgold Isles
- Ro
- Sir Hercules ROBINSON - Ratu Maculeku ROKOCEGU - Roko
- Nasoni ROKO
- Adi Joana ROKOMATU
- Roko Tui Bau - Roko Tui Dreketi
- Roko Tui Namata
- Roman Catholic Church in Fiji
- Rotuma
- Rotuma Day
- Rotuma Day, 2005 - Rotuma Group
- Rotuman Islands Council
- Rotuman language
- Rugby union in Fiji
- Rugby Union (Fiji national rugby union team)
- Rugby Sevens (Fiji national rugby union sevens team)
- Ryder, William
- Jagannath SAMI
- Adi Mere Tuisalalo SAMISONI
- Samulayo
- Totaram SANADHYA
- Sangola (ship) - Santhia (ship) - Viliame SATALA
- Sau (Rotuman king)
- Tomasi SAUQAQA
- Isikia SAVUA
- Savusavu
- Savusavu F.C.
- Sawana
- Deryck SCARR - Seaqaqa F.C.
- Dixon SEETO
- Senate (Fiji)
- Ratu Jope SENILOLI
- Ratu Popi SENILOLI
- Waisale SEREVI
- Serua
- C.A. SHAH - Nazhat SHAMEEM
- Shaista SHAMEEM
- Sigatoka
- Peniasi SILATOLU
- Silktail
- Semesa SIKIVOU
- Sakiusa SING
- Sitiveni SIVIVATU
- Sivoki
- Savenaca SIWATIBAU
- Sky Pacific
- Social Liberal Multicultural Party
- Solicitor-General (Fiji)
- Solkope
- Somosomo
- Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua (United Fiji Party) - Gagaj Maraf SOLOMONE
- South Indians in Fiji
- South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission
- South Pacific Forum - South Pacific Stock Exchange
- South Pacific Tourism Organisation
- Southern Division Kisan Sangh
- Ratu Jovesa SOVASOVA
- Adi Kuini SPEED
- George SPEIGHT
- Sri Siva Subramaniya temple
- Subrail Park
- Sugar Cane Farmers Unions in Fiji
- Sugar Cane Growers Council (Fiji)
- Sugar City Ratepayers Alliance
- Ratu Sir Lala SUKUNA
- Sun Air (Fiji)
- Supreme Court (Fiji)
- Suva
- Suva City Council
- Suva F.C.
- Suva Highlanders
- Chandra SWAMY - Ofa SWANN
- Sir Ernest Bickham SWEET-ESCOTT - Syria (ship)
- Gabriel SHARMA
- Harish Sharma
- Sachida Nand SHARMA
- Shri Krishna SHARMA
- Tulsi Ram SHARMA
- Vivekanand SHARMA
- Vyas Deo SHARMA
- Ajay SINGH
- Ajit Swaran SINGH
- Anand Kumar SINGH
- Anirudh SINGH
- Attar SINGH
- Bobby SINGH
- Chandra SINGH
- C.P. SINGH - Chattur SINGH
- Davendra SINGH
- Gyan SINGH
- Jason SINGH
- K.B. SINGH - Mehar SINGH
- Nibhray SINGH
- Parmanand SINGH
- Pravin SINGH
- Prem SINGH
- Rajesh SINGH
- Rajnesh SINGH
- Raman Pratap SINGH
- Rebecca SINGH
- Satendra SINGH
- Uday SINGH
- Sir Vijay SINGH (politician)
- Vijay SINGH (golfer)
- Vijay SINGH (politician)
- Tabua
- Ilivasi TABUA
- Tailevu
- Tailevu/Naitasiri F.C.
- Tailevu North F.C.
- Taininbeka - Ratu Inoke TAKIVEIKATA (Qaranivalu)
- Ratu Inoke TAKIVEIKATA (Vice-President)
- Aisea TAOKA
- Tarau of Tovu Totoya
- Ratu Kiniviliame TAUKEINIKORO
- Tauraria - Tautoga
- Ratu Sir Josaia TAVAIQIA
- Taveuni
- Taveuni F.C.
- Kaliopate TAVOLA
- Tavua
- Tavua F.C.
- Saula TELAWA
- Esala TELENI
- Apisai TORA
- Tora ni Bau
- Totoya
- Tovata Confederacy
- Transportation in Fiji - Tubou
- Manasa TUGIA
- Kitione TUINAOSARA - Ilaitia TUISESE
- Ratu Sakiusa TUISOLIA
- Sir Timoci TUIVAGA
- Lote TUQIRI - Turaga na Gonesau
- Tuvuca
- Isireli TUVUKI
- Tui Cakau's army - Tui Delai Gau
- Tui Lau
- Tui Nadi
- Tui Nayau
- Tui Viti
- Tui Vuda
- Alifereti Finau ULUGALALA
- Uluilakeba I
- Uma of Nukunuku - Chandu UMARIA - United Nations, Fiji Mission to - United Fiji Party (Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua) - University of Fiji
- University of the South Pacific
- Ratu Nemia Vunimakadre VAINITOBA
- Ratu Kinijioji VAKAWALETABUA
- Vanua Balavu
- Vanua Levu
- Vanua Levu Group
- Vanua Tako Lavo Party
- Vatoa
- Vatukoula
- Vatukoula F.C.
- Vatulele
- Vatu Vara
- Bulou Elenoa Misikini VAVAITAMANA
- Veitokani ni Lewenivanua Vakarisito
- Vicariate Apostolic of Fiji
- Vice-President of Fiji - Joeli VIDIRI
- Virawa (ship) - Ratu Tanoa VISAWAQA
- Viseisei
- Vishal Sangh
- Viti Levu
- Viti Levu Group
- Vitu
- Vodafone Arena (Fiji) - Vola ni Kawa Bula - Mosese VOLAVOLA
- Ratu Peni VOLAVOLA
- Voting system of Fiji - Vuaqava
- Vuda Point
- Tevita Vuibau
- Adi Lagamu VUIYASAWA
- Josateki VULA
- Vunivalu of Bau
- Wakaya
- Jeremaia WAQANISAU
- Taito WARADI
- Wardha (ship) - West Fijian languages - West Fijian–Rotuman languages - Western Crusaders
- Western Division
- Western United Front
- Esther WILLIAMS - Josephine WILLIAMS - Whistling Dove
- Pio WONG
- Konisi YABAKI
- Yacata - Yadua Levu - Yalalevu
- Yanuca
- Yanuca Lailai
- Yanuca Levu
- Yaqona
- Yasawa
- Yasawa Islands
Fiji (main article)
- Communications in Fiji
- {Constitution of Fiji
; Preamble
; Chapters 1
12 13 14 15 16 17
} - Culture of Fiji
- Demographics of Fiji
- Economy of Fiji
- Famous Fijians - Foreign relations of Fiji
- History of Fiji
- Local government of Fiji
- Military of Fiji
- Music of Fiji
- Politics of Fiji
- Transport in Fiji
Other Fiji-Related Lists
Chief Justice of Fiji (including list of incumbents)
- Festivals of Fiji (list)
- House of Representatives of Fiji (including list of members)
- Leader of the Opposition of Fiji (including list of incumbents)
- List of Chairmen of the Great Council of Chiefs
- List of cities and towns in Fiji - List of Fijians - List of Fijian Affairs Ministers
- List of Fiji-related categories - List of Fijian Heads of State - List of Fijian politicians - List of Fijian sportspeople - List of Fijian Victoria Cross recipients - List of Foreign Ministers of Fiji
- List of Governors of Fiji - Governor-General of Fiji
- List of Indian indenture ships to Fiji
- List of parliamentary elections in Fiji - List of political parties in Fiji - List of Premiers of the Kingdom of Viti
- List of Presidents of Fiji
- List of Prime Ministers of Fiji
- List of Speakers of the Fijian House of Representatives
- List of Vice-Presidents of Fiji - Senate of Fiji (including list of members)
Fiji , officially the Republic of Fiji , is an island nation in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean about northeast of New Zealand's North Island...
, include:
Rodney ACRAMANRodney Acraman
Rodney Acraman is Fiji's Acting Ombudsman and thus the ex officio Chairperson of the Fiji Human Rights Commission. The Military administration, which took power in a coup d'état on 5 December 2006, appointed him to the Ombudsman's position on 13 December. The position had been vacant since Walter...
- Adi
Adi (title)
Adi is a title used by Fijian women of chiefly rank, namely female members of chiefly clans. It is the equivalent of the Ratu title used by male chiefs. It is in general use throughout most of Fiji, although on Kadavu Island, Bulou is used instead....
- Adi Da
Adi Da
Adi Da Samraj , born Franklin Albert Jones in Queens, New York, was a spiritual teacher, writer and artist, and the founder of a new religious movement known as Adidam...
- James AH KOY
James Ah Koy
Sir James Michael Ah Koy, KBE is a Fijian of Chinese and Fijian descent. He is Executive Chairman of Kelton Investments, the IT service provider Datec Group Ltd., Honorary Consul of the Republic of Georgia to Fiji and a board director of forty-six companies. He served as a Cabinet Minister in...
- Air Fiji
Air Fiji
Air Fiji was an airline based in Nausori, Fiji. It operated inter-island services to destinations within the Fijian Islands. Its main base was Nausori International Airport, Suva, with a base at Nadi International Airport....
- Air Pacific
Air Pacific
Air Pacific Limited, Fiji's international airline, operates international and domestic services around the Pacific and to North America and Hong Kong. It is also a partner with the frequent flyer programmes of Qantas, American Airlines, and Alaska Airlines...
- Air Pacific destinations
Air Pacific destinations
Air Pacific operates scheduled services to the following destinations :-North America:*United States**Honolulu - Honolulu International Airport**Los Angeles - Los Angeles International Airport-Oceania:*Australia...
- Ahmed ALI
Ahmed Ali (politician)
Dr. Ahmed Ali was a Fijian academic and politician who held Cabinet office several times from the late 1970s onwards. Unlike the majority of his fellow Indo-Fijians, he was aligned with the Alliance Party of Prime Minister Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara in the 1970s and 1980s, and with the United Fiji...
- Amjad ALI
Amjad Ali
Amjad Ali is a Fiji Indian politician. In the House of Representatives he represented the Nadi Urban Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, from 1999 to 2006, having held the seat for the Fiji Labour Party in the general elections of 1999 and 2001...
- Shamima ALI
Shamima Ali
Shamima Ali is a Fijian political activist of Indian descent. As of January 2007, she is a member of the Fiji Human Rights Commission and the Coordinator of the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre ....
William Lamond Allardyce
Sir William Lamond Allardyce KCMG was a career British civil servant in the Colonial Office who served as governor of Fiji , the Falkland Islands , Bahamas , Tasmania , and Newfoundland .Allardyce was born near Bombay, India, the son of Georgina Dickson Abbott and Colonel James Allardyce...
- Allanshaw (ship) - Alliance Party
Fijian Alliance
The Alliance Party, was the ruling political party in Fiji from 1966 to 1987. Founded in the early 1960s, its leader was Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, the founding father of the modern Fijian nation...
- All Nationals Congress - Charles Freer ANDREWS
Charles Freer Andrews
Charles Freer Andrews was an English priest of the Church of England. He was an educator and participant in the campaign for Indian independence, and became Mahatma Gandhi's closest friend and associate....
- Felix M. Anthony
Felix Anthony
Felix M. Anthony is a Fiji Indian trade unionist and political leader.During the 2000 coup, he was illegally detained by members of the Taukei Movement, an ethnic Fijian extremist organisation....
- Appeal Court
Court of Appeal (Fiji)
The Court of Appeal of Fiji is one of three courts established by Chapter 9 of the Constitution, the others being the High Court and the Supreme Court. The Court of Appeal was a new institution established when the 1997 Constitution came into effect; the other two courts predated it...
- Narendra ARJUN
Narendra Arjun
Narendra Singh Arjun was a Fijian lawyer and politician of Indian descent. In the course of his career, he served as President of the Fiji Law Society and as a member of the Sugar Industry Tribunal....
- Armed Forces (Fiji)
Military of Fiji
The Republic of Fiji Military Forces are the military of the Pacific island nation of Fiji. With a total manpower of 3,500 active soldiers and 6,000 reservists, it is one of the smallest militaries in the world. However, most of its surrounding island nations have no militaries at all...
- Arno (ship) - Kamlesh Kumar ARYA
Kamlesh Kumar Arya
Kamlesh Kumar Arya is the president of the Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji, which is a national organization uniting all the Arya Samajs in Fiji. Initially, he chose teaching as a career and was active within the Fiji Teachers Union...
- Arya Samaj (Fiji)
Arya Samaj (Fiji)
The Arya Samaj was the first religious, cultural and educational Fiji Indian organisation established in Fiji. From its inception, in 1904, it attracted the young, educated and progressive Hindus into its fold...
- Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji
Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji
The Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji is the national body for all the Arya Samajs in Fiji. It was formed in 1918 and registered as a religious body through the efforts of Manilal Doctor, who was in Fiji from 1912 to 1920 at the behest of Mahatma Gandhi to provide legal assistance to the Fiji Indians...
- Assembly of Christian Churches in Fiji
Assembly of Christian Churches in Fiji
The Assembly of Christian Churches in Fiji is an umbrella organization comprising several Christian denominations in Fiji. The ACCF website describes the ministry as working "to encourage support and strengthen member churches through its constituted vision, mission, objects, powers and all...
- Attorney-General (Fiji)
Attorney-General (Fiji)
Fiji's chief governmental legal officer is the Attorney General. According to the Constitution of Fiji, the Attorney-General is required to be a qualified lawyer and sits in the Cabinet. The office of the Attorney-General is the oldest surviving executive office in Fiji, having been established...
- Atu
In Samoan mythology, Atu was the first man on Fiji and Tonga....
- Avon (ship)
Ba DistrictBa District, Fiji
Ba is a district situation on the North Western part of the island of Viti Levu in Fiji. The name Ba is also used for a province, a tikina , a town and a river. Ba district comprises the areas surrounding Ba Town and includes the Fijian administrative tikinas of Ba and Magodro. Ba district is in...
- Ba FC - Ba Province
Ba Province
Ba is a province of Fiji, occupying the north-western sector of Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island. It is one of fourteen Provinces in the nation of Fiji, and one of eight based in Viti Levu. It is Fiji's most populous Province, with a population of 231,760 - more than a quarter of the nation's...
- Ba River (Fiji)
Ba River (Fiji)
The Ba River is located in the island of Viti Levu in Fiji. The town of Ba is built on its banks. The Rarawai Sugar Mill is located a kilometer upstream on the bank of the Ba River and makes use of the river water in its boilers....
- Ba Town - Jale BABA
Jale Baba
Jale Baba is a Fijian businessman and political organizer. A forestry graduate of the Australian National University, he worked for Fiji Pine Limited for more than 20 years, before leaving in 1999 to start his own company- Baba Forests. He also serves as the campaign director of the ruling...
- Tupeni BABA
Tupeni Baba
Tupeni Lebaivalu Baba is a Fijian academic and politician, who founded the now-defunct New Labour Unity Party. Most members of this party later merged with several other centrist parties to form the Fiji Democratic Party...
- Anand BABLA
Anand Babla
Anand Babla was a Fijian politician of Indian descent. He was a member of the National Farmers Union and Fiji Labour Party , holding the Tavua Indian Communal Constituency from 1992 to 2006. in the House of Representatives...
- Sharon BAGHWAN-ROLLS - Atu Emberson BAIN
Atu Emberson Bain
Atu Emberson Bain is a Fijian political leader. A leading figure the Fiji Labour Party , she served from 1999 to 2006 as one of 8 Senators nominated by the Leader of the Opposition.Bain is known for her outspoken opinions...
Frank Bainimarama
Commodore Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, CF, MSD, OStJ, Fijian Navy, known commonly as Frank Bainimarama and sometimes by the chiefly title Ratu , is a Fijian naval officer and politician. He is the Commander of the Fijian Military Forces and, as of April 2009, Prime Minister...
Meli Bainimarama
Ratu Meli Bainimarama is a Fijian civil servant, who currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Fisheries and Forests. Prior to this appointment, reported by Fiji Live on 25 May 2006 , he was CEO of the Fijian Affairs Ministry...
- Praveen BALA
Praveen Bala
Praveen Kumar Bala is the current Special Administrator of Lautoka. He is a former President of the Fiji Local Government Association and a former Mayor of the Fijian town of Ba.-Pre-Coup:Bala was first elected Mayor of Ba in 1996...
- Qoriniasi BALE
Qoriniasi Bale
Qoriniasi Babitu Bale is a lawyer and political leader, who has served twice as Fiji's Minister for Justice and Attorney-General, most recently from 2001 to 2006, when he was deposed in the military coup of 5 December...
Banaba Island
Banaba Island , an island in the Pacific Ocean, is a solitary raised coral island west of the Gilbert Island chain and 300 km east of Nauru. It is part of the Republic of Kiribati. It has an area of 6.5 km², and the highest point on the island is also the highest point in Kiribati, at 81...
Joji Banuve
Joji Natadra Banuve was a Fijian politician, who served in the Cabinet as Assistant Minister for Local Government, Housing, Squatter Settlement, and the Environment...
- Battle of the Giants (Fiji)
Battle of the Giants (Fiji)
The Battle of the Giants is a football competition held every year, under the auspices of the Fiji Football Association, in Fiji in which the top district teams take part....
- Bau Fijian
Fijian language
Fijian is an Austronesian language of the Malayo-Polynesian family spoken in Fiji. It has 450,000 first-language speakers, which is less than half the population of Fiji, but another 200,000 speak it as a second language...
- Bau Island
Bau Island
Bau is a small island in Fiji, off the east coast of the main island of Viti Levu.-History:With the aid of Charlie Savage, who brought firearms to Bau Island, the Bauan people quickly established themselves as an undefeatable military force...
- Timoci BAVADRA
Timoci Bavadra
Timoci Uluivuda Bavadra was a medical doctor who served for one month as the second Prime Minister of Fiji in 1987 and who founded the Fiji Labour Party....
- Bayard (ship)
Bayard (ship)
The Bayard was a three masted, 67 metre long, 1,028 ton, sailing ship built by T. Vernon and Son, Liverpool for the Hall Line in 1864. In 1868 she was transferred to Sun Shipping Company and in 1881 sold to Foley and Company....
Mick Beddoes
Mick Malcolm Millis Beddoes, widely known as Mick Beddoes, is a Fijian politician and businessman from Nadi, who has led the United Peoples Party since 2000, and was the Leader of the Opposition at the time of the military coup of 5 December 2006...
- Belgium, Fiji Embassy to - Beqa
Beqa is an island in Fiji, an outlier to the main island of Viti Levu, 10 kilometers to the south. The island has a land area of 36 square kilometers and reaches a maximum altitude of 462 meters.-Tradition:...
- Berar (Ship)
Berar (ship)
The Berar, named after a region in western India, was a sailing ship of 902 tons, owned by Tyser & Haviside and was built in 1863 by William Pile at Sunderland.- Trips to New Zealand :...
- Blackbirding
Blackbirding is a term that refers to recruitment of people through trickery and kidnappings to work as labourers. From the 1860s blackbirding ships were engaged in seeking workers to mine the guano deposits on the Chincha Islands in Peru...
- Bligh Roosters
Bligh Roosters
Bligh Roosters are a rugby union franchise based in Tavua. They joined the Colonial Cup in 2007.-History:The franchise area covers Tavua, Vatukoula, Ba and Ra. Fiji Rugby Union High Performance Unit manager, Peter Murphy, has been assisting with the team's training programme to get them off the...
- Bligh Water
Bligh Water
The Bligh Water, named after Captain William Bligh, is a shallow marine area in western Fiji, east of the Yasawa Islands. Parts of the seafloor of the area are covered with coral growths.-External links:**...
- Sireli BOBO
Sireli Bobo
Isireli Bobo is a Fijian rugby union footballer, currently playing for the Paris club Racing Métro 92 in the Top 14 club competition in France.-Career:...
Meli Bogileka
Meli Bogileka is a Fijian politician. He was the Secretary of the People's National Party up to its decision to merge into the Party of National Unity on 5 March 2006. This merger, an affair complicated by several about-turns, saw Bogileka appointed Secretary of the new PANU...
- Ratu Ovini BOKINI
Ovini Bokini
Ratu Ovini Bokini Ratu was a Fijian chief and political leader. Bokini, who held the chiefly title of Tui Tavua, succeeded Epeli Ganilau as Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs on 21 July 2004, and was reelected to this post for a full three-year term on 27 July 2005.A formal gathering of...
- Filimoni BOLAVUCU
Filimoni Bolavucu
Filimoni Vakalololma Bolavucu is a Fijian rugby union player, who currently plays for Dax in Pro D2. He plays as a wing. He played for the Suva Highlanders in the Colonial Cup. He also played for Lomaiviti in the local tournaments...
- Filipe BOLE
Filipe Bole
Filipe Nagera Bole is a Fijian politician who hails from the village of Mualevu on the island of Vanuabalavu in the Lau Group. He has long had a reputation as one of Fiji's few politicians untainted by scandal, and is noted for his moderate views...
- Ratu Meli BOLOBOLO
Meli Bolobolo
Ratu Meli Bolobolo is a Fijian chief and academic, who lectures at the Fiji Institute of Technology.-Career:Bolobolo was installed on 30 September 2005 as the third Tu Navitilevu, or Paramount Chief of Rakiraki, in Ra Province. He succeeded his late father, Ratu Tevita Bolobolo, who died in...
- Bose Levu Vakaturaga
Great Council of Chiefs (Fiji)
The Great Council of Chiefs is a now dormant 1997 constitutional body in the Republic of the Fiji Islands. In April 2007 the council was suspended, due to an unworkable relationship with Frank Bainimarama, leader of an "interim government" which came to power through a military coup in December 2006...
- - Boyne (ship)
Boyne (ship)
The Boyne was a 1,403 ton, Nourse Line sailing ship built by T.R. Oswald of Southampton in 1877. It was referred to as the "Hoodoo Ship" for the number of mishaps that occurred to it.-Voyages on the "hoodoo ship":...
- British Peer (ship)
British Peer (ship)
- External links :***- Bibliography :...
- Joseph BROWNE
Joseph Browne
Joseph Browne is a Fijian civil servant, who was Official Secretary to the late President, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, prior to Mara's possibly forced resignation during the insurrection which deposed the constitutional government in 2000...
- Bruce (ship) - Jabez BRYCE
Jabez Bryce
Jabez Leslie Bryce was the Tongan-born bishop of the Anglican Church. Bryce served as the Bishop of Polynesia in the Province of New Zealand, which includes most of the South Pacific, from 1975 until his death in 2010. He was elevated to Archbishop of the diocese in 2006.Bryce was the first...
- Bua
Bua or BUA may refer to:*Bua, Luzon, Philippines*Bua Province, Fiji*Bua *ISO 639:bua, ISO code for the Buriat language*Bua, Varberg Municipality, locality in Varberg Municipality, Sweden...
- Bua F.C.
Bua F.C.
Bua F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Bua, which is a province on the western end of the island of Vanua Levu.Their uniform includes orange shirt.- Bibliography :...
- Virisila BUADROMO
Virisila Buadromo
Virisila Buadromo is a Fijian political activist and former journalist, who is currently the Executive Director of the Fiji Women's Rights Movement . Previously, she was the news director for FM96.- Political positions :...
- Buca Bay
Buca Bay
Buca Bay is a little known area and not widely traveled by tourists on the Fijian island of Vanua Levu. It serves as a terminus for ferries that cross between Vanua Levu and Taveuni....
- BUKSH, M.S. - Bula, IL
IL Bula
Ilikena Lasarusa Talebulamainavaleniveivakabulaimainakulalakebalau was a Fijian cricketer who played nine first class matches for Fiji between 1947-48 and 1953-54...
Mitieli Bulanauca
Mitieli Bulanauca is a Fijian politician and former Cabinet Minister.He was educated at Lelean Memorial School in Nausori, Fiji. He graduated from the University of New England, Australia in 1996...
- Bulou
Bulou is a title used by Fijian women of chiefly rank in Nadroga-Navosa, Kadavu, and parts of Serua. It is equivalent to Adi, the title given to female chiefs elsewhere in Fiji. The equivalent title used by male chiefs is Ratu....
- Bulu - Poseci BUNE
Poseci Bune
Poseci Waqalevu Bune is a Fijian politician, who has served as Deputy Leader of the Fiji Labour Party . From June to December 2006, he served as Minister for the Environment, one of nine FLP ministers, in the multiparty Cabinet of Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase...
- Bure
Bure (Fiji)
Bure is the Fijian word for a wood-and-straw hut, sometimes similar to a cabin.In its original sense, a bure is a structure built of anything that comes to hand...
- Burebasaga Confederacy
Burebasaga Confederacy
Burebasaga is the largest of the three confederacies that make up Fiji's House of Chiefs, to which all Fijian chiefs belong.-Composition of Burebasaga:...
- Burotu
In the Melanesian mythology of Fiji, Burotu is the paradise-underworld. Newly dead souls are judged by Degei, and a few go to Burotu. The rest go to Murimuria.-See also:*Bulu, said to be the name for the Fijian 'land of death'....
Sakeasi Butadroka
Sakeasi Butadroka was a Fijian politician noted for his strident ethnic nationalism. Originally elected to the House of Representatives as a member of the ruling Fijian Alliance in the parliamentary election of 1972, he was expelled from the Alliance for his public attacks against the presence of...
- Trevor BUTLER
Trevor Butler
Trevor Butler was the winner of Big Brother Australia 2004. As well as being the first, and currently the only, contestant to win $1,000,000, as opposed to the $250,000 of previous seasons, he also boosted interest in the final eviction by proposing to his then-girlfriend Breea Forrest live on the...
Cabinet of FijiCabinet (Fiji)
Fiji has the Westminster system - executive authority is vested nominally in a President, but exercised in practice by a Cabinet of Ministers, presided over by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is formally appointed, but not chosen, by the President: the President must appoint as Prime...
- Cakaudrove
Cakaudrove is one of fourteen provinces of Fiji, and one of three based principally on the northern island of Vanua Levu, occupying the south-eastern third of the island and including the nearby islands of Taveuni, Rabi, Kioa, and numerous other islands in the Vanua Levu Group...
- Ratu Sir Edward CAKOBAU
Edward Cakobau
Ratu Sir Edward Tuivanuavou Tugi Cakobau, KBE, MC was a Fijian chief and statesman.-Life:He was born on 21 December 1908 as the son of King George Tupou II of Tonga and his Fijian "trial wife", Adi Litia Cakobau, who was a granddaughter of Seru Epenisa Cakobau, the King who forged the first...
- Ratu Epenisa CAKOBAU
Epenisa Cakobau
Ratu Epenisa Seru Cakobau is a Fijian chief. Cakobau is a senior member of the Tui Kaba clan and a high chief on the island of Bau. The son of the late Ratu Sir George Cakobau , the former Vunivalu of Bau Ratu Epenisa Seru Cakobau is a Fijian chief. Cakobau is a senior member of the Tui Kaba...
- Ratu George CAKOBAU
George Cakobau, Jr.
Ratu George Cakobau, Jr., also known as Ratu Jioji Cakobau, is a Fijian chief and political leader. The son of the late Governor-General, Ratu Sir George Cakobau, who was also the Vunivalu of Bau...
- Ratu Sir George CAKOBAU
George Cakobau
Ratu Sir George Kadavulevu Cakobau, GCMG, GCVO, OBE was Governor General of Fiji from 1973 to 1983. A great-grandson of Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau, the King of Bau who had unified all the tribes of Fiji under his reign in the mid-1800s and subsequently ceded the islands to the United Kingdom in...
- Adi Litia CAKOBAU
Litia Cakobau
Adi Litia Qalirea Cakobau is a Bau high Fijian Chief and political leader. Cakobau, the daughter of the late Ratu Sir George Cakobau, who was Fiji's Governor-General from 1973 to 1983, was appointed to the Senate in 2001 as one of nine nominees of the Fijian government...
- Ratu Seru Epenisa CAKOBAU
Seru Epenisa Cakobau
Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau was a Fijian Ratu and warlord who united part of Fiji's warring tribes under his leadership, establishing a united Fijian kingdom.-Background:...
Samanunu Cakobau-Talakuli
Adi Litia Samanunu Cakobau-Talakuli is a Fijian chief, politician, and diplomat. The eldest child of Ratu Sir George Cakobau , Talakuli has held a number of senior positions in the Fijian government. She was Minister for Fijian Affairs in 1994 and 1995, and was considered as a candidate for the...
- Carpenter's Tower, Fiji - Adi Asenaca CAUCAU
Asenaca Caucau
Adi Asenaca Coboiverata Caucau, generally known simply as Adi Asenaca Caucau, is a Fijian politician. She served as Minister For Women and Minister for Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation from 2001 to 2006, when she became Minister of State for Housing...
Rupeni Caucaunibuca
-Early years:Caucaunibuca or "Rups", as called by those who knew him, grew up most of his life in the village. Caucaunibuca's father was a church minister based around the Bua province on the northern parts of Fiji so his family frequently moved....
- Viliame CAVUBATI
Viliame Cavubati
Viliame Cavubati is a Fijian politician. His first foray into politics was in 1968, when he began working for the then-ruling Fijian Alliance...
- Central Division
Central Division, Fiji
The Central Division of Fiji is one of Fiji's four divisions. It consists of five provinces - Naitasiri, Namosi, Rewa, Serua and Tailevu.The capital of the division is Suva, which is also the capital of Fiji. The division includes the eastern part of the largest island in Fiji, Viti Levu, with a...
Amy Chambers
Amy Chambers is an Anglican priest in Fiji, and the Principal of St John the Baptist Theological College in Suva.Born as Amy Fong Toy to a farming family of Chinese descent in Labasa on the northern island of Vanua Levu, she was educated at Labasa Secondary School. She taught for one year at St...
- Champions versus Champions (Fiji)
Champions versus Champions (Fiji)
Champion versus Champion is a football tournament organised in Fiji by the Fiji Football Association. This pair of home-and-away games are played as a season opener. In the old format the National Football League winner played the Inter-district Championship winner and in case these are the same...
Ami Chandra
Pandit Ami Chandra Vidyalankar came to Fiji, from India in 1927 at the behest of the Arya Samaj, which wanted to improve the education standard of Fiji Indian students and promote Arya Samaj in Fiji. He led a busy life in Fiji, being an educationist, Arya Samaj preacher, labour leader, football...
- Baba Ram CHANDRA
Baba Ram Chandra
This article is on Indian Trade Unionist Baba Ram Chandra. For the Ghadarite leader and editor of Hindustan Ghadar, see Ram Chandra Bharadwaj.Baba Ram Chandra was an Indian trade unionist who organised the farmers of Oudh, India into forming a united front to fight against the abuses of landlords...
- Rajesh CHANDRA
Rajesh Chandra
Rajesh Chandra is a Fijian academic of Indian descent. In February 2005 he was appointed the first Vice-Chancellor of the newly founded University of Fiji. He is at present Vice-Chancellor of the University of the South Pacific....
- Mahendra CHAUDHRY
Mahendra Chaudhry
Mahendra Pal Chaudhry is a Fijian politician and the leader of the Fiji Labour Party...
- Rajendra CHAUDHRY
Rajendra Chaudhry
- Career :Chaudhry is best-known as the son of Mahendra Chaudhry, leader of the Fiji Labour Party who was deposed as Prime Minister in the Fiji coup of 2000...
- Chenab (ship) - Chief Justice (Fiji) - Chief Magistrate (Fiji)
Chief Magistrate (Fiji)
The Chief Magistrate is a judicial officer in the government of Fiji, who presides over the Magistrates Courts.The following persons have held office as Chief Magistrate :*Sekove Naqiolevu*Sailesi Temo*Naomi Matanitobua...
- Chief Minister (Fiji)
Chief Minister (Fiji)
Fiji's British colonial rulers established the office of Chief Minister in October 1967, along with the Cabinet system of government. This was part of an ongoing move to forge modern political institutions to prepare Fiji for independence, which was granted on 10 November 1970.The Chief Minister,...
- Chinese in Fiji
Chinese in Fiji
The Chinese diaspora in Fiji consists a small, but influential, community in the multiracial society that makes up modern day Fiji. In the early 2000s their numbers were estimated at around 6,000, or a little over half of one percent of Fiji's population. The most recent estimation puts the...
- Christian Democratic Alliance (Fiji)
Christian Democratic Alliance (Fiji)
The Christian Democratic Alliance, better known locally by its Fijian name, Veitokani ni Lewenivanua Vakarisito , was a Fijian political party that operated in the late 1990s and early 2000s....
David Ariu Christopher
David Ariu Christopher is a Fijian politician of Banaban descent. In 2001 he won the North Eastern General electorate for the Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua of Laisenia Qarase, becoming the first Banaban elected to the Fijian House of Representatives...
- Church involvement in Fiji coups
Church involvement in Fiji coups
Fiji's four coups in the past two decades have church involvement. At the center of each coup lies the tensions between the ethnic Fijians and Indian Fijians...
- Churchill Park (Lautoka)
Churchill Park (Lautoka)
Churchill Park is a multi-purpose stadium in Lautoka, Fiji. It is currently used mostly for football matches and hosts the home matches of Lautoka FC.The Stadium also hosts International Rugby matches such as the Pacific Nations Cup and the Pacific Rugby Cup as well as local rugby competitions...
- Cibaciba and Drakulu
Cibaciba and Drakulu
In Fijian mythology , Cibaciba and Drakulu are the two cave entrances to the underworld ....
- Cibi
The Cibi is a Fijian meke of Bauan origin and is a war dance, generally performed before battle or after battle, it came to prominence when it was performed by the Fiji national rugby union team before each match.-Origins:...
- Cicia
Cicia is a Fijian island of the Lau Group. One of the Northern Lau Islands, Cicia is volcanic and is composed of raised coral. Its area is 34 km²....
- Citizens' Constitutional Forum - Elizabeth CLAYTON - Clyde (ship) - Coalition of Independent Nationals
Coalition of Independent Nationals (Fiji)
The Coalition of Independent Nationals is a political party in Fiji without parliamentary representation. The party won less than 0.1 % of the popular vote. It was originally a grouping of six candidates styling themselves as independents, in the 1999 election and was led by Prince Vyas Muni...
- Coastal Stallions
Coastal Stallions
Coastal Stallions are a Fijian rugby union team. They compete in Fiji's premier rugby union competition, the Colonial Cup. They are the reigning champions of Fiji rugby union. The franchise area covers Nadroga-Navosa, Namosi, Serua and Malolo.-History:...
- Cobia Island - Ratu Tu'uakitau COKANAUTO
Tu'uakitau Cokanauto
Ratu Tu'uakitau George Cokanauto is a Fijian chief and politician. He is the scion of a distinguished family, as a son of Ratu Sir Edward Cakobau , and brother of the Parliamentary Speaker, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau.- The 1999 election and aftermath :In the parliamentary election of 1999,...
Joketani Cokanasiga
Joketani Cokanasiga is a former Fijian politician, who served as Minister for Public Works and Energy in the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000...
- Colonial Cup
Colonial Cup
The Colonial Cup was the second highest level of competition within Fijian rugby union and was intended to be a stepping stone for local players into international rugby union...
- Colonial Sugar Refining Company (Fiji)
Colonial Sugar Refining Company (Fiji)
The Colonial Sugar Refining Company began operations in Fiji in 1880 and until it ceased operations in 1973, had a considerable influence on the political and economic life of Fiji. Prior to its expansion to Fiji, the CSR was operating Sugar Refineries in Melbourne and Auckland...
- Colony of Fiji - Commissioner of Police (Fiji)
Commissioner of Police (Fiji)
Fiji has a unified national police force, the Fiji Police, whose motto is Salus Populi.The Fijian Commissioner of Police title had been held by Australian police officer Andrew Hughes since 2003 but after the 2006 takeover of the Government the post has been reserved for a local.The Commissioner is...
- Communal constituencies
Communal constituencies (Fiji)
Communal constituencies have been the most durable feature of the Fijian electoral system. In communal constituencies, electors enrolled as ethnic Fijians, Indo-Fijians, Rotuman Islanders, or General Electors vote for a candidate of their own respective ethnic groups, in constituencies that have...
- Communications in Fiji - Constituency Boundaries Commission
Constituency Boundaries Commission (Fiji)
Fiji's Constituency Boundaries Commission is a civil service body constitutionally charged with determining the boundaries of electoral constituencies for the House of Representatives....
- - Conway Reef
Conway Reef
Conway Reef, known since 1976 by its Fijian name Ceva-I-Ra or Theva-i-Ra Reef, , is a coral reef of atoll type 450 km southwest of the Fiji Islands, but part of the Republic of Fiji. It is located at . It is 2.5 km long in an east-west direction...
- Council of Rotuma
Council of Rotuma
The Council of Rotuma is a municipal body on the island of Rotuma, a Fijian dependency. Owing to the unique character of Rotuma, the powers of this council are greater than those of other municipal bodies in Fiji and in some ways it approximates a legislative body, though it is in every way...
- Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit
Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit (Fiji)
The Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit or CRWU was the common name for the First Meridian Squadron, the unit's formal name, which had been disbanded in 2000...
- Court of Appeal (Fiji)
Court of Appeal (Fiji)
The Court of Appeal of Fiji is one of three courts established by Chapter 9 of the Constitution, the others being the High Court and the Supreme Court. The Court of Appeal was a new institution established when the 1997 Constitution came into effect; the other two courts predated it...
- Crimson Shining-parrot
Crimson Shining-parrot
The Crimson Shining Parrot, Prosopeia splendens, is a parrot from Fiji. The species is endemic to the islands of Kadavu and Ono in the Kadavu Group. The species was once considered conspecific with the Red Shining Parrot of Vanua Levu and Taveuni, but is now considered its own species...
- Culture of Fiji
Culture of Fiji
Fiji's culture is a tapestry of indigenous Fijian, Indian, European, Chinese, and other nationalities. Culture polity, traditions, language, food, costume, belief system, architecture, arts, craft, music, dance and sports which will be discussed in this article to give you an indication of Fiji's...
Paulini Curuenavuli
Paulini Curuenavuli , commonly known as Paulini, is an Australian R&B/pop singer-songwriter and actress who rose to fame as a contestant of the first season of the television series, Australian Idol in 2003....
Dewan CHANDDewan Chand
Dewan Chand is a Fiji Indian educationist and politician who won the Laucala Indian Communal Constituency for the Labour Party in 2006 general election, getting 90% of the votes cast....
- Dinesh CHAND
Dinesh Chand
Dinesh Chand is a Fijian professional golfer who plays mainly on the Japan Golf Tour.At the end of 2009, he lost his full playing rights for the Japan Golf Tour and so decided to play on the developmental Japan Challenge Tour in 2010...
- Ganesh CHAND
Ganesh Chand
Dr. Ganeshwar Chand, better known as Ganesh Chand, is a Fijian academic and former politician of Indian descent. He is a founder of the University of Fiji and serves as a Trustee of the Fiji Institute of Applied Studies and as Editor of Fijian Studies: A Journal of Contemporary Fiji .From 1999 to...
- Pratap CHAND
Pratap Chand
Pratap Chand is a former Fijian politician of Indian descent. In the House of Representatives he represented the Nasinu Indian Communal Constituency from 1999 to 2006. He held the seat, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, for the Fiji Labour Party in the general elections of 1999 and 2001.Pratap...
- Vijay CHAND
Vijay Chand
Vijay Chand is a Fiji Indian politician who won the Labasa Indian Communal Constituency for the Labour Party in 2006 general election.Prior to entering politics he was an Information Officer with the Ministry of Information, Fiji....
Constitution of Fiji
Constitution of Fiji; PreambleConstitution of Fiji: Preamble
The Constitution of Fiji begins with a Preamble, which sets out the historical, cultural, and political reasons for the drafting of the 1997 Constitution.The writing of the Preamble was a careful balancing act...
; Chapters 1
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: The State. The first chapter of the Fiji Constitution is titled The State. It is divided into five sections, which summarize briefly how the nation of Fiji sees itself....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Compact. The second chapter of the Fiji Constitution contains Sections 6 and 7 of the Constitution. They summarize, in "compact" form, the intent and purpose of the Constitution, as well as the goals that it seeks to accomplish...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Citizenship. The third chapter of the Fijian Constitution, comprising Sections 8 through 20 of the Constitution, set out the rules for citizenship in Fiji....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Bill of Rights. Chapter 4 of the Constitution of Fiji is titled Bill of Rights. It is one of the longest chapters of the Constitution, comprising a total of twenty-three sections....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Social Justice. Chapter 5 of the Fiji Constitution is titled Social Justice. It is one of the shortest chapters of the constitution, comprising only one section - section 44....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 6
Chapter 6: The Parliament. Chapter 6 of the Fiji Constitution is titled The Parliament. The five Parts, further subdivided into forty sections making up this chapter, set out the composition, functions, and powers of Fiji's bicameral legislature....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Executive Government. Chapter 7 of the Fiji Constitution is titled Executive Government. There are five Parts, further subdivided into thirty sections, which set out the organization, functions, and responsibilities of the executive branch of government...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 8
-Chapter 8 Great Council of Chiefs :Chapter 8: Executive Government. Chapter 8 of the Fiji Constitution is titled Great Council of Chiefs . Its single section ' enshrines in the constitution a powerful feudal institution that has played a pivotal role in Fiji's history.-Section 116 Bose Levu...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 9
Chapter 9: Judiciary. Chapter 9 of the Fijian constitution is titled Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court, and also make provision for other courts to be established by law. The Supreme Court is declared to be "the final appellate court of the State" - in other words, there is no judicial...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 10
Chapter 10: State Services. Chapter 10 of the Fijian constitution is titled State Services. Its fifteen sections establish certain civil service offices, specify their functions and jurisdictions, set out the qualifications and preconditions required of persons holding such offices, and...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 11
Chapter 11:Accountability. Chapter 11 of the Fijian constitution is titled Accountability. Its 19 sections, divided into 5 parts, include a code of conduct expected of all government officers and employees, and establish a number of constitutional offices.- Part 1: Code of Conduct :Part 1 of...
12 13 14 15 16 17
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 17
Chapter 17 of the Constitution of Fiji is named "Schedule Oaths and Affirmations." It is the last chapter of the Constitution. It sets out oaths and oaths of offices to be taken by politicians of Fiji.-Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance:...
Daily Post (Fiji)Daily Post (Fiji)
The Fiji's Daily Post is a newspaper that was formed by Wame Waqanisanini JR in Oct 1987, who owned 50 percent of the shares. Taniela Bolea was the original publisher. The majority shares were later owned by the Fijian government. The government now has 44.70 percent of the shares while Australian...
Keni Dakuidreketi
Keni Dakuidreketi is a Fijian politician, who served as Minister for Youth, Employment Opportunities, and Minister for Sport in the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000. He held office till an elected government took power in September 2001, then went back...
- Dakuwaqa
In Fijian mythology , Dakuwaqa is a shark-god. He was greatly respected by fishermen because he protected them from any danger at sea and sometimes protected them from evil denizens of the sea. He was once going inland to conquer Kadavu Island through the river when another god challenged him in...
- Dance of Rotuma
Dance of Rotuma
Dance in Rotuma refers to the traditional and modern dance styles performed by the people of the island of Rotuma, which became a dependency of Fiji in 1881...
- Danube (ship)
Danube (ship)
The Danube, a 1,459 ton sailing ship named after the second longest river in Europe, was built in 1890 for the Nourse Line.On 15 June 1891 she made a voyage to Fiji carrying 591 Indian indentured labourers. She also made a trip to Trinidad, arriving on 1 January 1892, carrying 609 passengers....
- Daucina
In Fijian mythology , Daucina is the great god of seafaring Fiji. When Daucina was a toddler, he was only quiet when looking at a lamp. His mother tied fiery reeds to his head so that he would be calm. He has roamed the coral reefs with a hood on ever since. He is a trickster and a patron of...
Jone Daunivucu
Jone Daunivucu is a Fijian rugby union player.-Career:He is a former captain of the Fiji national sevens team. His knowledge of the game and discipline on-field allowed coach Waisale Serevi to give him the captaincy for the 2005-06 IRB World series...
- Vilimaina DAVU
Vilimaina Davu
Vilimaina Davu is a Fijian and New Zealand netball player, who has represented both countries in international netball as a goal keeper. She has also played basketball at an international level.-Netball career:...
- Namila DAVUI
Namila Davui
Namila Davui was formerly a rugby league player for the London Skolars.He was been named in the Fiji training squad for the 2008 Rugby League World Cup.Davui currently plays outside centre for GPS Rugby Union Club.-References:...
- Degei
In Fijian mythology, Degei , enshrined as a serpent, is the supreme god of Fiji. He is the creator of the world, of fruits, and of men. He judges newly-dead souls after they pass through one of two caves: Cibaciba or Drakulu. A few he sends to paradise, Burotu...
- Jone DELAI
Jone Delai
Jone Delai is a Fijian sprinter. Competing mostly over 100 metres, his personal best is 10.26 seconds.Delai won a silver medal in 100 metres at the 1990 Oceanian Championships, and became Oceanian champion over both 100 and 200 metres in 1994. Jone competed in the 1996 and 2000 Summer Olympics...
Nelson Delailomaloma
Nelson Delailomaloma is a Fijian politician, who served as Minister for Education in the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000. He held office till an elected government took power in September 2001.-References:...
- Vilimoni DELASAU
Vilimoni Delasau
Vilimoni Waqatabu Delasau is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He plays as a wing. His nickname is Delz.-Career:...
- Demographics of Fiji
Demographics of Fiji
This article is about the demographic features of the population of Fiji, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population....
- Vishnu DEO
Vishnu Deo
Pandit Vishnu Deo OBE was the first Fiji born and bred leader of the Fiji Indians. From 1929, when he was first elected to the Legislative Council, until his retirement in 1959, he remained the most powerful Fiji Indian political leader in Fiji...
- Andrew DEOKI
Andrew Deoki
Andrew Indar Narayan Deoki was a Fiji Indian statesman who served his community as a social and religious leader, a soccer administrator, a member of the Legislative Council in colonial Fiji, a member of the Senate in independent Fiji and as the Attorney General.- Contribution to Soccer in Fiji...
- Sir William DES VŒUX - Laisa DIGITAKI
Laisa Digitaki
Laisa Digitaki is a Fijian businesswoman, originally from Moala Island in the Lau Archipelago.-The democracy shrine:Digitaki came into the public eye in December 2006 when she converted her office building into a pro-democracy "shrine" in the wake of the military coup which deposed the elected...
- Ratu Josefa DIMURI
Josefa Dimuri
Ratu Josefa Nalumuialevu Dimuri is a Fijian chief and politician, who served as a Senator from 2001 to 2006, when he was elected to the House of Representatives...
- Diplomatic relations of Fiji - Director of Public Prosecutions (Fiji)
Director of Public Prosecutions (Fiji)
The Director of Public Prosecutions was created under the Fiji Independence Act of 1970 and came into being that year. In 1990 and subsequently in 1997, the powers of the Office of the DPP were provided for in the Fiji Constitution, an entrenched document and the supreme law of the nation...
- Manoa DOBUI
Manoa Dobui
Manoa Dobui is a Fijian politician, who won the Samabula Tamavua Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the United Fiji Party in the parliamentary election of 2001....
- Manilal DOCTOR
Manilal Doctor
Manilal Maganlal Doctor was an Indian-born, London educated lawyer and politician, who travelled to numerous countries of the British Empire, including Fiji, Mauritius and Aden, providing legal assistance to the local ethnic Indian population...
- Dodonu ni Taukei - Dominion of Fiji
Dominion of Fiji
The Dominion of Fiji, also known simply as Fiji, was a predecessor to modern-day Fiji and an independent state and that existed between October 1970 and 26 October 1987....
- Alifereti DOVIVERATA
Alifereti Doviverata
Ro Alifereti Raivalita Doviverata is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He plays as a Flanker or a No. 8. His nickname is Dovi....
- Dranivia
Dranivia was an 18th century Lauan chief and noble of the Vuanirewa dynasty. He was the third son of Uluilakeba I and last recorded member of the noble household, Naivi, to hold the title Roko Sau of the Lau Islands. He is referred to as an usurper and often oral history does not include hims as a...
Savenaca Draunidalo
Savenaca Uluibau Draunidalo , known sometimes by his chiefly title of Ratu, was a Fijian politician, who served in the Cabinet from 2001 to 2006, when a military coup ended his ministerial career. He died in a fishing accident on 22 December 2007, when his outboard boat capsized and hit him...
Tupou Draunidalo
Tupou Draunidalo is a Fijian lawyer. On 9 September 2006, she was elected Vice-President of the Fiji Law Society, defeating Rajesh Gordon. -Political activism and arrest:...
- Dravuni
Dravuni is a volcanic island in the Kadavu Group of islands in Fiji. Covering an area of 0.8 square kilometers, it is located at 18.78° South and 178.53° East, and reaches a maximum altitude of 40 meters....
- Dreketi F.C.
Dreketi F.C.
Dreketi F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Dreketi, which is a situated on the island of Vanua Levu.Their uniform includes black and white striped shirt.- History :...
- Pita DRITI
Pita Driti
Lieutenant Colonel Pita Driti is a Fijian soldier. As of January 2007, he serves as the Land Force Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, the third most senior position in the Military...
- Moses DRIVER
Moses Driver
Moses Driver is a Fijian police officer, who is the immediate past Deputy Commissioner of Police. In this capacity, he assisted Commissioner of Police Andrew Hughes.A major part of Driver's work was pursuing investigations into the Fiji coup of 2000....
Ema Druavesi
Ema Druavesi is a Fijian political organizer, who currently serves as General Secretary of the Fijian Political Party, officially known by its Fijian name, Soqosoqo ni Vakavulewa ni Taukei, or SVT.-References:...
- Hannah DUDLEY
Hannah Dudley
Hannah Dudley was a Methodist mission sister who worked amongst Indo-Fijians in the Suva area of Fiji for 13 years. She had few educational qualifications but was revered for her kind-heartedness and self-sacrifice. Indo-Fijians in Suva called her Hamari Mataji...
- Adi Litia Mara DUGDALE - Iliesa DUVULOCO
Iliesa Duvuloco
Iliesa Duvuloco is a Fijian politician who leads the Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party, which formed in 1999 through a merger of his own Vanua Tako Lavo Party and Sakeasi Butadroka's Fijian Nationalist Party, both of which championed ethnic nationalism and indigenous Fijian political...
- Adi Senimili DYER
Senimili Dyer
Adi Senimili Dyer is a Fijian politician, who served as an Assistant Minister for Women and Culture in the Prime Minister's Office in the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000. She held office till an elected government took power in September 2001.A...
East Fijian languagesEast Fijian languages
The East Fijian languages are a subgroup of the Central Pacific languages. They are four: Fijian, Gone Dau, Lauan and Lomaiviti all spoken within Fiji....
- Eastern Division
Eastern Division, Fiji
The Eastern Division of Fiji is one of Fiji's four divisions. It consists of Kadavu Province, Lau Province, Lomaiviti Province and Rotuma.The capital of the division is Levuka, on the Ovalau island...
- Economy of Fiji
Economy of Fiji
Endowed with forest, mineral, and fish resources, Fiji is one of the most developed of the Pacific island economies, though it remains a developing country with a large subsistence agriculture sector. Agriculture accounts for 18 % of Gross Domestic Product, although it employs some 70 % of the...
- Elbe (ship) - Elections in Fiji (List)
Elections in Fiji
Fiji has held nine general elections for the House of Representatives since becoming independent of the United Kingdom in 1970; there had been numerous elections under colonial rule, but only one with universal suffrage . In this period, Fiji has had three constitutions, and the voting system has...
; also separate articles: 1963 - 1966
Fiji election of 1966
The general election to the Legislative Council of Fiji in 1966 was the last to be held before independence from the United Kingdom was granted in 1970. It was not the first election to be held under colonial rule, but it marked the first time that all adult citizens were allowed to vote....
- 1968 (byelections) - 1972
Fiji election of 1972
General elections were held in Fiji between 15 and 29 April 1972, the first since independence from the United Kingdom in 1970. They were characterised by the lack of rancour between racial groups, typical of the 1966 general election and the 1968 by-elections.The result was a landslide for the...
- March 1977
Fiji election of 1977 (March)
General elections were held in Fiji between 19 March and 2 April 1977. A split in the ethnic Fijian vote, which saw 25 percent defecting to Fijian Nationalist Party of Sakeasi Butadroka, an extremist organization which advocated the "repatriation" of Indo-Fijians to India, led to the narrow defeat...
- September 1977
Fiji election of 1977 (September)
Early general elections were held in Fiji between 17 and 24 September 1977, following the impasse of an earlier election that had been held in March...
- 1982
Fiji election of 1982
General elections were held in Fiji between 10 and 17 July 1982. The paradoxical results were both a triumph and a setback for the Fijian Alliance Party of the Prime Minister, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. The Alliance captured an unprecedented 51.8 percent of the popular vote - the first time that it...
- 1987
Fiji election of 1987
General elections were held in Fiji between 4 and 11 April 1987. It was historic in that it marked the first electoral transition of power in Fijian history...
- 1992
Fiji election of 1992
General elections were held in Fiji between 23 and 30 May 1992. It was the first election held since two military coups in 1987 had severed Fiji's 113-year old constitutional links with the British Monarchy, and later Fijian Monarchy, and ushered in a republic.The 1992 elections were the first to...
- 1994
Fiji election of 1994
General elections were held in Fiji between 18 and 25 February 1994. This election, the second since Fiji had become a republic following two military coups in 1987, was brought about by splits within the ruling Fijian Political Party and by the withdrawal of the support of the Fiji Labour Party,...
- 1999
Fiji election of 1999
General elections were held in Fiji between 8 and 15 May 1999. They were the first election held under the revised Constitution of 1997, which instituted a new electoral system and resulted in Mahendra Chaudhry taking office as Fiji's first Indo-Fijian Prime Minister.-Electoral system:Previously,...
- 2001
Fiji election of 2001
The Constitution of Fiji was restored by a High Court decision on 15 November 2000, following the failure of the political upheaval in which the government had been deposed and the constitution suspended in May that year. On 1 March 2001, the Appeal Court upheld the decision. An election to...
- 2006
Fiji election of 2006
The Constitution of Fiji requires general elections for the House of Representatives to be held at least once every five years. The latest election was held on 6-13 May 2006. Acting President Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi issued a proclamation on 2 March, effective from 27 March, dissolving Parliament...
- Next election (date not announced) - Electoral system of Fiji
Electoral system of Fiji
- Historical overview :Fiji's electoral system is the result of complex negotiations, compromises, and experiments conducted over the years leading up to and following independence from British colonial rule in 1970. A number of devices have been tried at various times to accommodate the reality...
- Ems (ship)
Ems (ship)
The Ems was a 1,829 ton, iron sailing ship with a length of , breadth of and depth of . She was built by Charles Connell & Company, Glasgow for the Nourse Line, and named after the Ems River in north west Germany, and launched on 6 April 1893. She was primarily used for the transportation of...
- Erne (ship) - European Union, Fiji Mission to
Fiji Mission to the European Union
The Fiji Mission to the European Union is responsible for Fiji's diplomatic relations with the European Union and with all member countries, except those with which Fiji maintains specific diplomatic relations, such as the United Kingdom....
- Executive Council (Fiji)
Executive Council (Fiji)
The colonial Governors of Fiji relied on the Executive Council for advice on proposals for legislation which, after being discussed in the Executive Council meetings, came before the Legislative Council in the form of bills. In this way, the Executive Council was the chief policy-making body and...
The fakpure is variously considered the secular ruler of Rotuma in the pre-European contact times. It was one of three chiefly roles with direct influence across the island of Rotuma, the other two being the Mua and the Sau...
- Famous Fijians - Daniel FATIAKI
Daniel Fatiaki
Taniela Vafo'ou Fatiaki CF was the Chief Justice of Fiji from 1 August 2002, when he succeeded Sir Timoci Tuivaga, till 5 December 2008. As Chief Justice, he presided over both the High Court and the Supreme Court, but is constitutionally barred from presiding over, or even sitting on, the...
John Fatiaki
Dr John Charles Fatiaki is a career medical practitioner who was chosen by the Rotuma Island Council to be their representative in the Fijian Senate.- Education and early career :...
- Fazilka (ship) - Federation of Cane Growers (Fiji)
Federation of Cane Growers (Fiji)
The Federation of Cane Growers was formed as an umbrella organisation to negotiate the new cane contract due to take effect from 1960 with the Colonial Sugar Refining Company.- Negotiations for 1960 cane contract :...
- Festivals in Fiji
Festivals in Fiji
Public holidays in Fiji reflect the country's cultural diversity. Each major religion in Fiji has a Public Holiday dedicated to it and is usually enjoyed by the nation as a whole as these days are usually those of sharing, giving and fun....
- Ratu Aliferati FINAU -Flag of Fiji
Flag of Fiji
Prior to ceding the country to British rule in 1874, the government of Fiji adopted a national flag featuring blue and white vertical stripes, with in the centre a red shield depicting a white dove. This flag ceased to be used when the colonial era began and Fiji relinquished its independence...
- Sir Arthur FLETCHER - Flora and fauna of Fiji - Foreign Ministers of Fiji - Foreign relations of Fiji
Foreign relations of Fiji
Fiji has experienced many coups recently, in 1987, 2000, and 2006. Fiji has been suspended various times from the Commonwealth of Nations, a grouping of mostly former British colonies. It was readmitted to the Commonwealth in December 2001, following the parliamentary election held to restore...
- Peter FOSTER
Peter Foster
Peter Clarence Foster is an Australian who has been convicted and jailed on three continents for offences involving weight loss products and property transactions....
- Sir Robert Sidney FOSTER
Robert Sidney Foster
Sir Robert Sidney Foster, GCMG, KCVO was a British colonial administrator, best remembered as the last colonial Governor of Fiji and the first Governor-General of the Dominion of Fiji.-Colonial service:...
- Sir Leslie FREESTON - Fulaga
Fulaga is a crescent-shaped reef-limestone island in Fiji's Southern Lau Group.-Geography:Situated at 19.17° South and 178.65° West, it covers an area of 18.5 square kilometres. It has a maximum elevation of 79 metres. The limestone belongs to the Koroqara Limestone and is probably Late Miocene...
- Fultala (ship)
Fiji Association of Sports and National Olympic CommitteeFiji Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee
The Fiji Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee was founded on 25 March 1949 and achieved International Olympic Committee recognition on 20 September 1955. It is responsible for entering Fiji representatives in the Olympic Games and the coordination and management of Fiji Teams to...
- {Fiji at the Olympic Games: 1972
Fiji at the 1972 Summer Olympics
Fiji competed at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany. No medals were won by Fiji.-Athletics:Men's 5000 m:* Usaia Sotutu - Heat: 15:24.2 Men's 10000 m:* Usaia Sotutu - did not compete...
- 1988
Fiji at the 1988 Summer Olympics
-Athletics:Men's 10.000 metres* Bineshwar Prasad*# Heat — 33:30.43 Men's Marathon* Bineshwar Prasad* Final — 2"41:50 Men's 3.000m Steeplechase* Davendra SinghMen's Decathlon...
- 1992
Fiji at the 1992 Summer Olympics
-Athletics:Men's 100m metres*Gabrieli Qoro* Heat — 11.14 Men's 5.000 metres*Davendra Singh* Heat — did not start Men's 10.000 metres*Bineshwar Prasad...
- 2000
Fiji at the 2000 Summer Olympics
-Athletics:Men's 800m* Isireli Naike Leke Levesi*# Round 1 – 01:49.61 -Sailing:Men's Mistral* Tony Philp*# Race 1 – 17*# Race 2 – 11*# Race 3 – 3*# Race 4 – 21*# Race 5 –...
- 2004
Fiji at the 2004 Summer Olympics
Fiji competed at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece.-Archery:Men's individual:* Rob Elder - 48th place-Athletics:Women's 400 metres:* Makelesi Bulikiobo - Round 1: 53.58 sMen's 800 metres:...
} - Fiji at the 2006 Commonwealth Games
Fiji at the 2006 Commonwealth Games
Fiji was represented at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.-Medals:-Bronze:* Rugby 7s...
- Fiji Cane Growers Association
Fiji Cane Growers Association
The Fiji Cane Growers Association is a cane farmers' union established in 1992 by supporters of the National Federation Party .After the 1987 military coup in Fiji, most of the farmers' unions curtailed their activities, leaving the National Farmers Union as the only active farmers' union in the...
- Fiji Chess Federation
Fiji Chess Federation
The Fiji Chess Federation coordinates chess tournaments in Fiji and is affiliated to FIDE .-History:Chess has been played in Fiji for a long time, but it was the 1972 World Championship, between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spasky, that provided the impetus for chess competitions in the country with the...
- Fiji Constitutional Crisis of 1977
Fiji constitutional crisis of 1977
Fiji's parliamentary election of March 1977 precipitated a constitutional crisis, which was the first major challenge to the country's democratic institutions since independence in 1970....
- Fiji coups of 1987
Fiji coups of 1987
The Fiji coups of 1987 resulted in the overthrow of the elected government of Fijian Prime Minister Timoci Bavadra, the deposition of Elizabeth II as Queen of Fiji, and in the declaration of a republic...
- {Fiji coup of 2000
Fiji coup of 2000
The Fiji coup of 2000 was a complicated affair involving a civilian putsch by hardline Fijian nationalists against the elected government of a non-native Prime Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry, on 19 May 2000, the attempt by President Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara to assert executive authority on 27 May, and...
: Timeline - Mutinies - Aftermath - Investigations
Investigations since the Fiji coup of 2000
A number of separate, but overlapping, investigations have been conducted by the police into various aspects of the 2000 coup. Some of these investigations are ongoing. These investigations include the organization and financing of the coup, and the identity of the perpetrators...
- Ratu Mara's removal
Removal of Ratu Mara, 2000
On May 21, 2003, the Police Investigations Department confirmed that they had opened an investigation into the resignation of the Fiji's former President, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. Mara resigned under duress on May 29, 2000, and handed power over to Commodore Frank Bainimarama...
- Alleged plot against Ratu Iloilo
Alleged plot against Ratu Iloilo, 2000
Police spokeswoman Sylvia Low announced on 25 August that they were considering opening an investigation into allegations made the previous day by the Military Commander, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, that Senator Apisai Tora and a number of others had approached him in the Fijian Holdings boardroom...
- Allegations - Trials
Trials since the Fiji coup of 2000
A number of prominent participants in the coup have been tried, and some convicted, in 2004 and 2005. Many of those tried include Cabinet Minister, parliamentarians, and others who have links to the present government, which has come under criticism from some quarters for releasing on parole some...
- Court Martial
Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit Court Martial, Fiji
The mutiny that took place at Fiji's Queen Elizabeth Barracks in Suva on 2 November 2000, resulted in the death of four loyal soldiers. Four of the rebels were subsequently beaten to death after the rebellion had been quelled...
- Military unrest
Military unrest since the Fiji coup of 2000
Following the quashing of George Speight's civilian coup d'état in 2000, the Military handed power over to a civilian administration led by the banker, Laisenia Qarase, who won the parliamentary election held to restore democracy in September 2001...
} - Fiji coup plot of 2006 - Fiji Court of Appeal - {Fiji crisis of 2005-2006
Fiji crisis of 2005-2006
The tension between Fiji's government and Military forces, which had been simmering for more than two years, appeared to escalate in late December 2005...
: Timeline
Timeline of Fiji crisis of 2005-2006
The following timeline chronicles the crisis that saw a virtual breakdown in relations between Fiji's government and military fores in late 2005 and early 2006, until it was resolved on 16 January with a truce brokered by Acting President Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi.Source: Fiji Times, 15 January 2006;...
- Baledrokadroka incident
Baledrokadroka incident
The Baledrokadroka incident was a series of events taking place in the Pacific republic of Fiji in 2006, involving an ongoing public feud between the government and military. Tensions took a dramatic turn for the worse on 11-13 January, with reports of unusual troop and naval deployments, crisis...
- Reaction
Reaction to Fiji crisis of 2005-2006
The crisis that saw a virtual breakdown in relations between Fiji's government and military forces in late 2005 and early 2006, generated fears of civil unrest and even a military coup...
} - Fiji Democratic Party
Fiji Democratic Party
The Fiji Democratic Party is a former political party in Fiji, which operated between June 2002 and April 2005.It was founded by Filipe Bole, a former Cabinet Minister, as a merger of the Fijian Political Party , the Fijian Association Party, the Christian Democratic Alliance, and the New Labour...
- Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit
Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit
The Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit is a Fiji government agency established in 2006 under the Financial Transaction Reporting Act of 2004. It is tasked with the collection and analysis of financial information and intelligence....
- Fiji Football Association
Fiji Football Association
The Fiji Football Association is the governing body of football in Fiji. It came into existence in 1961, replacing the ethnically based Fiji Indian Football Association...
- Fiji Football Association Cup Tournament
Fiji Football Association Cup Tournament
Fiji Football Association Cup Tournament is a football tournament organised in Fiji by the Fiji Football Association. The tournament is a brainchild of the then Secretary, J.D. Maharaj, and was initially organised to raise funds for the Association following the economic downturn of the late 1980s...
- Fiji Football Referees Association
Fiji Football Referees Association
Fiji Football Referees Association is a professional organisation representing soccer referees in Fiji. It is affiliated to the Fiji Football Association....
- Fiji Girl Guides Association
Fiji Girl Guides Association
The Fiji Girl Guides Association is the national Guiding organization of Fiji. It serves 1,829 members . Founded in 1924, the girls-only organization became a full member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1981....
- Fiji Hindi
Fiji Hindi
Fiji Hindi, also known as Fijian Hindi or Fijian Hindustani, is the language spoken by most Fijian citizens of Indian descent. It is derived mainly from the Awadhi and Bhojpuri varieties of Hindi. It has also borrowed a large number of words from Fijian and English. The relation between Fiji Hindi...
- Fiji Human Rights Commission
Fiji Human Rights Commission
The Fiji Human Rights Commission was created by presidential decree in 2009, succeeding the entity of the same name established as an independent statutory body under the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of the Fiji Islands.- The 1997 Commission :...
- Fiji Indian - Fiji Infantry Regiment
Fiji Infantry Regiment
The Fiji Infantry Regiment is the main combat element of the Fijian military. It is a light infantry regiment consisting of six battalions, of which three are regular army and three are Territorial Force. The regiment was formed with the foundation of the Fijian armed forces in 1920, which came...
- Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions
Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions
The Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions was established in August, 2002 as a breakaway from and rival to the FTUC.Fifteen unions, which were formerly affiliated to the FTUC, initially joined the new umbrella organisation. The move follows the unions’ disatissfaction with the FTUC led by Senator...
- Fiji Labour Party
Fiji Labour Party
The Fiji Labour Party is a political party in Fiji, which holds observer status with the Socialist International. Most of its support at present comes from the Indo-Fijian community, although it is officially multiracial and its first leader was an indigenous Fijian, Dr. Timoci Bavadra. It is...
- Fiji Law Reform Commission
Fiji Law Reform Commission
The Fiji Law Reform Commission is independent publicly funded commission, which helps develop and review legislation in Fiji. The Fiji Law Reform Commission Act established the Commission in 1979, to serve as an advisory body to the government and Parliament...
- Fiji Law Society
Fiji Law Society
The Fiji Law Society is the official body that registers and regulates the activity of all lawyers in Fiji. Devanesh Sharma was elected to replace Graeme Leung as President of the Fiji Law Society on 9 September 2006, and as such he holds membership ex officio on the Judicial Service Commission...
- Fiji Live
Fiji Live
Fijilive is an online newspaper and business and cultural directory in Fiji. The site is owned by the Future Group of Companies owned by Fiji entrepreneur Yashwant Gaunder....
- Fiji Meteorological Service
Fiji Meteorological Service
The Fiji Meteorological Service is a Department of the government of Fiji responsible for providing weather forecasts and is based in Nadi. Since 1995, FMS has been responsible for naming and tracking tropical cyclones in the Southwest Pacific region...
- Fiji Muslim League
Fiji Muslim League
The Fiji Muslim League is a Muslim religious and social organisation based in Suva, Fiji. Nearly 7% of Fiji's total population, including 16% of the Indian community, is Muslim...
- Fiji national football team
Fiji national football team
The Fiji national football team is the national team of Fiji and is controlled by the Fiji Football Association. Their best finish in the OFC Nations Cup was third in 1998 and 2008.-World Cup record:*1930 to 1978 - Did not enter...
- Fiji One
Fiji One
Fiji One is a Free to Air channel run by Fiji Television. It provides coverage throughout Fiji. It is fully funded from revenue generated through Commercial advertisement. For this reason, programs on Fiji One have commercial breaks, to allow advertisers that fund the programs to showcase their...
- Fiji Petrel
Fiji Petrel
The Fiji Petrel , also known as MacGillivray's Petrel, is a small, dark gadfly petrel.The Fiji Petrel was originally known from one immature specimen found in 1855 on Gau Island, Fiji by naturalist John MacGillivray on board 'HMS Herald' who took the carcass to the British Museum in London...
- Fiji Rugby Union
Fiji Rugby Union
Fiji Rugby Union is the governing body for the sport of rugby union in Fiji. It is divided into over 30 provincial unions. The Fiji Rugby Union is a member of the Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance , along with Samoa and Tonga. There are approximately 80,000 registered players from a total population...
- Fiji Samachar
Fiji Samachar
Fiji Samachar was a Hindi language newspaper published in Fiji from 1924 to 1974. It was published in Suva by the Indian Printing and Publishing Company and its first editor was Babu Ram Singh. It started as a bi-lingual Hindi and English Monthly newspaper but from 1935 became a weekly Hindi...
- Fiji Scouts Association
Fiji Scouts Association
The Fiji Scouts Association, is the national Scouting organization of Fiji. Scouting in Fiji was founded in 1914, and became a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1971. The Fiji Scouts Association has 3,926 members as of 2011.Scouts are involved in numerous community service...
- Fiji Sports Council
Fiji Sports Council
130px|rightThe Fiji Sports Council is an organisation in charge of organising International tournaments for Fiji athletes. It is also one of the leading providers of quality sports and recreational facilities and programs at national, regional and international levels...
- Fiji Sugar Corporation
Fiji Sugar Corporation
Fiji Sugar Corporation is the Government-owned sugar milling company in Fiji having the monopoly on production of all raw sugar in Fiji. It is also the largest public enterprise in Fiji directly employing nearly 3000 people while another 200,000 or more depend on it for their livelihood in rural...
- Fiji Sun
Fiji Sun
The Fiji Sun is a daily newspaper published in Fiji. Owned by Sun News Limited, it was first published in September 1999. An internet edition is also published....
- Fiji Television
Fiji Television
Fiji Television Limited is Fiji's television network. It was founded on 15 June 1994 as the first permanent television broadcasting network in the country, although television had previously been introduced temporarily in October 1991 to broadcast the Rugby World Cup as well as Cricket World Cup....
- Fiji Times
Fiji Times
The Fiji Times is a daily English-language newspaper published in Suva, Fiji. Established in Levuka on 4 September 1869, it is Fiji's oldest newspaper still operating....
- Fiji Trades Union Congress
Fiji Trades Union Congress
The Fiji Trades Union Congress is a trade union organization in Fiji, originally founded in 1952 under the leadership of Pandit Ami Chandra as the Fiji Industrial Workers Congress . As the FIWC the organisation was the third federation in Oceania, after the ACTU and the NZCTU, to join the ICFTU. ...
- Fiji Tuwawa
Fiji Tuwawa
Fiji Tuwawa is an online Fijian company that specializes in Pacific research and community consultancy. Their vision is to be the leading interactive Fijian site online and to "unite everyone and their links to Fiji"...
- Fiji Village
Fiji Village
The Fiji Village is an online news service in Fiji. Published daily, it covers political, business, sporting, cultural, and other news items, and also includes the Yellow Bucket commentary, an editorial which does not necessarily reflect the views of the Fiji Village owners or staff, according to...
- Fiji water
Fiji water
thumb|right|FIJI Water for sale in a deli.FIJI Water is a U.S.-based business and brand of bottled water derived, bottled, and shipped from the Fiji Islands. It is available in 330ml, 500ml, 1 liter and 1.5 liter bottles...
- Fiji Week
Fiji Week
Fiji Week is a week of festivities culminating in Fiji Day on 10 October annually...
- Fiji Week, 2004
Fiji Week, 2004
Fiji Week was a week of prayer meetings and multicultural programmes that took place the week of the fourth through the eleventh of October, 2004...
- Fiji Week, 2005
Fiji Week, 2005
Fiji Week celebrations commenced on 7 October 2005, and culminated with Fiji Day on 10 October, the 35th anniversary of Fiji's independence from British colonial rule. The official program focused on forgiveness and unity. It culminated with a day of prayer and fasting on Fiji Day...
- Fiji Women's Crisis Centre
Fiji Women's Crisis Centre
The Fiji Women's Crisis Centre" is a Non-Government Organization established in 1984. It offers counselling and legal, medical, and practical support to woman and children victims of violence. The Women's Crisis Centre started in August 1984...
- Fiji women's national football team
Fiji women's national football team
The Fiji women's national football team represents Fiji in international women's football. The team is controlled by the Fiji Football Association.-OFC Women's Championship:-External links:*...
Fijian Affairs Ministers (list) - Fijian Alliance (Alliance Party)Fijian Alliance
The Alliance Party, was the ruling political party in Fiji from 1966 to 1987. Founded in the early 1960s, its leader was Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, the founding father of the modern Fijian nation...
- Fijian Association - Fijian Association Party (FAP)
Fijian Association Party
The Fijian Association Party is a former political party in Fiji. It played a significant role in Fijian politics throughout the 1990s, but lost all of its seats in the House of Representatives in the parliamentary election of 2001....
- Fijian Battalion - Fijian dollar
Fijian dollar
The dollar has been the currency of Fiji since 1969 and was also the currency between 1867 and 1873. It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or alternatively FJ$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies...
- Fijian electoral system
Fijian electoral system
- Historical overview :Fiji's electoral system is the result of complex negotiations, compromises, and experiments conducted over the years leading up to and following independence from British colonial rule in 1970. A number of devices have been tried at various times to accommodate the reality...
- Fijian Football League - Fijian honours system
Fijian honours system
The Fijian honours system dates from the granting of dominion status in 1970, when the Fijian Independence Medal was awarded to participants in the Fijian independence celebrations...
- Fijian language
Fijian language
Fijian is an Austronesian language of the Malayo-Polynesian family spoken in Fiji. It has 450,000 first-language speakers, which is less than half the population of Fiji, but another 200,000 speak it as a second language...
- Fijian mercenaries in Bougainville, 2005 - Fijian naming conventions
Fijian name
Naming conventions in Fiji differ greatly, both between and within ethnic groups in Fiji. Indigenous Fijians have a set of cultural practices which today are more loosely followed, and to some extent blended with elements of European culture with regard to names...
- Fijian Nationalist Party
Fijian Nationalist Party
The Fijian Nationalist Party was a political party in Fiji, founded in 1975 by Sakeasi Butadroka, a parliamentarian who defected from the then-ruling Fijian Alliance, on a "Fiji for the Fijians!" platform. Its support peaked in the parliamentary election of March 1977, when it took 24.4 percent...
- Fijian people (ethnic group)
Fijian people
Fijian people are the major indigenous people of the Fiji Islands, and live in an area informally called Melanesia. The Fijian people are believed to have arrived in Fiji from western Melanesia approximately 3,500 years ago, though the exact origins of the Fijian people are unknown...
- Fijian Political Party - Fijian pound
Fijian pound
The pound was the currency of Fiji between 1873 and 1969. It was subdivided into 20 shillings, each of 12 pence.-History:From its earliest days as a British colony, British sterling coinage circulated in Fiji, supplemented by locally produced paper money...
Ahmed GAFFAR - GagajaGagaja
Gagaja is a Rotuman word denoting the position of "Chief" or "Lord". This could be a formal chiefly position in one of the seven districts or a village chief as well as to anyone else, such as the Chairman of the Rotuma Island Council to whom respect and deference is owed based on their own...
- Galoa - Jonetani GALUINADI
Jonetani Galuinadi
Jonetani Galuinadi was a Fijian politician, who served in the Cabinet from 2001 to 2006 as Minister for Agriculture.In the election held in September 2001, he won the Nadroga Open Constituency for the United Fiji Party , defeating the incumbent Inoke Kadralevu of the Fiji Labour Party, and was...
- Ganges (1861) - Ganges (1882) - Adi Ateca GANILAU
Ateca Ganilau
Adi Ateca Moce Ganilau is a Fijian public figure, best known as the eldest daughter of the former Prime Minister and President, the late Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara.- Opposition to government legislation :...
- Bernadette GANILAU
Bernadette Ganilau
Bernadette Lavenia Rounds Ganilau, born July 5, 1951 as Bernadette Lavenia Rounds, is a Fijian writer, broadcaster, and politician, who recently served as Minister for Labour, Minister for Tourism, Industrial Relations, Productivity and Environment in the interim Cabinet of Commodore Frank...
- Ratu Epeli GANILAU
Epeli Ganilau
Brigadier-General Ratu Epeli Ganilau, MC, MSD, is a Fijian soldier and statesman, who currently heads the National Alliance Party of Fiji. His career has previously encompassed such roles as Commander of the Fiji Military Forces and Chairman of the Bose Levu Vakaturaga...
- Ratu Sir Penaia GANILAU
Penaia Ganilau
Ratu Sir Penaia Kanatabatu Ganilau, GCMG, KCVO, KBE, DSO was the first President of Fiji, serving from 8 December 1987 until his death in 1993...
- Sir Ronald GARVEY
Ronald Garvey
Sir Ronald Herbert Garvey KCMG KCVO MBE was a colonial administrator.-Career:Garvey joined the colonial service and was appointed Governor of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in 1944. He moved on to be Governor of British Honduras in 1949; there he had to contend with a general strike and the need...
- Anthony GATES
Anthony Gates
Anthony Harold Cumberland Thomas Gates is Acting Chief Justice of Fiji.-Early life:Gates was born in the United Kingdom and is a graduate of Cambridge University, and holds Australian citizenship. He had served as a volunteer teacher as a VSO in Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka...
- Gau Island
Gau Island
Gau is an island belonging to Fiji's Lomaiviti Archipelago. Located at 18.00° S and 179.30 °E, it covers an area of 136.1 square kilometers, with a total shoreline of 66.3 kilometers, making it the 5th largest island in the Fijian archipelago. Its maximum altitude is 738 meters...
Jai Gawander
Jai Shree Gawander was appointed the chief executive officer of the Fiji Sugar Cane Growers Council on 31 March 2007. He has also been a member of the House of Representatives and research manager at the Sugarcane Research Centre in Lautoka, Fiji....
- Gay rights in Fiji
Gay rights in Fiji
In 1997, Fiji became the second country in the world to explicitly protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation in its constitution. In 2009, the Constitution was abolished.-Law regarding same-sex sexual activity:...
- General Electors
General Electors (Fiji)
"General Electors" is the term used in Fiji to identify citizens of voting age who belong, in most cases, to ethnic minorities. The Constitution defines General Electors as all Fiji citizens who are not registered as being of Fijian, Indian, or Rotuman descent. Also included are citizens who do...
- General Voters Party - Girmit Heritage Party - Girmit Soccer Tournament (Fiji)
Girmit Soccer Tournament (Fiji)
Girmit Soccer Tournament is a football tournament organised in Fiji by the Fiji Football Association. The tournament was first held in 1979 to commemorate the centenary of the arrival of Indians in Fiji, under the indenture system, known as girmit by the Fiji Indians.The first tournament ended in...
- God Bless Fiji (National Anthem)
God Bless Fiji
Meda Dau Doka or God Bless Fiji is the national anthem of Fiji. The melody was adapted from a 1911 hymn by Charles Austin Miles entitled Dwelling in Beulah Land...
- Golden Dove
Golden Dove
The Golden Fruit Dove , also known as the Lemon Dove or Yellow Dove, is a small, approximately 20 cm long, short-tailed fruit-dove in the family Columbidae. The common name refers to the males' bright golden-yellow colour. The body feathers appear almost iridescent due to their elongated...
- Gunasagaran GOUNDER
Gunasagaran Gounder
Dr Gunasagaran Gounder is a Fiji Indian medical doctor who rose into prominence when he, as a Fiji Labour Party candidate, defeated the Leader of Opposition, Jai Ram Reddy of the National Federation Party, in the contest for the Yasawa Nawaka Open Constituency seat in the 1999 general election...
- Government Buildings, Suva
Government Buildings, Suva
The Government Buildings in Suva are the offices of the executive wing of Government of Fiji. Built in the late 1930s, the buildings house the Prime Minister of Fiji's offices, the High Court, and government ministries...
- Government House, Suva
Government House, Suva
Government House is the official residence of the President of Fiji. The present mansion was built in 1928 to replace the original building - the residence of the colonial governor - which burnt to the ground after being struck by lightning in 1921...
- Governors of Fiji (List)
Governor of Fiji
Fiji was a British Crown Colony from 1874 to 1970, and an independent dominion in the British Commonwealth from 1970 to 1987. During this period, the Head of State was the British Monarch, but in practice his or her functions were normally exercised locally by the Governor prior to independence ,...
- Governors-General of Fiji (list)
Governor-General of Fiji
Fiji became a British Crown Colony in 1874, and an independent dominion in the Commonwealth in 1970. Queen Elizabeth II remained the Head of State, holding the title of Queen of Fiji until 1987, when she formally abdicated following two military coups...
- Govind Park
Govind Park
Govind Park is a multi-use stadium in Ba, Fiji. It is currently used mostly for football matches and hosts the home matches of Ba FC. The stadium holds 13,500 people....
- Grand Coalition Initiative Group - Sir Alexander GRANTHAM
Alexander Grantham
Sir Alexander William George Herder Grantham, GCMG was a British colonial administrator who governed Hong Kong and Fiji.-Early life, colonial administration career:...
- Great Astrolabe Reef
Great Astrolabe Reef
The Great Astrolabe Reef is in Fiji and surrounds the fourth largest island, Kadavu Island, which is approximately 65 km in length. Kadavu Island is approximately 100 km south of Viti Levu, the main island of Fiji....
- Great Council of Chiefs (Fiji)
Great Council of Chiefs (Fiji)
The Great Council of Chiefs is a now dormant 1997 constitutional body in the Republic of the Fiji Islands. In April 2007 the council was suspended, due to an unworkable relationship with Frank Bainimarama, leader of an "interim government" which came to power through a military coup in December 2006...
- Chuck GROTTE - Group Against Racial Discrimination (Fiji)
Group Against Racial Discrimination (Fiji)
The Group Against Racial Discrimination ' was formed in Fiji in 1990 to act as a pressure group against the unilateral imposition of a discriminatory constitution by the military Government controlled by Major General Sitiveni Rabuka....
- Gujaratis in Fiji
Gujaratis in Fiji
Unlike the bulk of Fiji's Indian population, who are descendents of Indian indentured labourers brought to Fiji between 1879 and 1916, the Gujaratis came to Fiji as free immigrants beginning in 1904. While the indentured labourers, on becoming free, generally took up farming, the Gujaratis were...
Sir Arthur HAMILTON-GORDON - HASAN, SaidSaid Hasan
Said Hasan was Fiji Indian member of the Legislative Council of Fiji nominated into the Council by the Governor in 1937....
- Hector HATCH
Hector Hatch
Hector Hatch is a former Fijian sportsman, politician and civil servant. He represented Fiji as a boxer at the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, Australia...
Angie Heffernan
Angenette Heffernan is a Fijian human rights and democracy activist and Executive Director of the Pacific Centre for Public Integrity . Prior to PCPI she was a prominent regional environmental political campaigner for Greenpeace Australia for eight years...
- Hereford (ship)
Hereford (ship)
The Hereford was a 1456 ton iron sailing ship with two decks and one cemented bulkhead which was built in 1869 by J. Elder & Company at Glasgow for the Merchant Shipping Company of London. She was chartered by the New Zealand Shipping Company in the 1870s and made three voyages to Lyttelton, New...
- High Court (Fiji)
High Court (Fiji)
The High Court of Fiji is one of three courts established by Chapter 9 of the Constitution of Fiji—the others being the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. The Constitution empowers Parliament to create other courts; these are subordinate to the High Court, which is authorized to oversee all...
- Hinduism in Fiji
Hinduism in Fiji
Hinduism in Fiji has a following primarily among the Indo-Fijians. They are descendants of either indentured servants brought to Fiji by the British in 19th century, or descendants of immigrants who came to the island nation in the 1920s and 1930s...
- {History of Fiji (main article)
History of Fiji
The timeline below shows the history of Fiji, from ancient times to the present day. For a more detailed analysis, follow the links under each heading to the related articles.- Pre history to 1820 and recent archeology :...
- History of Fiji:Discovery - History of Fiji:The rise and fall of Cakobau - History of Fiji:Colonial Fiji - History of Fiji:The modern nation} - A.M. HOCART
Arthur Maurice Hocart
Arthur Maurice Hocart was an anthropologist best known for his eccentric and often far-seeing works on Polynesia, Melanesia and Sri Lanka.-About the Man:...
- House of Chiefs
House of Chiefs (Fiji)
The term House of Chiefs is a collective term used to refer to the Fijian nobility, which consists of about seventy chiefs of various ranks. It is not a formal political body and should not be confused with the Great Council of Chiefs, which is a political body with a prescribed constitutional role...
- House of Representatives (Fiji)
House of Representatives (Fiji)
The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of Fiji's Parliament. It is the more powerful of the two chambers; it alone has the power to initiate legislation...
- Howrah (ship)
Howrah (ship)
The Howrah was an iron hulled sailing ship of 1,098 tons, built at Sunderland in 1864 by . She arrived in Fiji on 26 June, 1884 carrying 575 passengers.The Howrah was chartered for three voyages from England to New Zealand...
- Stuart HUGGETT
Stuart Huggett
Stuart Huggett is a British-born Fijian architect, businessman, and civil servant, who served as Chairman of the Public Service Commission from 2004 to 2006, when he was removed from office on 6 December 2006 by the Military junta which had seized power the previous day.In addition, Huggett is a...
- Andrew HUGHES
Andrew Hughes (police)
Andrew 'Andy' Hughes is a senior officer of the Australian Federal Police who, until recently, served as the Chief Police Officer for the Australian Capital Territory . The CPO position is similar to the role of Australian Commissioners of Police, that is, the chief executive of the ACT Policing...
Cecil Hunter Rodwell
Born in England, Rodwell attended Cheam School and Eton College and went up to Cambridge in 1892 to study at King's College. Upon the outbreak of the South African War, Rodwell joined the Suffolk Yeomanry and was awarded the Queen's Medal with two clasps for bravery....
Azim Hussein
Azim Hussein is a Fiji Indian educationaist and politician who won the Nasinu Rewa Open Constituency for the Labour Party in 2006 general election defeating the John Ali of United Fiji Party , who had formerly held the seat as a Labour Party candidate....
- Sir Eyre HUTSON
Eyre Hutson
Sir Eyre Hutson KCMG was an English colonial administrator who became Governor of British Honduras and later Governor of Fiji....
Ratu Josefa ILOILOJosefa Iloilo
Ratu Josefa Iloilovatu Uluivuda, CF, MBE, MSD, KStJ was the President of Fiji from 2000 until 2009, excluding a brief period from 5 December 2006 until 4 January 2007 . He held the traditional title of Tui Vuda, the paramount chief of the Vuda district in Ba Province on Fiji's northwest coast...
- Sir Everard F. IM THURN
Everard F. im Thurn
Everard Ferdinand im Thurn was an author, explorer, botanist, photographer and Governor of Fiji. He was educated at Oxford University, Edinburgh University, and Sydney University...
- India-Fiji relations
India-Fiji relations
Fijis relationship with the Republic of India is often seen by observers against the backdrop of the sometimes tense relations between its indigenous people and the 44 percent of the population who are of Indian descent...
- Indian Cane Growers Association (Fiji)
Indian Cane Growers Association (Fiji)
The Indian Cane Growers Association was formed on 28 September 1919 and was based in Ba Province, one of the cane growing districts in the Western Division of Fiji. It was led by Theodore Riaz and included some well-to-do Indian cane farmers from Ba, like Ramgarib Singh and Randhir Singh...
- Indian Imperial Association (Fiji)
Indian Imperial Association (Fiji)
The Indian Imperial Association of Fiji was active in Fiji during the last years of the indenture system, safeguarding the interests of and assisting in the improvement of the Indian community.- Established as British Indian Association of Fiji :...
- Indian Indenture Ships to Fiji
Indian indenture ships to Fiji
Between 1879 and 1916, a total of 42 ships made 87 voyages, carrying Indian indentured labourers to Fiji. Initially the ships brought labourers from Calcutta, but from 1903 all ships except two also brought labourers from Madras. A total of 60,965 passengers left India but only 60,553 arrived in...
- Indian members of Legislative Council of Fiji
Indian members of Legislative Council of Fiji
The number of Fiji Indians that could be elected to the Legislative Council was fixed over the years as follows:* 1916 - 1929 - one nominated member.* 1929 - 1937 - three elected members.* 1937 - 1963 - three elected and two nominated members....
- Indian Reform League (Fiji)
Indian Reform League (Fiji)
The Indian Reform League was formed in Fiji in 1924, following the refusal of the Suva Y.M.C.A. to admit Indians. Its founder was A.W. McMillan of the New Zealand Y.M.C.A and educated Indians and Government clerks and interpreters such as M. S. Buksh, S. S. Chowla, John F. Grant, Ilahi Ramzan, and...
- Indians in Fiji
Indians in Fiji
Indo-Fijians are Fijians whose ancestors came from India and various parts of South Asia, South-East Asia and Asia itself. They number 313,798 out of a total of 827,900 people living in Fiji...
- Indus (ship) - Instant-runoff voting
Instant-runoff voting
Instant-runoff voting , also known as preferential voting, the alternative vote and ranked choice voting, is a voting system used to elect one winner. Voters rank candidates in order of preference, and their ballots are counted as one vote for their first choice candidate. If a candidate secures a...
- Instruments of Independence
Instruments of Independence (Fiji)
The Instruments of Independence is a legal document that established Fiji's independence from the United Kingdom in 1970, when it was handed over by Prince Charles on behalf of the British Monarch on 10 October.The document is currently missing...
- Intelligentsiya (blog) - Interdistrict football championship (Fiji) - Imraz IQBAL
Imraz Iqbal
Imraz Iqbal Ali is a Fijian businessman, political activist, and former Television journalist, of Indian descent. He does not normally use his last name, except for legal purposes...
- IRB Pacific 5 Nations
IRB Pacific 5 Nations
The Pacific Nations Cup is an international rugby union competition originally known as the IRB Pacific 5 Nations and held between five Pacific Rim sides; Fiji, Japan, Samoa, Tonga and Junior All Blacks, . Previously, New Zealand was once represented by the New Zealand Māori...
- Islam in Fiji
Islam in Fiji
The Muslims of Fiji comprise around 7% of the population . The Islamic community is made up of people of Indian origin, who were brought to the islands in the late 19th century by the British colonial power. The majority of the Indian community is however, Hindu. Around 16% of the Fiji's Indian...
- Itu'tiu
Itu'ti'u is one of the seven districts on the island of Rotuma, a dependency of Fiji. Rotuma's capital, the village of Ahau, is located in this district. It also includes the villages of Savlei, Lau, Feavai, Tuakoi, Motusa, Ropure, Melsa'a, and Losa....
Sir Henry Moore JACKSONHenry Moore Jackson
Sir Henry Moore Jackson R.A. GCMG was born in Grenada to the Anglican Bishop of Antigua and of the Leeward Islands. He received his education in England at Clifton College and the Royal Military Academy. After his education, Jackson went into the military, serving for the Royal Artillery from 1870...
- Sir Francis JAKEWAY - Imrana JALAL
Imrana Jalal
Imrana Jalal, sometimes known as Patricia Jalal , is a Fijian lawyer and activist of Indian descent, who serves as a human rights advisor to the United Nations Development Program and as a member of the International Commission of Jurists, a body of sixty eminent judges and lawyers, to which she...
- Anare JALE
Anare Jale
Anare Jale is a Fijian civil servant, who was the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Service Commission from May 2005 to 7 December 2006, when he was dismissed from office by the military junta which had seized power on 5 December...
- Jannif, Ben - Judicial Service Commission - Jumna (ship) - Justice and Freedom Party
Justice and Freedom Party (Fiji)
The Justice and Freedom Party is a minor political party in Fiji. It was formed in 2000 to promote the interests of the Indo-Fijian community, and contested the parliamentary election of 2001, but garnered less than 0.1 percent of the popular vote and won no constituencies...
- Justice of Appeal
Justice of Appeal (Fiji)
Justices of Appeal in Fiji are judges who sit on the Court of Appeal and on the Supreme Court, but not on the High Court.Justices of Appeal are appointed by the President on the nomination of the Judicial Service Commission, which is required to consult first with the appropriate Cabinet Minister...
Kabara is an island of Fiji, a member of the Lau archipelago. With a land area of 31 km² , its population of some 700 lives in four villages.The islanders are noted for their craftsmanship in the area of wood carving...
- Kadavu
Kadavu , with an area of , is the fourth largest island in Fiji, and the largest island in the Kadavu Group, a volcanic archipelago consisting of Kadavu, Ono, Galoa and a number of smaller islands in the Great Astrolabe Reef...
- Kadavu Group
Kadavu Group
The Kadavu Group is an archipelago south of Viti Levu, one of Fiji's two main islands. Dominated by Kadavu Island, the fourth largest island in Fiji, the group also includes Galoa, Ono, and a number of islets in the Great Astrolabe Reef....
Penaia Kadavulevu
Ratu Penaia Kadavulevu was the son of Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, upon whose death in 1901 he inherited the title of Vunivalu of Bau, the paramount chief of the Kubuna Confederacy of Fiji....
- Kaibu
Kaibu is an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago. A 22.4 kilometer-long reef encompasses Kaibu and the neighbouring island of Yacata, from which Kaibu is separated by a lagoon. The island, which has an area of 20 square kilometers, is located 56 kilometers west of Vanua Balavu...
- Simione KAITANI
Simione Kaitani
Simione Kaitani is a Fijian politician, who currently serves as Leader of the House, and as such is responsible for the conduct of government business in the House of Representatives. He was previously a Cabinet Minister from 2001 to 2006, serving initially as Minister for Transport and Civil...
- Kaivalagi
"kaivalagi" is a Fijian word meaning someone "from the land of the foreigners." Its antonym, kaiviti, means "someone from Fiji." It is often used instead of the word "vulagi", meaning foreigner or stranger...
- Kaiviti - Tomasi KANAILAGI
Tomasi Kanailagi
Tomasi Kanailagi is a Fijian Methodist minister and political leader. The former President of the Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma, Fiji's largest Christian denomination, served in the Senate from 2001 to 2006 as a nominee of the Prime Minister, Laisenia Qarase...
- Kanacea
Kanacea is a volcanic island with seven peaks in Fiji's Lau archipelago. It is situated at 17.25° South and 179.171° East, 15 kilometers west of Vanua Balavu...
- Ratu Epeli KANAKANA
Epeli Kanakana
Ratu Epeli Kanakana was a Fijian chief. He held the title of Tui Suva, and is the traditional ruler of the area that includes the city of Suva, the nation's capital. The title of Tui Suva is only kept within the Naivutuvutu family of the Tokatoka Solia of Mataqali Vuanimocelolo of the Yavusa...
- Kanakas
Kanaka was the term for a worker from various Pacific Islands employed in British colonies, such as British Columbia , Fiji and Queensland in the 19th and early 20th centuries...
- Kato'aga
Kato'aga is a broad term in the Rotuman language summing up all the intricate ceremonies and gatherings of Rotuman culture. In particular, it refers to the ceremonies involved in celebrating the achievements of people of high rank, or identifying their elevation to important positions of authority...
Aisea Katonivere
Ratu Aisea Katonivere is a Fijian chief and politician from the northern Province of Macuata, where he is the Paramount Chief and Chairman of the Provincial Council...
- Jonetani KAUKIMOCE
Jonetani Kaukimoce
Lt Col Jonetani Kaukimoce is a Fijian politician, who served in the House of Representatives from 1992 to 2006. From 1992 to 1999 he stood under the Fijian Political Party banner...
- Kaunitoni
Kaunitoni, according to Fijian mythology, was a canoe which sailed from a mystical ancient homeland in the West, carrying the ancestor gods Lutunasobasoba and Degei, who are variously considered the ancestral founders of the Fijian race....
- Adi Salaseini KAVUNONO
Kavu Iloilo
Adi Salaseini Kavunono was the First Lady of Fiji. Adi Kavu, as she is popularly known, hails from the chiefly village of Somosomo on the island of Taveuni. She is the 4th wife of Ratu Josefa Iloilovatu Uluivuda , who has been Fiji's President since 2000.-References:...
- Francis KEAN
Francis Kean
Francis Kean was the Commander of the Fijian Navy when, in 2006, he was charged with murder. He was convicted of manslaughter the following year....
- Ro Teimumu KEPA
Teimumu Kepa
Teimumu Vuikaba Kepa is a Fijian chief and politician. A former students' coordinator at the University of the South Pacific when Kepa chose to enter the University to embark on her Bachelor of Arts Degree and was a principal of Corpus Christi Collegebefore that, until she succeeded her late...
Sailosi KEPA
Sailosi Kepa
Sailosi Wai Kepa was a Fijian statesman, judge, and diplomat.Born in the village of Nukuni on the island of Ono-I-Lau, was one of many distinguished public figures to hail from the Lau archipelago. He was educated at Draiba Fijian School and Lelean Memorial School, before enrolling in Nasinu...
- Tulsi Ram KHELWAN
Tulsi Ram Khelwan
Tulsi Ram Khelwan is a Fijian political leader of Indian descent. He served in the Senate from 2002 to 2006 as one of eight nominees of the Leader of the Opposition.-References:...
- Kioa
Kioa is an island in Fiji, an outlier to Vanua Levu, one of Fiji's two main islands. Situated opposite Buca Bay, Kioa is a freehold by settlers from Tuvalu, who came between 1947 and 1983...
- Kisan Sangh
Kisan Sangh
Kisan Sangh was the first farmers' union formed in Fiji on 27 November 1937. This was the result of one man's determination to improve the plight of Fiji's Indian cane farmers...
- George KONROTE
George Konrote
Major General Jioji Konousi Konrote, MC, better known as George Konrote, is a retired Major-General of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces and a former diplomat. From May to December 2006, he was a Fijian Cabinet Minister. He is a native of the island of Rotuma...
- Koro Island
Koro Island
Koro is a volcanic island of Fiji that forms part of the Lomaiviti Archipelago. The Koro Sea is named after this volcanic island, which has a chain of basaltic cinder cones extending from north to south along its crest. With a land area of 108.9 square kilometers , it is the sixth largest island...
- Koro-ni-O
Koro-ni-O is a village in Fiji, noted as the centre of the country's hydroelectric industry. The Monasavu hydroelectric scheme, built between 1978 and 1983, features an 82-meter high earthen dam on the Nanuka River. A 5.4-kilometer long tunnel joins the Wailoa River Power Station to the dam, 625...
- Koro Sea
Koro Sea
The Koro Sea or Sea of Koro is a sea in the Pacific Ocean between Viti Levu island, Fiji to the west and the Lau Islands to the east, surrounded by the islands of the Fijian archipelago.It is named after Koro Island.- References :...
- Jimi KOROI
Jimi Koroi
Lieutenant Colonel Jimi Koroi is a Fijian Military and Police officer. He was named Acting Commissioner of Police by the Military administration on 6 December 2006, one day after the coup d'état which deposed the government of Laisenia Qarase...
- Jokapeci KOROI
Jokapeci Koroi
Jokapeci Talei Koroi was a Fijian politician. She was currently the President of the Fiji Labour Party and a Senator. She was appointed to the Senate in 2002 as one of 8 nominees of the Leader of the Opposition, Mahendra Chaudhry....
Lesi Korovavala
Dr. Lesi Korovavala is a Fijian civil servant, who is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry for Home Affairs. He is a former senior Military officer with a doctorate in military studies, he reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel...
- Korovou, Tailevu
Korovou, Tailevu
Korovou is a village in the Fijian Tailevu Province, 31 kilometers from Nausori. It is considered the centre of Fiji's dairy industry, which was established at the end of the First World War by British settlers, on land donated by Fijian chiefs....
Manu Korovulavula
Manu Korovulavula, , is a Fijian political leader and civil servant. A former Senator, Korovulavula was appointed Minister for Transport in the interim Cabinet of Commodore Frank Bainimarama on 8 January 2007. He was also appointed in Ratu Mara's Interim Cabinet after the 1987 Rabuka coup...
Joji Kotobalavu
Jioji Kotobalavu was Fiji civil servant. He was the Chief Executive Officer in the Prime Minister's office, but was dismissed on 7 December 2006 by the military junta which had seized power on 5 December. He received his formal notice of dismissal on 13 December.Kotobalavu was a career civil...
- Sidiq KOYA
Sidiq Koya
Siddiq Moidin Koya was a Fijian Indian politician and Opposition leader. He succeeded to the leadership of the mostly Indo-Fijian National Federation Party on the death of the party's founder, A.D. Patel, in October 1969, remaining in this post until 1977...
- James Shri KRISHNA
James Shri Krishna
James Shri Krishna is a former Fijian politician of Indian descent. He represented the Labasa Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, which he held for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 2001....
- Ratu Inoke KUBUABOLA
Inoke Kubuabola
Ratu Inoke Kubuabola is a Fijian politician who served as Leader of the Opposition in 1999 and 2000. He became leader of the Fijian Political Party following its defeat in the 1999 election and the subsequent resignation of its leader, the defeated Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, from Parliament...
Jone Kubuabola
Ratu Jone Yavala Kubuabola was Fiji's Minister for Finance, a position he held starting in 2000. He also represented the South West Urban Fijian Communal constituencies in the House of Representatives, to which he was elected as a candidate of the Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua in...
- Kubuna Confederacy
Kubuna Confederacy
Kubuna is one of three confederacies which comprise Fiji's House of Chiefs, to which all of Fiji's chiefs belong.-Details of Kubuna:It consists of the provinces of Tailevu, Naitasiri, Lomaiviti, and parts of the western provinces of Ba, Ra...
- Kulu Bay Resort
Kulu Bay Resort
Kulu Bay Resort is a solar powered tourist resort located on the Fijian island of Beqa, which lies to the south of Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island. All of the seven beachfront bures are identical and within 10 m walking distance of the water. Adjacent to the Beqa Barrier Reefs, the resort...
- Jain KUMAR
Jain Kumar
Jain Kumar was elected the Chairman of Sugar Cane Growers Council of Fiji on 19 January 2007. He replaced Vijendra Autar who had been sacked by the military together with Jagannath Sami and eight board members appointed by the deposed government. Kumar was previously the Vice Chairman of the...
- Jainend KUMAR - Sujit KUMAR - Maleli KUNAVORE
Maleli Kunavore
Maleli Kunavore is a Fijian rugby union footballer.-Career:He plays as a centre, wing or fullback . He plays for Toulouse in the Top 14 and Heineken Cup. He was found by Fiji coach Wayne Pivac when he spotted Maleli playing in the Colonial Cup for the Coastal Stallions. He was selected for the...
Sadhu Kuppuswami
Sadhu Kuppuswami was a Fiji Indian who inspired South Indians in Fiji to have pride in their culture and language and was instrumental in the establishment of the Sangam organisation in Fiji. At the end of his indenture period Kuppuswami Naidu, took up the cause of the South Indians in Fiji. He...
Selina Kuruleca
Selina Kuruleca is a Fijian psychotherapist and commentator. She is regularly quoted by media outlets in Fiji on a wide variety of issues, such as the controversial Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill, about which she has expressed serious misgivings, especially with respect to its...
- Suliasi KURULO
Suliasi Kurulo
Suliasi Kurulo is a Fijian Pentecostal minister and evangelist. He is President of the Christian Mission Fellowship , an international denomination based in Fiji, and is involved with the World Harvest Centre at Newtown, Trinity Television, Christian Radio Station FM97, and the World Harvest...
- Kundan Singh KUSH
Kundan Singh Kush
Thakur Kundan Pal Singh Kush was an Arya Samaj missionary and teacher who arrived in Fiji, from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India in 1928. He first taught at the Dharamshala School in Nausori where he later became the founding Head Teacher of Vunimono Arya School in 1929...
A.H. Sahu KHAN - Ballu KHANBallu Khan
Ballu Khan is an Indo-Fijian businessman . His company, Tui Management Services, is the joint owner with the Vanua Development Corporation of Pacific Connex , which sells SAP software and has sought to enter the 3G mobile telephony market in Fiji. VDC is the commercial wing of the Native Land...
- Hafiz KHAN
Hafiz Khan
Hafizud Dean Khan is a Fijian businessman, Senator and president of the Muslim League. Appointed to the Senate on 13 July 2005 to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Dr Ahmed Ali, Khan became one of the 9 out of 32 Senators nominated by the Prime Minister...
- Iqbal KHAN - Jahir KHAN
Jahir Khan
Mohammed Jahir Khan is a senior Fijian police officer of Indian descent. As of January 2007, he holds the position of Senior Superintendent. He resigned from the Fiji Police force to take up his new post in Solomon Islands as the new Police Commissioner in May 2007, a position which he held until...
- Mohammed Afzal KHAN
Mohammed Afzal Khan
Mohammed Afzal Khan is a Fijian lawyer and political leader of Indian descent. He served in the Senate from 2002 to 2006 as one of eight nominees of the Leader of the Opposition.-References:...
Labasa is a town in Fiji with a population of 27,949 at the most recent census held in 2007.Labasa is located in Macuata Province, in the north-eastern part of the island of Vanua Levu, and is the largest town on the island. The town itself is located on a delta formed by three rivers - the...
- Labasa F.C.
Labasa F.C.
Labasa F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the first division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Labasa, which is the largest town on the second largest island, Vanua Levu, in the Fiji group. Their home stadium is Subrail Park...
- Labasa Kisan Sangh
Labasa Kisan Sangh
The Kisan Sangh had been active in the Western Division of Fiji since 1937 but had not seen the need to expand its activities to other sugar cane growing districts because of transportation problems and the fact that the other districts combined had far fewer cane farmers thatn the Western Division...
- Ratu Paula LACAWAI
Paula Lacawai
Ratu Paula Lacawai is a Fijian Chief and political leader. From 2001 to 2006, he represented the Province of Serua in the Senate as one of fourteen nominees of the Great Council of Chiefs.-References:...
- Lakeba
Lakeba is an island in Fiji's Southern Lau Archipelago; the provincial capital of Lau is located here. The island is the tenth largest in Fiji, with a land area of nearly 60 square kilometers. It is fertile and well watered, and encircled by a 29-kilometer road. Its closest neighbors are Aiwa...
B.D. Lakshman
Brahma Dass Lakshman was an Indo-Fijian politician, union leader and businessman, who had a considerable influence on Fiji’s sugar industry.- Education and teaching career :...
- Chaitanya LAKSHMAN
Chaitanya Lakshman
Chaitanya Lakshman is a Fiji Indian lawyer, social worker and politician who served in the multi-party cabinet of the Qarase Government as Minister for Local Government....
- Prince Gopal LAKSHMAN
Prince Gopal Lakshman
Prince Gopal Lakshman is a former Fijian politician of Indian descent. In the House of Representatives he represented the Viti Levu South Kadavu Indian Communal Constituency from 1999 to 2006...
- Brij LAL
Brij Lal
Brij V. Lal is a Indo-Fijian historian . He was born in Labasa, on the northern island of Vanua Levu. He was educated at the University of South Pacific, the University of British Columbia and the Australian National University.- Academic career :...
- John Icha LAL
John Icha Lal
John Icha Lal was formerly a player, captain and coach of Fiji's National Football side.-References:...
- Surendra LAL
Surendra Lal
Surendra Lal is a Fijian politician of Indian descent. In the House of Representatives he represented the Vanua Levu West Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, which he held for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 2001 with more than 65 percent of...
- Ratu Naiqama LALABALAVU
Naiqama Lalabalavu
Ratu Naiqama Tawake Lalabalavu is a Fijian Paramount Chief and politician. He was the Minister for Lands and Minister for Mineral Resources in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, prior to his resignation on 7 April 2005...
- Lali
A lali is a Fijian drum. It was an important part of traditional Fijian culture, used as a form of communication to announce births, deaths and wars. A smaller form of the lali drum is used in music.It is also an idiophone and a membranophone. Lali drums are now used to call the people of an area...
- Lami
Lami, Fiji is an urban area in Rewa Province, Fiji, north-west of Suva. It was formally incorporated as a Town in 1977, and had a population of 20,529 at the most recent census in 2007. The municipal boundaries enclose an area of 680 square kilometers....
- Lami F.C.
Lami F.C.
Lami F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Lami, which is a town situated some 10 kilometers from Suva on the island of Viti Levu.Their uniform includes gold shirt....
- Laucala
Laucala is one of three small islands lying to the east of Thurston Point on the island of Taveuni in Fiji. The privately owned island is the site of the exclusive Laucala Resort....
- Laufitu of Tonga
Laufitu was a Tongan-Fijian chieftainess. She was the first wife of Rasolo, who was the third Roko Sau of the Lau Islands and first installed holder of the title Tui Nayau. She was by him the mother of Malani, the seventh Roko Sau and the second to hold the Tui Nayau title of the Vuanirewa dynasty...
- Lau Islands
Lau Islands
The Lau Islands of Fiji are situated in the southern Pacific Ocean, just east of the Koro Sea. Of this chain of about one hundred islands and islets, about thirty are inhabited...
- Lautoka
Lautoka is the second largest city of Fiji and the second largest in the South Pacific. It is in the west of the island of Viti Levu, 24 kilometres north of Nadi, and is the second port of entry in Fiji, after Suva. Lying in the heart of Fiji's sugar cane growing region, it is known as the Sugar...
- Lautoka District
Lautoka district, Fiji
Lautoka is a district situated in Ba Province, in the western part of the island of Viti Levu in Fiji. Lautoka District comprises the areas surrounding Lautoka City and includes the Fijian administrative tikina of Vuda. Lautoka district is in the Western Division...
- -Lautoka FC - Lawaqa Park
Lawaqa Park
Lawaqa Park is a rugby union stadium in Sigatoka, Fiji. The stadium has a nominal capacity of 12,000 people. It currently hosts rugby union matches as well as local football matches....
- Leader of the Opposition
Leader of the Opposition (Fiji)
The post of Leader of the Opposition is a political office common in countries that are part of the Commonwealth of Nations. It did not originate in Fiji but has a long tradition; in British constitutional theory, the Leader of the Opposition must pose a formal alternative to the government, ready...
- Legislative Council (Fiji)
Legislative Council (Fiji)
The Fijian Legislative Council was the colonial precursor to the present-day Parliament, which came into existence when Fiji became independent on 10 October 1970.-The first Legislative Council:...
- Leleuvia
Leleuvia is a coral cay in Fiji's Tailevu Province. The 68,000 m² islet is the site of the Leleuvia Island Resort, previously operated by the Chinese-Fijian businessman Emosi Yee Shaw. Only recently in early 2006 has the Island been leased by a Company called Saluwaki Limited with the intention to...
- Leonidas (ship)
Leonidas (ship)
The Leonidas was a labour transport ship that played an important role in the history of Fiji. She had been earlier used to carry indentured labourers to the West Indies, having transported 580 Indian indentured labourers to St Lucia in 1878...
- Ponipate LESAVUA
Ponipate Lesavua
Ponipate Tawase Lesavua is a Fijian politician, who leads the Party of National Unity, which draws most of its support from Ba Province in the West of the country. The former Police officer, who spent 20 years in the Criminal Investigation Department, is an outspoken politician, who has championed...
- Graeme LEUNG
Graeme Leung
Graham Everett Leung is a Fijian lawyer and former President of the Fiji Law Society. He was also Chairman of the Electoral Commission, and was named as Judge Advocate of a Court Martial panel to retry 20 soldiers convicted mutiny in relation to the Fiji coup of 2000, but a number of complications...
- Levuka
Levuka is a town on the eastern coast of the Fijian island of Ovalau, in Lomaiviti Province, in the Eastern Division of Fiji. It was formerly the Capital of Fiji. At the census in 2007, the last to date, Levuka town had a population of 1,131 , about half of Ovalau's 8,360 inhabitants...
- Levuka F.C.
Levuka F.C.
Levuka F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Levuka, which is the only town on Ovalau Island, in the Fiji group...
- Lewalevu - Neumi LEWENI
Neumi Leweni
Neumi Leweni is a Fijian Army officer and diplomat, who holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He hails from the Lau Islands. He joined the Military in 1974 and by 2006 was one of two official spokesmen for the Military, the other being Lieutenant Colonel Orisi Rabukawaqa. In August 2007, he...
Isireli Leweniqila
Isireli Leweniqila is a Fijian politician, who currently serves in the Cabinet as Minister for Information and Communications.- Biography :A former businessman and farmer, Isireli Leweniqila is the son of the veteran politician, Militoni Leweniqila....
- Lio on Famor Rotuman Party - Nicky LITTLE
Nicky Little
Nicky Tyrone Little in Tokoroa, New Zealand, is a rugby union footballer. He plays at fly-half. He is a nephew of All Blacks centre Walter Little, but represents Fiji at international level.-Career:...
- Local government of Fiji
Local government of Fiji
Fiji is divided administratively into four divisions, which are further subdivided into fourteen provinces; the self-governing island of Rotuma and its dependencies lie outside any of the four divisions. Each division is headed by a Commissioner, appointed by the Fijian government...
- Lomaiviti
The Lomaiviti archipelago of Fiji consists of seven main islands and a number of smaller ones. They cover a total area of 411 square kilometers, and had a population of 16,461 at the most recent census in 2007...
- Lomaloma
Lomaloma is a village on the Fiji island of Vanua Balavu in the Lau archipelago. It is part of the Tikina of Lomaloma which comprises 9 villages, which is further made up of 13 Yavusa which are further broken down into 42 Mataqali and 54 Tokatoka from early records first documented in 1881 by...
- Long-legged Warbler
Long-legged Warbler
The Long-legged Thicketbird, Trichocichla rufa, is a small Old World warbler endemic to Fiji. The species is sometimes known as the Long-legged Warbler. It is the sole representative of the genus Trichocichla....
- Kenneth LOW
Kenneth Low
Kenneth Mang-Kwong Low is a Fijian businessman and political leader of Chinese descent. He unsuccessfully contested the parliamentary election of 1999 as a candidate for the General Voters Party for the Western Central Communal Constituency...
- Felix von LUCKNER
Felix von Luckner
Felix Graf von Luckner was a German nobleman, navy officer, author and noted sailor who earned the epithet Der Seeteufel -- and his crew that of Die Piraten des Kaisers -- for his exploits in command of the sailing commerce raider SMS Seeadler in...
- Sir Harry LUKE
Harry Charles Luke
Sir Harry Charles Luke KCMG, GCStJ, D.Litt. of Oxford and honorary LLD of Malta, was an official in the British Colonial Office. He served in Barbados, Cyprus, Transcaucasia, Sierra Leone, Palestine, Malta, the British Western Pacific Territories and Fiji...
- Lutunasobasoba - Mosese LUVEITASAU
Mosese Luveitasau
Mosese Luveitasau Yabakitini is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He is a current Fijian international, and is one of the rising stars of the team. He used to play professional rugby in Wales for Celtic League-side Cardiff Blues leaving after one season. He signed for Cardiff from Fijian Club RFC...
Jiko Luveni
Jiko Luveni is a Fijian dentist who is better known for her work to combat AIDS.Luveni was educated at Lautoka Fijian School and then at Nabua Secondary School in Suva, before enrolling in Adi Cakobau School in Sawani. She graduated in dentistry from the Fiji School of Medicine in 1967, the first...
Enele MA'AFUEnele Ma'afu
Enele Ma'afu'otu'itonga, commonly known as Ma'afu, was a man of two kingdoms being traditionally a Tongan Prince and a self forged Fijian chief.-A Brief History:...
- Macuata
Macuata is one of Fiji's fourteen Provinces, and one of three based principally on the northern island of Vanua Levu, occupying the north-eastern 40 percent of the island. It has a land area of 2004 square kilometers....
- Sir Kenneth MADDOCKS
Kenneth Maddocks
Sir Kenneth Maddocks was a British colonial official, who served as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Fiji from 1958 until 1963....
James Madhavan
James Madhavan was one of the longest serving politicians in Fiji. He initially was a primary school teacher but when the Maha Sangh was formed in Labasa was one of its earliest members. Unlike, Viti Levu where it was mainly supported by South Indians, the Maha Sangh in Labasa had support from a...
Joni Madraiwiwi I
Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi was a Fijian chief. Ratu Madraiwiwi was a Bauan chief, and the son of the Bauan chief and rebel Ratu Mara Kapaiwai . After joining the Audit Office as a clerk at an early age, Ratu Madraiwiwi had steadily worked his way up through the civil service...
Joni Madraiwiwi
Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi is a Fijian lawyer, politician and was the Vice-President of Fiji from 2004 to 2006. He was sworn in on 10 January 2005, following his nomination by President, Ratu Josefa Iloilo and his subsequent approval by the Great Council of Chiefs on 15 December 2004...
- Mago Island
Mago Island
Mago Island is a volcanic island that lies in the northwest sector of Fiji's northern Lau Group of islands. One of the largest private islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, the pristine island consists of of land....
- Maha Sangh
Maha Sangh
Akhil Fiji Krishak Maha Sangh was a sugar cane farmers' union formed on 15 June 1941 in opposition to the existing union, the Kisan Sangh. Supporters of Kisan Sangh tried to stop the formation of the Maha Sangh but were unsuccessful. The people responsible for the formation of a second sugar cane...
Badri Maharaj
Badri Maharaj was an Indo-Fijian farmer, politician, and philanthropist. He was the first Indian member of the Legislative Council serving for two periods between 1916 to 1923 and 1926 to 1929 as a nominated member but he was not a popular choice for Fiji Indians, who preferred the lawyer, Manilal...
- J.D. MAHARAJ - Sanjeet Chand MAHARAJ
Sanjeet Chand Maharaj
Sanjeet Chand Maharaj is a Fijian politician of Indian descent. In the House of Representatives he represents the Viti Levu East Maritime Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, which he held for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 2001 with more...
- Main (ship) - Ratu Kinijoji MAIVALILI
Kinijoji Maivalili
Ratu Kinijoji R. Maivalili is a Fijian Chief and political leader. Since 2001 he has represented the Province of Cakaudrove in the Senate as one of fourteen nominees of the Great Council of Chiefs...
- Mak Sa'moa
Mak Sa'moa
Mak Sa'moa is an informal Rotuman dance form derived from Samoan movement styles , including the style of hand movements between man and woman, and the shuffling/twisting of the feet in and out, as in the Siva Samoa.Although considered a traditional Rotuman dance style, and having been used...
- Makogai
Makogai is an island belonging to Fiji's Lomaiviti Archipelago. Covering an area of 8.4 square kilometers, it is situated at 17.26° South and 178.58° East. It has a maximum altitude of 267 meters....
- Adi Laufitu MALANI
Laufitu Malani
Adi Laufitu Malani is a Fijian and political leader. She served as a Senator from June to December 2006, when the Senate was dissolved in the wake of the military coup of 5 December...
- Ratu Wilisoni Tuiketai MALANI
Wilisoni Malani
Ratu Wilisoni Tuiketei Malani OBE, OSTJ, JP was a Fijian chief, medical doctor, and politician. He held the chiefly title of Turaga na Gonesau, or Paramount Chief of the Nakorotubu district in the Province of "Ra" in the western part of Viti Levu...
- Mamanuca Islands
Mamanuca Islands
The Mamanuca Islands of Fiji are a volcanic archipelago lying to the west of Nadi and to the south of the Yasawa Islands. The group, a popular tourist destination, consists of about 20 islands, but about seven of these are covered by the Pacific Ocean at high tide.Malololailai is the centre of the...
Injimo Managreve
Injimo Managreve was the Chairman of the Council of Rotuma, the legislative body for the Fijian island dependency which enjoys a considerable degree of local autonomy.-Biography:...
- MANU, A.R. - Daniel Urai MANUFOLAU
Daniel Urai Manufolau
Daniel Urai Manufolau is a Fijian trade unionist and politician from Lautoka, who won the Lautoka City Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 2001 and 2006....
- Adi Litiana MAOPA
Litiana Maopa
Adi Litiana Maopa was a prominent member of two of Fiji's main chiefly houses, those of the Tui Nayau, the paramount chief of the Lau Islands, and the chiefly house of the Vunivalu of Bau, the paramount chief of the Kubuna Confederacy....
- Maps of Fiji - Maqewa - Marist Brothers High School (Fiji)
Marist Brothers High School (Fiji)
Marist Brother's High School is a Roman Catholic all-boys high school situated in Suva, the capital of Fiji. It is a school in the Marist tradition, founded in 1949 by the order of Marist Brothers, which has had a presence in Fiji since 1844. The Catholic Marist education in Fiji is acknowledged...
Asaeli Masilaca
Asaeli Masilaca is a Fijian politician, who won the Nausori Naitasiri Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the United Fiji Party in the parliamentary election of 2001....
- Master of the High Court
Master of the High Court (Fiji)
Masters of the High Court are judges authorised by the Fijian Constitution to sit on the High Court. Unlike the more senior puisne judges, who sit on both the High Court and the Court of Appeal, Masters of the High Court sit only on the High Court....
- Petero MATACA
Petero Mataca
Petero Mataca is the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Suva, Fiji. After his education at St. John's College, Cawaci, he was ordained as a priest on 20 December 1959...
Irami Matairavula
Irami Ului Matairavula is a Fijian politician, who currently serves up the House of Representatives. He holds the Tailevu South Fijian Communal Constituency, which he won for the ruling United Fiji Party in the parliamentary election of September 2001, defeating the incumbent Esira Rabuno, an...
Samuela Matakibau
Samuela Matakibau is a Fijian police officer, who holds the position of Assistant Police Commissioner Operations.On 28 January 2007, Matakibau was arrested by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces for alleged firearms offences. This followed a Military raid on his Suva home, which allegedly...
Naomi Matanitobua
Naomi Matanitobua is a Fijian judge, who took office as Fiji's Chief Magistrate on 14 December 2005, succeeding David Balram. Her term of appointment is for three years.Matanitobua's first application for the position, in 2002, was not successful...
- Ratu Suliano MATANITOBUA
Suliano Matanitobua
Ro Suliano Matanitobua is a Fijian chief and politician, who currently serves as Minister of State for Fijian Affairs. He was first appointed to the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000....
- Matagi
Matagi Island
Matagi , sometimes written Matangi, is an island of Fiji, one of three tiny volcanic islands grouped to the east of Thurston Point on the island of Taveuni, the others being Qamea and Laucala...
- Mataqali - MATAWALU
Matawalu was the son of Niumataiwalu, first Roko Sau of Lau and Uma of Nukunuku. He became the fourth Roko Sau, ruler of the Lau Islands, after the death of his brother Rasolo, but never succeeded to the title Tui Nayau. He had been similarly exiled to Nayau like Rasolo by his elder brother...
- Matuku - Sir Francis Henry MAY
Francis Henry May
Sir Francis Henry May, GCMG was a British colonial administrator who became Governor of Hong Kong.-Early life and education:...
- Meke
Meke is a broad term in the Fijian language, primarily referring to all traditional style of dance. It is a cognate of the words "maka" and "mele" . It is typically performed during celebrations and festivals...
- Mersey (ship)
Mersey (ship)
Mersey may refer to:* Mersey , a ship wrecked off Torres Strait, Australia in 1805* Mersey , a former Nourse Line and White Star Line vessel; scrapped in 1923...
- Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma
Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma
The Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma is the largest Christian denomination in Fiji, with 36.2 percent of the total population at the 1996 census...
- Military of Fiji
Military of Fiji
The Republic of Fiji Military Forces are the military of the Pacific island nation of Fiji. With a total manpower of 3,500 active soldiers and 6,000 reservists, it is one of the smallest militaries in the world. However, most of its surrounding island nations have no militaries at all...
- Military-church relations in Fiji
Military-church relations in Fiji
The Military of Fiji has always had a close relationship between the country's churches, particularly the Methodist Church, to which some two-thirds of indigenous Fijians belong. Relations became strained in 2005, however, over the church's support for the government's controversial Reconciliation...
- Minerva Reefs
Minerva Reefs
The Minerva Reefs are a group of two submerged atolls located in the Pacific Ocean south of Fiji and Tonga. The reefs were named after the whaleship Minerva, was wrecked on what became known as South Minerva after setting out from Sydney in 1829...
- Ghananand MISHRA
Ghananand Mishra
Ghananand Mishra was a Fijian lawyer and judge. He was an Indo-Fijian of Brahmin stock, whose ancestors hailed from the Indian state of Kashmiri....
- Sudesh MISHRA
Sudesh Mishra
Sudesh Mishra is a contemporary Fijian-Australian poet and academic.-Career:Sudesh Mishra was born in Fiji into an Indo-Fijian family. Coming to Australia to study he completed a Ph.D. in English literature at Flinders University. He has published several volumes of poetry, the first of which,...
- Sir Charles MITCHELL
Charles Mitchell (governor)
Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell, G.C.M.G., R.M. was a lieutenant colonel in the Royal Marines, before joining the Colonial Service, in which he served in British Honduras, British Guiana, Natal...
- Sir Philip MITCHELL
Philip Euen Mitchell
Sir Philip Euen Mitchell was a British Colonial administrator who served as Governor of Uganda , Governor of Fiji and Governor of Kenya .-Birth and education:...
- Moala
Moala is a volcanic island in the Moala subgroup of Fiji's Lau archipelago. Located at , it has an area of . The highest point on the island of Moala, at a maximum elevation of , is called Delaimoala which has rich vegetation and consists of dark thick forest. The population of around 3000 live in...
- Moala Islands
Moala Islands
The Moala Islands are a subgroup of Fiji's Lau archipelago. Its three islands are located west of the Lau Islands proper, and were historically linked more closely with Bau Island and Viti Levu than with Lau. They we unified by Ratu Sukuna to part of the Lau congregation to support traditional...
- Ratu Tevita MOMOEDONU
Tevita Momoedonu
Ratu Tatu Tevita Momoedonu is a Fijian chief and has served as the fifth Prime Minister of Fiji twice - each time extremely briefly. Both appointments were to get around constitutional technicalities; his first term of office - on 27 May 2000 lasted only a few minutes. His second term - from 14...
- Muniswamy MUDLIAR
Muniswamy Mudaliar
Muniswamy Mudaliar was a Fiji Indian politician who was a member of the Legislative Council of Fiji from 1932 to 1937. He lost the support of his electorate when he refused to resign from the Legislative Council when the common roll motion was defeated, as had been agreed to before the election. In...
- Vashist MUNI
Vashist Muni
Sadhu Vashist Muni was a Hindu missionary from India, who came into prominence in Fiji when he assumed the leadership of the strike in the western districts of Fiji in 1921. Mystery surrounded him during his short stay in Fiji and tales of his miraculous deeds still circulate in Fiji...
- {Municipal elections in Fiji
Municipal elections in Fiji
Fiji has established municipal governments for two cities and ten towns . Each city or town has a council comprising between 8 and 20 members, elected for three-year terms, although the government announced legislation on 15 February 2006 to extend the term to four years...
; see also separate articles: 2002
Fiji municipal election, 2002
Fiji's municipal elections of October 2002 produced results that allowed three major political parties, the United Fiji Party , the Fiji Labour Party , and the National Federation Party to claim a victory of sorts...
- 2005
Fiji municipal election, 2005
Municipal elections were held for 11 of Fiji's twelve city and town councils on 22 October 2005. In the capital city, however, elections for the Suva City Council were postponed till 12 November, owing to the death of two candidates; the death of a candidate in Lautoka also resulted in the...
} - Perumal MUPNAR
Perumal Mupnar
Perumal Mupnar is a Fijian politician of Indian descent, who held the Yasawa Nawaka Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary election of 2001...
- Murimuria
In Fijian mythology, Murimuria is part of the underworld. After a soul dies, it is judged by Degei. A few go to Burotu, and the rest are thrown into a lake. They eventually sink to the bottom, Murimuria, and are rewarded and punished appropriately....
- Music of Fiji
Music of Fiji
Fiji is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean. Though geographically Melanesian, the music of Fiji is more Polynesian in character. Nevertheless, Fijian folk styles are distinct in their fusion of Polynesian and Melanesian traditions...
Adi Asenaca MARA - Ratu Finau MARAFinau Mara
Ratu Alifereti Finau Mara is a Fijian lawyer, politician, and diplomat. He is best known as the eldest son of former Prime Minister and President Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. Since December 2001, he has held the official position of Roving Ambassador and High Commissioner, representing Fiji's interests...
- Ratu Sir Kamisese MARA
Kamisese Mara
Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, CF, GCMG, KBE is considered the founding father of the modern nation of Fiji. He was Chief Minister from 1967 to 1970, when Fiji gained its independence from the United Kingdom, and, apart from one brief interruption in 1987, the first Prime Minister from 1970 to 1992...
- Ro Adi Lala MARA
Lala Mara
Ro Lala, Lady Mara, maiden name Litia Cakobau Lalabalavu Katoafutoga Tuisawau was a Fijian chief, who was better known as the widow of Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, modern Fiji's founding father who served for many years as Prime Minister and President of his country...
- Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba MARA
Tevita Mara
Ratu Tevita Kapaiwai Lutunauga Uluilakeba Mara is a Fijian career soldier, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel as of early 2006. On 3 February, he was named Army Chief of Staff, succeeding Colonel Meli Saubulinayau, a close relative of his...
- Adi Elenoa MARA-RASOVA
In Fijian mythology, Nabagatai is a village on the road to Bulu, where the souls of the dead live ....
- Nabua
Nabua is a suburb of the Fijian capital of Suva. The Queen Elizabeth Barracks, a major military base which saw a mutiny on 2 November 2000, is located there....
- Joeli NABUKA
Joeli Nabuka
Joeli Nabuka is a former Fijian politician, who served in the House of Representatives from 2002 to 2006. He represented the Ba East Fijian Communal Constituency, which he won for the ruling Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua Party in a byelection early in 2002, to fill the vacancy caused by the...
Lepani Nabuliwaqa
Lepani Nabuliwaqa , nicknamed Leps, is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He plays as a wing.-Career:Nabuliwaqa was an influential member of the Red Rock sevens team which participated in Fiji domestic sevens competition in 2003-04 season. He made his debut for the Fiji sevens team when he replaced...
Isa Nacewa
Isakeli Nacewa is a New Zealand-born rugby union footballer of Fijian descent. He is a utility back and represents Leinster Rugby in the RaboDirect Pro12 and Heineken Cup competitions. He previously represented the Blues in the Super Rugby competition and Auckland in the Air New Zealand Cup...
Pita Nacuva
Pita Kewa Nacuva is a Fijian politician, who served as Speaker of the House of Representatives from June to December 2006, when a military coup deposed the government and resulted in the dissolution of Parliament...
- Nadogo F.C.
Nadogo F.C.
Nadogo F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Wainikoro, which is a situated on the island of Vanua Levu.Their uniform includes olive green shirt.- History :...
- Nadroga F.C.
Nadroga F.C.
Nadroga F.C. is a football team from Fiji based in Lawaqa Park. Their uniform includes gold and blue shirt, blue shorts and gold socks.- History :...
- Nadroga-Navosa
NADROGA NAVOSA is one of the fourteen provinces of Fiji, and one of eight based in Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island. It is about 2,385 square kilometers and occupies the South-West and Central areas of Viti Levu, Fiji's largest and principal island. The province includes the Mamanuca Archipelago,...
- Apenisa NAEVO
Apenisa Naevo
Ratu Apenisa Naevo is a Fijian rugby union footballer. His usual position is at lock. He has earned over 30 caps for the national team, after debuting in 1996 and going onto represent them at the Rugby World Cup....
- Ratu Apisai NAEVO
Apisai Naevo
Ratu Apisai D. Naevo is a Fijian Chief and political leader. As Tui Nawaka, he is the paramount chief of the vanua of Nawaka, Nadi. He has two sons, Apenisa Naevo and Semisi Naevo, both of whom play rugby for Fiji. A retired school teacher, he is a member of the Ba Provincial Council and various...
- Semisi NAEVO
Semisi Naevo
Ratu Meli Semisi Naevo Saukawa is a Fijian rugby union player. He plays as a flanker. His nickname is Mountain Bear. As such, he enjoys eating. His father, Joeli Lesavua, and two brothers, Apenisa and Manoa Naevo, are also Fiji reps.-Career:He plays sevens for Fiji...
- Ratu Sairusi NAGAGAVOKA
Sairusi Nagagavoka
Ratu Sairusi Nagagavoka is a Fijian chief and political leader from Ba Province. He holds the traditional title of Koronubu na Momo na Tui Ba , commonly abbreviated to Tui Ba Bulu, and as such is one of two paramount chiefs in the Ba district of Ba Province...
- Shivlal NAGINDAS
Shivlal Nagindas
Shivlal Nagindas is a Fijian businessman of Indian descent, who currently serves as President of the Labasa Chamber of Commerce. He has also held political office as a Senator, as a Labasa Town Councillor...
- Dorsami NAIDU
Dorsami Naidu
Dorsami Naidu is a Fijian lawyer and politician. On 29 July 2005, he announced his intention to resign as President of the National Federation Party at the party conference on the 31 July, following his being taken in for questioning on assault and indecent assault charges, of which he has since...
- Richard NAIDU
Richard Naidu
Richard Naidu is a Fijian lawyer of Indian descent. A partner with the Munro Leys law firm, he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Presidency of the Fiji Law Society on 9 September 2006 .-Naidu and the 2006 coup d'état:...
- Naigani
Naigani is an island in Fiji's Tailevu Province, eight kilometers north-west of Ovalau. It is also about 10 kilometers from Tailevu Point on the main island of Viti Levu....
- Damodran NAIR
Damodran Nair
Damodran Nair is a Fijian politician of Indian descent, who held the Tavua Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the Fiji Labour Party in a by election on 17 January 2004 following the death of the incumbent, Pravin Singh, in an automobile accident in late 2003...
- Vijay Nair
Vijay Nair
Vijay Nair was one of the eight nominees of the Leader of the Opposition to the Senate of Fiji after the 2006 elections.- References :...
- Naitasiri
Naitasiri is one of the 14 provinces of Fiji and one of eight based in Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island.-Geography and infrastructure:Naitasiri as a province covers 1,666 square kilometers , the Province occupies the area to the north and east of Suva, the capital...
- Solomone NAIVALU
Solomone Naivalu
Solomone Naivalu is a Fijian politician, who served in the Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase's Cabinet as Minister for Health from 2001 to 2006. In the election held in September 2001, Naivalu won the Cunningham Open Constituency for the Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua , and was subsequently appointed...
Timoci Naivaluwaqa
Timoci Naivaluwaqa was a Fijian trade unionist and a founding member of the Fiji Labour Party in 1985.Naivaluwaqa was General Secretary of the Fiji Hotel and Catering Union FHCU from 1999 till his death, and also served as President of the Fiji Trade Union Congress...
- Nakauvadra - Nakorotubu
Nakorotubu is a district in Fiji's Ra Province. It is made up seven sub-districts or Tikina makawa, namely,Kavula, Nakorotubu, Navitilevu, Bure-i-wai, Bure-i-vanua, Mataso, and Nakuailava.-Geography:...
- Nalawa F.C.
Nalawa F.C.
Nalawa F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Vunikavikaloa in Ra, which is a situated on the island of Viti Levu.Their uniform includes black shirt with white trim....
- Namalata
Namalata is a village and its own island but is part of the Island Group of Vanua Balavu in Fiji's Lau archipelago. Namalata is part of Lomaloma Tikina....
- Namena Lala
Namena Lala
Namena Lala is a volcanic islet in Fiji, an outlier to the northern island of Vanua Levu , 24 kilometers away. Situated at 17.11° South and 179.10° East, it covers an area of 4 square kilometres. Its maximum altitude is 105 meters. The island is the site of the 0.44 km² Moody's Namenalala...
- Naming conventions of Fiji
Fijian name
Naming conventions in Fiji differ greatly, both between and within ethnic groups in Fiji. Indigenous Fijians have a set of cultural practices which today are more loosely followed, and to some extent blended with elements of European culture with regard to names...
- Namosi
Namosi is one of Fiji's fourteen Provinces, and one of eight based in Viti Levu, the largest island. Located to the west of Suva, the Province covers 570 square kilometers...
- Nananu-i-Ra
Nananu-i-Ra is an island in Fiji about 1.5 kilometers off the coast of the main island of Viti Levu, in the Rakiraki of Ra Province. It has a maximum elevation of 180 meters....
- Gyani NAND
Gyani Nand
Gyani Nand was a Fijian politician of Indian descent. He was born in Tavua and taught in a number of primary and high schools then worked as a hansard reporter and later as a diplomat in Australia and England before starting his political career.In the House of Representatives he represented the...
- Nainendra NAND
Nainendra Nand
Nainendra Nand was the Solicitor-General of Fiji from 1997 to 2006. He had previously worked in the Office of the Attorney-General since 1983. He was dismissed from office on 7 December 2006 for refusing to cooperate with the military junta which seized power on 5 December.Nand was educated in the...
- Ragho NAND
Ragho Nand
Ragho Nand is a Fiji Indian politician who was also a Minister in the multi-party cabinet following the 2006 election.In the House of Representatives he represented the Tailevu Rewa Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, which he held for the Fiji Labour Party in the...
- Satya NANDAN
Satya Nandan
Satya N. Nandan, CF, CBE, a diplomat and lawyer from Fiji specializing in ocean affairs, is Chairman of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, where he began a two-year term on 1 January 2009....
- Ratu Sela NANOVO
Sela Nanovo
Ratu Sela Donumaitoga Nanovo was a Fijian Senator from 2001, when he was named to the position by the Great Council of Chiefs on the proposal of the Kadavu Provincial Council, till his death in 2003 at the age of 62....
- Neumi NANUKU
Neumi Nanuku
Neumi Nanuku Neumi Nanuku Neumi Nanuku (born 20 June 1976 in Burenitu, Nalawa, Ra, in Fiji's Ra Province, is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He plays at full back.Nanuku is 5 feet 9 (175 cm) tall and weighs . He grew up in the Nalawa and he played for Nadroga in the National Provincial Rugby...
- Nanuya Levu
Nanuya Levu
Nanuya Levu is a privately owned island of the Yasawa Group in Fiji and the site of the Turtle Island Resort, a sustainable luxury resort and also a locale for the romance adventure film The Blue Lagoon ....
- Serupepeli Naqase
Serupepeli Naqase
Serupepeli Naqase was a Fijian lawyer. He was employed by the Native Lands Trust Board from 1974 to 2001, when he became a private legal practitioner...
Sireli Naqelevuki
Sireli Masibalavu Naqelevuki plays as a prop in rugby sevens but in traditional 15s he is a wing or centre. He made his rugby sevens debut in 2002 in Dubai Sevens. He is 1.93m tall and weighs 118 kg. Contracted to the FRU, he played in seven of the eight IRB 7s tournaments when Fiji won the...
Sekove Naqiolevu
Sekove Naqiolevu is a Fijian lawyer and Solomon Islands judge. Naiqiolevu, a former Chief Magistrate of Fiji, was appointed as a judge of the High Court and Appeal Court of the Solomon Islands on 1 April 2005....
- NARAIN, Sathi
Sathi Narain
Sir Sathi Narain was a Fiji Indian businessman who built up his construction and shipping business through his own hard work.- Family background :His parents had arrived in Fiji as indentured labourers abroad the S.S...
- Irene Jai NARAYAN
Irene Jai Narayan
Irene Jai Narayan, was an Indian born teacher and politician, who had a significant influence on politics in Fiji. She came to Fiji, in 1959, after marrying Jai Narayan, a well known school Principal in Suva, and began her career as a teacher...
- Paresh Narayan
Paresh Narayan
Professor Paresh Kumar Narayan , is an academic of Fiji Indian origin, who is Australia's youngest Professor of Finance and is now the chair of finance at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia.- Early life and education:...
Udit Narayan (politician)
Udit Narayan is a Fijian politician of Indian descent. He represented the Lautoka Rural Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, which he held for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 2001 with more than 71 percent of the vote.In 2003, Narayan was...
- Nasaqalau
Nasaqalau is one of eight villages on the island of Lakeba, in Fiji's Lau archipelago.The Original inhabitants of Lakeba Island are those that reside in Nasaqalau they came from Waimaro of the Dreketi clan through Matuku and onto Nasaqalau...
- Nasau Park
Nasau Park
Nasau Park is an all-purpose grassy area, sports field and parade ground located in the town of Levuka on the island of Ovalau in Fiji. It is the home ground of the Levuka F.C....
- Nasinu
Nasinu is an urban area on the island Viti Levu in Fiji. It is officially designated a "Town" despite its population . Nasinu is the most populous municipality in Fiji, having overtaken that of Suva , and is one of Fiji's fastest-growing towns...
- Nasinu F.C.
Nasinu F.C.
Nasinu F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Nasinu, which is situated on the eastern side of the main island of Viti Levu, between the town of Nausori and the city of Suva. Their home stadium is Rishikul College...
- Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party
Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party (Fiji)
The Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party is a Fijian political party which champions Fijian ethnic nationalism. It is currently led by Iliesa Duvuloco, while Viliame Savu serves as the party's President.- Founding and ideology :...
- Native Land Register
Native Land Register (Fiji)
The Vola ni Kawa Bula, commonly known as the VKB, is the official Fijian register of native landowners. It is known in English as the Native Land Register. By law, all indigenous Fijians are entitled to be enrolled as members of the VKB, which is in the charge of the Native Lands Commission...
- Native Land Trust Board - Native Transport Detachment - Samueli NAULU
Samueli Naulu
Samueli Dawai Naulu, born 5 February 1982 in Narewa, Nadi is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He plays as a wing. He plays for the USA Perpignan team in the Heineken Cup as well as playing for the same team in the French Top 14 Competition....
- Viliame NAUPOTO
Viliame Naupoto
Commander Viliame Naupoto is a former Commander of the Fijian Navy and currently Fiji's Director of Immigration. He was appointed to this post on 8 January 2007 by the Public Service Commission on the advice of Interim Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama, who seized power in a military...
- Nausori
Nausori is a town in Fiji. It had a population of 47,604 at the 2007 census, the most recent to date. This makes it the fourth most populous municipality in the country. Situated 19 kilometers out of Suva, it forms one pole of the burgeoning Suva-Nausori corridor.Nausori grew up around Fiji's...
- Nausori International Airport
Nausori International Airport
Nausori International Airport . Also known as Luvuluvu, Nausori Airport is the second International Airport in Fiji. It is situated in Nausori on the south-Eastern side of Viti Levu...
Jone Navakamocea
Ratu Jone Navakamocea is a Fijian chief and politician. A member of the Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua Party, he won the Serua Navosa Open Constituency in the 2006 Parliamentary election and was subsequently appointed State Minister for National Planning in the government of Laisenia Qarase...
Maciu Navakasuasua
Maciu Navakasuasua is a Fijian public figure and former political organizer. An explosives expert, Navakasuasua said that on behalf of the Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party, an extremist party which advocated the "repatriation" to India of Indo-Fijians, two prominent businessmen had tried to hire...
- Naviti
Naviti is a volcanic island in the Yasawa Group, in the Western Division of Fiji. Located at 17.13° South and 177.25° East, Naviti covers an area of 34 square kilometers, with a maximum elevation of 388 meters. The main economic activity is centred on resort hotels. Korovou Eco Resort is a typical...
- Ratu Viliame NAVOKA
Viliame Navoka
Ratu Viliame Navoka is a former civil servant who formerly held office as Fiji's Consul General in Sydney, Australia. From 2001 to 2006, he represented the Province of Nadroga-Navosa in the Senate as one of fourteen nominees of the Great Council of Chiefs...
- Navua District, Fiji
Navua District, Fiji
Navua District is located within Serua Province in the Central Division of Fiji. During colonial times it used to be a sugar growing area, but the closure of the sugar mill in Navua in 1923 led to a decline in economic activity in the district...
Niko Nawaikula
Niko Nawaikula is a Fijian politician, who was appointed to the House of Representatives on 22 June 2005. The Conservative Alliance candidate was declared elected unopposed, after the only other candidate, Ratu Osea Vakalalabure of the United Fiji Party withdrew from the contest, thus averting...
- Ratu Josateki NAWALOWALO
Josateki Nawalowalo
Ratu Josateki Tuivanuavou Nacagilevu Nawalowalo, commonly known as Ratu Jo Nawalowalo, was a Fijian chief, businessman, and the Chairman of the Kadavu Provincial Council...
- Ndengei - New Labour Unity Party
New Labour Unity Party (Fiji)
The New Labour Unity Party was a Fijian political party, which broke away from the Fiji Labour Party in May 2001. It was founded by Tupeni Baba, a former Deputy Prime Minister and Labour Party stalwart, who had become dissatisfied with Mahendra Chaudhry's leadership and expressed fears that if...
- Newnham, S.S. - Ngendi - Sangeeta NIRANJAN
Sangeeta Niranjan
Sangeeta Niranjan is an Indo-Fijian businesswoman. She is the co-founder of Kenns Motors, the President of the Fiji Motor Traders Association, and a former President of the Fiji Employers Federation, a position to which she was elected on 3 September 2005. She resigned from this position on 30...
- Ratu Epeli NIUDAMU
Epeli Niudamu
Ratu Epeli Niudamu is a Fijian Chief, soldier, and political leader. The Paramount Chief of one of the four tikinas of Ra Province, he holds the title of Tui Nalawa. From 1996 to 2006, he represented the Province of Ra in the Senate as a nominee of the Great Council of Chiefs...
- Niumataiwalu
Niumataiwalu was the founder of the Vuanirewa dynasty, a noble clan of the Lau Islands from which the Tui Nayau is chosen. Niumataiwalu was the son of Delainavugalei, a high ranking noble of the island of Nayau and Lakeba....
- Noa’tau
Noa'tau is one of the seven districts on the island of Rotuma, a dependency of Fiji. It includes the villages of Maragteu and Fekeoko.Noa'tau is the most easterly district on the island...
- Nokia Eagles
Nokia Eagles
Nokia Eagles are a soccer team based in Nadi, Fiji. They are one of the country's leading clubs and they appeared in the final round of the 2006 OFC Club Championship.-Performance in OFC competitions:*Oceania Club Championship:...
- Non-Resident Indian - Northern Division
Northern Division, Fiji
The Northern Division is one of four Divisions into which Fiji's fourteen Provinces are grouped for local government purposes. The administrative centre of the Division, where main governmental departments are located, is Labasa....
- Nourse Line
Nourse Line
The Nourse Line was a shipping company formed by Captain James Nourse in 1861. After taking delivery of his first ship, the Ganges, in 1861, Nourse went on to build up one of the last great fleets of sailing ships.- Early life of James Nourse:...
- Nukulau
Nukulau Island is a small islet belonging to Fiji. It is close to Suva, Fiji's capital, which lies about ten kilometers to the west. It is an island rich in history, which has played a pivotal role in Fiji's demographic and political development over the past 160 years.- History :Nukulau played a...
Nadi is the third-largest conurbation in Fiji. It is located on the western side of the main island of Viti Levu, and had a population of 42,284 at the most recent census, in 2007. Nadi is multiracial with many of its inhabitants Indian or Fijian, along with a large transient population of foreign...
- Nadi District
Nadi District, Fiji
Nadi is a district within Ba Province, located on the south-west coast of the island of Viti Levu in Fiji. Nadi is well known for its international airport, which long provided a communication link for travellers from North America to Australia and New Zealand...
- Nadi FC - Nadi International Airport
Nadi International Airport
Nadi International Airport is the main international gateway for the islands of Fiji. It serves about 1.2 million people per year, and is the main hub of Air Pacific. The airport is 10km from the city of Nadi. In 2009 it handled 1,220,000 passengers on international and domestic...
Adi Koila Mara NAILATIKAUKoila Nailatikau
Adi Koila Mara Nailatikau is a Fijian lawyer, who has served as a diplomat and politician.- Family background :Vasemaca Koila Josephine Mara was born in 1953...
Epeli Nailatikau
Brigadier-General Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, CF, LVO, OBE, MSD, OStJ, is a Fijian chief and the current President of Fiji. He has had a long career in the Military, diplomatic service, and government...
Epeli Nailatikau I
Ratu Epeli Nailatikau I was a Fijian Paramount Chief, who was posthumously made the Vunivalu of Bau. He was the eldest son of the first Tui Viti, Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau and his first wife, Adi Litia Samanunu....
- Ratu Epeli Qaraninamu NAILATIKAU
Epeli Qaraninamu Nailatikau
Note: This article is about Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, the Fijian medical doctor and former Senator. For the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has the same name, see here....
National Anthem (God Bless Fiji)God Bless Fiji
Meda Dau Doka or God Bless Fiji is the national anthem of Fiji. The melody was adapted from a 1911 hymn by Charles Austin Miles entitled Dwelling in Beulah Land...
- National Congress of Fiji
National Congress of Fiji
The National Congress of Fiji was formed on 10 January 1965 at the Kisan Sangh Hall in Lautoka, in front of 1,500 farmers , led by Ayodhya Prasad. The Congress sent a telegram to the Secretary General of the United Nations stating that 80,000 Fiji Indians wanted to settle in a foreign country...
- National constituencies
National constituencies (Fiji)
National constituencies are a former feature of the Fijian electoral system. They were created as a compromise between demands for universal suffrage on a common voters' roll, and for a strictly communal franchise, with Parliamentary constituencies allocated on an ethnic basis and elected only by...
- National Farmers Union (Fiji)
National Farmers Union (Fiji)
The National Farmers Union is one of Fiji's largest trade unions. It was launched in Labasa in July 1978 under the auspices of the Fiji Trades Union Congress, with Mahendra Chaudhry as its first General Secretary...
- National Democratic Party
National Democratic Party (Fiji)
The National Democratic Party is the name of two political parties that have been formed in Fiji's history.The first National Democratic Party was formed in the early 1960s through a merger of Apisai Tora's Western Democratic Party with Isikeli Nadalo's Fijian National Party. It drew its support...
- National Federation Party
National Federation Party (Fiji)
The National Federation Party is a Fijian political party founded by A.D. Patel in November 1968, as a merger of the Federation Party and the National Democratic Party...
- National Federation Party - Dove faction (Fiji)
National Federation Party - Dove faction (Fiji)
The Dove Faction was one of the factions of the National Federation Party to contest the September 1977 elections in Fiji.Ever since the death of A. D. Patel and the elevation to the leadership of Sidiq Koya, there had been dissent within the NFP. There were accucations of Koya stacking the party...
- National Federation Party - Flower faction (Fiji)
National Federation Party - Flower faction (Fiji)
The Flower Faction was one of the factions of the National Federation Party to contest the September 1977 elections in Fiji.Ever since the death of A.D. Patel and the elevation to the leadership of Sidiq Koya, there had been dissent within the NFP. There were accucations of Koya stacking the party...
- National language debate
National language debate in Fiji
The national language debate in Fiji concerns the status of the country's three official languages - English, Fijian, and Hindustani...
- National Stadium (Suva)
National Stadium (Suva)
National Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Suva, Fiji. It is currently used mostly for rugby league, rugby union and football matches. The stadium holds 10,000....
Sir George O'BRIENGeorge Thomas Michael O'Brien
Sir George Thomas Michael O'Brien, KCMG was a British colonial official, who served as Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong from 1892 to 1895, and as Governor of Fiji from 1897 to 1901. He died in 1906.O'Brien Road in Hong Kong was named after him....
- Office of International Treasury Control
Office of International Treasury Control
The Office of International Treasury Control is a seemingly elaborate fraudulent organization which claims to be associated with the United Nations and the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. It has attempted to deceive people and organizations in Ecuador, Fiji and the United...
(OITC) - Ogea Driki
Ogea Driki
Ogea Driki is a coral atoll in Fiji's Southern Lau Group. It 2.7 kilometers south from Ogea Levu, 10 kilometers east of Fulaga. It is the farming and fishing ground for the Ogean villagers who own the island and subdivided into farming lots as well as beaches...
- Ogea Levu
Ogea Levu
Ogea Levu is a coral island on a barrier reef in Fiji's Southern Lau archipelago. With an area of 13.3 square kilometers, it is situated at 19.18° South and 178.47° East, 10 kilometers east of Fulaga. It has a maximum altitude of 82 meters....
- Ono Island
Ono Island
Ono Island is a member of the Kadavu Group, an outlier to Kadavu Island, to the south of Viti Levu, one of Fiji's two main islands. It is separated from Kadavu Island by the Ono Channel. Located at 18.88° South and 178.50° East, this volcanic island is enclosed by the Great Astrolabe Reef. It...
- Ono-i-Lau
Ono-i-Lau is a volcanic and coral island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.One of the southernmost of the Lau Islands, it is located at 20.80° South and 178.75° East, and occupies an area of 7.9 square kilometers. It has a maximum elevation of 113 meters. It is 90 kilometers southsouthwest of Vatoa, the...
- Open constituencies
Open constituencies (Fiji)
Open constituencies represent one of several electoral models employed in the past and present in the Fijian electoral system. They derive their name from the fact that they are "open": unlike the communal constituencies, the 25 members of the House of Representatives who represent open...
- Orange Dove
Orange Dove
The Orange Fruit Dove , also known as Flame Dove, is a small, approximately 20 cm long, short-tailed fruit-dove in the family Columbidae. One of the most colorful doves, the male has a golden olive head and elongated bright orange "hair-like" body feathers...
- Ovalau
Ovalau is the sixth largest island in Fiji's Lomaiviti Archipelago. Situated at 17.70° South and 178.8° East, , the island is about 13 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide...
Pacific Islands ForumPacific Islands Forum
The Pacific Islands Forum is an inter-governmental organization that aims to enhance cooperation between the independent countries of the Pacific Ocean. It was founded in 1971 as the South Pacific Forum...
- Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance
Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance
The Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance was set up in 2002 as a basis of co-operation between the Fiji, Samoa and Tonga Rugby Unions. Niue and the Cook Islands are also members of the Alliance, and while not members of the Pacific Tri-Nations competition, they can and do supply members to the Pacific...
- Pacific Islanders rugby union team
Pacific Islanders rugby union team
The Pacific Islanders rugby union team is an international rugby union team, started in 2004, that represents Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. While Niue and the Cook Islands are not members of the Pacific Tri-Nations competition, they did supply players to the squad for the Pacific Islanders' tour in 2004...
- Pacific Rugby Cup
Pacific Rugby Cup
The IRB Pacific Rugby Cup is an annual rugby union development competition. First held in 2006, it features representative teams from the three Pacific rugby union unions - Fiji, Samoa and Tonga.The participating teams are:*Samoa A from Samoa...
Ben Padarath
Benjamin Wainiqolo Padarath is a former political candidate in Fiji, who served a prison sentence at Korovou Prison from 2006 to 2007 for manslaughter. He is continuing to serve the sentence extramurally.- Political foray :...
- Lavenia PADARATH
Lavenia Padarath
Lavenia Padarath is a Fijian politician.Padarath won the Nausori Naitasiri Open Constituency for the Fiji Labour Party in the 1999 parliamentary election. She was subsequently appointed to the Cabinet of Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry as Minister for Women, Culture, and Social Welfare...
- Narendra Kumar PADARATH
Narendra Kumar Padarath
Narendra Kumar Padarath is a Fiji Indian politician who won the Ba West Indian Communal Constituency for the Labour Party in 2006 general election. He is the President of the Poultry Industry Association of Fiji. - References :...
- Paramount Chief of Fiji - Parliament (Fiji) - Party of National Unity (PANU)
Party of National Unity (Fiji)
The Party of National Unity is a Fijian political party founded by Ratu Sairusi Nagagavoka in 1998; as of 2006, Nagagavoka is the President of the party. A well-known member of the party was Apisai Tora...
- Party of the Truth (POTT)
Party of the Truth (Fiji)
The Party of Truth is a political party in Fiji. It is currently without parliamentary representation....
- Parliamentary Organization for Indigenous Fijians - People's Coalition
People's Coalition (Fiji)
The People's Coalition was an alliance of three political parties in Fiji, formed in March 1999 to contest the parliamentary election to be held in May that year...
- People's National Party
People's National Party (Fiji)
The People's National Party is a former Fijian political party.-Party history:The history of the PNP is representative of the many complex about-turns of Fijian politics: it was formed by a merger of the Party of National Unity and the Protector of Fiji , which were both formally deregistered on...
- Pericles (ship)
Pericles (ship)
The Pericles, named after the Athenian leader Pericles, was a 1,598 ton, iron hulled, three masted sailing ship, that was built by W. Hood & Co of Aberdeen, and launched in July 1877 to transport wool for the Aberdeen Line.- Trips to Australia :...
- Sarojini PILLAY
Sarojini Pillay
Sarojini Pillay is a Fijian academic of Indian descent. In the second week of February 2006, Pillay, a former Registrar of the University of the South Pacific , was appointed as the first Registrar of the newly founded University of Fiji...
- Wayne PIVAC
Wayne Pivac
Wayne Pivac is a professional rugby union coach. He is a former Northland and Auckland coach, and also a former policeman. Pivac coached Northland to NPC Second Division success in 1997 and earned them promotion to First Division the following year....
- Politics of Fiji
Politics of Fiji
Politics of Fiji takes place within the framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic. Fiji has a multi-party system with the Prime Minister of Fiji as head of government. The executive power is exercised by the government...
- Poonah (Ship)
Poonah (ship)
The Poonah, named after the city of Poonah in western India, was a three masted sailing ship of 1199 tons, owned by Tyser & Haviside and was built in 1867 by William Pile at Sunderland.- Trips to West Indies :...
- Post Fiji Stadium - Ayodhya PRASAD
Ayodhya Prasad
Ayodhya Prasad Sharma was an Indo-Fijian farmers’ leader and politician, who formed the most successful farmers’ union in Fiji and forced the Colonial Sugar Refining Company to make concessions to farmers after 60 years of complete control over Fiji’s economy...
- Krishna PRASAD
Krishna Prasad
Krishna Prasad ,was a Fijian politician of Indian descent, who held the Nadi Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary election of 2001...
- Presidents of Fiji (List) - President of the Court of Appeal
President of the Court of Appeal (Fiji)
Fiji's Court of Appeal is chaired by the President of the Court of Appeal. The Chief Justice of Fiji is not permitted to hold this position; in order to give the Court of Appeal a degree of independence from the High Court and the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice, who chairs both courts, is...
- {Presidential elections in Fiji: see also separate articles: 2000
Fiji presidential election, 2000
A Presidential election took place in Fiji on 18 July 2000, to replace Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, who had resigned, possibly under pressure from the Military, during the Fiji coup of 2000...
, 2006
Fiji presidential election, 2006
Elections to the offices of President and Vice-President of Fiji took place on 8 March 2006, when the Great Council of Chiefs met as an electoral college at the Tradewinds Convention Centre in Lami...
} - Prime Ministers of Fiji (List) - Prince Charles Park
Prince Charles Park
Prince Charles Park is a rugby union stadium in Nadi, Fiji. The stadium has a nominal capacity of 15,000 people. It currently hosts rugby union matches. The venue hosted the final of the Football Oceania Club Championship 1999 in 1999. The ground is home to Nadi Rugby Union and Nadi...
- Protector of Fiji - Puisne judge
Puisne judge (Fiji)
Puisne judges in Fiji sit on the High Court and the Court of Appeal, but not on the Supreme Court. According to Chapter 9 of the Fijian Constitution, there must be a minimum of ten puisne judges, who are appointed by the President on the nomination of the Judicial Service Commission, who must...
- Hari PUNJA
Hari Punja
Mr. Hari Punja is a businessman and Chairman of Hari Punja Group of Companies. Hari Punja and Sons Limited is a very diversified company in Fiji.-Biography:...
A.D. PATELA.D. Patel
Ambalal Dahyabhai Patel, better known as A.D. Patel, was a Fiji Indian politician, farmers' leader and founder and leader of the National Federation Party. Patel was uncompromisingly committed to a vision of an independent Fiji, with full racial integration...
R.D. Patel
Raojibhai Dahyabhai Patel was an Indo-Fijian lawyer and politician, who was better known as the younger brother of A.D. Patel. To distinguish between the two, he was generally referred to as R.D. Although he lacked his brother's charisma and oratorical skills, he was much loved and admired by...
- S.B. PATEL - Vinod PATEL
Vinod Patel
Vinod Patel is a Fiji Indian businessman, soccer administrator and politician. He is the Chairman of Vinod Patel and Company Limited which owns a chain of hardware shops throughout Fiji....
Qamea is one of three islets lying to the east of Thurston Point on the island of Taveuni, Fiji, the others being Matagi and Laucala.-Geography:...
- Qaranivalu
The Qaranivalu is a senior Chief of Naitasiri Province in Fiji. The Qaranivalu since 1997 is Ratu Inoke Takiveikata. He had played the role of facilitator of the Muanikau Accord between the Fiji Military and coup leader George Speight and his group in July of 2000 that ended the 58 day parliament...
- Laisenia QARASE
Laisenia Qarase
Laisenia Qarase is a Fijian political figure. He served as the sixth Prime Minister of Fiji from 2000 to 2006. After the military quashed the coup that led to the removal of Mahendra Chaudhry, Qarase joined the Interim Military Government as a financial adviser on 9 June 2000, until his appointment...
- Qelelevu - Alipate QETAKI
Alipate Qetaki
Alipate Qetaki is a Fijian lawyer and a former politician, who served as Attorney-General from May 1987 to September 1987 and against as Attorney General and Minister for Justice in the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000...
Litia Qionibaravi
Adi Litia Qionibaravi is a Fijian chief and civil servant, who served for more than thirty years in the Fijian Affairs Ministry before being appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Fijian Affairs Board on 17 June 2005 . In this capacity, she oversaw the work of the country's fourteen Provincial...
- Qoliqoli Bill
Qoliqoli Bill
The Qoliqoli Bill 2006 is said to be a significant piece of legislation for Fiji, "particularly the Fijian community", according to the Fiji government website....
- Emasi QOVU
Emasi Qovu
Emasi Qovu is a former Fijian politician, served in the House of Representatives from 2001 to 2006. A former school teacher, he held the Nasinu Urban Fijian Communal Constituency for the Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua Party from 2001 to 2006, having won the seat in the parliamentary election of...
- Queen Elizabeth Barracks
Queen Elizabeth Barracks (Fiji)
Queen Elizabeth Barracks is a Fijian Army base, located in the suburb of Nabua, in Suva. It is the national headquarters of the military.The barracks, commonly known as QEB, was the scene of an unsuccessful army mutiny on 2 November 2000...
- Queen of Fiji - Queen Victoria School (Fiji)
Queen Victoria School (Fiji)
Queen Victoria School is a school in Fiji, established in 1906.The school was originally established in Nasinu to provide education to the sons of Fijian Chiefs...
- Qurai
In Fijian mythology , Qurai is a god who once changed himself into a rat so he could attend a meeting of the gods unseen.Alternative: nggurai...
RaRa Province
Ra is one of the fourteen provinces of Fiji. Occupying the northern area of Viti Levu, the largest island, it is one of eight Viti Levu-based Provinces. With a land area of 1341 square kilometers, it had a population of 29,464 at the 2007 census, the last to date...
Seru Rabeni
Ratu Seru Raveive Rabeni is a Fijian rugby union player. He plays as a centre or wing for Stade Rochelais....
- Rabi Council of Leaders
Rabi Council of Leaders
The Rabi Council of Leaders and Elders is the municipal body administering Rabi Island, in Fiji. The 8-member Council has two representatives from each of Rabi's four villages. The Council chooses a Chairman, and also selects one of its own members to represent the community in the Kiribati...
- Rabi Island
Rabi Island
Rabi is a volcanic island in northern Fiji. It is an outlier to Taveuni , in the Vanua Levu Group. It covers an area of 66.3 square kilometers, reaching a maximum altitude of 463 meters and has a shoreline of 46.2 kilometers...
- Sitiveni RABUKA
Sitiveni Rabuka
Major-General Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka, OBE, MSD, OStJ, is best known as the instigator of two military coups that shook Fiji in 1987. He was later democratically elected the third Prime Minister, serving from 1992 to 1999...
Lagani Rabukawaqa
Lagani Rabukawaqa is a pop musician from Fiji who achieved fame in Oceania in the 1980s.-References:...
Orisi Rabukawaqa
Orisi Rabukawaqa is a Fijian career soldier. As of early 2006, he holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and is one of two official spokesmen for the Military, the other being Major Neumi Leweni....
- Kiniviliame RADAVETA
Kiniviliame Radaveta
Kiniviliame Radaveta is a Fijian rugby union footballer, who has played at flanker, centre, and hooker. He has been capped once for Fiji in a match against neighbours Tonga....
- Radini Nayau
Radini Nayau
Radini Nayau is the courtesy title given to the wife or chief wife of the Tui Nayau, Paramount Chief of the Lau Islands in Fiji. The bearer of this title is installed at the same time as the Tui Nayau...
- Pramod RAE
Pramod Rae
Pramod Kumar Rae is a Fijian trade unionist and political organizer of Indian descent. He was born in Suva and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree and Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of the South Pacific....
- Monica RAGHWAN
Monica Raghwan
Monica Raghwan is a Fijian politician. She was elected from the Samabula Tamavua Open Constituency into the House of Representatives in the 2006 elections, defeating United Fiji Party's star recruit, Tupeni Baba. The win also made her one of the youngest members of the House.Monica Raghwan was...
- Mataiasi RAGIAGIA - George Shiu RAJ
George Shiu Raj
George Shiu Raj is a Indo-Fijian politician, who served as Minister for Multi-Ethnic Affairs from 2001 to 30 September 2004, when he resigned amid accusations of misuse of funds. At the time, he was the only Indo-Fijian minister in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase...
- Rakiraki
Rakiraki is a district in Fiji's Ra Province. It is located about halfway between Suva and Nadi when travelling along the Kings Road, on the northern coast of Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island....
- Rakiraki F.C.
Rakiraki F.C.
Rakiraki F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the first division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Rakiraki, which is situated on the northern side of the main island of Viti Levu. Their home stadium is the Ra Sports Grounds. Their uniform is maroon shirt, white...
- Rishi RAM
Rishi Ram
Rishi Ram is a Fijian civil servant and former diplomat of Indian descent. On 15 January 2007, he became Chairman of the Public Service Commission. He was the first ethnic Indian to head the PSC....
- Ramrakha, K.C. - James Ramchandar RAO
James Ramchandar Rao
James Ranchandar Rao was one of the three Fiji Indians elected to the Legislative Council of Fiji in October 1929 when Indians in Fiji were given the first opportunity to elect their own representatives...
- Raranitiqa - Rasolo
Rasolo was the second son of Niumataiwalu, founder of the Vuanirewa dynasty or noble clan of the Lau Islands in Fiji.-Vuanirewa:Rasolo became the third Roko Sau of the Lau Islands and first installed holder of the title Tui Nayau. According to oral history, when Rasolo and the rest of his family...
- Ratu Talemo RATAKELE
Talemo Ratakele
Ratu Talemo Ratakele is a former Fijian politician, who served as Minister for Internal Affairs and Immigration in the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000. He held office till an elected government took power in September 2001. He was also a former...
- Ratu
Ratu is a title used by Fijians of chiefly rank. An equivalent title, Adi is used by females of chiefly rank.-Etymology:Ra is a prefix in many titles and Tu is simply "chief"...
- Ratu Cakobau Park
Ratu Cakobau Park
Ratu Cakobau Park is a rugby union stadium in Nausori, Fiji. The stadium has a nominal capacity of 8,000. It currently hosts rugby union matches and football matches....
- Ratu Kadavulevu School
Ratu Kadavulevu School
Ratu Kadavulevu School is a school in Lodoni, Fiji. It has some 625 students and claims to be the largest boarding school in the country. Its students are multiracial, but predominantly Fijian....
- Ratumaibulu
In the mythology of Fiji, Ratumaibulu is a god of great importance who presides over agriculture. In the month called Vula-i-Ratumaibulu, he comes from Bulu, the world of spirits, to make the breadfruit and other fruit trees blossom and yield fruit...
- Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day
Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day
Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day was a national public holiday in Fiji until the year 2010, when the Prime Minister, Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama, declared both Ratu Sir Lala Sakuna Day and National Youth Day to no longer be public holidays...
- Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day, 2005 - Moses RAULUNI
Moses Rauluni
Mosese Nasau Rauluni is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He usually plays at scrum half, and played for Saracens in the Guinness Premiership in England. He has played for Fiji, including captaining them...
- Asesela RAVUVU
Asesela Ravuvu
Asesela Ravuvu was a Fijian academic and political leader. The Director of Pacific Studies at the University of the South Pacific, Professor Ravuvu was appointed to the Fijian Senate by the Great Council of Chiefs in 2001, to one of the 14 Senate seats allocated to the Great Council...
- Ratu Josaia RAYAWA
Josaia Rayawa
Ratu Josaia Naulumatua Rayawa is a Fijian Chief, religious minister, and political leader. He served in the Senate from 2001 to 2006 as one of nine nominees of the Fijian government...
- {Reconciliation and Unity Commission
Reconciliation and Unity Commission (Fiji)
The Reconciliation and Unity Commission is a proposed government body to be set up if the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill, which was introduced into the Fijian Parliament on 4 May 2005 is passed...
- Blue Ribbon campaign
Blue Ribbon campaign (Fiji)
The "Blue Ribbon campaign" was the name for the campaign promoting support for the controversial legislation introduced by the Fijian Government in 2005 to establish a Reconciliation and Unity Commission. The name specifically comes from the blue ribbons promoted by the ruling United Fiji Party as...
- Yellow Ribbon campaign
Yellow Ribbon campaign (Fiji)
Most Fijian politicians outside of the government have come out against the legislation to establish a Commission with the power, subject to presidential approval, to pardon perpetrators and compensate victims of the coup d'état against the elected government in 2000...
- Moderate voices - Military opposition
Military opposition to the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill (Fiji)
Commodore Frank Bainimarama, Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, has been a vociferous and uncompromising critic of the government's proposal to establish a Reconciliation and Unity Commission, with the power to grant compensation to victims of the 2000 coup, and amnesty to...
- Military-church relations in Fiji
Military-church relations in Fiji
The Military of Fiji has always had a close relationship between the country's churches, particularly the Methodist Church, to which some two-thirds of indigenous Fijians belong. Relations became strained in 2005, however, over the church's support for the government's controversial Reconciliation...
- Foreign reaction
Foreign reaction to the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill (Fiji)
The controversial Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill being promoted by the Fijian government throughout 2005 has generated enormous debate, both locally and internationally. The legislation aims to establish a Commission empowered to compensate victims and pardon perpetrators of the coup...
- Religious reaction
Religious reaction to the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill (Fiji)
Religion plays an important role in Fijian society. Indigenous Fijians are overwhelmingly Christian, predominantly Methodist but with significant Roman Catholic, Assemblies of God, Seventh-day Adventist, and other Christian minorities; Indo-Fijians are mostly Hindu, with a large Muslim as well as...
} - Red-throated Lorikeet
Red-throated Lorikeet
The Red-throated Lorikeet Charmosyna amabilis is a critically endangered lorikeet endemic to Fiji. It is 18 cm long and is bright green overall, with red cheeks, throat and thighs....
- Jai Ram REDDY
Jai Ram Reddy
Jai Ram Reddy is an Indo-Fijian statesman, who has had a distinguished career in both the legislative and judicial branches of the Fijian government...
- Kamlesh REDDY
Kamlesh Reddy
Kamlesh Reddy is a Fiji Indian politician who won the Labasa Indian Communal Constituency for the Labour Party in 2006 general election.- References :...
- K.S. REDDY - Reserve Bank of Fiji Building - Rewa
Rewa Province
Rewa is a province of Fiji. With a land area of 272 square kilometers , it includes the capital city of Suva and is in two parts - one including part of Suva's hinterland to the west, and a noncontiguous area to the east, separated from the rest of Rewa by Naitasiri Province...
- Rewa Bridge
Rewa Bridge
The Rewa Bridge is a four lane concrete girder road bridge over the Rewa River joining Suva and Nausori in Fiji. The bridge has a length of , comprising seven internal spans of 49.5 m and end spans of 39.25 m...
- Rewa FC - Rewa Planters Union
Rewa Planters Union
Rewa Planters Union was formed on 14 July 1943 at a meeting attended by 1500 cane farmers from Rewa Province, Fiji. The union was formed in reaction to the strike of cane farmers taking place in the Western Division. The Government had appointed a commission to inquire into the farmers' grievances...
- Rewa River
Rewa River
The Rewa River is the widest river in Fiji. Located on the island of Viti Levu, the Rewa originates in Tomanivi, the highest peak in Fiji, and flows southeast for 145 km to Laucala Bay, near Suva...
- Rhine (ship) - Rhone (ship)
Rhone (ship)
The Rhone, formerly known as Gilroy, was a 1,768 ton, iron sailing ship with a length of 259.2 feet, breadth of 39.9 feet and depth of 23.2 feet.- History :...
- Sir Arthur RICHARDS
Arthur Richards, 1st Baron Milverton
Arthur Frederick Richards, 1st Baron Milverton GCMG , was a British colonial administrator who served as Governor of Nigeria from 1943 to 1948....
Tom Ricketts (Fiji politician)
Tom Ricketts was one of the eight nominees of the Leader of the Opposition to the Senate of Fiji after the 2006 elections. 4 January 2008, Tom Ricketts announced as Interim Minister for Tourism Trade and Communications after Interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama's 2008 Cabinet Reshuffle-...
Peter Ridgeway
Peter Ridgway is an Australian prosecutor and a former Deputy Director of Prosecutions in Fiji.Ridgway resigned on 3 May 2005 and was expelled from Fiji on 22 June by the government of then-Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, while investigating alleged links between members of the government and the...
- Marieta RIGAMOTO
Marieta Rigamoto
Marieta Rigamoto is a Fijian politician. As as independent candidate campaigning for improved roads and hospital services in Rotuma, she won a hotly contested election for the Rotuman Communal Constituency in the House of Representatives in 1999, and was returned with an increased majority in the...
- Ringgold Isles
Ringgold Isles
The Ringgold Isles are an archipelago in Fiji, forming an outlier group to Vanua Levu. The Budd, Nukusemanu, and Heemskercq Reefs form part of the group. The group is mostly uninhabited, but Qelelevu has a small village...
- Ro
Ro (title)
Ro is a title used by Fijian chiefs in the Province of Rewa, as well as parts of Naitasiri, Namosi, and Serua. Both males and females are so styled; in other areas of Fiji, male chiefs are titled Ratu and female chiefs, Adi....
- Sir Hercules ROBINSON - Ratu Maculeku ROKOCEGU - Roko
Roko is a title used by Fiji of chiefly rank specifically from the Lau Islands. Its equivalent from the Kubuna Confederacy is the Bauan form of Ratu and Ro from parts of the Burebasaga Confederacy. This title was widely used amongst members of the chiefly Vuanirewa clan up to the mid 19th century...
- Nasoni ROKO
Nasoni Roko
Nasoni Rokobiau, born 29 November 1979, in Vunidawa, Fiji is a rugby union player. Rokobiau has represented Fiji in their Rugby Sevens team, as well as Fiji 'A' in the 15 man form of the game. He has played Sevens for Fiji since 2002, representing his country in many International Rugby Board...
- Adi Joana ROKOMATU
Joana Rokomatu
Adi Joana Rokomatu is a Fijian chief who holds the title of Tui Sigatoka, or Paramount Chief of Sigatoka.Adi Rokomatu has worked closely with the Sigatoka Town Council to promote development projects, as well as efforts to beautify the town. She also hosts the Nadroga rugby team, providing them...
- Roko Tui Bau - Roko Tui Dreketi
Roko Tui Dreketi
The Roko Tui Dreketi is the Paramount Chief of Fiji's Rewa Province and of the Burebasaga Confederacy, to which Rewa belongs.-Details on the title:...
- Roko Tui Namata
Roko Tui Namata
The Roko Tui Namata is the title of the Paramount Chief of the Namata subdistrict of Bau district, in Fiji's Tailevu Province. The chiefly family of Namata is closely related to that of Bau, with frequent intermarriage between them...
Kolinio Rokotuinaceva
Ratu Kolinio Rokotunaceva was a Fijian chief and politician, who served as a Senator from 2001 to 2006 as one of 14 nominees of the Great Council of Chiefs...
- Roman Catholic Church in Fiji
Roman Catholic Church in Fiji
The Roman Catholic Church in Fiji is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope and curia in Rome.-Demographics and organization:...
- Rotuma
Rotuma is a Fijian dependency, consisting of Rotuma Island and nearby islets. The island group is home to a small but unique indigenous ethnic group which constitutes a recognizable minority within the population of Fiji, known as "Rotumans"...
- Rotuma Day
Rotuma Day
Rotuma Day is an annual celebration on the island of Rotuma, a Fijian dependency. It falls on May 13, the anniversary of the island's cession to the United Kingdom in 1881....
- Rotuma Day, 2005 - Rotuma Group
Rotuma Group
The Rotuma Group is a group of volcanic islands with Rotuma Island being the main island, located at , approximately 465 kilometers north of Fiji....
- Rotuman Islands Council
Council of Rotuma
The Council of Rotuma is a municipal body on the island of Rotuma, a Fijian dependency. Owing to the unique character of Rotuma, the powers of this council are greater than those of other municipal bodies in Fiji and in some ways it approximates a legislative body, though it is in every way...
- Rotuman language
Rotuman language
Rotuman, also referred to as Rotunan, Rutuman or Fäeag Rotuma, is an Austronesian language spoken by the indigenous people of the South Pacific island group of Rotuma, an island with a Polynesian-influenced culture that was incorporated as a dependency into the Colony of Fiji in 1881...
Swami Rudrananda
Swami Rudrananda was born in Tamil Nadu, India in March 1901. He was sent to Fiji by the Ramakrishna Mission, in 1939, to assist the Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam in its religious and cultural activities. Swami Rudrananda consolidated and expanded the activities of T.I.S.I. Sangam based at...
- Rugby union in Fiji
Rugby union in Fiji
Rugby union is a popular team sport that is played in Fiji. It is considered to be the national sport of the country. The sport was introduced in the 1880s. Fiji is defined as a tier two rugby nation by the International Rugby Board . The national team has competed at the Rugby World Cup and made...
- Rugby Union (Fiji national rugby union team)
Fiji national rugby union team
The Fiji national rugby union team is a member of the Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance formerly along with Samoa and Tonga. In 2009, Samoa announced their departure from the Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance, leaving just Fiji and Tonga. Fiji are ranked sixteenth in the world by the IRB as of 26...
- Rugby Sevens (Fiji national rugby union sevens team)
Fiji national rugby union team (sevens)
The Fiji Sevens side is one of the most popular and successful Sevens teams in the world and has won the Hong Kong Sevens a record nine times since its inception in 1976. Fiji has also won the Sevens World Cup twice, winning that event in 1997 and 2005...
- Ryder, William
salesh prasadLosena SALABULA
Losena Salabula
Losena Tubanavau Salabula is a Fijian politician, who currently serves in the Cabinet as Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office. In this role, she undertakes assignments on behalf of the Prime Minister, Laisenia Qarase...
- Jagannath SAMI
Jagannath Sami
Jagannath Sami has been a soccer player representing a premier district side in the Fiji Football Association competitions, a leader of the sugar mill workers, a leader of a farmers' union, a politician and Chief Executive Officer of the Sugar Cane Growers Council of Fiji but he is best known for...
- Adi Mere Tuisalalo SAMISONI
Mere Samisoni
Mere Tuisalalo Samisoni is a woman from Lomaloma village on the island of Vanuabalavu in Fiji's Lau archipelago, She also is a Fiji business person and politician, she currently resides in Suva Fiji's Capital.-Politics:...
- Samulayo
In the mythology of Fiji, Samulayo is a god of war and those dead souls who died in battle....
- Totaram SANADHYA
Totaram Sanadhya
Totaram Sanadhya was deceitfully recruited as an indentured labourer from India and brought to Fiji in 1893. He spent five years working as a bonded labourer but was never afraid to fight for his rights...
- Sangola (ship) - Santhia (ship) - Viliame SATALA
Viliame Satala
Viliame Satala born 19 July 1972 in Lautoka Fiji is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He plays as a centre or wing. His nickname is "The Stretcher" for his ability to flatten opposition players....
- Sau (Rotuman king)
Sau (Rotuman king)
Sau, , refers to the role of spiritual leader in pre-Christian Rotuman society. The title was neither primogenitary nor held for a lifetime, but rather was cycled through the chiefs of each of Rotuma’s districts....
Meli Saubulinayau
Colonel Ratu Meli Saubulinayau is a Fijian career soldier, who, as of January 2006, headed the Strategic Unit in Suva. He was appointed to the post at the beginning of January 2006...
- Tomasi SAUQAQA
Tomasi Sauqaqa
Tomasi Namua Sauqaqa is a former Fijian politician, who served in the Cabinet as Assistant Minister for Health from 2001 to 2006. In this capacity, he assisted the Minister for Health, Solomone Naivalu....
- Isikia SAVUA
Isikia Savua
Isikia Rabici Savua was a senior Fijian diplomat, who had a distinguished career in the Military and police forces before taking up his last post as Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations on 4 March 2003.- Career :Savua spent 18 years in the Fijian army, which he joined on...
- Savusavu
Savusavu is a town in the Fijian Province of Cakaudrove. The town is located on the south coast of Vanua Levu Island and had a population of 3,372 in the 2007 census.Savusavu is known as "the hidden paradise of Fiji."- Geography :...
- Savusavu F.C.
Savusavu F.C.
Savusavu F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Savusavu, which is a situated on the southern side of the island of Vanua Levu....
- Sawana
Sawana is a village on the Fijian island of Vanua Balavu, in the Lau archipelago and is part of the Tikina of Lomaloma.Sawana is separated from the main village of Lomaloma only by a large ditch...
Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum Fiji's Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Anti-Corruption, Public Enterprises, Industry, Investment, Tourism and Communications...
- Deryck SCARR - Seaqaqa F.C.
Seaqaqa F.C.
Seaqaqa F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Seaqaqa, which is a situated on the northern side of the island of Vanua Levu....
- Dixon SEETO
Dixon Seeto
Dixon Seeto is a Fijian businessman and political leader of Chinese descent. He is President of the Fiji Islands Hotel and Tourism Association and of the Chinese Association of Fiji...
- Senate (Fiji)
Senate (Fiji)
The Senate of Fiji is the upper chamber of Parliament. It is the less powerful of the two chambers; it may not initiate legislation, but may amend or veto it. The Senate's powers over financial bills are more restricted: it may veto them in their entirety, but may not amend them...
Jona Senilagakali
Dr Jona Baravilala Senilagakali was a medical doctor and diplomat who was seventh Prime Minister of Fiji. He resigned as Prime Minister on 5 January 2007, but on 8 January he was appointed interim Minister for Health...
- Ratu Jope SENILOLI
Jope Seniloli
Ratu Jope Naucabalavu Seniloli is a Fijian chief who holds the title of Turaga Taukei Naua and who served as Fiji's Vice-President from 25 March 2001 to 29 November 2004, when he was forced to resign following his conviction for treason on August 6 2004, and the rejection of his appeal early in...
- Ratu Popi SENILOLI
Popi Seniloli
Ratu Popi Seniloli was the Vunivalu of Bau, and father of the former Governor-General of Fiji, Ratu George Kadavulevu CakobauThe son of Ratu Joseva Celua, who was the third son of the Tui Viti Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau and Adi Litia Samanunu, Ratu Popi inherited the title from his cousin, Ratu...
- Waisale SEREVI
Waisale Serevi
Waisale Tikoisolomoni Serevi is a former Fijian rugby union footballer, and coach. Although he played fifteen-a-side rugby throughout his playing career, Serevi is most notable for his achievements in rugby sevens....
- Serua
Serua is one of Fiji's fourteen Provinces. Its 830 square kilometers occupy the southernmost areas of Viti Levu, being one of 8 provinces based on Fiji's largest island. It had a population of 18,249 at the 2007 census, the most recent to date...
Semi Seruvakula
Ratu Semi Seruvakula is a Fijian chief and politician, who served as Assistant Minister for Education in the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000. He held office till an elected government took power in September 2001.Seruvakula is the chief of Nasautoka...
Viliame Seruvakula
Viliame Seruvakula is a former Fijian military officer who played an instrumental role in the aftermath of the Fiji coup of 2000.He attended Ratu Sukuna Memorial, Queen Victoria and Lelean Memorial Schools...
- C.A. SHAH - Nazhat SHAMEEM
Nazhat Shameem
Nazhat Shameem is a former Fiji Indian judge.She was appointed to the bench in 1999 as Fiji's first, and 2007 so far only, Indo-Fijian female High Court judge...
- Shaista SHAMEEM
Shaista Shameem
Shaista Shameem, a Fijian lawyer of Pakistani and Indian descent, was director of the Fiji Human Rights Commission from 2002 to 2007, and its director and chairperson from 2007 to 2009...
Ram Sharan
Ram Sharana politician of Indian descent. From 2001 to 2006 he represented the Macuata East Cakaudrove Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, which he held for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 2001 with more than 75 percent of the vote.In 2003,...
- Sigatoka
For the banana disease, see Black sigatoka.Sigatoka is a town in Fiji. It is found on the island of Viti Levu and is situated at the mouth of the Sigatoka River, after which it is named, some 69 kilometers from Nadi. In Fiji's last census the population of Sigatoka was at 9622...
- Peniasi SILATOLU
Peniasi Silatolu
Peniasi Silatolu is a former Fijian politician, who won the Nasinu Rewa Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the United Fiji Party in the parliamentary election of 2001.Silatolu's success came on his second attempt...
Timoci Silatolu
Timoci Qiolevu Silatolu, sometimes known by his chiefly title of Ratu, is a former Fijian politician.- Political career :As a candidate of the Fijian Association Party, Silatolu was elected to represent the Rewa Fijian Communal Constituency in the House of Representatives in the general election of...
- Silktail
The Silktail, Lamprolia victoriae is a species of bird endemic to Fiji. It is the only member of the genus Lamprolia. This beautiful bird looks superficially like a diminutive bird of paradise but it is actually closely related to the fantails....
- Semesa SIKIVOU
Semesa Sikivou
Semesa Koroikilai Sikivou was a Fijian academic, politician, and diplomat.- Education and career :Sikivou graduated from New Zealand's University of Auckland, and went on to become the first Fijian to acquire a post graduate degree from the London School of Economics.He taught at Suva Methodist...
- Sakiusa SING
Sakiusa Sing
Sakiusa Michael Kue Sing was an educator in Fiji. The Koro-born Sing, who was of Fijian and Chinese descent, was considered a pioneer of Catholic education in Fiji....
- Sitiveni SIVIVATU
Sitiveni Sivivatu
Sitiveni Waica Sivivatu is a New Zealand rugby union footballer, playing on the position of a wing. He was largely successful in the 2005 Super 12 season playing for the Chiefs, and acquired a starting position in the All Blacks. He has scored 29 tries in 45 tests...
- Sivoki
Sivoki Volitilakeba was the eldest child and only daughter of Niumataiwalu, first Roko Sau and High Chief of the Lau Islands. Oral history has it that Sivoki was exceedingly beautiful, a trait she most likely inherited from her father and for which she was eventually used for, in strengthening...
- Savenaca SIWATIBAU
Savenaca Siwatibau
Savenaca Siwatibau was a Fijian academic leader and civil service administrator.The son of Isaac Driver and Adi Asenaca Mairara, Siwatibau was born on 4 November 1940 in Tukavesi Village in Taveuni, Cakaudrove Province, but grew up in Buca, the village of his mother, who was of chiefly rank...
Suliana Siwatibau
Suliana Siwatibau is a Fijian political activist, who serves as the Chairperson of the Pacific Centre for Public Integrity as of January 2007...
- Sky Pacific
Sky Pacific
Sky Pacific is a Fijian pay tv owned by Fiji Television which is a direct-to-home satellite delivered service which carries 16 pay channels to subscribers in Fiji and across the Pacific.-Channels available:...
- Social Liberal Multicultural Party
Social Liberal Multicultural Party (Fiji)
The Social Liberal Multicultural Party is a minor political party in Fiji. It is currently without parliamentary representation....
- Solicitor-General (Fiji)
Solicitor-General (Fiji)
The Solicitor-General of Fiji is the Chief Executive Officer of the Attorney-General's Chambers, and as such assists the Attorney-General in advising the government on legal matters, and in performing legal work for the government...
- Solkope
Solkope is a small and densely wooded island off the southern coast of Rotuma in the Fiji Islands, at the edge of the fringing coral reef. It is separated from the main island of Rotuma by a channel that is between 50 and 200 meters wide, and lies immediately southeast of the village of Kalvaka in...
- Somosomo
Somosomo is a chiefly village in Taveuni, which is the island where the international date line crosses on land in Fiji. This island is part of the Cakaudrove Province and the holders of the title of Tui Cakau, the Paramount Chief of the Tovata Confederacy, are historically and traditionally...
- Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua (United Fiji Party) - Gagaj Maraf SOLOMONE
Gagaj Maraf Solomone
Gagaj Maraf Solomone is a Fijian political leader and district chief from the district of Noa’tau, on the island of Rotuma. He served in the Senate from 2001 to 2006 as the nominee of the Council of Rotuma. He was succeeded in this capacity by Dr John Fatiaki in June 2006.-References:...
Toki Soroaqali was a Lauan chief and member of the noble dynasty of Vuanirewa in Fiji.He was the second son of Rasolo, the first Tui Nayau through a lady of rank from the Narewadamu...
- South Indians in Fiji
South Indians in Fiji
The South Indians in Fiji are mainly descendents of the 15,132 indentured labourers who arrived in Fiji between 1903 to 1916. This represents about 25% out of a total of 60,965 indentured labourers who arrived in Fiji between 1879 and 1916...
- South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission
South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission
The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission is an inter-governmental regional organisation dedicated to providing services to promote sustainable development in the countries it serves.-Members:...
- South Pacific Forum - South Pacific Stock Exchange
South Pacific Stock Exchange
The South Pacific Stock Exchange is a stock exchange based in Suva, Fiji.On 1st July 2010, the SPSE launched an Electronic Trading Platform . The exchange now has different market phases which allow the brokers to perform various tasks throughout a business day...
- South Pacific Tourism Organisation
South Pacific Tourism Organisation
south-pacific.travel is the mandated inter-governmental body for the tourism sector in the South Pacific. It markets, promotes and develops Tourism in the South Pacific in overseas markets...
- Southern Division Kisan Sangh
Southern Division Kisan Sangh
The Southern Division Kisan Sangh was formed in 1946 by a former member of parliament, K.B. Singh, due to personal differences with the president of the Rewa Planters Union, Ram Krishna Chaudhary. There was widespread opposition to this until Vishnu Deo took over its leadership and worked together...
- Ratu Jovesa SOVASOVA
Jovesa Sovasova
Ratu Jovesa Dauruatana Sovasova was a Fijian chief, who held the title of Tui Vitogo, or Paramount Chief of Vitogo village, from 30 June 1970 till his death....
- Adi Kuini SPEED
Kuini Speed
Adi Kuini Teimumu Vuikaba Speed was a Fijian chief and politician, who served as Deputy Prime Minister in 1999 and 2000....
- George SPEIGHT
George Speight
George Speight , occasionally known as Ilikimi Naitini, was the principal instigator of the Fiji coup of 2000, in which he kidnapped thirty-six government officials and held them from May 19, 2000 to July 13, 2000...
- Sri Siva Subramaniya temple
Sri Siva Subramaniya temple
The Sri Siva Subramaniya temple is a Hindu temple in Nadi, Fiji. It is at the southern end of the main road through Nadi. It is the largest Hindu temple in the Southern hemisphere.- Historical background :...
- Subrail Park
Subrail Park
Subrail Park is a rugby union stadium in Labasa on the island of Vanua Levu in Fiji. The stadium has a nominal capacity of 10,000 people. It currently hosts rugby union matches, such as the Colonial Cup and the Sanyo Cup, and local soccer competitions....
- Sugar Cane Farmers Unions in Fiji
Sugar Cane Farmers Unions in Fiji
There have been numerous sugar cane farmers' unions in Fiji. Some have been regionally based, like the Labasa Kisan Sangh, the Rewa Planters Union and the Southern Division Kisan Sangh. Other farmers unions were formed to provide leverage to sections of the community...
- Sugar Cane Growers Council (Fiji)
Sugar Cane Growers Council (Fiji)
Sugar Cane Growers Council represents the sugar cane farmers with the sugar industry in Fiji. It is made up of 38 members elected by the farmers and eight members nominated by the Government. The Sugar Cane Growers Council election is held every three years. The Council has a Chief Executive, the...
- Sugar City Ratepayers Alliance
Sugar City Ratepayers Alliance
The Sugar City Ratepayers Alliance is a Fijian political party that operates only on the municipal level, in the city of Lautoka. It was founded early in 2005 with a view to contesting the municipal elections to the Lautoka City Council, scheduled for 22 October 2005...
Netani Sukanaivalu
Netani Sukanaivalu is a Fijian academic, former naval officer, and political leader, who was appointed to the interim Cabinet as Minister for Education on 9 January 2006....
Sefanaia Sukanaivalu
Sefanaia Sukanaivalu VC was a Fijian soldier and a posthumous recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to Commonwealth forces. His home island was Yacata....
- Ratu Sir Lala SUKUNA
Lala Sukuna
Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna, KCMG, KBE was a Fijian chief, scholar, soldier, and statesman. He is regarded as the forerunner of the post-independence leadership of Fiji...
- Sun Air (Fiji)
Sun Air (Fiji)
Fiji Airlines Limited, trading as Pacific Sun is an airline headquartered at Nadi International Airport in Nadi, Fiji. It operates scheduled services to twelve destinations within the Fijian Islands as well as regionally within the Pacific Islands...
- Supreme Court (Fiji)
Supreme Court (Fiji)
The Supreme Court of Fiji is one of three courts established by Chapter 9 of the Constitution, the others being the High Court and the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court is declared to be "the final appellate court of the State" - in other words, there is no judicial authority higher than the...
- Suva
Suva features a tropical rainforest climate under the Koppen climate classification. The city sees a copious amount of precipitation during the course of the year. Suva averages 3,000 mm of precipitation annually with its driest month, July averaging 125 mm of rain per year. In fact,...
- Suva City Council
Suva City Council
The Suva City Council is the municipal law-making body of the city of Suva, Fiji's capital. It consists of 20 Councillors, elected for three-year terms from four multi-member constituencies called wards...
- Suva F.C.
Suva F.C.
Suva F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the premier division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Suva. Their home stadium is National Stadium. Their uniform is white shirt, black shorts and black and white socks....
- Suva Highlanders
Suva Highlanders
Suva Highlanders are a Fijian rugby union team. They compete in Fiji's premier rugby union competition, the Colonial Cup. The franchise area covers Suva, Naitasiri and Kadavu.-History:...
- Chandra SWAMY - Ofa SWANN
Ofa Swann
Ofa Swann is a Fijian lawyer and politician. Originally from Vanua Balavu in the Lau archipelago, Swann served in the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2006...
- Sir Ernest Bickham SWEET-ESCOTT - Syria (ship)
Devanesh SHARMADevanesh Sharma
Devanesh Sharma is a Fijian lawyer of Indian descent. He was the president of the Fiji Law Society for one year. In his capacity as president of the law society, he made many comments on the proceedings of the interim Government, led by Frank Bainimarama, and how the society did not agree with what...
- Gabriel SHARMA
Gabriel Sharma
Gabriel Sharma is an Anglican Bishop in Fiji. On 1 May 2005, he became the first Indo-Fijian to be consecrated as an Anglican Bishop, the first ethnic Indian Bishop in the Province of Aotearoa, of which Fiji forms a part, and the first Bishop specifically assigned to Fiji's Western Division, when...
- Harish Sharma
Harish Sharma
Harish Chandra Sharma was a Fiji Indian politician who became the leader of the National Federation Party in 1987 and was the leader of the organisation representing most of the Hindus in Fiji, the Shree Sanatan Dharam Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji.- Early life :...
- Sachida Nand SHARMA
Sachida Nand Sharma
Sachida Nand Sharma was one of the eight nominees of the Leader of the Opposition to the Senate of Fiji after the 2006 elections. - References :...
- Shri Krishna SHARMA
Shri Krishna Sharma
Pandit Shri Krishna Sharma was an Arya Samaj preacher who came to Fiji in 1926 from Rajkot, India. He was a gifted public speaker and singer of religious songs. He provided impetus to the Arya Samaj movement in Fiji. Under his influence Arya Samaj schools and temples were established in Fiji...
- Tulsi Ram SHARMA
Tulsi Ram Sharma
Tulsi Ram Sharma was the first Indo-Fijian to qualify as a lawyer. He served one term as member of the Legislative Council and three terms as the President of Fiji Indian Football Association. He was one of the founding members of the Maha Sangh, but his association with farmers' union was short...
- Vivekanand SHARMA
Vivekanand Sharma
Vivekanad Sharma was a Fiji Indian politician and religious worker but is best known for his promotion of the Hindi language in Fiji and abroad.-Early life:Dr. Vivekanand Sharma was born in Nadi, Fiji into a cane farming family...
- Vyas Deo SHARMA
Vyas Deo Sharma
Vyas Deo Sharma is a Fijian politician of Indian descent. In the House of Representatives he represents the Vuda Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians....
Agni Deo SINGHAgni Deo Singh
Agni Deo Singh is an Indo-Fijian teacher, who has risen through the ranks of the Fiji Teachers Union to become its general secretary. He was also elected to the House of Representatives in 2006....
- Ajay SINGH
Ajay Singh
Ajay Singh is the present High Commissioner of India to Fiji, having been appointed to this position on 16 December 2004, succeeding Professor I.S. Chauhan.- Family's link to Fiji :...
- Ajit Swaran SINGH
Ajit Swaran Singh
Dr Ajit Swaran Singh became the first Fiji-born Indian to be appointed to the District Court Bench in New Zealand when he was sworn in as a judge in Manukau on 4 November 2002...
- Anand Kumar SINGH
Anand Singh
Anand Kumar Singh is a Fijian lawyer and politician of Indian descent. He was born on 8 August 1948 in Bombay, when his family had temporarily moved to India. The family returned from India in 1951 to live at the birthplace of his father, Parmanand Singh, in Yalalevu, Ba...
- Anirudh SINGH
Anirudh Singh
Dr Anirudh Singh is a Fiji Indian academic who has undertaken research on muon implantation in solids but is best known for the stand he has taken on national issues, in particular those relating to social inequities in Fiji, resulting from the 1987 military take-over of the Fiji Government.- Early...
- Attar SINGH
Attar Singh
Attar Singh is a Fijian trade unionist of Indian descent. As of January 2007, he is the General Secretary of the Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions , one of two major umbrella bodies for trade unions in Fiji....
- Bobby SINGH
Bobby Singh
Bobby Singh is a retired professional American and Canadian football guard. He last played for the BC Lions of the Canadian Football League. He was drafted by the Calgary Stampeders in the first round of the 1999 CFL Draft....
- Chandra SINGH
Chandra Singh
Chandra Singh was one of the eight nominees of the Leader of the Opposition to the Senate of Fiji after the 2006 elections. - References :...
- C.P. SINGH - Chattur SINGH
Chattur Singh
Chandersen Chattur Singh caused a major sensation in early Fiji Indian politics, when against all odds he defeated A.D. Patel, a well known lawyer and political ally of Vishnu Deo, in the 1937 Legislative Council Election.- Early Political Activities :...
- Davendra SINGH
Davendra Singh
Davendra Singh was a Fiji Indian small businessman and politician who came into prominence when he challenged and defeated the official National Federation Party candidate in a by-election in March 1985....
- Gyan SINGH
Gyan Singh
Gyan Singh is a Fijian politician of Indian descent, who held the Magodro Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary election of 2001, taking almost 57 percent of the votes cast.-References:...
- Jason SINGH
Jason Singh
Jason Singh was the lead singer of the Australian band Taxiride. Born in Melbourne, Australia, to his Fiji Indian father and his mother of Maltese origin, he was actively playing in the live scene at Melbourne for several years, before auditioning and joining the new outfit Taxiride which came to...
- K.B. SINGH - Mehar SINGH
Mehar Singh
Padri Mehar Singh was one of the founding members of Fiji's Kisan Sangh when it was established in 1937. He remained a prominent member of the union until 1943, when he and Ramcharan Singh led a faction that supported the strike instigated by the rival union, Maha Sangh, led by A.D. Patel...
- Nibhray SINGH
Nirbhay Singh
Nirbhay Singh is a Fiji Indian trade unionist, and who is the Senior Industrial Relations Officer [SIRO] of Fiji Public Service Association. He also serves as the Spokesperson for the Fiji Confederation of Public Sector Unions ....
- Parmanand SINGH
Parmanand Singh
Parmanand Singh was one of the three Fiji Indians elected to the Legislative Council of Fiji in October 1929 when Indians in Fiji were given the first opportunity to elect their own representatives. The other two were Vishnu Deo and James Ramchandar Rao...
- Pravin SINGH
Pravin Singh
Pravin Singh was a Fijian politician of Indian descent, who won the Tavua Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 1999 and 2001....
- Prem SINGH
Prem Singh
Prem Singh is a Fijian politician and a member of the National Federation Party . An Indo-Fijian, he won the Nadi Open constituency in the election of 2001, becoming the only candidate of his party to win a parliamentary seat...
- Rajesh SINGH
Rajesh Singh
Rajesh Singh is a Fijian politician of Indian descent, who briefly held Cabinet office in mid-2006.A protégé of Ratu Inoke Takiveikata, the Qaranivalu of Naitasiri Province, Singh was one of only two Indo-Fijians elected on the ticket of the ruling Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua Party of Prime...
- Rajnesh SINGH
Rajnesh Singh
Rajnesh Dhirendra Singh is a Fiji-born entrepreneur and engineer of Indian descent. He holds several positions in the regional and international Information and Communications Technology community including the Internet Society and IPv6 Forum, and is an active Internet advocate and speaker on...
Ram Singh (Fiji)
Babu Ram Singh was a Fiji Indian who had come to Fiji under the indenture system and was one of the few people who, after indenture, prospered and made an attempt to help his less fortunate ex-indentured brethren.Babu Ram Singhs surviving Business, Fiji Rubber Stamp Co Ltd is still under operation...
- Raman Pratap SINGH
Raman Pratap Singh
Raman Pratap Singh is a Fijian lawyer and politician of Indian descent. His father, Ram Jati Singh, was a member of the Legislative Council, elected on the National Federation Party ticket. Raman contested the 1994 election on the NFP ticket, winning the Bua Indian seat in the House of...
- Rebecca SINGH
Rebecca Singh
Rebecca Singh is a news presenter on the New Zealand television station, TV3.She was born in Fiji and grew up in Nadi where her father worked as a communications officer at Nadi International Airport. She was educated at Jasper Williams High School and the University of the South Pacific...
- Satendra SINGH
Satendra Singh
Satendra Singh is a former Fijian politician of Indian descent. He represented the Ba East Indian Communal Constituency, one of 19 reserved for Indo-Fijians, which he won for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 2001. Prior to his election, he worked a farm advisor for the Fiji...
- Uday SINGH
Uday Singh (Fiji politician)
Uday Singh is an Indo-Fijian politician, who was a supporter of the pre-coup Alliance Party.-Family:Mr. Uday Singh is Married to Mrs. Viday Wati Singh and has 4 children Anildra, Shalendra, Sharmila Kiran and Sameer Uday Singh.- Politician :...
- Sir Vijay SINGH (politician)
Vijay R. Singh
Sir Vijay Raghubar Singh, KBE was an Indo-Fijian lawyer and politician who held Cabinet office in the 1960s and 1970s. Vijay Singh served in Prime Minister Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara's government in a variety of positions, including Attorney-General, and was President of the Indian Alliance, a...
- Vijay SINGH (golfer)
Vijay Singh
Vijay Singh, CF , nicknamed "The Big Fijian", is a Fijian professional golfer who was Number 1 in the Official World Golf Rankings for 32 weeks in 2004 and 2005. He has won three major championships and was the leading PGA Tour money winner in 2003, 2004 and 2008...
- Vijay SINGH (politician)
Vijay Singh (politician)
Vijay Singh is a Fijian politician of Indian descent, who represented the Vuda Open Constituency in the House of Representatives for the Fiji Labour Party from 2001 to 2006, having retained the seat at the 2001 parliamentary election with more than 57 percent of the votes cast.In 2003, Singh was...
Adi Finau TABAKAUCOROFinau Tabakaucoro
Adi Finau Tamari Tabakaucoro is a Fijian politician, who served as Assistant Minister for Women, Culture, and Social Welfare in the interim Cabinet formed by Laisenia Qarase in the wake of the Fiji coup of 2000. She held office till an elected government took power in September 2001...
- Tabua
A tabua is a polished tooth of a sperm whale that is an important cultural item in Fijian society. They were traditionally given as gifts for atonement or esteem , and were important in negotiations between rival chiefs. The dead men would be buried with their tabua, along with war clubs and even...
- Ilivasi TABUA
Ilivasi Tabua
Ilivasi Sevia Tabua Tamanivalu is a former fijian rugby union footballer who played at international level for both Fiji and Australia as flanker.He also coached the Fiji national team at the 2007 Rugby World Cup....
Semi Tadulala
Semi Tadulala is a Fijian professional rugby league football winger for English club Wakefield Trinity Wildcats. He has also played for Gloucester Rugby and Leeds Carnegie at rugby union...
- Tailevu
Tailevu is one of the 14 provinces of Fiji. One of eight Provinces based in Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island, its 755 square kilometers occupy the south-eastern fringe of the island, along with some central areas. At the 2007 census, the most recent to date, it had a population of 55,692, the...
- Tailevu/Naitasiri F.C.
Tailevu/Naitasiri F.C.
Tailevu/Naitasiri F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Nausori, which is a town on the island of Viti Levu, and about 20 kilometers north of the capital, Suva. Their home stadium is Ratu Cakobau Park...
- Tailevu North F.C.
Tailevu North F.C.
Tailevu North F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Korovou, which is a situated on the northern side of the island of Viti Levu, some 35 kilometers from Suva....
- Taininbeka - Ratu Inoke TAKIVEIKATA (Qaranivalu)
Inoke Takiveikata
Ratu Inoke Takiveikata is a Fijian high chief and politician. Since 1997 he has held the title of Qaranivalu, a senior chiefly title in Naitasiri Province...
- Ratu Inoke TAKIVEIKATA (Vice-President)
Inoke Takiveikata (Vice-President)
Ratu Inoke Takiveikata served two non-consecutive terms in the 1990s as one of two Vice-Presidents of Fiji.His first term of office, which he shared with Ratu Sir Josaia Tavaiqia, was from 1990 to 2 June 1992, when he stepped down in favour of Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara...
Antonio Tanaburenisau
Antonio Tanaburenisau is a former Fijian politician. He won the Namosi Fijian Communal constituency as a candidate of the Fijian Association Party in the general election of 1999....
- Aisea TAOKA
Aisea Taoka
Aisea Taoka is a Fijian civil servant and former police officer, who currently serves as the Commissioner of Prisons, a position he has held since 1996. He had previously served for 31 years in the Police force....
- Tarau of Tovu Totoya
Tarau of Tovu Totoya
Tarau of Totoya was the first wife of Niumataiwalu, founder of the Vuanirewa dynasty, or noble clan, of the Lau Islands .She was the mother of two Roko Sau’s of the Lau Islands, Uluilakeba I and Rasolo. Oral history indicates that she was the daughter of the High Chief of Totoya, and because of her...
- Ratu Kiniviliame TAUKEINIKORO
Kiniviliame Taukeinikoro
Ratu Kiniviliame Taukeinikoro is a Fijian Chief and political leader. From 2001 to 2006, he represented the Province of Namosi in the Senate as one of fourteen nominees of the Great Council of Chiefs...
- Tauraria - Tautoga
The tautoga is considered the most formal and restrained style of Rotuman dance, usually seen performed in large festivities or ceremonies , or in public opportunities to showcase Rotuman culture...
- Ratu Sir Josaia TAVAIQIA
Josaia Tavaiqia
Ratu Sir Josaia Tavaiqia was a Fijian chief who served as one of two Vice-President of Fiji from 1990 until his death in 1997. ....
- Taveuni
Taveuni is the third-largest island in Fiji, after Vanua Levu and Viti Levu, with a total land area of 435 square kilometers . The cigar-shaped island, a massive shield volcano which rises from the floor of the Pacific Ocean, is situated 6.5 kilometers to the east of Vanua Levu, across the...
- Taveuni F.C.
Taveuni F.C.
Taveuni F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based on the island of Taveuni.Their uniform includes gold and black shirt.- History :...
- Kaliopate TAVOLA
Kaliopate Tavola
Kaliopate Tavola is a Fijian economist, diplomat, and politician, who was his country's Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2000 to 2006...
- Tavua
Tavua is a town in Fiji, 91 kilometres from Nadi and 9 kilometres from the gold mining settlement of Vatukoula. It was formally incorporated as a Town in 1992, with a land area of 100 square kilometres, and had a population of 2,418 at the 1996 census, the last to date.Tavua is governed by a...
- Tavua F.C.
Tavua F.C.
Tavua F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the first division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Tavua, which is situated on the western side of the main island of Viti Levu, between the town of Rakiraki and the town of Ba. Their home stadium is Garvey Park...
- Saula TELAWA
Saula Telawa
Saula Telawa is a Fijian nationalist politician who serves as President of the New Nationalist Party, which advocates indigenous Fijian paramountcy. He has also championed the establishment of Christianity, the faith of most indigenous Fijians, as Fiji's official religion...
- Esala TELENI
Esala Teleni
Captain Esala Teleni is a Fijian naval officer, who currently serves as the Commissioner of the Fiji Police Force. He was appointed to this post on 1 July 2007....
John Bates Thurston
Sir John Bates Thurston was a British colonial official who served Fiji in a variety of capacities, including Premier of the Kingdom of Viti and later as colonial Governor.- Early life :...
Samisoni Tikoinasau
Samisoni Tikoinasau Speight is a Fijian politician, who held Cabinet office as Minister of State for Public Utilities and Reforms, to which he was appointed after parliametary election of May 2006. Previously, he was Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources from 2005 to 2006...
Romanu Tikotikoca
Romanu Tikotikoca is a Fijian police officer, who was named on 7 December 2006 as Commissioner of Police by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, who had seized power on 5 December. Tikotikoca was chosen to replace Andrew Hughes, with whom the Military had fallen out before the coup...
Davila Toganivalu
Adi Asilina Davila Toganivalu is a Fijian academic and businesswoman.It was announced on 7 January 2006 that Toganivalu had been appointed to the board of the Fiji Times Ltd., the first woman to hold such a position. The appointment, which is for three years, was approved by News Limited in...
- Apisai TORA
Apisai Tora
Mohammad Apisai Vuniyayawa Tora is a Fijian politician and former soldier and trade unionist. As a labour leader, he was a fighter for dock workers. As a soldier, he served in Malaya and is currently the President of the Ex-Servicemen's League....
- Tora ni Bau
Tora ni Bau
There are three confederacies in the Fijian Traditional Government. Kubuna, Tovata and Burebasaga.One of the two PARAMOUNT chiefly tribes in the KUBUNA Confederacy is the TORA NI BAU. The other is the VUNIVALU OF BAU....
- Totoya
Totoya is a volcanic island in the Moala subgroup of Fiji's Lau archipelago. It occupies an area of 28 square kilometers, making it the smallest of the Moalas. Its maximum altitude is 366 meters. The main economic activity is coconut farming....
- Tovata Confederacy
Tovata Confederacy
Tovata is one of three confederacies comprising the Fijian House of Chiefs, to which all of Fiji's chiefs belong.-Details of Tovata:It is located in the north east of the country, covering the provinces of Bua, Macuata and Cakaudrove on the northern island Vanua Levu, as well as the Lau Islands.The...
- Transportation in Fiji - Tubou
Tubou is a village on the Fijian island of Lakeba. One of eight villages on Lakeba, it is considered the capital of the Lau Islands, being the seat of the Vuanirewa clan, a powerful chiefly family from which Fiji's longtime Prime Minister and President, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara and one of Fiji's...
- Manasa TUGIA
Manasa Tugia
Manasa Tugia is a Fijian politician, who served as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives from 2005 to 2006, and as Chairman of Parliament's Justice, Law, and Order Committee...
- Kitione TUINAOSARA - Ilaitia TUISESE
Ilaitia Tuisese
Ilaitia Bulidiri Tuisese is a Fijian politician, who currently serves in the Cabinet as Minister for Fisheries and Forests.Tuisese was appointed Minister for Regional Development and Minister for Multi-Ethnic Questions in the interim government that was formed in July 2000 the wake of the failed...
- Ratu Sakiusa TUISOLIA
Sakiusa Tuisolia
Ratu Sakiusa Tuisolia is a Fijian chief from the province of Naitasiri and a former civil servant when he served as Chief Policy Adviser to three successive Fijian Prime Ministers and was also Deputy CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister...
- Sir Timoci TUIVAGA
Timoci Tuivaga
Sir Timoci Uluiburotu Tuivaga is a Fijian judge, who served as Chief Justice from 1974 to 1 August 2002, when he retired. He was Fiji's first native-born Chief Justice.- Education and career :...
Taliai Tupou
Roko Taliai Tupou was the son of Rasolo the first Tui Nayau and Radravu of Totoya. He is the younger brother of Roko Malani. He was the 3rd person to be installed to the Tui Nayau title. He is considered the progenitor of the noble household, Vatuwaqa in the chiefly Vuanirewa clan and as such, was...
- Lote TUQIRI - Turaga na Gonesau
Turaga na Gonesau
The Turaga na Gonesau is a chiefly title of the Fiji Islands and is viewed as a Paramount Chief of Fiji residing in the Nakorotubu District in the Ra Province on the Main Island of Viti Levu.-In Translation:...
- Tuvuca
Tuvuca is a small island off Vanua Balavu in Fiji's Lau archipelago, it is a densely wooded and inhabited island and rises 800 feet above sea level at the highest point. There is only one village on the island...
- Isireli TUVUKI
Isireli Tuvuki
Isireli Tuvuki is a Fijian politician, who served in the Cabinet from 2001 to 2006 as Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Sugar, and Land Resettlement. In these roles, he assisted Ilaitia Tuisese, who held these portfolios....
Tui CakauTui Cakau
The Tui Cakau is the Paramount Chief of Cakaudrove Province in Fiji. In Modern Fiji this chiefly title is regarded as the most senior in the Tovata Confederacy, and the third most senior in the country.-Recent history :...
- Tui Cakau's army - Tui Delai Gau
Tui Delai Gau
In Fijian mythology, Tui Delai Gau is the god of mountains who can remove his hands and have them fish for him. He can also take off his head and put it in the sky as a look-out. He lives in a tree....
- Tui Lau
Tui Lau
Tui Lau is a Fijian chiefly title of recent history which was created during the time of Ma'afu and his conquests after Ma'afu was disclaimed as a Tongan Prince by his cousin King George Tupou I. Since the Vuanirewa consider Ma'afu as their own they therefore installed him as the 1st Tui Lau...
- Tui Nadi
Tui Nadi
Tui Nadi is the title of the Paramount Chief of Nadi, in Fiji. The Tui Nadi hails from the village of Narewa, and exercises chiefly authority over the subdistricts of Nadi and Sikituru .The title has been in...
- Tui Nayau
Tui Nayau
Tui Nayau is the title held by the Paramount Chief of the Lau Islands in Fiji and is synonymous with the title holders over lordship of these islands. When translated Tui Nayau means Lord of Nayau, an island north of Lakeba, the latter accepted by many to be the chiefly island in the Lauan...
- Tui Viti
Tui Viti
The monarchy of Fiji arose in the mid-nineteenth century when native ruler Seru Epenisa Cakobau consolidated control of the Fijian Islands and declared himself King or paramount chief of Fiji . In 1874, he voluntarily ceded sovereignty of the islands to Britain, which made Fiji a Crown colony...
- Tui Vuda
Tui Vuda
Tui Vuda is the traditional title of the paramount chief of the Vuda district in Ba Province on Fiji's northwest coast. Currently, the former president of Fiji, Ratu Josefa Iloilovatu Uluivuda holds the title.-References:*...
Udre UDREUdre Udre
Ratu Udre Udre was a Fijian chief. He holds the Guinness World Record for “most prolific cannibal”. During the 19th century, Udre Udre reportedly ate between 872 and 999 people. He kept a stone for each body he ate; the stones were placed alongside his tomb in Rakiraki, in northern Viti Levu...
- Alifereti Finau ULUGALALA
Alifereti Finau Ulugalala
Ratu Alifereti Finau was the eleventh Roko Sau of Lau and the fifth Tui Nayau. He was the son of Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba II and Adi Asenaca Kakua Vuikaba, daughter of the Vunivalu of Bau and self styled King of Fiji, Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau...
- Uluilakeba I
Uluilakeba I
Uluilakeba I was the second child and eldest son of Niumataiwalu. He succeeded to his fathers title, becoming the second Roko Sau and High Chief of the Lau Islands, upon the latter’s death in Ono-i-Lau. He was the progenitor of the senior and eldest of the four noble households in the Vuanirewa...
- Uma of Nukunuku - Chandu UMARIA - United Nations, Fiji Mission to - United Fiji Party (Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua) - University of Fiji
University of Fiji
The University of Fiji is a university based in Saweni, Lautoka, Fiji. It was established in December 2004 under academic leadership of the Fiji Institute of Applied Studies and financial sponsorship of the Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji, a Hindu religious organization dedicated to education...
- University of the South Pacific
University of the South Pacific
The University of the South Pacific is a public university with a number of locations spread throughout a dozen countries in Oceania. It is an international centre for teaching and research on Pacific culture and environment. USP's academic programmes are recognised worldwide, attracting students...
Vadala (ship) - VailekaVaileka
Vaileka is an urban centre in Fiji, in the Rakiraki region of Ra Province. It had a population of 3,361 at the 1996 census, the last to date. It is not officially a "town," however: that term is legally reserved for urban centres with organized municipal governments. The status of the area may...
- Ratu Nemia Vunimakadre VAINITOBA
Nemia Vainitoba
Ratu Nemia Vunimakadre Vainitoba is a Fijian chief from Nakavu Village in the Nadi area of Ba Province. Holding the titles of Tai Vuni and Sau Turaga , his traditional role is to install the Chief of the village...
Rakuita Vakalalabure
Ratu Rakuita Saurara Vakalalabure is a Fijian lawyer and politician. He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1999 and following the elections after the 2000 political uphevals was a candidate of the Conservative Alliance...
Tevita Vakalalabure
Ratu Tevita Vakalalabure was a Fijian chief and politician.Ratu Vakalalabure held the chiefly title of Vunivalu of Natewa, one of the three senior titles in Cakaudrove Province. He served as a Senator in the 1990s, becoming President of the Senate before winning the Cakaudrove West Fijian...
Tomasi Vakatora
Tomasi Vakatora was a Fijian statesman who held Cabinet office and served as Speaker of the House of Representatives....
- Ratu Kinijioji VAKAWALETABUA
Kinijioji Vakawaletabua
Ratu Kinijioji Vakawaletabua is a Fijian Chief and political leader. Since 2001 he has represented the Province of Bua in the Senate as one of fourteen nominees of the Great Council of Chiefs....
- Vanua Balavu
Vanua Balavu
Vanua Balavu is the second largest island in Fiji's Lau archipelago , and the main island of the Northern Lau Group.-Geography and infrastructure:...
- Vanua Levu
Vanua Levu
Vanua Levu , formerly known as Sandalwood Island, is the second largest island of Fiji. Located 64 kilometres to the north of the larger Viti Levu, the island has an area of 5,587.1 km² and a population of some 130,000.- Geography :...
- Vanua Levu Group
Vanua Levu Group
The Vanua Levu Group is an archipelago in northern Fiji. It takes its name from its predominant island, Vanua Levu. Among the other island in the group, the most important is Taveuni. Other islands in the group include Laucala, Matagi, Namena Lala, Qamea, Rabi, Vorovoro and Yadua Taba...
- Vanua Tako Lavo Party
Vanua Tako Lavo Party (Fiji)
The Vanua Tako Lavo Party was a strongly nationalistic political party in Fiji, which was led by Iliesa Duvuloco. It advocated institutionalized political supremacy for indigenous Fijians. In the late 1990s, it merged with Sakeasi Butadroka's Fijian Nationalist Party to form the Nationalist Vanua...
- Vatoa
Vatoa is an outlier of Fiji's Lau Group.Vatoa was the only island of present-day Fiji visited by James Cook. The island was sighted on 2 July 1774...
- Vatukoula
Vatukoula is a gold mining settlement in Fiji, 9 kilometers inland from the Town of Tavua on the island of Viti Levu. It was established in 1934....
- Vatukoula F.C.
Vatukoula F.C.
Vatukoula F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based on the island of Viti Levu.Their uniform includes orange shirt with white.- History :...
- Vatulele
Vatulele is a coral and volcanic island 30 kilometers south of Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island. Situated at 18.50° South and 177.63° East, Vatulele has an area of 31.6 square kilometers. Its maximum altitude is only 34 meters....
- Vatu Vara
Vatu Vara
Vatu Vara Island lies in the northwest sector of Fiji's northern Lau Group of islands, 32 km west of Mago Island and some 60 km south-west of Vanua Balavu at Lat: 17° 26'00 S Long: 179° 31'00 W....
- Bulou Elenoa Misikini VAVAITAMANA
Elenoa Vavaitamana
Bulou Salote Vavaitamana was a chief in a village of Kadavu Island. In 1979, she succeeded her uncle, Ratu ilitomasi Verenakadavu, as Tui Vabea, or Chief of Vabea, becoming the first female chief in the village...
Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi
Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi, is a Fijian politician of Indian descent. He was one of the youngest members to be elected into Parliament in 1992. He has represented the Nadroga Indian Communal Constituency, which he won for the Fiji Labour Party in the parliamentary elections of 1992, 1994, 1999, 2001, and...
- Veitokani ni Lewenivanua Vakarisito
Christian Democratic Alliance (Fiji)
The Christian Democratic Alliance, better known locally by its Fijian name, Veitokani ni Lewenivanua Vakarisito , was a Fijian political party that operated in the late 1990s and early 2000s....
- Vicariate Apostolic of Fiji
Vicariate Apostolic of Fiji
The Vicariate Apostolic of Fiji was a Roman Catholic missionary jurisdiction comprising the islands belonging to the Fiji archipelago till 1966.-Missions:...
- Vice-President of Fiji - Joeli VIDIRI
Joeli Vidiri
Joeli Vidiri is a retired Fijian rugby union footballer who also played for the All Blacks. He played as a wing.-Career:...
- Virawa (ship) - Ratu Tanoa VISAWAQA
Tanoa Visawaqa
Ratu Tanoa Visawaqa was a Fijian Chieftain who held the title Vunivalu of Bau. With Adi Savusavu, one of his nine wives, he was the father of Seru Epenisa Cakobau, who succeeded in unifying Fiji into a single kingdom.- Installation :...
- Viseisei
Viseisei is a village in Fiji's Ba Province. According to tradition, it is the oldest settlement in Fiji, established by Lutunasobasoba when the first Melanesian canoes beached at nearby Vuda Point....
- Vishal Sangh
Vishal Sangh
Vishal Sangh was a cane farmers union established in Fiji on 1 September 1946, by mainly Sikh farmers, who refused to re-join the Kisan Sangh after its reunification following the split of the Kisan Sangh into two factions in 1943...
- Viti Levu
Viti Levu
Viti Levu is the largest island in the Republic of Fiji, the site of the nation's capital, Suva, and home to a large majority of Fiji's population.- Geography and economy :...
- Viti Levu Group
Viti Levu Group
The Viti Levu Group in Fiji consists of the island of Viti Levu and its outliers, including Bau, Beqa, Nukulau, and Vatulele. The group had an aggregate area of 10,453 square kilometers and a population of 574,801 at the 1996 census....
- Vitu
Vitu may refer to:* Witu, on the Kenyan coast, a city and former sultanate* Vitu Islands, near New Guinea* Vitu language...
Jesoni Vitusagavulu
Jesoni Vitusagavulu is a Fijian businessman and diplomat, who was appointed as Fiji's fifth Ambassador to the United States on 26 May 2005, succeeding Anare Jale. He is also accredited as Ambassador to Cuba and Mexico, and High Commissioner to Canada. He presented his credentials to President...
- Vodafone Arena (Fiji) - Vola ni Kawa Bula - Mosese VOLAVOLA
Mosese Volavola
Mosese Volavola is a Fijian rugby union footballer. He plays as a Flanker or as a Lock. His nickname is Mo or Moji....
- Ratu Peni VOLAVOLA
Peni Volavola
Captain Ratu Peni Volavola is the Lord Mayor of the Fijian capital of Suva.Volavola, a Councillor representing the Tamavua ward, was elected Lord Mayor in 2003, under a memorandum of understanding between of his United Fiji Party and the National Federation Party of his predecessor, Chandu...
Josefa Vosanibola
Josefa Bole Vosanibola is a Fijian politician, who has served as Minister for Home Affairs since 16 December 2004, when he was appointed by Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase to succeed Joketani Cokanasiga...
- Voting system of Fiji - Vuaqava
Vuaqava is an outlier to Kabara, 5 kilometers to the SSW, in Fiji's Southern Lau Group. Located at 18.83° South and 178.92° East, it occupies an area of 8.1 km2. This limestone island has a maximum altitude of 107 meters...
- Vuda Point
Vuda Point
Vuda Point is a location in Fiji's Ba Province, between Nadi and Lautoka. By tradition, it was the landing site of the canoes that brought the Melanesian ancestors of the Fijian people to the country....
Viliame Vuetasau was the son of Roko Malani, the seventh Roko Sau of Lau and second Tui Nayau and Ciri of Taqalevu. During the reign of his Uncle Taliai Tupou, third Tui Nayau, he was considered heir to the title...
Tomasi Vuetilovoni
Tomasi Vuetilovoni, commonly known as Tom Vuetilovoni, is a Fijian politician, who is the current Minister for Tourism and Transport, posts which he assumed following the parliametnary election held on 6–13 May 2006...
- Tevita Vuibau
Tevita Vuibau
Tevita Komaidruka Vuibau was born on the 24 January 1956. He is a marine geology specialist and former principal scientific officer in the Mineral Resource Department. In January 2007 he was appointed to the interim cabinet as Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources.-References:...
- Adi Lagamu VUIYASAWA
Lagamu Vuiyasawa
Adi Lagamu Lewaturaga Vuiyasawa is a Fijian businesswoman and politician. On 4 November 2005, she was appointed to the Senate to complete the unexpired term of her de facto husband, Ratu Inoke Takiveikata, who forfeited his seat owing to his imprisonment on charges related to his role in an army...
- Josateki VULA
Josateki Vula
Josateki Vula is a former Fijian politician, who served in the House of Representatives from 2001 to 2006. He represented the Bua Fijian Communal Constituency, which he won for the Conservative Alliance in the parliamentary election of September 2001, defeating the incumbent, Mitieli Bulanauca of...
Laisa Vulakoro
Laisa Vulakoro is a Fijian female singer known as the Queen of Vude. She comes from the island of Yacata in Cakaudrove Province. Her music combines disco, rock and Fijian folk music. Vulakoro has performed since the 1980s and has released sixteen albums. During a period in Australia in the 1990s,...
- Vunivalu of Bau
Vunivalu of Bau
Turaga na Vunivalu ni Bau is the Paramount Chief of the Kubuna Confederacy, loosely translated the title means Warlord of Bau or Root of War. The succession to the title does not follow primogeniture, but the candidate must be a high ranking member of the Tui Kaba clan.-A brief history:The...
Wailagi LalaWailagi Lala
Wailagi Lala is the northernmost outpost of Fiji's Lau Islands. This tiny atoll, with an area of just 30 ha and rising no more than 3 m above mean sea level, is situated at 16.45° South and 179.6° West...
- Wakaya
Wakaya is a privately owned island in Fiji's Lomaiviti Archipelago. Situated at 17.65° South and 179.02° East, it covers an area of eight square kilometres...
Josaia Waqabaca
Josaia Waqabaca is a Fijian public figure and former political organizer, who has become a police informant about the Fiji coup of 2000. Waqabaca was convicted and imprisoned in 2001 for plotting to kidnap the Military Commander, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, in 2000.A former official of the...
- Jeremaia WAQANISAU
Jeremaia Waqanisau
Brigadier-General Jeremaia Waqanisau OF, MSD, JP, was a Fijian career soldier, civil servant, and diplomat, who had served since April 2004 as his country's Ambassador to China.-Education and early career:...
Viliame Waqaseduadua
Viliame Waqaseduadua is a New Zealand rugby union player, usually as a wing. He plays for the CA Brive. He is simply known as Vili, or Waga....
Taito Waqavakatoga
Taito Waqavakatoga is a Fijian politician and former civil servant who served as President of the Senate from 2001 to 2006, when he retired from that body...
- Taito WARADI
Taito Waradi
Taito Waradi is a Fijian businessman who has served as President of the Fiji Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He is known as a strong proponent of free enterprise. He has also been outspoken in his calls for moral values to be upheld in business, politics, and society...
- Wardha (ship) - West Fijian languages - West Fijian–Rotuman languages - Western Crusaders
Western Crusaders
Western Crusaders are a Fijian rugby union team. They compete in the Colonial Cup which began on 3 February 2007. The franchise area covers Lautoka, Nadi, and Yasawa.-History:...
- Western Division
Western Division, Fiji
The Western Division of Fiji is one of Fiji's four divisions. It consists of the three provinces Ba, Nadroga-Navosa and Ra.The capital of the division is Lautoka. The division includes the western part of the largest island in Fiji, Viti Levu, with a few outlying islands, including the Yasawa...
- Western United Front
Western United Front (Fiji)
Western United Front was an ethnically Fijian political party formed prior to the 1982 elections and contested the election in coalition with the National Federation Party .- The formation of the Party :...
- Esther WILLIAMS - Josephine WILLIAMS - Whistling Dove
Whistling Dove
The Whistling Fruit Dove , also known as the Velvet Dove or Yellow-headed Dove, is a small fruit dove from Fiji...
- Pio WONG
Pio Wong
Pio Iowane Wong is a Fijian politician of indigenous and Chinese descent. He served in the Cabinet from 2004 to 2006 as Minister for Local Government, Housing, Squatter Settlement, and the Environment....
Akuila YABAKIAkuila Yabaki
Akuila Yabaki is a Fijian human rights activist and Methodist clergyman. He is currently the Executive Director of the Citizens Constitutional Forum, a pro-democracy organization....
- Konisi YABAKI
Konisi Yabaki
Konisi Tabu Yabaki is a Fijian politician from the southern Kadavu Island. He served in the Cabinet from 2000 to 2006, but lost his portfolios as Minister for Fisheries and Forests after the parliamentary election of 6-13 May 2006...
- Yacata - Yadua Levu - Yalalevu
Yalalevu is a settlement in the District of Ba in Fiji, bounded by the Ba River on the east, Namosau River on the south and the settlement and village of Nailaga towards the north and west. Most of Yalalevu is within the Ba town boundary and this area is known as the Yalalevu Ward for Local...
- Yanuca
Yanuca is an inhabited coral island in Fiji's Lomaiviti Archipelago. It is characterized by white sandy beaches and lush vegetation, and is the now a camping site....
- Yanuca Lailai
Yanuca Lailai
Yanuca Lailai is an uninhabited, , volcanic rock, limestone island located between the islands of Ovalau and Moturiki in Fiji. The coastline has mangrove trees, volcanic rock cliffs and beaches while the interior abounds in jungle.The island has a tourist resort...
- Yanuca Levu
Yanuca Levu
Yanuca Levu is an island in Fiji's Lomaiviti group.Home of the Turaga na Tunimata, a Chief of his own who also happens to be the descendants of the priests for the entire district of Moturiki.The island is said to contain sources of oil, minerals etc....
- Yaqona
Kava or kava-kava is a crop of the western Pacific....
- Yasawa
Yasawa, also called Assawa and Ysava, is the main island of the Yasawa Group, an archipelago in Fiji's Western Division. Located at 17.00° South and 177.23° East, it covers an area of 32 square kilometers. It has a maximum altitude of 244 meters. The population was 1120 in 1983.- References :...
- Yasawa Islands
Yasawa Islands
The Yasawa Group is an archipelago of about 20 volcanic islands in the Western Division of Fiji, with an approximate total area of 135 square kilometers.- Geography :The Yasawa volcanic group consists of six main islands and numerous smaller islets...
Ted Young
Ted Young is a Fijian politician, who served in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase from 2001 to 2006. He was Minister for Regional Development from 2001 to 2006, when he became Minister of State for Provincial Development...
See also
Major TopicsFiji (main article)
Fiji , officially the Republic of Fiji , is an island nation in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean about northeast of New Zealand's North Island...
- Communications in Fiji
Communications in Fiji
Communications in Fiji.This article lists communications in Fiji.Country Code: +679Telephones - main lines in use:Telephones - mobile cellular:Telephone system:* Domestic: NA...
- {Constitution of Fiji
Constitution of Fiji
The 1997 Constitution of Fiji was the supreme law of Fiji from its adoption in 1997 until 2009 when President Josefa Iloilo purported to abrogate it. It was also suspended for a period following the 2000 coup d'état led by Commodore Frank Bainimarama....
; Preamble
Constitution of Fiji: Preamble
The Constitution of Fiji begins with a Preamble, which sets out the historical, cultural, and political reasons for the drafting of the 1997 Constitution.The writing of the Preamble was a careful balancing act...
; Chapters 1
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: The State. The first chapter of the Fiji Constitution is titled The State. It is divided into five sections, which summarize briefly how the nation of Fiji sees itself....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Compact. The second chapter of the Fiji Constitution contains Sections 6 and 7 of the Constitution. They summarize, in "compact" form, the intent and purpose of the Constitution, as well as the goals that it seeks to accomplish...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Citizenship. The third chapter of the Fijian Constitution, comprising Sections 8 through 20 of the Constitution, set out the rules for citizenship in Fiji....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Bill of Rights. Chapter 4 of the Constitution of Fiji is titled Bill of Rights. It is one of the longest chapters of the Constitution, comprising a total of twenty-three sections....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Social Justice. Chapter 5 of the Fiji Constitution is titled Social Justice. It is one of the shortest chapters of the constitution, comprising only one section - section 44....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 6
Chapter 6: The Parliament. Chapter 6 of the Fiji Constitution is titled The Parliament. The five Parts, further subdivided into forty sections making up this chapter, set out the composition, functions, and powers of Fiji's bicameral legislature....
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Executive Government. Chapter 7 of the Fiji Constitution is titled Executive Government. There are five Parts, further subdivided into thirty sections, which set out the organization, functions, and responsibilities of the executive branch of government...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 8
-Chapter 8 Great Council of Chiefs :Chapter 8: Executive Government. Chapter 8 of the Fiji Constitution is titled Great Council of Chiefs . Its single section ' enshrines in the constitution a powerful feudal institution that has played a pivotal role in Fiji's history.-Section 116 Bose Levu...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 9
Chapter 9: Judiciary. Chapter 9 of the Fijian constitution is titled Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court, and also make provision for other courts to be established by law. The Supreme Court is declared to be "the final appellate court of the State" - in other words, there is no judicial...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 10
Chapter 10: State Services. Chapter 10 of the Fijian constitution is titled State Services. Its fifteen sections establish certain civil service offices, specify their functions and jurisdictions, set out the qualifications and preconditions required of persons holding such offices, and...
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 11
Chapter 11:Accountability. Chapter 11 of the Fijian constitution is titled Accountability. Its 19 sections, divided into 5 parts, include a code of conduct expected of all government officers and employees, and establish a number of constitutional offices.- Part 1: Code of Conduct :Part 1 of...
12 13 14 15 16 17
Constitution of Fiji: Chapter 17
Chapter 17 of the Constitution of Fiji is named "Schedule Oaths and Affirmations." It is the last chapter of the Constitution. It sets out oaths and oaths of offices to be taken by politicians of Fiji.-Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance:...
} - Culture of Fiji
Culture of Fiji
Fiji's culture is a tapestry of indigenous Fijian, Indian, European, Chinese, and other nationalities. Culture polity, traditions, language, food, costume, belief system, architecture, arts, craft, music, dance and sports which will be discussed in this article to give you an indication of Fiji's...
- Demographics of Fiji
Demographics of Fiji
This article is about the demographic features of the population of Fiji, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population....
- Economy of Fiji
Economy of Fiji
Endowed with forest, mineral, and fish resources, Fiji is one of the most developed of the Pacific island economies, though it remains a developing country with a large subsistence agriculture sector. Agriculture accounts for 18 % of Gross Domestic Product, although it employs some 70 % of the...
- Famous Fijians - Foreign relations of Fiji
Foreign relations of Fiji
Fiji has experienced many coups recently, in 1987, 2000, and 2006. Fiji has been suspended various times from the Commonwealth of Nations, a grouping of mostly former British colonies. It was readmitted to the Commonwealth in December 2001, following the parliamentary election held to restore...
- History of Fiji
History of Fiji
The timeline below shows the history of Fiji, from ancient times to the present day. For a more detailed analysis, follow the links under each heading to the related articles.- Pre history to 1820 and recent archeology :...
- Local government of Fiji
Local government of Fiji
Fiji is divided administratively into four divisions, which are further subdivided into fourteen provinces; the self-governing island of Rotuma and its dependencies lie outside any of the four divisions. Each division is headed by a Commissioner, appointed by the Fijian government...
- Military of Fiji
Military of Fiji
The Republic of Fiji Military Forces are the military of the Pacific island nation of Fiji. With a total manpower of 3,500 active soldiers and 6,000 reservists, it is one of the smallest militaries in the world. However, most of its surrounding island nations have no militaries at all...
- Music of Fiji
Music of Fiji
Fiji is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean. Though geographically Melanesian, the music of Fiji is more Polynesian in character. Nevertheless, Fijian folk styles are distinct in their fusion of Polynesian and Melanesian traditions...
- Politics of Fiji
Politics of Fiji
Politics of Fiji takes place within the framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic. Fiji has a multi-party system with the Prime Minister of Fiji as head of government. The executive power is exercised by the government...
- Transport in Fiji
Transport in Fiji
- Railways :Total: 597 km; 597 km 0.610-m gauge Narrow gauge: Note: belongs to the government-owned Fiji Sugar Corporation The railway is not for passenger or public use.- Merchant marine :Total: 6 ships totaling 11,870 GRT/...
Other Fiji-Related Lists
Chief Justice of Fiji (including list of incumbents)
Chief Justice (Fiji)
The Chief Justice is Fiji's highest judicial officer. He or she is appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister, who is required by the Constitution to consult the Leader of the Opposition. This does not give the Leader of the Opposition a veto, only the right to be consulted. ...
- Festivals of Fiji (list)
Festivals in Fiji
Public holidays in Fiji reflect the country's cultural diversity. Each major religion in Fiji has a Public Holiday dedicated to it and is usually enjoyed by the nation as a whole as these days are usually those of sharing, giving and fun....
- House of Representatives of Fiji (including list of members)
House of Representatives (Fiji)
The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of Fiji's Parliament. It is the more powerful of the two chambers; it alone has the power to initiate legislation...
- Leader of the Opposition of Fiji (including list of incumbents)
Leader of the Opposition (Fiji)
The post of Leader of the Opposition is a political office common in countries that are part of the Commonwealth of Nations. It did not originate in Fiji but has a long tradition; in British constitutional theory, the Leader of the Opposition must pose a formal alternative to the government, ready...
- List of Chairmen of the Great Council of Chiefs
Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs (Fiji)
The Great Council of Chiefs is a formal assembly of Fiji's senior hereditary chiefs, along with some representatives of the national government and provincial councils, who may or may not be hereditary chiefs themselves...
- List of cities and towns in Fiji - List of Fijians - List of Fijian Affairs Ministers
Minister for Fijian Affairs
The Minister for Fijian Affairs is the Cabinet Minister responsible for the preservation of Fijian culture and for the economic and social development of indigenous Fijians. Prior to 1999, the Minister for Fijian Affairs also presided over the Great Council of Chiefs, but since then the Great...
- List of Fiji-related categories - List of Fijian Heads of State - List of Fijian politicians - List of Fijian sportspeople - List of Fijian Victoria Cross recipients - List of Foreign Ministers of Fiji
Minister for Foreign Affairs (Fiji)
The Minister for Foreign Affairs is Fiji's Cabinet Minister responsible for international relations and diplomacy...
- List of Governors of Fiji - Governor-General of Fiji
Governor-General of Fiji
Fiji became a British Crown Colony in 1874, and an independent dominion in the Commonwealth in 1970. Queen Elizabeth II remained the Head of State, holding the title of Queen of Fiji until 1987, when she formally abdicated following two military coups...
- List of Indian indenture ships to Fiji
Indian indenture ships to Fiji
Between 1879 and 1916, a total of 42 ships made 87 voyages, carrying Indian indentured labourers to Fiji. Initially the ships brought labourers from Calcutta, but from 1903 all ships except two also brought labourers from Madras. A total of 60,965 passengers left India but only 60,553 arrived in...
- List of parliamentary elections in Fiji - List of political parties in Fiji - List of Premiers of the Kingdom of Viti
Premier of the Kingdom of Viti
In 1871, Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau, the Vunivalu of Bau, succeeded in unifying the previously warring tribes throughout the Fiji Islands by establishing the Kingdom of Viti, with the support of foreigners...
- List of Presidents of Fiji
President of Fiji
The President of the Republic of Fiji is the head of state of Fiji. The President was appointed by the Great Council of Chiefs for a five-year term under the terms of the now-suspended 1997 constitution. The Great Council of Chiefs is constitutionally required to consult the Prime Minister, but...
- List of Prime Ministers of Fiji
Prime Minister of Fiji
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji is the head of government of Fiji. The Prime Minister was appointed by the President under the terms of the now-suspended 1997 constitution....
- List of Speakers of the Fijian House of Representatives
Speaker of the House of Representatives (Fiji)
The Speaker is the presiding officer of the Fijian House of Representatives. At its first session following a general election, the House of Representatives elects a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker. With a view to ensuring impartiality, the Speaker is not allowed to be a member of the House, though...
- List of Vice-Presidents of Fiji - Senate of Fiji (including list of members)
Senate (Fiji)
The Senate of Fiji is the upper chamber of Parliament. It is the less powerful of the two chambers; it may not initiate legislation, but may amend or veto it. The Senate's powers over financial bills are more restricted: it may veto them in their entirety, but may not amend them...