an lawyer and former President of the Fiji Law Society
. He was also Chairman of the Electoral Commission, and was named as Judge Advocate of a Court Martial
panel to retry 20 soldiers convicted mutiny
in relation to the Fiji coup of 2000
, but a number of complications left his commissioning in that office outstanding until he was finally approved as Judge Advocate and commissioned as an Army officer with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
on 4 January 2006.
Privately, Leung was a senior partner at Howards, a commercial law firm in the Fijian capital, Suva.
It's the way we are - our people show their respect to their leaders by keeping quiet. It is considered rude to speak your mind.
If we continue to pardon or excuse the wrongdoers who commit acts of criminality in unsettling an elected government, we don't have any guarantee, do we, that this kind of exercise won't be repeated in the future.
The creation of a legal eligibility allowing the grant of an amnesty for treason is abhorrent and unacceptable. The Bill was supposed to be a search for the truth behind the tragedy of 2000, but the Bill never once mentions the word "truth".
These fears (held by Fijian people|indigenous Fijians) must not be ridiculed but understood and addressed. In the final analysis it will be counterproductive to impose democracy on people who have yet to fully understand how it will sit against everything they believe in.
Democracy, the rule of law and human rights march hand in hand. These concepts are not well understood by a good portion of the population.
It (democracy) is far more than merely participating in free and fair elections for a new government. It is about playing by a set of rules, respecting those rules and accepting the result even when it may not be what one had hoped for.
The evidence shows a growing albeit reluctant acceptance of the rule of law. But time, patience and a genuine commitment not just of the country's leaders towards creating an environment that will allow democracy, human rights and the rule of law to flourish, will be required.