List of Canadian plants by family A
Main page: List of Canadian plants by family
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z
AceraceaeAceraceaeAceraceae is a family of flowering plants also called the Maple Family. It contains two to four genera, depending upon the circumscription, of some 120 species of trees and shrubs. A common characteristic is that the leaves are opposite, and the fruit a schizocarp.The maples have long been known...
- Acer circinatum — vine maple
- Acer glabrum — Douglas maple
- Acer macrophyllum — bigleaf maple
- Acer negundoAcer negundoAcer negundo is a species of maple native to North America. Box Elder, Boxelder Maple, and Maple Ash are its most common names in the United States...
— box-elder - Acer nigrum — black maple
- Acer pensylvanicum — striped maple
- Acer rubrum — red maple
- Acer saccharinum — silver maple
- Acer saccharum — sugar maple
- Acer spicatum — mountain maple
- Acer x freemanii — Freeman's maple
- Odontoschisma denudatum
- Odontoschisma elongatum
- Odontoschisma gibbsiae
- Odontoschisma macounii
- Odontoschisma sphagni
AgavaceaeAgavaceaeAgavoideae is a subfamily of monocot flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae, order Asparagales. It has previously been treated as a separate family, Agavaceae. The group includes many well-known desert and dry zone types such as the agave, yucca, and Joshua tree...
- Yucca filamentosaYucca filamentosaYucca filamentosa, commonly known as Adam's needle, is a medicinal plant native to eastern North America.Usually trunkless, Yucca filamentosa is a multisuckering plant with heads of 30 inch long, filamentous, blue green strappy leaves. The plant is fully hardy...
— common yucca
- Yucca glaucaYucca glaucaYucca glauca , known as soapweed yucca, narrowleaf yucca, plains yucca, and beargrass...
— small soapweed yucca
AlismataceaeAlismataceaeThe water-plantains are a family of flowering plants, comprising 11 genera and between 85-95 species. The family has a cosmopolitan distribution, with the greatest number of species in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere...
- Alisma gramineumAlisma gramineumAlisma gramineum is a small aquatic plant in the water-plantain family. It has several common names including narrowleaf water-plantain, ribbonleaf water-plantain, and grass-leaved water-plantain. It grows in mud or submerged in shallow fresh or brackish water in marshy areas. The leaves and tiny...
— narrowleaf water-plantain - Alisma subcordatumAlisma subcordatumAlisma subcordatum is a perennial aquatic plant in the Water-plantain family . This plant grows to about 3 feet in height with lance to oval shaped leaves rising from bulbous corms with fibrous roots. Any leaves that form underwater are weak and quick to rot; they rarely remain on adult plants...
— broad-leaved water-plantain - Alisma trivialeAlisma trivialeAlisma triviale is a perennial semi-aquatic or aquatic plant in the Water-plantain family . It grows in shallow water or mud. Northern water plantain is native to Canada, the United States, and Northern Mexico....
— northern water-plantain - Sagittaria brevirostra — short-beaked arrowhead
- Sagittaria calycina — longlobe arrowhead
- Sagittaria cristata — crested arrowhead
- Sagittaria cuneataSagittaria cuneataSagittaria cuneata is a species of flowering plant in the water plantain family known by the common name arumleaf arrowhead. Like some other Sagittaria species, it may be called wapato. It is native to much of North America, including most of Canada and the western and northeastern United States...
— Wapatum arrowhead - Sagittaria graminea — grassleaf arrowhead
- Sagittaria latifolia — broadleaf arrowhead
- Sagittaria rigida — sessile-fruit arrowhead
AmaranthaceaeAmaranthaceaeThe flowering plant family Amaranthaceae, the Amaranth family, contains about 176 genera and 2,400 species.- Description :Most of these species are herbs or subshrubs; very few are trees or climbers. Some species are succulent....
- Amaranthus albusAmaranthus albusAmaranthus albus is an annual species of flowering plant. It is native to the tropical Americas but a widespread introduced species in other places, including Europe, Africa, and Australia...
— white pigweed - Amaranthus californicusAmaranthus californicusAmaranthus californicus is a species of flowering plant in the amaranth family known by the common name California amaranth. It is a glabrous monoecious annual that is native to most of the western United States and Canada. The plant grows from 10 to 50 centimeters tall. It is found in moist...
— California amaranth - Amaranthus powelliiAmaranthus powelliiAmaranthus powellii is a species of amaranth known by the common names Powell's amaranth and green amaranth. It is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, but it is common throughout most of the rest of the temperate Americas as a naturalized species. It has also been...
— green amaranth
- Amaranthus rudis — tall amaranth
- Amaranthus tuberculatusAmaranthus tuberculatusAmaranthus tuberculatus, commonly known as tall waterhemp or roughfruit amaranth, is a species of flowering plant. It is a summer annual broadleaf with a germination period that lasts several months...
— roughfruit amaranth
- Amblystegium serpens — amblystegium moss
- Amblystegium varium
- Calliergon cordifolium — calliergon moss
- Calliergon giganteum — giant calliergon moss
- Calliergon megalophyllum
- Calliergon obtusifolium
- Calliergon orbicularicordatum
- Calliergon richardsonii
- Calliergon stramineum
- Calliergon trifarium
- Calliergonella cuspidata
- Campylium cardotii
- Campylium chrysophyllum
- Campylium halleri
- Campylium hispidulum
- Campylium polygamum — campylium moss
- Campylium radicale
- Campylium stellatum — yellow starry fen moss
- Conardia compacta
- Cratoneuron filicinum
- Drepanocladus aduncus — drepanocladus moss
- Drepanocladus brevifolius
- Drepanocladus capillifolius
- Drepanocladus crassicostatus
- Drepanocladus sendtneri
- Hamatocaulis lapponicus
- Hamatocaulis vernicosus
- Hygroamblystegium fluviatile
- Hygroamblystegium noterophilum
- Hygroamblystegium tenax
- Hygrohypnum alpestre
- Hygrohypnum alpinum
- Hygrohypnum bestii
- Hygrohypnum cochlearifolium
- Hygrohypnum duriusculum
- Hygrohypnum eugyrium
- Hygrohypnum luridum
- Hygrohypnum micans
- Hygrohypnum molle
- Hygrohypnum montanum
- Hygrohypnum norvegicum
- Hygrohypnum ochraceum
- Hygrohypnum polare
- Hygrohypnum smithii
- Hygrohypnum styriacumHygrohypnum styriacumHygrohypnum styriacum, commonly known as Snow Brook-moss or Hygrohypnum Moss is a species of moss found in the Northern Hemisphere.It is present in Greenland Iceland, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden and Scotland...
- Hygrohypnum subeugyrium
- Leptodictyum humile
- Leptodictyum riparium
- Limprichtia cossonii
- Limprichtia revolvens — limprichtia moss
- Loeskypnum badium
- Loeskypnum wickesiae
- Palustriella commutata
- Palustriella decipiens
- Platylomella lescurii
- Pseudocalliergon turgescens
- Sanionia uncinata
- Sarmenthypnum sarmentosum
- Scorpidium scorpioides
- Warnstorfia exannulata — warnstorfia moss
- Warnstorfia fluitans — warnstorfia moss
- Warnstorfia procera
- Warnstorfia pseudostraminea
- Warnstorfia trichophylla
- Warnstorfia tundrae
AnacardiaceaeAnacardiaceaeAnacardiaceae are a family of flowering plants bearing fruits that are drupes and in some cases producing urushiol, an irritant. Anacardiaceae include numerous genera with several of economic importance. Notable plants in this family include cashew , mango, poison ivy, sumac, smoke tree, and marula...
- Rhus aromaticaRhus aromaticaRhus aromatica is a plant species in the family Anacardiaceae native to Canada and the United States....
— fragrant sumac - Rhus copallinum — winged sumac
- Rhus glabraRhus glabraRhus glabra is a species of sumac in the family Anacardiaceae, native to North America, from southern Quebec west to southern British Columbia in Canada, and south to northern Florida and Arizona in the United States and Tamaulipas in northeastern Mexico.One of the easiest shrubs to identify...
— smooth sumac - Rhus trilobataRhus trilobataRhus trilobata is a shrub in the sumac genus with the common names sourberry, skunkbush, and three-leaf sumac. It is native to the western half of Canada and the Western United States, from the Great Plains to California and south through Arizona extending into northern Mexico...
— skunkbush - Rhus typhinaRhus typhinaThe Staghorn Sumac is a deciduous shrub to small tree in the Anacardiaceae or Cashew family, native to eastern North America...
— staghorn sumac
- Rhus x pulvinata
- Toxicodendron diversilobum — western poison-oak
- Toxicodendron radicans — eastern poison-ivy
- Toxicodendron rydbergii — northern poison-oak
- Toxicodendron vernix — poison-sumac
- Andreaea alpestris
- Andreaea blyttii
- Andreaea crassinervia
- Andreaea heinemannii
- Andreaea megistospora
- Andreaea mutabilis
- Andreaea nivalis
- Andreaea obovata
- Andreaea rothii
- Andreaea rupestris
- Andreaea schofieldiana
- Andreaea sinuosa
AneuraceaeAneuraceaeAneuraceae is a family of thallose liverworts in the order Metzgeriales. Most species are very small with narrow, branching thalli....
- Aneura pinguis
- Riccardia chamedryfoliaRiccardia chamedryfoliaRiccardia chamedryfolia is a species of liverwort is a terrestrial plant which has been adapted by aquarist as an ornamental plant for the freshwater planted aquarium hobby....
- Riccardia latifrons
- Riccardia multifida — comb liverwort
- Riccardia palmata
- Anomodon attenuatus
- Anomodon minor
- Anomodon rostratus
- Anomodon rugelii
- Anomodon viticulosus
- Haplohymenium triste
- Pterogonium gracile
AntheliaceaeAntheliaceaeAntheliaceae is a liverwort family in the order Jungermanniales....
- Anthelia julacea
- Anthelia juratzkana
AnthocerotaceaeAnthocerotaceaeThe Anthocerotaceae is the only family of hornworts in the order Anthocerotales....
- Anthoceros agrestisAnthoceros agrestisAnthoceros agrestis, commonly called Field Hornwort, is a lichen of the anthoceros genus. It has complicated taxonomies.-Taxonomy:This species of anthoceros is known for having acids like cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase ,...
- Anthoceros fusiformis
- Anthoceros macounii
ApiaceaeApiaceaeThe Apiaceae , commonly known as carrot or parsley family, is a group of mostly aromatic plants with hollow stems. The family is large, with more than 3,700 species spread across 434 genera, it is the sixteenth largest family of flowering plants...
- Angelica archangelica — Norwegian angelica
- Angelica argutaAngelica argutaAngelica arguta is a species of angelica known as Lyall's angelica. It is native to western North America, where it grows in coniferous forests from British Columbia to Utah. This is a taprooted perennial herb growing an erect, hollow stem to heights between one and two meters...
— Lyall's angelica - Angelica atropurpureaAngelica atropurpureaAngelica atropurpurea is a species of plant that can be found in moist and swampy woodlands, mostly by riverbanks. The plant grows to 6 feet tall with an erect branching stem that is purple. The stem is smooth, hollow, and sturdy. The leaves are divided into three parts, each with its own petiole....
— great angelica - Angelica dawsonii — Dawson's angelica
- Angelica genuflexaAngelica genuflexaAngelica genuflexa is a species of angelica known as kneeling angelica. It is native to northwestern North America from Alaska to northern California, where it grows in moist areas in coniferous forests such as streambanks. This is a taprooted perennial herb producing an erect, hollow stem to...
— kneeling angelica - Angelica laurentiana — St. Lawrence angelica
- Angelica lucidaAngelica lucidaAngelica lucida is a species of angelica known by the common names seacoast angelica and sea-watch. It is also one of many species in the celery family which are casually called wild celery. This plant is generally similar in appearance to other angelicas, with tall, dense umbels of yellowish-white...
— seacoast angelica - Angelica venenosa — hairy angelica
- Berula erecta — wild parsnip
- Bupleurum americanum — American thorowax
- Chaerophyllum procumbens — spreading chervil
- Chaerophyllum tainturieri — Tainturier's chervil
- Cicuta bulbifera — bulb-bearing water-hemlock
- Cicuta douglasii — western water-hemlock
- Cicuta maculataCicuta maculataCicuta maculata is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by several common names, including spotted water hemlock, spotted parsley, spotted cowbane, and the suicide root by the Iroquois. It is native to nearly all of North America, from northern Canada to southern Mexico...
— spotted water-hemlock - Cicuta virosaCicuta virosaCicuta virosa is a species of Cicuta, native to northern and central Europe, northern Asia and northwestern North America. It is a perennial herbaceous plant which grows up to 1–2 m tall. The stems are smooth, branching, swollen at the base, purple-striped, and hollow except for partitions at the...
— MacKenzie's water-hemlock - Cnidium cnidiifoliumCnidium cnidiifoliumCnidium cnidiifolium, also known as Jakutsk snowparsley after the Russian town Jakutsk, is a member of the Apiaceae family that is found in Russia, Canada, and Alaska. Light-purple to white umbels of Cnidium cnidiifolium bloom from late June to August, each with five lanceolate bracts. The fruits...
— Jakutsk snow parsley - Conioselinum chinense — Chinese hemlock-parsley
- Conioselinum gmelinii — western hemlock-parsley
- Cryptotaenia canadensis — Canada honewort
- Cymopterus acaulis — plains wavewing
- Daucus pusillusDaucus pusillusDaucus pusillus is a species of wild carrot known by the common names American wild carrot and rattlesnake weed. It is similar in appearance to other species and subspecies of wild carrot, with umbels of white or pinkish flowers....
— southwestern carrot - Erigenia bulbosaErigenia bulbosaErigenia bulbosa, also known as harbinger of spring or pepper and salt, is a perennial plant in the carrot family . E. bulbosa is the only species in the genus Erigenia . This plant is known as harbinger of spring because it is one of the earliest blooming native wildflowers of rich forests in the...
— harbinger-of-spring - Glehnia littoralisGlehnia littoralisGlehnia littoralis is a species of plant in the "carrot family", Apiaceae, known by several common names including beach silvertop and American silvertop in English, and bei sha shen and shan hu cai in Chinese...
— American glehnia - Heracleum maximum — cow-parsnip
- Hydrocotyle americana — American water-pennywort
- Hydrocotyle umbellataHydrocotyle umbellataHydrocotyle umbellata, is an aquatic plant that thrives in wet, sandy habitat. Its English common name is manyflower marsh pennywort or dollarweed. It is native to North America and parts of South America. It can also be found growing as an introduced species and sometimes a noxious weed on other...
— many-flowered pennywort - Hydrocotyle verticillataHydrocotyle verticillataHydrocotyle verticillata, also known as Whorled Pennywort, and Shield Pennywort, is a flowering plant found in South and North America and the West Indies. The creeping plants with unusual leaves give it its common names. It grows in places that are marshy, boggy, and wet...
— whorled pennywort - Ligusticum calderi — Calder's lovage
- Ligusticum canbyi — Canby's wild lovage
- Ligusticum scoticum — Scotch lovage
- Ligusticum verticillatum — Idaho lovage
- Lilaeopsis chinensis — eastern lilæopsis
- Lilaeopsis occidentalisLilaeopsis occidentalisLilaeopsis occidentalis is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name western grasswort. It is native to the coastline western North America from far southern Alaska to California, where it grows in brackish and salt marshes...
— western lilæopsis - Lomatium ambiguumLomatium ambiguumLomatium ambiguum, also known as Wyeth Biscuitroot, is a perennial herb of the family Apiaceae that grows in western United States and into British Columbia in dry areas. The leaves are divided into many blades, and stems can be slightly purple and are 6–24 cm tall. Yellow flowers in compound...
— streambank desert-parsley - Lomatium brandegeeiLomatium brandegeeiLomatium brandegeei, also known as Brandegee's desert-parsley is a perennial herb of the family Apiaceae that grows in northern Washington and into British Columbia. Compound umbels with yellow flowers appear from May to June. It has a relatively short taproot, and its stems are 20–60 cm...
— Brandegee's desert-parsley - Lomatium cousLomatium cousLomatium cous is a perennial herb of the family Apiaceae. The root is prized as a food by the tribes of the southern plateau of the Pacific Northwest. It is called x̣áwš in the Sahaptin language, and qáamsit and qáaws in the Nez Perce language....
— cousroot desert-parsley - Lomatium dissectumLomatium dissectumLomatium dissectum is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name fernleaf biscuitroot. It is native to much of western North America, where it grows in varied habitat...
— fernleaf desert-parsley - Lomatium foeniculaceumLomatium foeniculaceumLomatium foeniculaceum is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name desert biscuitroot. It is native to much of western and central North America, where it grows in many types of habitat.-Description:...
— carrotleaf desert-parsley
- Lomatium geyeriLomatium geyeriLomatium geyeri, Geyer's biscuitroot, is a perennial herb in the family Apiaceae found in the Northwestern United States and British Columbia.-External links:*...
— Geyer's desert-parsley - Lomatium grayiLomatium grayiLomatium grayi is a perennial herb of the family Apiaceae. It is native to the Western United States, including northeastern California, and grows in dry, rocky areas with a lifespan of 5–7 years.-Description:...
— mountain desert-parsley - Lomatium macrocarpumLomatium macrocarpumLomatium macrocarpum is a perennial flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common names bigseed lomatium, biscuit root or even bigseed biscuitroot. It is native to much of western North America, where it can be found in various types of habitat, including the grasslands of the Great...
— largefruit desert-parsley - Lomatium martindaleiLomatium martindaleiLomatium martindalei is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common names Cascade desertparsley and coast range lomatium. It is native to the west coast of North America, from Vancouver Island south to the Klamath Mountains of far northern California...
— coast range lomatium - Lomatium nudicauleLomatium nudicauleLomatium nudicaule is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common names barestem biscuitroot, Indian celery and Indian consumption plant. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Utah, where it is known from several habitat types,...
— nakedstem desert-parsley - Lomatium orientale — Oriental desert-parsley
- Lomatium sandbergii — Sandberg's desert-parsley
- Lomatium simplex — umbrella desert-parsley
- Lomatium triternatumLomatium triternatumLomatium triternatum is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name nineleaf biscuitroot. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in many types of habitat. It is a hairy perennial herb growing up to a meter...
— ternate desert-parsley - Lomatium utriculatumLomatium utriculatumLomatium utriculatum is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name common lomatium. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California, where it grows in many types of habitat including chaparral, and in the Sierra Nevada.-Description:Lomatium...
— foothill desert-parsley - Musineon divaricatum — wild parsley
- Oenanthe sarmentosaOenanthe sarmentosaOenanthe sarmentosa is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name water parsley. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California, where it grows in wet areas, such as streambanks. It is sometimes aquatic, growing in the water...
— water-parsley - Osmorhiza berteroiOsmorhiza berteroiOsmorhiza berteroi is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name mountain sweet cicely. It is native to much of western and northern North America, as well as Argentina and Chile, where it grows in wooded and forested areas. It is an aromatic perennial herb producing...
— Chilean sweet-cicely - Osmorhiza claytoniiOsmorhiza claytoniiOsmorhiza claytonii is a North American perennial herb. It is also known as Sweet Cicely, a name it shares with other members of its genus Osmorhiza....
— hairy sweet-cicely - Osmorhiza depauperataOsmorhiza depauperataOsmorhiza depauperata is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name bluntseed sweetroot. It is native to much of western and northern North America, as well as parts of South America, where it grows in wooded areas. It is an erect perennial herb up to 80 centimeters...
— bluntfruit sweet-cicely - Osmorhiza longistylisOsmorhiza longistylisOsmorhiza longistylis is a perennial herb of North America. It is known as aniseroot, longstyle sweetroot, American sweet cicely, licorice root, wild anise, or simply sweet cicely, a name that applies to other members of its genus Osmorhiza generally. It is a medicinal herb that was used by...
— smoother sweet-cicely - Osmorhiza occidentalisOsmorhiza occidentalisOsmorhiza occidentalis is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name western sweetroot. It is native to much of western North America, where it grows in wooded and forested areas. It is an erect perennial herb up sometimes exceeding one meter tall...
— western sweet-cicely - Osmorhiza purpurea — purple sweet-cicely
- Oxypolis occidentalisOxypolis occidentalisOxypolis occidentalis is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name western cowbane. It is native to sections of western North America, where it grows in forests and other habitat. It is a perennial herb growing from tubers and producing erect, branching stems up to...
— western cowbane - Oxypolis rigidior — stiff cowbane
- Perideridia gairdneriPerideridia gairdneriPerideridia gairdneri is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common names common yampah and Gardner's yampah. It is native to western North America from southwestern Canada to California to New Mexico, where it grows in many types of habitat...
— Gairdner's yampah - Podistera macounii — Macoun's podistera
- Podistera yukonensis — Yukon podistera
- Sanicula arctopoidesSanicula arctopoidesSanicula arctopoides is a species of sanicle known commonly as footsteps of spring or bear's foot sanicle. It is a perennial herb found on the west coast of the United States, especially near the ocean. The branches are short and thick and may be prostrate or slightly erect...
— bear's-foot sanicle - Sanicula bipinnatifidaSanicula bipinnatifidaSanicula bipinnatifida is a species of flowering plant in the parsley family known by the common names purple sanicle, purple blacksnakeroot, and shoe buttons...
— purple black snakeroot - Sanicula canadensisSanicula canadensisSanicula canadensis, Black Snakeroot, is a native plant of North America and a member of family Apiaceae. It is biennial or periennial, and spreads primarily by seed. It grows from 1 to 4.5 feet tall, and is found in mesic deciduous woodlands...
— short-styled sanicle - Sanicula crassicaulisSanicula crassicaulisSanicula crassicaulis is a species of flowering plant in the parsley family known by the common names Pacific sanicle and Pacific blacksnakeroot. It is native to the west coast of North America from British Columbia to Baja California, where it can be found in many types of habitat, including...
— Pacific black snakeroot - Sanicula graveolensSanicula graveolensSanicula graveolens is a species of flowering plant in the parsley family known by the common names northern sanicle and Sierra blacksnakeroot. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Montana to California, and southern South America, including southern Chile. Its habitat...
— sierra sanicle - Sanicula marilandicaSanicula marilandicaMaryland black snakeroot is a flowering plant widespread in North America but rare along the Pacific coast of the continent and Texas. Sanicula marilandica is listed as Sensitive in Washington state....
— Maryland black snakeroot - Sanicula odorata — clustered black snakeroot
- Sanicula trifoliata — large-fruited sanicle
- Sium suaveSium suaveSium suave , the Water Parsnip, is a herb belonging to the parsnip family and comes from Africa and some parts of the Northern Hemisphere.- Appearance :...
— hemlock water-parsnip - Taenidia integerrima — yellow pimpernel
- Thaspium barbinode — hairyjoint meadow-parsnip
- Thaspium trifoliatum — purple meadow-parsnip
- Yabea microcarpa — California hedge-parsley
- Zizia aptera — golden alexanders
- Zizia aureaZizia aureaZizia aurea is a flowering perennial forb of the carrot family . Golden Alexanders is hardy in USDA zones 4-9...
— common alexanders
ApocynaceaeApocynaceaeThe Apocynaceae or dogbane family is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, and lianas.Many species are tall trees found in tropical rainforests, and most are from the tropics and subtropics, but some grow in tropical dry, xeric environments. There are also perennial herbs...
- Apocynum androsaemifoliumApocynum androsaemifoliumApocynum androsaemifolium is a flowering plant. Milky sap appears on broken stems. Leaf margin is entire and leaf veination is alternate. Its leaves appear as pointed ovals, while...
— spreading dogbane - Apocynum cannabinumApocynum cannabinumApocynum cannabinum is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows throughout much of North America - in the southern half of Canada and throughout the United States. It is a poisonous plant: Apocynum means "poisonous to dogs"...
— clasping-leaf dogbane
- Apocynum x floribundum — hybrid dogbane
- Ilex glabraIlex glabraIlex glabra, also known as Appalachian Tea, Dye-leaves, Evergreen Winterberry, Gallberry, Inkberry, is a species of holly native to the Eastern and the South Central United States and southern Canada . This plant is often used as an ornamental plant...
— ink-berry - Ilex verticillata — black holly
- Nemopanthus mucronatus — mountain holly
AraceaeAraceaeAraceae are a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants in which flowers are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix. The spadix is usually accompanied by, and sometimes partially enclosed in, a spathe or leaf-like bract. Also known as the Arum family, members are often colloquially...
- Arisaema dracontiumArisaema dracontiumArisaema dracontium is a herbaceous perennial plant in the genus Arisaema and the family Araceae. It is native to North America from Quebec to Minnesota South to Florida and Texas, where it is found growing in damp woods. Plants grow 20–50 cm tall when in bloom and after flowering reach...
— green dragon - Arisaema triphyllumArisaema triphyllumArisaema triphyllum is a herbaceous perennial plant growing from a corm. It is a highly variable species typically growing from 30 to 65 cm in height with three parted leaves and flowers contained in a spadix that is covered by a hood...
— swamp Jack-in-the-pulpit - Calla palustris — wild calla
- Lysichiton americanus — yellow skunk-cabbage
- Peltandra virginicaPeltandra virginicaPeltandra virginica is a plant of the Araceae family known by the common names green arrow arum and tuckahoe. It is native to parts of eastern North America, where it is common in wet areas...
— green arrow-arum - Symplocarpus foetidus — skunk-cabbage
AraliaceaeAraliaceaeAraliaceae is a family of flowering plants, also known as the Aralia family or Ivy family. The family includes 254 species of trees, shrubs, lianas and perennial herbaceous plants into 2 subfamilies...
- Aralia hispida — bristly sarsaparilla
- Aralia nudicaulisAralia nudicaulisAralia nudicaulis is a flowering plant of northern and eastern North America which reaches a height of 1–2 feet with creeping underground stems.In the spring the underground stems produce compound leaves that are large...
— wild sarsaparilla - Aralia racemosaAralia racemosaAralia racemosa is an ornamental plant in the Araliaceae family native to the United States and Canada. It is a herbaceous plant, about one to two meters tall, which grows in shady areas. Its native range includes most of the eastern United States.-External links:**...
— American spikenard
- Oplopanax horridus — Devil's-club
- Panax quinquefolius — American ginseng
- Panax trifolius — dwarf ginseng
AristolochiaceaeAristolochiaceaeThe Aristolochiaceae, or the Birthwort family, are a family of flowering plants with 7 genera and about 400 species belonging to the order Piperales...
- Asarum canadenseAsarum canadenseAsarum canadense, commonly known as Canada wild ginger, Canadian snakeroot and broad-leaved asarabaccais, is a herbaceous perennial native to deciduous forest in eastern North America, from the Great Plains east to the Atlantic Coast, and from southeastern Canada south to approximately the fall...
— Canada wild-ginger
- Asarum caudatumAsarum caudatumAsarum caudatum is native to rich moist forests of western North America from British Columbia to California and as far east as western Montana....
— long-tailed wild-ginger
AsclepiadaceaeAsclepiadaceaeAccording to APG II, the Asclepiadaceae is a former plant family now treated as a subfamily in the Apocynaceae...
- Asclepias exaltata — poke milkweed
- Asclepias hirtella — green milkweed
- Asclepias incarnata — swamp milkweed
- Asclepias lanuginosa — woolly milkweed
- Asclepias ovalifolia — dwarf milkweed
- Asclepias purpurascensAsclepias purpurascensPurple milkweed is a herbaceous plant species. It is in the genus Asclepias, making it a type of milkweed. It is native to the Eastern, Southern and Midwestern United States similar to the range of the Common Milkweed...
— purple milkweed - Asclepias quadrifolia — whorled milkweed
- Asclepias speciosaAsclepias speciosaAsclepias speciosa is a species of milkweed known commonly as the showy milkweed. It is native to the western half of North America.-Description:...
— showy milkweed - Asclepias sullivantii — prairie milkweed
- Asclepias syriaca — Kansas milkweed
- Asclepias tuberosa — butterfly milkweed
- Asclepias verticillataAsclepias verticillataAsclepias verticillata is a species of milkweed which is used as a medicinal plant by Native American tribes and in Butterfly gardening.-Description:...
— whorled milkweed - Asclepias viridiflora — green milkweed
AspleniaceaeAspleniaceaeThe Aspleniaceae is a family of ferns, included in the order Polypodiales or in some classifications as the only family in the order Aspleniales....
- Asplenium adulterinum — ladder spleenwort
- Asplenium platyneuron — ebony spleenwort
- Asplenium rhizophyllumAsplenium rhizophyllumAsplenium rhizophyllum, the American Walking Fern, is a rare, low lying fern native to North America. It is a close relative of Asplenium ruprechtii which is found in East Asia and also goes by the common name of walking fern.-Description:The name walking fern was derived from the way the fern...
— walking-fern spleenwort - Asplenium ruta-murariaAsplenium ruta-murariaAsplenium ruta-muraria is a species of fern commonly known as wall-rue. In Germany, it is known as Mauerraute or Mauerstreifenfarn. It is a very small epipetric species, growing exclusively on limestone and other calcareous rocks. It is native to both Europe and eastern North America...
— wallrue spleenwort
- Asplenium scolopendrium — hart's-tongue fern
- Asplenium trichomanesAsplenium trichomanesAsplenium trichomanes is a small fern in the spleenwort genus Asplenium. It is a widespread and common species, occurring almost worldwide in a variety of rocky habitats. It is a variable fern with several subspecies.-Description:It grows in tufts from a short rhizome...
— maidenhair spleenwort - Asplenium virideAsplenium virideAsplenium viride is known as the green spleenwort because of its green stipes and raches. This feature easily distinguishes this species from the very similar-looking maidenhair spleenwort, Asplenium trichomanes.-Nomenclature:...
— green spleenwort
AsteraceaeAsteraceaeThe Asteraceae or Compositae , is an exceedingly large and widespread family of vascular plants. The group has more than 22,750 currently accepted species, spread across 1620 genera and 12 subfamilies...
- Achillea millefolium — common yarrow
- Achillea sibiricaAchillea sibiricaAchillea sibirica is a plant in the daisy family, Asteraceae.-Description:Achillea sibirica is an herbaceous plant with alternate, pinnately compound leaves, on green stems. The flowers are white or pink, borne in summer. The plants are hardy in Zones 3-10 in full sun and are often about 2 feet...
— Siberian yarrow - Adenocaulon bicolorAdenocaulon bicolorAdenocaulon bicolor is a flowering plant in the daisy family known as American trailplant. It is found in southern Canada and across the northern and western United States. This plant has a very thin erect branching stem surrounded by triangular leaves only at the base...
— American trail-plant - Ageratina altissima — white snakeroot
- Agoseris aurantiacaAgoseris aurantiacaAgoseris aurantiaca is a liguliferous species in the Asteraceae or sunflower family, and is commonly called orange agoseris or mountain dandelion. It is widespread and common in western North America from Alaska and western Canada southward to California, Arizona, and New Mexico...
— orange-flowered false-dandelion - Agoseris gaspensis — Gaspé Peninsula agoseris
- Agoseris glaucaAgoseris glaucaAgoseris glauca is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names pale agoseris, prairie agoseris, and short-beaked agoseris. It is native to northern and western North America from Alaska to Ontario to New Mexico, where it grows in many habitat types. This is a...
— pale goat-chicory - Agoseris grandifloraAgoseris grandifloraAgoseris grandiflora is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names bigflower agoseris and grassland agoseris. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Utah, where it grows in many habitat types...
— largeflower false-dandelion - Agoseris heterophyllaAgoseris heterophyllaAgoseris heterophylla is a liguliferous species in the Asteraceae or sunflower family known by the common name annual agoseris. It is widespread in mostly drier regions of western North America. This is an annual herb producing a basal rosette of leaves. Often there is no stem, or a short,...
— annual false-dandelion - Agoseris lackschewitzii — pink agoseris
- Almutaster pauciflorus — marsh alkali aster
- Ambrosia acanthicarpaAmbrosia acanthicarpaAmbrosia acanthicarpa is a species of ragweed known by the common names flatspine burr ragweed, annual burrweed, and annual bur-sage....
— flatspine bursage - Ambrosia artemisiifoliaAmbrosia artemisiifoliaAmbrosia artemisiifolia, Common Ragweed, is the most widespread plant of the genus Ambrosia in North America. It has also been called Annual Ragweed, Bitterweed, Blackweed, Carrot Weed, Hay Fever Weed, Roman Wormwood, Stammerwort, Stickweed, Tassel Weed, and American Wormwood...
— annual ragweed - Ambrosia chamissonisAmbrosia chamissonisAmbrosia chamissonis is a species of ragweed known by the common names Silver Burr Ragweed, Silver Beachweed and Beach Bur....
— silver bursage - Ambrosia coronopifolia — western ragweed
- Ambrosia psilostachyaAmbrosia psilostachyaAmbrosia psilostachya is a species of ragweed known by the common names Cuman ragweed, perennial ragweed, and western ragweed....
— nakedspike ambrosia - Ambrosia trifidaAmbrosia trifidaCommon names: Buffalo Weed, Great Ragweed, Giant Ragweed, Bitterweed, Bloodweed, Horse Cane, Tall AmbrosiaAmbrosia trifida is an annual plant in the aster family, native throughout much of North America. Its flowers are green and are pollinated by wind rather than by insects, and the pollen is one...
— great ragweed - Ambrosia x helenae
- Anaphalis margaritaceaAnaphalis margaritaceaAnapahlis margaritacea, commonly known as the Western Pearly Everlasting, is a perennial herb in the composite family. Since it is the only North American species it is often simply called Pearly Everlasting in the United States and Canada. However, it is also native in Asia and has been widely...
— pearly everlasting - Antennaria alpinaAntennaria alpinaAntennaria alpina is a species in genus Antennaria, native to subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and extending south at high altitudes in mountains in Scandinavia, and in the Rocky Mountains south to Montana.It is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to 15 cm tall, with off-white...
— alpine pussytoes - Antennaria anaphaloides — handsome pussytoes
- Antennaria aromatica — aromatic pussytoes
- Antennaria corymbosaAntennaria corymbosaAntennaria corymbosa is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name flat-top pussytoes. It is native to parts of northwestern North America from central Canada to California to Colorado, where it grows in moist, cool areas such as mountain meadows and riverbanks...
— meadow pussytoes - Antennaria densifolia — dense-leaved antennaria
- Antennaria dimorphaAntennaria dimorphaAntennaria dimorpha is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name low pussytoes. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Nebraska, where it is generally found in dry areas. This is a small mat-forming perennial herb growing in a...
— two-form pussytoes - Antennaria eucosma — Newfoundland pussytoes
- Antennaria flagellarisAntennaria flagellarisAntennaria flagellaris is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names whip pussytoes and stoloniferous pussytoes...
— stoloniferous pussytoes - Antennaria friesiana — Fries' pussytoes
- Antennaria howelliiAntennaria howelliiAntennaria howellii is a species in the genus Antennaria, native to northern North America from Alaska east to Newfoundland, and south to northern California, Colorado and North Carolina....
— small pussytoes - Antennaria lanata — white-margined pussytoes
- Antennaria luzuloidesAntennaria luzuloidesAntennaria luzuloides is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name rush pussytoes. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in dry areas, particularly sagebrush scrub. This is a perennial herb growing...
— silvery-brown pussytoes - Antennaria mediaAntennaria mediaAntennaria media is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name Rocky Mountain pussytoes. It is native to western North America from Alaska and northwestern Canada to California to New Mexico, where it grows in cold regions such as the alpine climate of high...
— Stony Mountain pussytoes - Antennaria microphyllaAntennaria microphyllaAntennaria microphylla is a stoloniferous perennial forb in the Aster family . It grows from with spoon shaped or oblong leaves; it blossoms from late May to July...
— small-leaf cat's-foot - Antennaria monocephala — single-head pussytoes
- Antennaria neglecta — field pussytoes
- Antennaria parlinii — Parlin's pussytoes
- Antennaria parvifoliaAntennaria parvifoliaAntennaria parvifolia is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names Nuttall's pussytoes and small-leaf pussytoes . It is native to North America, where it occurs throughout much of Canada from British Columbia to Ontario, the western and central United States, and...
— Nuttall's pussytoes - Antennaria plantaginifolia — plantainleaf pussytoes
- Antennaria pulcherrima — handsome pussytoes
- Antennaria racemosaAntennaria racemosaAntennaria racemosa is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name raceme pussytoes. It is native to western North America from British Columbia and Alberta to northern California to Wyoming. It grows in mountain forests, generally in moist, partially shaded areas, and...
— Hooker's pussytoes - Antennaria roseaAntennaria roseaAntennaria rosea is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name rosy pussytoes. It is native to much of North America, including most of Canada and the western United States. It is a plant of many habitats, from dry to wet climates and low elevation to very high. It is...
— rosy pussytoes - Antennaria stenophylla — narrowleaf pussytoes
- Antennaria umbrinellaAntennaria umbrinellaAntennaria umbrinella is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names umber pussytoes and brown pussytoes. It is native to western North America from southwestern Canada to the Sierra Nevada and southern Rocky Mountains...
— brown pussytoes - Antennaria x erigeroides
- Antennaria x macounii
- Antennaria x rousseaui
- Arnica amplexicaulisArnica amplexicaulisArnica amplexicaulis is a species of arnica known by the common name clasping arnica. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California and the Sierra Nevada, to the Rocky Mountains and Wyoming, where it grows in moist areas such as mountain meadows and streambanks.This is a perennial...
— streambank arnica - Arnica angustifolia — narrowleaf leopardbane
- Arnica chamissonis — leafy arnica
- Arnica cordifoliaArnica cordifoliaArnica cordifolia is a species of arnica known by the common name heartleaf arnica. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to New Mexico, and it is distributed as far east as Ontario and Michigan...
— heart-leaved arnica - Arnica frigida — snow leopardbane
- Arnica fulgensArnica fulgensArnica fulgens is a species of arnica known by the common names foothill arnica and hillside arnica. It is native to western North America, where it grows in open, grassy areas....
— hillside arnica - Arnica gracilis — slender leopardbane
- Arnica lanceolata
- Arnica latifoliaArnica latifoliaArnica latifolia is a species of arnica known by the common names Broadleaf Arnica, Broad Leaved Arnica, Mountain Arnica, and Daffodil Leopardbane...
— mountain arnica - Arnica lessingii — Lessing's arnica
- Arnica lonchophylla — northern arnica
- Arnica longifoliaArnica longifoliaArnica longifolia is a species of arnica known by the common names longleaf arnica and spearleaf arnica. This flowering perennial is native to the forests western North America from Canada and the U.S. Rocky Mountains to the high Sierra Nevada mountains of California.It is a rhizomatous plant...
— longleaf arnica - Arnica louiseana — Lake Louise arnica
- Arnica mollisArnica mollisArnica mollis is a species of arnica known by the common name hairy arnica. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Colorado, where it grows in subalpine mountain habitat such as meadows and streambanks....
— hairy arnica - Arnica parryiArnica parryiArnica parryi is a species of arnica known by the common name Parry's arnica. It is native to western North America from Yukon to California to Colorado, where it is a resident of temperate coniferous forests....
— nodding arnica - Arnica rydbergii — subalpine arnica
- Arnica sororiaArnica sororiaArnica sororia is a species of arnica known by the common name twin arnica. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Nebraska, where it grows in many types of habitat....
— twin arnica - Arnica x diversifolia — rayless arnica
- Arnoglossum plantagineumArnoglossum plantagineumArnoglossum plantagineum also known as groovestem Indian plantain is a species of Arnoglossum and the family Asteraceae....
— Indian-plantain - Artemisia alaskana — Alaska wormwood
- Artemisia arctica — boreal sagebrush
- Artemisia biennisArtemisia biennisArtemisia biennis is a species of sagebrush known by the common name biennial wormwood. It is native to Europe.-Description:This is an annual or biennial herb producing a single erect green to reddish stem up to 2 meters in maximum height. It is generally hairless and unscented...
— biennial wormwood - Artemisia campestrisArtemisia campestrisArtemisia campestris L. is a species of herbaceous biennial or perennial plants in the genus Artemisia that grows in open sites on dry sandy soils throughout the Boreal Kingdom.-External links:** in Flora of North America...
— Pacific wormwood - Artemisia canaArtemisia canaArtemisia cana is a species of sagebrush native to western and central North America, having three subspecies. It known by many common names, including silver sagebrush, sticky sagebrush, silver wormwood, hoary sagebrush, and dwarf sagebrush...
— hoary sagebrush - Artemisia dracunculus — dragon wormwood
- Artemisia frigida — prairie sagebrush
- Artemisia furcata — three-fork wormwood
- Artemisia globularia — arctic wormwood
- Artemisia glomerata — Pacific alpine wormwood
- Artemisia laciniata — Siberian wormwood
- Artemisia lindleyana — Columbia River wormwood
- Artemisia longifolia — longleaf wormwood
- Artemisia ludovicianaArtemisia ludovicianaArtemisia ludoviciana is a species of sagebrush known by several common names, including silver wormwood, Louisiana wormwood, white sagebrush, and gray sagewort....
— white sagebrush - Artemisia michauxianaArtemisia michauxianaArtemisia michauxiana is a species of wormwood known by the common names Michaux's wormwood and lemon sagewort.It is native to western North America from Yukon to California to Colorado, where it grows in mountain talus habitats in subalpine to alpine climates. This is a rhizomatous perennial herb...
— Michaux's wormwood - Artemisia rupestris — rock wormwood
- Artemisia suksdorfiiArtemisia suksdorfiiArtemisia suksdorfii is a species of sagebrush known by the common names coastal mugwort, coastal wormwood, and Suksdorf sagewort....
— coastal wormwood - Artemisia tilesii — Tilesius' wormwood
- Artemisia tridentataArtemisia tridentataArtemisia tridentata is a shrub or small tree from the family Asteraceae. Some botanists treat it in the segregate genus Seriphidium, as S. tridentatum W. A. Weber, but this is not widely followed...
— big sagebrush - Artemisia tripartita — three-tip sagebrush
- Aster alpinusAster alpinusAster alpinus is an ornamental plant native the mountains of Europe , with a subspecies native to Canada and the United States. It is a perennial forb having purple, pink or blue flowers belonging to the genus Aster.-Description: It grows to be about 6-12 inches...
— alpine aster - Baccharis halimifoliaBaccharis halimifoliaBaccharis halimifolia is a fall-flowering deciduous or evergreen shrub commonly found in wetlands on the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains of the eastern United States from Texas and Florida northward to Massachusetts, inland to the District of Columbia and Pennsylvania...
— eastern baccharis - Balsamorhiza deltoideaBalsamorhiza deltoideaBalsamorhiza deltoidea is a species of flowering plant in the sunflower tribe of the plant family Asteraceae known by the common name deltoid balsamroot...
— deltoid balsamroot - Balsamorhiza sagittataBalsamorhiza sagittataBalsamorhiza sagittata is a species of flowering plant in the sunflower tribe of the plant family Asteraceae known by the common name arrowleaf balsamroot. It is native to much of western North America from British Columbia to California to the Dakotas, where it grows in many types of habitat from...
— arrowleaf balsamroot - Bidens amplissima — Vancouver Island beggarticks
- Bidens cernua — nodding beggarticks
- Bidens connata — purplestem beggarticks
- Bidens coronata — tickseed sunflower
- Bidens discoidea — swamp beggarticks
- Bidens eatonii — Eaton's beggarticks
- Bidens frondosaBidens frondosaDevil's Beggarticks is an annual herb in the family Asteraceae, native to North America. It is known by a variety of different names, including Common Beggarticks, Common Tickseed, Large-leaved Beggarticks, Devil's Bootjack, Devil's Pitchfork, and Pitchfork Weed.It is up to 2 m tall, usually with...
— Devil's beggarticks - Bidens heterodoxa — Connecticut beggarticks
- Bidens hyperborea — estuary beggarticks
- Bidens tripartitaBidens tripartitaBidens tripartita, commonly known as Three-lobe Beggarticks, Three-part Beggarticks, Leafy-bracted Beggarticks or Trifid Bur-marigold, is a flowering plant in the genus Bidens. It is native to large parts of the Northern hemisphere, including Europe, the Indian subcontinent, North America,...
— three-lobe beggarticks - Bidens vulgataBidens vulgataBidens vulgata is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name big devils beggartick. It is native to eastern North America, where it is a plant of wetlands. It is an introduced species in much of western North America as well as parts of Europe...
— tall bur-marigold - Boltonia asteroidesBoltonia asteroidesFalse aster or White doll's daisy is a species of ornamental plant.-External links:* University of Southern Indiana* United States Department of Agriculture...
— aster-like boltonia - Brickellia grandifloraBrickellia grandifloraBrickellia grandiflora is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name tasselflower brickellbush. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Missouri to Central Mexico, where it grows in many types of habitat.This is an upright perennial herb growing...
— tassel flower - Brickellia oblongifolia — narrowleaf brickell-bush
- Cacaliopsis nardosmia — silver-crown
- Canadanthus modestusCanadanthus modestusCanadanthus modestus is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family, Asteraceae....
— great northern aster - Chaenactis douglasiiChaenactis douglasiiChaenactis douglasii is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name Douglas' dustymaiden. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Saskatchewan to California to New Mexico, where it grows in a wide variety of habitats, including harsh environments...
— hoary pincushion - Chrysothamnus viscidiflorusChrysothamnus viscidiflorusChrysothamnus viscidiflorus is a species of shrub in the daisy family known by the common names yellow rabbitbrush and green rabbitbrush. It is native to western North America, from British Columbia to California to Nebraska, where it grows in sagebrush and woodland habitat. It grows easily in...
— sticky-leaf rabbitbrush - Cirsium brevistylumCirsium brevistylumCirsium brevistylum is a species of thistle known by the common names Indian thistle and clustered thistle. It is native to western North America from southwestern British Columbia to California, where it grows in moist areas in many types of habitat, from mountain forests to chaparral and coastal...
— shortstyle thistle - Cirsium canescens — prairie thistle
- Cirsium discolorCirsium discolorCirsium discolor is a species of thistle in the genus Cirsium. Field thistle has a pink or lavender flower that blooms in late summer/early fall. Field thistle is common and lives in most moist areas of eastern North America....
— field thistle - Cirsium drummondii — Drummond's thistle
- Cirsium eduleCirsium eduleCirsium edule, the Edible Thistle, is a species of thistle in the genus Cirsium, native to western North America from southeastern Alaska south through British Columbia to Washington and Oregon, and locally inland to Idaho....
— edible thistle - Cirsium flodmanii — Flodman's thistle
- Cirsium foliosum — leafy thistle
- Cirsium hilliiCirsium hilliiCirsium pumilum var. hillii is a type of thistle endemic to North America. The common name for this plant is Hill’s thistle . Alternate names for this plant include Cirsium hillii and Cirsium pumilum subsp...
— Hill's thistle - Cirsium hookerianum — Hooker's thistle
- Cirsium muticum — swamp thistle
- Cirsium pitcheri — dune thistle
- Cirsium scariosumCirsium scariosumCirsium scariosum is a species of thistle known by the common names meadow thistle and elk thistle. It is native to much of western North America from Canada to Mexico, where it grows in a variety of habitat types. This is a variable species made up of several geographic races, most of which have...
- Cirsium undulatumCirsium undulatumCirsium undulatum is a species of thistle known by the common names wavyleaf thistle and gray thistle. It is native to much of central and western North America from Canada to Mexico, and present outside of its native range as an introduced species. It is widespread and found in many habitat types....
— nodding thistle - Cirsium x vancouverense
- Conyza canadensisConyza canadensisConyza canadensis is an annual plant native throughout most of North America and Central America. Common names include Horseweed, Canadian Horseweed, Canadian Fleabane, Coltstail, Marestail and Butterweed.It is an annual plant growing to 1.5 m tall, with sparsely hairy stems...
— Canada horseweed - Coreopsis lanceolata — sand coreopsis
- Coreopsis roseaCoreopsis roseaCoreopsis rosea is a plant species of the genus Coreopsis in Asteraceae. Coreopsis species are commonly called tickseeds. It is native to eastern North America, in a number of Atlantic states and Nova Scotia, Canada. It grows in wet areas such as marsh edges. Unlike most Coreopsis species, the...
— rose coreopsis - Coreopsis tinctoria — golden tickseed
- Coreopsis tripterisCoreopsis tripterisCoreopsis tripteris is a plant species of the genus Coreopsis in Asteraceae. Coreopsis species are commonly called tickseeds. This species is one of the tallest growing coreopsis and plants bloom late summer into fall. Native from Eastern and Central United States, were it is found growing in...
— tall tickseed - Crepis atribarba — slender hawk's-beard
- Crepis elegansCrepis elegansCrepis elegans, the elegant hawksbeard, is a plant species in the genus Crepis found in North America.-See also:* List of Canadian plants by family A* List of Asters and Sunflowers of Montana-External links:* *...
— elegant hawk's-beard - Crepis intermediaCrepis intermediaCrepis intermedia is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name limestone hawksbeard. It is native to western North America, where it grows in many types of open and forested habitat. It is a perennial herb growing an erect, multibranched stem from a thick taproot,...
— smallflower hawk's-beard - Crepis modocensisCrepis modocensisCrepis modocensis is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name Modoc hawksbeard. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in several types of mountain and plateau habitat, including sagebrush...
— Siskiyou hawk's-beard - Crepis nanaCrepis nanaCrepis nana is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name dwarf alpine hawksbeard. It is native to much of northern North America and northern Asia, where it is a plant of the alpine climate and maritime regions across the Arctic. It grows in scree, on gravelly...
— dwarf alpine hawk's-beard - Crepis occidentalisCrepis occidentalisCrepis occidentalis is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name largeflower hawksbeard. It is native to most of western North America, where it grows in many types of habitat. It is a perennial herb growing a grayish woolly branching stem to about 40 centimeters in...
— grey hawk's-beard - Crepis runcinataCrepis runcinataCrepis runcinata is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name fiddleleaf hawksbeard. It is native to western and central North America, where it grows in many types of habitat. It is a variable species with many subspecies...
— nakedstem hawk's-beard - Crocidium multicaule — common spring-gold
- Dendranthema arcticum — arctic daisy
- Doellingeria umbellata — flat-top white aster
- Echinacea angustifoliaEchinacea angustifoliaEchinacea angustifolia is a herbaceous plant species in Asteraceae. The plants grow tall with spindle-shaped taproots that are often branched. The stems and leaves are moderately to densely hairy.E. angustifolia blooms late spring to mid summer...
— narrow-leaved purple coneflower - Echinacea pallidaEchinacea pallidaEchinacea pallida , commonly called Pale Purple Cone-flower, is a species of herbaceous perennial plant in the family Asteraceae. It is sometimes grown in gardens and used for medicinal purposes. Its native range is the south central region of the United States.-Description:E. pallida is similar to E...
— pale purple coneflower - Eclipta prostrata — false daisy
- Erechtites hieraciifolia — fireweed
- Ericameria nauseosa — rubber rabbitbrush
- Erigeron acris — bitter fleabane
- Erigeron alpiniformis — alpine fleabane
- Erigeron annuusErigeron annuusErigeron annuus is a plant in the daisy family, Asteraceae.-Description:Erigeron annuus is a herbaceous plant with alternate, simple leaves, and green, sparsely haired stems. The flowers are white with yellow centers, borne in spring through fall....
— whitetop fleabane - Erigeron asper — rough fleabane
- Erigeron aureus — alpine yellow fleabane
- Erigeron borealis — boreal fleabane
- Erigeron caespitosus — cæspitose fleabane
- Erigeron compositusErigeron compositusErigeron compositus, also known as Dwarf Mountain Fleabane, Cutleaf Daisy, and Trifid Mountain Fleabane, is a flowering plant in the genus Erigeron native to western North America to Greenland and eastern Canada....
— dwarf mountain fleabane - Erigeron corymbosus — longleaf fleabane
- Erigeron divergensErigeron divergensErigeron divergens is a flowering plant in the daisy family. Common names include spreading fleabane and branching fleabane. It bears small, attractive daisylike flowers with up to 150 ray flowers, giving the round flowerhead a frilly look. The flowers may be white or a light shade of purple. The...
— spreading fleabane - Erigeron elatus — tall bitter fleabane
- Erigeron evermannii — Evermann's fleabane
- Erigeron filifolius — threadleaf fleabane
- Erigeron flagellaris — running fleabane
- Erigeron formosissimus — beautiful fleabane
- Erigeron glabellus — smooth fleabane
- Erigeron grandiflorus — largeflower fleabane
- Erigeron humilis — low fleabane
- Erigeron hyperboreus — hyperboreal fleabane
- Erigeron hyssopifolius — daisy fleabane
- Erigeron lackschewitzii — front range fleabane
- Erigeron lanatusErigeron lanatusErigeron lanatus is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name woolly fleabane. It is native to western North America, where it occurs in the mountains straddling the border between British Columbia and Alberta and Montana...
— woolly fleabane - Erigeron leibergii — Leiberg's fleabane
- Erigeron linearisErigeron linearisErigeron linearis is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name desert yellow fleabane.This wildflower is native to western North America from the high mountains of California to northwestern Canada. This is a small clumping perennial daisy reaching a maximum height...
— linearleaf fleabane - Erigeron lonchophyllusErigeron lonchophyllusErigeron lonchophyllus is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name shortray fleabane. It is native to North America including most all of Canada and the western and north-central United States. It occurs in many types of moist habitat and disturbed areas...
— short-ray fleabane - Erigeron mexiae — Mex' fleabane
- Erigeron ochroleucus — buff fleabane
- Erigeron pallens — pale fleabane
- Erigeron peregrinusErigeron peregrinusErigeron peregrinus is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names subalpine fleabane and wandering daisy....
— foreign fleabane - Erigeron philadelphicusErigeron philadelphicusErigeron philadelphicus is a plant in the daisy family, Asteraceae. Also known as Skevish or Philadelphia Daisy.- Description :...
— Philadelphia fleabane - Erigeron poliospermus — hairyseed fleabane
- Erigeron pulchellusErigeron pulchellusErigeron pulchellus ' is a very pale purplish-blue daisy in the Asteraceae family. Its genus — Erigeron — contains many other species with its name.-External links:* profile at the USDA plants database...
— robin's-plantain - Erigeron pumilus — shaggy fleabane
- Erigeron purpuratus — purple fleabane
- Erigeron radicatus — tap-rooted fleabane
- Erigeron salishii — Salish's daisy
- Erigeron scotteri — Scotter's fleabane
- Erigeron speciosus — Aspen fleabane
- Erigeron strigosusErigeron strigosusErigeron strigosus is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name plains fleabane.It is native to eastern North America, and it is present in western North America as a somewhat weedy naturalized species. This is an annual or biennial daisy reaching heights of anywhere...
— daisy fleabane - Erigeron subtrinervis — three-nerve fleabane
- Erigeron uniflorus — one-flower fleabane
- Erigeron x arthurii
- Erigeron yukonensis — Yukon fleabane
- Eriophyllum lanatum — common woolly-sunflower
- Eucephalus engelmanniiEucephalus engelmanniiEucephalus engelmannii is a species of aster known by the common name Engelmann's aster. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in mountain woods and meadows...
— Engelmann's aster - Eucephalus paucicapitatus — olympic aster
- Eupatorium altissimumEupatorium altissimumEupatorium altissimum is a perennial plant whose native range includes much of the eastern United States and Canada. It almost always grows on limestone soils, as does Brickellia eupatorioides, which it is potentially confused with...
— tall boneset - Eupatorium dubium — joe-pye thoroughwort
- Eupatorium fistulosum — hollow joe-pyeweed
- Eupatorium maculatum — spotted joe-pyeweed
- Eupatorium perfoliatumEupatorium perfoliatumEupatorium perfoliatum or Boneset is a common perennial plant native to the Eastern United States and Canada, with a range from Nova Scotia to Florida, as well as from Louisiana and Texas through North Dakota. It is also called "agueweed", "feverwort" or "sweating-plant"...
— common boneset - Eupatorium purpureumEupatorium purpureumEutrochium purpureum , Kidney-root, Sweetscented Joe-Pie weed, Sweet Joe-Pye weed, or Trumpet weed is a herbaceous perennial plant native to eastern and central North America....
— sweet joe-pyeweed - Eupatorium x truncatum
- Eurybia conspicuaEurybia conspicuaEurybia conspicua, commonly known as the Western Showy Aster, is an herbaceous perennial in the composite family. It is native to northwestern North America and is present in both Canada and the United States....
— showy aster - Eurybia divaricataEurybia divaricataEurybia divaricata , commonly known as the white wood aster, is an herbaceous plant native to eastern North America. It occurs in the eastern United States, primarily in the Appalachian mountains, though it is also present in southeastern Canada, but only in about 25 populations in the provinces of...
— white wood-aster - Eurybia macrophyllaEurybia macrophyllaEurybia macrophylla, commonly known as the Bigleaf Aster, Largeleaf Aster or Largeleaf or Bigleaf Wood Aster, is an herbaceous perennial in the composite family that was formerly treated in the genus Aster...
— largeleaf wood-aster - Eurybia meritaEurybia meritaEurybia merita, commonly known as the subalpine aster or arctic aster , is an herbaceous perennial native to northwestern North America, primarily from the Interior Mountains and Plateau system and Rocky Mountains in Canada, stretching south to Utah and extreme northern California...
— arctic aster - Eurybia pygmaea — pygmy wood-aster
- Eurybia radulaEurybia radulaEurybia radula, commonly known as the low rough aster or rough wood aster, is an herbaceous perennial in the aster family. It is native to eastern North America where it is present from Newfoundland and Labrador in the far northeast of Canada, west to Ontario and south to Kentucky and Virginia in...
— rough wood-aster - Eurybia radulinaEurybia radulinaEurybia radulina , commonly known as the Roughleaf Aster, is an herbaceous perennial in the composite family. It is native to western North America, where it is present primarily west of the Cascade Range in both Canada and the United States. -External links:***...
— roughleaf aster - Eurybia schreberiEurybia schreberiEurybia schreberi, commonly called Schreber's Aster, is a perennial herb in the composite family. It is native to eastern North America, where it is present in Canada and the United States. The flowers emerge in the late summer or early fall to show white ray florets and yellow disc florets...
— Schreiber's aster - Eurybia sibiricaEurybia sibiricaEurybia sibirica, commonly known as the Siberian aster or arctic aster, is an herbaceous perennial native to north western North America and northern Eurasia, stretching from Scandinavia to Canada. It is found largely in open areas of subarctic boreal forests, though it is also found in a wide...
— Siberian aster - Euthamia caroliniana — slender fragrant goldenrod
- Euthamia galetorum — narrowleaf fragrant goldenrod
- Euthamia graminifoliaEuthamia graminifoliaEuthamia graminifolia is a plant in the daisy family, Asteraceae.It is native to much of North America, and also has introduced populations in Europe and Asia.-Description:...
— flat-top fragrant goldenrod - Euthamia gymnospermoides — viscid bushy goldenrod
- Euthamia occidentalisEuthamia occidentalisEuthamia occidentalis is a flowering plant known by the common names western goldentop and western goldenrod. It is a scrubby perennial plant with many green stems which age into a dull brownish-green, small leaves, and plentiful yellowish clusters of flowers...
— western fragrant goldenrod - Gaillardia aristataGaillardia aristataGaillardia aristata is a species of flowering plant in the sunflower family known by the common names common blanketflower and common gaillardia....
— great blanket-flower - Gaillardia pulchellaGaillardia pulchellaGaillardia pulchella , is a short-lived perennial or annual flowering plant native to the central United States.-Growth:...
— firewheel blanket-flower - Gamochaeta ustulata — featherweed
- Gnaphalium obtusifolium — fragrant cudweed
- Gnaphalium palustreGnaphalium palustreGnaphalium palustre is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name western marsh cudweed. It is native to much of western North America, where it is common in many habitats. This is an annual herb growing erect stems which may be short or up to about 30 centimeters...
— western marsh cudweed - Gnaphalium viscosum — winged cudweed
- Grindelia hirsutulaGrindelia hirsutulaGrindelia hirsutula is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names hairy gumplant and hairy gumweed. It is native to North America, including much of the west coast of the United States and the southern half of Canada. It grows in many habitats and climates...
— hairy gumweed - Grindelia integrifolia — Puget Sound gumweed
- Grindelia nanaGrindelia nanaGrindelia nana is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names Idaho gumplant and Idaho gumweed. It is native to western North America, especially the western United States, where it can be found in a number of dry habitats. This is a weedlike perennial herb growing...
— Idaho gumweed - Grindelia nuda — curly-top gumweed
- Grindelia squarrosaGrindelia squarrosaGrindelia squarrosa is a small North American biennial or short-lived perennial plant which grows to a height of 90 cm and bears yellow flowers from June to September. It was discovered by Lewis and Clark and before that it had been used by Great Plains Tribes as a medicinal herb.-External...
— broadleaf gumweed - Grindelia strictaGrindelia strictaGrindelia stricta is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names Oregon gumplant and Oregon gumweed. It is native to the west coast of North America from California to Alaska, where it is a resident of coastal plant communities such as those in marshes and beaches...
— Oregon gumweed - Gutierrezia sarothraeGutierrezia sarothraeGutierrezia sarothrae is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names broom snakeweed and perennial matchweed. It is native to much of the western half of North America, from central Canada to northern Mexico...
— broom snakeweed - Helenium autumnaleHelenium autumnaleHelenium autumnale is a flowering plant native to North America. Common names include common sneezeweed and large-flowered sneezeweed.-Natural habitat and distribution:...
— common sneezeweed - Helianthella uniflora — Rocky Mountain rockrose
- Helianthus annuus — common sunflower
- Helianthus couplandii — Coupland's sunflower
- Helianthus decapetalus — thin-leaved sunflower
- Helianthus divaricatusHelianthus divaricatusHelianthus divaricatus, commonly known as the woodland sunflower, is a perennial herb in the composite family. It is native to eastern North America, from Ontario and Quebec in the north, south to Florida and west to Oklahoma and Iowa. It commonly occurs in dry, relatively open sites...
— woodland sunflower - Helianthus giganteusHelianthus giganteusHelianthus giganteus , is a species of Helianthus native to the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, from Nova Scotia and Ontario west to Minnesota and south to Mississippi and Georgia....
— tall sunflower - Helianthus maximilianiHelianthus maximilianiHelianthus maximiliani is a species of sunflower known by the common name Maximilian sunflower.Native to much of the eastern half of North America, it is found in parts of the western half as an introduced species. The plant thrives in a number of ecosystems, particularly across the plains in...
— Maximillian's sunflower - Helianthus nuttallii — Nuttall's sunflower
- Helianthus pauciflorusHelianthus pauciflorusThe Stiff Sunflower is an ornamental plant in the Asteraceae family.-External links:*...
— stiff sunflower - Helianthus petiolaris — prairie sunflower
- Helianthus strumosus — paleleaf sunflower
- Helianthus tuberosus — Jerusalem artichoke
- Helianthus x alexidis
- Helianthus x laetiflorus — hybrid prairie sunflower
- Helianthus x luxurians
- Heliopsis helianthoides — smooth oxeye
- Heterotheca villosa — hairy false goldenaster
- Hieracium albiflorumHieracium albiflorumThe common wildflower Hieracium albiflorum is known by the names white hawkweed and white-flowered hawkweed.It is found in western North America, from Alaska to California and east to the Rockies...
— whiteflower hawkweed - Hieracium canadense — Canada hawkweed
- Hieracium cynoglossoides — hound's-tongue hawkweed
- Hieracium gracileHieracium gracileHieracium gracile is a species of hawkweed known by the common name slender hawkweed. It is native to much of the northwestern United States and parts of British Columbia, where it grows in moist mountain forests. Two varieties are native to Alaska...
— alpine hawkweed - Hieracium groenlandicum — Greenland hawkweed
- Hieracium gronovii — hairy hawkweed
- Hieracium kalmii — Kalm's hawkweed
- Hieracium laevigatumHieracium laevigatumHieracium laevigatum or Smooth Hawkweed is very similar to Hieracium sabaudum and can be found on dry, more or less nutrient rich soil in light woods, grassy embankments and fields, or on walls.- Distribution :H...
— smooth hawkweed - Hieracium marianum — Maryland hawkweed
- Hieracium paniculatum — panicled hawkweed
- Hieracium plicatum — boreal hawkweed
- Hieracium robinsonii — Robinson's hawkweed
- Hieracium scabrum — rough hawkweed
- Hieracium scouleriHieracium scouleriHieracium scouleri is a species of hawkweed known by the common name Scouler's woollyweed. It is native to western North America from Manitoba to California, where it grows in a variety of mountainous habitats. This plant produces a basal rosette of long, narrow leaves 10 to 20 centimeters long,...
— Scouler's hawkweed - Hieracium triste — woolly hawkweed
- Hieracium umbellatum — umbellate hawkweed
- Hieracium venosumHieracium venosumHieracium venosum is a species of Hieracium. It shares its name with the Blue Hill Daisy , as well as other Erigeron species alike....
— rattlesnake hawkweed - Hieracium x dutillyanum
- Hieracium x fassettii
- Hieracium x fernaldii
- Hieracium x flagellare
- Hieracium x grohii
- Hieracium x stoloniflorum
- Hymenopappus filifoliusHymenopappus filifoliusHymenopappus filifolius is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common names fineleaf hymenopappus and Columbia cutleaf. It is native to western North America from west central Canada to northern Mexico. It grows in a number of habitats, often in arid regions...
— fineleaf woolly-white - Hymenoxys richardsonii — Richardson's bitterweed
- Ionactis linariifolius — flaxleaf aster
- Ionactis stenomeres — Rocky Mountain aster
- Iva axillaris — small-flowered marsh-elder
- Iva frutescens — bigleaf marsh-elder
- Jaumea carnosaJaumea carnosaJaumea carnosa, known by the common names marsh jaumea, fleshy jaumea, or simply jaumea, is a halophytic salt marsh plant native to the west coast of North America. It has succulent green leaves on soft pinkish-green stems, not unlike ice plant in appearance. Its flowers are yellow...
— fleshy jaumea - Krigia biflora — two-flower dwarf-dandelion
- Krigia virginica — Virginia dwarf-dandelion
- Lactuca biennisLactuca biennisLactuca biennis is a species of wild lettuce known by the common names tall blue lettuce and blue wood lettuce. It is native to the eastern half of the United States and Canada, but it can also be found in much of the western half as an introduced species. This is a biennial herb in the daisy...
— tall blue lettuce - Lactuca canadensisLactuca canadensisLactuca canadensis is a species of wild lettuce known by the common name Canada lettuce, or Canada wild lettuce. It is native to much of North America, especially in eastern regions, but it can be found all across the continent, having been introduced widely...
— Canada lettuce - Lactuca floridana — woodland lettuce
- Lactuca hirsuta — hairy lettuce
- Lactuca ludoviciana — western lettuce
- Lactuca tatarica — Tartarian lettuce
- Lactuca terrae-novae — Newfoundland lettuce
- Lasthenia maritimaLasthenia maritimaLasthenia maritima is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name maritime goldfields. It is native to the coastline of western North America, where it is found almost exclusively on small rocky, coastal islands in the Pacific Ocean between Vancouver Island in British...
— maritime goldfields - Leucanthemum integrifolium — entire-leaf daisy
- Liatris asperaLiatris asperaLiatris aspera also known as the lacerate, rough, tall or prairie blazing star is a wildflower that is found the mid to eastern United States in habitats that range from mesic to dry prairie and dry savanna....
— tall gayfeather - Liatris cylindraceaLiatris cylindraceaLiatris cylindracea, also known as Barrelhead gayfeather, Cylindrical blazing star, or Ontario blazing star, is a plant species in the aster family Asteraceae and genus Liatris. It is native to north eastern and central North America, where it is found in habitats such as prairies, limestone and...
— slender blazingstar - Liatris ligulistylis — strapstyle gayfeather
- Liatris punctataLiatris punctataLiatris punctata is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names dotted gayfeather, dotted blazingstar, and narrow-leaved blazingstar. It is native to North America, where it occurs throughout the plains of central Canada, the central United States, and northern...
— dotted gayfeather - Liatris spheroidea — spherical gayfeather
- Liatris spicataLiatris spicataLiatris spicata, the dense blazing star or prairie gay feather, is an herbaceous perennial plant native throughout most of eastern North America....
— marsh blazingstar - Liatris x creditonensis
- Liatris x gladewitzii
- Luina hypoleucaLuina hypoleucaLuina hypoleuca is a species of the genus Luina and the family Asteraceae. Found in North America on open and usually rocky places between altitudes of 70–2100 meters in British Columbia, California, Oregon and Washington.-External links:***...
— littleleaf silverback - Lygodesmia juncea — rush skeletonplant
- Machaeranthera canescensMachaeranthera canescensMachaeranthera canescens is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names hoary tansyaster and hoary-aster. It is native to western and central North America, where it is a common plant in many regions and habitat types...
— hoary tansy-aster - Machaeranthera grindelioides — western aster
- Machaeranthera pinnatifida — spiny goldenaster
- Madia exiguaMadia exiguaMadia exigua is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names small tarweed and threadstem madia.-Range:...
— little tarweed - Madia glomerataMadia glomerataMadia glomerata is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name mountain tarweed.-Range:Madia glomerata is the most widely distributed Madia, its native range covering much of western and northern North America from Alaska to the Southwestern United States, most of...
— mountain tarweed - Madia gracilisMadia gracilisMadia gracilis is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names grassy tarweed and slender tarweed.-Range:...
— grassy tarweed - Madia madioides — woodland tarweed
- Madia minima — smallhead tarweed
- Matricaria discoidea — pineapple-weed chamomile
- Megalodonta beckii — Beck's water-marigold
- Microseris bigeloviiMicroseris bigeloviiMicroseris bigelovii is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name coastal silverpuffs. It is native to the west coast of North America, where its range extends from the southern tip of Vancouver Island to the northern coast of California.-Distribution:Its...
— coast microseris - Microseris borealis — northern microseris
- Microseris lindleyi — Lindley's silverpuffs
- Microseris nutansMicroseris nutansMicroseris nutans is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name nodding microseris. It is native to western North America, including southwestern Canada and much of the western United States, including the Sierra Nevada in California, where it grows in many types of...
— nodding silverpuffs - Mikania scandens — climbing hempweed
- Nothocalais cuspidata — prairie false-dandelion
- Nothocalais troximoidesNothocalais troximoidesNothocalais troximoides is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name sagebrush false dandelion. It is native to western North America, including British Columbia and the northwestern United States, where it grows in sagebrush and other plateau and mountain habitat...
— weevil false-dandelion - Oclemena acuminata — whorled aster
- Oclemena nemoralis — bog aster
- Oclemena x blakei — Blake's aster
- Oligoneuron album — prairie goldenrod
- Oligoneuron houghtoniiOligoneuron houghtoniiOligoneuron houghtonii is a rare species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name Houghton's goldenrod. It is native to southern Ontario in Canada and northern Michigan in the United States. It is threatened by the loss and degradation of its habitat...
— Houghton's goldenrod - Oligoneuron ohioense — Ohio goldenrod
- Oligoneuron riddellii — Riddell's goldenrod
- Oligoneuron rigidum — stiff goldenrod
- Oligoneuron x bernardii
- Oligoneuron x krotkovii
- Oligoneuron x lutescens — upland aster
- Oligoneuron x maheuxii
- Omalotheca norvegica — Norwegian cudweed
- Omalotheca supina — alpine cudweed
- Omalotheca sylvatica — woodland cudweed
- Packera aurea — golden ragwort
- Packera canaPackera canaPackera cana is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name woolly groundsel. It is native to western and central North America, where it can be found in a wide array of habitat types at all elevations from grassland to the alpine climates of mountain peaks.It is a...
— silvery ragwort - Packera contermina — northwestern groundsel
- Packera cymbalaria — dwarf arctic groundsel
- Packera hyperborealis — boreal groundsel
- Packera indecoraPackera indecoraPackera indecora is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names elegant groundsel and rayless mountain ragwort. It is native to northern North America including most of Canada and sections of the northernmost United States...
— plains ragwort - Packera macouniiPackera macouniiPackera macounii is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name Siskiyou Mountains ragwort. It is native to the west coast of North America from British Columbia to far northern California, where it grows in chaparral and mountain forests, often on serpentine soils.It...
— Siskiyou Mountains butterweed - Packera moresbiensis — Queen Charlotte groundsel
- Packera obovataPackera obovataPackera obovata, a species of Ragwort, is an erect perennial herb native to Eastern North America. The plant was previously called Senecio obovatus....
— roundleaf groundsel - Packera ogotorukensis — Ogotoruk Creek groundsel
- Packera paucifloraPackera paucifloraPackera pauciflora is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name alpine groundsel. It is native to northern North America, where it can be found in parts of western and eastern Canada and the northwestern United States...
— few-flower ragwort - Packera pauperculaPackera pauperculaPackera paupercula is a flowering plant species of the genus Packera and family Asteraceae, native to many parts of northern North America and the southeastern United States....
— balsam ragwort - Packera plattensisPackera plattensisPackera plattensis, also known as prairie ragwort or prairie groundsel is a species of the genus Packera and family Asteraceae. It used to be a Senecio....
— prairie ragwort - Packera pseudaureaPackera pseudaureaPackera pseudaurea is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name falsegold groundsel. It is native to North America, where it can be found in western and central parts of Canada and the United States...
— western golden groundsel - Packera schweinitziana — Robbin's squawweed
- Packera streptanthifoliaPackera streptanthifoliaPackera streptanthifolia is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name Rocky Mountain groundsel. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to New Mexico, where it can be found in mountain habitat including woodlands and rocky slopes.It is a...
— cleftleaf ragwort - Packera tridenticulata — three-tooth groundsel
- Petasites frigidusPetasites frigidusPetasites frigidus is a species of Petasites native to Arctic to cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in northern Europe, northern Asia and northern North America.It is a herbaceous perennial plant producing flowering stems in early spring, and large leaves through the summer...
— arctic butterbur - Petasites sagittatus — arrowleaf sweet colt's-foot
- Petasites x vitifolius
- Picradeniopsis oppositifolia — oppositeleaf false bahia
- Polymnia canadensisPolymnia canadensisPolymnia canadensis, commonly known as whiteflower leafcup, is a flowering plant native to eastern North America from Ontario south to Alabama and from Kansas east to Vermont and Connecticut. It is considered endangered in the latter two states....
— whiteflower leafcup - Prenanthes alata — western rattlesnake-root
- Prenanthes alba — white rattlesnake-root
- Prenanthes altissima — tall rattlesnake-root
- Prenanthes nana — dwarf rattlesnake-root
- Prenanthes racemosa — glaucous rattlesnake-root
- Prenanthes sagittata — arrowleaf rattlesnake-root
- Prenanthes trifoliolata — three-leaved rattlesnake-root
- Prenanthes x mainensis
- Pseudognaphalium canescensPseudognaphalium canescensPseudognaphalium canescens is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name Wright's cudweed. It is native to western North America from western Canada to northern Mexico. It can be found in many habitats, from mountains to plateau to coastline. The many-branched stem...
— Wright's cudweed - Psilocarphus brevissimusPsilocarphus brevissimusPsilocarphus brevissimus is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name short woollyheads. It is native to western North America from southwestern Canada, California, to northwestern Mexico, as well as southern South America, where it grows in moist flats, such as...
— round woolly-heads - Psilocarphus elatiorPsilocarphus elatiorPsilocarphus elatior is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names tall woollyheads and meadow woollyheads. It is native to the Pacific Northwest in western North America from Vancouver Island, where it is known from just a few occurrences, to northern California...
— tall woolly-heads - Psilocarphus tenellusPsilocarphus tenellusPsilocarphus tenellus is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names slender woollyheads and slender woolly marbles...
— slender woolly-heads - Pyrrocoma carthamoidesPyrrocoma carthamoidesPyrrocoma carthamoides is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name largeflower goldenweed. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to northeastern California to Wyoming, where it is known from grassland, woodlands, forests, barren areas, and...
— largeflower goldenweed - Pyrrocoma lanceolataPyrrocoma lanceolataPyrrocoma lanceolata is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name lanceleaf goldenweed. It is native to western North America from central Canada to northeastern California to Colorado, where it grows in many types of habitat, including disturbed places and areas...
— lance-leaved goldenweed - Pyrrocoma unifloraPyrrocoma unifloraPyrrocoma uniflora is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name plantain goldenweed. It is native to western North America from central Canada to California to Colorado, where it grows in several types of habitat, including forest and meadows with alkali soils, such...
— plantain goldenweed - Ratibida columniferaRatibida columniferaRatibida columnifera, commonly known as Upright Prairie Coneflower or Mexican Hat, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family, Asteraceae, that is native to much of North America....
— upright prairie coneflower - Ratibida pinnata — greyhead prairie coneflower
- Rudbeckia fulgidaRudbeckia fulgidaRudbeckia fulgida Orange Coneflower, is a perennial plant native to eastern North America.- Description :Rudbeckia fulgida are perennial herbaceous plants growing up to 120 cm tall, growing from rosettes that develop at the end of stolons.- Growth and reproduction :In the garden, this plant...
— orange coneflower - Rudbeckia hirtaRudbeckia hirtaRudbeckia hirta, the Black-eyed Susan, with the other common names of: Brown-eyed Susan, Brown Betty, Brown Daisy , Gloriosa Daisy, Golden Jerusalem, Poorland Daisy, Yellow Daisy, and Yellow Ox-eye Daisy. It is a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae...
— black-eyed susan - Rudbeckia laciniataRudbeckia laciniataThe Cutleaf, Cutleaf Coneflower, Goldenglow, Green-headed Coneflower, Tall Coneflower or, Thimbleweed is a large perennial forb, native to Eastern North America, most often found in flood plains and moist soils. This plant grows up to 3 meters tall, with slightly glaucous leaves, and composite...
— cut-leaved coneflower - Saussurea americanaSaussurea americanaSaussurea americana is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name American saw-wort. It is native to northwestern North America from Alaska to far northern California to Montana, where it grows in mountain habitat, such as meadows and forests...
— American saw-wort - Saussurea angustifolia — narrowleaf saw-wort
- Saussurea densa — clustered saw-wort
- Saussurea viscida — sticky saw-wort
- Senecio congestusSenecio congestusSenecio congestus, also known by its common names Swamp Ragwort, Northern Swamp Groundsel, Marsh Fleabane, Marsh Fleawort, Clustered Marsh Ragwort and Mastodon Flower, a herbaceous member of the Asteraceae family and the Senecio genus, can be seen most easily when its bright yellow umbel flowers...
— marsh ragwort - Senecio cymbalarioides — cleftleaf groundsel
- Senecio elmeri — Elmer's ragwort
- Senecio eremophilus — desert groundsel
- Senecio fremontiiSenecio fremontiiSenecio fremontii is a species of the genus Senecio and family Asteraceae. It takes its scientific name from John C. Frémont....
— Fremont's ragwort - Senecio hydrophiloidesSenecio hydrophiloidesSenecio hydrophiloides is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names tall groundsel and sweet marsh ragwort. It is native to western North America from British Columbia and Alberta to northern California to Utah, where it grows in wet meadows and similar habitat...
— sweet marsh ragwort - Senecio hydrophilusSenecio hydrophilusSenecio hydrophilus is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names water ragwort and alkali marsh groundsel. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in swampy places such as marshes. It can grow in standing...
— great swamp ragwort - Senecio integerrimusSenecio integerrimusSenecio integerrimus is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names lambstongue ragwort and tall western groundsel. It is native to western and central North America, where it grows in grassland, forest, and other habitat...
— entire-leaf ragwort - Senecio lugens — blacktip groundsel
- Senecio megacephalus — Nuttall's ragwort
- Senecio pseudoarnica — seabeach groundsel
- Senecio sheldonensis — Mount Sheldon groundsel
- Senecio triangularisSenecio triangularisSenecio triangularis, known as arrowleaf groundsel and arrowleaf butterweed, is a species of the genus Senecio and family Asteraceae.-Distribution:Native:...
— arrowleaf groundsel - Sericocarpus rigidus — Curtus' aster
- Shinnersoseris rostrata — annual skeletonweed
- Silphium laciniatumSilphium laciniatumSilphium laciniatum is a species of flowering plant in the genus Silphium...
— compass plant - Silphium perfoliatumSilphium perfoliatumSilphium perfoliatum is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in Asteraceae, the aster family, it is native from Eastern and Central North America. It grows in prairies, open woodlands, and on stream banks....
— cup-plant - Silphium terebinthinaceum — prairie rosinweed
- Sinosenecio newcombei — Newcombe's groundsel
- Solidago altissimaSolidago altissimaSolidago altissima, late goldenrod, is a species of goldenrod native to much of North America. It is common in much of its range, and fairly tolerant of landscapes which have been disturbed by humans. It has been introduced to many parts of the world.-Description:S. altissima is one to two meters...
— tall goldenrod - Solidago arguta — cutleaf goldenrod
- Solidago bicolor — white goldenrod
- Solidago caesiaSolidago caesiaSolidago caesia, or Blue-Stemmed Goldenrod, is a flowering plant in the United States....
— bluestem goldenrod - Solidago calcicola — rock goldenrod
- Solidago canadensisSolidago canadensisSolidago canadensis is an herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae native to North America. It is often grown as a wildflower....
— Canada goldenrod - Solidago cutleri — Cutler's goldenrod
- Solidago flexicaulisSolidago flexicaulisSolidago flexicaulis is an herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae native to the United States. It is often grown as a wildflower.-External links:***...
— broad-leaved goldenrod - Solidago giganteaSolidago giganteaSolidago gigantea is a plant species in the genus Solidago. Its common name is giant goldenrod.It is the state flower of Kentucky and Nebraska.-External links:****...
— smooth goldenrod - Solidago hispida — hairy goldenrod
- Solidago junceaSolidago junceaSolidago juncea is an herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae native to Canada and the United States. It is often grown as a wildflower.-External links:**...
— early goldenrod - Solidago latissimifolia — Elliott's goldenrod
- Solidago macrophylla — largeleaf goldenrod
- Solidago missouriensis — Missouri goldenrod
- Solidago mollis — ground goldenrod
- Solidago multiradiataSolidago multiradiataSolidago multiradiata is a species of goldenrod known by the common names Rocky Mountain goldenrod, northern goldenrod, and alpine goldenrod. It is native to North America, where it can be found throughout the northern regions, including most all of Canada and Alaska, including territory within the...
— alpine goldenrod - Solidago nemoralisSolidago nemoralisSolidago nemoralis, or Gray Goldenrod, is a flowering plant in the United States....
— field goldenrod - Solidago patulaSolidago patulaSolidago patula is a species of goldenrod found in wetlands, especially swamps, fens & sedge meadows. It is native to most of the eastern United States, as far west as Wisconsin and Texas. There are two subspecies....
— roundleaf goldenrod - Solidago puberula — downy goldenrod
- Solidago rugosaSolidago rugosaSolidago rugosa, or Wrinkle Leaf Goldenrod, is a flowering plant in the United States....
— roughleaf goldenrod - Solidago sempervirensSolidago sempervirensSolidago sempervirens is a plant species in the genus Solidago of the Asteraceae family. It is native to eastern North America and parts of the Caribbean. It is an introduced species in the Great Lakes region and the Azores....
— seaside goldenrod - Solidago simplex — sticky goldenrod
- Solidago speciosaSolidago speciosaSolidago speciosa, or Showy Goldenrod, is a flowering plant in the United States....
— showy goldenrod - Solidago squarrosa — squarrose goldenrod
- Solidago uliginosa — bog goldenrod
- Solidago ulmifolia — elmleaf goldenrod
- Solidago victorinii — Victorin's goldenrod
- Solidago x asperula
- Solidago x beaudryi
- Solidago x erskinei
- Solidago x luteus
- Solidago x raymondii
- Stenotus acaulisStenotus acaulisStenotus acaulis is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name stemless mock goldenweed. It is native to the western United States, where it grows in rocky soils in sagebrush plateau and mountain habitats. It is a perennial herb usually forming a compact tuft or mat...
— stemless mock goldenweed - Stenotus armerioides — thrift mock goldenweed
- Stenotus macleanii — MacLean's goldenweed
- Stephanomeria minor — narrowleaf skeletonplant
- Stephanomeria runcinata — desert skeletonplant
- Stephanomeria spinosa — thorny wire-lettuce
- Symphyotrichum anticostense — Anticosti aster
- Symphyotrichum ascendensSymphyotrichum ascendensSymphyotrichum ascendens is a species of aster known by the common names western aster and longleaf aster. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Saskatchewan, the Sierra Nevada in California, to Arizona and New Mexico...
— western aster - Symphyotrichum boreale — boreal aster
- Symphyotrichum campestreSymphyotrichum campestreSymphyotrichum campestre is a species of aster known by the common name western meadow aster. It is native to much of western North America from British Columbia, California, and the Rocky Mountains region, to Arizona and New Mexico., where it grows in many habitat types, generally at some...
— western meadow-aster - Symphyotrichum ciliatum — alkali American-aster
- Symphyotrichum ciliolatum — Lindley's aster
- Symphyotrichum cordifoliumSymphyotrichum cordifoliumSymphyotrichum cordifolium, commonly known as the Heartleaf Aster or Common Blue Wood Aster, is an herbaceous perennial native to eastern North America, where it is present from Manitoba in Canada, east to Nova Scotia and south through the United States to Georgia...
— heartleaf aster - Symphyotrichum dumosum — bushy aster
- Symphyotrichum eatoniiSymphyotrichum eatoniiSymphyotrichum eatonii is a species of aster known by the common name Eaton's aster. It is native to much of western North America from British Columbia to Saskatchewan, the Sierra Nevada in California, the Rocky Mountains region, to Arizona and New Mexico, where it grows in many habitat types,...
— Eaton's aster - Symphyotrichum ericoidesSymphyotrichum ericoidesSymphyotrichum ericoides, commonly known as the White Aster or Heath Aster, is an herbaceous perennial in the composite family...
— white heath aster - Symphyotrichum falcatum — white prairie aster
- Symphyotrichum foliaceum — leafy-bracted aster
- Symphyotrichum frondosumSymphyotrichum frondosumSymphyotrichum frondosum is a species of aster known by the common name short-rayed alkali aster.-Distribution:...
— alkali aster - Symphyotrichum hendersonii — Henderson's American-aster
- Symphyotrichum laeveSymphyotrichum laeveSymphyotrichum laeve is a flowering plant native to the United States and North America.-External links:*...
— smooth blue aster - Symphyotrichum lanceolatum — panicled aster
- Symphyotrichum lateriflorum — starved aster
- Symphyotrichum laurentianum — St. Lawrence aster
- Symphyotrichum novae-angliae — New England aster
- Symphyotrichum novi-belgiiSymphyotrichum novi-belgiiSymphyotrichum novi-belgii also known as New York Aster is the type species for Symphyotrichum, a genus of the family Asteraceae whose species were once considered to be Asters and an ornamental plant native to Canada and the United States....
— longleaf aster - Symphyotrichum ontarionis — Ontario aster
- Symphyotrichum oolentangiense — sky blue aster
- Symphyotrichum pilosumSymphyotrichum pilosumSymphyotrichum pilosum, previously Aster pilosus, of the family Asteraceae is a flower located in the United States. Frost Aster and White Heath Aster are its common names....
— white heath aster - Symphyotrichum praealtum — willow aster
- Symphyotrichum prenanthoides — crooked-stem aster
- Symphyotrichum puniceumSymphyotrichum puniceumSymphyotrichum puniceum , commonly known as Purplestem Aster, Red-stemmed Aster or Swamp Aster, is an herbaceous perennial native to eastern North America...
— swamp aster - Symphyotrichum racemosum — small white aster
- Symphyotrichum robynsianum — Robyns' American-aster
- Symphyotrichum sericeumSymphyotrichum sericeumSymphyotrichum sericeum is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by several common names, including western silver aster and silky aster. It is native to the central plains of North America.-Distribution:...
— western silvery aster - Symphyotrichum shortii — Short's aster
- Symphyotrichum spathulatum — western mountain aster
- Symphyotrichum subspicatum — Douglas' aster
- Symphyotrichum subulatum — annual saltmarsh aster
- Symphyotrichum tradescantii — Tradescant's aster
- Symphyotrichum undulatum — wavyleaf aster
- Symphyotrichum urophyllum — white-arrow aster
- Symphyotrichum x amethystinum
- Symphyotrichum yukonense — Yukon aster
- Tanacetum bipinnatum — Lake Huron tansy
- Taraxacum carneocoloratum — pink dandelion
- Taraxacum eriophorum — wool-bearing dandelion
- Taraxacum lyratum — alpine dandelion
- Taraxacum officinaleTaraxacum officinaleTaraxacum officinale, the common dandelion , is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae . It can be found growing in temperate regions of the world, in lawns, on roadsides, on disturbed banks and shores of water ways, and other areas with moist soils. T...
— common dandelion - Taraxacum phymatocarpum — northern dandelion
- Tephroseris atropurpurea — dark purple groundsel
- Tephroseris kjellmanii — Kjellman's squawweed
- Tephroseris lindstroemii — twice-hairy groundsel
- Tephroseris yukonensis — Yukon groundsel
- Tetradymia canescensTetradymia canescensTetradymia argyraea is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names spineless horsebrush and gray horsebrush. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to New Mexico, where it grows in sagebrush, woodlands, forest, scrubby open plains,...
— grey horsebrush - Tetraneuris acaulis — stemless four-nerve daisy
- Tetraneuris herbaceaTetraneuris herbaceaTetraneuris herbacea is a rare species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names lakeside daisy, eastern four-nerved daisy, fournerved starflower, and Manitoulin gold. It is native to the Great Lakes region in North America, where it is present in Ontario, Ohio, Michigan, and...
— lakeside daisy - Thelesperma subnudum — border goldthread
- Tonestus lyalliiTonestus lyalliiTonestus lyallii is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names Lyall's goldenweed and Lyall's serpentweed. It is native to western North America, particularly in the Rocky Mountains and the mountain ranges of the Pacific Northwest with scattered occurrences between...
— Lyall's haplopappus - Townsendia condensataTownsendia condensataTownsendia condensata is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name cushion Townsend daisy. It is native to North America where it is known from many scattered occurrences in the mountains of the western United States and Alberta in Canada...
— cushion townsend-daisy - Townsendia exscapa — silky townsend-daisy
- Townsendia hookeri — Hooker's townsend-daisy
- Townsendia parryi — Parry's townsend-daisy
- Tripleurospermum maritima — false chamomile
- Verbesina alternifolia — wingstem
- Vernonia fasciculata — fascicled ironweed
- Vernonia gigantea — giant ironweed
- Vernonia missurica — Missouri ironweed
- Xanthium strumariumXanthium strumariumXanthium strumarium is a species of annual plants belonging to the Asteraceae family...
— rough cocklebur
- Aulacomnium acuminatum — acutetip aulacomnium moss
- Aulacomnium androgynum
- Aulacomnium heterostichum
- Aulacomnium palustreAulacomnium palustreAulacomnium palustre is a moss that is nearly cosmopolitan in distribution. It occurs in North America, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Eurasia, and New Zealand. In North America, it occurs across southern arctic, subboreal, and boreal regions from Alaska and British Columbia to Greenland and...
— aulacomnium moss - Aulacomnium turgidum
AytoniaceaeAytoniaceaeAytoniaceae is a family of liverworts in order Marchantiales.Synonyms :Grimaldiaceae, K. Müll., 1940Rebouliaceae, Evans, 1923- Genera in Family Aytoniaceae :* Asterella* Cryptomitrium* Mannia...
- Asterella gracilis
- Asterella lindenbergiana
- Asterella saccata
- Asterella tenella
- Mannia fragrans
- Mannia pilosa
- Mannia sibirica
- Mannia triandra
- Reboulia hemisphaerica
- Azolla carolinianaAzolla carolinianaAzolla caroliniana is a species of Azolla native to the Americas, in eastern North America from southern Ontario southward, and from the east coast west to Wisconsin and Texas, and in the Caribbean, and in Central and South America from southeastern Mexico south to northern Argentina and...
— eastern mosquito-fern
- Azolla mexicana — Mexican mosquito-fern