List of Canadian plants by family B
Main page: List of Canadian plants by family
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z
- Impatiens aurella — pale-yellow jewelweed
- Impatiens capensisImpatiens capensisImpatiens capensis, the Orange Jewelweed, Common Jewelweed, Spotted Jewelweed, Spotted Touch-me-not, or Orange Balsam, is an annual plant native to North America. It is common in bottomland soils, ditches, and along creeks, often growing side-by-side with its less common relative, Yellow Jewelweed...
— spotted jewelweed - Impatiens ecalcarata — spurless touch-me-not
- Impatiens noli-tangere — western jewelweed
- Impatiens pallidaImpatiens pallidaPale Jewelweed or Yellow Jewelweed is a flowering plant native to the United States. It grows in moist to wet soils, generally alongside the closely related Impatiens capensis, producing flowers from midsummer through fall...
— pale jewelweed
- Anacolia menziesii
- Bartramia hallerianaBartramia hallerianaBartramia halleriana is a species of moss in the Bartramiaceae family.-External links:***...
- Bartramia ithyphylla
- Bartramia pomiformisBartramia pomiformisBartramia pomiformis is a species of moss in the Bartramiaceae family. It is typically green or glaucous in hue, although sometimes it can appear yellowish. The stems extend from a half cm to 8 cm, with narrowly lanceolate to linear-lanceolate leaves....
- Bartramia stricta
- Conostomum tetragonum
- Philonotis capillaris
- Philonotis fontana — philonotis moss
- Philonotis marchica
- Philonotis yezoana
- Plagiopus oederiana
- Achlys californica — California deer's-foot
- Achlys triphylla — three-leaf deer's-foot
- Caulophyllum giganteum — giant blue cohosh
- Caulophyllum thalictroides — blue cohosh
- Jeffersonia diphylla — twinleaf
- Mahonia aquifolium — Piper's Oregon-grape
- Mahonia nervosa — longleaf Oregon-grape
- Mahonia repens — creeping Oregon-grape
- Podophyllum peltatum — mayapple
- Alnus incana — speckled alder
- Alnus rubra — red alder
- Alnus serrulataAlnus serrulataAlnus serrulata, the hazel alder,or smooth alder is a thicket-forming shrub in the family Betulaceae. It is native to eastern North America and can be found found from western Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick south to Florida and Texas....
— brookside alder - Alnus viridis — green alder
- Betula alleghaniensis — yellow birch
- Betula borealis — northern birch
- Betula lenta — sweet birch
- Betula minor — dwarf white birch
- Betula nana — dwarf swamp birch
- Betula neoalaskana — Alaska paper birch
- Betula occidentalisBetula occidentalisBetula occidentalis is a species of birch native to western North America, in Canada from Yukon east to western Ontario and southwards, and in the United States from eastern Washington east to western North Dakota, and south to eastern California, northern Arizona and northern New Mexico, and also...
— spring birch - Betula papyrifera — paper birch
- Betula populifolia — grey birch
- Betula pumila — swamp birch
- Betula x caerulea
- Betula x dutillyi
- Betula x eastwoodiae
- Betula x hornei
- Betula x neoborealis
- Betula x purpusii
- Betula x raymundii
- Betula x sandbergii — Sandberg's birch
- Betula x sargentii
- Betula x uliginosa
- Betula x utahensis
- Betula x winteri
- Carpinus caroliniana — American hornbeam
- Corylus americanaCorylus americanaCorylus americana, the American Hazelnut, is a species of the genus Corylus that is native to eastern North America.It is a medium to large shrub that under some conditions can take the form of a small tree...
— American hazelnut - Corylus cornuta — beaked hazelnut
- Ostrya virginianaOstrya virginianaOstrya virginiana , is a species of Ostrya native to eastern North America, from Nova Scotia west to southern Manitoba and eastern Wyoming, southeast to northern Florida and southwest to eastern Texas and northeastern Mexico...
— eastern hop-hornbeam
BlechnaceaeBlechnaceaeBlechnaceae is a family of nine genera and between 240-260 species of ferns, with a cosmopolitan distribution.Most are ground dwelling, some are climbers, such as Stenochlaena. A characteristic feature of many species is that the young opening fronds are usually tinged with red.Genera*Blechnum L....
- Blechnum spicantBlechnum spicantBlechnum spicant is a species of fern known by the common names Deer fern or hard fern. It is native to Europe and western North America. Like some other Blechnum it has two types of leaves...
— deer fern - Woodwardia areolataWoodwardia areolataWoodwardia areolata is a species of fern native to eastern North America. It is usually treated in the genus Woodwardia, but sometimes transferred to the monotypic genus Lorinseria as Lorinseria areolata C.Presl, on the basis of its anastamosing veins and lobed frond form, as well as its more...
— netted chainfern
- Woodwardia fimbriataWoodwardia fimbriataWoodwardia fimbriata, known by the common name giant chain fern, is a species of fern. It is native to western North America from British Columbia through California, including the Sierra Nevada, into Baja California....
— giant chainfern - Woodwardia virginica — Virginia chainfern
- Amsinckia intermedia — Rancher's fiddleneck
- Amsinckia lycopsoidesAmsinckia lycopsoidesAmsinckia lycopsoides is a species of fiddleneck known by the common name tarweed fiddleneck. It is one of the more common species of fiddleneck. It is native to much of western North America from California to British Columbia. It can be found in a wide variety areas.-Description:Amsinckia...
— bugloss fiddleneck - Amsinckia menziesiiAmsinckia menziesiiAmsinckia menziesii is a species of plant in the Boraginaceae family, the Borage or Forget-me-not family. It is the "common fiddleneck" and has two varieties:-References:***...
— smallflower fiddleneck - Amsinckia retrorsa — rough fiddleneck
- Amsinckia spectabilisAmsinckia spectabilisAmsinckia spectabilis is a species of fiddleneck known by the common names seaside fiddleneck and woolly breeches. It is native to the west coast of North America from British Columbia to Baja California, where it grows in sandy habitat, including direct coastline.Amsinckia spectabilis is is a...
— seaside fiddleneck - Amsinckia tessellataAmsinckia tessellataAmsinckia tessellata is a species of fiddleneck known by the common names bristly fiddleneck and devil's lettuce. It is native to much of western North America from British Columbia to many California habitats, and to New Mexico, Sonora, and Baja California...
— tessellate fiddleneck - Cryptantha affinisCryptantha affinisCryptantha affinis is a flowering annual plant occurring in open areas of the coniferous forest. It is a member of the Boraginaceae family. It occurs at elevation ranges between 700 – 2900 m...
— slender cat's-eye - Cryptantha ambiguaCryptantha ambiguaCryptantha ambigua is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name basin cryptantha. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in many types of habitat, including forest, scrub, and sagebrush. It is an annual...
— obscure cat's-eye - Cryptantha celosioides — cockscomb cat's-eye
- Cryptantha fendleri — Fendler's cat's-eye
- Cryptantha flaccida — weakstem cat's-eye
- Cryptantha kelseyana — Kelsey's cat's-eye
- Cryptantha minima — little cat's-eye
- Cryptantha torreyana — Torrey's cat's-eye
- Cryptantha watsonii — Watson's cat's-eye
- Cynoglossum virginianum — northern wild comfrey
- Eritrichium nanum — arctic forget-me-not
- Eritrichium splendens — showy forget-me-not
- Hackelia ciliata — Okanogan stickseed
- Hackelia deflexa — northern stickseed
- Hackelia diffusa — spreading stickseed
- Hackelia floribundaHackelia floribundaHackelia floribunda is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name manyflower stickseed. It is native to much of the western half of North America, where it is most often found in areas which are wet during the springtime, such as meadows. This is a lush biennial or...
— Davis Mountain stickseed - Hackelia micranthaHackelia micranthaHackelia micrantha is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name Jessica sticktight. It is native to western North America from Alaska to northern Mexico, where it often grows in forested areas and meadows. This is a lush perennial herb growing to heights of 30...
— blue stickseed
- Hackelia virginianaHackelia virginianaHackelia virginiana, commonly known as Beggar's Lice or Stickseed, is a biennial plant native to Eastern North America. It has simple, rough leaves and ribbed green stems....
— Virginia stickseed - Heliotropium curassavicumHeliotropium curassavicumHeliotropium curassavicum is a species of heliotrope that is native to much of the Americas, from Canada to Argentina, and can be found on other continents as an introduced species...
— seaside heliotrope - Lappula occidentalis — flatspine sheepburr
- Lithospermum canescensLithospermum canescensLithospermum canescens is a species of flowering plant known by the common name Hoary Puccoon. It is endemic to eastern North America. The plant has golden yellow flowers which bloom from April to May....
— hoary puccoon - Lithospermum carolinienseLithospermum carolinienseLithospermum caroliniense is commonly known as the Hairy puccoon or Carolina puccoon. It is found in the United States in the Midwest, around the Great Lakes, and through the Canadian provinces surrounding the Great Lakes. The plant grows in sandhills, pine barrens and dry, sandy woods.Dr. Robert...
— golden puccoon - Lithospermum incisumLithospermum incisumLithospermum incisum is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by several common names, including narrowleaf stoneseed, fringed gromwell, narrowleaf puccoon, and plains stoneseed. It is native to much of central Canada and the United States, where it is known from many types of...
— narrow-leaved puccoon - Lithospermum latifolium — American gromwell
- Lithospermum ruderaleLithospermum ruderaleLithospermum ruderale is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name western stoneseed. It is native to western Canada and the western United States, where it can be found in many types of habitat. It is a hairy perennial herb growing from a taproot and woody caudex....
— western gromwell - Mertensia drummondii — Drummond's bluebells
- Mertensia lanceolata — prairie bluebells
- Mertensia longifloraMertensia longifloraMertensia longiflora is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common names small bluebells and long bluebells. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Montana, where it grows in several types of habitat...
— longflower bluebells - Mertensia maritima — sea bluebells
- Mertensia paniculataMertensia paniculataThe Tall Lungwort, Tall Bluebell, or Northern Bluebell, Mertensia paniculata is an herb or dwarf shrub with a bright blue coloring, shaped like a bell and drooping...
— tall bluebells - Mertensia virginica — Virginia bluebells
- Myosotis asiatica — Asian forget-me-not
- Myosotis laxaMyosotis laxaMyosotis laxa is a species of forget-me-not known by several common names, including tufted forget-me-not, bay forget-me-not, and small-flowered forget-me-not. It has a circumboreal distribution, occurring throughout northern parts of the Northern Hemisphere...
— small forget-me-not - Myosotis macrosperma — largeseed forget-me-not
- Myosotis verna — spring forget-me-not
- Onosmodium molle — soft-hairy false gromwell
- Pectocarya penicillataPectocarya penicillataPectocarya penicillata is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name sleeping combseed. It is native to much of western North America from British Columbia to Wyoming to Baja California, where it grows in many types of habitat, including disturbed areas such as...
— shortleaf combseed - Plagiobothrys figuratus — rough popcorn-flower
- Plagiobothrys scouleriPlagiobothrys scouleriPlagiobothrys scouleri is a common species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name Scouler's popcornflower. It is native to North America, where it can be found from Alaska throughout southern Canada and the western and central United States...
— meadow popcorn-flower - Plagiobothrys tenellusPlagiobothrys tenellusPlagiobothrys tenellus is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name Slender Popcorn Flower. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Mexico, where it is a common member of the flora in several types of habitat.-Description:Plagiobothrys...
— Pacific popcorn-flower
- Brachythecium acuminatum
- Brachythecium acutum
- Brachythecium albicans
- Brachythecium biventrosum
- Brachythecium calcareum
- Brachythecium campestre
- Brachythecium collinum
- Brachythecium digastrum
- Brachythecium erythrorrhizon
- Brachythecium frigidum
- Brachythecium glaciale
- Brachythecium groenlandicum
- Brachythecium holzingeri
- Brachythecium hylotapetum
- Brachythecium leibergii
- Brachythecium mildeanum
- Brachythecium nelsonii
- Brachythecium oedipodium
- Brachythecium oxycladon
- Brachythecium plumosum
- Brachythecium populeum — matted feather moss
- Brachythecium reflexum — cedar moss
- Brachythecium rivulare — waterside feather moss
- Brachythecium rotaeanum — Rota's feather moss
- Brachythecium rutabulum
- Brachythecium salebrosum
- Brachythecium starkei
- Brachythecium trachypodium
- Brachythecium turgidum
- Brachythecium velutinum
- Bryhnia graminicolor
- Bryhnia hultenii
- Bryhnia novae-angliae — New England bryhnia moss
- Bryoandersonia illecebra
- Cirriphyllum cirrosum
- Cirriphyllum piliferum
- Eurhynchium hians
- Eurhynchium oreganum — Oregon beaked moss
- Eurhynchium praelongum
- Eurhynchium pulchellum
- Homalothecium aeneum
- Homalothecium arenarium
- Homalothecium fulgescens
- Homalothecium nevadense
- Homalothecium nuttallii
- Homalothecium pinnatifidum
- Homalothecium sericeum
- Isothecium alopecuroides
- Isothecium cristatum
- Isothecium myosuroidesIsothecium myosuroidesIsothecium myosuroides, commonly known as tree moss, is a true moss that grows abundantly on both rocks and trees. It is native to Eastern North America....
- Platyhypnidium riparioidesPlatyhypnidium riparioidesPlatyhypnidium riparioides is a species of aquatic moss commonly found in many regions. This species is among the largest aquatic mosses growing up to 15 cm long. P. riparioides grows in a procumbent or pendulous fashion along rocks and tree roots and may form extensive lax mats of many...
- Pseudoscleropodium purum
- Scleropodium cespitans
- Scleropodium obtusifolium
- Scleropodium touretii
- Steerecleus serrulatus — steerecleus moss
- Tomentypnum falcifolium
- Tomentypnum nitens
- Trachybryum megaptilum
- Alyssum obovatum — American alyssum
- Aphragmus eschscholtzianus — Aleutian-cress
- Arabidopsis salsuginea — saltwater cress
- Arabis alpinaArabis alpinaArabis alpina is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae that grows in mountainous areas of Europe, north Africa, central and eastern Asia and parts of North America. In the British Isles, it is only known to occur in a few locations in the Cuillin Ridge of the Isle of Skye.The stems of A...
— alpine rockcress - Arabis arenicola — arctic rockcress
- Arabis boivinii — Boivin's rockcress
- Arabis calderi — Calder's rockcress
- Arabis canadensis — sicklepod
- Arabis codyi — Cody's rockcress
- Arabis drummondii — Drummond's rockcress
- Arabis glabraArabis glabraArabis glabra, or tower mustard, is a tall, slim, grey-green plant with small creamy flowers at the top of the stem. It usually grows on poor chalky or sandy soils, in open situations. It is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and it is widespread in North America where it is also probably...
— tower-mustard - Arabis hirsutaArabis hirsutaArabis hirsuta is a flowering plant of the genus Arabis in the family Brassicaceae. It is native to Europe, Asia, and the northern half of North America.-External links:****...
— western hairy rockcress - Arabis holboellii — Holböll's rockcress
- Arabis laevigata — smooth rockcress
- Arabis lemmoniiArabis lemmoniiArabis lemmonii is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name Lemmon's rockcress. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Colorado, where it grows in a number of rocky habitat types. This is a perennial herb growing many small stems from a...
— Lemmon's rockcress - Arabis lignifera — Owens Valley rockcress
- Arabis lyallii — Lyall's rockcress
- Arabis lyrata — lyreleaf rockcress
- Arabis microphylla — small-leaf rockcress
- Arabis murrayi — Murray's rockcress
- Arabis nuttallii — Nuttall's rockcress
- Arabis shortii — Short's rockcress
- Arabis sparsiflora — elegant rockcress
- Arabis x divaricarpa — hybrid rockcress
- Armoracia lacustris — lake-cress
- Athysanus pusillus — common sandweed
- Barbarea orthocerasBarbarea orthocerasBarbarea orthoceras is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name American yellowrocket. It is native to North America, including much of Canada and the western United States, as well as parts of Asia. It grows in moist areas such as meadows and riverbanks...
— American wintercress - Braya fernaldii — Fernald's northern rockcress
- Braya glabella — smooth rockcress
- Braya humilis — low braya
- Braya longii — Long's braya
- Braya pilosa — hairy rockcress
- Braya thorild-wulffii — Greenland rockcress
- Cakile edentula — American sea-rocket
- Cardamine angulata — seaside bittercress
- Cardamine bellidifolia — alpine bittercress
- Cardamine breweriCardamine breweriCardamine breweri is a species of cardamine known by the common name Brewer's bittercress. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in coniferous forests, particularly in wet bog habitats....
— Brewer's bittercress - Cardamine bulbosaCardamine bulbosaThe Bulbous Cress, Bittercress, or Spring Cress is a perennial plant native to eastern North America. This plant grows in moist soils of bottomland woods and wet meadows....
— bulbous bittercress - Cardamine concatenataCardamine concatenataThe Cutleaf Toothwort, Crow's Toes, Pepper Root, Purple-flowered Toothwort is a flowering plant in Brassicaceae. It owes its name to the tooth-like appearance of its rhizome. It is a perennial plant woodland wildflower native to eastern North America...
— cutleaf toothwort - Cardamine digitataCardamine digitataCardamine digitata , is an ornamental plant of Brassicaceae family, which is native of Alaska and Canada.-External links:*...
— Richardson's bittercress - Cardamine diphyllaCardamine diphyllaCardamine diphylla is a plant is native to North America.C...
— two-leaf toothwort - Cardamine douglassii — purple cress
- Cardamine lyallii — Lyall's bittercress
- Cardamine maxima — large toothwort
- Cardamine microphylla — littleleaf bittercress
- Cardamine nuttalliiCardamine nuttalliiCardamine nuttallii is a species of cardamine known by the common name Nuttall's toothwort. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California, where it grows in moist mountain habitats....
— Nuttall's toothwort - Cardamine occidentalisCardamine occidentalisCardamine occidentalis is a species of cardamine known by the common name big western bittercress. It is native to western North America from Alaska to northwestern California, where it grows in moist mountain habitats.-Description:...
— western bittercress - Cardamine oligospermaCardamine oligospermaCardamine oligosperma is a species of cardamine known by the common name little western bittercress. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Colorado, where it grows in moist mountain habitats.-Description:...
— few-seed bittercress - Cardamine parviflora — smallflower bittercress
- Cardamine pensylvanicaCardamine pensylvanicaCardamine pensylvanica is a species of cardamine known by the common name Pennsylvania bittercress. It is native to most of Canada and the United States from coast to coast. It is generally found in moist to wet areas, such as the mud on riverbanks...
— Pennsylvania bittercress - Cardamine pratensisCardamine pratensisCardamine pratensis , is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae, native throughout most of Europe and Western Asia.-Description:...
— cuckoo-flower - Cardamine x anomala
- Cochlearia groenlandica — Greenland cochlearia
- Cochlearia officinalisCochlearia officinalisCochlearia officinalis, or Common Scurvygrass is a flowering plant of the genus Cochlearia in the family Brassicaceae....
— scurvy-grass - Cochlearia tridactylites — limestone scruvy-grass
- Descurainia incanaDescurainia incanaDescurainia incana is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name mountain tansymustard. It is native to much of North America, including most of Canada, the western United States, and Baja California. It is known from many types of habitat. It is a biennial herb...
— mountain tansy-mustard - Descurainia pinnataDescurainia pinnataDescurainia pinnata is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name western tansymustard. It is native to North America, where it is widespread and found in varied habitats. It is especially successful in deserts. It is a hardy plant which easily becomes weedy, and...
— pinnate tansy-mustard - Descurainia sophioides — northern tansy-mustard
- Draba albertinaDraba albertinaDraba albertina is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known as slender draba or slender whitlow-grass. This plant is native to western North America, where it grows at high elevations from Arizona to Alaska and northern Canada. Like many species of Draba, it can grow in alpine and...
— slender whitlow-grass - Draba alpina — alpine whitlow-grass
- Draba arabisans — rock whitlow-grass
- Draba arctogena — fell-field whitlow-grass
- Draba aurea — golden draba
- Draba borealis — boreal whitlow-grass
- Draba cana — hoary draba
- Draba cinerea — greyleaf whitlow-grass
- Draba corymbosa — flat-top whitlow-grass
- Draba crassifolia — snowbed whitlow-grass
- Draba densifoliaDraba densifoliaDraba densifolia is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known as the denseleaf draba. This small perennial is native to western North America, where it is found in mountain environments above 2000 meters from California to Alaska to Wyoming. The plant forms cushion-like mats of small...
— denseleaf whitlow-grass - Draba fladnizensisDraba fladnizensisDraba fladnizensis is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names arctic draba, Austrian draba, and white arctic whitlow-grass. It has a circumpolar distribution, occurring throughout the northern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. It is present in Europe, Asia,...
— white arctic whitlow-grass - Draba glabella — rock whitlow-grass
- Draba hyperborea — North Pacific whitlow-grass
- Draba incana — hoary whitlow-grass
- Draba incerta — Yellowstone whitlow-grass
- Draba juvenilis — longstalk whitlow-grass
- Draba kananaskis — tundra whitlow-grass
- Draba kluanei — Kluane Park whitlow-grass
- Draba lacteaDraba lacteaDraba lactea is a flower common throughout the high Arctic. It stretches further south in mountainous areas of Norway and Canada....
— milky whitlow-grass - Draba laurentiana — St. Lawrence whitlow-grass
- Draba lonchocarpa — lancepod whitlow-grass
- Draba macounii — Macoun's whitlow-grass
- Draba macrocarpa — Chukchi Peninsula whitlow-grass
- Draba murrayi — Murray's whitlow-grass
- Draba nemorosa — wood whitlow-grass
- Draba nivalis — yellow arctic whitlow-grass
- Draba norvegica — Norwegian whitlow-grass
- Draba oblongata — Canadian arctic whitlow-grass
- Draba ogilviensis — Ogilvie Range whitlow-grass
- Draba oligosperma — few-seed whitlow-grass
- Draba palanderiana — Palander's whitlow-grass
- Draba pauciflora — Adam's whitlow-grass
- Draba paysonii — Payson's whitlow-grass
- Draba porsildii — Porsild's whitlow-grass
- Draba praealta — tall whitlow-grass
- Draba pycnosperma — dense whitlow-grass
- Draba reptans — Carolina whitlow-grass
- Draba ruaxes — Rainier's whitlow-grass
- Draba scotteri — Scotter's whitlow-grass
- Draba stenoloba — Alaska whitlow-grass
- Draba stenopetala — Anadyr whitlow-grass
- Draba subcapitata — Ellesmere Island whitlow-grass
- Draba ventosa — Wind River whitlow-grass
- Draba yukonensis — Yukon whitlow-grass
- Erysimum angustatum — Dawson wallflower
- Erysimum arenicola — Cascade wallflower
- Erysimum asperum — prairie-rocket wallflower
- Erysimum capitatumErysimum capitatumErysimum capitatum is a species of wallflower known commonly as the sanddune wallflower, western wallflower, or prairie rocket. It is a mustard-like plant with thin, erect stems growing from a basal rosette and topped with dense bunches of variably colored flowers...
— western wallflower - Erysimum cheiranthoidesErysimum cheiranthoidesErysimum cheiranthoides is a species of Erysimum native to most of central and northern Europe and northern and central Asia....
— wormseed wallflower - Erysimum inconspicuum — smallflower prairie wallflower
- Erysimum pallasiiErysimum pallasiiErysimum pallasii is a low shrub or mid shrub species from the Arctic. It has purple flowers that do not reflect UV. -Distribution:This wallflower has a circumpolar distribution...
— Pallas' wallflower - Eutrema edwardsii — Edwards' eutrema
- Halimolobos mollis — soft rockcress
- Halimolobos virgata — virgate halimolobos
- Halimolobos whitedii — Whited's rockcress
- Hutchinsia procumbens — prostrate hymenolobus
- Idahoa scapigera — scapose scalepod
- Lepidium densiflorumLepidium densiflorumLepidium densiflorum is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names common pepperweed and prairie peppergrass. It is a common and widespread plant in North America, where it grows in many habitats across Canada and the United States...
— denseflower pepper-grass - Lepidium oxycarpumLepidium oxycarpumLepidium oxycarpum is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names forked pepperweed and sharp-fruited pepperweed. It is native to California, and it has been reported in British Columbia and one area in Washington...
— sharp-pod pepper-grass - Lepidium ramosissimum — branched pepper-grass
- Lepidium virginicumLepidium virginicumLepidium virginicum, also known as Virginia pepperweed or peppergrass, is an annual or biennial plant in the Brassicaceae or mustard family. It is native to much of North America, including most of the United States and Mexico and southern regions of Canada, as well as most of Central America...
— poor-man's pepper-grass - Lesquerella alpina — alpine bladderpod
- Lesquerella arctica — arctic bladderpod
- Lesquerella arenosa — Great Plains bladderpod
- Lesquerella calderi — Calder's bladderpod
- Lesquerella douglasii — Douglas' bladderpod
- Lesquerella ludoviciana — silver bladderpod
- Parrya arctica — arctic false-wallflower
- Parrya nudicaulis — naked-stemmed wallflower
- Physaria didymocarpaPhysaria didymocarpaPhysaria didymocarpa is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name common twinpod. It is native to western North America, including British Columbia and Alberta in Canada and the northwestern United States....
— common twinpod - Rorippa barbareifolia — hoary yellowcress
- Rorippa calycina — persistent-sepal yellowcress
- Rorippa crystallina — Asiatic cress
- Rorippa curvipesRorippa curvipesRorippa curvipes is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name bluntleaf yellowcress. It is native to much of western North America from Alaska to Mexico to the Mississippi River, where it can be found in various types of moist and wet habitat, including lakeshores...
— Rocky Mountain yellowcress - Rorippa curvisiliquaRorippa curvisiliquaRorippa curvisiliqua is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name curvepod yellowcress. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Wyoming, where it can be found in various types of moist and wet habitat, including lakeshores and riverbanks,...
— curvepod yellowcress - Rorippa palustrisRorippa palustrisRorippa palustris is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names bog yellowcress and marsh cress. It is native to many parts of Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America, and it can be found in many other parts of the world as an introduced species and a common...
— bog yellowcress - Rorippa sinuataRorippa sinuataRorippa sinuata is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name spreading yellowcress. It is native to North America, including most all of the western and central United States, where it grows in many types of moist and wet habitat, such as lakeshores and riverbanks,...
— spreading yellowcress - Rorippa tenerrima — Modoc County yellowcress
- Rorippa truncata — wild yellowcress
- Schoenocrambe linifolia — Salmon River plains-mustard
- Smelowskia borealis — northern smelowskia
- Smelowskia calycina — alpine smelowskia
- Smelowskia ovalisSmelowskia ovalisSmelowskia ovalis is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name alpine false candytuft. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to northern California, occurring mostly in the Cascade Range. It is a plant of alpine climates, growing in high...
— alpine smelowskia - Subularia aquaticaSubularia aquaticaSubularia aquatica is an aquatic plant in the mustard family which is known by the common name water awlwort. This is a small herb with awl-like leaves , and growing from a corm above a network of bright white roots. Tiny flowers, each only about a millimeter long, are borne on stalks...
— water awlwort - Thelypodium laciniatumThelypodium laciniatumThelypodium laciniatum is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name cutleaf thelypody. It is native to western North America, particularly the Great Basin and surrounding plateau and foothill habitat, where it grows in sagebrush, scrub and rocky hillsides. It is a...
— cutleaf thelypody - Thlaspi arcticum — arctic pennycress
- Thysanocarpus curvipesThysanocarpus curvipesThysanocarpus curvipes is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names sand fringepod and lacepod. It is native to western North America from British Columbia through the western United States to Baja California, where it grows in many types of habitat. It is a...
— fringepod
- Bruchia flexuosa
- Trematodon ambiguus
- Trematodon boasii
- Trematodon longicollis
- Trematodon montanus
- Anomobryum filiforme
- Bryum algovicum
- Bryum alpinum
- Bryum amblyodon
- Bryum archangelicum
- Bryum arcticum
- Bryum argenteum — silvery bryum
- Bryum blindii
- Bryum caespiticium
- Bryum calobryoides
- Bryum calophyllum
- Bryum canariense
- Bryum capillare
- Bryum cyclophyllum
- Bryum dichotomum — bryum moss
- Bryum erythroloma
- Bryum flaccidum
- Bryum gemmascens
- Bryum gemmiparum
- Bryum klinggraeffii
- Bryum knowltonii
- Bryum lisae
- Bryum lonchocaulon
- Bryum longisetum
- Bryum marratii
- Bryum meesioides
- Bryum miniatum
- Bryum muehlenbeckii
- Bryum nitidulum
- Bryum oblongum
- Bryum pallens
- Bryum pallescens
- Bryum pseudotriquetrum
- Bryum purpurascens
- Bryum ruderale
- Bryum salinum
- Bryum schleicheri
- Bryum stirtonii
- Bryum subapiculatum
- Bryum subneodamense
- Bryum tenuisetum
- Bryum teres
- Bryum turbinatum
- Bryum uliginosum
- Bryum violaceum
- Bryum warneumBryum warneumBryum warneum, known as sea Bryum or Warne's thread moss, is a protected moss found in sandy coastal areas in temperate regions of Europe and is also recorded to have been found in the Himalaya, the Altai Mountains and in Quebec, Canada.Generally forming dense clusters of plants with...
- Bryum weigelii
- Bryum wrightii
- Epipterygium tozeri
- Leptobryum pyriforme
- Mielichhoferia macrocarpa
- Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana
- Plagiobryum demissum
- Plagiobryum zieri
- Pohlia andalusica
- Pohlia annotina
- Pohlia atropurpurea
- Pohlia bolanderi
- Pohlia brevinervis
- Pohlia bulbifera
- Pohlia camptotrachela
- Pohlia cardotii
- Pohlia columbica
- Pohlia cruda
- Pohlia crudoides
- Pohlia drummondii
- Pohlia elongata
- Pohlia erecta
- Pohlia filum
- Pohlia lescuriana
- Pohlia longibracteata
- Pohlia longicolla
- Pohlia ludwigii
- Pohlia melanodon
- Pohlia nutans
- Pohlia obtusifolia
- Pohlia pacifica
- Pohlia proligera
- Pohlia sphagnicola
- Pohlia tundrae
- Pohlia vexans
- Pohlia wahlenbergii
- Rhodobryum ontariense
- Rhodobryum roseum — rose moss
- Roellia roellii
- Buxbaumia aphylla — bug-on-a-stick
- Buxbaumia minakatae — hump-backed elves
- Buxbaumia piperi
- Buxbaumia viridis
- Diphyscium foliosum — powder gun moss