List of Canadian plants by family O
Main page: List of Canadian plants by family
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z
OleaceaeOleaceaeOleaceae are a family containing 24 extant genera and around 600 species of mesophytic shrubs, trees and occasionally vines. As shrubs, members of this family may be twine climbers, or scramblers.-Leaves:...
- Fraxinus americana — white ash
- Fraxinus latifolia — Oregon ash
- Fraxinus nigraFraxinus nigraFraxinus nigra is a species of Fraxinus native to much of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States, from western Newfoundland west to southeastern Manitoba, and south to Illinois and northern Virginia....
— black ash
- Fraxinus pennsylvanica — green ash
- Fraxinus profundaFraxinus profundaFraxinus profunda is a species of Fraxinus native to eastern North America, primarily in the United States, with a scattered distribution on the Atlantic coastal plain and interior lowland river valleys from southern Maryland northwest to Indiana, southeast to northern Florida, and southwest to...
— pumpkin ash - Fraxinus quadrangulata — blue ash
OnagraceaeOnagraceaeOnagraceae, also known as the Willowherb family or Evening Primrose family, are a family of flowering plants. The family includes about 640-650 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees in 20-24 genera...
- Boisduvalia densiflora — denseflower spike-primrose
- Boisduvalia glabella — smooth spike-primrose
- Calylophus serrulatus — yellow evening-primrose
- Camissonia andinaCamissonia andinaNeoholmgrenia andina is a species of evening primrose known by the common name Blackfoot River evening primrose. It is native to western North America, including southern Canada and much of the western United States, where it is a plant of mountains, and sagebrush plateaus. It is a small annual...
— Blackfoot River suncup - Camissonia breviflora — shortflower suncup
- Camissonia contortaCamissonia contortaCamissonia contorta is a species of evening primrose known by the common name plains evening primrose. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Idaho, where it grows in many habitat types. It is an annual herb producing a slender, bending to curling red or green...
— dwarf contorted suncup - Circaea alpina — small enchanter's-nightshade
- Circaea lutetianaCircaea lutetianaCircaea lutetiana is a plant in the evening primrose family, Onagraceae.The genus name comes from the enchantress Circe of Greek mythology and the generic designation is derived from Lutetia, the Latin name for Paris. Paris at one time was known as the "Witch City"...
— southern broadleaf enchanter's-nightshade - Circaea x intermedia — intermediate enchanger's-nightshade
- Clarkia amoenaClarkia amoenaClarkia amoena is a flowering plant native to western North America, found in coastal hills and mountains from British Columbia south to the San Francisco Bay Area....
— farewell-to-spring - Clarkia pulchellaClarkia pulchellaClarkia pulchella also known as pinkfairies, ragged robin, and deerhorn clarkia is a species of flowering plant in the Onagraceae family. This wildflower is found in the Pacific Northwest and is the type species of Clarkia...
— largeflower clarkia - Clarkia purpureaClarkia purpureaClarkia purpurea is a species of wildflower known by the common names winecup clarkia, winecup fairyfan, and purple clarkia. This plant is native to western North America where it is found in a variety of habitats. This plant erects a thin reddish stem which may approach a meter in height and has a...
— winecup clarkia - Clarkia rhomboideaClarkia rhomboideaClarkia rhomboidea is a species of wildflower known by the common names diamond clarkia and forest clarkia. This plant is native to western North America, where it is a common resident of varied forest and woodland habitats. This clarkia grows a spindly stem not exceeding a meter in height and...
— tongue clarkia - Epilobium anagallidifoliumEpilobium anagallidifoliumEpilobium anagallidifolium is a species of willowherb known by the common names pimpernel willowherb and alpine willowherb. This small flowering plant has a circumboreal distribution and can be found in mountain ranges further south, where grows in alpine climates. It is a perennial found in low...
— alpine willowherb - Epilobium angustifolium — fireweed
- Epilobium arcticum — arctic willowherb
- Epilobium brachycarpumEpilobium brachycarpumEpilobium brachycarpum is a species of willowherb known by the common names Tall Willowherb, Tall Annual Willowherb, Panicled Willowherb and Tall Fireweed. It is native to and widespread in North America, where it is a resident of varied open and woodland habitats. It has also been introduced to...
— panicled willowherb - Epilobium ciliatumEpilobium ciliatumEpilobium ciliatum is a species of willowherb known by the common names Fringed Willowherb and American Willowherb. This plant is found in many parts of the world. It is native to much of North America and eastern Asia, and it is an introduced species in much of Eurasia and Australia...
— hairy willowherb - Epilobium clavatumEpilobium clavatumEpilobium clavatum is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by the common names Talus Willowherb and Clavatefruit Willowherb. It is native to western North America from Alaska to northern California to Colorado, where it grows in rocky high mountain habitat such as talus...
— clavate-fruit willowherb - Epilobium coloratum — purpleleaf willowherb
- Epilobium davuricum — Dahuria willowherb
- Epilobium foliosumEpilobium foliosumEpilobium foliosum is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by the common names Leafy Willowherb and California Willowherb...
— California willowherb - Epilobium glaberrimumEpilobium glaberrimumEpilobium glaberrimum is a species of willowherb known by the common name glaucous willowherb. This clumping perennial wildflower is native to western North America from central Canada to northern Mexico. It generally grows at some elevation in moist places. This plant is somewhat variable in...
— glaucous willowherb - Epilobium halleanumEpilobium halleanumEpilobium halleanum is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by the common name glandular willowherb. It is native to parts of western North America from British Columbia to New Mexico, where it grows in many types of habitat. It is an erect perennial herb growing up to...
— glandular willowherb - Epilobium hornemannii — Hornemann's willowherb
- Epilobium lactiflorumEpilobium lactiflorumEpilobium lactiflorum is a species of willowherb known by the common name Milkflower Willowherb or Whiteflower Willowherb. This plant is found throughout northern North America and northern Eurasia, where it most often grows in moist, rocky areas at some elevation...
— whiteflower willowherb - Epilobium latifolium — river beauty
- Epilobium leptocarpum — slender-fruited willowherb
- Epilobium leptophyllumEpilobium leptophyllumEpilobium leptophyllum is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by the common names Bog Willowherb and Linear-leaved Willowherb. It is native to much of eastern and northern North America, where it grows in moist areas, such as bogs. It is a perennial herb growing up to...
— linear-leaved willowherb
- Epilobium luteum — yellow willowherb
- Epilobium minutumEpilobium minutumEpilobium minutum is a species of willowherb known by the common names Chaparral Willowherb and Desert Willowherb. It is also called "smallflower willowherb", however that name, in particular the British English variant "Small-flowered Willowherb", typically refers to Epilobium parviflorum.This...
— smallflower willowherb - Epilobium mirabile — Olimple Mountain willowherb
- Epilobium oregonenseEpilobium oregonenseEpilobium oregonense is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by the common name Oregon Willowherb. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Arizona, where it generally grows in moist places in several types of habitat...
— Oregon willowherb - Epilobium palustreEpilobium palustreEpilobium palustre is a species of willowherb known by the common name marsh willowherb. This plant has a circumboreal distribution, and can be found farther south in mountainous areas. This is a hairy perennial growing spindly stems sometimes exceeding half a meter in height. Its stems have...
— marsh willowherb - Epilobium saximontanum — Rocky Mountain willowherb
- Epilobium strictum — downy willowherb
- Epilobium x wisconsinense
- Gaura biennis — biennial gaura
- Gaura coccineaGaura coccineaGaura coccinea is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by several common names, including scarlet beeblossom, scarlet gaura, and linda tarde. It is native to much of North America, especially the western and central sections. It can be found in many habitats, and is...
— scarlet gaura - Gayophytum diffusumGayophytum diffusumGayophytum diffusum is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by the common name spreading groundsmoke. It is native to western North America where it is a common member of many different habitats. This is a spindly, branching annual herb reaching a maximum height of...
— diffuse groundsmoke - Gayophytum humileGayophytum humileGayophytum humile is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by the common name dwarf groundsmoke. It is native to western North America from Alberta to California, and can also be found in parts of South America. It lives in many types of mountain habitats, especially...
— low groundsmoke - Gayophytum racemosum — racemed groundsmoke
- Gayophytum ramosissimum — much-branch groundsmoke
- Ludwigia alternifoliaLudwigia alternifoliaLudwigia alternifolia, commonly known as Bushy seedbox and Rattlebox, is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Onagraceae.Its habitat includes wet, swampy localities....
— bushy seedbox - Ludwigia palustrisLudwigia palustrisLudwigia palustris is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by the common names marsh seedbox and water purslane. Its native distribution is unclear, but includes parts of the Americas; it can be found on most continents and spreads easily to become naturalized. It is...
— marsh seedbox - Ludwigia polycarpa — many-fruit false-loosestrife
- Oenothera biennisOenothera biennisOenothera biennis is a species of Oenothera native to eastern and central North America, from Newfoundland west to Alberta, southeast to Florida, and southwest to Texas, and widely naturalized elsewhere in temperate and subtropical regions.-Growth and flowering:Oenorthera biennis has a life span...
— common evening-primrose - Oenothera caespitosaOenothera caespitosaOenothera caespitosa, known commonly as tufted evening primrose and fragrant evening primrose, is a perennial plant of the genus Oenothera native to much of western and central North America...
— tufted evening-primrose - Oenothera clelandii — lesser four-point evening-primrose
- Oenothera elataOenothera elataOenothera elata is a plant of the genus Oenothera known by the common name Hooker's evening primrose. Its subspecies include hookeri, hirsutissima and elata. It is native to much of western and central North America....
— Hooker's evening-primrose - Oenothera flava — long-tubed evening-primrose
- Oenothera fruticosaOenothera fruticosaOenothera fruticosa, or Narrow-Leaved Sundrops, is an erect herbaceous flowering plant. It is native to much of eastern North America. It grows to about 2-9 decimeters tall, with alternative, simple, entire or slightly toothed leaves. The fruit is a capsule that is strongly 4-angled or winged and...
— narrowleaf sundrops - Oenothera nuttallii — white-stemmed evening-primrose
- Oenothera oakesiana — Oakes' evening-primrose
- Oenothera pallida — pale evening-primrose
- Oenothera parviflora — northern evening-primrose
- Oenothera perennisOenothera perennisOenothera perennis, or Sundrops, is a herbaceous flowering plant native to the United States and Canada....
— small sundrops - Oenothera pilosella — meadow evening-primrose
- Oenothera villosa — hairy evening-primrose
OphioglossaceaeOphioglossaceaeOphioglossaceae, the Adder's tongue family, is a family of ferns, currently thought to be most closely related to Psilotaceae, the two together comprising the class Psilotopsida as the sibling group to the rest of the ferns. The Ophioglossaceae is one of two groups of ferns traditionally known as...
- Botrychium acuminatum — moonwort
- Botrychium ascendensBotrychium ascendensBotrychium ascendens is a species of fern known by the common names triangle-lobe moonwort and upswept moonwort. It is native to North America from British Columbia to northern California as well as parts of eastern Canada. It lives in different habitat types, including grassy riverside areas...
— upward-lobed moonwort - Botrychium borealeBotrychium borealeBotrychium boreale, commonly called Northern Moonwort, is a species of fern. It is short, single leaved rhizome that stands upright....
— northern moonwort - Botrychium campestre — prairie dunewort
- Botrychium crenulatumBotrychium crenulatumBotrychium crenulatum is a species of fern known by the common names scalloped moonwort and dainty moonwort. It is native to North America from British Columbia to California to Wyoming, where it is uncommon throughout most of its range, appearing incidentally at scattered spots on wet meadows in...
— crenulate moonwort - Botrychium dissectum — cutleaf grapefern
- Botrychium hesperium — western moonwort
- Botrychium lanceolatum — triangle grapefern
- Botrychium lineare — narrowleaf grapefern
- Botrychium lunariaBotrychium lunariaBotrychium lunaria is a species of fern known by the common name common moonwort. It is the most widely distributed moonwort, growing throughout the Northern Hemisphere across Eurasia and from Alaska to Greenland, as well as parts of the Southern Hemisphere including South America and Australia...
— moonwort grapefern - Botrychium matricariifoliumBotrychium matricariifoliumBotrychium matricariifolium is a common species of fern known by the common names chamomile grape-fern, daisyleaf grape-fern, and matricary grape-fern. It is native to Europe and parts of eastern North America, including eastern Canada and the United States.This fleshy fern grows up to 30...
— chamomile grapefern - Botrychium minganenseBotrychium minganenseBotrychium minganense is a species of fern known by the common name Mingan moonwort. It is native to North America from Alaska and northern Canada to Arizona, where it is uncommon throughout most of its range, appearing at scattered spots in coniferous forests and marshy areas such as swamps...
— Mingan's moonwort - Botrychium montanumBotrychium montanumBotrychium montanum is a species of fern known by the common names western goblin and mountain moonwort. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to northern California to Montana, where it grows in the dark understory of coniferous forests and other moist wooded areas...
— mountain moonwort - Botrychium mormo — little goblin moonwort
- Botrychium multifidumBotrychium multifidumSceptridium multifidum is a species of fern in the Moonwort Family, known by the common names leathery grapefern and leathery moonwort. It is native to Europe, Asia, and North America, where it is widespread and grows in moist areas in many habitat types. This is a fleshy, leathery plant growing...
— leathery grapefern
- Botrychium oneidense — bluntlobe grapefern
- Botrychium pallidum — pale moonwort
- Botrychium paradoxumBotrychium paradoxumBotrychium paradoxum is a species of fern known by the common name peculiar moonwort. It is native to North America, where there are scattered occurrences in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming....
— peculiar moonwort - Botrychium pedunculosum — stalked moonwort
- Botrychium pinnatumBotrychium pinnatumBotrychium pinnatum is a species of fern known by the common name northwestern moonwort. It is native to North America from Alaska to northern Canada and Greenland to California and Arizona, where it is generally scattered and uncommon, growing in coniferous forests and grassy meadows...
— northern moonwort - Botrychium pseudopinnatum — false daisyleaf grapefern
- Botrychium rugulosum — rugulose grapefern
- Botrychium simplex — least grapefern
- Botrychium spathulatum — spoonleaf moonwort
- Botrychium tunux
- Botrychium virginianum — rattlesnake fern
- Botrychium x watertonense
- Botrychium yaaxudakeit
- Ophioglossum pusillumOphioglossum pusillumOphioglossum pusillum is a species of fernlike plant in the family Ophioglossaceae known by the common name northern adder's tongue. It is native to northern North America, where it is widespread in moist areas such as marshes, fens, and meadows. It is a small, inconspicuous, fleshy perennial plant...
— northern adder's-tongue - Ophioglossum vulgatumOphioglossum vulgatumOphioglossum vulgatum, commonly known as the Southern adderstongue, is a species of the plant genus Ophioglossum. It is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with a scattered distribution in Europe, Asia, northwestern Africa, and eastern North America.This plant grows from a...
— southern adder's-tongue
OrchidaceaeOrchidaceaeThe Orchidaceae, commonly referred to as the orchid family, is a morphologically diverse and widespread family of monocots in the order Asparagales. Along with the Asteraceae, it is one of the two largest families of flowering plants, with between 21,950 and 26,049 currently accepted species,...
- Amerorchis rotundifolia — round-leaved orchis
- Aplectrum hyemaleAplectrum hyemaleAplectrum hyemale is a species of orchids and the sole species of the genus Aplectrum. The generic name comes from Greek and signifies "spurless"...
— puttyroot - Arethusa bulbosa — dragon's mouth
- Calopogon tuberosusCalopogon tuberosusCalopogon tuberosus, the tuberous grasspink, is an orchid native to eastern North America. In the United States it occurs from as far southwest as Texas and Oklahoma and southeast to the Florida Everglades to as far northeast as Maine and as far northwest as Minnesota. In Canada it is found in the...
— tuberous grass-pink - Calypso bulbosa — fairy slipper
- Cephalanthera austiniaeCephalanthera austiniaeCephalanthera austiniae is a species of orchid known by the common names phantom orchid and snow orchid because the entire plant is white. Native to the western United States and Canada, it is the only species of genus Cephalanthera found outside of Europe and Asia, and the only one entirely...
— phantom orchid - Coeloglossum viride — longbract green orchis
- Corallorhiza maculata — spotted coralroot
- Corallorhiza mertensianaCorallorhiza mertensianaCorallorhiza mertensiana, or Pacific coralroot, is a coralroot orchid flower native to the shady conifer forests of northwestern North America and northern California.-External links:**...
— Merten's coralroot - Corallorhiza odontorhiza — autumn coralroot
- Corallorhiza striataCorallorhiza striataCorallorhiza striata is a species of orchid known by the common names striped coralroot and hooded coralroot. This flowering plant is native to much of North America, especially Canada and the northern and western United States...
— striped coralroot - Corallorhiza trifidaCorallorhiza trifidaCorallorhiza trifida, commonly known as early coralroot, northern coralroot, or yellow coralroot, is a coralroot orchid native to North America and Eurasia, with a circumboreal distribution.-Description:...
— early coralroot - Cypripedium acauleCypripedium acauleCypripedium acaule is a member of the orchid genus Cypripedium. Members of this genus are commonly referred to as lady's slipper orchids. First described in 1700, C. acaule is commonly referred to as the Pink Lady's Slipper, Stemless Lady's-slipper, or Moccasin Flower...
— pink lady's-slipper - Cypripedium arietinumCypripedium arietinumThe rare Ram's-Head Lady's-Slipper is an orchid that is native to the alvars around the Great Lakes in North America.The plant grows to 10-40 cm , and the flowers may reach 1-2 cm...
— ram's-head lady's-slipper - Cypripedium candidumCypripedium candidumCypripedium candidum, also known as Small White Lady's Slipper or White Lady's Slipper, is a rare orchid of the Cypripedium genus. It is found in wet prairies and fens, in rich, highly calcareous soils, sedge meadow edges, calcareous roadside and railway ditches. Cypripedium candidum grows to a...
— small white lady's-slipper - Cypripedium guttatumCypripedium guttatumThe Spotted Lady's Slipper is a species of orchid....
— spotted lady's-slipper - Cypripedium montanumCypripedium montanumCypripedium montanum is a member of the orchid genus Cypripedium. It is commonly known as the Large Lady's Slipper, Mountain Lady's Slipper, White Lady's Slipper as well as Moccasin Flower. This latter is also the common name of Cypripedium acaule.-Description:C...
— mountain lady's-slipper - Cypripedium parviflorumCypripedium parviflorumCypripedium parviflorum, commonly known as Yellow Lady's Slipper or Mocassin Flower is a Lady's Slipper orchid found in North America.-External links:* * , Digital Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador...
— American yellow lady's-slipper - Cypripedium passerinumCypripedium passerinumCypripedium passerinum is a species of lady's slipper orchid known by the common names sparrow's-egg lady's-slipper, spotted lady's-slipper, and Franklin's lady's-slipper. It is native to northern North America, where it occurs in Alaska and much of western and central Canada, its distribution...
— sparrow's-egg lady's-slipper - Cypripedium reginaeCypripedium reginaeThe Showy Lady's-slipper , also known as the Pink-and-white Lady's-slipper or the Queen's Lady's-slipper, is a rare terrestrial temperate lady's-slipper orchid native to northern North America....
— showy lady's-slipper - Cypripedium x andrewsii — Andrews' lady's-slipper
- Cypripedium x columbianum — Columbian lady's-slipper
- Cypripedium x favillianum
- Cypripedium x landonii — Landon's lady's-slipper
- Dactylorhiza praetermissa — southern marsh orchid
- Epipactis giganteaEpipactis giganteaEpipactis gigantea is a species of orchid known by the common names stream orchid and giant helleborine. This wildflower is native to western North America from western Canada to central Mexico...
— giant helleborine - Galearis spectabilisGalearis spectabilisGalearis spectabilis is a orchid species of the Orchis genus...
— showy orchis - Goodyera oblongifoliaGoodyera oblongifoliaGoodyera oblongifolia is a species of orchid known by the common names western rattlesnake plantain and giant rattlesnake plantain. It is native to much of North America, particularly the western side of the continent from Alaska to Mexico, and to eastern Canada. It is most commonly found in...
— giant rattlesnake-plantain - Goodyera pubescensGoodyera pubescensGoodyera pubescens, the Rattlesnake Plantain, is one of the most common orchids native to eastern North America. It is an evergreen terrestrial species with variegated leaves. The variegation is in the form of a densely-reticulated network of veins that are a much lighter green than the rest of the...
— downy rattlesnake-plantain - Goodyera repensGoodyera repensGoodyera repens, an orchid in the genus Goodyera, is called by the common name creeping lady's tresses in Anglophone Europe and dwarf rattlesnake plantain or lesser rattlesnake plantain in North America....
— dwarf rattlesnake-plantain - Goodyera tesselataGoodyera tesselataGoodyera tesselata is a plant in the orchid family , called by the common name Checkered Rattlesnake Plantain. It has low basal leaves with white reticulated lines.The inflorescence is an upright stalk with small white flowers....
— checkered rattlesnake-plantain - Isotria medeoloidesIsotria medeoloidesIsotria medeoloides is a terrestrial orchid found in temperate Eastern North America. Its range is from southern Maine south to Georgia and west to southern Ontario, Michigan, and Tennessee. A population was found in Missouri in 1897, but the plant is no longer believed extant there...
— small whorled pogonia - Isotria verticillata — large whorled pogonia
- Liparis liliifolia — large twayblade
- Liparis loeseliiLiparis loeseliiLiparis loeselii is a species of orchid endemic native to Europe, the eastern United States and eastern Canada. It grows in fens, bogs and dune slacks. Known as the Fen Orchid, it is a yellow flowering plant with glossy yellow-green leaves.-Synonyms:...
— Lösel's twayblade - Listera auriculata — auricled twayblade
- Listera australis — southern twayblade
- Listera borealis — northern twayblade
- Listera caurina — western twayblade
- Listera convallarioides — broad-leaved twayblade
- Listera cordata — heartleaf twayblade
- Listera x veltmanii — Veltman's twayblade
- Malaxis brachypoda — white adder's-mouth
- Malaxis diphyllos — Aleutian adder's-mouth
- Malaxis paludosa — bog adder's-mouth
- Malaxis unifoliaMalaxis unifoliaMalaxis unifolia is a species of orchid occurring from eastern Canada, central and eastern US to Central America and the Caribbean.-Synonyms:*Orchis ophioglossoides Walter*Malaxis ophioglossoides Muhl. ex Willd....
— green adder's-mouth - Piperia candidaPiperia candidaPiperia candida is a species of orchid known by the common names whiteflower rein orchid, slender white piperia, and white-flowered piperia. It is native to western North America from Alaska to the San Francisco Bay Area, where it grows in coniferous forests and other habitat in coastal and inland...
— white piperia - Piperia elegansPiperia elegansPiperia elegans is a species of orchid known by several common names, including elegant piperia, coast piperia, hillside rein orchid, and hillside bogorchid. This is a showy flowering plant native to western North America. It grows from a caudex tuber and sends up a thick stem just under a meter...
— hillside rein orchid - Piperia elongataPiperia elongataPiperia elongata is a species of orchid known by the common name denseflower rein orchid. It is native to western North America from British Columbia and Montana to southern California, where it grows in mountain forests and scrub habitat. This orchid grows erect to about 1.3 meters in maximum...
— denseflower rein orchid - Piperia transversaPiperia transversaPiperia transversa is a species of orchid known by the common name royal rein orchid. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California, where it can be found in forest, woodland, chaparral, and scrub habitat, often in dry areas. This orchid grows erect to about 55...
— royal rein orchid - Piperia unalascensisPiperia unalascensisPiperia unalascensis is a species of orchid known by the common names slenderspire orchid and Alaska piperia. It is native to much of western North America from Alaska to the southwestern United States, as well as eastern sections of Canada and the Great Lakes. It can be found in forest, woodland,...
— Alaska rein orchid - Platanthera albida — vanilla-scent bog orchid
- Platanthera aquilonis
- Platanthera blephariglottisPlatanthera blephariglottisPlatanthera blephariglottis, commonly known as the White-fringed Orchid or White-fringed Orchis, is a species of orchid of the genus Platanthera...
— white-fringe orchis - Platanthera chorisiana — Choriso bog orchid
- Platanthera clavellata — small green woodland orchid
- Platanthera dilatata — leafy white orchis
- Platanthera flava — southern rein orchid
- Platanthera grandifloraPlatanthera grandifloraPlatanthera grandiflora is a species of orchid occurring from eastern Canada to Wisconsin and the Appalachian Mountains....
— large purple-fringe orchis - Platanthera hookeri — Hooker's orchis
- Platanthera hyperboreaPlatanthera hyperboreaDescription: Platanthera hyperborea is a green to yellowish-green perennial, monocot herb growing 10–90 cm.Similar species: Platanthera hyperborea is similar to Platanthera dilatata, the two hybridize freely, and produce intermediate offspring, the labellum, is strongly dilated at the base in...
— leafy northern green orchid - Platanthera lacera — green-fringe orchis
- Platanthera leucophaea — eastern prairie white-fringed orchid
- Platanthera leucostachys — Bog rein orchid, scentbottle
- Platanthera obtusataPlatanthera obtusataPlatanthera obtusata is a small species of orchid in the genus Platanthera....
— small northern bog orchid - Platanthera orbiculata — large roundleaf orchid
- Platanthera praeclara — western prairie white-fringed orchid
- Platanthera psycodesPlatanthera psycodesPlatanthera psycodes, commonly called Small Purple Fringed-orchid, is a species of orchid occurring from eastern Canada to the east-central and northeastern United States....
— small purple-fringe orchis - Platanthera strictaPlatanthera strictaPlatanthera stricta is a species of orchid known by the common name slender bog orchid. It is native to western North America from Alaska to the southwestern United States, where it grows in wet areas, such as shady forest meadows. It produces a slender, erect flowering stem up to about 80...
— slender bog orchid - Platanthera x andrewsii — Andrews' platanthera
- Platanthera x hollandiae — Holland's platanthera
- Platanthera x keenanii — Keenan's platanthera
- Platanthera x media
- Platanthera x reznicekii — Reznicek's platanthera
- Platanthera x vossii — Voss' platanthera
- Pogonia ophioglossoidesPogonia ophioglossoidesPogonia ophioglossoides is a species of orchid occurring from central Canada to the east-central and eastern United States. It is the type species of the genus Pogonia. It is also known as the "Snake Mouth Orchid"....
— rose pogonia - Spiranthes casei — Case's ladies'-tresses
- Spiranthes cernuaSpiranthes cernuaSpiranthes cernua, commonly called the Nodding Ladies'-tresses, is a species of orchid occurring from eastern Canada to the central and eastern United States....
— nodding ladies'-tresses - Spiranthes lacera — southern slender ladies'-tresses
- Spiranthes lucida — shining ladies'-tresses
- Spiranthes magnicamporum — Great Plains ladies'-tresses
- Spiranthes ochroleucaSpiranthes ochroleucaSpiranthes ochroleuca, commonly called the Yellow Nodding Ladies'-tresses, is a species of orchid occurring from southeastern Canada to the eastern United States....
— yellow nodding ladies'-tresses - Spiranthes ovalis — lesser ladies'-tresses
- Spiranthes romanzoffianaSpiranthes romanzoffianaSpiranthes romanzoffiana, commonly known as the Hooded Lady's-tresses, is a species of orchid. Collected by Chamisso during the Romanzov expedition it was described by him in 1828 and named for Count Nikolay Rumyantsev who financed it....
— hooded ladies'-tresses - Spiranthes x intermedia
- Spiranthes x simpsonii — Simpson's ladies'-tresses
- Triphora trianthophora — nodding pogonia
OrobanchaceaeOrobanchaceaeOrobanchaceae, the broomrape family, is a family of flowering plants of the order Lamiales, with about 90 genera and more than 2000 species. Many of these genera were formerly included in the family Scrophulariaceae sensu lato...
- Boschniakia hookeriBoschniakia hookeriBoschniakia hookeri is a species of parasitic plant in the broomrape family known by the common names Vancouver groundcone and small groundcone....
— Vancouver groundcone - Boschniakia rossica — northern groundcone
- Boschniakia strobilaceaBoschniakia strobilaceaBoschniakia strobilacea is a species of parasitic plant in the broomrape family known by the common name California groundcone.It is native to California and southern Oregon, where it grows in wooded areas and chaparral. It is a parasite of manzanitas and madrones, which it parasitizes by...
— California groundcone - Conopholis americanaConopholis americanaConopholis americana, American cancer-root or squawroot or bear corn, is a perennial, non-photosynthesizing parasitic plant, from the family Orobanchaceae and more recently from the genus Conopholis but also listed as Orobanche, native but not endemic to North America and when blooming, resembles...
— American cancer-root - Epifagus virginiana — beechdrops
- Orobanche californicaOrobanche californicaOrobanche californica is a species of broomrape known by the common name California broomrape. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Idaho to Baja California where it is a parasite growing attached to the roots of other plants, usually members of the Asteraceae, in many...
— California broomrape
- Orobanche corymbosaOrobanche corymbosaOrobanche corymbosa is a species of broomrape known by the common name flat-top broomrape. It is native to western North America where it is a parasite growing attached to the roots of other plants, usually sagebrush...
— flat-top broomrape - Orobanche fasciculataOrobanche fasciculataOrobanche fasciculata is a species of broomrape known by the common name clustered broomrape. It is native to much of western and central North America from Alaska to northern Mexico to the Great Lakes region, where it grows in many types of habitat...
— clustered broomrape - Orobanche ludoviciana — Louisiana broomrape
- Orobanche pinorumOrobanche pinorumOrobanche pinorum is a species of broomrape known by the common name conifer broomrape. It is native to the forests of western North America, where it is a parasite growing attached to the roots of other plants, usually Holodiscus species. This plant has an erect stem with a wide, thickened base...
— pine broomrape - Orobanche unifloraOrobanche unifloraOrobanche uniflora, commonly known as Oneflowered Broomrape, Cancer Root, or Naked Broomrape is an annual parasitic herb...
— one-flowered broomrape
OrthotrichaceaeOrthotrichaceaeOrthotrichaceae is the only family of mosses in order Orthotrichales. Many species in the family are epiphytic.-Classification:*Cardotiella*Ceuthotheca*Codonoblepharon*Desmotheca*Florschuetziella*Groutiella...
- Amphidium californicum
- Amphidium lapponicum
- Amphidium mougeotii
- Drummondia prorepens
- Orthotrichum affine
- Orthotrichum alpestre
- Orthotrichum anomalum
- Orthotrichum consimile
- Orthotrichum cupulatum
- Orthotrichum gymnostomum
- Orthotrichum hallii
- Orthotrichum laevigatum
- Orthotrichum lyellii
- Orthotrichum obtusifolium — blunt bristle-moss
- Orthotrichum ohioense
- Orthotrichum pallens
- Orthotrichum pellucidum
- Orthotrichum pulchellum
- Orthotrichum pumilum
- Orthotrichum pusillum
- Orthotrichum pylaisii
- Orthotrichum rivulare
- Orthotrichum rupestre
- Orthotrichum sordidum
- Orthotrichum speciosum
- Orthotrichum stellatum
- Orthotrichum stramineum
- Orthotrichum strangulatum
- Orthotrichum striatum
- Orthotrichum tenellum
- Ulota coarctata
- Ulota crispa
- Ulota curvifolia
- Ulota drummondii
- Ulota hutchinsiae
- Ulota megalospora
- Ulota obtusiuscula
- Ulota phyllantha
- Zygodon conoideus
- Zygodon gracilisZygodon gracilisZygodon gracilis is a moss species in the genus Zygodon.-See also:* List of Canadian plants by family O* List of the mosses of Britain and Ireland...
- Zygodon reinwardtii
- Zygodon viridissimus
OsmundaceaeOsmundaceaeThe Osmundaceae is a family of four genera and 15-25 species. It is the only fern family of the order Osmundales; an order in the class Pteridopsida or in some classifications the only order in the class Osmundopsida...
- Osmunda claytoniana — interrupted fern
- Osmunda spectabilisOsmunda spectabilisOsmunda spectabilis is a species of fern once thought to be the same as Osmunda regalis, but recent genetic studies have shown it to be a separate species. -Description:...
— royal fern - Osmundastrum cinnamomeum — cinnamon fern
OxalidaceaeOxalidaceaeThe Oxalidaceae, or wood sorrel family, are a small family of eight genera of herbaceous plants, shrubs and small trees, with the great majority of the 900 species in the genus Oxalis...
- Oxalis dillenii — Dillen's woodsorrel
- Oxalis montana — white woodsorrel
- Oxalis oregana — Oregon woodsorrel
- Oxalis strictaOxalis strictaOxalis stricta, called the common yellow woodsorrel , common yellow oxalis, upright yellow-sorrel, lemon clover, or more ambiguously and informally "sourgrass" or "pickle plant", is an herbaceous plant native to North America, parts of Eurasia, and has a rare introduction in Britain...
— common yellow woodsorrel - Oxalis suksdorfiiOxalis suksdorfiiOxalis suksdorfii is a species of flowering plant in the woodsorrel family known by the common name western yellow woodsorrel and Suksdorf's woodsorrel. It native to the west coast of the United States from Washington to northern California, where it can be found in open and wooded habitat types...
— western yellow oxalis