List of Acer species
There are over 100 species in the genus
Acer giraldii Pax – Girald's Maple
Acer heldreichii
Orph. ex Boiss. – Heldreich's Maple, Greek Maple Acer pseudoplatanus L. – Sycamore, Sycamore Maple
Acer trautvetteri Medwed. – Red-bud Maple, Trautvetter's Maple
Acer vanvolxemii Masters See A. velutinum
Acer velutinum
Boiss. – Velvet Maple Series Monspesulana
Acer hyrcanum Fisch. & Meyer – Balkan Maple
Acer monspessulanum
L. – Montpelier Maple Acer obtusifolium
Sibthorp & Smith – # Syrian Maple Acer opalus Miller – Italian Maple
Acer opulifolium Villars See A. opalus
Acer sempervirens
L. – # Cretan Maple Acer syriacum Boiss. & Gaillardot See A. obtusifolium
Acer trilobatum Lamb. See A. monspessulanum
Series Saccharodendron
Michx. See A. floridanum Acer floridanum
(Chapm.) Pax – Florida Maple, Southern Sugar Maple Acer grandidentatum Torr. & Gray – Bigtooth Maple, Canyon Maple
Acer leucoderme Small – Chalk Maple
Acer nigrum Michx.f. – Black Maple
Acer skutchii Rehder – Skutch's Maple
Acer saccharum Marshall – Sugar Maple, Rock Maple, Hard Maple
Section †
& Tanai (Late Paleocene, Matanuska River Valley
, Alaska
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Cape Douglas, Alaska)
Acer ginnala Maxim. – Amur Maple
Acer semenovii Regel & Herder
Acer tataricum L. – Tatar Maple
Acer argutum Maxim. – Deep-veined Maple
Acer barbinerve Maxim. – Bearded Maple
Acer stachyophyllum Hiern – Birch-leaved Maple
Acer tetramerum Pax See A. stachyophyllum
Series Glabra
Acer laurinum Hassk. - #
Acer franchetii Pax
Acer leipoense
Fang & Soong Acer pilosum Maxim.
Acer sinopurpurascens Cheng
Acer sterculiaceum Wall.
Acer villosum Wall. See A. sterculiaceum
Acer yangbiense
Chen & Yang Series Macrophylla
Maxim. – Kyushu Maple Acer caudatifolium Hayata – Kawakami Maple
Acer crataegifolium
Siebold & Zucc. – Hawthorn-leaved Maple Acer davidii
Franch. – David's Maple Acer forrestii Diels – Forrest's Maple
Acer grosseri
Pax – Grosser's Maple Acer hersii Rehder See A. grosseri
Acer komarovii Pojark. See A. tschonoskii
Acer laxiflorum Pax
Acer micranthum Siebold & Zucc.
Acer morifolium Koidz.
Acer maximowiczii Pax – Maximowicz's Maple
Acer pectinatum Wall. ex Nicholson
Acer pensylvanicum L. – Striped Maple, Moosewood
Acer rubescens Hayata
Acer rufinerve
Siebold & Zucc. – Redvein Maple Acer sikkimense Miq.
Acer tegmentosum
Maxim. Acer tschonoskii Murray
(Siebold & Zucc.) Koch – Vine-leaved Maple Acer henryi Pax – Henry's Maple
Series Negundo
L. – Box elder, Boxelder Maple, Manitoba Maple
Acer circinatum Pursh – Vine Maple
Acer circumlobatum Maxim. See A. japonicum
Acer duplicatoserratum
Hayata Acer japonicum
Thunb. – Downy Japanese Maple Acer linganense Fang & Chiu
Acer palmatum
Thunb. – Japanese Maple Acer pauciflorum Fang
Acer pubipalmatum
Fang Acer pseudosieboldianum
(Pax) Komarov - Korean Maple Acer robustum Pax
Acer shirasawanum Koidz. – Shirasawa's Maple
Acer sieboldianum
Miq. – Siebold's Maple Series Penninervia
Acer erythranthum
Gagnep. Acer eucalyptoides Fang & Wu
Acer fabri Hance - # Faber Maple
Acer hainanense Chun & Fang See A. laevigatum
Acer kiukiangense Hu & Cheng
Acer laevigatum
Hu & Cheng – # Smoothbark Maple Acer oligocarpum
Acer sino-oblongum Metcalf
Acer wangchii Fang
Series Sinensia
Acer campbellii Hook.f. & Thomson ex Hiern – Campbell's Maple
Acer chapaense Gagnep.
Acer confertifolium Merril & Metcalf
Acer elegantulum Fang & Chiu
Acer erianthum Schwer.
Acer flabellatum Rehder
Acer fenzelianum Hand.-Mazz. – Fenzl's Maple
Acer kweilinense Fang & Fang f.
Acer lampingense Fang & Fang f.
Acer mapienense Fang
Acer miaoshanicum Fang
Acer olivaceum Fang & Chiu
Acer oliverianum
Pax – Oliver's Maple Acer schneiderianum Pax & Hoffman
Acer serrulatum Hayata See A. oliverianum
Acer shangszeense Fang & Soong
Acer sichourense Fang & Fang f.
Acer sinense Pax – Campbell's Maple
Acer sunyiense Fang
Acer taipuense Fang
Acer tonkinense Lecompte
Acer tutcheri Duthie
Acer wilsonii Rehder – Wilson's Maple
Acer wuyuanense Fang & Wu
Acer yaoshanicum Fang
Acer montanum Aiton See A. spicatum
Acer spicatum Lamarck – Mountain Maple
Acer ukurunduense
Trautvetter & Meyer – Ukurundu Maple Series Distyla
Series Parviflora
Series Trifida
Acer buergerianum Miq. – Trident Maple
Acer cinnamomifolium Hayata See A. coriaceifolium
Acer cordatum Pax
Acer coriaceifolium Lév. - # Leatherleaf Maple
Acer discolor Maxim.
Acer fengii Murray - #
Acer lucidum Metcalf
Acer oblongum
Wall. ex DC. - # Acer paxii Franch. - #
Acer shihweii Chun & Fang
Acer sycopseoides Chun
Acer yinkunii Fang
Acer yuii Fang
Acer amplum Rehder – Broad Maple
Acer campestre L. – Field Maple
Acer cappadocicum Gled. – Cappadocian Maple
Acer lobelii
Ten. – Lobel's Maple Acer longipes Franch. ex Rehder
Acer miaotaiense P.C.Tsoong
Acer miyabei
Maxim. – Miyabe's Maple Acer mono Maxim. – see A. pictum
Acer platanoides L. – Norway Maple
Acer nayongense Fang
Acer tenellum Pax
Acer tibetense Fang
Acer truncatum
Bunge – Shandong Maple
Acer pentapomicum Stewart ex Brandis
Acer pubescens Franch. See A. pentapomicum
Acer regelii Pax See A. pentapomicum
& Tanai (Early Eocene, British Columbia
Acer rubrum L. – Red Maple
Acer saccharinum L. – Silver Maple
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State) † Acer stewarti
& Tanai (Early Eocene, British Columbia
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State & British Columbia
) † Acer toradense
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State & British Columbia
) † Acer washingtonense
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State)
Acer maximowiczianum
Miq. – Nikko Maple Acer nikoense Maxim. See A. maximowiczianum
Acer triflorum
Komarov – Three-flowered Maple Series Mandshurica
Maxim. – Manchurian Maple Acer sutchuenense Franch.
Acer × dieckii van Gelderen & Otterdoom See A. platanoides
Acer × durrettii Pax See A. × coriaceum
Acer × freemanii Murray (A. rubrum × A. saccharinum)
Acer × hillieri Lancaster (A. miyabei × A. cappadocicum 'Aureum')
Acer × hybridum Bosc See A. pseudoplatanus
Acer × martinii Jordan (A. monspessulanum × A. opalus)
Acer × pseudo-heldreichii Fukarek & Celjo (A. pseudoplatanus × A. heldreichii)
Acer × ramosum Jordan (A. monspessulanum × A. opalus)
Acer × rotundilobum Schwer. See A. × coriaceum
Acer × schwerinii Pax (uncertain, maybe A. crataegifolium × A. rufinerve)
Acer × zoeschense
Pax (A. campestre × either A. cappadocicum or A. lobelii)
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...
Species listed by section and series

Acer- Series
Acer heldreichii
Acer heldreichii, common names Heldreich's Maple, Greek Maple, and Balkan Maple, is a species of maple.This species grows up to 50 feet, and has yellow flowers.-Subspecies:*Acer heldreichii subsp. heldreichii...
Orph. ex Boiss. – Heldreich's Maple, Greek Maple
Acer velutinum
Acer velutinum, Velvet Maple is a tree species native to Azerbaijan, Georgia and northern Iran. It grows in the moist Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests as wells as parts of Eastern Georgia.It is a tall deciduous tree growing to over 40 m tall....
Boiss. – Velvet Maple
Acer monspessulanum
Montpellier Maple is a species of maple native to the Mediterranean region from Morocco and Portugal in the west, to Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine in the east, and north to the Jura Mountains in France and the Eifel in Germany.-Description:...
L. – Montpelier Maple
Acer obtusifolium
Acer obtusifolium, common name the Syrian Maple is a species of maple.-Description:Acer obtusifolium is an evergreen maple that forms a shrub, but can also be grown into a tree to a height of about 16 feet. It has leathery foliage varying from unlobed to tri-lobed...
Sibthorp & Smith – # Syrian Maple
Acer sempervirens
Acer sempervirens is a species of maple native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, in southern Greece and southern Turkey....
L. – # Cretan Maple
Acer floridanum
Acer floridanum , commonly known as the Florida maple and occasionally as the southern sugar maple or hammock maple, is a tree that occurs in mesic and usually calcareous woodlands of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain in the United States, from southeastern...
Michx. See A. floridanum
Acer floridanum
Acer floridanum , commonly known as the Florida maple and occasionally as the southern sugar maple or hammock maple, is a tree that occurs in mesic and usually calcareous woodlands of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain in the United States, from southeastern...
(Chapm.) Pax – Florida Maple, Southern Sugar Maple
Section †ExtinctionIn biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms , normally a species. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point...
- †
Acer alaskense
Acer alaskense is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from a fossil leaf. The species is solely known from the Latest Paleocene sediments exposed in the Matanuska River Valley, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska...
Jack A. Wolfe
Jack Albert Wolfe was an American paleontologist best known for his studies of Tertiary climate in western North America through analysis of fossil angiosperm leaves.-External links:...
& Tanai (Late Paleocene, Matanuska River Valley
Matanuska River
The Matanuska River is a river, approximately 75 miles long, in Southcentral Alaska, United States. It drains a broad valley south of the Alaska Range known as the Matanuska-Susitna Valley....
, Alaska
Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area. It is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait...
Section †
Douglasa- †
Acer douglasense
Acer douglasense is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from fossil leaves. The species is solely known from the Early Eocene sediments exposed in Katmai National Park and Preserve, Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska...
Jack A. Wolfe
Jack Albert Wolfe was an American paleontologist best known for his studies of Tertiary climate in western North America through analysis of fossil angiosperm leaves.-External links:...
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Cape Douglas, Alaska)
Ginnala- Series
Glabra- Series
Hyptiocarpa- Series
Indivisa- Series
Lithocarpa- Series
Acer leipoense
Acer leipoense is a species of maple, endemic to southwestern Sichuan in southwestern China. It is an endangered species, growing at altitudes of 2,000–2,700 m....
Fang & Soong
Acer yangbiense
Acer yangbiense is a species of maple with a very restricted distribution in Yunnan, China, only known from around ten specimens from a single locality in Yangbi county.It is a deciduous tree up to 20 m in height with noticeably pubescent new branchlets...
Chen & Yang
Macrantha- Series
Acer capillipes
Acer capillipes , is a maple in the same taxonomic section as other snakebark maples such as A. pensylvanicum, A. davidii and A. rufinerve...
Maxim. – Kyushu Maple
Acer crataegifolium
Acer crataegifolium , is a species of maple in the snakebark maple group, native to mountains forests of central and southern Japan, on Honshū , Kyūshū and Shikoku.It is a deciduous small tree or shrub that grows to a height of 5–10 m, with a trunk up to 30 cm diameter...
Siebold & Zucc. – Hawthorn-leaved Maple
Acer davidii
Acer davidii , is a species of maple in the snakebark maple group. It is native to China, from Jiangsu south to Fujian and Guangdong, and west to southeastern Gansu and Yunnan....
Franch. – David's Maple
Acer davidii
Acer davidii , is a species of maple in the snakebark maple group. It is native to China, from Jiangsu south to Fujian and Guangdong, and west to southeastern Gansu and Yunnan....
Pax – Grosser's Maple
Acer rufinerve
Acer rufinerve , is a maple in the snakebark maple group, related to Acer capillipes . It is native to mountains forests of Japan, on Honshū, Kyūshū and Shikoku.It is a small deciduous tree growing to a height of 8–15 m, with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter...
Siebold & Zucc. – Redvein Maple
Acer tegmentosum
Acer tegmentosum, Manchurian striped maple is a species of maple genus, which is natively found in the south of the Russian Far East , North-Eastern China and in Korea. Cold-hardy down to USDA zone 5a , height 10-15 m, characteristic greenish-grey bark with bright white stripes....
Negundo- Series
Acer cissifolium
Acer cissifolium is a maple native to Japan, from southern Hokkaidō south through Honshū and Shikoku to Kyūshū....
(Siebold & Zucc.) Koch – Vine-leaved Maple
Acer negundo
Acer negundo is a species of maple native to North America. Box Elder, Boxelder Maple, and Maple Ash are its most common names in the United States...
L. – Box elder, Boxelder Maple, Manitoba Maple
Palmata- Series
Acer duplicatoserratum
Acer duplicatoserratum is a species of maple, native to southern China, including Taiwan.It is a small tree, in the same group of maples as Acer palmatum. The leaves are palmately lobed with seven to nine lobes, 2.3–10 cm long and 3–10 cm broad.There are two varieties:*Acer...
Acer japonicum
Acer japonicum is a species of maple native to Japan, on Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū , and also southern Korea....
Thunb. – Downy Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum
Acer palmatum, called Japanese Maple or Smooth Japanese Maple is a species of woody plant native to Japan, North Korea, South Korea, China, eastern Mongolia, and southeast Russia. Many different cultivars of this maple have been selected and they are grown worldwide for their attractive leaf...
Thunb. – Japanese Maple
Acer pubipalmatum
Acer pubipalmatum is a species of maple....
Acer pseudosieboldianum
Acer pseudosieboldianum or the Korean Maple tree, also known as the Purplebloom Maple, is a species of plant that is native to the Korean peninsula, southern parts of the Russian Far East, and Northern China.-Description:...
(Pax) Komarov - Korean Maple
Acer sieboldianum
Acer sieboldianum is a species of maple native to Japan and common in the forests of Hokkaidō, Honshū, Shikoku and Kyūshū Islands; in the south of the range it is restricted to mountain forests...
Miq. – Siebold's Maple
Acer erythranthum
Acer erythranthum is a species of maple, endemic to Vietnam.-References:* World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1998. . Downloaded on 20 August 2007....
Acer laevigatum
Acer laevigatum , is an atypical species of maple native to southern China , northern India , northern Myanmar, Nepal, and northern Vietnam...
Hu & Cheng – # Smoothbark Maple
Acer oliverianum
Acer oliverianum, common names Oliver's Maple and Oliver Maple, is broadleaf deciduous tree. It is a species of maple.-Description:...
Pax – Oliver's Maple
Parviflora- Series
Acer ukurunduense
Acer ukurunduense, common names Ukurundu Maple and Arahaga Maple, is a species of maple.-Description:This slow-growing deciduous tree grows from 6 to 9 metres high . The flowers are hermaphrodite and produced in May are white to near white...
Trautvetter & Meyer – Ukurundu Maple
Pentaphylla- Series
Acer oblongum
Acer oblongum, common name Himalayan Maple, Evergreen Maple and Kashmir Maple, is a species of maple belonging to the Sapindaceae family.-Description:...
Wall. ex DC. - #
Platanoidea- Series
Acer lobelii
Acer lobelii is a rare maple native to southern Italy and the western Balkans. Synonyms include Acer platanoides subsp. lobelii Gams and Acer cappadocicum subsp...
Ten. – Lobel's Maple
Acer miyabei
Acer miyabei is a species of maple native to Japan, where it occurs in Hokkaidō and the Tōhoku region in northern Honshū....
Maxim. – Miyabe's Maple
Acer truncatum
Acer truncatum is a maple native to northern China, in the provinces of Gansu, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, and also Korea....
Bunge – Shandong Maple
Pubescentia- Series
Section †
Rousea- †
Acer rousei
Acer rousei is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from a series of isolated fossil samaras. The species is solely known from the Early Eocene sediments exposed in south central British Columbia, Canada adjacent to northeast Washington State, USA...
Jack A. Wolfe
Jack Albert Wolfe was an American paleontologist best known for his studies of Tertiary climate in western North America through analysis of fossil angiosperm leaves.-External links:...
& Tanai (Early Eocene, British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia is the westernmost of Canada's provinces and is known for its natural beauty, as reflected in its Latin motto, Splendor sine occasu . Its name was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858...
Rubra- Series
Section †
Stewarta- †
Acer hillsi
Acer hillsi is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from a single fossil samara. The species is solely known from the Early Eocene sediments exposed in south central British Columbia, Canada adjacent to northeast Washington State, USA...
Jack A. Wolfe
Jack Albert Wolfe was an American paleontologist best known for his studies of Tertiary climate in western North America through analysis of fossil angiosperm leaves.-External links:...
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State)
Acer stewarti
Acer stewarti is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from a series of fossil leaves and samaras. The species is solely known from the Early Eocene sediments exposed in south central British Columbia, Canada adjacent to northeast Washington State, USA...
Jack A. Wolfe
Jack Albert Wolfe was an American paleontologist best known for his studies of Tertiary climate in western North America through analysis of fossil angiosperm leaves.-External links:...
& Tanai (Early Eocene, British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia is the westernmost of Canada's provinces and is known for its natural beauty, as reflected in its Latin motto, Splendor sine occasu . Its name was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858...
Section †
Torada- †
Acer stonebergae
Acer stonebergae is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from two fossil samaras. The species is solely known from the Early Eocene sediments exposed in northeast Washington State, USA and the adjacent area of south central British Columbia, Canada...
Jack A. Wolfe
Jack Albert Wolfe was an American paleontologist best known for his studies of Tertiary climate in western North America through analysis of fossil angiosperm leaves.-External links:...
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State & British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia is the westernmost of Canada's provinces and is known for its natural beauty, as reflected in its Latin motto, Splendor sine occasu . Its name was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858...
Acer toradense
Acer toradense is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from two fossil samaras. The species is solely known from the Early Eocene sediments exposed in northeast Washington State, USA and the adjacent area of south central British Columbia, Canada...
Jack A. Wolfe
Jack Albert Wolfe was an American paleontologist best known for his studies of Tertiary climate in western North America through analysis of fossil angiosperm leaves.-External links:...
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State & British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia is the westernmost of Canada's provinces and is known for its natural beauty, as reflected in its Latin motto, Splendor sine occasu . Its name was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858...
Acer washingtonense
Acer washingtonense is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from one fossil leaf and four fossil samaras. The species is solely known from the Early Eocene sediments exposed in northeast Washington State, USA...
Jack A. Wolfe
Jack Albert Wolfe was an American paleontologist best known for his studies of Tertiary climate in western North America through analysis of fossil angiosperm leaves.-External links:...
& Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State)
Trifoliata- Series
Acer maximowiczianum
Acer maximowiczianum , is a species of maple widely distributed in China and Japan ....
Miq. – Nikko Maple
Acer triflorum
Acer triflorum is a species of maple native to hills of northern China and Korea....
Komarov – Three-flowered Maple
Acer mandshuricum
Acer mandshuricum , is a species of maple native to China , Korea and Russia ....
Maxim. – Manchurian Maple
Acer × zoeschense
Acer × zoeschense is a hybrid maple, a cross between Acer campestre , and either Acer lobelii or Acer cappadocicum . While Field Maple parentage is universally accepted, the second parent is uncertain, though the tree's extensive production of root sprouts favours A. cappadocicum over A...
Pax (A. campestre × either A. cappadocicum or A. lobelii)