Lemon tart

A lemon tart is a dessert dish, a variation of a tart
A tart is a baked dish consisting of a filling over a pastry base with an open top not covered with pastry. The pastry is usually shortcrust pastry; the filling may be sweet or savoury, though modern tarts are usually fruit-based, sometimes with custard....

. They have a normal, crimped, versatile pastry
Pastry is the name given to various kinds of baked products made from ingredients such as flour, sugar, milk, butter, shortening, baking powder and/or eggs. Small cakes, tarts and other sweet baked products are called "pastries."...

 shell, while the filling is a basic variation of lemon
The lemon is both a small evergreen tree native to Asia, and the tree's ellipsoidal yellow fruit. The fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world – primarily for its juice, though the pulp and rind are also used, mainly in cooking and baking...


These mini-pastries are made in three ways. One way is to have a half-spherical pastry, and lemon filling, while the second way is to have a spherical pastry with lemon filling inside, and the third way, is to have a half spherical pastry, with cream
Cream is a dairy product that is composed of the higher-butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization. In un-homogenized milk, over time, the lighter fat rises to the top. In the industrial production of cream this process is accelerated by using centrifuges called "separators"...

 and lemon inside. Lemon tarts may vary, such as they may be sweet or sour.

They are classified as mini-pastries because regular pastries have either a sweet or salty shell, and because regular pastries are usually bigger. Lemon Tarts are usually in the shape of handle-less teacup
A teacup is a small cup, with or without a handle, generally a small one that may be grasped with the thumb and one or two fingers. It is typically made of a ceramic material. It is usually part of a set, composed of a cup and a matching saucer. These in turn may be part of a tea set in...


The lemon filling does not have to be baked, but the shell does. The more intensely the shell is baked, the more crisp it will become.
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