Le som en fotomodell
Le som en fotomodell is a studio album made by Swedish
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

 punk band
Punk rock
Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 1974 and 1976 in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Rooted in garage rock and other forms of what is now known as protopunk music, punk rock bands eschewed perceived excesses of mainstream 1970s rock...

 De Lyckliga Kompisarna
De lyckliga kompisarna
De Lyckliga Kompisarna , DLK, is a Swedish punk band. The band was formed in 1989, split up in 1997, and re-united in 2008. They are probably best known for their song "Ishockeyfrisyr", which is also known as "Hockeyfrilla"...

. The album was released in 1991 and was the first of DLK's four studio albums
An album is a collection of recordings, released as a single package on gramophone record, cassette, compact disc, or via digital distribution. The word derives from the Latin word for list .Vinyl LP records have two sides, each comprising one half of the album...


Track listing

The album was originally released on vinyl
Gramophone record
A gramophone record, commonly known as a phonograph record , vinyl record , or colloquially, a record, is an analog sound storage medium consisting of a flat disc with an inscribed, modulated spiral groove...

 with songs 1-14. The track listing below represents the CD release.
  1. "Troll och häxor", 2.10 (Trolls And Witches)
  2. "Ölstugan som inte finns", 1.54 (The Beer Tavern
    A tavern is a place of business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages and be served food, and in some cases, where travelers receive lodging....

     That Doesn't Exist)
  3. "Egon", 4.08 (Egos (But also a Swedish mans name))
  4. "Allmosor", 1.52 (Alms
    Alms or almsgiving is a religious rite which, in general, involves giving materially to another as an act of religious virtue.It exists in a number of religions. In Philippine Regions, alms are given as charity to benefit the poor. In Buddhism, alms are given by lay people to monks and nuns to...

  5. "Impad", 2.41 (Impressed)
  6. "Vi är de lyckliga kompisarna", 2.25 (We Are The Happy Friends)
  7. "Kofångare", 1.27 (Cowcatcher)
  8. "Tänk om jag vore...", 2.55 (What If I Were...)
  9. "Le som en fotomodell", 3.50 (Smile Like A Model
    Model (person)
    A model , sometimes called a mannequin, is a person who is employed to display, advertise and promote commercial products or to serve as a subject of works of art....

  10. "CP framför sin TV", 3.09 (CP
    Cerebral palsy
    Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term encompassing a group of non-progressive, non-contagious motor conditions that cause physical disability in human development, chiefly in the various areas of body movement....

     In Front Of His TV)
  11. "Smet", 4.01 (Ran away)
  12. "Evigt liv", 3.05 (Eternal Life)
  13. "Där värmen tar vid", 2.03 (Where The Warmth Begins)
  14. "Dricka sprit och hålla käften", 3.27 (Drinking Liqour And Shutting Up)
  15. "Dit kuken pekar", 2.49 (The Way The Cock Points)
  16. "Scania-hjon", 3.02 (Scania-servant)
  17. "Röd fredag/Syndabock", 3.48 (Red Friday / Scapegoat
    Scapegoating is the practice of singling out any party for unmerited negative treatment or blame. Scapegoating may be conducted by individuals against individuals , individuals against groups , groups against individuals , and groups against groups Scapegoating is the practice of singling out any...

  18. "Hallucinationer i himmelen", 2.50 (Hallucinations In Heaven)

Confusion surrounds track 17 on the CD release. On the track listing at the back of the album "Röd fredag" is listed as track 17. However, "Syndabock" is track 17 on the record, as well as inside the lyrics leaflet. It was later explained by the front member Mart Hellgren on their official website's guestbook
A guestbook is a paper or electronic means for a visitor to acknowledge their visitation to a site, physical or web-based, and leave their name, postal or electronic address , and a comment or note, if desired...

that the song was first named "Syndabock", but later renamed to "Röd Fredag", but they forgot to change the songs name inside the leaflet.
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