Alms or almsgiving is a religious rite which, in general, involves giving materially to another as an act of religious virtue.
It exists in a number of religions. In Philippine Regions, alms are given as charity
to benefit the poor. In Buddhism
, alms are given by lay people to monks and nuns to nurture laic virtue, merit and blessings and to ensure monastic continuity. The word comes from the Old English ælmesse, ælmes, from Late Latin
eleemosyna, from Greek
ἐλεημοσύνη eleēmosynē "pity, alms", from ἐλεήμων eleēmōn "merciful", from ἔλεος eleos "pity".
In Buddhism, alms or almsgiving is the respect given by a lay Buddhist
to a Buddhist monk
, nun, spiritually-developed person or other sentient being. It is not charity as presumed by Western interpreters. It is closer to a symbolic connection to the spiritual and to show humbleness and respect in the presence of normal society.Indicative of the mutual nature of the almsgiving exchange, in some Theravada countries, if a monk were to refuse alms from someone—a gesture known as "turning over the rice bowl"—this would be interpreted as an act of excommunication. An example of such a refusal has occurred at times as a form of protest by Buddhist monks in response to offerings by military personnel in military-occupied Myanmar (Mydans, 20 September 2007, NYT). The visible presence of monks and nuns is a stabilizing influence. The act of alms giving assists in connecting the human to the monk or nun and what he/she represents. As the Buddha has stated:
In Theravada
Buddhism, monks (Pāli
: bhikkhu
s) and nuns go on a daily almsround (or pindacara) to collect food. This is often perceived as giving the laypeople the opportunity to make merit (Pāli: puñña
). Money should not be accepted by a Buddhist monk or nun, although nowadays not many monks and nuns keep to this rule (the exception being the monks and nuns of the Thai Forest Tradition
and other Theravada
traditions which focus on vinaya
and meditation
practice). In countries that follow Mahayana
Buddhism, it has been impractical for monks to go on a daily almsround. In China, Korea and Japan, monasteries were situated in remote mountain areas where it could take days to reach the nearest town, thus making the daily almsround impossible. In Japan, the practice of a weekly or monthly takuhatsu
took its place. In the Himalayan countries, the large number of bikshus would have made an almsround a heavy burden on families. Competition with other religions for support also made daily almsrounds difficult and even dangerous; the first monks in the Shilla dynasty of Korea were said to be beaten due to the Buddhist minority at the time.
In Buddhism, both "almsgiving" and, more generally, "giving" are called "dāna
" (Pāli). Such giving is one of the three elements of the path of practice as formulated by the Buddha
for laypeople. This path of practice for laypeople is: dāna
, sīla
, bhāvanā
The exquisite paradox in Buddhism is that the more we give – and the more we give without seeking something in return – the wealthier (in the broadest sense of the word) we will become. By giving we destroy those acquisitive impulses that ultimately lead to further suffering. Generosity is also expressed towards other sentient beings as both a cause for merit and to aid the receiver of the gift. In Mahayana
Tradition it is accepted that although the three jewels of refuge
are the basis of the greatest merit, by seeing other sentient beings as having Buddhanature and making offerings towards the aspirational Buddha to be within them is of equal benefit. Generosity towards other sentient beings is greatly emphasised in Mahayana as one of the perfections (paramita
) as shown in Lama Tsong Khapa's
'The Abbreviated Points of the Graded Path' (Tibetan: lam-rim bsdus-don):
In Buddhism
, giving of alms is the beginning of one's journey to Nirvana (Pali: nibbana). In practice, one can give anything with or without thought for Nibbana. This would lead to faith (Pali: saddha), one key power (Pali: bala) that one should generate within oneself for the Buddha
, Dhamma and Sangha
The motives behind giving plays important role in developing spiritual qualities. The suttas record various motives for exercising generosity. The Anguttara Nikaya (A.iv,236) enumerates the following eight motives:
According to the Pali canon
is the traditional moment in every Roman Catholic Mass
, Anglican Eucharist
, and Lutheran Divine Service, and many when alms are collected. Protestants, such as Baptist
s or Methodists also engage in alms, although it is more commonly referred to as "tithe
s and offering
s" by the church.
In the Eastern Orthodox Church
and the Eastern Catholic Churches the collection of alms and tithes has not been formally united to the offertory in any liturgical action. However, either having a collection plate in the narthex
or passing it unobtrusively during the service is not uncommon. In Orthodox theology, almsgiving is an important part of the spiritual life, and fasting
should always be accompanied by increased prayer and almsgiving. Almsgiving in the name of the deceased also frequently accompanies prayer for the dead
. Those whose financial circumstances do not permit the giving of monetary alms may give alms in other ways, such as intercessory prayer and acts of mercy
In most Christian forms of worship and in most denominations, a collection is made of "tithe
s and offerings
" given for the support of the church's mission, budget, ministry, and for its relief of the poor, as an important act of Christian charity
, united to communal prayer.
In some churches the "offering plate" or "offering basket" is placed upon the altar
, as a sign that the offering is made to God, and a sign of the bond of Christian love.Cf. In addition, private acts of charity, considered virtuous only if not done for others to admire, are seen as a Christian duty.
The outward and an inward giving of alms:
Here Jesus places the primary focus on the motives behind such acts, which should be love.
Giving of the rich versus the poor:
Here Jesus contrasts the giving of the rich and the poor
Giving out of Love and not out of duty:
is a devotional offering, usually food, presented at a temple or to a swami
or a religious Brahmin
who in turn provides a religious service (karmkand
) or instruction. According to Vasishtha Samhitha (Chapter XXIX):
Inspired from hinduism, Acharya Vinoba Bhave started The Bhoodan movement
(Hindi: भूदान, Urdu: بھودان) or Land Gift Movement in 1951 was a voluntary land reform movement in India. As an experiment in voluntary social justice
, Bhoodan has attracted admiration throughout the world. There is little question that it created a social atmosphere in India that presaged land reform legislation activity throughout the country. It also had a tangible effect on the lives of many people – over 5 million acres (20,234.3 km²) were donated.
The fifth debt to the cosmic elements and everything that arises out of them (bhutrun) is added. It means debt to Nature — a person is indebted to plants, trees, birds, animals and nature (called Bhuta Rin) — repaid by offering good will, food, water, or any other help that is appropriate.
Repay to Five debts are called pancha-maha-yajna which should be performed daily by every human being is compulsory in hinduism. By these five yajna the worshipper places himself in right relations with all being, affirming such relation between god, ancestors, Spirits, men, the organic creation, nature and himself.
reference to the source may please be given- http://srimadbhagavatam.com/sb/8/1/10/
Swami Ramdas 1682 AD from Sajjangadh Maharshtra India penned a prayer which asks ALMS from 'atma rama'-our own SOUL within which all the divinity resides.The Wise after seeing most of the world, meeting all kinds of men, facing different events of Life, humbly suggests to the GenNext, what should You be equipped with to be truly successful in Life. The way we learn ever , behave ,teach, be a Ideals for the YOUTH, propagate the TRUTH in a way that reaches most hearts and minds and many such skills we would need to be Complete. You can list few qualities HE suggests and reinforce these daily as a Prayer to divine Self (Atma ‘Ram’) within YOU.
‘What should we all ask from Atma ram within us all’?
Translation of famous ‘Bheekshaa De Re Ram’ Prayer By Swami Samarth Ramdas=1608-1682AD, a leader Saint of Sajjangadh, Maharashtra, India.
“Give me (first of all a )a genteel speech
Give me a life of timeless edifying work for the common good of all
Give me the ability to know the importance of Any situation well
Give me the ability to judge events, people minds’ and act accordingly
All my actions should be for the Good –welfare of any and all
Give me that, which helps most and the many needy
Give me ability to read the minds and souls of those whom we meet
Give me a real friendship of the many of all classes and strata
Give me the prosperity of the right education which is divine
Give me a attitude of dispassion for materialism and gathering
Let me really never need to ask what is truly needed for Me, but give it without my asking / as little as possible for myself alone
Give me what I do not know is long lastingly good for me
Give me perpetual fountain of affection-longing for you ever
Give me nothing else but Rama perpetually within my mind soul
Musical speech which I could use to Sing your wisdom & paeans for all
The sur and taal and right musical notes so as Not to falter while doing above.
Allow me to be of the same Mud–culture and 'frequency' as all masses and recite all Puranas scriptures reaching their hearts
Allow my ‘Ram katha’ -these Sermons- to take as many attractive forms as any so that many come to hear it many times.
My whole being while singing this should be attractive and spell binding so that the attention of those who listen masses will not Falter and distract.
Give me a fluent skill of delivering my sermons about all Puranas and your katha so as to spell bound the listeners and really reveal your divinity to the masses in the need.
The EFFECT-taali which we give = ‘the clap’ while ram katha be loud and clear Resounding effect of the story on the masses is desired here-symbolic
Give me even ability to dance well if required for you and katha
My diction grammar and word play should be faultless and flowing straight into hearts minds of the listeners ever all the time too.
Right sweet gentle and acceptable words ever on my tongue tip.
Always alert to the enemies within and outside to me and mine all
As much wisdom on my tip of the tongue as I read for benefit of those who Need it timely when they ask me anytime.
This servant of yours pleads to you that the needs for me is to be A store house of Perpetually good wisdom useful for all
Give us all the best of the above ever but in Time of our Need.
Give me this divine alms in these forms
The ability to be kind and act for the needy as are You to me ..
Give me and all unfaltering omni present devotion in goodness-YOU.
Ability to introspect and understand me myself and my thoughts action
Ability to feel one with your form of character and action you present to us
Ability to transcend the need for the material needs till that is essential
Give 'me' ever the companionship of the wise and the divine
Ability to be unbound, dispassion, be free from any (DIS) attractions!
Give 'me' the divine experience of revealed perpetual Truth
The easy means for get all above is give 'me' ability to SERVE others- And YOU in that form ever
Give to me my true self revealed without the shades and covers Of ego and body aurora, which encloses it perpetually.
This servant of yours is asking nothing less than you in your Complete revealed self within me and Us all..
Jai jai Raghuveer samarth..!
or the giving of alms, is the fourth of the five pillars of Islam
. Various rules attach to the practice, but in general terms, it is obligatory to give away 2.5% of ones savings and business revenue, as well as 5–10% of ones harvest, to the poor. The recipients include the destitute, the working poor
, those who are unable to pay off their own debts, stranded travelers, and others who need assistance, with the general principle of zakaah always being that the rich should pay it to the poor.
One of the most important principles of Islam is that all things belong to God, and that wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust.
The word Zakat means both 'purification' and 'growth'. Our possessions are purified by setting aside a proportion for those in need, and, like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and encourages new growth.
Zakat is the amount of money that every adult, mentally stable, free, and financially able Muslim, male and female, has to pay to support specific categories of people.
This category of people is defined in surah at-Taubah (9) verse 60: "The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarers; a duty imposed by Allah. Allah is knower, Wise." (The Holy Qur'an 9:60).
The obligatory nature of Zakat is firmly established in the Qur'an, the Sunnah (or hadith), and the consensus of the companions and the Muslim scholars. Allah states in Surah at-Taubah verses 34–35: "O ye who believe! there are indeed many among the priests and anchorites, who in Falsehood devour the substance of men and hinder (them) from the way of Allah. And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah. announce unto them a most grievous penalty – On the Day when heat will be produced out of that (wealth) in the fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, their flanks, and their backs.- "This is the (treasure) which ye buried for yourselves: taste ye, then, the (treasures) ye buried!" (The Holy Qur'an 9:34–35).
It is agreed between Muslims in all the centuries the obligatory nature of paying Zakat for gold and silver, and from those the other kinds of currency.
Zakat is obligatory when a certain amount of money, called the nisab is reached or exceeded. Zakat is not obligatory if the amount owned is less than this nisab. The nisab (or minimum amount) of gold and golden currency is 20 mithqal, this is approximately 85 grams of pure gold. One mithqal is approximately 4.25 grams. The nisab of silver and silver currency is 200 dirhams, which is approximately 595 grams of pure silver. The nisab of other kinds of money and currency is to be scaled to that of gold, 85 grams of pure gold. This means that the nisab of money is the price of 85 grams of 999-type (pure) gold, on the day in which Zakat is paid. (Current Gold Prices)
When is Zakat Due ?
Zakat is obligatory after a time span of one lunar year passes with the money in the control of its owner. Then the owner needs to pay 2.5% (or 1/40) of the money as Zakat. (A lunar year is approximately 355 days).
The owner should deduct any amount of money he or she borrowed from others; then check if the rest reaches the necessary nisab, then pays Zakat for it.
If the owner had enough money to satisfy the nisab at the beginning of the year, then the money increased (in profits, salaries, inheritance, grants...etc.), the owner needs to add the increase to the nisab amount owned at the beginning of the year; then pay Zakat, 2.5%, of the total at the end of the lunar year. (there are small differences in the fiqh schools here)
Each Muslim calculates his or her own Zakat individually. For most purposes this involves the payment each year of two and a half percent of one's capital. (Zakat Calculator)
A pious person may also give as much as he or she pleases as sadaqa, and does so preferably in secret. Although this word can be translated as 'voluntary charity' it has a wider meaning. The Prophet said 'even meeting your brother with a cheerful face is charity.'
The Prophet said: 'Charity is a necessity for every Muslim. ' He was asked: 'What if a person has nothing?' The Prophet replied: 'He should work with his own hands for his benefit and then give something out of such earnings in charity.' The Companions asked: 'What if he is not able to work?' The Prophet said: 'He should help poor and needy persons.' The Companions further asked 'What if he cannot do even that?' The Prophet said 'He should urge others to do good.' The Companions said 'What if he lacks that also?' The Prophet said 'He should check himself from doing evil. That is also charity.'
, justice, and the poor are entitled to charity as a matter of right rather than benevolence. Contemporary charity is regarded as a continuation of the Biblical Maaser Ani
, or poor-tithe, as well as Biblical practices including permitting the poor to glean the corners of a field, harvest during the Shmita (Sabbatical year), and other practices. Voluntary charity, along with prayer and repentance, is regarded as ameliorating the consequences of bad acts.
It exists in a number of religions. In Philippine Regions, alms are given as charity
Charity (virtue)
In Christian theology charity, or love , means an unlimited loving-kindness toward all others.The term should not be confused with the more restricted modern use of the word charity to mean benevolent giving.- Caritas: altruistic love :...
to benefit the poor. In Buddhism
Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha . The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th...
, alms are given by lay people to monks and nuns to nurture laic virtue, merit and blessings and to ensure monastic continuity. The word comes from the Old English ælmesse, ælmes, from Late Latin
Late Latin
Late Latin is the scholarly name for the written Latin of Late Antiquity. The English dictionary definition of Late Latin dates this period from the 3rd to the 6th centuries AD extending in Spain to the 7th. This somewhat ambiguously defined period fits between Classical Latin and Medieval Latin...
eleemosyna, from Greek
Greek language
Greek is an independent branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Native to the southern Balkans, it has the longest documented history of any Indo-European language, spanning 34 centuries of written records. Its writing system has been the Greek alphabet for the majority of its history;...
ἐλεημοσύνη eleēmosynē "pity, alms", from ἐλεήμων eleēmōn "merciful", from ἔλεος eleos "pity".

Householder (Buddhism)
In English translations of Buddhist literature, householder denotes a variety of terms. Most broadly, it refers to any layperson, and most narrowly, to a wealthy and prestigious familial patriarch...
to a Buddhist monk
A Bhikkhu or Bhikṣu is an ordained male Buddhist monastic. A female monastic is called a Bhikkhuni Nepali: ). The life of Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis is governed by a set of rules called the patimokkha within the vinaya's framework of monastic discipline...
, nun, spiritually-developed person or other sentient being. It is not charity as presumed by Western interpreters. It is closer to a symbolic connection to the spiritual and to show humbleness and respect in the presence of normal society.Indicative of the mutual nature of the almsgiving exchange, in some Theravada countries, if a monk were to refuse alms from someone—a gesture known as "turning over the rice bowl"—this would be interpreted as an act of excommunication. An example of such a refusal has occurred at times as a form of protest by Buddhist monks in response to offerings by military personnel in military-occupied Myanmar (Mydans, 20 September 2007, NYT). The visible presence of monks and nuns is a stabilizing influence. The act of alms giving assists in connecting the human to the monk or nun and what he/she represents. As the Buddha has stated:
In Theravada
Theravada ; literally, "the Teaching of the Elders" or "the Ancient Teaching", is the oldest surviving Buddhist school. It was founded in India...
Buddhism, monks (Pāli
- External links :* *...
: bhikkhu
A Bhikkhu or Bhikṣu is an ordained male Buddhist monastic. A female monastic is called a Bhikkhuni Nepali: ). The life of Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis is governed by a set of rules called the patimokkha within the vinaya's framework of monastic discipline...
s) and nuns go on a daily almsround (or pindacara) to collect food. This is often perceived as giving the laypeople the opportunity to make merit (Pāli: puñña
Merit (Buddhism)
Merit is a concept in Buddhism. It is that which accumulates as a result of good deeds, acts or thoughts and that carries over to later in life or to a person's next life. Such merit contributes to a person's growth towards liberation. Merit can be gained in a number of ways...
). Money should not be accepted by a Buddhist monk or nun, although nowadays not many monks and nuns keep to this rule (the exception being the monks and nuns of the Thai Forest Tradition
Thai Forest Tradition
The Thai Forest Tradition is a tradition of Buddhist monasticism within Thai Theravada Buddhism. Practitioners inhabit remote wilderness and forest dwellings as spiritual practice training grounds. Maha Nikaya and Dhammayuttika Nikaya are the two major monastic orders in Thailand that have forest...
and other Theravada
Theravada ; literally, "the Teaching of the Elders" or "the Ancient Teaching", is the oldest surviving Buddhist school. It was founded in India...
traditions which focus on vinaya
The Vinaya is the regulatory framework for the Buddhist monastic community, or sangha, based in the canonical texts called Vinaya Pitaka. The teachings of the Buddha, or Buddhadharma can be divided into two broad categories: 'Dharma' or doctrine, and 'Vinaya', or discipline...
and meditation
Meditation is any form of a family of practices in which practitioners train their minds or self-induce a mode of consciousness to realize some benefit....
practice). In countries that follow Mahayana
Mahāyāna is one of the two main existing branches of Buddhism and a term for classification of Buddhist philosophies and practice...
Buddhism, it has been impractical for monks to go on a daily almsround. In China, Korea and Japan, monasteries were situated in remote mountain areas where it could take days to reach the nearest town, thus making the daily almsround impossible. In Japan, the practice of a weekly or monthly takuhatsu
Takuhatsu is a traditional form of alms, common to Buddhist monks in Japan. In the practice of takuhatsu, monks travel to various businesses and residences in order to exchange chanting of sutras in Sino-Japanese for donations of food and money...
took its place. In the Himalayan countries, the large number of bikshus would have made an almsround a heavy burden on families. Competition with other religions for support also made daily almsrounds difficult and even dangerous; the first monks in the Shilla dynasty of Korea were said to be beaten due to the Buddhist minority at the time.
In Buddhism, both "almsgiving" and, more generally, "giving" are called "dāna
Dana (Buddhism)
Dāna is generosity or giving. In Hinduism and Buddhism, it is the practice of cultivating generosity. Ultimately, the practice culminates in one of the perfections : the perfection of giving - dāna-pāramitā...
" (Pāli). Such giving is one of the three elements of the path of practice as formulated by the Buddha
Gautama Buddha
Siddhārtha Gautama was a spiritual teacher from the Indian subcontinent, on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. In most Buddhist traditions, he is regarded as the Supreme Buddha Siddhārtha Gautama (Sanskrit: सिद्धार्थ गौतम; Pali: Siddhattha Gotama) was a spiritual teacher from the Indian...
for laypeople. This path of practice for laypeople is: dāna
Dana (Buddhism)
Dāna is generosity or giving. In Hinduism and Buddhism, it is the practice of cultivating generosity. Ultimately, the practice culminates in one of the perfections : the perfection of giving - dāna-pāramitā...
, sīla
Śīla or sīla in Buddhism and its non-sectarian offshoots, is a code of conduct that embraces self-restraint with a value on non-harming. It has been variously described as virtue, good conduct, morality, moral discipline and precept. It is an action that is an intentional effort...
, bhāvanā
Samadhi (Buddhism)
In Buddhism, samādhi is mental concentration or composing the mind.-In the early Suttas:In the Pāli canon of the Theravada tradition and the related Āgamas of other early Buddhist schools, samādhi is found in the following contexts:* In the noble eightfold path, "right concentration" In Buddhism,...
The exquisite paradox in Buddhism is that the more we give – and the more we give without seeking something in return – the wealthier (in the broadest sense of the word) we will become. By giving we destroy those acquisitive impulses that ultimately lead to further suffering. Generosity is also expressed towards other sentient beings as both a cause for merit and to aid the receiver of the gift. In Mahayana
Mahāyāna is one of the two main existing branches of Buddhism and a term for classification of Buddhist philosophies and practice...
Tradition it is accepted that although the three jewels of refuge
Three Jewels
The Three Jewels, also called the Three Treasures, the Siemese Triples, Three Refuges, or the Triple Gem , are the three things that Buddhists take refuge in, and look toward for guidance, in the process known as taking refuge.The Three Jewels are:* BuddhaTaking refuge in the Three Jewels is...
are the basis of the greatest merit, by seeing other sentient beings as having Buddhanature and making offerings towards the aspirational Buddha to be within them is of equal benefit. Generosity towards other sentient beings is greatly emphasised in Mahayana as one of the perfections (paramita
Pāramitā or pāramī is "perfection" or "completeness." In Buddhism, the pāramitās refer to the perfection or culmination of certain virtues...
) as shown in Lama Tsong Khapa's
Je Tsongkhapa
Tsongkhapa , whose name means “The Man from Onion Valley”, was a famous teacher of Tibetan Buddhism whose activities led to the formation of the Geluk school...
'The Abbreviated Points of the Graded Path' (Tibetan: lam-rim bsdus-don):
In Buddhism
Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha . The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th...
, giving of alms is the beginning of one's journey to Nirvana (Pali: nibbana). In practice, one can give anything with or without thought for Nibbana. This would lead to faith (Pali: saddha), one key power (Pali: bala) that one should generate within oneself for the Buddha
Gautama Buddha
Siddhārtha Gautama was a spiritual teacher from the Indian subcontinent, on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. In most Buddhist traditions, he is regarded as the Supreme Buddha Siddhārtha Gautama (Sanskrit: सिद्धार्थ गौतम; Pali: Siddhattha Gotama) was a spiritual teacher from the Indian...
, Dhamma and Sangha
Sangha is a word in Pali or Sanskrit that can be translated roughly as "association" or "assembly," "company" or "community" with common goal, vision or purpose...
The motives behind giving plays important role in developing spiritual qualities. The suttas record various motives for exercising generosity. The Anguttara Nikaya (A.iv,236) enumerates the following eight motives:
- Asajja danam deti: one gives with annoyance, or as a way of offending the recipient, or with the idea of insulting him.
- Bhaya danam deti: fear also can motivate a person to make an offering.
- Adasi me ti danam deti: one gives in return for a favor done to oneself in the past.
- Dassati me ti danam deti: one also may give with the hope of getting a similar favor for oneself in the future.
- Sadhu danan ti danam deti: one gives because giving is considered good.
- Aham pacami, ime ne pacanti, na arahami pacanto apacantanam adatun ti danam deti: "I cook, they do not cook. It is not proper for me who cooks not to give to those who do not cook." Some give urged by such altruistic motives.
- Imam me danam dadato kalyano kittisaddo abbhuggacchati ti danam deti: some give alms to gain a good reputation.
- Cittalankara-cittaparikkarattham danam deti: still others give alms to adorn and beautify the mind.
According to the Pali canon
Pāli Canon
The Pāli Canon is the standard collection of scriptures in the Theravada Buddhist tradition, as preserved in the Pāli language. It is the only completely surviving early Buddhist canon, and one of the first to be written down...
From apostolic times, the practice of giving alms was urged upon Christians. The offertoryOffertory
The Offertory is the portion of a Eucharistic service when bread and wine are brought to the altar. The offertory exists in many liturgical Christian denominations, though the Eucharistic theology varies among celebrations conducted by these denominations....
is the traditional moment in every Roman Catholic Mass
Mass (liturgy)
"Mass" is one of the names by which the sacrament of the Eucharist is called in the Roman Catholic Church: others are "Eucharist", the "Lord's Supper", the "Breaking of Bread", the "Eucharistic assembly ", the "memorial of the Lord's Passion and Resurrection", the "Holy Sacrifice", the "Holy and...
, Anglican Eucharist
The Eucharist , also called Holy Communion, the Sacrament of the Altar, the Blessed Sacrament, the Lord's Supper, and other names, is a Christian sacrament or ordinance...
, and Lutheran Divine Service, and many when alms are collected. Protestants, such as Baptist
Baptists comprise a group of Christian denominations and churches that subscribe to a doctrine that baptism should be performed only for professing believers , and that it must be done by immersion...
s or Methodists also engage in alms, although it is more commonly referred to as "tithe
A tithe is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government. Today, tithes are normally voluntary and paid in cash, cheques, or stocks, whereas historically tithes were required and paid in kind, such as agricultural products...
s and offering
Offering may refer to:* Offering, a collection of donations during religious worship, see alms, tithe or charity* Offering, a religious sacrifice of plant, animal or human life* Offering , a part of devotional practice*Phan...
s" by the church.
In the Eastern Orthodox Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
The Orthodox Church, officially called the Orthodox Catholic Church and commonly referred to as the Eastern Orthodox Church, is the second largest Christian denomination in the world, with an estimated 300 million adherents mainly in the countries of Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece,...
and the Eastern Catholic Churches the collection of alms and tithes has not been formally united to the offertory in any liturgical action. However, either having a collection plate in the narthex
The narthex of a church is the entrance or lobby area, located at the end of the nave, at the far end from the church's main altar. Traditionally the narthex was a part of the church building, but was not considered part of the church proper...
or passing it unobtrusively during the service is not uncommon. In Orthodox theology, almsgiving is an important part of the spiritual life, and fasting
Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a single day , or several days. Other fasts may be only partially restrictive,...
should always be accompanied by increased prayer and almsgiving. Almsgiving in the name of the deceased also frequently accompanies prayer for the dead
Prayer for the dead
Wherever there is a belief in the continued existence of man's personality through and after death, religion naturally concerns itself with the relations between the living and the dead...
. Those whose financial circumstances do not permit the giving of monetary alms may give alms in other ways, such as intercessory prayer and acts of mercy
Works of Mercy
The Works of Mercy or Acts of Mercy are actions and practices which Christianity in general, and the Methodist Church, Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church in particular, consider expectations to be fulfilled by believers, and are a means of grace, which aid in sanctification.The...
In most Christian forms of worship and in most denominations, a collection is made of "tithe
A tithe is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government. Today, tithes are normally voluntary and paid in cash, cheques, or stocks, whereas historically tithes were required and paid in kind, such as agricultural products...
s and offerings
Offerings may refer to:* Offerings , a slasher film* Offerings , the second album by VAS* Offerings: A Worship Album, a worship album by Christian band Third Day...
" given for the support of the church's mission, budget, ministry, and for its relief of the poor, as an important act of Christian charity
Charity (virtue)
In Christian theology charity, or love , means an unlimited loving-kindness toward all others.The term should not be confused with the more restricted modern use of the word charity to mean benevolent giving.- Caritas: altruistic love :...
, united to communal prayer.
In some churches the "offering plate" or "offering basket" is placed upon the altar
An altar is any structure upon which offerings such as sacrifices are made for religious purposes. Altars are usually found at shrines, and they can be located in temples, churches and other places of worship...
, as a sign that the offering is made to God, and a sign of the bond of Christian love.Cf. In addition, private acts of charity, considered virtuous only if not done for others to admire, are seen as a Christian duty.
The outward and an inward giving of alms:
Here Jesus places the primary focus on the motives behind such acts, which should be love.
Giving of the rich versus the poor:
Here Jesus contrasts the giving of the rich and the poor
Giving out of Love and not out of duty:

Bhiksha is food obtained by asking for alms. Bhiksha signifies a Hindu tradition of begging for alms with the purpose of self-effacement or ego-conquering....
is a devotional offering, usually food, presented at a temple or to a swami
A swami sometimes abbreviated "Sw." is an ascetic or yogi who has been initiated into the religious monastic order founded by Adi Sankara, or to a religious teacher.The Oxford English Dictionary gives the etymology as...
or a religious Brahmin
Brahmin Brahman, Brahma and Brahmin.Brahman, Brahmin and Brahma have different meanings. Brahman refers to the Supreme Self...
who in turn provides a religious service (karmkand
Karmkand refers to ritual services proferred by swamis or religious Brahmins in exchange for bhiksha. -See also:* Dharma* Karma* Maya* Bhagavad Gita* Hinduism* Brahmin* Indian Caste System...
) or instruction. According to Vasishtha Samhitha (Chapter XXIX):
- Through Alms giving to poor obtains all his desires,
- (Even) longevity, (and he is born again as) a student of the Veda, possessed of beauty.
- He who abstains from injuring (sentient beings) obtains heaven.
- By entering a fire the world of Brahman (is gained).
- By (a vow of) silence (he obtains) happiness.
- By staying (constantly) in water he becomes a lord of elephants.
- He who expends his hoard (in gifts) becomes free from disease.
- A giver of water (becomes) rich by (the fulfilment of) all his desires.
- A giver of food (will have) beautiful eyes and a good memory.
- He who gives a promise to protect (somebody) from all dangers (becomes) wise.
- (To bestow gifts) for the use of cows (is equal to) bathing at all sacred places.
- By giving a couch and a seat (the giver becomes) master of a harem.
- By giving an umbrella (the giver) obtains a house.
- He who gives a House to a poor family obtains a town
- He who gives a pair of Shoes obtains a vehicle.
- Now they quote also (the following verses): Whatever sin a man distressed for livelihood commits, (from that) he is purified by giving land, (be it) even "a bull's hide".
- He who gives to a Brâhmana guest a vessel filled with water for sipping, will obtain after death complete freedom from thirst and be born again as a drinker of Soma.
- If a gift of one thousand oxen fit to draw a carriage (has been bestowed) according to the rule on a perfectly worthy man, that is equal to giving a maiden.
- They declare that cows, land, and learning are the three most excellent gifts. For to give learning is (to bestow) the greatest of all gifts, and it surpasses those (other gifts).
- A learned man who, free from envy, follows this rule of conduct which procures endless rewards, and which through final liberation frees him from transmigration.
- Or who, full of faith, pure, and subduing his senses, remembers or even hears it, will, freed from all sin, be exalted in the highest heaven.
Inspired from hinduism, Acharya Vinoba Bhave started The Bhoodan movement
Bhoodan movement
The Bhoodan Movement or Land Gift Movement was a voluntary land reform movement in India started by Acharya Vinoba Bhave in 1951 started at Pochampally village now known as Bhoodhan Pochampally.-Method:...
(Hindi: भूदान, Urdu: بھودان) or Land Gift Movement in 1951 was a voluntary land reform movement in India. As an experiment in voluntary social justice
Social justice
Social justice generally refers to the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. The term and modern concept of "social justice" was coined by...
, Bhoodan has attracted admiration throughout the world. There is little question that it created a social atmosphere in India that presaged land reform legislation activity throughout the country. It also had a tangible effect on the lives of many people – over 5 million acres (20,234.3 km²) were donated.
Benefits of charity according to different PuranasPuranas
The Puranas are a genre of important Hindu, Jain and Buddhist religious texts, notably consisting of narratives of the history of the universe from creation to destruction, genealogies of kings, heroes, sages, and demigods, and descriptions of Hindu cosmology, philosophy, and geography.Puranas...
- By Making a Well – One becomes prosperous.
- To decorate a Kapila cow – One gets limitless fruits. The donater becomes wealthy and prosperous.
- By donating a vehicle – One gets benefits of a Rajsurya Yagya.
- By donating a tooth brush – One becomes very fortunate.
- The Thread (Upanayana) – One gets benefits of donating clothes.
- By donating secretly – One becomes free from all sins and attains heaven, destroys all enemies.
- By donating a conch – One becomes successful.
- By donating camphor, sandalwood, precious gems, ornaments, musk the person gets very fortunate. He also attains salvation (Moksha).
- By giving knowledge – The person becomes egoless.
- By donating gold – One makes the Gods happy, giver of goodfortune and salvation.
- By donating silver – One makes Lord Shiva happy.
- By donating Food and Land – One makes Lord Vishnu happy.
- By donating Jaggery, Ghee, porridge, clothes – One makes the moon god happy.
- By donating Mustard Oil, Jaggery, Red Moong Lentils, touching feets of elder brothers – One netutralises Malific effect of Mars
- By donating Rice, Silver, Sugar, Flour, respecting Mother – One neutralises Malific effect of Moon
- By donating Blanket, Iron, Black Seasame, Mustard Oil, Black Cloths, respecting or giving to your employees, servants also – Neutralises Malific effects of Saturn
- By donating Ghee, Food and a Pot – One becomes fearless.
- By donating a water pot along with gold and sesame – One becomes free from sin. By donating Fuel (Gas Chulha) – One's digestion power increases.
- By donating Medicine, Oil – One is free from ailments, gets long life and becomes happy.
- By donating Different types of grains – One gets to stay for a thousand years in a Chandralok. He/she takes birth in a very noble clan on earth. He is not devoid of any food anytime.
5 Debts
Hindu scriptures say that every human being is born in to Five important debts. These 5 debts are: debt to God, debt to Ancestors, debt to Humankind, debt to Guests, debt to Animals and plants (or debt to Nature) and they must repay those karmic debts during their lifetime.- Debt to the God for their blessings; paid by rituals and offerings.
- Debt to Ancestors and teachers; paid by supporting them, having children of one's own and passing along knowledge.
- Debt to guests; repaid by treating them as if they were gods visiting one's home.
- Debt to Mankind (manushyarun) and applied this doctrine to all mankind. Mutual co-operation and serving others can help to repay this debt to mankind- like, giving money, clothes, home and land, to poor people, giving food and water to hungry people and helping orphans-or any other help that is appropriate.
The fifth debt to the cosmic elements and everything that arises out of them (bhutrun) is added. It means debt to Nature — a person is indebted to plants, trees, birds, animals and nature (called Bhuta Rin) — repaid by offering good will, food, water, or any other help that is appropriate.
Repay to Five debts are called pancha-maha-yajna which should be performed daily by every human being is compulsory in hinduism. By these five yajna the worshipper places himself in right relations with all being, affirming such relation between god, ancestors, Spirits, men, the organic creation, nature and himself.
Kamandakiya Niti Sara
"Whenever you happen to come across any of these, don't fail to offer any thing suitable — food, cloth, vehicle, money, jewellery etc as appropriate — to a saint or a monk, a cow or such animal, a student (bachelor), temple, a worshipper, pregnant woman, child, hungry person, beggar, destitute, a dead body being carried. The help you do comes back in multiples later..."Srimad bhagavatam
"One may claim proprietorship to as much wealth as required to maintain body and soul together, but one who desires proprietorship over more than that must be considered a thief, and he deserves to be punished by the laws of nature..."reference to the source may please be given- http://srimadbhagavatam.com/sb/8/1/10/
Swami Ramdas 1682 AD from Sajjangadh Maharshtra India penned a prayer which asks ALMS from 'atma rama'-our own SOUL within which all the divinity resides.The Wise after seeing most of the world, meeting all kinds of men, facing different events of Life, humbly suggests to the GenNext, what should You be equipped with to be truly successful in Life. The way we learn ever , behave ,teach, be a Ideals for the YOUTH, propagate the TRUTH in a way that reaches most hearts and minds and many such skills we would need to be Complete. You can list few qualities HE suggests and reinforce these daily as a Prayer to divine Self (Atma ‘Ram’) within YOU.
‘What should we all ask from Atma ram within us all’?
Translation of famous ‘Bheekshaa De Re Ram’ Prayer By Swami Samarth Ramdas=1608-1682AD, a leader Saint of Sajjangadh, Maharashtra, India.
“Give me (first of all a )a genteel speech
Give me a life of timeless edifying work for the common good of all
Give me the ability to know the importance of Any situation well
Give me the ability to judge events, people minds’ and act accordingly
All my actions should be for the Good –welfare of any and all
Give me that, which helps most and the many needy
Give me ability to read the minds and souls of those whom we meet
Give me a real friendship of the many of all classes and strata
Give me the prosperity of the right education which is divine
Give me a attitude of dispassion for materialism and gathering
Let me really never need to ask what is truly needed for Me, but give it without my asking / as little as possible for myself alone
Give me what I do not know is long lastingly good for me
Give me perpetual fountain of affection-longing for you ever
Give me nothing else but Rama perpetually within my mind soul
Musical speech which I could use to Sing your wisdom & paeans for all
The sur and taal and right musical notes so as Not to falter while doing above.
Allow me to be of the same Mud–culture and 'frequency' as all masses and recite all Puranas scriptures reaching their hearts
Allow my ‘Ram katha’ -these Sermons- to take as many attractive forms as any so that many come to hear it many times.
My whole being while singing this should be attractive and spell binding so that the attention of those who listen masses will not Falter and distract.
Give me a fluent skill of delivering my sermons about all Puranas and your katha so as to spell bound the listeners and really reveal your divinity to the masses in the need.
The EFFECT-taali which we give = ‘the clap’ while ram katha be loud and clear Resounding effect of the story on the masses is desired here-symbolic
Give me even ability to dance well if required for you and katha
My diction grammar and word play should be faultless and flowing straight into hearts minds of the listeners ever all the time too.
Right sweet gentle and acceptable words ever on my tongue tip.
Always alert to the enemies within and outside to me and mine all
As much wisdom on my tip of the tongue as I read for benefit of those who Need it timely when they ask me anytime.
This servant of yours pleads to you that the needs for me is to be A store house of Perpetually good wisdom useful for all
Give us all the best of the above ever but in Time of our Need.
Give me this divine alms in these forms
The ability to be kind and act for the needy as are You to me ..
Give me and all unfaltering omni present devotion in goodness-YOU.
Ability to introspect and understand me myself and my thoughts action
Ability to feel one with your form of character and action you present to us
Ability to transcend the need for the material needs till that is essential
Give 'me' ever the companionship of the wise and the divine
Ability to be unbound, dispassion, be free from any (DIS) attractions!
Give 'me' the divine experience of revealed perpetual Truth
The easy means for get all above is give 'me' ability to SERVE others- And YOU in that form ever
Give to me my true self revealed without the shades and covers Of ego and body aurora, which encloses it perpetually.
This servant of yours is asking nothing less than you in your Complete revealed self within me and Us all..
Jai jai Raghuveer samarth..!
In Islam, zakatZakat
Zakāt , one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is the giving of a fixed portion of one's wealth to charity, generally to the poor and needy.-History:Zakat, a practice initiated by Muhammed himself, has played an important role throughout Islamic history...
or the giving of alms, is the fourth of the five pillars of Islam
Five Pillars of Islam
The Pillars of Islam are basic concepts and duties for accepting the religion for the Muslims.The Shi'i and Sunni both agree on the essential details for the performance of these acts, but the Shi'a do not refer to them by the same name .-Pillars of Shia:According to Shia Islam, the...
. Various rules attach to the practice, but in general terms, it is obligatory to give away 2.5% of ones savings and business revenue, as well as 5–10% of ones harvest, to the poor. The recipients include the destitute, the working poor
Working poor
- Definition in the United States :There are several popular definitions of "working poor" in the United States. According to the US Department of Labor, the working poor "are persons who spent at least 27 weeks [in the past year] in the labor force , but whose incomes fell below the official...
, those who are unable to pay off their own debts, stranded travelers, and others who need assistance, with the general principle of zakaah always being that the rich should pay it to the poor.
One of the most important principles of Islam is that all things belong to God, and that wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust.
The word Zakat means both 'purification' and 'growth'. Our possessions are purified by setting aside a proportion for those in need, and, like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and encourages new growth.
Zakat is the amount of money that every adult, mentally stable, free, and financially able Muslim, male and female, has to pay to support specific categories of people.
This category of people is defined in surah at-Taubah (9) verse 60: "The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarers; a duty imposed by Allah. Allah is knower, Wise." (The Holy Qur'an 9:60).
The obligatory nature of Zakat is firmly established in the Qur'an, the Sunnah (or hadith), and the consensus of the companions and the Muslim scholars. Allah states in Surah at-Taubah verses 34–35: "O ye who believe! there are indeed many among the priests and anchorites, who in Falsehood devour the substance of men and hinder (them) from the way of Allah. And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah. announce unto them a most grievous penalty – On the Day when heat will be produced out of that (wealth) in the fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, their flanks, and their backs.- "This is the (treasure) which ye buried for yourselves: taste ye, then, the (treasures) ye buried!" (The Holy Qur'an 9:34–35).
It is agreed between Muslims in all the centuries the obligatory nature of paying Zakat for gold and silver, and from those the other kinds of currency.
Zakat is obligatory when a certain amount of money, called the nisab is reached or exceeded. Zakat is not obligatory if the amount owned is less than this nisab. The nisab (or minimum amount) of gold and golden currency is 20 mithqal, this is approximately 85 grams of pure gold. One mithqal is approximately 4.25 grams. The nisab of silver and silver currency is 200 dirhams, which is approximately 595 grams of pure silver. The nisab of other kinds of money and currency is to be scaled to that of gold, 85 grams of pure gold. This means that the nisab of money is the price of 85 grams of 999-type (pure) gold, on the day in which Zakat is paid. (Current Gold Prices)
When is Zakat Due ?
- Passage of One Lunar Year:
Zakat is obligatory after a time span of one lunar year passes with the money in the control of its owner. Then the owner needs to pay 2.5% (or 1/40) of the money as Zakat. (A lunar year is approximately 355 days).
- Deduction of Debts:
The owner should deduct any amount of money he or she borrowed from others; then check if the rest reaches the necessary nisab, then pays Zakat for it.
If the owner had enough money to satisfy the nisab at the beginning of the year, then the money increased (in profits, salaries, inheritance, grants...etc.), the owner needs to add the increase to the nisab amount owned at the beginning of the year; then pay Zakat, 2.5%, of the total at the end of the lunar year. (there are small differences in the fiqh schools here)
Each Muslim calculates his or her own Zakat individually. For most purposes this involves the payment each year of two and a half percent of one's capital. (Zakat Calculator)
A pious person may also give as much as he or she pleases as sadaqa, and does so preferably in secret. Although this word can be translated as 'voluntary charity' it has a wider meaning. The Prophet said 'even meeting your brother with a cheerful face is charity.'
The Prophet said: 'Charity is a necessity for every Muslim. ' He was asked: 'What if a person has nothing?' The Prophet replied: 'He should work with his own hands for his benefit and then give something out of such earnings in charity.' The Companions asked: 'What if he is not able to work?' The Prophet said: 'He should help poor and needy persons.' The Companions further asked 'What if he cannot do even that?' The Prophet said 'He should urge others to do good.' The Companions said 'What if he lacks that also?' The Prophet said 'He should check himself from doing evil. That is also charity.'
In the Jewish tradition, charity is represented by tzedakahTzedakah
Tzedakah or Ṣ'daqah in Classical Hebrew is a Hebrew word commonly translated as charity, though it is based on the Hebrew word meaning righteousness, fairness or justice...
, justice, and the poor are entitled to charity as a matter of right rather than benevolence. Contemporary charity is regarded as a continuation of the Biblical Maaser Ani
Maaser Ani
The poor tithe reflects an obligation to set aside one tenth of produce grown in the third and sixth years of the seven-year sabbatical year agricultural cycle for the poor, in the days of the Temple in Jerusalem....
, or poor-tithe, as well as Biblical practices including permitting the poor to glean the corners of a field, harvest during the Shmita (Sabbatical year), and other practices. Voluntary charity, along with prayer and repentance, is regarded as ameliorating the consequences of bad acts.
- Translation of chapter on Almsgiving from Loci Theologici by Martin ChemnitzMartin ChemnitzMartin Chemnitz was an eminent second-generation Lutheran theologian, reformer, churchman, and confessor...
- Thaibuddhist.com, "The Morning Alms Round" article by Richard Barrow
- Kariyawasam, A.G.S. (1995). Buddhist Ceremonies and Rituals of Sri Lanka (The Wheel Publication No. 402/404). Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society. Chapter 5, section 1, pertains to almsgiving. Available from Access to Insight, (1996 transcription)
- Blogspot.com, "Five pillars of life" by Satish Chandra.
- Survivorsareus.com, all about Zakat and many benefits of paying it.