Laser Voltage Prober
The Laser Voltage Probe is a laser-based voltage and timing waveform
Waveform means the shape and form of a signal such as a wave moving in a physical medium or an abstract representation.In many cases the medium in which the wave is being propagated does not permit a direct visual image of the form. In these cases, the term 'waveform' refers to the shape of a graph...

 acquisition system which is used to perform failure analysis
Failure analysis
Failure analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the cause of a failure. It is an important discipline in many branches of manufacturing industry, such as the electronics industry, where it is a vital tool used in the development of new products and for the improvement...

 on flip-chip
Flip chip
Flip chip, also known as Controlled Collapse Chip Connection or its acronym, C4, is a method for interconnecting semiconductor devices, such as IC chips and Microelectromechanical systems , to external circuitry with solder bumps that have been deposited onto the chip pads...

 integrated circuits. The device to be analyzed is de-encapsulated in order to expose the silicon surface. The silicon substrate
Wafer (electronics)
A wafer is a thin slice of semiconductor material, such as a silicon crystal, used in the fabrication of integrated circuits and other microdevices...

 is thinned mechanically using a back side mechanical thinning tool. The thinned device is then mounted on a movable stage and connected to an electrical stimulus source. Signal measurements are performed through the back side of the device after substrate thinning has been performed. The device being probed must be electrically stimulated using a repeating test pattern, with a trigger pulse provided to the LVP as reference. The operation of the LVP is similar to that of a sampling oscilloscope.

Theory of operation

The LVP instrument measures voltage waveform signals in the device diffusion regions. Device imaging is accomplished through the use of a laser scanning microscope
Confocal laser scanning microscopy
Confocal laser scanning microscopy is a technique for obtaining high-resolution optical images with depth selectivity. The key feature of confocal microscopy is its ability to acquire in-focus images from selected depths, a process known as optical sectioning...

 (LSM). The LVP uses dual infra-red
Infrared light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength longer than that of visible light, measured from the nominal edge of visible red light at 0.74 micrometres , and extending conventionally to 300 µm...

 (IR) lasers
A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of photons. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation...

 to perform both device imaging and waveform acquisition. One laser is used to acquire images or waveforms from the device, while the second laser provides a reference which may be used to subtract unwanted noise from the signal data being acquired. On an electrically active device, the instrument monitors the changes in the phase of the electromagnetic
Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature. The other three are the strong interaction, the weak interaction and gravitation...

 field surrounding a signal being applied to a junction are monitored.

The instrument obtains voltage waveform and timing information by monitoring the interaction of laser
A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of photons. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation...

 light with the changes in the electric field across a p-n junction
P-n junction
A p–n junction is formed at the boundary between a P-type and N-type semiconductor created in a single crystal of semiconductor by doping, for example by ion implantation, diffusion of dopants, or by epitaxy .If two separate pieces of material were used, this would...

. As the laser
A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of photons. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation...

 reaches the silicon surface, a certain amount of that light is reflected back. The amount of reflected laser
A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of photons. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation...

 light from the junction is sampled at various points in time. The changing electromagnetic
Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature. The other three are the strong interaction, the weak interaction and gravitation...

 field at the junction
P-n junction
A p–n junction is formed at the boundary between a P-type and N-type semiconductor created in a single crystal of semiconductor by doping, for example by ion implantation, diffusion of dopants, or by epitaxy .If two separate pieces of material were used, this would...

 affects the amount of laser light that is reflected back. By plotting the variations in reflected laser light versus time, it is possible to construct a timing waveform of the signal at the junction. As the test pattern continues to loop, additional measurements are acquired and averaged into the previous measurements. Over a period of time, this averaging of measurements produces a more refined waveform. The end result is a waveform that is representative of the electrical signal present at the junction
P-n junction
A p–n junction is formed at the boundary between a P-type and N-type semiconductor created in a single crystal of semiconductor by doping, for example by ion implantation, diffusion of dopants, or by epitaxy .If two separate pieces of material were used, this would...

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