Jeffster! is a fictional cover band
on the television series Chuck
. Its principal (and only) members are Jeff Barnes (Scott Krinsky
) and Lester Patel (Vik Sahay
), both of whom work in the Nerd Herd division of the Buy More
. As of the end of Season 3, both Jeff and Lester are on the run as the prime suspects in the destruction of the Buy More; their names are soon cleared but the pair remain oblivious while in hiding until "Chuck Versus the Suitcase
". In Season 4, they are represented by Big Mike. As of "Chuck Versus the Last Details
", Jeff and Lester are pursuing a career as amateur filmmakers.
and Blu-Ray special feature 'The Jeffster Revolution' that Jeffster formed when at a bar on Karaoke Monday Jeff urged Lester to sing, Lester did this while Jeff kept time. They sang Dolly Parton
's 'Mommie, Ain't That Daddy' several times and according to Lester "Jeffster was born".
In "Chuck Versus the Best Friend
" Jeff and Lester attempted to audition for Devon and Ellie's wedding, and have since made several performances on the show. Although the audition did not go well, they still got the chance to perform at the wedding in "Chuck Versus the Ring
" when Morgan used them as a stalling tactic before the ceremony. The duo later performed in "Chuck Versus the Beard
" as part of Big Mike's revolt when the Ring
infiltrated the Buy More disguised as corporate executives from a rival chain seeking to buy the store. The duo invited themselves to Devon and Ellie's going away party in "Chuck Versus the Honeymooners
," where they performed "unplugged" after Jeffrey blew out the amp in rehearsal.
Jeffster! briefly broke up into solo acts in "Chuck Versus the Living Dead
," however the duo quickly reconciled and Big Mike was taken on as manager. In "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II
," Jeff and Lester convinced their new manager to premiere their music video (which took them two weekends to make) at the Buy More's going out of business sale, but are interrupted. After the store is evacuated, Chuck inadvertently starts up the video during his confrontation with Shaw. At the end of the episode, Big Mike expressed significant disgust with the duo, in particular Lester's vocals.
In addition to episodes of the series, actors Scott Krinsky and Vik Sahay made a special appearance in-character to perform at San Diego Comic-Con International in 2009.
. On March 18, 2010 Michael Ausiello
confirmed that Jeffster! would be appearing in their first-ever music video
as part of Chuck's two-hour season three finale. The full-length version of the video used in "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II" was posted by Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune
on May 27, 2010.
Series co-creator Chris Fedak
revealed at the 2011 Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo
that the series would focus less on the band than on Jeff and Lester's "other obsession" as amateur film makers, saying that the "two young "au-teurs
" will "ma-ture" right in front of [the audience]."
Fedak revealed at the 2011 Comic-Con that Jeffster! would break up in the fifth and final season
of the series:
products. An alcoholic in his forties, he was champion of Missile Command
in 1983 and is significantly older than his coworkers, aside from Casey and assistant manager Big Mike. Jeff can be seen as the Buy More employee of the month in the episode "Chuck Versus the Three Words
" despite his actions and attitude towards working there (Chuck, the usual recipient, was away at spy school). He has a ferret
named Roscoe as a pet. It has also been revealed that he only has eight toes and does not pay for toilet paper. His father is evidently part-Native American
, allowing Jeff to satisfy a quota at the Buy More. His mother is in prison, and his sister works (at least part time) as an exotic dancer and performed at Devon's bachelor party. Jeff reveals he is deaf in his left ear in "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II." He shows pyromaniacal traits, frequently suggesting that he should burn down the Buy More as a response to solving any store-related problem.
Jeff's best friend on the show is Lester, and the series frequently involves the two scheming together. In "Chuck Versus the Marlin
" he was responsible for the theft of Big Mike's fish, Norman, with Lester which contained a FULCRUM
bug receiver. He and Lester frequent the Bennigan's bar across the street from the Buy More, presumably picking up women there. Jeff is frequently shown to be a pervert. He once left his underwear in the back of a company Nerd Herd vehicle, and because of this, the assistant manager pulled all the Herders out of use to have them re-upholstered. Several episodes have shown that Jeff is attracted to Anna Wu, calling her his muse
, but the feeling is not reciprocated; he made a musical montage of Anna featuring several candid (i.e. stalker-like) photos. In addition to Anna, Jeff frequently targets (and repulses) other attractive women at the store, but also indicates preferences for the "dumpy housewives" and heavily pregnant women. Jeff has on several occasions expressed a disturbing obsession with Chuck, starting when Chuck interviewed Jeff for the position of assistant manager (the details were not disclosed but were so disturbing that Morgan picked up Jeff's resume napkin with tongs to dispose of it and both Chuck and Morgan refused to allow the interview to go any further, additionally stating that Jeff playing footsie with him was unwelcome) and even going so far as describing Ellie
as a "dream come true" because she's "like Chuck, but with lady parts." Commenting on the accurate rumor of her pregnancy, he asked a disgusted Ellie, "Is there room in that womb for two?"
The majority of his Buy More paycheck is spent on alcohol, and spy gear used to outfit his van. "Chuck Versus the American Hero
" reveals he has named his van "Loretta," and that Jeff and Lester are such skilled stalkers they were even able to tail Ring
operatives — professional spies — without being detected. Jeff also has an "office" set up in stall 2 of the Buy More employee men's room in which he takes a daily nap from 3pm-5pm. His "office" was first shown in "Chuck Versus the Predator
," and contained a toilet used as a cooler for his alcoholic beverages along with an easy chair, lava lamp, and various wall decorations. Jeff carries keys to the store (at least up until the NSA and CIA rebuild the structure as a secret base) and, according to Morgan, is the only employee who knows how the store's registers work. When interviewing with Chuck for the assistant manager's position he reveals he was the store's first employee.
According to the card Jeff carries which reads, "My name is Jeff and I'm lost", his address is 1629 Handley Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601. Dr. "Woody" Woodcomb mistakes him for the late Sam Kinison
In Chuck Versus the A-Team
, Jeff is said to be Psychic. When trying to find the Intersect computer, he predicts that it is with the CIA (dismissed as the name "Cia"). The CIA did indeed have it when it was revealed to be in the NCS section of Castle.
," where he was targeted by a terrorist as the only person who could potentially reach the "Kill Screen
" in Missile Command and retrieve the launch codes for an orbiting missile-armed satellite. In the episode Chuck convinced Jeff to come out of "retirement" in an effort to stop the terrorist launch, but Jeff choked, forcing Chuck to attempt to recover the codes himself.
He has indirectly and unwittingly been involved in several other missions as well. His and Lester's theft of Big Mike's marlin in "Chuck Versus the Marlin" initiated much of the plot, as the entire episode centered around locating the stolen fish and the FULCRUM receiver planted inside it. In "Chuck Versus the Colonel
" Jeff helped Devon
investigate Casey's
unusual behavior regarding Chuck, and expressed professional admiration for Casey as a stalker. Jeffster's impromptu performance at Ellie
and Devon's wedding in "Chuck Versus the Ring
" bought the team time to protect Ellie and capture Roark.
Along with his other co-workers Jeff was inadvertently involved in a Ring attempt to take over and destroy Castle in "Chuck Versus the Beard
," when several Ring operatives posed as executives for a rival chain looking to purchase the store. While high on chloroform
, Jeff saved Casey's life by knocking out a Ring agent who was strangling him. When the closing of the Burbank Buy More becomes imminent in "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II," Jeff advocates burning down the store as a solution to protect their jobs. When the store is blown up by bombs planted by Daniel Shaw
he becomes a prime suspect alongside Lester. Ironically, Jeff unwittingly helped save the lives of the employees and patrons prior to the store's destruction by triggering a store-wide evacuation. While on the lam, he and Lester are unaware when they are cleared as suspects. Morgan Grimes and John Casey confront them at their hiding place (a mere seven minutes from Burbank, with traffic), and use tranquilizer darts to return them to work at the Buy More in order to enhance the store's viability as a cover for government agents. Jeff's size and tolerance for narcotics result in Casey having to fire 6 tranquilizer darts into Jeff before he loses consciousness.
Jeff is revealed to be somewhat psychic in "Chuck Versus the A-Team
" when he blindly scribbles the letters "CIA" when trying to remember or 'see' the name of the customer he and Lester incorrectly believe has Ellie Bartowski's laptop. Indeed, the CIA had the laptop several stories below them, in Castle, at the time.
While Lester is, arguably, the brains behind the duo, Jeff is undoubtedly the talent. Jeff's musical aptitude is surprisingly high, as he is able to play guitar, sitar and keyboard with skill that is massively undermined by Lester's inability to sing. When the band was (temporarily?) discontinued and they tried their hand at film making, offering their "undisclosed" footage of Chuck and Sarah, while Lester's montage horrified and appalled Devon and Ellie, Jeff's montage was tasteful and elegant (so much so that a surprised Ellie kissed Jeff in gratitude.)
In "Chuck Versus the Frosted Tips", Devon finds Jeff sleeping under his van while the engine is running, inhaling a huge amount of carbon monoxide
. After diagnosing him, Devon tells Jeff to not sleep under his van any longer. The next day, Jeff comes in with a groomed haircut and much more mature personality, as he refuses to help Lester try a dare with one of their co-workers. In the next episode, "Chuck Versus the Business Trip", Lester tries getting the old Jeff back by pumping the exhaust from his van into the lunchroom. However, Big Mike was also there too and Jeff wheeled him out. The next day, Jeff had Lester arrested for attempted homicide.
was listed in the opening credits as a series regular. Krinsky was offered the role of Jeff by producer Josh Schwartz
largely due to Krinsky's previous work on Schwartz's series The O.C., although he was still required to read for the role for network approval. He describes Jeff as a "lifer," who was at the store before the other characters and will be after they are gone.
", though he also found Jeff overcoming his fear of playing Missile Command again in the final moment of "Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer
" touching. Alan Sepinwall of the New Jersey Star-Ledger
has praised many of Jeff's antics, including intentionally knocking himself out with a bottle of chloroform
to "get himself right," hiring his own sister as a stripper for Devon's bachelor party, and his "office" in the men's room stall.
products. Little information on Lester's family has been given in the series, however "Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon
" reveals he has a cousin familiar with legal work, and helped Morgan
compose his Morganuptuals. Lester was born in Saskatchewan
, and is a Jew
of India
n descent, (or, in his vernacular, a "Hin-Jew."
) Several episodes have shown Lester keeps kosher, however he frequently takes advantage of other aspects of his faith, such as scamming his coworkers with a dreidel
. However "Chuck Versus the Crown Vic
" shows he's proud of his heritage, as he several times corrects Big Mike when he refers to the store's holiday party as a "Christmas Party." He is mistaken for a lesbian by Dr. Woody Woodcomb.
Lester's best friend is Jeff, and the two are frequently seen scheming together in many episodes. Stealing Big Mike's marlin
was Lester's idea, and he conspired with Jeff to break into the Buy More and steal a high-tech computer he mistakenly believed was a new gaming machine. He frequents the Bennigan's bar across the street from the Buy More with Jeff, presumably to pick up women there.
" during Ellie's wedding also indirectly helped Chuck save her life.
In the second season Lester was promoted to Assistant Manager of the Buy More after beating Jeff in a cage match organized by Morgan. Much like Harry Tang before him, his tenure was initially highly unpopular with the rest of the employees due to his tyrannical tendencies, prompting a walkout led by Morgan. He voluntarily returned to his former position with the Nerd Herd at the end of "Chuck Versus the Cougars
". Despite his previously held position of assistant manager, he holds a strong aversion to anyone in power in the Buy More and very often attempts to sabotage and humiliate them when possible.
Lester has on several occasions shown a willingness to sell out for personal gain. In "Chuck Versus the Alma Mater
" he betrayed Morgan's revolt against Harry Tang for a monogrammed Buy More polo. He also attempted to suck up to Chuck when Big Mike assigned him to interview for the assistant manager position. However Lester freely acknowledged to Emmett Milbarge that when faced with a difficult decision he asks himself "What would Chuck do?" He also followed Morgan's lead in an attempt to sabotage Emmett's efficiency rating.
He is terrified of Casey, and when he attempted to hit on Sarah
after Chuck "dumped" her, he panicked when she responded aggressively to his advances. Lester nearly got Chuck sued for sexual harassment when he and Jeff organized a "casting couch
" to hire a new Buy More "Greenshirt," and used it as an opportunity to hit on women. As a result they mistakenly believed a FULCRUM agent who kidnapped Chuck was a police officer taking him into custody.
Lester proposes Big Mike run a "going out of business" sale in "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II," when the store is on the verge of being closed. Although the sale turns into a smash success, it was unsanctioned as their merchandise was to be transferred to the Beverly Hills Buy More. Lester attempted to stop Jeff from proposing arson as a resolution to the problem, but subsequently became a suspect after the store was blown up by charges laid by Shaw to force Chuck into a final showdown. While on the lam, he and Jeff are unaware when they are cleared as suspects. Morgan Grimes and John Casey confront them at their hiding place (a mere seven minutes from the store, with traffic), and use tranquilizer darts to return them to work at the Buy More in order to enhance the store's viability as a cover for government agents.
was listed in the opening credits as a series regular. During the audition process actor Vik Sahay
originally read for the role of Morgan, eventually coming down to between him and Joshua Gomez
. After Gomez was selected for Morgan, Sahay was offered the role of Lester. Sahay has described Lester as "fancying himself a superstar and he just does not have the nervous system to back it up." He further goes on to describe Lester as "...He wants to be respected, right? He wants what Chuck has—that effortless charm and likeability. He wants it so bad that the last thing he is is effortless. He’s effort-ful." A significant amount of improvisation and riffing also occurs between the actors, which Sahay attributes to the "electric environment" resulting from the strong working relationships and friendship between the cast members.
Sahay issued a "thank you" to fans of the series following the completion of a deal between NBC
and Warner Bros.
to pick up the series for a third season.
Cover band
A cover band , is a band that plays mostly or exclusively cover songs. New or unknown bands often find the cover band format marketable for smaller gigs, and these bands may be known as a wedding band, party band and function band. A band whose covers consist mainly of songs that were chart hits is...
on the television series Chuck
Chuck (TV series)
Chuck is an action-comedy/spy-drama television program from the United States created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" named Chuck, played by Zachary Levi, who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working for the Central...
. Its principal (and only) members are Jeff Barnes (Scott Krinsky
Scott Krinsky
Scott Krinsky is a Los Angeles-based actor and comic best known for his role as Jeff Barnes on the hit TV series Chuck and his role as Darryl on The O.C.....
) and Lester Patel (Vik Sahay
Vik Sahay
Vikram "Vik" Sahay is a Canadian actor best known for playing Lester Patel, a member of the Nerd Herd in the NBC television series Chuck on which he became a series regular from the second season, and Rama in the Roxy Hunter Saga.-Life and career:...
), both of whom work in the Nerd Herd division of the Buy More
Buy More
Buy More is a fictional big box electronics retail chain in NBC's action-comedy series Chuck. The Buy More is a parody of similar chains, particularly Best Buy....
. As of the end of Season 3, both Jeff and Lester are on the run as the prime suspects in the destruction of the Buy More; their names are soon cleared but the pair remain oblivious while in hiding until "Chuck Versus the Suitcase
Chuck Versus the Suitcase
"Chuck Versus the Suitcase" is the second episode of the fourth season of Chuck. It originally aired September 27, 2010. There are crimes of fashion when Chuck Bartowski and Sarah Walker go undercover in Milan for Fashion Week to seize a high-tech weapon, yet Chuck soon recognizes a flaw in his...
". In Season 4, they are represented by Big Mike. As of "Chuck Versus the Last Details
Chuck Versus the Last Details
"Chuck Versus the Last Details" is the 23rd episode of the fourth season of Chuck, and the 77th overall episode of the series. The episode was written by Henry Alonso Myers and Kristin Newman, and directed by Peter Lauer...
", Jeff and Lester are pursuing a career as amateur filmmakers.
The band
The principal (and only) members of Jeffster! are Jeff Barnes, providing backup vocals and performing as the band's rhythm section, and Lester Patel on vocals. The duo primarily acts as a cover band, performing in local venues around the Burbank area. It is revealed in the Chuck season 3 DVDDVD
A DVD is an optical disc storage media format, invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than Compact Discs while having the same dimensions....
and Blu-Ray special feature 'The Jeffster Revolution' that Jeffster formed when at a bar on Karaoke Monday Jeff urged Lester to sing, Lester did this while Jeff kept time. They sang Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton
Dolly Rebecca Parton is an American singer-songwriter, author, multi-instrumentalist, actress and philanthropist, best known for her work in country music. Dolly Parton has appeared in movies like 9 to 5, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Steel Magnolias and Straight Talk...
's 'Mommie, Ain't That Daddy' several times and according to Lester "Jeffster was born".
In "Chuck Versus the Best Friend
Chuck Versus the Best Friend
"Chuck Versus the Best Friend" is the fourteenth episode of the second season of Chuck. It originally aired on February 23, 2009. When Chuck Bartowski flashes on Anna Wu's new boyfriend, Chuck is ordered to befriend Jason Wang to determine the extent of his connections with the Triad...
" Jeff and Lester attempted to audition for Devon and Ellie's wedding, and have since made several performances on the show. Although the audition did not go well, they still got the chance to perform at the wedding in "Chuck Versus the Ring
Chuck Versus the Ring
"Chuck Versus the Ring" is the second season finale of Chuck, which aired on April 27, 2009. The day of Ellie and Devon's wedding arrives, but Chuck finds himself forced to protect both his sister and the event from a vengeful Ted Roark....
" when Morgan used them as a stalling tactic before the ceremony. The duo later performed in "Chuck Versus the Beard
Chuck Versus the Beard
"Chuck Versus the Beard" is a third season episode of the television series Chuck. It originally aired March 8, 2010, and was the television directorial debut of series star Zachary Levi...
" as part of Big Mike's revolt when the Ring
The Ring (Chuck)
The Ring is a major spy organization on the television series Chuck. The main antagonist of the second season , Fulcrum, is revealed in the Season Two finale to be only one part of the Ring, which then serves as the main antagonist of Season Three...
infiltrated the Buy More disguised as corporate executives from a rival chain seeking to buy the store. The duo invited themselves to Devon and Ellie's going away party in "Chuck Versus the Honeymooners
Chuck Versus the Honeymooners
"Chuck Versus the Honeymooners" is the 14th episode of the third season of Chuck. It originally aired on April 26, 2010. When Chuck and Sarah go AWOL after the death of Daniel Shaw, Beckman sends the newly-reinstated Casey and Morgan to bring them back...
," where they performed "unplugged" after Jeffrey blew out the amp in rehearsal.
Jeffster! briefly broke up into solo acts in "Chuck Versus the Living Dead
Chuck Versus the Living Dead
"Chuck Versus the Living Dead" is the 17th episode of the third season of Chuck. It was originally aired May 17, 2010. Chuck has another dream which he interprets as indicating Daniel Shaw may actually be alive. Tension mounts as he, Sarah, and Casey search for the truth surrounding Shaw's supposed...
," however the duo quickly reconciled and Big Mike was taken on as manager. In "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II
Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II
"Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II" is the 19th episode and season finale of the third season of Chuck. It was originally aired May 24, 2010 in a special two-hour block with "Chuck Versus the Subway." Team Bartowski escapes execution by Shaw, thanks to Morgan and Devon...
," Jeff and Lester convinced their new manager to premiere their music video (which took them two weekends to make) at the Buy More's going out of business sale, but are interrupted. After the store is evacuated, Chuck inadvertently starts up the video during his confrontation with Shaw. At the end of the episode, Big Mike expressed significant disgust with the duo, in particular Lester's vocals.
In addition to episodes of the series, actors Scott Krinsky and Vik Sahay made a special appearance in-character to perform at San Diego Comic-Con International in 2009.
The concept for Jeffster! first appeared after Sahay mentioned to the writers Lester's "rock star" hair and swagger. Jeff and Lester first revealed they had a band in "Chuck Versus the Best Friend," and Jeffster! has since taken on a life of its own outside the show, including merchandising on NBC.com and its own page on FacebookFacebook
Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. , Facebook has more than 800 million active users. Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as...
. On March 18, 2010 Michael Ausiello
Michael Ausiello
Michael Ausiello is an American television industry journalist and actor. He was a Senior Writer at TV Guide and its companion website, TVGuide.com. On May 28, 2008, Ausiello left TV Guide for Entertainment Weekly and posted his first blog for Entertainment Weekly on July 2, 2008...
confirmed that Jeffster! would be appearing in their first-ever music video
Music video
A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings...
as part of Chuck's two-hour season three finale. The full-length version of the video used in "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II" was posted by Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune
Chicago Tribune
The Chicago Tribune is a major daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois, and the flagship publication of the Tribune Company. Formerly self-styled as the "World's Greatest Newspaper" , it remains the most read daily newspaper of the Chicago metropolitan area and the Great Lakes region and is...
on May 27, 2010.
Series co-creator Chris Fedak
Chris Fedak
Chris Fedak is a co-executive producer of Chuck. He has also co-written several episodes with Josh Schwartz.Chuck is Fedak's first television credit.Schwartz says that the idea for Chuck originally came from Fedak:-External links:*...
revealed at the 2011 Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo
Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo
The Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo is a Chicago fan convention dedicated to comics, pop culture, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies, and television...
that the series would focus less on the band than on Jeff and Lester's "other obsession" as amateur film makers, saying that the "two young "au-teurs
Auteur theory
In film criticism, auteur theory holds that a director's film reflects the director's personal creative vision, as if they were the primary "auteur"...
" will "ma-ture" right in front of [the audience]."
Fedak revealed at the 2011 Comic-Con that Jeffster! would break up in the fifth and final season
Chuck (season 5)
The fifth and final season of the American action-comedy television series Chuck was announced on May 13, 2011. It is reported to include 13 episodes, which airs in fall 2011...
of the series:
Individual Performances
Song | Appearance | Date |
"Africa Africa (Toto song) "Africa" is a song by rock band Toto, and one of the band's most recognizable songs. It was included on their 1982 album Toto IV, and reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in February 1983 and number three on the UK Singles Chart the same month... " |
"Chuck Versus the Best Friend Chuck Versus the Best Friend "Chuck Versus the Best Friend" is the fourteenth episode of the second season of Chuck. It originally aired on February 23, 2009. When Chuck Bartowski flashes on Anna Wu's new boyfriend, Chuck is ordered to befriend Jason Wang to determine the extent of his connections with the Triad... " |
February 23, 2009 |
"Mr. Roboto Mr. Roboto "Mr. Roboto" is a song written by Dennis DeYoung and performed by the band Styx on their 1983 concept album Kilroy Was Here. In Canada, where they were always more popular than in their native U.S., it went to #1 on the RPM national singles chart, becoming their third single to top the charts in... " |
"Chuck Versus the Ring Chuck Versus the Ring "Chuck Versus the Ring" is the second season finale of Chuck, which aired on April 27, 2009. The day of Ellie and Devon's wedding arrives, but Chuck finds himself forced to protect both his sister and the event from a vengeful Ted Roark.... " |
April 27, 2009 |
"Fat Bottomed Girls Fat Bottomed Girls "Fat Bottomed Girls" is a song by the English rock band Queen. Written by guitarist Brian May, the track featured on their 1978 album Jazz, and also appears on the band's compilation album, Greatest Hits... " |
Live Performance at San Diego Comic-Con International | July 23–26, 2009 |
"Fortunate Son Fortunate Son (song) "Fortunate Son" is a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival on their album Willy and the Poor Boys in 1968. It was released as a single, together with "Down on the Corner", in September 1968. This song reached #14 on the United States charts. It won the RIAA Gold Disc award in December 1970... " |
"Chuck Versus the Beard Chuck Versus the Beard "Chuck Versus the Beard" is a third season episode of the television series Chuck. It originally aired March 8, 2010, and was the television directorial debut of series star Zachary Levi... " |
March 8, 2010 |
"Leaving on a Jet Plane Leaving on a Jet Plane "Leaving on a Jet Plane" is a song written by John Denver in 1966 and most famously recorded by Peter, Paul and Mary. The original title of the song was "Oh Babe I Hate to Go" but Denver's then producer, Milt Okun, convinced him to change the title.... " |
"Chuck Versus the Honeymooners Chuck Versus the Honeymooners "Chuck Versus the Honeymooners" is the 14th episode of the third season of Chuck. It originally aired on April 26, 2010. When Chuck and Sarah go AWOL after the death of Daniel Shaw, Beckman sends the newly-reinstated Casey and Morgan to bring them back... " |
April 26, 2010 |
"Love Hurts Love Hurts "Love Hurts" is the name of a song, written and composed by Boudleaux Bryant. First recorded by The Everly Brothers in July 1960, the song is also well known from a 1975 international hit version by the rock band Nazareth and in the UK by a top 5 hit in 1975 by Jim Capaldi.The song was introduced... " |
"Chuck Versus the Living Dead Chuck Versus the Living Dead "Chuck Versus the Living Dead" is the 17th episode of the third season of Chuck. It was originally aired May 17, 2010. Chuck has another dream which he interprets as indicating Daniel Shaw may actually be alive. Tension mounts as he, Sarah, and Casey search for the truth surrounding Shaw's supposed... " |
May 17, 2010 |
"Blaze of Glory Blaze of Glory (song) "Blaze of Glory " is a song by Jon Bon Jovi which reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and the Mainstream rock chart in 1990, his only chart-topper away from his band Bon Jovi. The song also reached No. 1 on the Billboard Album Rock Tracks chart... " |
"Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II" is the 19th episode and season finale of the third season of Chuck. It was originally aired May 24, 2010 in a special two-hour block with "Chuck Versus the Subway." Team Bartowski escapes execution by Shaw, thanks to Morgan and Devon... " |
May 24, 2010 |
"Blaze of Glory Blaze of Glory (song) "Blaze of Glory " is a song by Jon Bon Jovi which reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and the Mainstream rock chart in 1990, his only chart-topper away from his band Bon Jovi. The song also reached No. 1 on the Billboard Album Rock Tracks chart... " (Full Video) |
The Watcher at the Chicago Tribune | May 27, 2010 |
"Bad Romance Bad Romance "Bad Romance" is a song by American recording artist Lady Gaga. It was released as the lead single from her third extended play , and second major release The Fame Monster . Written by Lady Gaga and produced by RedOne, the track was inspired by Gaga's fear of negative love relationships and the... " |
Live Dance Performance at Comic-Con | July 22–25, 2010 |
"Is This Love Is This Love (Whitesnake song) "Is This Love" is a song by the English hard rock band Whitesnake. The song is taken from their self-titled album, which released in 1987.The song was written by vocalist David Coverdale and guitarist John Sykes during the albums early writing process , but it was long rumored that the song had... " |
"Chuck Versus the Balcony Chuck Versus the Balcony "Chuck Versus the Balcony" is the eleventh episode of the fourth season of Chuck. It originally aired January 17, 2011. Chuck Bartowski embarks on two secret quests. As he tries to locate a nano-chip in the vineyards of France, he also attempts to stealthily concoct a romantic getaway for Sarah... " |
January 17, 2011 |
"Push It Push It (Salt-N-Pepa song) "Push It" is a song by the group Salt-N-Pepa, released as a single in 1986. It peaked at number 19 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1987 and has been certified Platinum by the RIAA... " |
"Chuck Versus the Push Mix Chuck Versus the Push Mix "Chuck Versus the Push Mix" is the thirteenth episode of the fourth season of Chuck. It originally aired on January 31, 2011. Much like "Chuck Versus the Other Guy" in the third season, this episode was intended to be the fourth season finale before an additional eleven episodes were ordered... " |
January 31, 2011 |
"Send Me On My Way When I Woke When I Woke is the second album and major-label debut of the American world rock band, Rusted Root. It has since been certified Platinum in the United States.-Track listing:All songs written by Michael Glabicki and Rusted Root except where noted.... " |
"Chuck Versus the Masquerade Chuck Versus the Masquerade "Chuck Versus the Masquerade" is the sixteenth episode of the fourth season of Chuck. Although taking place on and around Valentine's Day, the episode actually aired originally on February 21, 2011, one week later. Valentine's Day is ruined when the team is dispatched to protect heiress Vivian... " |
February 21, 2011 |
"Send Me On My Way When I Woke When I Woke is the second album and major-label debut of the American world rock band, Rusted Root. It has since been certified Platinum in the United States.-Track listing:All songs written by Michael Glabicki and Rusted Root except where noted.... " (Full Version) |
Audio file at Picosong | February 22, 2011 |
"Eye of the Tiger Eye of the Tiger "Eye of the Tiger" is a single by American rock band Survivor, from their third album Eye of the Tiger. It was released as a single on May 29, 1982, the same year as the album. It was written at the request of actor Sylvester Stallone, who was unable to get permission for Queen's "Another One Bites... " |
Video at Comic-Con | July 21–24, 2011 |
Jeff Barnes
Jeffrey "Jeff" Barnes (frequently called Jefferson by Lester) is a member of the Nerd Herd specializing in AppleApple Computer
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad...
products. An alcoholic in his forties, he was champion of Missile Command
Missile Command
Missile Command is a 1980 arcade game by Atari, Inc. that was also licensed to Sega for European release. It is considered one of the most notable games from the Golden Age of Video Arcade Games...
in 1983 and is significantly older than his coworkers, aside from Casey and assistant manager Big Mike. Jeff can be seen as the Buy More employee of the month in the episode "Chuck Versus the Three Words
Chuck Versus the Three Words
"Chuck Versus the Three Words" is the second episode of the third season of the NBC action-comedy television series Chuck. It was aired January 10, 2010, on NBC....
" despite his actions and attitude towards working there (Chuck, the usual recipient, was away at spy school). He has a ferret
The ferret is a domesticated mammal of the type Mustela putorius furo. Ferrets are sexually dimorphic predators with males being substantially larger than females. They typically have brown, black, white, or mixed fur...
named Roscoe as a pet. It has also been revealed that he only has eight toes and does not pay for toilet paper. His father is evidently part-Native American
Indigenous peoples of the Americas
The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of North and South America, their descendants and other ethnic groups who are identified with those peoples. Indigenous peoples are known in Canada as Aboriginal peoples, and in the United States as Native Americans...
, allowing Jeff to satisfy a quota at the Buy More. His mother is in prison, and his sister works (at least part time) as an exotic dancer and performed at Devon's bachelor party. Jeff reveals he is deaf in his left ear in "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II." He shows pyromaniacal traits, frequently suggesting that he should burn down the Buy More as a response to solving any store-related problem.
Jeff's best friend on the show is Lester, and the series frequently involves the two scheming together. In "Chuck Versus the Marlin
Chuck Versus the Marlin
"Chuck Versus the Marlin" is the 13th episode and season finale of the first season of Chuck. It aired in a special two-episode block on January 24, 2008 with "Chuck Versus the Undercover Lover." Chuck's time as a civilian may be coming to a close when a Fulcrum bug is discovered at the Buy More,...
" he was responsible for the theft of Big Mike's fish, Norman, with Lester which contained a FULCRUM
Fulcrum (Chuck)
Fulcrum is the codename of a fictional hostile espionage organization on the television series Chuck. Fulcrum serves as the series' main antagonists up until the end of season two, though their specific goals beyond acquiring the Intersect have not yet been fully revealed.-History:Very little...
bug receiver. He and Lester frequent the Bennigan's bar across the street from the Buy More, presumably picking up women there. Jeff is frequently shown to be a pervert. He once left his underwear in the back of a company Nerd Herd vehicle, and because of this, the assistant manager pulled all the Herders out of use to have them re-upholstered. Several episodes have shown that Jeff is attracted to Anna Wu, calling her his muse
The Muses in Greek mythology, poetry, and literature, are the goddesses who inspire the creation of literature and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge, related orally for centuries in the ancient culture, that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths...
, but the feeling is not reciprocated; he made a musical montage of Anna featuring several candid (i.e. stalker-like) photos. In addition to Anna, Jeff frequently targets (and repulses) other attractive women at the store, but also indicates preferences for the "dumpy housewives" and heavily pregnant women. Jeff has on several occasions expressed a disturbing obsession with Chuck, starting when Chuck interviewed Jeff for the position of assistant manager (the details were not disclosed but were so disturbing that Morgan picked up Jeff's resume napkin with tongs to dispose of it and both Chuck and Morgan refused to allow the interview to go any further, additionally stating that Jeff playing footsie with him was unwelcome) and even going so far as describing Ellie
Ellie Bartowski
Eleanor Faye "Ellie" Bartowski Woodcomb, M.D., Ph.D., is the older sister of title character Chuck Bartowski on the television series Chuck. She is portrayed by actress Sarah Lancaster.-Biography:...
as a "dream come true" because she's "like Chuck, but with lady parts." Commenting on the accurate rumor of her pregnancy, he asked a disgusted Ellie, "Is there room in that womb for two?"
The majority of his Buy More paycheck is spent on alcohol, and spy gear used to outfit his van. "Chuck Versus the American Hero
Chuck Versus the American Hero
"Chuck Versus the American Hero" is the 12th episode of the third season of Chuck. It first aired on March 29, 2010. Chuck is given a week's paid leave before being sent on his first mission as a real agent, and chooses to use that time in an effort to win back Sarah's heart.-Main plot:Chuck...
" reveals he has named his van "Loretta," and that Jeff and Lester are such skilled stalkers they were even able to tail Ring
The Ring (Chuck)
The Ring is a major spy organization on the television series Chuck. The main antagonist of the second season , Fulcrum, is revealed in the Season Two finale to be only one part of the Ring, which then serves as the main antagonist of Season Three...
operatives — professional spies — without being detected. Jeff also has an "office" set up in stall 2 of the Buy More employee men's room in which he takes a daily nap from 3pm-5pm. His "office" was first shown in "Chuck Versus the Predator
Chuck Versus the Predator
"Chuck Versus the Predator" is the seventeenth episode of the second season of Chuck. It originally aired on March 23, 2009. Chuck Bartowski reluctantly tells his handlers that he has been contacted by Orion, the mastermind behind the Intersect computer and the person who can erase the Intersect...
," and contained a toilet used as a cooler for his alcoholic beverages along with an easy chair, lava lamp, and various wall decorations. Jeff carries keys to the store (at least up until the NSA and CIA rebuild the structure as a secret base) and, according to Morgan, is the only employee who knows how the store's registers work. When interviewing with Chuck for the assistant manager's position he reveals he was the store's first employee.
According to the card Jeff carries which reads, "My name is Jeff and I'm lost", his address is 1629 Handley Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601. Dr. "Woody" Woodcomb mistakes him for the late Sam Kinison
Sam Kinison
Samuel Burl "Sam" Kinison was an American stand-up comedian and actor. Kinison was known for his intense, harsh and politically incorrect genre humor...
In Chuck Versus the A-Team
Chuck Versus the A-Team
"Chuck Versus the A-Team" is the eighteenth episode of the fourth season of Chuck. It aired on March 14, 2011. Chuck Bartowski and Sarah Walker suspect John Casey is carrying out private missions. Chuck fears the CIA's new operatives , who have downloaded the Intersect, will render him obsolete....
, Jeff is said to be Psychic. When trying to find the Intersect computer, he predicts that it is with the CIA (dismissed as the name "Cia"). The CIA did indeed have it when it was revealed to be in the NCS section of Castle.
Jeff is generally a supporting character throughout the series, however he has periodically contributed to the main plot of an episode. His most prominent role was in "Chuck Versus Tom SawyerChuck Versus Tom Sawyer
"Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer" is the fifth episode of the second season of Chuck. It originally aired on October 27, 2008. Life in espionage takes its toll on Chuck Bartowski and everyone is taking notice. Chuck tries to explain his unusual behavior to Ellie Bartowski and to the quirky Buy More...
," where he was targeted by a terrorist as the only person who could potentially reach the "Kill Screen
Kill screen
A kill screen is a stage or level in a video game that stops the player's progress due to a programming error or design oversight. Rather than "ending" in a traditional sense, the game will crash, freeze, or behave so erratically that further play is impossible.Video games, like any other computer...
" in Missile Command and retrieve the launch codes for an orbiting missile-armed satellite. In the episode Chuck convinced Jeff to come out of "retirement" in an effort to stop the terrorist launch, but Jeff choked, forcing Chuck to attempt to recover the codes himself.
He has indirectly and unwittingly been involved in several other missions as well. His and Lester's theft of Big Mike's marlin in "Chuck Versus the Marlin" initiated much of the plot, as the entire episode centered around locating the stolen fish and the FULCRUM receiver planted inside it. In "Chuck Versus the Colonel
Chuck Versus the Colonel
"Chuck Versus the Colonel" is the 21st episode of Chuck's second season, and the 34th episode overall. It aired on April 20, 2009. Chuck and Sarah go on the run in an effort to locate Chuck's father. At the Buy More, Morgan becomes a pariah among his coworkers after Big Mike's demotion.-Main...
" Jeff helped Devon
Captain Awesome
Devon Christian Woodcomb, M.D., often referred to as Captain Awesome or simply Awesome, is a character on the TV series Chuck, and is portrayed by the actor Ryan McPartlin. The character's nickname comes from Chuck's assertion that "everything he does is awesome," and his frequent use of the word...
investigate Casey's
John Casey (Chuck)
Colonel John Casey is portrayed by actor Adam Baldwin on the television show Chuck on NBC. Prior to the episode "Chuck Versus the Tic Tac," he was partnered with CIA agent Sarah Walker to protect Chuck Bartowski....
unusual behavior regarding Chuck, and expressed professional admiration for Casey as a stalker. Jeffster's impromptu performance at Ellie
Ellie Bartowski
Eleanor Faye "Ellie" Bartowski Woodcomb, M.D., Ph.D., is the older sister of title character Chuck Bartowski on the television series Chuck. She is portrayed by actress Sarah Lancaster.-Biography:...
and Devon's wedding in "Chuck Versus the Ring
Chuck Versus the Ring
"Chuck Versus the Ring" is the second season finale of Chuck, which aired on April 27, 2009. The day of Ellie and Devon's wedding arrives, but Chuck finds himself forced to protect both his sister and the event from a vengeful Ted Roark....
" bought the team time to protect Ellie and capture Roark.
Along with his other co-workers Jeff was inadvertently involved in a Ring attempt to take over and destroy Castle in "Chuck Versus the Beard
Chuck Versus the Beard
"Chuck Versus the Beard" is a third season episode of the television series Chuck. It originally aired March 8, 2010, and was the television directorial debut of series star Zachary Levi...
," when several Ring operatives posed as executives for a rival chain looking to purchase the store. While high on chloroform
Chloroform is an organic compound with formula CHCl3. It is one of the four chloromethanes. The colorless, sweet-smelling, dense liquid is a trihalomethane, and is considered somewhat hazardous...
, Jeff saved Casey's life by knocking out a Ring agent who was strangling him. When the closing of the Burbank Buy More becomes imminent in "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II," Jeff advocates burning down the store as a solution to protect their jobs. When the store is blown up by bombs planted by Daniel Shaw
Daniel Shaw
Daniel Shaw is a fictional government agent on the television series Chuck. Shaw is introduced in the third season episode "Chuck Versus Operation Awesome" as a government agent specializing in the terrorist organization known as the Ring, and who becomes a mentor to Chuck Bartowski and ultimately...
he becomes a prime suspect alongside Lester. Ironically, Jeff unwittingly helped save the lives of the employees and patrons prior to the store's destruction by triggering a store-wide evacuation. While on the lam, he and Lester are unaware when they are cleared as suspects. Morgan Grimes and John Casey confront them at their hiding place (a mere seven minutes from Burbank, with traffic), and use tranquilizer darts to return them to work at the Buy More in order to enhance the store's viability as a cover for government agents. Jeff's size and tolerance for narcotics result in Casey having to fire 6 tranquilizer darts into Jeff before he loses consciousness.
Jeff is revealed to be somewhat psychic in "Chuck Versus the A-Team
Chuck Versus the A-Team
"Chuck Versus the A-Team" is the eighteenth episode of the fourth season of Chuck. It aired on March 14, 2011. Chuck Bartowski and Sarah Walker suspect John Casey is carrying out private missions. Chuck fears the CIA's new operatives , who have downloaded the Intersect, will render him obsolete....
" when he blindly scribbles the letters "CIA" when trying to remember or 'see' the name of the customer he and Lester incorrectly believe has Ellie Bartowski's laptop. Indeed, the CIA had the laptop several stories below them, in Castle, at the time.
While Lester is, arguably, the brains behind the duo, Jeff is undoubtedly the talent. Jeff's musical aptitude is surprisingly high, as he is able to play guitar, sitar and keyboard with skill that is massively undermined by Lester's inability to sing. When the band was (temporarily?) discontinued and they tried their hand at film making, offering their "undisclosed" footage of Chuck and Sarah, while Lester's montage horrified and appalled Devon and Ellie, Jeff's montage was tasteful and elegant (so much so that a surprised Ellie kissed Jeff in gratitude.)
In "Chuck Versus the Frosted Tips", Devon finds Jeff sleeping under his van while the engine is running, inhaling a huge amount of carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide , also called carbonous oxide, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly lighter than air. It is highly toxic to humans and animals in higher quantities, although it is also produced in normal animal metabolism in low quantities, and is thought to have some normal...
. After diagnosing him, Devon tells Jeff to not sleep under his van any longer. The next day, Jeff comes in with a groomed haircut and much more mature personality, as he refuses to help Lester try a dare with one of their co-workers. In the next episode, "Chuck Versus the Business Trip", Lester tries getting the old Jeff back by pumping the exhaust from his van into the lunchroom. However, Big Mike was also there too and Jeff wheeled him out. The next day, Jeff had Lester arrested for attempted homicide.
Jeff is the band's keyboardist, composer, rhythm section, sound technician and manager, until Big Mike took over the role in "Chuck Versus the Living Dead." Jeff's interest in music began as a child when he first heard Jethro Tull's Aqualung (on vinyl of course). After showing great promise as a vibraphone player in his high school's jazz ensemble, he went on to play in a variety of rock and roll bands; Jeffster! is his current project. He claims as influences Herbie Hancock, Greg Rolie, Rick Wakeman, and John Cage.Development
Beginning with the second season première, actor Scott KrinskyScott Krinsky
Scott Krinsky is a Los Angeles-based actor and comic best known for his role as Jeff Barnes on the hit TV series Chuck and his role as Darryl on The O.C.....
was listed in the opening credits as a series regular. Krinsky was offered the role of Jeff by producer Josh Schwartz
Josh Schwartz
-Film school at USC:In 1995, Schwartz realized his boyhood dream of attending film school to study screen and television writing at the University of Southern California...
largely due to Krinsky's previous work on Schwartz's series The O.C., although he was still required to read for the role for network approval. He describes Jeff as a "lifer," who was at the store before the other characters and will be after they are gone.
Jeff's bizarre behavior throughout the series has garnered significant attention from critics and viewers. Eric Goldman of IGN.com particularly cited his approval of the writers' willingness to find strange things for Jeff to do in his review of "Chuck Versus the Third DimensionChuck Versus the Third Dimension
"Chuck Versus the Third Dimension" is the 12th episode of the second season of Chuck. It aired on February 2, 2009. This episode was originally aired in 3-D, as the name suggests, using the same ColorCode 3-D technology as some of the commercials in Super Bowl XLIII...
", though he also found Jeff overcoming his fear of playing Missile Command again in the final moment of "Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer
Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer
"Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer" is the fifth episode of the second season of Chuck. It originally aired on October 27, 2008. Life in espionage takes its toll on Chuck Bartowski and everyone is taking notice. Chuck tries to explain his unusual behavior to Ellie Bartowski and to the quirky Buy More...
" touching. Alan Sepinwall of the New Jersey Star-Ledger
The Star-Ledger
The Star-Ledger is the largest circulated newspaper in the U.S. state of New Jersey and is based in Newark. It is a sister paper to The Jersey Journal of Jersey City, The Times of Trenton and the Staten Island Advance, all of which are owned by Advance Publications.The Newark Star-Ledgers daily...
has praised many of Jeff's antics, including intentionally knocking himself out with a bottle of chloroform
Chloroform is an organic compound with formula CHCl3. It is one of the four chloromethanes. The colorless, sweet-smelling, dense liquid is a trihalomethane, and is considered somewhat hazardous...
to "get himself right," hiring his own sister as a stripper for Devon's bachelor party, and his "office" in the men's room stall.
Lester Patel
Lester Patel is a member of the Nerd Herd who specializes in AppleApple Computer
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad...
products. Little information on Lester's family has been given in the series, however "Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon
Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon
"Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon" is the sixteenth episode of the second season of Chuck. It originally aired on March 9, 2009. When Cole Barker escapes after being tortured by Fulcrum and returns to Castle, Sarah Walker and John Casey are assigned to hunt down a scientist codenamed "Perseus", who...
" reveals he has a cousin familiar with legal work, and helped Morgan
Morgan Grimes
Morgan Guillermo Grimes is a major character on the television series Chuck. He is portrayed by actor Joshua Gomez, and is the best friend of Chuck Bartowski....
compose his Morganuptuals. Lester was born in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan is a prairie province in Canada, which has an area of . Saskatchewan is bordered on the west by Alberta, on the north by the Northwest Territories, on the east by Manitoba, and on the south by the U.S. states of Montana and North Dakota....
, and is a Jew
The Jews , also known as the Jewish people, are a nation and ethnoreligious group originating in the Israelites or Hebrews of the Ancient Near East. The Jewish ethnicity, nationality, and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation...
of India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
n descent, (or, in his vernacular, a "Hin-Jew."
Indian Jews
The history of the Jews in India reaches back to ancient times.Indian Jews are a religious minority of India. Judaism was one of the first foreign religions to arrive in India in recorded history. The better-established ancient communities have assimilated a large number of local traditions through...
) Several episodes have shown Lester keeps kosher, however he frequently takes advantage of other aspects of his faith, such as scamming his coworkers with a dreidel
A dreidel is a four-sided spinning top, played with during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.Each side of the dreidel bears a letter of the Hebrew alphabet:נ ,ג ,ה ,ש ,...
. However "Chuck Versus the Crown Vic
Chuck Versus the Crown Vic
"Chuck Versus the Crown Vic" is the 11th episode of the first season of Chuck, airing on December 3, 2007. Chuck must deal with the aftermath of Bryce Larkin's departure as he goes undercover with Sarah to investigate a billionaire philanthropist...
" shows he's proud of his heritage, as he several times corrects Big Mike when he refers to the store's holiday party as a "Christmas Party." He is mistaken for a lesbian by Dr. Woody Woodcomb.
Lester's best friend is Jeff, and the two are frequently seen scheming together in many episodes. Stealing Big Mike's marlin
Marlin, family Istiophoridae, are fish with an elongated body, a spear-like snout or bill, and a long rigid dorsal fin, which extends forward to form a crest. Its common name is thought to derive from its resemblance to a sailor's marlinspike...
was Lester's idea, and he conspired with Jeff to break into the Buy More and steal a high-tech computer he mistakenly believed was a new gaming machine. He frequents the Bennigan's bar across the street from the Buy More with Jeff, presumably to pick up women there.
Lester's primary use throughout the series is in the secondary plots at the Buy More, and he has rarely contributed to the main plot. His antics with Jeff are frequently a source of comic relief. His most important contributions to the main plot came in "Chuck Versus the Marlin," when he decided to steal Big Mike's fish after breaking into the store. The resulting hunt for the fish became a major focus of the plot. His performance of "Mr. RobotoMr. Roboto
"Mr. Roboto" is a song written by Dennis DeYoung and performed by the band Styx on their 1983 concept album Kilroy Was Here. In Canada, where they were always more popular than in their native U.S., it went to #1 on the RPM national singles chart, becoming their third single to top the charts in...
" during Ellie's wedding also indirectly helped Chuck save her life.
In the second season Lester was promoted to Assistant Manager of the Buy More after beating Jeff in a cage match organized by Morgan. Much like Harry Tang before him, his tenure was initially highly unpopular with the rest of the employees due to his tyrannical tendencies, prompting a walkout led by Morgan. He voluntarily returned to his former position with the Nerd Herd at the end of "Chuck Versus the Cougars
Chuck Versus the Cougars
"Chuck Versus the Cougars" is the fourth episode of the second season of Chuck. It originally aired on October 20, 2008. Chuck Bartowski learns more about Sarah Walker's past when they run into her old high school nemesis Heather Chandler . Sarah's teenage insecurities come to surface and she tries...
". Despite his previously held position of assistant manager, he holds a strong aversion to anyone in power in the Buy More and very often attempts to sabotage and humiliate them when possible.
Lester has on several occasions shown a willingness to sell out for personal gain. In "Chuck Versus the Alma Mater
Chuck Versus the Alma Mater
"Chuck Versus the Alma Mater" is the seventh episode of the first season of Chuck. It aired on November 5, 2007, and finds Chuck returning to Stanford to track down a data disk, and answer questions about his past...
" he betrayed Morgan's revolt against Harry Tang for a monogrammed Buy More polo. He also attempted to suck up to Chuck when Big Mike assigned him to interview for the assistant manager position. However Lester freely acknowledged to Emmett Milbarge that when faced with a difficult decision he asks himself "What would Chuck do?" He also followed Morgan's lead in an attempt to sabotage Emmett's efficiency rating.
He is terrified of Casey, and when he attempted to hit on Sarah
Sarah Walker (Chuck)
Sarah Lisa Bartowski is the alias of one of the main characters of the fictional television show Chuck on NBC. She is portrayed by Yvonne Strahovski and is one of two agents assigned by the NSA and CIA to protect Chuck Bartowski after he unwittingly downloads the secret government computer known...
after Chuck "dumped" her, he panicked when she responded aggressively to his advances. Lester nearly got Chuck sued for sexual harassment when he and Jeff organized a "casting couch
Casting couch
The casting couch, casting couch syndrome or casting couch mentality is a term which involves the trading of sexual favors by an aspirant, apprentice employee, or subordinate to a superior, in return for entry into an occupation, or for other career advancement within an organization...
" to hire a new Buy More "Greenshirt," and used it as an opportunity to hit on women. As a result they mistakenly believed a FULCRUM agent who kidnapped Chuck was a police officer taking him into custody.
Lester proposes Big Mike run a "going out of business" sale in "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II," when the store is on the verge of being closed. Although the sale turns into a smash success, it was unsanctioned as their merchandise was to be transferred to the Beverly Hills Buy More. Lester attempted to stop Jeff from proposing arson as a resolution to the problem, but subsequently became a suspect after the store was blown up by charges laid by Shaw to force Chuck into a final showdown. While on the lam, he and Jeff are unaware when they are cleared as suspects. Morgan Grimes and John Casey confront them at their hiding place (a mere seven minutes from the store, with traffic), and use tranquilizer darts to return them to work at the Buy More in order to enhance the store's viability as a cover for government agents.
Lester is the lead singer in the two-man band. He has written dozens of pop songs as well as "Virus/rebuild," an experimental symphony for monophonic synthesizer. His stylistic influences include Morrisey, Kurt Cobain, Bon Scott, Billy Joel, and Madonna.Development
Beginning with the second season première, actor Vik SahayVik Sahay
Vikram "Vik" Sahay is a Canadian actor best known for playing Lester Patel, a member of the Nerd Herd in the NBC television series Chuck on which he became a series regular from the second season, and Rama in the Roxy Hunter Saga.-Life and career:...
was listed in the opening credits as a series regular. During the audition process actor Vik Sahay
Vik Sahay
Vikram "Vik" Sahay is a Canadian actor best known for playing Lester Patel, a member of the Nerd Herd in the NBC television series Chuck on which he became a series regular from the second season, and Rama in the Roxy Hunter Saga.-Life and career:...
originally read for the role of Morgan, eventually coming down to between him and Joshua Gomez
Joshua Gomez
Joshua Eli Gomez is an American actor best known for his role as Morgan Grimes on Chuck. He is the younger brother of actor Rick Gomez....
. After Gomez was selected for Morgan, Sahay was offered the role of Lester. Sahay has described Lester as "fancying himself a superstar and he just does not have the nervous system to back it up." He further goes on to describe Lester as "...He wants to be respected, right? He wants what Chuck has—that effortless charm and likeability. He wants it so bad that the last thing he is is effortless. He’s effort-ful." A significant amount of improvisation and riffing also occurs between the actors, which Sahay attributes to the "electric environment" resulting from the strong working relationships and friendship between the cast members.
Sahay issued a "thank you" to fans of the series following the completion of a deal between NBC
The National Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network and former radio network headquartered in the GE Building in New York City's Rockefeller Center with additional major offices near Los Angeles and in Chicago...
and Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., also known as Warner Bros. Pictures or simply Warner Bros. , is an American producer of film and television entertainment.One of the major film studios, it is a subsidiary of Time Warner, with its headquarters in Burbank,...
to pick up the series for a third season.