Rattrap is the name of a fictional character from the Transformers
toyline that appeared in the Beast Wars
and Beast Machines
series. He is a Maximal
and takes the beast form of a rat.
("What in the name of my great-aunt Arcee is going on here?!" "Transmutate"). Although never seen in the television series, a toy of him from the 2006 Botcon says he turned into a Cybertronian Motorcycle before being reformatted as a rat. From what is known of his past life on Cybertron, he was a gambler, a womanizer and spent his free time at bars
, referenced in his comment to Silverbolt concerning a place in which the servant bots walk around "minus their torso plates" ("The Agenda" Part 1). Rattrap is the most eager of the Maximals to return home.
Second to Rhinox
, Rattrap has some knowledge about mechanics, especially sabotage
and demolition/explosives, managing to create an effective countermeasure to Tarantulas
's shield around a Vok
ship in one episode (Other Visits Part 2). Rattrap often criticizes Cheetor
's immaturity and stupidity and at times defies Optimus Primal
when he feels Optimus's ideas are unreasonable, too risky or stupid. Rattrap also expresses frequent suspicions of Dinobot
's loyalty throughout his time as a Maximal. For his part, Dinobot never liked Rattrap either, often referring to him as "vermin". Though the two often bicker, their relationship evolves over time and they become friendly rivals right up until the time of Dinobot's betrayal in "Maximal, No More". Although Rattrap never quite trusts him after Dinobot's brief return to his original Predacon
allegiance, it is Rattrap who is shown to be the most affected by Dinobot's bravery and passing as Dinobot lay dying in Code of Hero. After Dinobot's death, Rattrap is often partnered with the fuzor Silverbolt. The consummate wisecrack
er, he is constantly giving his comrades nicknames, both derogatory and friendly. Despite his tendency to give his comrades nicknames, Rattrap is, in fact, capable of being leader, in Primal's absence takes the mantle of leadership, albeit reluctantly in Chain of Command
In the original English version of the show, Rattrap speaks with a Brooklyn
accent. In the episode "Code of Hero" Rattrap is seen in his original state during Dinobot's funeral, even though he had already become a transmetal
, most likely a goof on the show's animators. The show bible for Beast Wars describes Rattrap as a wise guy who is inspired by Bud Abbott
. He is described as being a 5 feet (1.5 m) rat. His gun is called a fusion rifle. He has infrared-vision and enjoys jazz
The television series depicts Transmetal Rattrap as having his backpack in robot mode rotating 180 degrees so that his rear wheels are at his shoulder level, but the toy does not do this, leaving his rear wheels alongside his hips. The show also depicts the wheels as removable, so they can be used as shields, but on the toy they cannot be removed.
Rattrap was one of only three characters (along with Cheetor and Waspinator) to survive from the beginning of Beast Wars to the end of Beast Machines (Although Optimus Primal, Megatron, Tarantulas and Rhinox returned to life in the comic storylines after Beast Machines).
Rattrap's voice actor; Scott McNeil, attended Botcon
2006 at the Lexington Convention Center for the 10th anniversary of the TV series.
commanded by Optimus Primal
. He worked alongside Cheetor
and Rhinox
. The Axalon chased the Predacon criminal Megatron
and his band of Predacons on their ship the Darkside through transwarp space after the theft of the Golden Disk
artifact. The Maximals and Predacons crashed on prehistoric Earth, where high energon levels threatened to destroy the crew unless they adopted organic alternate modes. Rattrap chose the form of a rat. At this point Rattrap had not developed his later loyalty, flatly disobeying Optimus Primal at several points if it contradicted his survival instincts, and openly criticizing him for accepting Dinobot
into the group. Despite this, Rattrap would soon prove there was more to him than wisecracks and constant complaints: when Cheetor was captured by the sadistic Tarantulas
, Rattrap personally tracked down and rescued him, battling and defeating the spider Predacon. This led to a short-lived rivalry between the two, and they clashed on several occasions afterwards.
When it appeared that Optimus Primal was killed by an alien
probe in "Chain of Command", Dinobot attempted to seize command of the Maximals, but Rattrap was temporarily appointed second in command by Primal, (over Rhinox for this one occasion presumably for his survival instincts) when he contacted the Maximals from inside the probe. Although he led the Maximals in freeing Optimus he informed Optimus that he did not wish to command again. Indeed, ever afterward, he is seen deferring to Rhinox.
Eventually Rattrap developed an intense loyalty to Primal (despite his numerous complaints) and accompanied him on many missions. He was instrumental in sabotaging Terrorsaur
's floating mountain of energon, and his spying experience came in handy when he temporarily "defected" to the Predacons in order to find out how the Predacons were bugging the Maximal communications. His small size and infiltration talents were also displayed when the Maximal defense computer Sentinel went haywire. He was also nearly killed by Dinobot's Predacon created clone. Rattrap accompanied Primal to free Airazor from the Vok
base, and was also present as Optimus flew a modified stasis pod to destroy the Vok planet killer - only to watch helplessly as Primal was destroyed by Megatron's treachery.
rat with the additional mechanical attributes of a dragster (wheels and an engine) by the Quantum Surge that was created from the explosion which destroyed Optimus Primal. Following the (temporary) death of Optimus Primal, Rhinox took the initiative, leading the remaining Maximals in defending the base from overwhelming Predacon forces. In the fight, Rattrap became the first Maximal to face the newly Transmetal Megatron in a brief one on one showdown. Though no match for Megatron's raw might, he still managed to score a rather embarrassing hit against the giant by taking out his legs when Megatron charged at him. However, Rattrap was accidentally taken out by an out-of-control Cheetor, and the two would have been killed if not for the intervention of Rhinox.
For the beginning of the second season Rattrap, Cheetor and Dinobot stood alone against the entire Predacons force to buy time for Rhinox to succeed in reviving Optimus. Although they fought valiantly (even sparing Silverbolt as a tribute to Primal) the Predacon numbers and firepower proved too much. All three would have been killed, but Optimus returned as a Transmetal and single-handedly fought off the entire Predacon force. Later, Rattrap would be forced into a peace-maker role of sorts again. When Megatron used the Golden Disc to take control of a Vok
ship that abducted Airazor and Tigatron, using it to capture Primal, Rattrap was the one who convinced the other Maximals of the necessity of an alliance with Tarantulas
to stop Megatron taking the ship back to Cybertron. Rattrap infiltrated the ship and freed Primal, leaving him to battle with Megatron as Tarantulas took out the ship's power systems.
Rattrap's friendship with Dinobot would be sorely tested when the warrior Transformer returned briefly to the Predacon fold. Captured by the Predacons, Megatron ordered Dinobot to kill the helpless Maximal but Dinobot refused and turned on the Predacons once again. Although Rattrap would make the decision to accept Dinobot back into the fold, after this Rattrap never fully trusted Dinobot again. However, events would be taken out of his hands. After an argument with Rattrap Dinobot set out to redeem himself in the eyes of his friends – and died doing so. Single-handedly driving off a full-scale Predacon attempt to wipe out the primitive humans, Rattrap and the other Maximals arrived just in time to hear Dinobot's last words. Tellingly, Rattrap was the first to salute the fallen warrior's spark
as it joined the Matrix.
When Ravage
arrived from Cybertron to capture Megatron, Rattrap took part in the daring assault on the Predacon ship, capturing Megatron. However, on viewing a recording made by the original Megatron Ravage switched sides and attacked the Axalon in his ship. Rattrap launched a solo assault on the ship, destroying it (and Ravage) with a few well planted bombs. Megatron's plan to alter history was then revealed and Rattrap and the other Maximals journeyed to The Ark
to stop him. Taking out the Autobot
defense gun with a well placed blast, Rattrap was nonetheless too late to stop Megatron from shooting Optimus Prime
in the head and causing a timestorm that threatened to rewrite all of history.
In the second season episode Transmutate, Rattrap makes an off-hand remark about his "great-aunt Arcee". This is an in-joke
to Susan Blu
, who was not only voice director on Beast Wars, but the voice of Arcee in the original Transformers cartoon series and Transmutate in that episode.
, and was only saved by Depth Charge
. Once on land Rattrap and Silverbolt were ambushed by the Predacons, recovering Sentinel through teamwork – until a mid-air collision with Depth Charge (who had reluctantly come to assist) made them lose it, much to Rattrap's fury.
Rattrap would subsequently regard Blackarachnia with suspicion for her Predacon origins (similarly to his suspicions about Dinobot). When she went missing during a battle Dinobot's clone, Rattrap refused to allow Silverbolt to go after her – until the noble Maximal brought up his friendship with the original Dinobot. Surprisingly, he was seen expressing regret at her death in the episode "Crossing the Rubicon" (although she returned as a Transmetal II). Rattrap was subsequently seen mostly assisting the other Maximals in battle and guarding the Ark. After Megatron was captured, Rattrap returned with the other surviving Maximals to Cybertron on board the Autobot shuttle Omega Delta.
to hunt down Dinobot. Although successful in finding the clone Dinobot and uploading the datatracks, Dinobot resisted being taken over by the new personality. Dinobot would have killed Rattrap and Depth Charge if it wasn't for the timely help of Rhinox
. In the end, Rattrap would have to accept that the Dinobot he knew as his friend was gone. However, the episode never made it beyond the planning stage.
Rattrap would reappear in the follow-up series to Beast Wars: Beast Machines
In Beast Machines, he was reformatted into a technorganic rat. This reformatting resulted in the loss of all of his weapons (despite the fact that his toy does indeed have weapons), making him almost useless in combat. He was also the last of the Maximals to learn how to transform, leaving him stuck in beast mode for about half of the first season. These issues, as well as him being the smallest Maximal, made him depressed as he felt that he was a liability for the Maximals. However, the revelation of his technical and computer hacking abilities having been greatly enhanced by his new form eventually made him an indispensable member of the team in their mission to discover the reasons behind their lost memories and Megatron
's takeover of an apparently virtually abandoned Cybertron.
Eventually, Rattrap broke away from the mold of "useless member" and became Maximals' computer expert. His new body let him hack
into any console on the planet Cybertron
, using his tail as some sort of advanced interface. He was also responsible for numerous Maximal inventions; including the device eventually used to turn Jetstorm back into Silverbolt. He also invented grenades which created fast-growing plants and devices which could interfere with Vehicon sensors. Towards the end of the series, Rattrap began forming a romantic relationship with fellow Maximal
, even dropping the shields of Megatron's fortress/body at one point to save her life.
or Hamtaro
' Transformers Summer Special. After Megatron's capture, Rattrap had a dream (implied to be a suppressed memory) in which he was under attack by Dinobot's clone while testing some digging equipment. His appeals to what was left of his former friend's personality proving ineffectual, he was astonished to be saved by Bonecrusher
, Optimus Minor and Wolfang. Although Rattrap was happy to discover new Maximals, the three refused to go with him back to Maximal Base.
. Rattrap's origins mirror his role as a Maximal in Beast Wars. He serves as the team's hacker and weapons controller on the Axalon. Under his targeting the former Decepticon
s Laserbeak
and Buzzsaw meet their apparent end in outer space.
Botanica, Rattrap and Nightscream appeared together in the story Wreckers: Finale Part II by the Transformers Collectors Club in 2007. During the invasion of Cybertron by the Quintessons they worked together and came across the Quintesson working with the Wreckers.
Although there was no new toy for Rattrap in the Transformers: Universe line which followed the story after Beast Machines, Rattrap did appear in the comic book series in the form of his Beast Machines Mega sized toy - now rendered correctly with legs. Shortly after the reformatting of Cybertron at the end of Beast Machines Rattrap was amongst those who welcomed back some of the heroes of The Great War (Roulette, Shadowstriker, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker
and Trailbreaker
) back to Cybertron. However he was left helpless when they, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were abducted by Unicron
. After this Optimus Primal was resurrected by Primus
as a response, and Rattrap once again served under him, being saved from a corrupted Blackarachnia by a resurrected Depth Charge
Rattrap also appeared in the BotCon 2004 voice actor play. When Rhinox
's attempts to stop Unicron pulling victims from alternate realities resulted in two groups of dimensionally-displaced Autobots being marooned on frozen planetoids, Rattrap was sent alongside Waspinator
and Silverbolt to help. They ended up battling Unicron's minions alongside a crew of timelost Autobots (Bumblebee
, Cosmos
and Tracks
) and the two groups of Autobots they had been sent to help (both from the RiD
universes), and, with Rhinox's help, sent them back to their own times and realities.
In addition to the above mentioned episode, a rat appears at the end of the episode "Predacons Rising", paying homage to Rattrap. With the rat are a gorilla, a cheetah and a rhinoceros - each one paying homage to Optimus Primal, Cheetor and Rhinox, respectively.
His tech spec appeared on a lithograph sold at Botcon
Transformers (toy line)
The is a line of toys produced by the American toy company Hasbro. The Transformers toyline was created from toy molds mostly produced by Japanese company Takara in the toylines Diaclone and Microman. Other toy molds from other companies such as Bandai were used as well...
toyline that appeared in the Beast Wars
Beast Wars
Transformers: Beast Wars is a Transformers toyline released by Hasbro between 1995 and 2000, and a Daytime Emmy Award winning full-CG animated television series spawned by it that debuted in 1996...
and Beast Machines
Beast Machines
Beast Machines is an animated television series produced by Mainframe Entertainment and distributed by Universal Pictures. Hasbro has the full distribution rights to the show as of 2011. It was a direct sequel to Beast Wars taking place within the continuity of the original Transformers series...
series. He is a Maximal
Maximal (Transformers)
Maximals are a faction in the Transformers series by Hasbro. They are generally depicted as respecting all life and following a path of peace before war. They follow the tenets of the Pax Cybertronia. The Maximals are opposed by the Predacons...
and takes the beast form of a rat.
Beast Wars
Rattrap is an infiltrator, sharpshooter, saboteur and demolitions expert. An unflinching pessimist, he is famous for delivering the line “We're all gonna die!.” when things look grim for the Maximals. In the episode “Dark Voyage” he mentioned offhand that he used to be an energon miner. It is humorously suggested in the same episode that he is a distant relative of AutobotAutobot
Autobot, a faction of sentient robots from the planet Cybertron, are usually the main protagonists in the fictional universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, graphic novels, paperback books, cartoons and movies first introduced in 1984. In all but one Transformer story, the...
Arcee is the name of a fictional character in the Transformers franchise. She is a female Autobot, usually pink in color. Being the most famous of the Female Transformers, she has two primary forms...
("What in the name of my great-aunt Arcee is going on here?!" "Transmutate"). Although never seen in the television series, a toy of him from the 2006 Botcon says he turned into a Cybertronian Motorcycle before being reformatted as a rat. From what is known of his past life on Cybertron, he was a gambler, a womanizer and spent his free time at bars
Bar (establishment)
A bar is a business establishment that serves alcoholic drinks — beer, wine, liquor, and cocktails — for consumption on the premises.Bars provide stools or chairs that are placed at tables or counters for their patrons. Some bars have entertainment on a stage, such as a live band, comedians, go-go...
, referenced in his comment to Silverbolt concerning a place in which the servant bots walk around "minus their torso plates" ("The Agenda" Part 1). Rattrap is the most eager of the Maximals to return home.
Second to Rhinox
Rhinox is the name of three fictional characters from various Transformers universes.-Beast Wars:Rhinox's character in the Beast Wars television series is very different from how the toy was depicted. As one of the first year toys, the toy of Rhinox was created before the television series came...
, Rattrap has some knowledge about mechanics, especially sabotage
Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. In a workplace setting, sabotage is the conscious withdrawal of efficiency generally directed at causing some change in workplace conditions. One who engages in sabotage is...
and demolition/explosives, managing to create an effective countermeasure to Tarantulas
Tarantulas (Transformers)
Tarantulas is a Predacon in theBeast Wars series who turns into a tarantula. Due to problems in trade-marking the name, later releases of the character were called Predacon Tarantulus by Hasbro.-Beast Wars:...
's shield around a Vok
The Vok are a race of fictional aliens from the Transformers universe.-Beast Wars:In Transformers history, the Vok were mysterious and powerful aliens who had evolved beyond the corporeal world. Their base of operations—be it another planet, location in space, or entire dimension—is dubbed "Nexus...
ship in one episode (Other Visits Part 2). Rattrap often criticizes Cheetor
Cheetor is several fictional characters from various Transformers universes.- Beast Wars :Cheetor's original tech spec indicated he was a seasoned and confident warrior always in search of battle with the Predacons, seemingly in contrast to his youthful and impulsive portrayal in the original show...
's immaturity and stupidity and at times defies Optimus Primal
Optimus Primal
Optimus Primal is a fictional character from the Transformers toyline, and the leader of the Maximal forces and the main protagonist in the Beast Wars television series. He is sometimes called Optimal Optimus...
when he feels Optimus's ideas are unreasonable, too risky or stupid. Rattrap also expresses frequent suspicions of Dinobot
Dinobot is a fictional character from the Beast Wars Transformers universe.-Beast Wars:Dinobot originally debuts in the series' premiere as a subordinate of Megatron, leader of the villainous Predacons. However, Dinobot challenges Megatron's leadership, and is shortly expelled from his crew. He...
's loyalty throughout his time as a Maximal. For his part, Dinobot never liked Rattrap either, often referring to him as "vermin". Though the two often bicker, their relationship evolves over time and they become friendly rivals right up until the time of Dinobot's betrayal in "Maximal, No More". Although Rattrap never quite trusts him after Dinobot's brief return to his original Predacon
Predacon (Transformers)
The Predacons usually refer to the name of several fictional Decepticon-like teams led by Megatron, however Transformers: Armada, Predacon is the name of a single character.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
allegiance, it is Rattrap who is shown to be the most affected by Dinobot's bravery and passing as Dinobot lay dying in Code of Hero. After Dinobot's death, Rattrap is often partnered with the fuzor Silverbolt. The consummate wisecrack
Wisecrack is a 2005 stand-up comedy series from the LGBT television network Logo. The show was taped at the West Hollywood, California gay club The Abbey...
er, he is constantly giving his comrades nicknames, both derogatory and friendly. Despite his tendency to give his comrades nicknames, Rattrap is, in fact, capable of being leader, in Primal's absence takes the mantle of leadership, albeit reluctantly in Chain of Command
Chain of Command
Chain of Command may refer to:* Chain of command, in a military context, the line of authority and responsibility along which orders are passed* "Chain of Command" , the fifth episode of the first season of Beast Wars...
In the original English version of the show, Rattrap speaks with a Brooklyn
Brooklyn is the most populous of New York City's five boroughs, with nearly 2.6 million residents, and the second-largest in area. Since 1896, Brooklyn has had the same boundaries as Kings County, which is now the most populous county in New York State and the second-most densely populated...
accent. In the episode "Code of Hero" Rattrap is seen in his original state during Dinobot's funeral, even though he had already become a transmetal
Transmetal may refer to:* Transition metals, a group of elements in the periodic table* Transmetal , a Mexican thrash/death metal band* Transmetals, a type of Transformer technology in the fictional Transformers universe...
, most likely a goof on the show's animators. The show bible for Beast Wars describes Rattrap as a wise guy who is inspired by Bud Abbott
Bud Abbott
William Alexander "Bud" Abbott was an American actor, producer and comedian. He is best remembered as the straight man of the comedy team of Abbott and Costello, with Lou Costello.-Early life:...
. He is described as being a 5 feet (1.5 m) rat. His gun is called a fusion rifle. He has infrared-vision and enjoys jazz
Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States. It was born out of a mix of African and European music traditions. From its early development until the present, jazz has incorporated music from 19th and 20th...
The television series depicts Transmetal Rattrap as having his backpack in robot mode rotating 180 degrees so that his rear wheels are at his shoulder level, but the toy does not do this, leaving his rear wheels alongside his hips. The show also depicts the wheels as removable, so they can be used as shields, but on the toy they cannot be removed.
Rattrap was one of only three characters (along with Cheetor and Waspinator) to survive from the beginning of Beast Wars to the end of Beast Machines (Although Optimus Primal, Megatron, Tarantulas and Rhinox returned to life in the comic storylines after Beast Machines).
Rattrap's voice actor; Scott McNeil, attended Botcon
BotCon, briefly known as "The Official Transformers Collectors' Convention" , is an annual convention for Transformers fans and collectors. BotCon has been held annually since 1994...
2006 at the Lexington Convention Center for the 10th anniversary of the TV series.
Beast Wars season one
Rattrap was the navigator of the crew of the Maximal exploration ship called the AxalonAxalon
The Axalon is the name of the fictional Maximal ship in the Beast Wars cartoon and comic books. In addition, in the Transformers: Armada cartoon, the Autobots constructed a space ship that was also named the Axalon, possibly in reference to the original Maximal ship.-History:The Axalon, commanded...
commanded by Optimus Primal
Optimus Primal
Optimus Primal is a fictional character from the Transformers toyline, and the leader of the Maximal forces and the main protagonist in the Beast Wars television series. He is sometimes called Optimal Optimus...
. He worked alongside Cheetor
Cheetor is several fictional characters from various Transformers universes.- Beast Wars :Cheetor's original tech spec indicated he was a seasoned and confident warrior always in search of battle with the Predacons, seemingly in contrast to his youthful and impulsive portrayal in the original show...
and Rhinox
Rhinox is the name of three fictional characters from various Transformers universes.-Beast Wars:Rhinox's character in the Beast Wars television series is very different from how the toy was depicted. As one of the first year toys, the toy of Rhinox was created before the television series came...
. The Axalon chased the Predacon criminal Megatron
Megatron (Beast Wars and Beast Machines)
The Beast Wars and Beast Machines version of Megatron is the main antagonist from the aforementioned parts of the Transformers animated series, toy lines, and multiverse...
and his band of Predacons on their ship the Darkside through transwarp space after the theft of the Golden Disk
Golden Disk
-Beast Wars:The Golden Disk is a relic from the Beast Wars Transformers timeline, and a key plot device for the events of the show. Considered a revered artifact, it is actually the Voyager Golden Record, which includes information on Earth and humanity, and is presumably the only source of...
artifact. The Maximals and Predacons crashed on prehistoric Earth, where high energon levels threatened to destroy the crew unless they adopted organic alternate modes. Rattrap chose the form of a rat. At this point Rattrap had not developed his later loyalty, flatly disobeying Optimus Primal at several points if it contradicted his survival instincts, and openly criticizing him for accepting Dinobot
Dinobot is a fictional character from the Beast Wars Transformers universe.-Beast Wars:Dinobot originally debuts in the series' premiere as a subordinate of Megatron, leader of the villainous Predacons. However, Dinobot challenges Megatron's leadership, and is shortly expelled from his crew. He...
into the group. Despite this, Rattrap would soon prove there was more to him than wisecracks and constant complaints: when Cheetor was captured by the sadistic Tarantulas
Tarantulas (Transformers)
Tarantulas is a Predacon in theBeast Wars series who turns into a tarantula. Due to problems in trade-marking the name, later releases of the character were called Predacon Tarantulus by Hasbro.-Beast Wars:...
, Rattrap personally tracked down and rescued him, battling and defeating the spider Predacon. This led to a short-lived rivalry between the two, and they clashed on several occasions afterwards.
When it appeared that Optimus Primal was killed by an alien
The Vok are a race of fictional aliens from the Transformers universe.-Beast Wars:In Transformers history, the Vok were mysterious and powerful aliens who had evolved beyond the corporeal world. Their base of operations—be it another planet, location in space, or entire dimension—is dubbed "Nexus...
probe in "Chain of Command", Dinobot attempted to seize command of the Maximals, but Rattrap was temporarily appointed second in command by Primal, (over Rhinox for this one occasion presumably for his survival instincts) when he contacted the Maximals from inside the probe. Although he led the Maximals in freeing Optimus he informed Optimus that he did not wish to command again. Indeed, ever afterward, he is seen deferring to Rhinox.
Eventually Rattrap developed an intense loyalty to Primal (despite his numerous complaints) and accompanied him on many missions. He was instrumental in sabotaging Terrorsaur
Terrorsaur is the name of several fictional characters from the world of Transformers universes.Terror-Saur is an amalgamate of terror and saur .-Beast Wars:...
's floating mountain of energon, and his spying experience came in handy when he temporarily "defected" to the Predacons in order to find out how the Predacons were bugging the Maximal communications. His small size and infiltration talents were also displayed when the Maximal defense computer Sentinel went haywire. He was also nearly killed by Dinobot's Predacon created clone. Rattrap accompanied Primal to free Airazor from the Vok
The Vok are a race of fictional aliens from the Transformers universe.-Beast Wars:In Transformers history, the Vok were mysterious and powerful aliens who had evolved beyond the corporeal world. Their base of operations—be it another planet, location in space, or entire dimension—is dubbed "Nexus...
base, and was also present as Optimus flew a modified stasis pod to destroy the Vok planet killer - only to watch helplessly as Primal was destroyed by Megatron's treachery.
Beast Wars season two
At the beginning of season two, Rattrap was reformatted into a TransmetalTransmetals
Transmetals are a subgroup of the Beast Wars and Beast Machines characters in the fictional Transformers universe. Ordinary Transformers in the Beast Wars universe have a mechanical robot form and a techno-organic animal form, also known as a "beast mode"...
rat with the additional mechanical attributes of a dragster (wheels and an engine) by the Quantum Surge that was created from the explosion which destroyed Optimus Primal. Following the (temporary) death of Optimus Primal, Rhinox took the initiative, leading the remaining Maximals in defending the base from overwhelming Predacon forces. In the fight, Rattrap became the first Maximal to face the newly Transmetal Megatron in a brief one on one showdown. Though no match for Megatron's raw might, he still managed to score a rather embarrassing hit against the giant by taking out his legs when Megatron charged at him. However, Rattrap was accidentally taken out by an out-of-control Cheetor, and the two would have been killed if not for the intervention of Rhinox.
For the beginning of the second season Rattrap, Cheetor and Dinobot stood alone against the entire Predacons force to buy time for Rhinox to succeed in reviving Optimus. Although they fought valiantly (even sparing Silverbolt as a tribute to Primal) the Predacon numbers and firepower proved too much. All three would have been killed, but Optimus returned as a Transmetal and single-handedly fought off the entire Predacon force. Later, Rattrap would be forced into a peace-maker role of sorts again. When Megatron used the Golden Disc to take control of a Vok
The Vok are a race of fictional aliens from the Transformers universe.-Beast Wars:In Transformers history, the Vok were mysterious and powerful aliens who had evolved beyond the corporeal world. Their base of operations—be it another planet, location in space, or entire dimension—is dubbed "Nexus...
ship that abducted Airazor and Tigatron, using it to capture Primal, Rattrap was the one who convinced the other Maximals of the necessity of an alliance with Tarantulas
Tarantulas (Transformers)
Tarantulas is a Predacon in theBeast Wars series who turns into a tarantula. Due to problems in trade-marking the name, later releases of the character were called Predacon Tarantulus by Hasbro.-Beast Wars:...
to stop Megatron taking the ship back to Cybertron. Rattrap infiltrated the ship and freed Primal, leaving him to battle with Megatron as Tarantulas took out the ship's power systems.
Rattrap's friendship with Dinobot would be sorely tested when the warrior Transformer returned briefly to the Predacon fold. Captured by the Predacons, Megatron ordered Dinobot to kill the helpless Maximal but Dinobot refused and turned on the Predacons once again. Although Rattrap would make the decision to accept Dinobot back into the fold, after this Rattrap never fully trusted Dinobot again. However, events would be taken out of his hands. After an argument with Rattrap Dinobot set out to redeem himself in the eyes of his friends – and died doing so. Single-handedly driving off a full-scale Predacon attempt to wipe out the primitive humans, Rattrap and the other Maximals arrived just in time to hear Dinobot's last words. Tellingly, Rattrap was the first to salute the fallen warrior's spark
Spark (Transformers)
Spark can refer to several objects in the fictional Transformers universe. A spark is usually the "soul" of a Transformer. It is also the name of several Transformers characters. An AllSpark is a term for two different objects within the Transformers media franchise. In the Beast Machines...
as it joined the Matrix.
When Ravage
Ravage (Transformers)
Ravage is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Due to the inability to trademark the common word "ravage", he is sometimes called Battle Ravage, Command Ravage or Tripredacus Agent...
arrived from Cybertron to capture Megatron, Rattrap took part in the daring assault on the Predacon ship, capturing Megatron. However, on viewing a recording made by the original Megatron Ravage switched sides and attacked the Axalon in his ship. Rattrap launched a solo assault on the ship, destroying it (and Ravage) with a few well planted bombs. Megatron's plan to alter history was then revealed and Rattrap and the other Maximals journeyed to The Ark
Ark (Transformers)
The Ark is an Autobot spacecraft in the Transformers Universe. It has appeared as a central fixture of the Transformers storyline ever since its creation, as the Autobots main method of transport to Earth and as a base once they arrive....
to stop him. Taking out the Autobot
Autobot, a faction of sentient robots from the planet Cybertron, are usually the main protagonists in the fictional universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, graphic novels, paperback books, cartoons and movies first introduced in 1984. In all but one Transformer story, the...
defense gun with a well placed blast, Rattrap was nonetheless too late to stop Megatron from shooting Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. Prime is the leader of the autobots, a faction of transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. The autobots are constantly waging war against a rival faction of transforming robots called Decepticons...
in the head and causing a timestorm that threatened to rewrite all of history.
In the second season episode Transmutate, Rattrap makes an off-hand remark about his "great-aunt Arcee". This is an in-joke
An in-joke, also known as an inside joke or in joke, is a joke whose humour is clear only to people who are in a particular social group, occupation, or other community of common understanding...
to Susan Blu
Susan Blu
Susan Maria Blu , sometimes credited as Sue Blu, is an American voice actress, voice director, and casting director in American and Canadian cinema and television...
, who was not only voice director on Beast Wars, but the voice of Arcee in the original Transformers cartoon series and Transmutate in that episode.
Beast Wars season three
Prime's life was saved by the unexpected side-switching of Blackarachnia, who helped the Maximals repair the damage to Prime's body. However, Megatron was able to destroy the Maximal base, and the Maximals were forced to move into the Ark to defend it from Predacon attack. To help defend it Rattrap was sent in a submersible, as he was the only one small enough to fit, (which he sorely resented, but actually quite enjoyed once in the water) to recover the defense computer Sentinel. The mission was far from smooth, as he was attacked by RampageRampage (Transformers)
Rampage is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Rampage is a fictional character of the Transformers Predacons, with his alternative form being a mechanical tiger....
, and was only saved by Depth Charge
Depth charge
A depth charge is an anti-submarine warfare weapon intended to destroy or cripple a target submarine by the shock of exploding near it. Most use explosives and a fuze set to go off at a preselected depth in the ocean. Depth charges can be dropped by either surface ships, patrol aircraft, or from...
. Once on land Rattrap and Silverbolt were ambushed by the Predacons, recovering Sentinel through teamwork – until a mid-air collision with Depth Charge (who had reluctantly come to assist) made them lose it, much to Rattrap's fury.
Rattrap would subsequently regard Blackarachnia with suspicion for her Predacon origins (similarly to his suspicions about Dinobot). When she went missing during a battle Dinobot's clone, Rattrap refused to allow Silverbolt to go after her – until the noble Maximal brought up his friendship with the original Dinobot. Surprisingly, he was seen expressing regret at her death in the episode "Crossing the Rubicon" (although she returned as a Transmetal II). Rattrap was subsequently seen mostly assisting the other Maximals in battle and guarding the Ark. After Megatron was captured, Rattrap returned with the other surviving Maximals to Cybertron on board the Autobot shuttle Omega Delta.
Unaired Beast Wars episode
One episode entitled Dark Glass would highlight Rattrap and his friendship with Dinobot. Set during season three, Rattrap discovered a copy of the original Dinobot's personal datatracks (downloaded in Bad Spark). Deciding to attempt to use them to bring Dinobot back to life in the body of the clone Dinobot, Rattrap recruited Depth ChargeDepth charge
A depth charge is an anti-submarine warfare weapon intended to destroy or cripple a target submarine by the shock of exploding near it. Most use explosives and a fuze set to go off at a preselected depth in the ocean. Depth charges can be dropped by either surface ships, patrol aircraft, or from...
to hunt down Dinobot. Although successful in finding the clone Dinobot and uploading the datatracks, Dinobot resisted being taken over by the new personality. Dinobot would have killed Rattrap and Depth Charge if it wasn't for the timely help of Rhinox
Rhinox is the name of three fictional characters from various Transformers universes.-Beast Wars:Rhinox's character in the Beast Wars television series is very different from how the toy was depicted. As one of the first year toys, the toy of Rhinox was created before the television series came...
. In the end, Rattrap would have to accept that the Dinobot he knew as his friend was gone. However, the episode never made it beyond the planning stage.
Beast Machines

Beast Machines
Beast Machines is an animated television series produced by Mainframe Entertainment and distributed by Universal Pictures. Hasbro has the full distribution rights to the show as of 2011. It was a direct sequel to Beast Wars taking place within the continuity of the original Transformers series...
In Beast Machines, he was reformatted into a technorganic rat. This reformatting resulted in the loss of all of his weapons (despite the fact that his toy does indeed have weapons), making him almost useless in combat. He was also the last of the Maximals to learn how to transform, leaving him stuck in beast mode for about half of the first season. These issues, as well as him being the smallest Maximal, made him depressed as he felt that he was a liability for the Maximals. However, the revelation of his technical and computer hacking abilities having been greatly enhanced by his new form eventually made him an indispensable member of the team in their mission to discover the reasons behind their lost memories and Megatron
Megatron (Beast Wars and Beast Machines)
The Beast Wars and Beast Machines version of Megatron is the main antagonist from the aforementioned parts of the Transformers animated series, toy lines, and multiverse...
's takeover of an apparently virtually abandoned Cybertron.
Eventually, Rattrap broke away from the mold of "useless member" and became Maximals' computer expert. His new body let him hack
Hacker (computer security)
In computer security and everyday language, a hacker is someone who breaks into computers and computer networks. Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, including profit, protest, or because of the challenge...
into any console on the planet Cybertron
Cybertron is a fictional planet, the homeworld of the Transformers in the various fictional incarnations of the metaseries and toyline by Hasbro. In the Japanese series, the planet is referred to as "Cybertron" pronounced as セイバートロン Seibātoron...
, using his tail as some sort of advanced interface. He was also responsible for numerous Maximal inventions; including the device eventually used to turn Jetstorm back into Silverbolt. He also invented grenades which created fast-growing plants and devices which could interfere with Vehicon sensors. Towards the end of the series, Rattrap began forming a romantic relationship with fellow Maximal
Maximal may refer to:*Maximal element, a mathematical definition*Maximal , a faction of Transformers*Maximalism, an artistic style*Maximal set*Maxim , a men's magazine marketed as Maximal in several countriesSee also...
A botánica is a retail store that sells folk medicine, religious candles and statuary, amulets, and other products regarded as magical or as alternative medicine...
, even dropping the shields of Megatron's fortress/body at one point to save her life.
In the Japanese manga, Rattrap/Rattle's beast mode was designed to resemble PikachuPikachu
is one of the species of Pokémon creatures from the Pokémon media franchise—a collection of video games, anime, manga, books, trading cards, and other media created by Satoshi Tajiri. As do all Pokémon, Pikachu fight other Pokémon in battles central to the anime, manga, and games of the series...
or Hamtaro
is a Japanese anime series. The main character is a hamster named Hamtaro who has a variety of adventures with other hamsters, called "Ham-Hams" . The show is based on a manga series by Ritsuko Kawai, Hamtaro Gets Lost and Other Stories, and Jealous Hamtaro and Other Stories...
Dreamwave Productions
Rattrap would appear in the Dreamwave ProductionsDreamwave Productions
Dreamwave Productions was a Canadian art design studio and comic book publisher founded in 1996 and is best known for their multiple Transformers comic book series...
' Transformers Summer Special. After Megatron's capture, Rattrap had a dream (implied to be a suppressed memory) in which he was under attack by Dinobot's clone while testing some digging equipment. His appeals to what was left of his former friend's personality proving ineffectual, he was astonished to be saved by Bonecrusher
Bonecrusher (Transformers)
Bonecrusher is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Bonecrusher is a member of the Constructicons. He is a brawler by nature and specialises in demolitions work...
, Optimus Minor and Wolfang. Although Rattrap was happy to discover new Maximals, the three refused to go with him back to Maximal Base.
Fun Publications
Prior to his reformatting into a rat on Earth, Rattrap was a similarly sized Maximal who transformed into a motorcycleMotorcycle
A motorcycle is a single-track, two-wheeled motor vehicle. Motorcycles vary considerably depending on the task for which they are designed, such as long distance travel, navigating congested urban traffic, cruising, sport and racing, or off-road conditions.Motorcycles are one of the most...
. Rattrap's origins mirror his role as a Maximal in Beast Wars. He serves as the team's hacker and weapons controller on the Axalon. Under his targeting the former Decepticon
The Decepticons are usually depicted as the antagonists in the fictional universes of the Transformers stoyline and related comics and cartoons, and the enemies of the Autobots and the University of California Davis Aggies...
s Laserbeak
Laserbeak is the name given to several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. He is almost always a mechanical bird, and is partnered with Soundwave.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
and Buzzsaw meet their apparent end in outer space.
Botanica, Rattrap and Nightscream appeared together in the story Wreckers: Finale Part II by the Transformers Collectors Club in 2007. During the invasion of Cybertron by the Quintessons they worked together and came across the Quintesson working with the Wreckers.
3H Enterprises

Sunstreaker is the name of two fictional characters from the various Transformers universes. The first is one of the main Autobot cars from the original Transformers series...
and Trailbreaker
Trailbreaker is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers toy line and animated television series. Due to trademark issues, newer toys of the character are named Trailcutter.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
) back to Cybertron. However he was left helpless when they, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were abducted by Unicron
Unicron is a fictional character from the Transformers universe and toyline. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie as the film's main antagonist. Unicron is a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions, and he is also...
. After this Optimus Primal was resurrected by Primus
Primus (Transformers)
Primus is the "benevolent" godlike entity in the fictional Transformers comic universe who fought against the Chaos-Bringer Unicron. The Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Transformers to help him defeat Unicron.-Primus and Unicron:...
as a response, and Rattrap once again served under him, being saved from a corrupted Blackarachnia by a resurrected Depth Charge
Depth charge
A depth charge is an anti-submarine warfare weapon intended to destroy or cripple a target submarine by the shock of exploding near it. Most use explosives and a fuze set to go off at a preselected depth in the ocean. Depth charges can be dropped by either surface ships, patrol aircraft, or from...
Rattrap also appeared in the BotCon 2004 voice actor play. When Rhinox
Rhinox is the name of three fictional characters from various Transformers universes.-Beast Wars:Rhinox's character in the Beast Wars television series is very different from how the toy was depicted. As one of the first year toys, the toy of Rhinox was created before the television series came...
's attempts to stop Unicron pulling victims from alternate realities resulted in two groups of dimensionally-displaced Autobots being marooned on frozen planetoids, Rattrap was sent alongside Waspinator
Waspinator is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes. He is sometimes called Wasp. The original Waspinator was voiced by Scott McNeil in the Beast Wars animated series.-Beast Wars:...
and Silverbolt to help. They ended up battling Unicron's minions alongside a crew of timelost Autobots (Bumblebee
Bumblebee (Transformers)
Bumblebee is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes. In most incarnations, Bumblebee is a small, yellow Autobot with the altmode of a compact car.- Transformers: Generation 1 :...
, Cosmos
Cosmos (Transformers)
Cosmos is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. He is sometimes referred to as "Autobot Cosmos" for trademark purposes.Wired Magazine once nominated him as one of the 12 most ridiculous Transformers of all time....
and Tracks
Tracks (Transformers)
Tracks is a character in the Transformers Universes. The name is now too generic to license in recent times; so the toys creator, Hasbro had to add a "modifier" - a prefix to the name in order to use it on their product, in this case the name became "Autobot Tracks" or "Turbo...
) and the two groups of Autobots they had been sent to help (both from the RiD
Transformers: Robots in Disguise
Transformers: Robots in Disguise, known in Japan as , is a Japanese anime television series and serves as a self-contained universe separate from any of the other existing Transformers universes...
universes), and, with Rhinox's help, sent them back to their own times and realities.
IDW Publishing
Rattrap had a biography printed in the Beast Wars Sourcebook by IDW PublishingIDW Publishing
IDW Publishing, also known as Idea + Design Works, LLC and IDW, is an American publisher of comic books and comic strip collections. The company was founded in 1999 and has been awarded the title "Publisher of the Year Under 5% Market Share" for the years 2004, 2005 and 2006 by Diamond Comic...
Video games
Rattrap appears as a character in the 1999 video game Transformers: Beast Wars TransmetalsTransformers: Beast Wars Transmetals
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals is a 1999 versus styled fighting game based on the Beast Wars Transformers cartoon series and toy-line for the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation...
- Beast Wars Rattrap (1996)
- The original basic sized grey rat.
- According to DVD extras from one release of the Beast Wars animated series a working name for this toy was "Mirage".
- Beast Wars Rattle (1997)
- The Japanese version, called Rattle, colored to more accurately reflect the TV series.
- Beast Wars Transmetal Rattrap (1998)
- Transmetal Rattrap. Has the word Rattrap on his chrome.
- Beast Wars Transmetal Rattle (1999)
- Transmetal Rattle in Japan. Says Transmetal on his chrome.
- Beast Wars Transmetal Rattrap Wal-Mart Redeco (1999)
- Transmetal Rattrap in blue colors exclusive to Wal-MartWal-MartWal-Mart Stores, Inc. , branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal-Mart before then, is an American public multinational corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. The company is the world's 18th largest public corporation, according to the Forbes Global 2000...
. This toy was used to represent the TransMetal form of Packrat in the comic series. According to some sources they planned to sell the toy as Packrat, but then the name had trademark problems.- Beast Wars Puzzle Rattle (1999)
- Transmetal Rattle in white, packaged with a puzzle in Japan.
- Beast Wars Fox Kids Rattrap (2000)
- Red and silver Transmetal Fox Kids Rattrap.

- Beast Machines Rattrap (2000)
- Ultra sized Beast Machines Rattrap. Although the Beast Machines series portrayed Rattrap's robot mode with tired wheels in place of legs, the toy version included an alternate transformation which gave him the humanoid legs the character desired.
- This figure was based on drawings by HasbroHasbroHasbro is a multinational toy and boardgame company from the United States of America. It is one of the largest toy makers in the world. The corporate headquarters is located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, United States...
designer Tim BradleyTim Bradley (toy designer)Tim Bradley is a toy designer for Hasbro. He designed a number of toys in the Transformers toy line.Tim is also the author and illustrator of children's books...
. - Oddly enough, the toy of Beast Machines Rattrap came with a laser whip, wheel blade weapons, and an additional "legged" robot mode - despite lacking legs and weapons in the animated series.
- Beast Machines McDonalds Rattrap (2000)
- Beast Machines Rattrap, smaller version packaged with fast food as a promotional item (released in green in the U.S., but in several other colors in some countries).
- Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Rattrap (2006)
- The transmetal Rattrap toy was one of the toys selected for the Beast Wars 10th Anniversary toyline. He was repainted in more show-accurate colors. He came packaged with one of the six pieces used to make the TransmutateTransmutateTransmutate is the name of a fictional character from the various Transformers universes. She is a damaged, but powerful, Maximal protoform who befriends both the Maximal Silverbolt and his enemy the Predacon Rampage....
toy. It also came with a DVD with the episode "A Better Mousetrap" on it.- Timelines Rattrap (2006)
- One of the BotCon 2006 exclusive figures is a repaint of Cybertron RansackRansackRansack is the name of several fictional characters in the universe of the Transformers series. Ransack was first created in 1985 as one of the Insecticons...
. To make up for Ransack's head design, Rattrap wears a removable hat, under which lies his brain-like, silver texture head he is known for in the main series.- Knockoff Rattrap toys (various)
- There have also been knockoffs of the original and transmetal Rattrap made in China, with some variations in size and color from the originals.
Transformers Animated
In Transformers Animated, a version of Rattrap appears in the episode "This is Why I Hate Machines" as Rattletrap. The Decepticon Shockwave purchases a pass from him that allows Shockwave to enter a restricted area in a hospital. Rattletrap is then approached by Ratchet and Captain Fanzone, who had been accidentally transported to Cybertron via a Space Bridge. Captain Fanzone uses Rattletrap's fear of organic life to discover where Shockwave is headed and also to gain another pass to the same restricted area; this one, however, was fake. Ratchet asks Fanzone how he knew about Rattletrap selling false documents, to which Fanzone replies, "Eh, there's one in every town."In addition to the above mentioned episode, a rat appears at the end of the episode "Predacons Rising", paying homage to Rattrap. With the rat are a gorilla, a cheetah and a rhinoceros - each one paying homage to Optimus Primal, Cheetor and Rhinox, respectively.
His tech spec appeared on a lithograph sold at Botcon
BotCon, briefly known as "The Official Transformers Collectors' Convention" , is an annual convention for Transformers fans and collectors. BotCon has been held annually since 1994...