Fox Valley Association
The Fox Valley Association Conference is an athletic conference comprising high schools in northeastern Wisconsin along the Fox Valley. The management of the conference is vested in the principals of the member schools, who determine the rules governing the eligibility of athletes and the schedules. Rules and regulations may not be less restrictive than those of the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association
Girls are allowed to participate on football and wrestling teams.
1972 - Neenah
1975 - Appleton West
1976 - Appleton West
1982 - Appleton West
1988 - Appleton West
1989 - Kimberly
1991 - Appleton West
1995 - Appleton West
1996 - Appleton East
2000 - Fond du Lac
2004 - Appleton West
2007 - Kimberly
Basketball (Boys)
1970 - Appleton West
1975 - Neenah
1978 - Neenah
1994 - Kimberly
1995 - Kimberly
2006 - Oshkosh West
2007 - Oshkosh West
Basketball (Girls)
1978 - Neenah
1987 - Kimberly
1989 - Kimberly
1996 - Kimberly
1998 - Kimberly
2003 - Oshkosh West
2004 - Oshkosh West
Cross Country (Boys)
1972 - Appleton East
2001 - Neenah
Cross Country (Girls)
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Neenah
1987 - Fond du Lac
1992 - Appleton West
2000 - Oshkosh North
2007 - Kimberly
2008 - Kimberly
Golf (Boys)
1977 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
2000 - Appleton North
Golf (Girls)
1978 - Fond du Lac
1981 - Appleton West
1982 - Appleton West
1983 - Appleton East
1985 - Appleton West
1986 - Appleton West
Soccer (Boys)
1985 - Neenah
1986 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
Soccer (Girls)
1990 - Neenah
1980 - Kimberly
1981 - Kimberly
1988 - Kimberly
1989 - Kimberly
1990 - Neenah
1993 - Kimberly
1995 - Neenah
2000 - Appleton East
2005 - Appleton North
2007 - Kimberly
Tennis (Boys)
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Neenah
1995 - Neenah
Track and Field (Boys)
1971 - Neenah
Track and Field (Girls)
1990 - Appleton East
2001 - Kaukauna
Volleyball (Boys)
1970 - Kaukauna
1971 - Appleton East
1972 - Kaukauna
1977 - Kaukauna
1978 - Kaukauna
1980 - Kaukauna
1982 - Kaukauna
Volleyball (Girls)
1978 - Neenah
1986 - Appleton East
1990 - Kimberly
1971 - Appleton East
1972 - Appleton East
1973 - Kaukauna
1974 - Appleton West
1975 - Appleton East
1976 - Neenah
1977 - Appleton West
1978 - Appleton East
1979 - Appleton West
1980 - Appleton West
1981 - Appleton West
1982 - Appleton West, Appleton East
1983 - Kimberly
1984 - Appleton West
1985 - Appleton West
1986 - Appleton East
1987 - Kaukauna
1988 - Appleton West, Kimberly
1989 - Appleton West
1990 - Appleton West
1991 - Appleton West
1992 - Appleton West
1993 - Appleton West
1994 - Appleton West
1995 - Appleton West
1996 - Appleton North
1997 - Oshkosh West
1998 - Fond du Lac
1999 - Appleton North, Neenah
2000 - Appleton North, Appleton West
2001 - Appleton North, Oshkosh West
2002 - Appleton North
2003 - Appleton West
2004 - Fond du Lac
2005 - Oshkosh North
2006 - Appleton West
2007 - Appleton West
2008 - Kimberly
2009 - Kimberly
Basketball (Boys)
1970-71 - Neenah
1971-72 - Kimberly
1972-73 - Kimberly
1973-74 - Kimberly
1974-75 - Neenah
1975-76 - Neenah
1976-77 - Kimberly, Neenah, Oshkosh West
1977-78 - Neenah
1978-79 - Neenah
1979-80 - Menasha
1980-81 - Neenah
1981-82 - Neenah
1982-83 - Appleton East
1983-84 - Appleton East
1984-85 - Neenah
1985-86 - Oshkosh North
1986-87 - Neenah
1987-88 - Neenah
1988-89 - Appleton West
1989-90 - Appleton East
1990-91 - Fond du Lac, Oshkosh North
1991-92 - Oshkosh North
1992-93 - Fond du Lac
1993-94 - Fond du Lac
1994-95 - Fond du Lac, Kimberly
1995-96 - Fond du Lac
1996-97 - Kaukauna, Fond du Lac
1997-98 - Fond du Lac, Neenah, Oshkosh West
1998-99 - Oshkosh West
1999-00 - Fond du Lac
2000-01 - Fond du Lac, Oshkosh West
2001-02 - Appleton West
2002-03 - Appleton West
2003-04 - Oshkosh West
2004-05 - Oshkosh West
2005-06 - Oshkosh West
2006-07 - Oshkosh West
2007-08 - Kaukauna
2008-09 - Oshkosh North
2009-10 Kaukauna
Basketball (Girls)
1981-82 - Kimberly
1982-83 - Kimberly, Neenah
1983-84 - Kimberly, Appleton West
1984-85 - Kimberly, Appleton West
1985-86 - Kimberly, Appleton West
1986-87 - Kimberly
1987-88 - Kaukauna
1988-89 - Kimberly
1989-90 - Kimberly
1990-91 - Menasha
1991-92 - Kimberly
1992-93 - Fond du Lac
1993-94 - Fond du Lac
1994-95 - Kimberly
1995-96 - Kimberly
1996-97 - Kimberly
1997-98 - Kimberly
1998-99 - Appleton East
1999-00 - Appleton North
2000-01 - Appleton North
2001-02 - Oshkosh West
2002-03 - Oshkosh West
2003-04 - Kimberly
2004-05 - Fond du Lac
2005-06 - Fond du Lac
2006-07 - Fond du Lac, Kimberly
2007-08 - Oshkosh West
2008-09 - Appleton West
2009-10 - Oshkosh West, Neenah
Cross Country (Boys)
1970 - Neenah
1971 - Neenah, Appleton East
1972 - Appleton East
1973 - Appleton East
1974 - Neenah
1975 - Neenah
1976 - Neenah
1977 - Appleton East
1978 - Neenah
1979 - Appleton East
1980 - Kaukauna
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Appleton East
1984 - Appleton East
1985 - Appleton East
1986 - Appleton East
1987 - Appleton East
1988 - Oshkosh North
1989 - Fond du Lac
1990 - Neenah
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Appleton East
1994 - Appleton East
1995 - Fond du Lac
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Fond du Lac
1998 - Neenah
1999 - Oshkosh West
2000 - Neenah
2001 - Neenah
2002 - Neenah
2003 - Neenah
2004 - Kimberly
2005 - Kimberly
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
2008 - Neenah
2009 - Appleton East
Cross Country (Girls)
1978 - Menasha
1979 - Neenah
1980 - Neenah
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Neenah
1984 - Neenah
1985 - Kaukauna
1986 - Neenah
1987 - Appleton East
1988 - Appleton East
1989 - Appleton East
1990 - Appleton East
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Neenah
1995 - Fond du Lac
1996 - Fond du Lac
1997 - Oshkosh West
1998 - Neenah
1999 - Neenah
2000 - Kaukauna
2001 - Neenah
2002 - Neenah
2003 - Appleton North
2004 - Appleton North
2005 - Appleton North
2006 - Appleton North
2007 - Kimberly
2008 - Fond Du Lac
2009 - Neenah
2010 - Neenah
1972 - Neenah, Oshkosh North, Oshkosh West
1973 - Appleton West
1974 - Appleton West
1975 - Kaukauna, Menasha
1976 - Neenah
1977 - Neenah
1978 - Appleton East
1979 - Appleton West, Neenah
1980 - Appleton West
1981 - Appleton West
1982 - Appleton East
1983 - Oshkosh North, Neenah
1984 - Appleton West
1985 - Appleton East
1986 - Appleton West
1987 - Neenah
1988 - Appleton East
1989 - Appleton East, Appleton West, Neenah
1990 - Appleton West
1991 - Appleton West
1992 - Appleton West
1993 - Appleton West
1994 - Appleton East
1995 - Kaukauna
1996 - Appleton North
1997 - Appleton West
1998 - Appleton East
1999 - Oshkosh North, Neenah
2000 - Oshkosh North
2001 - Fond du Lac
2002 - Oshkosh North, Fond du Lac
2003 - Oshkosh North
2004 - Appleton North
2005 - Menasha
2006 - Kimberly
2007 - Kimberly
2008 - Kimberly (first team to go undefeated in conference three 3 years in a row)
2009 - Appleton North
2010 - Appleton North, Kimberly, Menasha
Golf (Boys)
2006 - Appleton East
2007 - Appleton East
2008 - Fond Du Lac
2009- Oshkosh West
Golf (Girls)
2005 - Kaukauna
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Kaukauna
2008 - Kaukauna & Neenah
2009 - Neenah
Soccer (Boys)
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Neenah
1984 - Neenah
1985 - Neenah
1986 - Neenah
1987 - Neenah
1989 - Neenah
1990 - Neenah
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Menasha
1995 - Neenah
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Neenah, Fond du Lac
1998 - Appleton East
1999 - Fond du Lac, Menasha, Neenah
2000 - Oshkosh West
2001 - Appleton North
2002 - Appleton West
2003 - Fond du Lac, Neenah
2004 - Fond du Lac
2005 - Neenah
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
2008 - Neenah
2009 - Neenah
Soccer (Girls)
1986 - Neenah
1988 - Neenah
1989 - Neenah
1990 - Neenah
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Neenah
1995 - Neenah
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Neenah
1998 - Neenah
1999 - Neenah
2002 - Fond du Lac
2003 - Fond du Lac
2004 - Appleton North
2005 - Appleton North, Fond du Lac
2006 - Appleton North, Fond du Lac
2007 - Fond du Lac
2008 - Appleton North
2009 - Appleton North
1980 - Kimberly
1981 - Kimberly
1982 - Kimberly
1983 - Kimberly
1984 - Kimberly
1985 - Kimberly
1986 - Appleton East
1987 - Kimberly
1988 - Kimberly
1989 - Kimberly
1990 - Oshkosh West
1991 - Appleton West
1992 - Appleton West
1993 - Kimberly, Neenah
1994 - Neenah
1995 - Kimberly
1996 - Kimberly, Kaukauna
1997 - Appleton East
1998 - Appleton East
1999 - Oshkosh West
2000 - Appleton East
2001 - Kaukauna
2002 - Kaukauna, Appleton North
2003 - Kaukauna, Oshkosh West
2004 - Kaukauna
2005 - Appleton North
2006 - Kimberly
2007 - Kimberly
2008 - Kimberly
2009 - Kimberly
Swimming (Boys)
1974 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1975 - Oshkosh North
1976 - Oshkosh North
1977 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1978 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1979 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1980 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1981 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1982 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1983 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1984 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1985 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1986 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1987 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1988 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1989 - Oshkosh West
1990 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1991 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Neenah
1998 - Neenah
1999 - Neenah
2000 - Neenah
2001 - Neenah
2002 - Neenah
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Ashwaubenon Jaguars*
2008 -
2009 -
2010 - Neenah
Swimming (Girls)
2009 - Neenah
Tennis (Boys)
2004 - Neenah/Oshkosh North (tie)
2005 - Neenah
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
2008 - Neenah
2009 - Neenah
Tennis (Girls)
2005 - Neenah
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
2008 -
2009 - Oshkosh West
Track & Field (Boys)
1972 - Appleton East
1973 - Appleton East
1975 - Oshkosh North
1976 - Oshkosh North
1980 - Neenah
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Oshkosh West
1983 - Appleton West
1984 - Appleton East
1985 - Appleton West
1986 - Appleton West
1987 - Neenah
1989 - Oshkosh North
1990 - Fond Du Lac
1991 - Fond Du Lac
1992 - Fond Du Lac
1993 - Appleton West
1994 - Appleton West & Neenah
1995 - Neenah
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Neenah
1998 - Oshkosh North
1999 - Oshkosh North
2000 - Oshkosh North
2001 - Oshkosh North
2002 - Neenah
2003 - Oshkosh North
2004 - Neenah
2005 - Neenah
2006 - Appleton North
2007 - Appleton North
2008 - Appleton North
2009 - Appleton North
2010 - Kimberly
Track & Field (Girls)
1971 - Kimberly
1973 - Kimberly
1975 - Appleton West
1977 - Appleton West
1978 - Appleton West
1979 - Neenah
1980 - Neenah
1982 - Oshkosh West
1983 - Oshkosh West
1984 - Oshkosh West
1986 - Kaukauna
1987 - Kaukauna
1988 - Neenah & Oshkosh West
1989 - Oshkosh West
1990 - Appleton East
1991 - Appleton East
1992 - Fond Du Lac
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Appleton West
1995 - Oshkosh West
1996 - Oshkosh West
1997 - Oshkosh West
1998 - Oshkosh West
1999 - Oshkosh West
2000 - Oshkosh West
2001 - Fond Du Lac
2002 - Fond Du Lac
2003 - Fond Du Lac
2004 - Fond Du Lac
2005 - Fond Du Lac
2010 - Kimberly
Volleyball (Boys)
2001 - Neenah
2002 - Neenah
2003 - Kaukauna
2004 - Kaukauna
2005 - Appleton North
2006 - Appleton North
2007 - Appleton North/Kimberly/Kaukauna
2008 - Kaukauna
2009 - Kaukauna
Volleyball (Girls)
2004 - Kaukauna
2005 - Fond du Lac
2006 - Kimberly
2007 - Kaukauna
2008 -
2009 - Kaukauna
2010 - Kaukauna
1971 - Appleton East
1972 - Appleton East
1974 - Oshkosh West
1975 - Oshkosh West
1976 - Neenah
1977 - Oshkosh North
1978 - Oshkosh North
1980 - Kimberly
1981 - Kimberly
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Neenah
1984 - Neenah
1985 - Neenah
1986 - Neenah, Kimberly, Kaukauna
1987 - Kimberly
1988 - Kaukauna
1989 - Oshkosh North
1990 - Fond du Lac, Kaukauna
1991 - Fond du Lac
1992 - Fond du Lac
1993 - Fond du Lac
1994 - Fond du Lac, Kaukauna
1995 - Fond du Lac
1996 - Fond du Lac
1997 - Neenah
1998 - Fond du Lac
1999 - Kaukauna
2000 - Kaukauna
2001 - Kaukauna
2002 - Kaukauna
2003 - Kaukauna
2004 - Kaukauna, Neenah
2005 - Appleton North
2006 - Kaukauna
2007 - Kaukauna
2008 - Kaukauna
2009 - Kaukauna
2010 - Kaukauna
Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association
The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association is the regulatory body for all high school sports in Wisconsin. Its history dates to 1895, making it the first high school athletic organization in the country...
Institution | Location | Affiliation | Enrollment | Mascot | Colors | Established |
Appleton East Appleton East High School Appleton East High School is a comprehensive secondary school located in Appleton, Wisconsin. Part of the Appleton Area School District, Appleton East is one of three public four-year high schools in the city. It is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and... |
Appleton, WI | Public | 1519 | Patriots Patriot (American Revolution) Patriots is a name often used to describe the colonists of the British Thirteen United Colonies who rebelled against British control during the American Revolution. It was their leading figures who, in July 1776, declared the United States of America an independent nation... |
Scarlet, Navy, and White | 1967 |
Appleton North Appleton North High School Appleton North High School is a comprehensive secondary school in Appleton, Wisconsin that is part of the Appleton Area School District. Opened in August 1995, it is the most recently built of the three four-year public high schools in the district. The school has roughly 1900 students.The school... |
Appleton, WI | Public | 1760 | Lightning Lightning Lightning is an atmospheric electrostatic discharge accompanied by thunder, which typically occurs during thunderstorms, and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms... |
Navy, Silver, and Gold | 1995 |
Appleton West Appleton West High School Appleton West High School is a high school located at 610 North Badger Avenue in Appleton, Wisconsin. It is a member of the Appleton Area School District.... |
Appleton, WI | Public | 1691 | Terrors | Orange and Blue | 1915 |
Fond du Lac Fond du Lac High School Fond du Lac High School is a comprehensive public high school in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Fond du Lac High School was inaugurated in 2001, replacing the former Goodrich High School. Fondy High athletic teams are known as the Cardinals.... |
Fond du Lac, WI | Public | 2351 | Cardinals Cardinal (bird) The Cardinals or Cardinalidae are a family of passerine birds found in North and South America. The South American cardinals in the genus Paroaria are placed in another family, the Thraupidae .... |
Cardinal and White | 2001 |
Kaukauna | Kaukauna, WI | Public | 1289 | Galloping Ghosts Ghost In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceased person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living. Descriptions of the apparition of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to... |
Orange and Black | |
Kimberly | Kimberly, WI | Public | 1225 | Papermakers | Red and White | |
Menasha | Menasha, WI | Public | 1168 | Blue Jay Blue Jay The Blue Jay is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to North America. It is resident through most of eastern and central United States and southern Canada, although western populations may be migratory. It breeds in both deciduous and coniferous forests, and is common near and in... s |
Navy, Silver, and White | |
Neenah Neenah High School Neenah High School is a public secondary school located in Neenah, Wisconsin. It is part of the Neenah Joint School District. As of fall 2008, approximately 2250 students were enrolled in grades 9 through 12, making it one of the largest schools in the state... |
Neenah, WI | Public | 2146 | Rocket Rocket A rocket is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust from a rocket engine. In all rockets, the exhaust is formed entirely from propellants carried within the rocket before use. Rocket engines work by action and reaction... s |
Red and White | |
Oshkosh North Oshkosh North High School Oshkosh North High School is a public school located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and is a part of the Oshkosh Area School District. As of the spring of 2008, there were 1383 students enrolled in the school , ranging from 9th-12th grade. The school's mascot is the Spartan. Oshkosh North High school is... |
Oshkosh, WI | Public | 1431 | Spartan Sparta Sparta or Lacedaemon, was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece, situated on the banks of the River Eurotas in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese. It emerged as a political entity around the 10th century BC, when the invading Dorians subjugated the local, non-Dorian population. From c... s |
Green and Gold | 1972 |
Oshkosh West Oshkosh West High School Oshkosh West High School is a public high school in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and part of the Oshkosh Area School District. As of 2009, the school had 1,934 students in grades 9 through 12, in a building consisting of 51 rooms... |
Oshkosh, WI | Public | 1948 | Wildcat Wildcat Wildcat is a small felid native to Europe, the western part of Asia, and Africa.-Animals:Wildcat may also refer to members of the genus Lynx:... s |
Royal Blue and White | 1869 |
The conference supports the following sports:- BaseballBaseballBaseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The aim is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot diamond...
(boys only) - BasketballBasketballBasketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules...
- Cross country runningCross country runningCross country running is a sport in which people run a race on open-air courses over natural terrain. The course, typically long, may include surfaces of grass and earth, pass through woodlands and open country, and include hills, flat ground and sometimes gravel road...
- American footballAmerican footballAmerican football is a sport played between two teams of eleven with the objective of scoring points by advancing the ball into the opposing team's end zone. Known in the United States simply as football, it may also be referred to informally as gridiron football. The ball can be advanced by...
- GolfGolfGolf is a precision club and ball sport, in which competing players use many types of clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a golf course using the fewest number of strokes....
- GymnasticsGymnasticsGymnastics is a sport involving performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and balance. Internationally, all of the gymnastic sports are governed by the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique with each country having its own national governing body...
- Soccer
- SoftballSoftballSoftball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of 10 to 14 players. It is a direct descendant of baseball although there are some key differences: softballs are larger than baseballs, and the pitches are thrown underhand rather than overhand...
(girls only) - SwimmingSwimming (sport)Swimming is a sport governed by the Fédération Internationale de Natation .-History: Competitive swimming in Europe began around 1800 BCE, mostly in the form of the freestyle. In 1873 Steve Bowyer introduced the trudgen to Western swimming competitions, after copying the front crawl used by Native...
- TennisTennisTennis is a sport usually played between two players or between two teams of two players each . Each player uses a racket that is strung to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent's court. Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society at all...
- TrackTrack and fieldTrack and field is a sport comprising various competitive athletic contests based around the activities of running, jumping and throwing. The name of the sport derives from the venue for the competitions: a stadium which features an oval running track surrounding a grassy area...
- VolleyballVolleyballVolleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules.The complete rules are extensive...
- WrestlingWrestlingWrestling is a form of grappling type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins and other grappling holds. A wrestling bout is a physical competition, between two competitors or sparring partners, who attempt to gain and maintain a superior position...
Girls are allowed to participate on football and wrestling teams.
State champions
Baseball (Spring)1972 - Neenah
1975 - Appleton West
1976 - Appleton West
1982 - Appleton West
1988 - Appleton West
1989 - Kimberly
1991 - Appleton West
1995 - Appleton West
1996 - Appleton East
2000 - Fond du Lac
2004 - Appleton West
2007 - Kimberly
Basketball (Boys)
1970 - Appleton West
1975 - Neenah
1978 - Neenah
1994 - Kimberly
1995 - Kimberly
2006 - Oshkosh West
2007 - Oshkosh West
Basketball (Girls)
1978 - Neenah
1987 - Kimberly
1989 - Kimberly
1996 - Kimberly
1998 - Kimberly
2003 - Oshkosh West
2004 - Oshkosh West
Cross Country (Boys)
1972 - Appleton East
2001 - Neenah
Cross Country (Girls)
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Neenah
1987 - Fond du Lac
1992 - Appleton West
2000 - Oshkosh North
2007 - Kimberly
2008 - Kimberly
Golf (Boys)
1977 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
2000 - Appleton North
Golf (Girls)
1978 - Fond du Lac
1981 - Appleton West
1982 - Appleton West
1983 - Appleton East
1985 - Appleton West
1986 - Appleton West
Soccer (Boys)
1985 - Neenah
1986 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
Soccer (Girls)
1990 - Neenah
1980 - Kimberly
1981 - Kimberly
1988 - Kimberly
1989 - Kimberly
1990 - Neenah
1993 - Kimberly
1995 - Neenah
2000 - Appleton East
2005 - Appleton North
2007 - Kimberly
Tennis (Boys)
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Neenah
1995 - Neenah
Track and Field (Boys)
1971 - Neenah
Track and Field (Girls)
1990 - Appleton East
2001 - Kaukauna
Volleyball (Boys)
1970 - Kaukauna
1971 - Appleton East
1972 - Kaukauna
1977 - Kaukauna
1978 - Kaukauna
1980 - Kaukauna
1982 - Kaukauna
Volleyball (Girls)
1978 - Neenah
1986 - Appleton East
1990 - Kimberly
Conference champions
Baseball (Spring)1971 - Appleton East
1972 - Appleton East
1973 - Kaukauna
1974 - Appleton West
1975 - Appleton East
1976 - Neenah
1977 - Appleton West
1978 - Appleton East
1979 - Appleton West
1980 - Appleton West
1981 - Appleton West
1982 - Appleton West, Appleton East
1983 - Kimberly
1984 - Appleton West
1985 - Appleton West
1986 - Appleton East
1987 - Kaukauna
1988 - Appleton West, Kimberly
1989 - Appleton West
1990 - Appleton West
1991 - Appleton West
1992 - Appleton West
1993 - Appleton West
1994 - Appleton West
1995 - Appleton West
1996 - Appleton North
1997 - Oshkosh West
1998 - Fond du Lac
1999 - Appleton North, Neenah
2000 - Appleton North, Appleton West
2001 - Appleton North, Oshkosh West
2002 - Appleton North
2003 - Appleton West
2004 - Fond du Lac
2005 - Oshkosh North
2006 - Appleton West
2007 - Appleton West
2008 - Kimberly
2009 - Kimberly
Basketball (Boys)
1970-71 - Neenah
1971-72 - Kimberly
1972-73 - Kimberly
1973-74 - Kimberly
1974-75 - Neenah
1975-76 - Neenah
1976-77 - Kimberly, Neenah, Oshkosh West
1977-78 - Neenah
1978-79 - Neenah
1979-80 - Menasha
1980-81 - Neenah
1981-82 - Neenah
1982-83 - Appleton East
1983-84 - Appleton East
1984-85 - Neenah
1985-86 - Oshkosh North
1986-87 - Neenah
1987-88 - Neenah
1988-89 - Appleton West
1989-90 - Appleton East
1990-91 - Fond du Lac, Oshkosh North
1991-92 - Oshkosh North
1992-93 - Fond du Lac
1993-94 - Fond du Lac
1994-95 - Fond du Lac, Kimberly
1995-96 - Fond du Lac
1996-97 - Kaukauna, Fond du Lac
1997-98 - Fond du Lac, Neenah, Oshkosh West
1998-99 - Oshkosh West
1999-00 - Fond du Lac
2000-01 - Fond du Lac, Oshkosh West
2001-02 - Appleton West
2002-03 - Appleton West
2003-04 - Oshkosh West
2004-05 - Oshkosh West
2005-06 - Oshkosh West
2006-07 - Oshkosh West
2007-08 - Kaukauna
2008-09 - Oshkosh North
2009-10 Kaukauna
Basketball (Girls)
1981-82 - Kimberly
1982-83 - Kimberly, Neenah
1983-84 - Kimberly, Appleton West
1984-85 - Kimberly, Appleton West
1985-86 - Kimberly, Appleton West
1986-87 - Kimberly
1987-88 - Kaukauna
1988-89 - Kimberly
1989-90 - Kimberly
1990-91 - Menasha
1991-92 - Kimberly
1992-93 - Fond du Lac
1993-94 - Fond du Lac
1994-95 - Kimberly
1995-96 - Kimberly
1996-97 - Kimberly
1997-98 - Kimberly
1998-99 - Appleton East
1999-00 - Appleton North
2000-01 - Appleton North
2001-02 - Oshkosh West
2002-03 - Oshkosh West
2003-04 - Kimberly
2004-05 - Fond du Lac
2005-06 - Fond du Lac
2006-07 - Fond du Lac, Kimberly
2007-08 - Oshkosh West
2008-09 - Appleton West
2009-10 - Oshkosh West, Neenah
Cross Country (Boys)
1970 - Neenah
1971 - Neenah, Appleton East
1972 - Appleton East
1973 - Appleton East
1974 - Neenah
1975 - Neenah
1976 - Neenah
1977 - Appleton East
1978 - Neenah
1979 - Appleton East
1980 - Kaukauna
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Appleton East
1984 - Appleton East
1985 - Appleton East
1986 - Appleton East
1987 - Appleton East
1988 - Oshkosh North
1989 - Fond du Lac
1990 - Neenah
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Appleton East
1994 - Appleton East
1995 - Fond du Lac
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Fond du Lac
1998 - Neenah
1999 - Oshkosh West
2000 - Neenah
2001 - Neenah
2002 - Neenah
2003 - Neenah
2004 - Kimberly
2005 - Kimberly
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
2008 - Neenah
2009 - Appleton East
Cross Country (Girls)
1978 - Menasha
1979 - Neenah
1980 - Neenah
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Neenah
1984 - Neenah
1985 - Kaukauna
1986 - Neenah
1987 - Appleton East
1988 - Appleton East
1989 - Appleton East
1990 - Appleton East
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Neenah
1995 - Fond du Lac
1996 - Fond du Lac
1997 - Oshkosh West
1998 - Neenah
1999 - Neenah
2000 - Kaukauna
2001 - Neenah
2002 - Neenah
2003 - Appleton North
2004 - Appleton North
2005 - Appleton North
2006 - Appleton North
2007 - Kimberly
2008 - Fond Du Lac
2009 - Neenah
2010 - Neenah
1972 - Neenah, Oshkosh North, Oshkosh West
1973 - Appleton West
1974 - Appleton West
1975 - Kaukauna, Menasha
1976 - Neenah
1977 - Neenah
1978 - Appleton East
1979 - Appleton West, Neenah
1980 - Appleton West
1981 - Appleton West
1982 - Appleton East
1983 - Oshkosh North, Neenah
1984 - Appleton West
1985 - Appleton East
1986 - Appleton West
1987 - Neenah
1988 - Appleton East
1989 - Appleton East, Appleton West, Neenah
1990 - Appleton West
1991 - Appleton West
1992 - Appleton West
1993 - Appleton West
1994 - Appleton East
1995 - Kaukauna
1996 - Appleton North
1997 - Appleton West
1998 - Appleton East
1999 - Oshkosh North, Neenah
2000 - Oshkosh North
2001 - Fond du Lac
2002 - Oshkosh North, Fond du Lac
2003 - Oshkosh North
2004 - Appleton North
2005 - Menasha
2006 - Kimberly
2007 - Kimberly
2008 - Kimberly (first team to go undefeated in conference three 3 years in a row)
2009 - Appleton North
2010 - Appleton North, Kimberly, Menasha
Golf (Boys)
2006 - Appleton East
2007 - Appleton East
2008 - Fond Du Lac
2009- Oshkosh West
Golf (Girls)
2005 - Kaukauna
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Kaukauna
2008 - Kaukauna & Neenah
2009 - Neenah
Soccer (Boys)
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Neenah
1984 - Neenah
1985 - Neenah
1986 - Neenah
1987 - Neenah
1989 - Neenah
1990 - Neenah
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Menasha
1995 - Neenah
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Neenah, Fond du Lac
1998 - Appleton East
1999 - Fond du Lac, Menasha, Neenah
2000 - Oshkosh West
2001 - Appleton North
2002 - Appleton West
2003 - Fond du Lac, Neenah
2004 - Fond du Lac
2005 - Neenah
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
2008 - Neenah
2009 - Neenah
Soccer (Girls)
1986 - Neenah
1988 - Neenah
1989 - Neenah
1990 - Neenah
1991 - Neenah
1992 - Neenah
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Neenah
1995 - Neenah
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Neenah
1998 - Neenah
1999 - Neenah
2002 - Fond du Lac
2003 - Fond du Lac
2004 - Appleton North
2005 - Appleton North, Fond du Lac
2006 - Appleton North, Fond du Lac
2007 - Fond du Lac
2008 - Appleton North
2009 - Appleton North
1980 - Kimberly
1981 - Kimberly
1982 - Kimberly
1983 - Kimberly
1984 - Kimberly
1985 - Kimberly
1986 - Appleton East
1987 - Kimberly
1988 - Kimberly
1989 - Kimberly
1990 - Oshkosh West
1991 - Appleton West
1992 - Appleton West
1993 - Kimberly, Neenah
1994 - Neenah
1995 - Kimberly
1996 - Kimberly, Kaukauna
1997 - Appleton East
1998 - Appleton East
1999 - Oshkosh West
2000 - Appleton East
2001 - Kaukauna
2002 - Kaukauna, Appleton North
2003 - Kaukauna, Oshkosh West
2004 - Kaukauna
2005 - Appleton North
2006 - Kimberly
2007 - Kimberly
2008 - Kimberly
2009 - Kimberly
Swimming (Boys)
1974 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1975 - Oshkosh North
1976 - Oshkosh North
1977 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1978 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1979 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1980 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1981 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1982 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1983 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1984 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1985 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1986 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1987 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1988 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1989 - Oshkosh West
1990 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1991 - Appleton West/Kimberly*
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Neenah
1998 - Neenah
1999 - Neenah
2000 - Neenah
2001 - Neenah
2002 - Neenah
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Ashwaubenon Jaguars*
2008 -
2009 -
2010 - Neenah
- Appleton West/Kimberly share a team as do Appleton East/Appleton North. Kaukauna and Menasha do not compete in this sport and Ashwaubenon competes despite being a non-FVA member.
Swimming (Girls)
2009 - Neenah
- Appleton West/Kimberly share a sole team. Menasha partners with Eastern Valley's Xavier Hawks, while Oshkosh North partners with Trailways-North member Oshkosh Lourdes. Kaukauna does not compete in this sport.
Tennis (Boys)
2004 - Neenah/Oshkosh North (tie)
2005 - Neenah
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
2008 - Neenah
2009 - Neenah
Tennis (Girls)
2005 - Neenah
2006 - Neenah
2007 - Neenah
2008 -
2009 - Oshkosh West
Track & Field (Boys)
1972 - Appleton East
1973 - Appleton East
1975 - Oshkosh North
1976 - Oshkosh North
1980 - Neenah
1981 - Neenah
1982 - Oshkosh West
1983 - Appleton West
1984 - Appleton East
1985 - Appleton West
1986 - Appleton West
1987 - Neenah
1989 - Oshkosh North
1990 - Fond Du Lac
1991 - Fond Du Lac
1992 - Fond Du Lac
1993 - Appleton West
1994 - Appleton West & Neenah
1995 - Neenah
1996 - Neenah
1997 - Neenah
1998 - Oshkosh North
1999 - Oshkosh North
2000 - Oshkosh North
2001 - Oshkosh North
2002 - Neenah
2003 - Oshkosh North
2004 - Neenah
2005 - Neenah
2006 - Appleton North
2007 - Appleton North
2008 - Appleton North
2009 - Appleton North
2010 - Kimberly
Track & Field (Girls)
1971 - Kimberly
1973 - Kimberly
1975 - Appleton West
1977 - Appleton West
1978 - Appleton West
1979 - Neenah
1980 - Neenah
1982 - Oshkosh West
1983 - Oshkosh West
1984 - Oshkosh West
1986 - Kaukauna
1987 - Kaukauna
1988 - Neenah & Oshkosh West
1989 - Oshkosh West
1990 - Appleton East
1991 - Appleton East
1992 - Fond Du Lac
1993 - Neenah
1994 - Appleton West
1995 - Oshkosh West
1996 - Oshkosh West
1997 - Oshkosh West
1998 - Oshkosh West
1999 - Oshkosh West
2000 - Oshkosh West
2001 - Fond Du Lac
2002 - Fond Du Lac
2003 - Fond Du Lac
2004 - Fond Du Lac
2005 - Fond Du Lac
2010 - Kimberly
Volleyball (Boys)
2001 - Neenah
2002 - Neenah
2003 - Kaukauna
2004 - Kaukauna
2005 - Appleton North
2006 - Appleton North
2007 - Appleton North/Kimberly/Kaukauna
2008 - Kaukauna
2009 - Kaukauna
Volleyball (Girls)
2004 - Kaukauna
2005 - Fond du Lac
2006 - Kimberly
2007 - Kaukauna
2008 -
2009 - Kaukauna
2010 - Kaukauna
1971 - Appleton East
1972 - Appleton East
1974 - Oshkosh West
1975 - Oshkosh West
1976 - Neenah
1977 - Oshkosh North
1978 - Oshkosh North
1980 - Kimberly
1981 - Kimberly
1982 - Neenah
1983 - Neenah
1984 - Neenah
1985 - Neenah
1986 - Neenah, Kimberly, Kaukauna
1987 - Kimberly
1988 - Kaukauna
1989 - Oshkosh North
1990 - Fond du Lac, Kaukauna
1991 - Fond du Lac
1992 - Fond du Lac
1993 - Fond du Lac
1994 - Fond du Lac, Kaukauna
1995 - Fond du Lac
1996 - Fond du Lac
1997 - Neenah
1998 - Fond du Lac
1999 - Kaukauna
2000 - Kaukauna
2001 - Kaukauna
2002 - Kaukauna
2003 - Kaukauna
2004 - Kaukauna, Neenah
2005 - Appleton North
2006 - Kaukauna
2007 - Kaukauna
2008 - Kaukauna
2009 - Kaukauna
2010 - Kaukauna