Emanuel School
Emanuel School is a co-educational independent school
in Battersea
, south-west London. The school was founded by Lady Dacre
and Elizabeth I in 1594. Today it has some 710 pupils, aged between ten and eighteen.
, dated 1594. Lady Dacre was daughter of Sir Richard Sackville
by his wife Winifred, daughter of Sir John Bruges/Brydges/Brugge, Lord Mayor of London in 1520. Her brother was Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset
. She married Gregory Fiennes of Herstmonceaux
and Chelsea, 10th Baron Dacre
, in November 1558. He died on 25 September 1594 and she followed him, dying on 14 May (buried 15 May) 1595.
Her epitaph states:
Lady Dacre wrote that one of the main aims of the Foundation should be "for the bringing up of children in virtue and good and laudable arts so that they might better live in time to come by their honest labour." With Lady Dacre's benefaction in 1594, Emanuel Hospital (almshouses and school), as it was first called, began. The children wore long brown tunics, rather similar in cut to those still worn by pupils at Christ's Hospital
. Thanks to the interest of Queen Elizabeth I, cousin to Lady Dacre, a charter was drawn up, and the school and almshouses were established on a site at Tothill Fields, Westminster
. Mention is made of the Hospital and similar foundations in an undated letter written by Daniel Defoe
, entitled A Scheme for a Royal Palace in the Place of White-Hall.
In 1883, the school sought larger, newer buildings for the children; and the boy boarders, as they all then were, moved to the present buildings on the edge of Wandsworth Common.
The school gained national attention in December 1988 after its pupils and teachers were first on the scene of the Clapham Junction rail crash
, which occurred just to the west of the main building. Led by Headmaster Peter Thomson, the entire school assisted in the rescue efforts and many of the 130 injured were taken up to the school for treatment. The next day, the Prime Minister praised the pupils as a credit to the nation’s youth at Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons.
In 1994, the school celebrated its 400th anniversary with a visit from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which included a special commemorative rugby fixture against Gordonstoun.
In 2008, the school celebrated the 125th Anniversary of its move to its present site on Wandsworth Common with a special commemorative service held in May at Chelsea Old Church
, the burial place of Anne Sackville.
Like his predecessors, the present Headmaster is a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference
(HMC). A graduate of the University of Oxford (biological sciences), Mark Hanley-Browne underwent post-gradute teacher training at the University of Cambridge. Prior to taking up his appointment at Emanuel, he was Deputy Headmaster at Highgate
and Head of Careers and Higher Education at Charterhouse
by William Blake
with music set by C. Hubert H. Parry
in 1916.
Uniform is worn from Hill to Year Eleven, and consists of a navy blazer, white shirt, school tie, charcoal grey trousers and black shoes. Girls' uniform consists of a navy blazer with a blue blouse and navy skirt or trousers. Whilst exempt from uniform, the Sixth Form has its own formal dress code, requiring students to wear a grey, blue or black conventional, two or three-piece business suit, shirt and tie, or female equivalent.
Members of the Senior School are expected to stay on longer than the normal end of lessons to continue study, train for matches and represent the school at events.
are now held in Chapel.
group, the Hill Form, right through to Sixth Form. The Hill Form acts as a halfway house between primary and secondary education, with around 20 pupils in any one year, who leave primary education a year early (at the end of Year 5) to continue into Year Six in the Lower School at Emanuel. Pupils then follow through to Year Seven as usual.
The Sixth Form caters for around 170 pupils across both the Lower and Upper Sixth, who work together as a year group. Entry to the Sixth Form is dependent on gaining good grades at GCSE (though external entry is based on performance in entrance exams at 11+, 13+ and 16+) and entry to the Upper Sixth is conditional on good AS grades.
Students continue onto university, drama, music or art college upon departing the school. Pupils take GCSE, AS and A-Level exams. The full list of subjects is:
Art, Biology, Business Studies (from GCSE), Chemistry, Classical Civilisation (from Year 9), Design & Technology, Drama (to GCSE), Economics (from AS-Level), English, French, Geography, German, Government & Politics (from AS-Level), History, Latin, Mathematics, Further Mathematics (at A-Level), Music, Physical Education (to GCSE), Physics, Psychology (from AS-Level), Religious Studies, Spanish, Sports Science (from AS-Level), Theatre Studies (from AS-Level)
and features a sports hall, multi-tiered climbing wall, indoor cricket nets, a fully equipped fitness suite, dance studio and specialist teaching classrooms. Emanuel School Boat Club is based at Barnes Bridge, and there are further extensive playing fields at Blagdon's on the A3 near New Malden, Surrey.
The School's main competitive sports are rowing, rugby, cricket, netball, athletics, tennis, Eton Fives
, basketball, golf, squash and swimming. Amongst other sports played are: badminton, cross-country, water polo, table tennis, indoor climbing, fencing, orienteering and volleyball. Emanuel has had past success in tennis, winning the public schools Youll Cup in 1965 and again in 1966, and it has also had notable success in fencing, when Paul Walsh won the Boys Junior Foil, Boys Junior Épée, and Boys Junior Sabre events at the Public Schools Fencing Championships in 1992, before winning the same three competitions again as a Senior in 1993. .
Inter-house events continue annually in many sports including cross-country, the house regatta, rugby, cricket and inter-house athletics championships. All pupils are expected to make a contribution to sport with compulsory physical education lessons up to Year Ten, and an entire games afternoon per week, either on or off site, which continues through the Sixth Form.
An historic fixtre list against other local and national UK public schools plays out annually in all major sports, whilst the annual Sports Dinner celebrates the achievements of both teams and individuals each year.
at Barnes Bridge. The club has won the Schools' Head of the River Race
a record eleven times. In 1966, the Emanuel crew won the Princess Elizabeth Challenge Cup
at Henley
. In 1976 and again in 1981, Emanuel finished as runners up behind Holy Spirit High School of the US. The club has produced five Olympic oarsmen, several World Championship medallists, and over fifty international 'vests'. In 2007, the Club was honoured when OE Nick Marriott was selected to row for the Oxford Isis boat in the University Boat Race. 2007 also saw the addition of the boat club website. A history of the ESBC, Biblicarta: The History of Emanuel School Boat Club was published in 2009.
. The club is based at the school's off-site grounds at Blagdons on the A3, with many senior matches being split between Emanuel's on-site playing fields and Blagdons. Today, the school's Sevens
team is one of the strongest schools teams in London, and regular training camps depart to Wales as well as tours around the world to New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Canada and Chile.
A recent arrangement with Harlequins has created a new training partnership between the club and the school, with benefits in coaching and training with support staff and players, as well as the club using Blagdons as its new training ground. ESRFC now employs five specialist rugby coaches in addition to its sports department.
. A sporting tradition includes the annual cricket fixture against the MCC
dating back to at least the 1920s.
Chapel Choir has performed all over the world, in Venice, New York, Malta, Japan, and other locations. Music tuition is available in all major instruments.
Ex pupil Matthew Raymond-Barker won the French X-Factor in 2011.
named after notable military and naval figures from British history. There are four junior and four senior houses, where the senior house follows on from its junior equivalent. Every pupil at the school is a member of a house throughout their education at the school, with staff also taking an active role in the support and success of their house.
Each house has a Head of House, with House Captains elected from the Upper VI each September, responsible for overall control and discipline of the house. Houses compete annually for the Parents' Shield which is awarded to the winning house at the end of the competition. Events for competition are wide-ranging, including sport, art, drama, music, science, languages, and current affairs. The annual highlights include the House Regatta, House Cross-Country, House Music, House Drama and Inter-House Athletics Championships.
The large cohort of Duke of Edinburgh members, approximately 120 pupils, ensures many expeditions and training exercises around the country. There is also a strong stage department who work on bringing numerous theatrical and musical productions to life each year.
In April 2007, Emanuel opened a new £2 million library in the heart of the School, sitting below the Chapel. Zoned into designated areas for study and leisure, the main Peter Goddard Room now has approximately 35,000 books and 25 networked computers alongside a specialist Periodicals Room, Languages Library, DVD Library and an adjoining new Careers Centre. The North Courtyard has been filled in as the Marquand Room, and adjoins the new Computer Centre, whilst a mezzanine floor above the central Peter Goddard Room houses the school archives, silverware, and memorabilia as well as the original wooden entrance plaque from Emanuel Hospital.
In September 2007, a new theatre and exhibitions space was created by converting the old library area, whilst the School's original Chapel, still very much the centre of school life has been redecorated, cleaned and improved lighting installed along with a refurbished organ.
Stage two of the central redevelopment project, the opening of the Queen's Courtyard (South Courtyard), was completed in February 2008, improving access to the English, Chemistry and Drama departments. New cloisters, fountains and pathways have opened he space surrounding the trees planted by HM The Queen and The Queen Mother on their visits, alongside new glass and steel corridors overlooking the new library.
The latest developments include the enclosure of the Fives courts, a new cafeteria in the Sixth Form Centre and the Sir Tim Burners-Lee Suite which houses Emanuel's new computer centre in the North Wing of the Main Building.
Extensive future plans include the demolition of the current Dacre Block with a new three-storey humanities building and a new entrance to the School via a new road bridge across Spencer Park.
The Emanuel School Newsletter is published every Friday during term, providing notifications from the Headmaster and staff detailing events, results, lectures, sports reports, trips and providing a weekly communication to the school, students, parents, OEs and the outside world of what's going on. A previous popular termly publication The Wedge provided students' with a voice, publishing their academic work, art work and thoughts, as well as reviews on events and shows, advice and other details. A Leavers Book is published annually to celebrate the end of the Upper Sixth's life at Emanuel.
There have been several histories of the school published over the years, the most recent being a new publication entitled, An Illustrated History of Emanuel School, published in Easter 2008 to celebrate the school's 125th anniversary of moving to Wandsworth and the many changes from 1594 to 2008.
, which starred Old Emanuel Naveen Andrews
, and was also used as a location for the film Slipstream
, the BBC Screen One film Blore MP, starring Timothy West
, the 1995 comedy Game On and in an episode of the Granada series Jeeves and Wooster
, starring Stephen Fry
and Hugh Laurie
amongst others.
Boat Club Square is an internal quad within the main building, providing the main entrance to the School Library, and is also home to the school noticeboards. There are boards for Rowing, Music, Sport and Notices, as well as the House Noticeboards with details of upcoming events and results.
The foundation's additional off-site playing fields and clubhouse in New Malden, on the A3. Blagdons is also the home of ESRFC and the Old Emanuel Association, as well as more recently being the training ground for Harlequins RFC.
Junior, Half and Full Colours are the various school and House ties awarded for sporting and academic success.
Conduct Card
Every pupil from Hill to Year Eleven is issued with a personal Conduct Card which must be carried at all times whilst on site except for whilst participating in sport. It contains details of a pupil's timetable, house, form and space for commendation and 'signatures' for misbehaviour or disorganisation amongst others. Conduct Cards of a different colour are issued each term and must be handed in for inspection when requested either by a member of staff or a Senior Prefect.
An exeat is the required note to take absence from school either for entire days, or parts of a day for appointments, interviews, open days and other fixtures. A note from parents must be sent to a pupil's Form Tutor who will then provide a written Exeat, which then has to be countersigned by their Head of Year and in the School Office when leaving and entering the premises.
Founder's Day
Founder's Day is on June 6 and is a celebration of the founding of the school in 1594 by Lady Anne Dacre, under guidance from Elizabeth I. In recent years however it has declined in importance, largely due to the date falling in the middle of examination periods for the three most senior years and thus proving near-on impossible to create an event.
Hampden Hall
The main assembly hall, situated between the main quadrangle and the playing fields. The Hampden Hall is fitted with a complete lighting and sound system. The hall is fitted with a 36 channel pulsar lighting dimmer. The theatre department owns over 50 lanterns which are used in all productions from the annual sixth form revue to the school musical. The hall is also fitted with a mobile 1500W Mackie sound system. The school often hires equipment from local companies for use in productions.
Headmasters' Address'
A termly, or on occasion half-termly address from the Headmaster to the school, usually featuring prize giving ceremonies and details of successes and upcoming events and changes to the school community.
A punishment issued by a teacher, typically consisting of a piece of writing that will be discarded as soon as it is completed.
Lower School
The Lower School consists of the Hill Form (Year 6) and Years 7 and 8, until pupils reach the Upper School at age 13, 'Third Form' (Year 9).
OE (Old Emanuel)
OEs are former pupils of the school.
Out of Bounds
Locations defined as being off limits to pupils.
Prefect's Duties
Prefect's Duties can be assigned as a disciplinary measure for various minor misdemeanors. Typically these consist of carrying out some useful but mundane task.
Senior Tutor
The Senior Tutor is the most senior member of staff concerned primarily with a pupil's academic performance, and overall pastoral care of the school.
Second Master
The Second Master is the title given to the Deputy Headmaster.
A written disciplinary measure on a pupil's Conduct Card, given either by a Master or a Senior Prefect. Signatures have distinct punishments depending on how many a specific pupil has warranted over the course of a term. Persistent offenders may be sent to see their Head of Year or Section. Signatures may be given for incorrect equipment, uniform or books or for petty disobedience. Consequences may include further detention.
Upper School
The Upper School comprises the Third Form (Year 9), Fourth and Fifth Forms (Years 10 and 11) and the Lower and Upper Sixth Forms.
This is the final Chapel service for Upper Sixth leavers, held each May. In this service students will sing the school anthem, Jerusalem as well as the school song. The Chaplain blesses all those leaving the school and hopes for prosperity for the future.
alongside alumni of other public schools.
The Old Emanuel Rugby Football Club (OERFC) was founded in 1910 and is affiliated to the RFU
- There has not been an OE Association Football Club, since the founding of the OERFC in 1910, following the historic switch from football to rugby in 1906. In February 2010, the OERFC was presented with a plaque at Twickenham stadium, before England's RBS 6 Nations match against Wales to commemorate the centenary of the club. The Old Emanuel Cricket Club (OECC), was founded in 1926. The OEA also maintains Emanuel's tradition as a shooting school, usually fielding a team at the Public Schools Veteran's event at Bisley
each year.
Besides sports teams, the OEA has a number of societies, including the Luncheon Club, and OE Lodge
(No.5399) which meets at the City University Club
. There is also the Curzon Club, for members of Howe House, the only such House society not to have lapsed into history.
The two main gatherings of the Association are at the Annual Dinner, which is held in early Autumn, usually in St. James's
or Mayfair
, and the other being Dacre Day, the ‘new’ name for Flannels Day or, more recently, Fete and Flannels Day.
Independent school (UK)
An independent school is a school that is not financed through the taxation system by local or national government and is instead funded by private sources, predominantly in the form of tuition charges, gifts and long-term charitable endowments, and so is not subject to the conditions imposed by...
in Battersea
Battersea is an area of the London Borough of Wandsworth, England. It is an inner-city district of South London, situated on the south side of the River Thames, 2.9 miles south-west of Charing Cross. Battersea spans from Fairfield in the west to Queenstown in the east...
, south-west London. The school was founded by Lady Dacre
Anne Fiennes
Anne Fiennes or Fienes, Lady Dacre was an English gentlewoman and benefactress.-Life:She was the daughter of Sir Richard Sackville, treasurer of the exchequer to Elizabeth I, and steward of the royal manors in Kent and Sussex, who was the son of Sir John Sackville, and Anne, daughter of Sir...
and Elizabeth I in 1594. Today it has some 710 pupils, aged between ten and eighteen.
Emanuel School is one of three schools administered by the United Westminster Schools’ Foundation. It came into being by the will of Anne Sackville, Lady DacreAnne Fiennes
Anne Fiennes or Fienes, Lady Dacre was an English gentlewoman and benefactress.-Life:She was the daughter of Sir Richard Sackville, treasurer of the exchequer to Elizabeth I, and steward of the royal manors in Kent and Sussex, who was the son of Sir John Sackville, and Anne, daughter of Sir...
, dated 1594. Lady Dacre was daughter of Sir Richard Sackville
Richard Sackville (escheator)
Sir Richard Sackville of Ashburnham and Buckhurst in Sussex and Westenhanger in Kent; was an English administrator and Member of Parliament.-Career:...
by his wife Winifred, daughter of Sir John Bruges/Brydges/Brugge, Lord Mayor of London in 1520. Her brother was Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset
Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset
Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset was an English statesman, poet, dramatist and Freemason. He was the son of Richard Sackville, a cousin to Anne Boleyn. He was a Member of Parliament and Lord High Treasurer.-Biography:...
. She married Gregory Fiennes of Herstmonceaux
Herstmonceux Castle
Herstmonceux Castle is a brick-built Tudor castle near Herstmonceux, East Sussex, United Kingdom. From 1957 to 1988 its grounds were the home of the Royal Greenwich Observatory...
and Chelsea, 10th Baron Dacre
Baron Dacre
Baron Dacre is a title that has been created three times in the Peerage of England, every time by writ. The first creation came in 1321 when Ralph Dacre was summoned to Parliament as Lord Dacre. He married Margaret, 2nd Baroness Multon of Gilsland, heiress of a large estate in Cumbria centred on...
, in November 1558. He died on 25 September 1594 and she followed him, dying on 14 May (buried 15 May) 1595.
Her epitaph states:
- Faeminei lux clara chori, pia, casta, pudica, aegis subsidium, pauperibusque decus.
Lady Dacre wrote that one of the main aims of the Foundation should be "for the bringing up of children in virtue and good and laudable arts so that they might better live in time to come by their honest labour." With Lady Dacre's benefaction in 1594, Emanuel Hospital (almshouses and school), as it was first called, began. The children wore long brown tunics, rather similar in cut to those still worn by pupils at Christ's Hospital
Christ's Hospital
Christ's Hospital is an English coeducational independent day and boarding school with Royal Charter located in the Sussex countryside just south of Horsham in Horsham District, West Sussex, England...
. Thanks to the interest of Queen Elizabeth I, cousin to Lady Dacre, a charter was drawn up, and the school and almshouses were established on a site at Tothill Fields, Westminster
Westminster is an area of central London, within the City of Westminster, England. It lies on the north bank of the River Thames, southwest of the City of London and southwest of Charing Cross...
. Mention is made of the Hospital and similar foundations in an undated letter written by Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe , born Daniel Foe, was an English trader, writer, journalist, and pamphleteer, who gained fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is notable for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, as he helped to popularise the form in Britain and along with others such as Richardson,...
, entitled A Scheme for a Royal Palace in the Place of White-Hall.
In 1883, the school sought larger, newer buildings for the children; and the boy boarders, as they all then were, moved to the present buildings on the edge of Wandsworth Common.
The school gained national attention in December 1988 after its pupils and teachers were first on the scene of the Clapham Junction rail crash
Clapham Junction rail crash
The Clapham Junction rail crash was a serious railway accident involving two collisions between three commuter trains at 08:10 on the morning of Monday, 12 December 1988....
, which occurred just to the west of the main building. Led by Headmaster Peter Thomson, the entire school assisted in the rescue efforts and many of the 130 injured were taken up to the school for treatment. The next day, the Prime Minister praised the pupils as a credit to the nation’s youth at Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons.
In 1994, the school celebrated its 400th anniversary with a visit from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which included a special commemorative rugby fixture against Gordonstoun.
In 2008, the school celebrated the 125th Anniversary of its move to its present site on Wandsworth Common with a special commemorative service held in May at Chelsea Old Church
Chelsea Old Church
Chelsea Old Church is on the north bank of the River Thames near Albert Bridge in Chelsea, London, England. It is the church for a parish in the Diocese of London, part of the Church of England. It is located on the corner of Old Church Street and Cheyne Walk. Inside, there is seating for 400...
, the burial place of Anne Sackville.
The Rev. A. Towsey | 1883–1894 |
The Rev. Dr A Chilton MVO, DD Doctor of Divinity Doctor of Divinity is an advanced academic degree in divinity. Historically, it identified one who had been licensed by a university to teach Christian theology or related religious subjects.... |
1894–1905 |
The Rev. H. Buchanan-Riley | 1905–1913 |
S. Goodwin | 1914–1927 |
G. H. Wyatt (acting) | 1927–1928 |
C. M. Broom | 1928–1953 |
J. B. Grundy | 1953–1963 |
W. S. Hipkins (acting) | 1964 |
Charles C. Kuper | 1964–1975 |
Peter Hendry | 1975–1984 |
P. F. Thomson | 1984–1994 |
T Jones-Parry | 1994–1998 |
Mrs Anne-Marie Sutcliffe | 1998–2004 |
Mark D. Hanley-Browne | 2004- |
Like his predecessors, the present Headmaster is a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference
Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference
The Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference is an association of the headmasters or headmistressess of 243 leading day and boarding independent schools in the United Kingdom, Crown Dependencies and the Republic of Ireland...
(HMC). A graduate of the University of Oxford (biological sciences), Mark Hanley-Browne underwent post-gradute teacher training at the University of Cambridge. Prior to taking up his appointment at Emanuel, he was Deputy Headmaster at Highgate
Highgate School
-Notable members of staff and governing body:* John Ireton, brother of Henry Ireton, Cromwellian General* 1st Earl of Mansfield, Lord Chief Justice, owner of Kenwood, noted for judgment finding contracts for slavery unenforceable in English law* T. S...
and Head of Careers and Higher Education at Charterhouse
Charterhouse School
Charterhouse School, originally The Hospital of King James and Thomas Sutton in Charterhouse, or more simply Charterhouse or House, is an English collegiate independent boarding school situated at Godalming in Surrey.Founded by Thomas Sutton in London in 1611 on the site of the old Carthusian...
The Headmaster | 1883–1913 |
The Rev. G. W. White | 1914–1916 |
The Rev. L. Evans | 1916–1921 |
The Rev. M. M. Griffiths | 1951–1963 |
The Rev. G. M. Armstead | 1962–1974 |
The Rev. A. J. Gilbert | 1974–1985 |
The Rev. E. M. Hill | 1985–2005 |
The Rev. P. M. Hunt | 2005- |
School song and anthem
The school's song is "Pour Bien Desirer". It's words were written by Charles Wilfrid Scott-Giles and its music by H. J. Evans in 1916. The School Anthem is JerusalemAnd did those feet in ancient time
"And did those feet in ancient time" is a short poem by William Blake from the preface to his epic Milton a Poem, one of a collection of writings known as the Prophetic Books. The date on the title page of 1804 for Milton is probably when the plates were begun, but the poem was printed c. 1808...
by William Blake
William Blake
William Blake was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of both the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age...
with music set by C. Hubert H. Parry
Hubert Parry
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1st Baronet was an English composer, teacher and historian of music.Parry's first major works appeared in 1880. As a composer he is best known for the choral song "Jerusalem", the coronation anthem "I was glad" and the hymn tune "Repton", which sets the words...
in 1916.
Daily school life
Emanuel teaches Monday to Friday, the school day beginning at 08.30 and ending at 15.45. Saturdays are also utilised for sporting fixtures, events and detentions, with Wednesday afternoons reserved for senior sports fixtures also. There are daily assemblies, including one Chapel assembly a week across each year group, and weekly house meetings. Termly headmaster's addresses are given at the beginning and end of each of three terms, common in the British educational system.Uniform is worn from Hill to Year Eleven, and consists of a navy blazer, white shirt, school tie, charcoal grey trousers and black shoes. Girls' uniform consists of a navy blazer with a blue blouse and navy skirt or trousers. Whilst exempt from uniform, the Sixth Form has its own formal dress code, requiring students to wear a grey, blue or black conventional, two or three-piece business suit, shirt and tie, or female equivalent.
The school day
Commencing with registration at 08.30, Emanuel's school day consists of eight thirty-five minute periods, timetabled as single or double blocks, with a break between double blocks - first for morning break, then assembly and lunch, which is taken by all pupils in the new refectory overlooking the playing fields. Prep is given to all pupils daily across all subjects.Members of the Senior School are expected to stay on longer than the normal end of lessons to continue study, train for matches and represent the school at events.
Senior prefects
Senior Prefects and the Heads of School are elected each academic year from the Upper Sixth and help the teachers in disciplinary, pastoral, social and cultural organisation of the school, often mentoring junior pupils, running clubs and teams. They are conspicuous by their distinctive gowns, worn on special occasions in either gold (heads of school) or blue (senior prefects).Religious foundation
Emanuel is a Anglican foundation with the Chapel situated in the main building above the library. Daily Chapel services are led by the Chaplain with regular Holy Communion services and musical concerts. Confirmation is available with the Chaplain who holds regular confirmation classes for pupils, whilst the Chapel is open for the use of pupils, teachers, staff and parents every day. Paintings of Moses and Aaron that formed part of the altarpiece of St. Benet FinkSt. Benet Fink
St. Benet Fink was a church in the City of London located on what is now Threadneedle Street. Recorded since the 13th century, the church was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666, then rebuilt by the office of Sir Christopher Wren. The rebuilt church was demolished between 1841 and...
are now held in Chapel.
Trips and exchanges
School trips are considered an important part of the learning cycle and include: exchanges to other European countries, study tours, field trips, choir tours, residential tours, ski trips, sports tours, training camps and team-building exercises. Destinations for expeditions and cultural excursions have included New York City, Argentina, South Africa, Malta, Kraków, Seville, New Zealand, Chile and Australia. The school retains a strong link with World Challenge, and expeditions depart each summer, including to Thailand, Tunisia, Ghana and Vietnam. In addition an annual Charity Week each March raises money for several charities by means of various fundraising exercises, when the whole community comes together to raise as much as possible.Academic life
Emanuel caters for pupils from age ten to eighteen, providing education from its mini-prepPreparatory school (UK)
In English language usage in the former British Empire, the present-day Commonwealth, a preparatory school is an independent school preparing children up to the age of eleven or thirteen for entry into fee-paying, secondary independent schools, some of which are known as public schools...
group, the Hill Form, right through to Sixth Form. The Hill Form acts as a halfway house between primary and secondary education, with around 20 pupils in any one year, who leave primary education a year early (at the end of Year 5) to continue into Year Six in the Lower School at Emanuel. Pupils then follow through to Year Seven as usual.
The Sixth Form caters for around 170 pupils across both the Lower and Upper Sixth, who work together as a year group. Entry to the Sixth Form is dependent on gaining good grades at GCSE (though external entry is based on performance in entrance exams at 11+, 13+ and 16+) and entry to the Upper Sixth is conditional on good AS grades.
Students continue onto university, drama, music or art college upon departing the school. Pupils take GCSE, AS and A-Level exams. The full list of subjects is:
Art, Biology, Business Studies (from GCSE), Chemistry, Classical Civilisation (from Year 9), Design & Technology, Drama (to GCSE), Economics (from AS-Level), English, French, Geography, German, Government & Politics (from AS-Level), History, Latin, Mathematics, Further Mathematics (at A-Level), Music, Physical Education (to GCSE), Physics, Psychology (from AS-Level), Religious Studies, Spanish, Sports Science (from AS-Level), Theatre Studies (from AS-Level)
Sporting life
Emanuel has a strong history of sporting success which continues to this day. Set in 12 acres (48,562.3 m²) of grounds, the school is fortunate to have large on-site playing fields and direct private access to Wandsworth Common beyond. The school also has a 25m indoor heated swimming pool, three Eton Fives courts, netball courts and tennis courts. A new sports centre was opened in 2003 by England rugby star Will GreenwoodWill Greenwood
William John Heaton "Will" Greenwood, MBE is an English former rugby union footballer of the 1990s and 2000s.-Career:...
and features a sports hall, multi-tiered climbing wall, indoor cricket nets, a fully equipped fitness suite, dance studio and specialist teaching classrooms. Emanuel School Boat Club is based at Barnes Bridge, and there are further extensive playing fields at Blagdon's on the A3 near New Malden, Surrey.
The School's main competitive sports are rowing, rugby, cricket, netball, athletics, tennis, Eton Fives
Eton Fives
Eton Fives, one derivative of the British game of Fives, is a hand-ball game, similar to Rugby Fives, played as doubles in a three-sided court. The object is to force the other team to fail to hit the ball 'up' off the front wall, using any variety of wall or ledge combinations as long as the ball...
, basketball, golf, squash and swimming. Amongst other sports played are: badminton, cross-country, water polo, table tennis, indoor climbing, fencing, orienteering and volleyball. Emanuel has had past success in tennis, winning the public schools Youll Cup in 1965 and again in 1966, and it has also had notable success in fencing, when Paul Walsh won the Boys Junior Foil, Boys Junior Épée, and Boys Junior Sabre events at the Public Schools Fencing Championships in 1992, before winning the same three competitions again as a Senior in 1993. .
Inter-house events continue annually in many sports including cross-country, the house regatta, rugby, cricket and inter-house athletics championships. All pupils are expected to make a contribution to sport with compulsory physical education lessons up to Year Ten, and an entire games afternoon per week, either on or off site, which continues through the Sixth Form.
An historic fixtre list against other local and national UK public schools plays out annually in all major sports, whilst the annual Sports Dinner celebrates the achievements of both teams and individuals each year.
- Following the historic switch away from football in 1906, it is now only played on an inter-House basis.
- Annual sports tours have led to exchange programmes between other international HMC schools in Australia and other parts of the world. Recent sports tours have included Barbados, Argentina, Chile, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Malta, Seville and New Zealand.
- Frequent opponents include Dulwich CollegeDulwich CollegeDulwich College is an independent school for boys in Dulwich, southeast London, England. The college was founded in 1619 by Edward Alleyn, a successful Elizabethan actor, with the original purpose of educating 12 poor scholars as the foundation of "God's Gift". It currently has about 1,600 boys,...
, Latymer UpperLatymer Upper SchoolLatymer Upper School, founded by Edward Latymer in 1624, is a selective independent school in Hammersmith, West London, England, lying between King Street and the Thames. It is a day school for 1,130 pupils – boys and girls aged 11–18; there is also the Latymer Preparatory School for boys and girls...
, WestminsterWestminster SchoolThe Royal College of St. Peter in Westminster, almost always known as Westminster School, is one of Britain's leading independent schools, with the highest Oxford and Cambridge acceptance rate of any secondary school or college in Britain...
, St Paul's, and City of LondonCity of London SchoolThe City of London School is a boys' independent day school on the banks of the River Thames in the City of London, England. It is the brother school of the City of London School for Girls and the co-educational City of London Freemen's School...
Emanuel School Boat Club (ESBC)
Emanuel School Boat Club (ESBC) was formally established in 1914 and the boathouse is situated on the River Thames TidewayTideway
The Tideway is a name given to the part of the River Thames in England that is subject to tides. This stretch of water is downstream from Teddington Lock and is just under long...
at Barnes Bridge. The club has won the Schools' Head of the River Race
Schools' Head of the River Race
The Schools' Head of the River Race is a processional rowing race organised by Westminster School, held annually on the River Thames in London, England, on the 4¼ mile Championship Course from Mortlake to Putney....
a record eleven times. In 1966, the Emanuel crew won the Princess Elizabeth Challenge Cup
Princess Elizabeth Challenge Cup
The Princess Elizabeth Challenge Cup is a rowing event at Henley Royal Regatta open to school 1st VIIIs.-History:The event was instituted in 1946 for public schools in the United Kingdom...
at Henley
Henley Royal Regatta
Henley Royal Regatta is a rowing event held every year on the River Thames by the town of Henley-on-Thames, England. The Royal Regatta is sometimes referred to as Henley Regatta, its original name pre-dating Royal patronage...
. In 1976 and again in 1981, Emanuel finished as runners up behind Holy Spirit High School of the US. The club has produced five Olympic oarsmen, several World Championship medallists, and over fifty international 'vests'. In 2007, the Club was honoured when OE Nick Marriott was selected to row for the Oxford Isis boat in the University Boat Race. 2007 also saw the addition of the boat club website. A history of the ESBC, Biblicarta: The History of Emanuel School Boat Club was published in 2009.
Emanuel School Rugby Football Club (ESRFC)
Emanuel School Rugby Football Club (ESRFC) was founded in 1910 and is affiliated to the RFURugby Football Union
The Rugby Football Union was founded in 1871 as the governing body for the sport of rugby union, and performed as the international governing body prior to the formation of the International Rugby Board in 1886...
. The club is based at the school's off-site grounds at Blagdons on the A3, with many senior matches being split between Emanuel's on-site playing fields and Blagdons. Today, the school's Sevens
Rugby sevens
Rugby sevens, also known as seven-a-side or VIIs, is a variant of rugby union in which teams are made up of seven players, instead of the usual 15, with shorter matches. Rugby sevens is administered by the International Rugby Board , the body responsible for rugby union worldwide...
team is one of the strongest schools teams in London, and regular training camps depart to Wales as well as tours around the world to New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Canada and Chile.
A recent arrangement with Harlequins has created a new training partnership between the club and the school, with benefits in coaching and training with support staff and players, as well as the club using Blagdons as its new training ground. ESRFC now employs five specialist rugby coaches in addition to its sports department.
Emanuel School Cricket Club (ESCC)
Emanuel School Cricket Club (ESCC) was founded in 1926. Historic successes in cricket have not been matched in recent years, although the club is experiencing something of a revival under the new Master i/c Cricket, Paul King, who has endeavoured to boost the successes in the sport once again through external coaches, training camps and tours. Alumni include England cricketer Stuart SurridgeStuart Surridge
Walter Stuart Surridge was a cricketer who played for Surrey. He was born at Herne Hill in south London, educated at Emanuel School, and died at Glossop in Derbyshire....
. A sporting tradition includes the annual cricket fixture against the MCC
Marylebone Cricket Club
Marylebone Cricket Club is a cricket club in London founded in 1787. Its influence and longevity now witness it as a private members' club dedicated to the development of cricket. It owns, and is based at, Lord's Cricket Ground in St John's Wood, London NW8. MCC was formerly the governing body of...
dating back to at least the 1920s.
Eton Fives
Emanuel has played Eton Fives since 1914, and is a member of the Eton Fives Association (EFA). The school refurbished its three indoor courts in the Summer of 2007, as part of its larger redevelopment programme. In 2007 Emanuel won the EFA Division III title in a nail-biting conclusion to the season.Musical life
The school music department is centred around the Concert Hall, a converted musical hall complete with seven soundproof practice rooms, rigs and staging as well as an organ. There are three specialist classrooms, including a Music Technology Suite. Emanuel'sChapel Choir has performed all over the world, in Venice, New York, Malta, Japan, and other locations. Music tuition is available in all major instruments.
Ex pupil Matthew Raymond-Barker won the French X-Factor in 2011.
The Hill Form
The Hill Form was established in 1984 to provide a halfway house between primary and secondary learning. Situated in its own building at the back of the site, Hill caters for up to twenty Year Six pupils who leave primary education a year early to enter the Lower School at Emanuel. Pupils then move up through to Year Seven and the rest of the school as usual. The Hill is highly regarded for providing a bridge integrating pupils into the heart of the school, engaging in all aspects available to other Lower School pupils including sports, House events, study and extracurricular activities.The Sixth Form
Emanuel's Sixth Form consists of around 170 students across both the Lower Sixth (Year 12) and Upper Sixth (Year 13). A purpose-built Sixth Form Centre provides the base for the group, with its own Common Room overlooking the school playing fields, a cafeteria, lecture room, games room, computer suite, changing rooms and study areas.Lower Sixth
In the Lower Sixth, students prepare to bridge the gap between GCSEs and A-Level. All are expected to take four AS Level subjects as well as take part in the wider school community through mentoring junior pupils, participation in the Sixth Form Revue, Charity Week and in activities such as Young Enterprise. The culmination of the year brings specialist talks on further education and careers options and Work Experience at companies of their own choice. Placements in recent years have included City insurance firms, investment banks, hospitals, television and theatrical production, schools and prestigious law firms.Upper Sixth
In the Upper Sixth, students prepare for their final A-Level examinations in three or four subjects. In addition, it is the year where students are able to embark on their choices for university through UCAS and take up senior positions within the school, including Senior Prefects, Captains of Sport and leading roles in dramatic and musical productions. Students are expected to make contributions to the school community through mentoring junior forms, participating on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and competing in national competitions such as the Bank of England's Target 2.0. The highlight of the Upper Sixth is the end of year Leavers' Ball - the social highlight of the school calendar.School Houses
Emanuel has eight HousesHouse system
The house system is a traditional feature of British schools, and schools in the Commonwealth. Historically, it was associated with established public schools, where a 'house' refers to a boarding house or dormitory of a boarding school...
named after notable military and naval figures from British history. There are four junior and four senior houses, where the senior house follows on from its junior equivalent. Every pupil at the school is a member of a house throughout their education at the school, with staff also taking an active role in the support and success of their house.
Each house has a Head of House, with House Captains elected from the Upper VI each September, responsible for overall control and discipline of the house. Houses compete annually for the Parents' Shield which is awarded to the winning house at the end of the competition. Events for competition are wide-ranging, including sport, art, drama, music, science, languages, and current affairs. The annual highlights include the House Regatta, House Cross-Country, House Music, House Drama and Inter-House Athletics Championships.
House | Junior/Senior | Tie Colours | Administration | |||
Housemaster | ||||||
Marlborough | Senior | Yellow | PA King | |||
Lyons | Junior | Purple | Miss LJ Fitzgibbon | |||
Rodney | Senior | Silver | D Gundersen | |||
Wellington | Junior | Red | H Nilsson | |||
Howe | Senior | Green | Miss O Roncero-Refoyo | |||
Clyde | Junior | Blue | M Healy | |||
Nelson | Senior | Orange | V Le Gac | |||
Drake | Junior | Brown | GJ Dibden |
Activities, Associations and Societies
Emanuel has a strong extracurricular base. The school's Debating Society regularly enters major competitions against other schools, and its' regularly competes against other schools in the Model United Nations (MUN). In Young Enterprise, a strong record of success has ensured the school has reached the Central London finals for the past four years, whilst it also competes in the Bank of England's Target 2.0, Hans Wodya Mathematics and National Maths Challenge competitions.The large cohort of Duke of Edinburgh members, approximately 120 pupils, ensures many expeditions and training exercises around the country. There is also a strong stage department who work on bringing numerous theatrical and musical productions to life each year.
A programme of redevelopment and expansion has seen strong investment in the School's facilities and resources over the past few years.In April 2007, Emanuel opened a new £2 million library in the heart of the School, sitting below the Chapel. Zoned into designated areas for study and leisure, the main Peter Goddard Room now has approximately 35,000 books and 25 networked computers alongside a specialist Periodicals Room, Languages Library, DVD Library and an adjoining new Careers Centre. The North Courtyard has been filled in as the Marquand Room, and adjoins the new Computer Centre, whilst a mezzanine floor above the central Peter Goddard Room houses the school archives, silverware, and memorabilia as well as the original wooden entrance plaque from Emanuel Hospital.
In September 2007, a new theatre and exhibitions space was created by converting the old library area, whilst the School's original Chapel, still very much the centre of school life has been redecorated, cleaned and improved lighting installed along with a refurbished organ.
Stage two of the central redevelopment project, the opening of the Queen's Courtyard (South Courtyard), was completed in February 2008, improving access to the English, Chemistry and Drama departments. New cloisters, fountains and pathways have opened he space surrounding the trees planted by HM The Queen and The Queen Mother on their visits, alongside new glass and steel corridors overlooking the new library.
The latest developments include the enclosure of the Fives courts, a new cafeteria in the Sixth Form Centre and the Sir Tim Burners-Lee Suite which houses Emanuel's new computer centre in the North Wing of the Main Building.
Extensive future plans include the demolition of the current Dacre Block with a new three-storey humanities building and a new entrance to the School via a new road bridge across Spencer Park.
The Portcullis is the annual school publication now in its 296 edition. It is published each June and contains a summary of the events and activities each year, along with House Notes, Sporting Notes, Academic Notes and Staff Notes. Previous copies of The Portcullis are on show in the School Archives above the Peter Goddard Room.The Emanuel School Newsletter is published every Friday during term, providing notifications from the Headmaster and staff detailing events, results, lectures, sports reports, trips and providing a weekly communication to the school, students, parents, OEs and the outside world of what's going on. A previous popular termly publication The Wedge provided students' with a voice, publishing their academic work, art work and thoughts, as well as reviews on events and shows, advice and other details. A Leavers Book is published annually to celebrate the end of the Upper Sixth's life at Emanuel.
There have been several histories of the school published over the years, the most recent being a new publication entitled, An Illustrated History of Emanuel School, published in Easter 2008 to celebrate the school's 125th anniversary of moving to Wandsworth and the many changes from 1594 to 2008.
Emanuel as a filming location
Emanuel has been used as a filming location for both film and television. The school featured in the BBC TV series The Buddha of SuburbiaThe Buddha of Suburbia (TV serial)
The Buddha of Suburbia was a 1993 BBC television miniseries, directed by Roger Michell. It was based on the novel of the same name by Hanif Kureishi. The programme starred Naveen Andrews as the main character, Karim Amir. Other cast members included David Bamber, Steven Mackintosh, Harish Patel,...
, which starred Old Emanuel Naveen Andrews
Naveen Andrews
Naveen William Sidney Andrews is a British American actor. He is best known for portraying Kip in the movie The English Patient and Sayid Jarrah on the American television series Lost.-Early life:...
, and was also used as a location for the film Slipstream
Slipstream (1989 film)
Slipstream is a 1989 post-apocalyptic science fiction adventure film. The plot has an emphasis on aviation and contains many common science-fiction themes, such as taking place in a dystopian future in which the landscape of the Earth itself has been changed and is windswept by storms of great power...
, the BBC Screen One film Blore MP, starring Timothy West
Timothy West
Timothy Lancaster West, CBE is an English film, stage and television actor.-Career:West's craggy looks ensured a career as a character actor rather than a leading man. He began his career as an Assistant Stage Manager at the Wimbledon Theatre in 1956, and followed this with several seasons of...
, the 1995 comedy Game On and in an episode of the Granada series Jeeves and Wooster
Jeeves and Wooster
-External links:*—An episode guide to the series, including information about which episodes were adapted from which Wodehouse stories.*—Episode guides, screenshots and quotes from the four series....
, starring Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry
Stephen John Fry is an English actor, screenwriter, author, playwright, journalist, poet, comedian, television presenter and film director, and a director of Norwich City Football Club. He first came to attention in the 1981 Cambridge Footlights Revue presentation "The Cellar Tapes", which also...
and Hugh Laurie
Hugh Laurie
James Hugh Calum Laurie, OBE , better known as Hugh Laurie , is an English actor, voice artist, comedian, writer, musician, recording artist, and director...
amongst others.
Boat Club SquareBoat Club Square is an internal quad within the main building, providing the main entrance to the School Library, and is also home to the school noticeboards. There are boards for Rowing, Music, Sport and Notices, as well as the House Noticeboards with details of upcoming events and results.
The foundation's additional off-site playing fields and clubhouse in New Malden, on the A3. Blagdons is also the home of ESRFC and the Old Emanuel Association, as well as more recently being the training ground for Harlequins RFC.
Junior, Half and Full Colours are the various school and House ties awarded for sporting and academic success.
Conduct Card
Every pupil from Hill to Year Eleven is issued with a personal Conduct Card which must be carried at all times whilst on site except for whilst participating in sport. It contains details of a pupil's timetable, house, form and space for commendation and 'signatures' for misbehaviour or disorganisation amongst others. Conduct Cards of a different colour are issued each term and must be handed in for inspection when requested either by a member of staff or a Senior Prefect.
An exeat is the required note to take absence from school either for entire days, or parts of a day for appointments, interviews, open days and other fixtures. A note from parents must be sent to a pupil's Form Tutor who will then provide a written Exeat, which then has to be countersigned by their Head of Year and in the School Office when leaving and entering the premises.
Founder's Day
Founder's Day is on June 6 and is a celebration of the founding of the school in 1594 by Lady Anne Dacre, under guidance from Elizabeth I. In recent years however it has declined in importance, largely due to the date falling in the middle of examination periods for the three most senior years and thus proving near-on impossible to create an event.
Hampden Hall
The main assembly hall, situated between the main quadrangle and the playing fields. The Hampden Hall is fitted with a complete lighting and sound system. The hall is fitted with a 36 channel pulsar lighting dimmer. The theatre department owns over 50 lanterns which are used in all productions from the annual sixth form revue to the school musical. The hall is also fitted with a mobile 1500W Mackie sound system. The school often hires equipment from local companies for use in productions.
Headmasters' Address'
A termly, or on occasion half-termly address from the Headmaster to the school, usually featuring prize giving ceremonies and details of successes and upcoming events and changes to the school community.
A punishment issued by a teacher, typically consisting of a piece of writing that will be discarded as soon as it is completed.
Lower School
The Lower School consists of the Hill Form (Year 6) and Years 7 and 8, until pupils reach the Upper School at age 13, 'Third Form' (Year 9).
OE (Old Emanuel)
OEs are former pupils of the school.
Out of Bounds
Locations defined as being off limits to pupils.
Prefect's Duties
Prefect's Duties can be assigned as a disciplinary measure for various minor misdemeanors. Typically these consist of carrying out some useful but mundane task.
Senior Tutor
The Senior Tutor is the most senior member of staff concerned primarily with a pupil's academic performance, and overall pastoral care of the school.
Second Master
The Second Master is the title given to the Deputy Headmaster.
A written disciplinary measure on a pupil's Conduct Card, given either by a Master or a Senior Prefect. Signatures have distinct punishments depending on how many a specific pupil has warranted over the course of a term. Persistent offenders may be sent to see their Head of Year or Section. Signatures may be given for incorrect equipment, uniform or books or for petty disobedience. Consequences may include further detention.
Upper School
The Upper School comprises the Third Form (Year 9), Fourth and Fifth Forms (Years 10 and 11) and the Lower and Upper Sixth Forms.
This is the final Chapel service for Upper Sixth leavers, held each May. In this service students will sing the school anthem, Jerusalem as well as the school song. The Chaplain blesses all those leaving the school and hopes for prosperity for the future.
Old Emanuel Association
The Old Emanuel Association (OEA) was established in 1893, though other school societies had existed informally prior to its establishment. The rules of 1930, refer to it as being an association of ex-pupils, and past and present members of staff and governors, "for the furtherance of personal friendship and for the maintenance of the spirit of loyalty to the School". The OEA has branches in North America and Australasia. Many OEs are also members of the East India ClubEast India Club
The East India, Devonshire, Sports and Public Schools' Club, usually known as the East India Club, is a gentlemen's club founded in 1849 and situated at 16 St. James's Square in London...
alongside alumni of other public schools.
The Old Emanuel Rugby Football Club (OERFC) was founded in 1910 and is affiliated to the RFU
Rugby Football Union
The Rugby Football Union was founded in 1871 as the governing body for the sport of rugby union, and performed as the international governing body prior to the formation of the International Rugby Board in 1886...
- There has not been an OE Association Football Club, since the founding of the OERFC in 1910, following the historic switch from football to rugby in 1906. In February 2010, the OERFC was presented with a plaque at Twickenham stadium, before England's RBS 6 Nations match against Wales to commemorate the centenary of the club. The Old Emanuel Cricket Club (OECC), was founded in 1926. The OEA also maintains Emanuel's tradition as a shooting school, usually fielding a team at the Public Schools Veteran's event at Bisley
Bisley, Surrey
Bisley is a large village in Surrey, England, which is notable for rifle shooting. Bisley's immediate neighbours are West End, Chobham and Knaphill.- History :...
each year.
Besides sports teams, the OEA has a number of societies, including the Luncheon Club, and OE Lodge
Masonic Lodge
This article is about the Masonic term for a membership group. For buildings named Masonic Lodge, see Masonic Lodge A Masonic Lodge, often termed a Private Lodge or Constituent Lodge, is the basic organisation of Freemasonry...
(No.5399) which meets at the City University Club
City University Club
The City University Club is a London gentlemen's club, established in 1895. Since its foundation, it has operated from the top three floors of 50 Cornhill, in the original building of Prescott's bank, a 1766 private bank now part of the Royal Bank of Scotland....
. There is also the Curzon Club, for members of Howe House, the only such House society not to have lapsed into history.
The two main gatherings of the Association are at the Annual Dinner, which is held in early Autumn, usually in St. James's
St. James's
St James's is an area of central London in the City of Westminster. It is bounded to the north by Piccadilly, to the west by Green Park, to the south by The Mall and St. James's Park and to the east by The Haymarket.-History:...
or Mayfair
Mayfair is an area of central London, within the City of Westminster.-History:Mayfair is named after the annual fortnight-long May Fair that took place on the site that is Shepherd Market today...
, and the other being Dacre Day, the ‘new’ name for Flannels Day or, more recently, Fete and Flannels Day.