Bus lines in Bordeaux
The Urban Community of Bordeaux Public Transport System (TBC)
) manages 65 regular bus and tram lines in Bordeaux
and Bordeaux's suburbs. These tram and bus lines comprise:
This network commenced operation on 22 February 2010.
These 13 lines constitute with the tram, the main axes of the network. They function from 5am to 0am /1am with a 10 to 15 minutes fréquency between 7am and 8pm, with an identical service the Saturday morning and a connection to 2 lines of tram.
{| align="center"
! width=10px|Liane
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="717DBD" align="center"| 1 || Quinconces
<=> Mérignac–Aéroport ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="66CC00" align="center"| 2 || Quinconces
<=> Eysines
-Place Florale ou Eysines
-Centre ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="0089D0" align="center"| 3 || Quinconces
<=> Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
-Issac ou Gare Routière ou Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
-Villepreux ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="16C0F3" align="center"| 4 || Bordeaux
-St Louis <=> Pessac
-Magonty ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="00A2D4" align="center"| 5 || Villenave-d'Ornon
-Piscine Chambéry <=> Eysines
-Centre ou Le Taillan-Médoc
-La Boétie ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="0072BC" align="center"| 6 || Palais de Justice
<=> Blanquefort
-Caychac Bourg ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="16C0F3" align="center"| 7 || Les Aubiers
<=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
-Parabelle ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="0088C0" align="center"| 8 || Hôpital Pellegrin <=> Gradignan
-Malartic ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="2E3092" align="center"| 9 || Gare Saint Jean
<=> Brandenburg
||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="286784" align="center"| 10 || Bouliac
-Centre Commercial <=> Gradignan
-Beausoleil ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="84C2EA" align="center"| 11 || Bègles
-Rives d'Arcins <=> Mérignac-ZI du Phare ou Mérignac-Beaudésert ou Le Haillan
-5 Chemins ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="008D78" align="center"| 15 || Villenave-d'Ornon
-Bourg ou Pont de la Maye <=> Parc des Expositions ou Brandenburg
||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="6F2B91" align="center"| 16 || Gare Saint Jean
<=> Mérignac Centre
(René Coty) ||align="center"| TBC
{| align="center"
! width=10px|Ligne
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="ED1C23" align="center"| 20 || Victoire
<=> Talence
-Thouars ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="B6376C" align="center"| 21 || Peixotto
<=> Gradignan
-Stade Ornon ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="D490B0" align="center"| 23 || Fontaine d'Arlac <=> Pessac
-Romainville ou Toctoucau ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="F7A092" align="center"| 24 || Porte de Bourgogne
<=> Pessac
–Bougnard ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="#F1657B" align="center"| 26 || Quinconces
<=> Bègles
-Le Dorat ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="DB6EAB" align="center"| 27 || Buttinière
<=> Stalingrad||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="B8412E" align="center"| 28 || Galin <=> Stalingrad ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="F79551" align="center"| 29 || Quinconces
<=> Eysines
-Lycée Charles Péguy ou Blanquefort
-Ecoparc ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="#DE808E" align="center"| 30 || Mérignac-Cimetière Intercommunal <=> Le Haillan
-Parc Ste Christine ou Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
-Lycée Sud-Médoc or Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
-Collège François Mauriac ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
{| align="center"
! width=10px|Corol
! width=10px|
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="9FD08A" align="center"| 32 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Bouliac
-Centre commercial <=> Bassins à flot
||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="00ADEF" align="center"| 33 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Mérignac-Soleil <=> Parc des Expositions de Bordeaux||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="657865" align="center"| 34 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Mérignac-Cité des Pins <=> Bègles
-Rives d'Arcins ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="8DD8F8" align="center"| 35 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Peixotto
<=> Les Aubiers
||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="90EE90" align="center"| 36 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Gare de Pessac
ou Villenave-d'Ornon
- Anatole France <=> Bègles Terres Neuves ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="#71BF43" align="center"| 37 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
-Lycée Sud-Médoc <=> Les Aubiers
||align="center"| TBC
{| align="center"
! width=10px|Citéis
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="F05972" align="center"| 40 || Cenon
-Beausite ou Lormont
–Lauriers <=> Buttinière
||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="D35862" align="center"| 41 || Pins Francs(Caudéran) <=> Le Tondu ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="6F2B91" align="center"| 42 || Mérignac-Lycée Daguin (operation in loop with double direction around Mérignac) ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="6F2B91" align="center"| 43 || Victoire
<=> Bègles
-Victor Hugo ou Bègles
-Poste ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="ED008C" align="center"| 44 || Pessac
-Candeau <=> UNITEC
||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="DA1C48" align="center"| 45 || Jardin Botanique (operation in loop with double direction around Bordeaux) ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="F03C6C" align="center"| 46 || Place Ravezies-Le Bouscat
(operation in loop with double direction around Le Bouscat) ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="F794AC" align="center"| 47 || La Navette Electrique Victoire
<=> Quinconces
||align="center"| SARL Evadys
{| align="center"
! width=100px|Ligne
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="#FFD403" align="center"| 53 Express|| Quinconces
<=> Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
-Collège d'Hastignan <= Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
-Issac ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="#FFD403" align="center"| 56 Express|| Palais de Justice
<=> Parempuyre
-Lisière du Vignoble ||align="center"| TBC
{| align="center"
! width=10px|Ligne
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="BE4A85" align="center"| 62 || Stalingrad <=> Bouliac
-Fayzeau ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="C74926" align="center"| 64 || Buttinière
<=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux
-Fontderode ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="F9A86F" align="center"| 67 || Buttinière
=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux
-Cimetière Intercommunal => Buttinière
||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="FECE7A" align="center"| 70 || Mérignac-Lycée Daguin <=> Mérignac-I.M.A. ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F46F21" align="center"| 71 || Mérignac Centre
<=> Le Taillan-Médoc
-Lycée Sud Médoc Bois de Mont ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="B489B0" align="center"| 72 || Eysines
-Centre <=> Bordeaux
-Martinique / Camille Godard
||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="E5B350" align="center"| 73 || Place Ravezies-Le Bouscat
<=> Bruges
-Villabois ou Bruges
-Zone de Fret ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="E4AB62" align="center"| 76 || Bordeaux
<=> Parempuyre
-Lisière du Vignoble ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="FECD66" align="center"| 77 || Blanquefort
-Lycée du Bâtiment <=> Parempuyre
-Lisière du Vignoble ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="B7282E" align="center"| 83 || Quinconces
ou Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
-Collège François Mauriac <=> Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
-Pinsoles ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="F7931D" align="center"| 87 || Pessac Centre
<=> Villenave-d'Ornon
-Piscine Chambéry ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="B55595" align="center"| 88 || Bègles
-Aléxis Labro <=> Villenave-d'Ornon
-Courréjean ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="DC5867" align="center"| 89 || Bègles
-Aléxis Labro <=> Cadaujac
-Le Bouscaut ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="B489B0" align="center"| 90 || Bassens
-La Chênaie <=> Carbon-Blanc
-La Mouline ou Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand
-Belle Rive ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F287B6" align="center"| 91 || Stalingrad <=> Ambès
-Escarraguel ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="B6274B" align="center"| 92 || Stalingrad <=> Ambès
-Escarraguel ou -Fort Lajard ||align="center"|Citram Aquitaine
{| align="center"
! width=10px|Ligne
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 74 || Bordeaux
-Lycée Camille Jullian <=> Bordeaux
-Place Gabriel Fauré ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 75 || Mérignac-Beaudésert <=> Mérignac-Collège Paul Langevin ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F6C76A" align="center"| 78 || Eysines
-Centre <=> Blanquefort
-Lycée Jean Monnet ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 79 || Eysines
-Le Vigean <=> Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
-Lycée Sud Médoc Bois du Mont ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 80 || Floirac
-Dravemont <=> Bordeaux
-Lycée François Mauriac ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F6C76A" align="center"| 81 || Gradignan
-Malartic <=> Gradignan
-Collège Monjous ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 86 || Gradignan
-Ornon ou -Malartic <=> Gradignan
-Lycée des Graves ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 93 || Lormont
-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Ambès
-Fort Lajard ||align="center"|Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F6C76A" align="center"| 94 || Lormont
-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
-Parabelle ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F7931D" align="center"| 95 || Ambarès-et-Lagrave
-Collège Massé <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
-Parabelle ||align="center"|Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="E4AB62" align="center"| 96 || Lormont
-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand
-Belle Rive ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
There exist 4 day Flexo, 6 evening and 1 night connecting the district of the night-club to the university campus from 1.50am to 4.45am from Thursday to Saturday.
Day Flexo :
Monday to Friday :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXo
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="F7901D" align="center"| 48 || Pessac
-Haut Livrac <=> Mérignac-Le Burck puis desserte de la zone d'emploi de Mérignac ||align="center"| TBC
|bgcolor="F7901D" align="center"| 49 || Ambarès-et-Lagrave
-Collège C. Massé <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
-La Gorp puis zone flexo d'Ambarès ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
Saturday :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXo
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="F7901D" align="center"| 68 || Buttinière
<=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux
-Echangeur du Moulinat puis zone englobant les arrets des lignes 64 et 67 ||align="center"| TBC
Sunday :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXo
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="F7901D" align="center"| 38 || Stalingrad <=> Bouliac
Vettiner puis desserte à la demande du haut et bas Bouliac
||align="center"| TBC
Evening Flexo :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXo
! width=850px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 50 || Stalingrad <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
-Europe puis desserte à la demande des arrêts du Bec d'Ambès ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 51 || Galin <=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux
-Virecourt puis desserte à la demande des arrêts d'Artigues-près-Bordeaux
||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 52 || Galin <=> Bouliac
Vettiner puis desserte à la demande du haut et bas Bouliac
||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 54 || Fontaine d'Arlac <=> zone flexo de la ZI de Bersol <=> Bougnard ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 55 || Au départ de la place de la République, desserte de Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
et Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
en soirée ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="#462E91" align="center"| 57 || Les Aubiers
<=> Parempuyre
-Route de Bordeaux puis desserte de Parempuyre
en soirée
Night Flexo :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXO
! width=850px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 58 || Bordeaux
-Pont St Jean <=> Gradignan
-Village 6-IUT (Jeudi à Samedi) ||align="center"|TBC
, Bouliac
and Artigues-près-Bordeaux
is set up Résago. This service of Demand responsive transport
makes it possible to serve zones little or not covered by the traditional lines of bus or tram. This service requires a preliminary telephone reservation, until the day before 7pm. The Résago vehicle leads then the passengers of a point given to a bus or tram stop. This service costs the price of a normal ticket of TBC
Monday to Saturday :
{| align="center"
! width=80px|RésaGO
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="E2007A" align="center"| Bouliac || Stalingrad <=> desserte à la demande du haut et bas Bouliac
(Fonctionne en HC en remplacement du 62) ||align="center"| Affrété
Monday to Friday :
{| align="center"
! width=80px|RésaGO
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="E2007A" align="center"| Le Taillan || Mairie du Taillan-Médoc <=> Desserte Le Taillan Tanaïs ||align="center"| Affrété
Sunday :
{| align="center"
! width=80px|RésaGO
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="E2007A" align="center"| Artigues || Lormont
<=> Desserte d'Artigues-près-Bordeaux
(Fonctionne en remplacement du Flexo 68) ||align="center"| Affrété
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
Keolis is the largest private sector French transport group. It runs passenger railways, tramways, bus networks, funiculars, trolley buses, and airport services. The company, based in Paris, is majority owned by SNCF, the French state rail operator. AXA Private Equity and Caisse de dépôt et...
) manages 65 regular bus and tram lines in Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
and Bordeaux's suburbs. These tram and bus lines comprise:
- 13 high frequency (10-15 minute) services (LIANES)
- 9 main lines which have a service frequency from 15 to 30 minutes
- 6 suburban services (COROL)
- 8 local services (CITÉIS)
- 2 express services
- 16 lower frequency services
- 11 special services (eg school services)
- 4 Day Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location)
- 6 Evening Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location)
- 1 Night Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location)
- 3 Résago areas (demand responsive services which serve areas with little or no coverage by the normal bus or tram services).
This network commenced operation on 22 February 2010.
LIgne A Niveau Elevé de Service (line with hight level of service)These 13 lines constitute with the tram, the main axes of the network. They function from 5am to 0am /1am with a 10 to 15 minutes fréquency between 7am and 8pm, with an identical service the Saturday morning and a connection to 2 lines of tram.
{| align="center"
! width=10px|Liane
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="717DBD" align="center"| 1 || Quinconces
Station Quinconces (Tram de Bordeaux)
Quinconces station is located on line and line in Bordeaux. This stations serves as a connection to line . 19 November 2007, line C has been extended to Quinconces by way of Grand Parc.- Location :...
<=> Mérignac–Aéroport ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="66CC00" align="center"| 2 || Quinconces
Station Quinconces (Tram de Bordeaux)
Quinconces station is located on line and line in Bordeaux. This stations serves as a connection to line . 19 November 2007, line C has been extended to Quinconces by way of Grand Parc.- Location :...
<=> Eysines
Eysines is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Place Florale ou Eysines
Eysines is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Centre ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="0089D0" align="center"| 3 || Quinconces
Station Quinconces (Tram de Bordeaux)
Quinconces station is located on line and line in Bordeaux. This stations serves as a connection to line . 19 November 2007, line C has been extended to Quinconces by way of Grand Parc.- Location :...
<=> Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
Saint-Médard-en-Jalles is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.Located west-northwest of the city of Bordeaux, it is the fifth-largest suburb of the city and a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux....
-Issac ou Gare Routière ou Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Villepreux ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="16C0F3" align="center"| 4 || Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
-St Louis <=> Pessac
Pessac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the second-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the southwest. It is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux...
-Magonty ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="00A2D4" align="center"| 5 || Villenave-d'Ornon
Villenave d'Ornon is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the fourth-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is located to its south side...
-Piscine Chambéry <=> Eysines
Eysines is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Centre ou Le Taillan-Médoc
Le Taillan-Médoc
Le Taillan-Médoc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-La Boétie ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="0072BC" align="center"| 6 || Palais de Justice
Station Palais de Justice (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Palais de Justice station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located by Maréchal Juin Boulevard in Bordeaux...
<=> Blanquefort
Blanquefort, Gironde
Blanquefort or Blancafòrt is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France. Blanquefort is an outlying commune of the Bordeaux metropolitan area....
-Caychac Bourg ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="16C0F3" align="center"| 7 || Les Aubiers
Station Les Aubiers (Tram de Bordeaux)
Les Aubiers station is on line of the tramway of Bordeaux. It serves as the terminus of line C since 27 February 2008, since the extension from Grand Parc.-Location:...
<=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
Ambarès-et-Lagrave is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Parabelle ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="0088C0" align="center"| 8 || Hôpital Pellegrin <=> Gradignan
Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side...
-Malartic ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="2E3092" align="center"| 9 || Gare Saint Jean
Station Gare Saint-Jean (Tram de Bordeaux)
Gare Saint-Jean station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux. The station served as the terminus of the line until 27 February 2008 when it was expanded to Terres Neuves .-Situation:...
<=> Brandenburg
Station Brandenburg (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Brandenburg station is situated on the "B" Line of the tramway de Bordeaux.- See also :* TBC* Tramway de Bordeaux...
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="286784" align="center"| 10 || Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
-Centre Commercial <=> Gradignan
Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side...
-Beausoleil ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="84C2EA" align="center"| 11 || Bègles
Bègles is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the south.-Population:-Personalities:Bègles was the birthplace of:* Sandrine Cantoreggi , violinist...
-Rives d'Arcins <=> Mérignac-ZI du Phare ou Mérignac-Beaudésert ou Le Haillan
Le Haillan
Le Haillan is a commune in the Gironde department in south-estern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is adjacent to it on the northwest side.-Population:-References:*...
-5 Chemins ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="008D78" align="center"| 15 || Villenave-d'Ornon
Villenave d'Ornon is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the fourth-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is located to its south side...
-Bourg ou Pont de la Maye <=> Parc des Expositions ou Brandenburg
Station Brandenburg (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Brandenburg station is situated on the "B" Line of the tramway de Bordeaux.- See also :* TBC* Tramway de Bordeaux...
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="6F2B91" align="center"| 16 || Gare Saint Jean
Station Gare Saint-Jean (Tram de Bordeaux)
Gare Saint-Jean station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux. The station served as the terminus of the line until 27 February 2008 when it was expanded to Terres Neuves .-Situation:...
<=> Mérignac Centre
Station Mérignac Centre (Tram de Bordeaux)
Mérignac Centre Station is located in Mérignac on line of the tramway de Bordeaux. It has served as the terminus of the line 21 June 2007.-Situation:La station est située avenue du Maréchal Leclerc à Mérignac.- TBC Network :- Trans Gironde Network :...
(René Coty) ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
Main lines
The main lines have a frequency from 15 to 30 minutes. They function from 6am to 9pm.{| align="center"
! width=10px|Ligne
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="ED1C23" align="center"| 20 || Victoire
Station Victoire (Tram de Bordeaux)
Victoire station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Réseau TBC:* Réseau -Bus--Réseau Trans Gironde:- Close by :* Place de la Victoire * Université Bordeaux 2...
<=> Talence
Talence is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the third-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is adjacent to it on the south side...
-Thouars ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="B6376C" align="center"| 21 || Peixotto
Station Peixotto (Tram de Bordeaux)
Peixotto station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-TBC Network:* Réseau -Bus--Trans Gironde Network:-Close by:* Université Bordeaux 1* Château Margaut* Château Peixotto * Jardin botanique de Talence...
<=> Gradignan
Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side...
-Stade Ornon ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="D490B0" align="center"| 23 || Fontaine d'Arlac <=> Pessac
Pessac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the second-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the southwest. It is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux...
-Romainville ou Toctoucau ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="F7A092" align="center"| 24 || Porte de Bourgogne
Station Porte de Bourgogne (Tram de Bordeaux)
Porte de Bourgogne station is located on line and line of the tramway de Bordeaux. This stations serves as a junction between two lines. It also allows the passage from one line to another through a switch between the two lines.-Situation:...
<=> Pessac
Pessac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the second-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the southwest. It is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux...
–Bougnard ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="#F1657B" align="center"| 26 || Quinconces
Station Quinconces (Tram de Bordeaux)
Quinconces station is located on line and line in Bordeaux. This stations serves as a connection to line . 19 November 2007, line C has been extended to Quinconces by way of Grand Parc.- Location :...
<=> Bègles
Bègles is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the south.-Population:-Personalities:Bègles was the birthplace of:* Sandrine Cantoreggi , violinist...
-Le Dorat ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="DB6EAB" align="center"| 27 || Buttinière
Station Buttinière (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Buttinière station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located on the border of Cenon and Lormont. There is a large carpark and a bus interchange located at Buttinière....
<=> Stalingrad||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="B8412E" align="center"| 28 || Galin <=> Stalingrad ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="F79551" align="center"| 29 || Quinconces
Station Quinconces (Tram de Bordeaux)
Quinconces station is located on line and line in Bordeaux. This stations serves as a connection to line . 19 November 2007, line C has been extended to Quinconces by way of Grand Parc.- Location :...
<=> Eysines
Eysines is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Lycée Charles Péguy ou Blanquefort
Blanquefort, Gironde
Blanquefort or Blancafòrt is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France. Blanquefort is an outlying commune of the Bordeaux metropolitan area....
-Ecoparc ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="#DE808E" align="center"| 30 || Mérignac-Cimetière Intercommunal <=> Le Haillan
Le Haillan
Le Haillan is a commune in the Gironde department in south-estern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is adjacent to it on the northwest side.-Population:-References:*...
-Parc Ste Christine ou Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Lycée Sud-Médoc or Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
Saint-Médard-en-Jalles is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.Located west-northwest of the city of Bordeaux, it is the fifth-largest suburb of the city and a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux....
-Collège François Mauriac ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
These 6 lines connect the preripheric city without passing by the center of Bordeaux. They function from 6am to 9pm.{| align="center"
! width=10px|Corol
! width=10px|
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="9FD08A" align="center"| 32 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
-Centre commercial <=> Bassins à flot
Station Bassins à Flot (Tram de Bordeaux)
Bassins à Flot station came into service 23 July 2007 on line of the tramway de Bordeaux. It is the terminus until to enlargement to Claveau in December 2008.- Junctions :* Buses of the TBC:...
||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="00ADEF" align="center"| 33 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Mérignac-Soleil <=> Parc des Expositions de Bordeaux||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="657865" align="center"| 34 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Mérignac-Cité des Pins <=> Bègles
Bègles is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the south.-Population:-Personalities:Bègles was the birthplace of:* Sandrine Cantoreggi , violinist...
-Rives d'Arcins ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="8DD8F8" align="center"| 35 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Peixotto
Station Peixotto (Tram de Bordeaux)
Peixotto station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-TBC Network:* Réseau -Bus--Trans Gironde Network:-Close by:* Université Bordeaux 1* Château Margaut* Château Peixotto * Jardin botanique de Talence...
<=> Les Aubiers
Station Les Aubiers (Tram de Bordeaux)
Les Aubiers station is on line of the tramway of Bordeaux. It serves as the terminus of line C since 27 February 2008, since the extension from Grand Parc.-Location:...
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="90EE90" align="center"| 36 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Gare de Pessac
Gare de Pessac
Pessac is a railway station in the Pessac area of Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France. The station is located on the Bordeaux–Irun railway line. The station is served by TER services operated by SNCF.-Train services:...
ou Villenave-d'Ornon
Villenave d'Ornon is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the fourth-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is located to its south side...
- Anatole France <=> Bègles Terres Neuves ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="#71BF43" align="center"| 37 || bgcolor="#FFFF00"| || Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Lycée Sud-Médoc <=> Les Aubiers
Station Les Aubiers (Tram de Bordeaux)
Les Aubiers station is on line of the tramway of Bordeaux. It serves as the terminus of line C since 27 February 2008, since the extension from Grand Parc.-Location:...
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
The 8 Citéis are proximity lines, which connect districts of the same city. Citéis 42, 45 and 46 circulate in loop with double direction, with only one terminus. Citéis 47 "the Electric Shuttle" crosses the small streets of the downtown area : it doesn't have any precise stop, the bus stops only when passengers request. They have a frequency of 20 to 60 minutes. They function from 6.30am to 8pm.{| align="center"
! width=10px|Citéis
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="F05972" align="center"| 40 || Cenon
Cenon is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is adjacent to it on the east side.-Population:-External links:*...
-Beausite ou Lormont
Lormont is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the northeast. Thus, it is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux.-Etymology:...
–Lauriers <=> Buttinière
Station Buttinière (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Buttinière station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located on the border of Cenon and Lormont. There is a large carpark and a bus interchange located at Buttinière....
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="D35862" align="center"| 41 || Pins Francs(Caudéran) <=> Le Tondu ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="6F2B91" align="center"| 42 || Mérignac-Lycée Daguin (operation in loop with double direction around Mérignac) ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="6F2B91" align="center"| 43 || Victoire
Station Victoire (Tram de Bordeaux)
Victoire station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Réseau TBC:* Réseau -Bus--Réseau Trans Gironde:- Close by :* Place de la Victoire * Université Bordeaux 2...
<=> Bègles
Bègles is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the south.-Population:-Personalities:Bègles was the birthplace of:* Sandrine Cantoreggi , violinist...
-Victor Hugo ou Bègles
Bègles is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the south.-Population:-Personalities:Bègles was the birthplace of:* Sandrine Cantoreggi , violinist...
-Poste ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="ED008C" align="center"| 44 || Pessac
Pessac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the second-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the southwest. It is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux...
-Candeau <=> UNITEC
Station UNITEC (Tram de Bordeaux)
UNITEC station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.- Location :The station is located on avenue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer in Pessac in the university area.-TBC Network:* Réseau -Bus--Trans Gironde Network:- Close by :...
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="DA1C48" align="center"| 45 || Jardin Botanique (operation in loop with double direction around Bordeaux) ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="F03C6C" align="center"| 46 || Place Ravezies-Le Bouscat
Station Place Ravezies - Le Bouscat (Tram de Bordeaux)
Place Ravezies - Le Bouscat station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-SNCF:Ravezies station : TER Bordeaux St Jean - Pauillac - Le Verdon-sur-Mer-TBC Network:* Réseau -Bus--Trans Gironde Network:-Close by:* Place Ravezies...
(operation in loop with double direction around Le Bouscat) ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="F794AC" align="center"| 47 || La Navette Electrique Victoire
Station Victoire (Tram de Bordeaux)
Victoire station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Réseau TBC:* Réseau -Bus--Réseau Trans Gironde:- Close by :* Place de la Victoire * Université Bordeaux 2...
<=> Quinconces
Station Quinconces (Tram de Bordeaux)
Quinconces station is located on line and line in Bordeaux. This stations serves as a connection to line . 19 November 2007, line C has been extended to Quinconces by way of Grand Parc.- Location :...
||align="center"| SARL Evadys
Express lines
Alternatives Express from LIANES 3 and 6.{| align="center"
! width=100px|Ligne
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="#FFD403" align="center"| 53 Express|| Quinconces
Station Quinconces (Tram de Bordeaux)
Quinconces station is located on line and line in Bordeaux. This stations serves as a connection to line . 19 November 2007, line C has been extended to Quinconces by way of Grand Parc.- Location :...
<=> Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
Saint-Médard-en-Jalles is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.Located west-northwest of the city of Bordeaux, it is the fifth-largest suburb of the city and a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux....
-Collège d'Hastignan <= Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
Saint-Médard-en-Jalles is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.Located west-northwest of the city of Bordeaux, it is the fifth-largest suburb of the city and a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux....
-Issac ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="#FFD403" align="center"| 56 Express|| Palais de Justice
Station Palais de Justice (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Palais de Justice station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located by Maréchal Juin Boulevard in Bordeaux...
<=> Parempuyre
Parempuyre is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Lisière du Vignoble ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
Local lines
Local lines have a frequency from 30 to 45 minutes. They function from 6.30am to 8pm.{| align="center"
! width=10px|Ligne
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="BE4A85" align="center"| 62 || Stalingrad <=> Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
-Fayzeau ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="C74926" align="center"| 64 || Buttinière
Station Buttinière (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Buttinière station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located on the border of Cenon and Lormont. There is a large carpark and a bus interchange located at Buttinière....
<=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux
Artigues-près-Bordeaux is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Fontderode ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="F9A86F" align="center"| 67 || Buttinière
Station Buttinière (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Buttinière station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located on the border of Cenon and Lormont. There is a large carpark and a bus interchange located at Buttinière....
=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux
Artigues-près-Bordeaux is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Cimetière Intercommunal => Buttinière
Station Buttinière (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Buttinière station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located on the border of Cenon and Lormont. There is a large carpark and a bus interchange located at Buttinière....
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="FECE7A" align="center"| 70 || Mérignac-Lycée Daguin <=> Mérignac-I.M.A. ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F46F21" align="center"| 71 || Mérignac Centre
Station Mérignac Centre (Tram de Bordeaux)
Mérignac Centre Station is located in Mérignac on line of the tramway de Bordeaux. It has served as the terminus of the line 21 June 2007.-Situation:La station est située avenue du Maréchal Leclerc à Mérignac.- TBC Network :- Trans Gironde Network :...
<=> Le Taillan-Médoc
Le Taillan-Médoc
Le Taillan-Médoc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Lycée Sud Médoc Bois de Mont ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="B489B0" align="center"| 72 || Eysines
Eysines is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Centre <=> Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
-Martinique / Camille Godard
Station Camille Godard (Tram de Bordeaux)
Camille Godart station is located on ligne of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Junctions:* Buses of the TBC:...
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="E5B350" align="center"| 73 || Place Ravezies-Le Bouscat
Station Place Ravezies - Le Bouscat (Tram de Bordeaux)
Place Ravezies - Le Bouscat station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-SNCF:Ravezies station : TER Bordeaux St Jean - Pauillac - Le Verdon-sur-Mer-TBC Network:* Réseau -Bus--Trans Gironde Network:-Close by:* Place Ravezies...
<=> Bruges
Bruges, Gironde
Bruges is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France, just north of Bordeaux.-Population:-References:*...
-Villabois ou Bruges
Bruges, Gironde
Bruges is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France, just north of Bordeaux.-Population:-References:*...
-Zone de Fret ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="E4AB62" align="center"| 76 || Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
Station Claveau (Tram de Bordeaux)
Claveau Station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux. It has served as the terminus of the line since 20 October 2008- Junctions :...
<=> Parempuyre
Parempuyre is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Lisière du Vignoble ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="FECD66" align="center"| 77 || Blanquefort
Blanquefort, Gironde
Blanquefort or Blancafòrt is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France. Blanquefort is an outlying commune of the Bordeaux metropolitan area....
-Lycée du Bâtiment <=> Parempuyre
Parempuyre is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Lisière du Vignoble ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="B7282E" align="center"| 83 || Quinconces
Station Quinconces (Tram de Bordeaux)
Quinconces station is located on line and line in Bordeaux. This stations serves as a connection to line . 19 November 2007, line C has been extended to Quinconces by way of Grand Parc.- Location :...
ou Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
Saint-Médard-en-Jalles is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.Located west-northwest of the city of Bordeaux, it is the fifth-largest suburb of the city and a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux....
-Collège François Mauriac <=> Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Pinsoles ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="F7931D" align="center"| 87 || Pessac Centre
Station Pessac Centre (Tram de Bordeaux)
Pessac Centre station is located in Pessac, on linne of the tramway de Bordeaux. It was inaugurated 29 May 2007 and has served since as the terminus of line B.-Buses of the TBC:- Close by:* SNCF Pessac train station* Mairie de Pessac...
<=> Villenave-d'Ornon
Villenave d'Ornon is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the fourth-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is located to its south side...
-Piscine Chambéry ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="B55595" align="center"| 88 || Bègles
Bègles is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the south.-Population:-Personalities:Bègles was the birthplace of:* Sandrine Cantoreggi , violinist...
-Aléxis Labro <=> Villenave-d'Ornon
Villenave d'Ornon is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the fourth-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux, and is located to its south side...
-Courréjean ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="DC5867" align="center"| 89 || Bègles
Bègles is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the south.-Population:-Personalities:Bègles was the birthplace of:* Sandrine Cantoreggi , violinist...
-Aléxis Labro <=> Cadaujac
Cadaujac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Le Bouscaut ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="B489B0" align="center"| 90 || Bassens
Bassens, Gironde
Bassens is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-La Chênaie <=> Carbon-Blanc
Carbon-Blanc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-La Mouline ou Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand
Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Belle Rive ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F287B6" align="center"| 91 || Stalingrad <=> Ambès
Ambès is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is located at the point, the Bec d'Ambès , where the rivers Garonne and Dordogne meet to form the Gironde estuary....
-Escarraguel ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="B6274B" align="center"| 92 || Stalingrad <=> Ambès
Ambès is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is located at the point, the Bec d'Ambès , where the rivers Garonne and Dordogne meet to form the Gironde estuary....
-Escarraguel ou -Fort Lajard ||align="center"|Citram Aquitaine
Spécific lines
The specific lines serve some schools and function only in school period.{| align="center"
! width=10px|Ligne
! width=850px|Tracé
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 74 || Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
-Lycée Camille Jullian <=> Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
-Place Gabriel Fauré ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 75 || Mérignac-Beaudésert <=> Mérignac-Collège Paul Langevin ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F6C76A" align="center"| 78 || Eysines
Eysines is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Centre <=> Blanquefort
Blanquefort, Gironde
Blanquefort or Blancafòrt is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France. Blanquefort is an outlying commune of the Bordeaux metropolitan area....
-Lycée Jean Monnet ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 79 || Eysines
Eysines is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Le Vigean <=> Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
Saint-Médard-en-Jalles is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.Located west-northwest of the city of Bordeaux, it is the fifth-largest suburb of the city and a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux....
-Lycée Sud Médoc Bois du Mont ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 80 || Floirac
Floirac is the name of several communes in France:* Floirac, former commune of the Aveyron department, now part of Onet-le-Château* Floirac, Charente-Maritime* Floirac, Gironde* Floirac, Lot...
-Dravemont <=> Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
-Lycée François Mauriac ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F6C76A" align="center"| 81 || Gradignan
Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side...
-Malartic <=> Gradignan
Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side...
-Collège Monjous ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 86 || Gradignan
Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side...
-Ornon ou -Malartic <=> Gradignan
Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side...
-Lycée des Graves ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="A63136" align="center"| 93 || Lormont
Lormont is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the northeast. Thus, it is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux.-Etymology:...
-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Ambès
Ambès is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is located at the point, the Bec d'Ambès , where the rivers Garonne and Dordogne meet to form the Gironde estuary....
-Fort Lajard ||align="center"|Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F6C76A" align="center"| 94 || Lormont
Lormont is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the northeast. Thus, it is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux.-Etymology:...
-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
Ambarès-et-Lagrave is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Parabelle ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="F7931D" align="center"| 95 || Ambarès-et-Lagrave
Ambarès-et-Lagrave is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Collège Massé <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
Ambarès-et-Lagrave is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Parabelle ||align="center"|Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="E4AB62" align="center"| 96 || Lormont
Lormont is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the northeast. Thus, it is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux.-Etymology:...
-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand
Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Belle Rive ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
They have a regular frequency. They have a route fix which leads in an geographical area. In these zones, there is stops served automatically and stops on request.There exist 4 day Flexo, 6 evening and 1 night connecting the district of the night-club to the university campus from 1.50am to 4.45am from Thursday to Saturday.
Day Flexo :
Monday to Friday :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXo
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="F7901D" align="center"| 48 || Pessac
Pessac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is the second-largest suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the southwest. It is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux...
-Haut Livrac <=> Mérignac-Le Burck puis desserte de la zone d'emploi de Mérignac ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
|bgcolor="F7901D" align="center"| 49 || Ambarès-et-Lagrave
Ambarès-et-Lagrave is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Collège C. Massé <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
Ambarès-et-Lagrave is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-La Gorp puis zone flexo d'Ambarès ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
Saturday :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXo
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="F7901D" align="center"| 68 || Buttinière
Station Buttinière (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Buttinière station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located on the border of Cenon and Lormont. There is a large carpark and a bus interchange located at Buttinière....
<=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux
Artigues-près-Bordeaux is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Echangeur du Moulinat puis zone englobant les arrets des lignes 64 et 67 ||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
Sunday :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXo
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="F7901D" align="center"| 38 || Stalingrad <=> Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
Vettiner puis desserte à la demande du haut et bas Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
||align="center"| TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
- Flexo 48 (format pdf)
- Flexo 49 (format pdf)
- Flexo 38 + Résago Bouliac (format pdf)
- Flexo 68 + Résago Artigues (format pdf)
Evening Flexo :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXo
! width=850px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 50 || Stalingrad <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave
Ambarès-et-Lagrave is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Europe puis desserte à la demande des arrêts du Bec d'Ambès ||align="center"| Citram Aquitaine
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 51 || Galin <=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux
Artigues-près-Bordeaux is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Virecourt puis desserte à la demande des arrêts d'Artigues-près-Bordeaux
Artigues-près-Bordeaux is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 52 || Galin <=> Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
Vettiner puis desserte à la demande du haut et bas Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 54 || Fontaine d'Arlac <=> zone flexo de la ZI de Bersol <=> Bougnard ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 55 || Au départ de la place de la République, desserte de Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
Saint-Médard-en-Jalles is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.Located west-northwest of the city of Bordeaux, it is the fifth-largest suburb of the city and a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux....
et Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
en soirée ||align="center"| Kéolis Gironde
|bgcolor="#462E91" align="center"| 57 || Les Aubiers
Station Les Aubiers (Tram de Bordeaux)
Les Aubiers station is on line of the tramway of Bordeaux. It serves as the terminus of line C since 27 February 2008, since the extension from Grand Parc.-Location:...
<=> Parempuyre
Parempuyre is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
-Route de Bordeaux puis desserte de Parempuyre
Parempuyre is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
en soirée
Night Flexo :
{| align="center"
! width=10px|FleXO
! width=850px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="462E91" align="center"| 58 || Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
-Pont St Jean <=> Gradignan
Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side...
-Village 6-IUT (Jeudi à Samedi) ||align="center"|TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
To supplement these lines, on the cities of Le Taillan-MedocLe Taillan-Médoc
Le Taillan-Médoc is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
, Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
and Artigues-près-Bordeaux
Artigues-près-Bordeaux is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
is set up Résago. This service of Demand responsive transport
Demand responsive transport
Demand Responsive Transport or Demand-Responsive Transit or Demand Responsive Service or Dial-a-ride or Flexible Transport Services is "an advanced, user-oriented form of public transport characterised by flexible routing and scheduling of small/medium vehicles operating in shared-ride mode...
makes it possible to serve zones little or not covered by the traditional lines of bus or tram. This service requires a preliminary telephone reservation, until the day before 7pm. The Résago vehicle leads then the passengers of a point given to a bus or tram stop. This service costs the price of a normal ticket of TBC
Tram et Bus de la CUB
Tram et bus de la CUB is a public transport system for the 27 communes of the Urban Community of Bordeaux . It also provides service to part of the commune of Cadaujac....
Monday to Saturday :
{| align="center"
! width=80px|RésaGO
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="E2007A" align="center"| Bouliac || Stalingrad <=> desserte à la demande du haut et bas Bouliac
Bouliac is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.-Population:...
(Fonctionne en HC en remplacement du 62) ||align="center"| Affrété
Monday to Friday :
{| align="center"
! width=80px|RésaGO
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="E2007A" align="center"| Le Taillan || Mairie du Taillan-Médoc <=> Desserte Le Taillan Tanaïs ||align="center"| Affrété
Sunday :
{| align="center"
! width=80px|RésaGO
! width=840px|Tracé / Desserte
! width=120px|Exploitant
|bgcolor="E2007A" align="center"| Artigues || Lormont
Lormont is a commune in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is adjacent to it on the northeast. Thus, it is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux.-Etymology:...
Station Buttinière (Tram de Bordeaux)
The Buttinière station is located on line of the tramway de Bordeaux.-Situation:The station is located on the border of Cenon and Lormont. There is a large carpark and a bus interchange located at Buttinière....
<=> Desserte d'Artigues-près-Bordeaux
Artigues-près-Bordeaux is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France.-Population:-References:*...
(Fonctionne en remplacement du Flexo 68) ||align="center"| Affrété