Bradbury Robinson
Bradbury Norton Robinson, Jr. (February 1, 1884 – March 7, 1949) was a pioneering American football
player, physician, and local politician. He played college football
at the University of Wisconsin
in 1903 and at Saint Louis University
from 1904 to 1907. In 1904, though personal connections to Wisconsin governor Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
and his wife, Belle Case
, Robinson learned of calls for reforms to the game of football from President
Theodore Roosevelt
, and began to develop tactics for passing. After moving to Saint Louis University, Robinson threw the first legal forward pass
in the history of American football
on September 5, 1906 at a game at Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin
. He became the sport's first triple threat man
, excelling at running, passing, and kicking.
Robinson graduated from Saint Louis University in 1908 with a medical degree and practiced as a surgeon in Rochester, Minnesota
. After serving as an infantry officer in France
during World War I
, he remained in Europe on the staff of Hugh S. Cumming
, Surgeon General of the United States
. He returned to the United States in 1926 and practiced medicine in St. Louis, Michigan
, where he was twice elected the city's mayor. In the 1940s, Robinson was among the first to warn against the dangers of DDT
use in agriculture.
and while still a toddler, his family moved to St. Louis, Missouri
where Robinson's father, Bradbury Norton Robinson, Sr. (1842–1924), became general baggage agent for the Missouri–Kansas–Texas Railroad. The senior Robinson spent most of his adult life working for railroads. Born in Lowell, Massachusetts
, he served one year as a sergeant in the Union Army
before moving for the first time to Missouri
in 1862 to participate in the construction of the Missouri Pacific Railroad
from St. Louis to Kansas City
Before the young Robinson was old enough to attend school, the family moved again to Baraboo, Wisconsin
, to be near his mother's family. Robinson's mother, Amelia Lee Robinson (1856–1930), was born in London, England and moved with her parents to the Baraboo area in 1878. Robinson was raised in Baraboo, a place he later joked was "made famous by the Ringling Brothers Circus
...and myself." The Circus was founded the same year that Robinson was born.
and played for the Badgers
as a freshman in the 1903 season
. His arrival was seen by a sports reporter at the time as something of a godsend. Writing on August 23, 1903, the unidentified journalist reported, "a temporary disappointment, the information that O'Brien, the best candidate for the place of Center Remp, had decided not to return to the university, but had accepted a place for $500 to coach the Appleton
high school eleven. The disappointment was cured, however, by the announcement that Robinson, who weighs nearly 200 pounds, had resigned his place at the state insane asylum at Mendota [now part of Madison, Wisconsin
] and would enter the football squad in perfect trim, having systematically trained for the past six weeks."
In Robinson's first and only season at Madison, "the Cardinal team" under Arthur Curtis went 6–3–1, suffering shut-out losses to rivals Minnesota and Michigan
. Robinson did get a chance to shine in the Badgers' 87–0 defeat of Beloit on October 17, when he scored two touchdowns. A newspaperman wrote, "Robinson's star work seems to show [the] second eleven is not far behind the first."
(1859–1931). The suffragette
and attorney was, according to The New York Times at the time of her death, "probably the least known yet most influential of all the American women who had to do with public affairs in this country". She taught junior high school in Baraboo before marrying future Wisconsin Congressman, Senator, Governor and Presidential candidate Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
Mrs. La Follette played an active role in her husband's political career.
In the spring of 1904, Robinson was summoned by Governor La Follette to the Executive Mansion, which was just a short walk from the U of W campus. In a February 5, 1946 interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
s Robert Morrison, Robinson recalled that the Governor's "wife was from my home town and our families were acquainted... So at the university football practices, where La Follette used to come occasionally, he would often stop to talk to me."
Even so, Robinson was puzzled by the Governor's invitation until, "he showed me a letter from Teddy Roosevelt
. There had been a lot of injuries in football and a movement was on foot to abolish the game. Roosevelt wrote that he did not want it wiped out and he thought it was an excellent game for character building, so La Follette asked me 'what do you think can be done to spread the game out and soften it up a bit?' "
Writing in his memoirs, Robinson remembered suggesting "increasing the distance to be gained in a set number of downs, to develop the kicking angle and introducing some of the elements of basketball and English Rugby; with perhaps allowing the throwing of the ball forward." Sometime later, Robinson "met with the Governor and he told me to develop handling and throwing the ball because he was sure that eventually there would be changes in the rules along that line."
and was known as “High Power” Savage. They were trying to develop me into a kicker at Wisconsin and H.P. generally teamed up with me to catch my punts. I noticed that he could throw my punts back almost as far as I could kick them. Here was the trick I must learn. I got H.P. to show me how he did it." Twenty-five years later, Robinson told St. Louis Star-Times
sports editor Sid Keener (1888–1981) that Savage threw "the pigskin to his players with the ball revolving as it sailed through the air."
"From then on," Robinson wrote in his memoirs, "my football hobby became forward passing or anyway passing the ball.”
After getting in a fight with the “school bully”, Robinson was dismissed from the Wisconsin
football team. He enrolled as a medical student at St. Louis, where he played the 1904 season. More than half the St. Louis squad consisted of future medical doctors.
D.C. Todd, who served as an official for most St. Louis area games of the period, remembered that, "Robinson spoke to me about the pass the fall he joined St. Louis University (1904)." Sportswriter Ed Wray described Dr. Todd as "a factor in St. Louis University athletic circles" who, along with SLU athletic director Father Pat Burke, set out to build up the football program at St. Louis in the early 1900s. In an interview with Wray, Todd remembered that Robinson, "came to me and told me he thought the forward pass was going to be a great asset. He told me that he had tried it and found he could throw the ball like he could a baseball. I spoke to Father Burke about it in the presence of one of your reporters, also named Burke (the late Miles Joseph Burke), and he was interested."
, who played with Wisconsin two years ago, is chiefly responsible for Wisconsin's willingness to play here. He is in close touch with the athletic authorities at the Madison school and, knowing of their desire to play one more game this season, arranged the contest with St. Louis University." 1905 St. Louis Coach Tommy Dowd
said in the same article that the game was not "definitely arranged" and, in fact, it never happened.
Each preseason, back home in Wisconsin, Robinson was invited to work out with the Badgers and the development of the pass and possible pass plays continued at that venue. It was at Wisconsin in 1905 that Robinson first met Cochems, who was an assistant coach with the Badgers. Robinson recalled, “What I saw at Wisconsin before returning to St. Louis to school convinced me that Edward B. Cochems had an outstanding football system for that time. Actually years ahead of most of the other coaches of that period."
An unidentified St. Louis sportswriter of the period reported that some feared Robinson might return to Wisconsin to play with Cochems there. "(Robinson) played with Wisconsin two years ago, and might have filled one of the positions in the back field this year if he had not promised to return to the St. Louis University.
"He received several requests from Phil King
(who had resumed his position as Wisconsin's head coach) to return to Madison and play on the Badgers, but would not desert his teammates in St. Louis."
Robinson simply could not break his word. So, if he wanted to play in Cochems' "outstanding football system", Robinson would have to bring the 29-year old coach to St. Louis... so that is exactly what he set out to do.
"After the season of 1905 was over the Rules Committee put the forward pass and several other things in the rules. This is what I had been waiting for since 1904," Robinson wrote. "I induced my school to hire Mr. Edward B. Cochems to come to St. Louis as coach. He brought with him 3 or 4 outstanding players. With them and what we already had at St. Louis U he developed the team sensation of the country for the two seasons of 1906 and 1907."
"It was chiefly through Robinson that Cochems, the assistant coach at Wisconsin last year, was engaged by St. Louis University," a newspaper at the time confirmed. "(Robinson) recommended him to the faculty."
The coach drilled his players relentlessly in long evening practice sessions "behind closed gates... in absolute secrecy" according to one contemporary newspaper account.
"Another Cochemesque feature of the practice," according to columnist Dan Dillon, "was his placing his two star forward pass artists — Robinson and Schneider — in front of the big score board in center field (at Sportsman's Park)." Writing on October 24, 1906, Dillon was astonished that the pair "actually pitch the oval much after [the] baseball idea at certain marked spots on the board. The accuracy exhibited by those men in throwing the ball was simply marvelous and if some of the Eastern critics who are reputed opposed to the baseball throw for the forward pass could see this pair execute the play it is certain they would change their views."
One of Robinson's teammates, Frank Acker, explained the impact of the 1906 rules in an interview with Wray published on September 20, 1945: "The passer then had to run five yards to the right or left of center before passing and as a result the field was marked off in five-yard squares, like a checker board, and not merely with parallel lines 10 yards apart.
"The most important difference in the rules was that an incomplete forward pass was not brought back to the point of origin, but went to the enemy at the point where it grounded. The effect was, on the fourth down, the same as if the ball had been punted.
"If the St. Louis U. receiver caught it, he could run for that touchdown. If he muffed, the ball went to the foe some 40 yards or more from the point it was thrown... Wouldn't that do things, today?"
By the time of the interview, Acker was, according to Wray, "a stocky, broad-shouldered 59-year old guy"... a retired Southern California physician and real estate investor. But even 39 years distant, the memories of those early days of college football were fresh. "Robinson threw the long passes and Schneider the bullet-fast short ones," Acker recalled. "Robbie's shots were so dangerous that the opposition assigned three men to take care of him.
"We ran our plays from the T formation... Our opponents' attention to Robbie made things easy for us... When Robbie started a play three of our backs went in one direction... But the ball was passed to me direct and I went in the other, with no interference, usually hitting a hole in the line."
Acker concluded, "I am a football fan and see all the big games but I've never seen longer or more accurate passing than the Robinson-Schneider team showed me... It should be remembered that they used a bigger and fatter football, harder to grasp, and offering greater air resistance than the narrower 'projectile' of today... I'd back Robinson against any of the pitchers today, big ball and all."
Cochems and his charges took it upon themselves to convert the football world to their belief that the forward pass had fundamentally changed the sport.
In an early November 1906 newspaper interview, Cochems' enthusiasm was evident. "I think the forward pass is sensational. My men never think of throwing the ball underhand. They throw it overhand as hard as they can."
"It's really a puzzle to me why the other teams are not given new style plays by their coaches," Cochems continued. "[The] Eastern elevens are using nothing but the old-style formations... It will be a matter of a season or two until the coaches throughout the country come around to my way of thinking or I will be badly mistaken."
Cochems was, in fact, badly mistaken. It would be seven years before Knute Rockne
began to follow Cochems' example at Notre Dame
. But, the slow adoption of his ideas was not for lack of promotional effort by Cochems.
The coach detailed his concepts in wires and letters to influential men in the sport.
Cochems wrote a 10-page article entitled "The Forward Pass and On-Side Kick
" for the 1907 edition of Spalding's How to Play Foot Ball, edited by the "Father of American Football", Walter Camp
. The coach explained in words and photographs (of Robinson) how the forward pass could be thrown and how passing skills could be developed. "[T]he necessary brevity of this article will not permit... a detailed discussion of the forward pass," Cochems lamented. "Should I begin to explain the different plays in which the pass... could figure, I would invite myself to an endless task."
The coach even urged the redesign of the football itself... to make it better fit the passer's hand... more aerodynamic... in other words the football we know today.
The Post-Dispatch's W.G. Murphy reported on November 7, 1906 that the prostelitizing included indoctrinating the youngest fans: "In pursuance with Coach Cochems' plan to popularize the new game, Kenney, Schneider, Acker, Robinson and other members of St. Louis U.'s team visited a number of the local schools Monday and addressed the students on the fine points of the game."
. Jack Schneider was the receiver for the Blue & White (St. Louis would not adopt "Billiken
s" as a nickname
for its sports teams until sometime after 1910).
The pass had been officially legalized the previous spring by the newly created Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States (IAAUS) as part of a strategy to make the game safer. In 1910, the IAAUS became the NCAA.
The power teams of the East, who dominated the attention of national sportswriters in the early 1900s, were slow to adopt the forward pass. However, the 1906 Blue & White squad under coach Eddie Cochems
(1877–1953) built its offensive strategy around "the new rules".
The Blue & White cruised to an 11–0 record in 1906. Cochems and company led the nation in scoring, collectively outscoring their opponents 407–11.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
sportswriter Ed Wray covered SLU football during Robinson's career. By the 1940s, Wray was a columnist
and had served as the paper's sports editor
for 38 years. In an October 1947 "Wray's Column", he wrote, "the football world in general and the college and professional treasuries in particular are indebted to Cochems and Robinson and St. Louis University... That's because the tremendous rise of gridiron interest everywhere can be traced directly of the Cochems–Robinson forward passing and to the improved spectacle it has made of this fine and manly game."
In a series of interviews with Wray in the 1930s and 40s, Robinson gave Cochems the credit for creating St. Louis' revolutionary offensive scheme. Nevertheless, Robinson recalled that he and Schneider pushed their coach to emphasize the pass. According to archives at St. Louis, Cochems didn't start calling pass plays in the Carroll game until after he had grown frustrated with the failure of his offense to move the ball on the ground.
In that historic 1906 game, the first Robinson-to-Schneider attempt failed to connect. More than 100 years later, Stephen Jones of The Press-Enterprise called it "an incompletion that changed the game of football forever." Under the rules at that time, an incomplete pass resulted in a turnover
to Carroll. Undeterred, on a subsequent possession, Cochems called for his team to again execute the play he dubbed the "air attack".
Robinson took the fat, rugby
-style ball and threw a 20-yard touchdown
pass to Schneider. The play stunned the fans and the Carroll players. St. Louis went on to win, 22–0.
, where the Blue and White hosted the Iowa Hawkeyes
. A year earlier on the same field, Iowa had humiliated St. Louis 31–0 (and Robinson had been carried off the field unconscious after a hard tackle).
In a newspaper article published the morning of the game, an anonymous writer correctly predicted, "It is to that leader who has grasped the possibilities of the new rules... that success may come... Indications point to a style of attack on Iowa's part which is virtually that of last year." The analysis continued, "No team, unless absolutely preponderant in physical strength and speed can hope to win out against an eleven like St. Louis university... On the other hand, St. Louis U will, in all probability, spring a variety of play that will do to the visitors what it has not failed to do to every other eleven that has played here — bewilder it." The prediction could not have been more on the mark; the 12,000 fans in attendance witnessed St. Louis crush the Hawkeyes 39–0.
Hall of Fame
coach David M. Nelson
(1920–1991) considered the Iowa game to be of historic importance. In his book The Anatomy of a Game: Football, the Rules, and the Men Who Made the Game, Nelson writes that "eight passes were completed in ten attempts for four touchdowns" that afternoon. "The average flight distance of the passes was twenty yards."
Coach Nelson continues, "the last play demonstrated the dramatic effect that the forward pass was having on football. St. Louis was on Iowa's thirty-five-yard line with a few seconds to play. Timekeeper Walter McCormack walked onto the field to end the game when the ball was thrown twenty-five yards and caught on the dead run for a touchdown."
"Cochems said that the poor Iowa showing resulted from its use of the old style play and its failure to effectively use the forward pass", Nelson writes. "Iowa did attempt two basketball
-style forward passes." The morning after the game, Wray wrote that Iowa's "weak attempt... at the forward pass... was an utter failure." On the other side of the ball, Wray observed, "Although Iowa seemed to know just when the (forward pass) was coming, the members of the Hawkeye team seemed to be unable to form a defense capable of stopping it.
"The use of the forward pass and the versatility of the St. Louis attack seemed to daze the Iowa team," Wray concluded. "Nearly every one of the plays planned this season by Coach Cochems were unloaded in this, the last game of the season, and Iowa looked on enthralled but impotent."
On January 9, 1946, Wray recalled the interview from almost 40 years earlier: "Hackett told this writer that in no other game that he handled had he seen the forward pass as used by St. Louis U. nor such bewildering variations of it."
According to the November 19, 1932 Minneapolis Star, Hackett, who officiated games into the 1930s, once said of Robinson, "Whew, that chap is a wonder! He beats anything I ever saw. He looks as though 40 yards is dead for him, and he's got accuracy with it."
Nelson, who served as the Secretary-Editor of the NCAA's
Football Rules Committee for 29 years, drives home the singular nature of St. Louis' pass attack: "During the 1906 season [Robinson] threw a sixty-seven yard pass... and... Schneider tossed a sixty-five yarder. Considering the size, shape and weight of the ball, these were extraordinary passes."
Sports historian John Sayle Watterson agreed. In his book, College Football: History, Spectacle, Controversy, Watterson described Robinson's long pass as "truly a breathtaking achievement."
before a crowd of 7,000 at Sportsman's Park. Although not reported in contemporary newspaper accounts, the 1933 Spalding's Football Guide listed the throw as official... 87 yards in the air from passer to receiver... as the Ogden Standard-Examiner
reported in its November 12, 1933 issue:
A detailed account of the play was given by New York Evening World sports editor and cartoonist Robert W. Edgren
as quoted by columnist Joseph "Roundy" Coughlin of the Wisconsin State Journal
in 1934:
According to The New York Times
, Edgren was "(e)ven tempered always, well informed in all sports and... always told the truth...", lending credence to his account.
J. B. Sheridan's game summary the next day in the Post-Dispatch also indicates that St. Louis did not pass at all until well into the second half. His description of Robinson's long throw matched Edgren's account in many details, although there was no mention of verbal exchanges with Bruner, identified in the box score
as Kansas' right tackle. But Sheridan's description of Robinson's "marvel of distance and accuracy and result" had him waiting at "the 40-yard line" before he launched... not inside his own 25.
Dan Dillon 's "How the Game Was Played" in the Globe-Democrat
the next morning gave no yardage details but he wrote that, "(a)t this magnificent exhibition of the spectacular forward pass the crowd went wild and Kansas was plainly up in the air on account of the machine-like method with which it was executed for such material gains."
Robinson's teammate, SLU team captain Clarence "Pike" Kenney (later assistant football coach at Creighton
and head football coach at Marquette
), confirmed the 87-yard distance in a 1937 newspaper interview.
Robert Ripley
highlighted the toss in his famous "Ripley's Believe It or Not" newspaper feature in 1945.
On October 15, 1947, the St. Louis Star-Times
referred to the play as "a record that still stands."
A Northwestern University
football program from the same year lists the 87-yard pass as one of the "Record Scoring Plays of All Time." It also credits "the late football chronicler Parke H. Davis" as its source.
Record-setting or not, Robinson's passing against the Jayhawkers impressed The Kansas City Times in a post-game analysis: "The forward pass was perhaps the most effective of (St. Louis') new plays which they used against Kansas. This was started from the punting formation. Robinson, an end, going back to pass the ball. Instead of making the usual basket-ball throw of the oval, however, he shot it straight forward in the same manner as he would throw a baseball, and wonderful indeed was the speed and accuracy with which it would fall into the hands of the backs waiting down the field."
In their book Coaching Football, Super Bowl
-winning player and coach Tom Flores
and longtime coach Bob O'Connor report that "Robinson... was credited with several 50-yard completions in 1906."
In the build-up to the 1906 game with Iowa, the Post-Dispatch reported that Robinson could "throw the oval 65 yards."
Coach Nelson related that some observers chalked up Robinson's passing prowess to an anatomical advantage. "St. Louis had a great passer in Brad Robinson," Nelson observed. "He had huge and boney hands, which led other coaches in the area to conclude that it was not possible to excel as a passer without these attributes. Having a passer without huge, boney hands was reason enough not to have an aerial game."
Robinson believed his physical advantage was the result of accident as well as genes. He credited his uncanny ability to throw long and accurate passes in part to a crooked little finger on his throwing (right) hand that was the result of a childhood injury. The misshapen pinkie helped impart a natural spiral to his tosses.
Reporters of the era also noted Robinson's disciplined preparation, in terms of his drills and workouts. Even when Robinson was in his sixties, his right arm was much more heavily muscled than his left, a testament to years of repeated exercise and practice.
Brad Robinson was not only St. Louis' premier passer. He was also the Blue & White's principal kicker. One sports journalist of the time opined that, "of the local kickers, Robinson of St. Louis easily excels all others. He is good for at least 45 yards every time he puts his toe to the ball and some of his punts
have gone 60 yards."
Watching a St. Louis practice in 1906, journalist Dillon observed Robinson "kicking in fine form and with a slight wind behind him, was dropping them over regularly from the 45-yard line and was averaging close to 50 yards on his punts."
Robbie's prowess as a ballcarrier was particularly noted by a reporter after a November 11, 1904 victory over the University of Missouri
at Columbia
: "Robinson and (John) Kinney, the halfbacks of the visiting team were the fastest seen here in years and the Tigers seemed unable to stop them." Another writer at the game observed that Robinson's "offensive play was fast and in running back punts he gained much ground for his team, besides tackling well while on defensive." The St. Louis Globe-Democrat
added, "Robinson's return of punts electrified the spectators time and time again. He was always good for a gain of 20 yards or more."
Years before the term was commonly used by sportswriters, Bradbury Robinson had become the first triple threat
in football history. Writing in October 1947, Ed Wray declared that the title belonged to Robinson "because throughout the [1906] season Cochems used Robinson to pass, kick and run the ball... He was an A1 punter, too... And run!... This three way use of Robby added greatly to the team's offensive deception."
Blue and White games were played before Exposition crowds.
St. Louis (under head coach Martin J. Delaney) went 11–0, outscoring its opponents 336 to 0 that year—including a win over Kentucky
by the score of 5–0, the 17–0 victory over Missouri
and a 51–0 defeat of Arkansas
. The Spalding Athletic Almanac of 1905 offered this commentary:
“The (Olympic) Department knew perfectly well that it would be unable to have an Olympic Foot Ball Championship, though it felt incumbent to advertise it. Owing to the conditions in American colleges it would be utterly impossible to have an Olympic foot ball championship decided. The only college that seemed absolutely willing to give up its financial interests to play for the World’s Fair Championship was the St. Louis University and there is more apparently in this honor than appears in this report. There were many exhibition contests held in the Stadium under the auspices of the Department wherein teams from the St. Louis University and Washington University
took part and competed against other teams from universities east and west of the Mississippi River. The Missouri–Purdue
game was played in the Stadium on October 28.... The Olympic College Foot Ball Championship was won by St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., by default.”
and track and field
for the Blue & White, and was elected captain of both teams.
Upon his election as captain of the 1907 baseball team, the Post-Dispatch reported that, "Robinson has demonstrated, since his entrance at the blue and white school, that he is a good all-around athlete. He played an excellent game at end for Cochems' eleven and did all the kicking for that team. His punting was consistent and proved a very valuable asset to the blue and white eleven. Aside from this, Robinson won recognition for his work in negotiating the famous forward pass, which gained favor every time it was employed. He throws the ball virtually as far as he kicks it, and astounded many of the eastern enthusiasts by his work in this regard.
"He is a clever fielder and one of the hardest hitters on the varsity team. He also led the batters in the Bank Clerks' league, in which organization he played after the close of the collegiate season last year.
"He is a good hurdler and at present is pushing Schneider hard for the supremacy in this event at the Jesuit school. He was captain of the track team last year."
At the time of Robinson's election as track captain, a local writer reported: "Immediately before the dual meet with Central Y.M.C.A.
Saturday night, (Brad) Robinson, the half back of the St. Louis rugby team last year, was chosen captain of the track team. Robinson's work on the track has been gilt-edged this season and his election to head the athletes was not a surprise.
"That Robinson is a competent and loyal man to fill this position was evidenced by the manner in which he conducted himself Saturday evening.
"He took first in the shot-put and ran almost a dead heat with Clancy in the hurdles, taking second place. When his school was short a man in the mile, owing to the sickness of Trotter, he entered the race, although he had not (run) in a long distance race before. He finished fifth."
Despite his own admirable performance, Robinson's team was not a winner that night...a loss he attributed to "overconfidence" and "poor luck." "Murray, the crack dash man, was left at his mark owing to the poor service of the pistol," Robinson explained after the meet. "The gun failed to go off three times in succession and when the report finally came it took most of the men unaware and the heat was run in slow time."
In both 1906 and 1907 Robinson and his teammates were the Western AAU
Indoor relay champions.
hospitals in Rochester, Minnesota
from 1931 to 1933 and was a member of one of the All-America squads in 1931–32. He was chosen for the 1933 East–West Shrine Game played in San Francisco and he played for the East All-Stars in the Century of Progress
International Exposition game at Soldier's Field in Chicago
that same year. He was also a forward on the Gophers basketball team
, serving as its captain in 1932–33. After graduation, he went into the radio advertising business and spent some time as an analyst on college football broadcasts. One job had him supplying color commentary for a Chicago radio station, working with Ronald Reagan
as his a play-by-play partner.
' entry into World War I
, Brad Robinson, Jr. enlisted and was sent to the First Officers Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan. There he won his commission as a captain of infantry on August 15, 1917. He was then assigned to the command of Company L, 340th Infantry Regiment of the 85th Division. He was sent overseas in July 1918. In France
, he became an instructor at the Inter-Allied Tank School in Recloses
, until his battalion was ordered to the front on November 1, 1918, ten days before the Armistice
. Dewachter was the elder daughter of merchant and renowned landscape painter Louis Dewachter (nom de peintre Louis Dewis)
. While Robinson spoke hardly a word of French, Dewachter was fluent in English. A courtship ensued and the couple were married on August 12, 1919 in Paris
. They had seven children: Lois, Nadine, Richard, Janine, Yveline, Jacqueline and Corrine.
The growing family moved from one European city to another as Robinson continued clinical studies across the continent from 1920 to 1926 as a surgeon on the staff of Hugh S. Cumming
, Surgeon General of the United States
. Cumming had been ordered to Europe to study the sanitary conditions of the ports to prevent the introduction of disease into the United States by returning troops. In 1925, he inaugurated a plan for the medical inspection of immigrants abroad in the principal countries of origin. Robinson played a role in both programs. The New York Times reported his arrival in New York City for a visit to the States in 1922:
Robinson and his family moved to the United States to stay in 1926, locating to St. Louis, Michigan
in September of that year. He was drawn to the small city because of its natural mineral-rich water, which he believed would play an important role in his naturopathic and holistic medical practice. A frequent author on medical matters, he opened the Robinson Clinic in St. Louis in 1935. He was twice elected the city's mayor, in 1931 and 1937.
in agriculture. This was a radical view at the time, especially in St. Louis, Michigan. Beginning in 1944, DDT had been researched and manufactured in St. Louis by the Michigan Chemical Corporation, later purchased by Velsicol Chemical Corporation
. DDT had become an important part of the local economy. More than a decade passed before the dangers of DDT were the subject of Rachel Carson
's 1962 landmark book, Silent Spring
. DDT's use in agriculture was banned worldwide in the 1970s and 80s. The Gratiot County Landfill just outside of St. Louis, in which some of the chemicals from the DDT-producing plant had been disposed, became a Superfund
site in the 1970s.
in 1949 from complications following routine surgery. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery
, named St. Louis' 1906 game at Carroll College one of "The 50 Most Historically Significant Games in College Football."
American football
American football is a sport played between two teams of eleven with the objective of scoring points by advancing the ball into the opposing team's end zone. Known in the United States simply as football, it may also be referred to informally as gridiron football. The ball can be advanced by...
player, physician, and local politician. He played college football
College football
College football refers to American football played by teams of student athletes fielded by American universities, colleges, and military academies, or Canadian football played by teams of student athletes fielded by Canadian universities...
at the University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin–Madison
The University of Wisconsin–Madison is a public research university located in Madison, Wisconsin, United States. Founded in 1848, UW–Madison is the flagship campus of the University of Wisconsin System. It became a land-grant institution in 1866...
in 1903 and at Saint Louis University
Saint Louis University
Saint Louis University is a private, co-educational Jesuit university located in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Founded in 1818 by the Most Reverend Louis Guillaume Valentin Dubourg SLU is the oldest university west of the Mississippi River. It is one of 28 member institutions of the...
from 1904 to 1907. In 1904, though personal connections to Wisconsin governor Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
Robert Marion "Fighting Bob" La Follette, Sr. , was an American Republican politician. He served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, was the Governor of Wisconsin, and was also a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin...
and his wife, Belle Case
Belle Case La Follette
Belle Case La Follette was a lawyer and a women's suffrage activist in Wisconsin, USA. La Follette worked with the women's peace party during World War I...
, Robinson learned of calls for reforms to the game of football from President
President of the United States
The President of the United States of America is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces....
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States . He is noted for his exuberant personality, range of interests and achievements, and his leadership of the Progressive Movement, as well as his "cowboy" persona and robust masculinity...
, and began to develop tactics for passing. After moving to Saint Louis University, Robinson threw the first legal forward pass
Forward pass
In several forms of football a forward pass is when the ball is thrown in the direction that the offensive team is trying to move, towards the defensive team's goal line...
in the history of American football
History of American football
American football can be traced to early versions of rugby football and association football. Both games have their origin in varieties of football played in Britain in the mid-19th century, in which a football is kicked at a goal and/or run over a line....
on September 5, 1906 at a game at Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Waukesha is a city in and the county seat of Waukesha County, Wisconsin, in the Upper Midwest region of the United States. The population was 70,718 at the 2010 census, making it the largest community in the county and 7th largest in the state. The city is located adjacent to the Town of Waukesha...
. He became the sport's first triple threat man
Triple threat man
In gridiron football, the phrase triple-threat man refers to a player who excels at all three of the skills of running, passing, and kicking. In modern usage, such a player would be referred to as a utility player....
, excelling at running, passing, and kicking.
Robinson graduated from Saint Louis University in 1908 with a medical degree and practiced as a surgeon in Rochester, Minnesota
Rochester, Minnesota
Rochester is a city in the U.S. state of Minnesota and is the county seat of Olmsted County. Located on both banks of the Zumbro River, The city has a population of 106,769 according to the 2010 United States Census, making it Minnesota's third-largest city and the largest outside of the...
. After serving as an infantry officer in France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
during World War I
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...
, he remained in Europe on the staff of Hugh S. Cumming
Hugh S. Cumming
Hugh Smith Cumming was an American physician, and soldier. He was appointed the fifth Surgeon General of the United States from 1920 to 1936.- Early life :Cumming was born in Hampton, Virginia...
, Surgeon General of the United States
Surgeon General of the United States
The Surgeon General of the United States is the operational head of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and thus the leading spokesperson on matters of public health in the federal government...
. He returned to the United States in 1926 and practiced medicine in St. Louis, Michigan
St. Louis, Michigan
St. Louis is a city in Gratiot County in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 4,494. The 2010 census estimate places the population at 7,482.-Geography:...
, where he was twice elected the city's mayor. In the 1940s, Robinson was among the first to warn against the dangers of DDT
DDT is one of the most well-known synthetic insecticides. It is a chemical with a long, unique, and controversial history....
use in agriculture.
Early life
After Robinson's birth in Bellevue, OhioBellevue, Ohio
Bellevue is a city in Erie, Huron, Sandusky and Seneca counties in the U.S. state of Ohio. The population was 8,193 at the 2000 census. The National Arbor Day Foundation has designated Bellevue as a Tree City USA....
and while still a toddler, his family moved to St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis is an independent city on the eastern border of Missouri, United States. With a population of 319,294, it was the 58th-largest U.S. city at the 2010 U.S. Census. The Greater St...
where Robinson's father, Bradbury Norton Robinson, Sr. (1842–1924), became general baggage agent for the Missouri–Kansas–Texas Railroad. The senior Robinson spent most of his adult life working for railroads. Born in Lowell, Massachusetts
Lowell, Massachusetts
Lowell is a city in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. According to the 2010 census, the city's population was 106,519. It is the fourth largest city in the state. Lowell and Cambridge are the county seats of Middlesex County...
, he served one year as a sergeant in the Union Army
Union Army
The Union Army was the land force that fought for the Union during the American Civil War. It was also known as the Federal Army, the U.S. Army, the Northern Army and the National Army...
before moving for the first time to Missouri
Missouri is a US state located in the Midwestern United States, bordered by Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska. With a 2010 population of 5,988,927, Missouri is the 18th most populous state in the nation and the fifth most populous in the Midwest. It...
in 1862 to participate in the construction of the Missouri Pacific Railroad
Missouri Pacific Railroad
The Missouri Pacific Railroad , also known as the MoPac, was one of the first railroads in the United States west of the Mississippi River. MoPac was a Class I railroad growing from dozens of predecessors and mergers, including the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway , Texas and Pacific...
from St. Louis to Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri is the largest city in the U.S. state of Missouri and is the anchor city of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area, the second largest metropolitan area in Missouri. It encompasses in parts of Jackson, Clay, Cass, and Platte counties...

Baraboo, Wisconsin
Baraboo is the largest city in, and the county seat of Sauk County, Wisconsin, USA. It is situated on the Baraboo River. Its 2010 population was 12,048 according to the US Census Bureau...
, to be near his mother's family. Robinson's mother, Amelia Lee Robinson (1856–1930), was born in London, England and moved with her parents to the Baraboo area in 1878. Robinson was raised in Baraboo, a place he later joked was "made famous by the Ringling Brothers Circus
Ringling Brothers Circus
The Ringling Brothers Circus was a circus founded in the United States in 1884 by five of the seven Ringling Brothers: Albert , August , Otto , Alfred T. , Charles , John , and Henry...
...and myself." The Circus was founded the same year that Robinson was born.
Wisconsin Badgers
Robinson enrolled at the University of WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
The University of Wisconsin–Madison is a public research university located in Madison, Wisconsin, United States. Founded in 1848, UW–Madison is the flagship campus of the University of Wisconsin System. It became a land-grant institution in 1866...
and played for the Badgers
Wisconsin Badgers football
The Wisconsin Badgers are a college football program that represents the University of Wisconsin–Madison in the NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision and the Big Ten Conference. They play their home games at Camp Randall Stadium, the fourth-oldest stadium in college football...
as a freshman in the 1903 season
1903 Wisconsin Badgers football team
The 1903 Wisconsin Badgers football team represented the University of Wisconsin–Madison in the 1903 college football season.-Schedule:...
. His arrival was seen by a sports reporter at the time as something of a godsend. Writing on August 23, 1903, the unidentified journalist reported, "a temporary disappointment, the information that O'Brien, the best candidate for the place of Center Remp, had decided not to return to the university, but had accepted a place for $500 to coach the Appleton
Appleton, Wisconsin
Appleton is a city in Outagamie, Calumet, and Winnebago Counties in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. It is situated on the Fox River, 30 miles southwest of Green Bay and 100 miles north of Milwaukee. Appleton is the county seat of Outagamie County. The population was 78,086 at the 2010 census...
high school eleven. The disappointment was cured, however, by the announcement that Robinson, who weighs nearly 200 pounds, had resigned his place at the state insane asylum at Mendota [now part of Madison, Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Madison is the capital of the U.S. state of Wisconsin and the county seat of Dane County. It is also home to the University of Wisconsin–Madison....
] and would enter the football squad in perfect trim, having systematically trained for the past six weeks."
In Robinson's first and only season at Madison, "the Cardinal team" under Arthur Curtis went 6–3–1, suffering shut-out losses to rivals Minnesota and Michigan
1903 Michigan Wolverines football team
The 1903 Michigan Wolverines football team represented the University of Michigan in the 1903 college football season. The team's head football coach was Fielding H. Yost...
. Robinson did get a chance to shine in the Badgers' 87–0 defeat of Beloit on October 17, when he scored two touchdowns. A newspaperman wrote, "Robinson's star work seems to show [the] second eleven is not far behind the first."
The political roots of the pass
In addition to the Ringling brothers and Robinson, another notable person from Baraboo, Wisconsin was Belle Case La FolletteBelle Case La Follette
Belle Case La Follette was a lawyer and a women's suffrage activist in Wisconsin, USA. La Follette worked with the women's peace party during World War I...
(1859–1931). The suffragette
"Suffragette" is a term coined by the Daily Mail newspaper as a derogatory label for members of the late 19th and early 20th century movement for women's suffrage in the United Kingdom, in particular members of the Women's Social and Political Union...
and attorney was, according to The New York Times at the time of her death, "probably the least known yet most influential of all the American women who had to do with public affairs in this country". She taught junior high school in Baraboo before marrying future Wisconsin Congressman, Senator, Governor and Presidential candidate Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
Robert Marion "Fighting Bob" La Follette, Sr. , was an American Republican politician. He served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, was the Governor of Wisconsin, and was also a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin...
Mrs. La Follette played an active role in her husband's political career.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is the major city-wide newspaper in St. Louis, Missouri. Although written to serve Greater St. Louis, the Post-Dispatch is one of the largest newspapers in the Midwestern United States, and is available and read as far west as Kansas City, Missouri, as far south as...
s Robert Morrison, Robinson recalled that the Governor's "wife was from my home town and our families were acquainted... So at the university football practices, where La Follette used to come occasionally, he would often stop to talk to me."

Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States . He is noted for his exuberant personality, range of interests and achievements, and his leadership of the Progressive Movement, as well as his "cowboy" persona and robust masculinity...
. There had been a lot of injuries in football and a movement was on foot to abolish the game. Roosevelt wrote that he did not want it wiped out and he thought it was an excellent game for character building, so La Follette asked me 'what do you think can be done to spread the game out and soften it up a bit?' "
Writing in his memoirs, Robinson remembered suggesting "increasing the distance to be gained in a set number of downs, to develop the kicking angle and introducing some of the elements of basketball and English Rugby; with perhaps allowing the throwing of the ball forward." Sometime later, Robinson "met with the Governor and he told me to develop handling and throwing the ball because he was sure that eventually there would be changes in the rules along that line."
Robinson learns to pass
It was in the preseason of 1904 that Robinson first completely recognized the potential of the pass. Robinson later wrote, ”there came to the Wisconsin U squad a tall young Irishman from Chicago. His name was H.P. [Howard Paul] Savage, the same who later… became the National Commander of the American LegionAmerican Legion
The American Legion is a mutual-aid organization of veterans of the United States armed forces chartered by the United States Congress. It was founded to benefit those veterans who served during a wartime period as defined by Congress...
and was known as “High Power” Savage. They were trying to develop me into a kicker at Wisconsin and H.P. generally teamed up with me to catch my punts. I noticed that he could throw my punts back almost as far as I could kick them. Here was the trick I must learn. I got H.P. to show me how he did it." Twenty-five years later, Robinson told St. Louis Star-Times
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat was originally a daily print newspaper based in St. Louis, Missouri from 1852 until 1986...
sports editor Sid Keener (1888–1981) that Savage threw "the pigskin to his players with the ball revolving as it sailed through the air."
"From then on," Robinson wrote in his memoirs, "my football hobby became forward passing or anyway passing the ball.”
After getting in a fight with the “school bully”, Robinson was dismissed from the Wisconsin
Wisconsin Badgers football
The Wisconsin Badgers are a college football program that represents the University of Wisconsin–Madison in the NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision and the Big Ten Conference. They play their home games at Camp Randall Stadium, the fourth-oldest stadium in college football...
football team. He enrolled as a medical student at St. Louis, where he played the 1904 season. More than half the St. Louis squad consisted of future medical doctors.
D.C. Todd, who served as an official for most St. Louis area games of the period, remembered that, "Robinson spoke to me about the pass the fall he joined St. Louis University (1904)." Sportswriter Ed Wray described Dr. Todd as "a factor in St. Louis University athletic circles" who, along with SLU athletic director Father Pat Burke, set out to build up the football program at St. Louis in the early 1900s. In an interview with Wray, Todd remembered that Robinson, "came to me and told me he thought the forward pass was going to be a great asset. He told me that he had tried it and found he could throw the ball like he could a baseball. I spoke to Father Burke about it in the presence of one of your reporters, also named Burke (the late Miles Joseph Burke), and he was interested."
A player finds "his" coach
Long after transferring to St. Louis, Robinson maintained an unusually close relationship with his former team. He almost convinced the Badgers to make a last minute alteration to their schedule to play an extra game in 1905... at St. Louis on December 2. The so-called "post-season" game was announced as all but a done deal by Post-Dispatch writer J. B. Sheridan. Sheridan quoted St. Louis' Father Burke as saying, "Robinson, our crack halfbackHalfback (American football)
A halfback, sometimes referred to as a tailback, is an offensive position in American football, which lines up in the backfield and generally is responsible for carrying the ball on run plays. Historically, from the 1870s through the 1950s, the halfback position was both an offensive and defensive...
, who played with Wisconsin two years ago, is chiefly responsible for Wisconsin's willingness to play here. He is in close touch with the athletic authorities at the Madison school and, knowing of their desire to play one more game this season, arranged the contest with St. Louis University." 1905 St. Louis Coach Tommy Dowd
Tommy Dowd (baseball)
Thomas Jefferson Dowd , nicknamed "Buttermilk Tommy", was an American Major League Baseball outfielder and second baseman from Holyoke, Massachusetts who played for six teams during his ten-season career.-College:...
said in the same article that the game was not "definitely arranged" and, in fact, it never happened.
Each preseason, back home in Wisconsin, Robinson was invited to work out with the Badgers and the development of the pass and possible pass plays continued at that venue. It was at Wisconsin in 1905 that Robinson first met Cochems, who was an assistant coach with the Badgers. Robinson recalled, “What I saw at Wisconsin before returning to St. Louis to school convinced me that Edward B. Cochems had an outstanding football system for that time. Actually years ahead of most of the other coaches of that period."
An unidentified St. Louis sportswriter of the period reported that some feared Robinson might return to Wisconsin to play with Cochems there. "(Robinson) played with Wisconsin two years ago, and might have filled one of the positions in the back field this year if he had not promised to return to the St. Louis University.
"He received several requests from Phil King
Phil King (coach)
-External links:...
(who had resumed his position as Wisconsin's head coach) to return to Madison and play on the Badgers, but would not desert his teammates in St. Louis."
Robinson simply could not break his word. So, if he wanted to play in Cochems' "outstanding football system", Robinson would have to bring the 29-year old coach to St. Louis... so that is exactly what he set out to do.
"After the season of 1905 was over the Rules Committee put the forward pass and several other things in the rules. This is what I had been waiting for since 1904," Robinson wrote. "I induced my school to hire Mr. Edward B. Cochems to come to St. Louis as coach. He brought with him 3 or 4 outstanding players. With them and what we already had at St. Louis U he developed the team sensation of the country for the two seasons of 1906 and 1907."
"It was chiefly through Robinson that Cochems, the assistant coach at Wisconsin last year, was engaged by St. Louis University," a newspaper at the time confirmed. "(Robinson) recommended him to the faculty."
Taking full advantage of the early passing rules
Cochems had immediately grasped the strategic advantage of passing under the rules that had been established between the 1905 and 1906 seasons. And so had his players, who invented their own drills to develop the new skills they would need. Dr. Todd recalled, "Robinson and Schneider got together and began to work on the pass and soon developed amazing proficiency. [They] used to run the side lines throwing the ball clear across the field as they ran."The coach drilled his players relentlessly in long evening practice sessions "behind closed gates... in absolute secrecy" according to one contemporary newspaper account.
"Another Cochemesque feature of the practice," according to columnist Dan Dillon, "was his placing his two star forward pass artists — Robinson and Schneider — in front of the big score board in center field (at Sportsman's Park)." Writing on October 24, 1906, Dillon was astonished that the pair "actually pitch the oval much after [the] baseball idea at certain marked spots on the board. The accuracy exhibited by those men in throwing the ball was simply marvelous and if some of the Eastern critics who are reputed opposed to the baseball throw for the forward pass could see this pair execute the play it is certain they would change their views."
One of Robinson's teammates, Frank Acker, explained the impact of the 1906 rules in an interview with Wray published on September 20, 1945: "The passer then had to run five yards to the right or left of center before passing and as a result the field was marked off in five-yard squares, like a checker board, and not merely with parallel lines 10 yards apart.
"The most important difference in the rules was that an incomplete forward pass was not brought back to the point of origin, but went to the enemy at the point where it grounded. The effect was, on the fourth down, the same as if the ball had been punted.
"If the St. Louis U. receiver caught it, he could run for that touchdown. If he muffed, the ball went to the foe some 40 yards or more from the point it was thrown... Wouldn't that do things, today?"
By the time of the interview, Acker was, according to Wray, "a stocky, broad-shouldered 59-year old guy"... a retired Southern California physician and real estate investor. But even 39 years distant, the memories of those early days of college football were fresh. "Robinson threw the long passes and Schneider the bullet-fast short ones," Acker recalled. "Robbie's shots were so dangerous that the opposition assigned three men to take care of him.
"We ran our plays from the T formation... Our opponents' attention to Robbie made things easy for us... When Robbie started a play three of our backs went in one direction... But the ball was passed to me direct and I went in the other, with no interference, usually hitting a hole in the line."
Acker concluded, "I am a football fan and see all the big games but I've never seen longer or more accurate passing than the Robinson-Schneider team showed me... It should be remembered that they used a bigger and fatter football, harder to grasp, and offering greater air resistance than the narrower 'projectile' of today... I'd back Robinson against any of the pitchers today, big ball and all."
Men on a mission

In an early November 1906 newspaper interview, Cochems' enthusiasm was evident. "I think the forward pass is sensational. My men never think of throwing the ball underhand. They throw it overhand as hard as they can."
"It's really a puzzle to me why the other teams are not given new style plays by their coaches," Cochems continued. "[The] Eastern elevens are using nothing but the old-style formations... It will be a matter of a season or two until the coaches throughout the country come around to my way of thinking or I will be badly mistaken."
Cochems was, in fact, badly mistaken. It would be seven years before Knute Rockne
Knute Rockne
Knute Kenneth Rockne was an American football player and coach. He is regarded as one of the greatest coaches in college football history...
began to follow Cochems' example at Notre Dame
Notre Dame Fighting Irish football
Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team is the football team of the University of Notre Dame. The team is currently coached by Brian Kelly.Notre Dame competes as an Independent at the NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision level, and is a founding member of the Bowl Championship Series coalition. It is an...
. But, the slow adoption of his ideas was not for lack of promotional effort by Cochems.
The coach detailed his concepts in wires and letters to influential men in the sport.
Cochems wrote a 10-page article entitled "The Forward Pass and On-Side Kick
Onside kick
In American and Canadian football, an onside kick is a type of kick used at a kickoff or other free kick, or scrimmage kick or other kick during play, in which the ball is kicked favorably for the kicking team to avoid giving away the ball...
" for the 1907 edition of Spalding's How to Play Foot Ball, edited by the "Father of American Football", Walter Camp
Walter Camp
Walter Chauncey Camp was an American football player, coach, and sports writer known as the "Father of American Football". With John Heisman, Amos Alonzo Stagg, Pop Warner, Fielding H. Yost, and George Halas, Camp was one of the most accomplished persons in the early history of American football...
. The coach explained in words and photographs (of Robinson) how the forward pass could be thrown and how passing skills could be developed. "[T]he necessary brevity of this article will not permit... a detailed discussion of the forward pass," Cochems lamented. "Should I begin to explain the different plays in which the pass... could figure, I would invite myself to an endless task."
The coach even urged the redesign of the football itself... to make it better fit the passer's hand... more aerodynamic... in other words the football we know today.
The Post-Dispatch's W.G. Murphy reported on November 7, 1906 that the prostelitizing included indoctrinating the youngest fans: "In pursuance with Coach Cochems' plan to popularize the new game, Kenney, Schneider, Acker, Robinson and other members of St. Louis U.'s team visited a number of the local schools Monday and addressed the students on the fine points of the game."
The first pass
On September 5, 1906, Robinson threw the first pass in a game against Carroll College at Waukesha, WisconsinWaukesha, Wisconsin
Waukesha is a city in and the county seat of Waukesha County, Wisconsin, in the Upper Midwest region of the United States. The population was 70,718 at the 2010 census, making it the largest community in the county and 7th largest in the state. The city is located adjacent to the Town of Waukesha...
. Jack Schneider was the receiver for the Blue & White (St. Louis would not adopt "Billiken
The Billiken was a charm doll created by an American art teacher and illustrator, Florence Pretz of St. Louis, Missouri, who is said to have seen the mysterious figure in a dream. In 1908, she patented the Billiken, who was elf-like with pointed ears, a mischievous smile and a tuft of hair on his...
s" as a nickname
Athletic nickname
The athletic nickname, or equivalently athletic moniker, of a university or college within the United States is the name officially adopted by that institution for at least the members of its athletic teams...
for its sports teams until sometime after 1910).
The pass had been officially legalized the previous spring by the newly created Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States (IAAUS) as part of a strategy to make the game safer. In 1910, the IAAUS became the NCAA.
The power teams of the East, who dominated the attention of national sportswriters in the early 1900s, were slow to adopt the forward pass. However, the 1906 Blue & White squad under coach Eddie Cochems
Eddie Cochems
Edward Bulwer "Eddie" Cochems was an American football player and coach. He played football for the University of Wisconsin from 1898 to 1901 and was the head football coach at North Dakota State , Clemson , Saint Louis University , and Maine . During his three years at St...
(1877–1953) built its offensive strategy around "the new rules".
The Blue & White cruised to an 11–0 record in 1906. Cochems and company led the nation in scoring, collectively outscoring their opponents 407–11.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is the major city-wide newspaper in St. Louis, Missouri. Although written to serve Greater St. Louis, the Post-Dispatch is one of the largest newspapers in the Midwestern United States, and is available and read as far west as Kansas City, Missouri, as far south as...
sportswriter Ed Wray covered SLU football during Robinson's career. By the 1940s, Wray was a columnist
A columnist is a journalist who writes for publication in a series, creating an article that usually offers commentary and opinions. Columns appear in newspapers, magazines and other publications, including blogs....
and had served as the paper's sports editor
Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible, and film media used to convey information through the processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate, and complete...
for 38 years. In an October 1947 "Wray's Column", he wrote, "the football world in general and the college and professional treasuries in particular are indebted to Cochems and Robinson and St. Louis University... That's because the tremendous rise of gridiron interest everywhere can be traced directly of the Cochems–Robinson forward passing and to the improved spectacle it has made of this fine and manly game."
The "air attack"
Robinson and the tall and speedy Schneider practiced running "pass routes" in the years leading up to the 1906 season. Their passes were not the awkward heaves typical of the era, but overhand spirals that hit the receiver in stride.In a series of interviews with Wray in the 1930s and 40s, Robinson gave Cochems the credit for creating St. Louis' revolutionary offensive scheme. Nevertheless, Robinson recalled that he and Schneider pushed their coach to emphasize the pass. According to archives at St. Louis, Cochems didn't start calling pass plays in the Carroll game until after he had grown frustrated with the failure of his offense to move the ball on the ground.
In that historic 1906 game, the first Robinson-to-Schneider attempt failed to connect. More than 100 years later, Stephen Jones of The Press-Enterprise called it "an incompletion that changed the game of football forever." Under the rules at that time, an incomplete pass resulted in a turnover
Turnover (football)
In American football, a turnover occurs when the team with the ball loses possession of the ball, which is then gained by the other team. The two events that are officially classified as "turnovers" are fumbles or interceptions In American football, a turnover occurs when the team with the ball...
to Carroll. Undeterred, on a subsequent possession, Cochems called for his team to again execute the play he dubbed the "air attack".
Robinson took the fat, rugby
Rugby football
Rugby football is a style of football named after Rugby School in the United Kingdom. It is seen most prominently in two current sports, rugby league and rugby union.-History:...
-style ball and threw a 20-yard touchdown
A touchdown is a means of scoring in American and Canadian football. Whether running, passing, returning a kickoff or punt, or recovering a turnover, a team scores a touchdown by advancing the ball into the opponent's end zone.-Description:...
pass to Schneider. The play stunned the fans and the Carroll players. St. Louis went on to win, 22–0.
"The possibilities of the new rules"
The fundamental change to the sport engendered by the introduction of the forward pass was manifest in St. Louis' 1906 Thanksgiving Day game at Sportsman's ParkSportsman's Park
Sportsman's Park was the name of several former Major League Baseball ballpark structures in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, all but one of which were located on the same piece of land, the northwest corner of Grand Boulevard and Dodier Street on the north side of the city.- History :From...
, where the Blue and White hosted the Iowa Hawkeyes
Iowa Hawkeyes football
The Iowa Hawkeyes football team is the interscholastic football team at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. The Hawkeyes have competed in the Big Ten Conference since 1900, and are currently a Division I Football Bowl Subdivision member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association...
. A year earlier on the same field, Iowa had humiliated St. Louis 31–0 (and Robinson had been carried off the field unconscious after a hard tackle).
In a newspaper article published the morning of the game, an anonymous writer correctly predicted, "It is to that leader who has grasped the possibilities of the new rules... that success may come... Indications point to a style of attack on Iowa's part which is virtually that of last year." The analysis continued, "No team, unless absolutely preponderant in physical strength and speed can hope to win out against an eleven like St. Louis university... On the other hand, St. Louis U will, in all probability, spring a variety of play that will do to the visitors what it has not failed to do to every other eleven that has played here — bewilder it." The prediction could not have been more on the mark; the 12,000 fans in attendance witnessed St. Louis crush the Hawkeyes 39–0.
Historic demonstration of modern football

College Football Hall of Fame
The College Football Hall of Fame is a hall of fame and museum devoted to college football. Located in South Bend, Indiana, it is connected to a convention center and situated in the city's renovated downtown district, two miles south of the University of Notre Dame campus. It is slated to move...
coach David M. Nelson
David M. Nelson
David Moir Nelson was an American football player, coach, college athletics administrator, author, and authority on college football playing rules...
(1920–1991) considered the Iowa game to be of historic importance. In his book The Anatomy of a Game: Football, the Rules, and the Men Who Made the Game, Nelson writes that "eight passes were completed in ten attempts for four touchdowns" that afternoon. "The average flight distance of the passes was twenty yards."
Coach Nelson continues, "the last play demonstrated the dramatic effect that the forward pass was having on football. St. Louis was on Iowa's thirty-five-yard line with a few seconds to play. Timekeeper Walter McCormack walked onto the field to end the game when the ball was thrown twenty-five yards and caught on the dead run for a touchdown."
"Cochems said that the poor Iowa showing resulted from its use of the old style play and its failure to effectively use the forward pass", Nelson writes. "Iowa did attempt two basketball
Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules...
-style forward passes." The morning after the game, Wray wrote that Iowa's "weak attempt... at the forward pass... was an utter failure." On the other side of the ball, Wray observed, "Although Iowa seemed to know just when the (forward pass) was coming, the members of the Hawkeye team seemed to be unable to form a defense capable of stopping it.
"The use of the forward pass and the versatility of the St. Louis attack seemed to daze the Iowa team," Wray concluded. "Nearly every one of the plays planned this season by Coach Cochems were unloaded in this, the last game of the season, and Iowa looked on enthralled but impotent."
St. Louis' "perfect exhibition" of the passing game
The 1906 Iowa game was refereed by one of the top football officials in the country... West Point's Lt. Horatio B. "Stuffy" Hackett. He had worked games involving the top Eastern powers that year. Hackett, who would become a member of the American Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee in December 1907, was quoted the next day in Wray's Post-Dispatch article: "It was the most perfect exhibition... of the new rules ... that I have seen all season and much better than that of Yale and Harvard. St. Louis' style of pass differs entirely from that in use in the east. ... The St. Louis university players shoot the ball hard and accurately to the man who is to receive it ... The fast throw by St. Louis enables the receiving player to dodge the opposing players, and it struck me as being all but perfect."On January 9, 1946, Wray recalled the interview from almost 40 years earlier: "Hackett told this writer that in no other game that he handled had he seen the forward pass as used by St. Louis U. nor such bewildering variations of it."
According to the November 19, 1932 Minneapolis Star, Hackett, who officiated games into the 1930s, once said of Robinson, "Whew, that chap is a wonder! He beats anything I ever saw. He looks as though 40 yards is dead for him, and he's got accuracy with it."
Nelson, who served as the Secretary-Editor of the NCAA's
National Collegiate Athletic Association
The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a semi-voluntary association of 1,281 institutions, conferences, organizations and individuals that organizes the athletic programs of many colleges and universities in the United States...
Football Rules Committee for 29 years, drives home the singular nature of St. Louis' pass attack: "During the 1906 season [Robinson] threw a sixty-seven yard pass... and... Schneider tossed a sixty-five yarder. Considering the size, shape and weight of the ball, these were extraordinary passes."
Sports historian John Sayle Watterson agreed. In his book, College Football: History, Spectacle, Controversy, Watterson described Robinson's long pass as "truly a breathtaking achievement."
"There's the pass, boy"
Some credited Robinson with throwing an all-time record 87-yard missile to Schneider earlier that season in St. Louis' 34–2 win over KansasKansas Jayhawks football
The Kansas Jayhawks football program is the intercollegiate football program of the University of Kansas Jayhawks. The program is classified in the NCAA's Division I, and the team competes in the Big 12 Conference....
before a crowd of 7,000 at Sportsman's Park. Although not reported in contemporary newspaper accounts, the 1933 Spalding's Football Guide listed the throw as official... 87 yards in the air from passer to receiver... as the Ogden Standard-Examiner
Ogden Standard-Examiner
The Standard-Examiner is a daily morning newspaper published in Ogden, Utah. With 63,000 subscribers, it is the third largest daily newspaper in terms of circulation in the State of Utah after the Salt Lake Tribune and The Deseret Morning News...
reported in its November 12, 1933 issue:
- Parke H. DavisParke H. DavisParke Hill Davis was an American football player, coach and historian who retroactively named the national championship teams in American college football from the 1869 through the 1932 seasons. He also named co-national champions at the conclusion of the 1933 season...
(Football Guide editor and pre-eminent football historian) still insists that the longest forward pass ever thrown in a football game traveled 87 yards... it was from Bradbury Robinson to John Schneider . . ..and it helped St. Louis to beat Kansas in the merry year of 1906..."
A detailed account of the play was given by New York Evening World sports editor and cartoonist Robert W. Edgren
Robert W. Edgren
Robert Wadsworth Edgren was a nationally syndicated American political and sports cartoonist, reporter, editor and Olympic athlete.-Background:...
as quoted by columnist Joseph "Roundy" Coughlin of the Wisconsin State Journal
Wisconsin State Journal
The Wisconsin State Journal is a daily newspaper published in Madison, Wisconsin by Lee Enterprises. The newspaper, the second largest in Wisconsin, is primarily distributed in a 19 county region in south-central Wisconsin...
in 1934:

- St. Louis had a mighty good team in those days and in this particular game with Kansas, determined to go out on the field and push over a few touchdowns without using the forward pass, just to prove that they could do something besides toss the ball. They kept the ball down on the ground during the first half and rolled up a lead of two or three touchdowns.
- This didn't sit very well with Kansas and one of their ends named Bruner who was playing opposite Robinson, thought he would get Robinson's goat. "I thought you could pass," he said. "I heard you were a passing team, but all you do is buck the line. Show us a pass; just show it to us once."
- Robinson looked him in the eye and said they would pass soon enough, and more than that, he would tell Bruner when it was coming. With the ball on its own 25-yard line, first down, St. Louis called for a pass on the first down. Robinson went back into punt formation and shouted to Bruner that they were going to show him the pass and to warn the rest of his team, because they were going to see something.
- And they did!
- Brad Robinson got hold of the ball, waited for Schneider to run down to the goal line (Robinson could take his time because Kansas had pulled all but five men in the backfield and these five were smothered by the St. Louis forwards) and then let fly. Nobody paid any attention to Scheider because he was so far away from the passer that such a throw seemed impossible. All the Kansas team could do then was to look skyward as the ball soared from one end of the field to the other, to plump into Fullback Schneider's arms on the goal line.
- "There's the pass, boy," remarked Robinson. "How do you like it?"
According to The New York Times
The New York Times
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City since 1851. The New York Times has won 106 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any news organization...
, Edgren was "(e)ven tempered always, well informed in all sports and... always told the truth...", lending credence to his account.
J. B. Sheridan's game summary the next day in the Post-Dispatch also indicates that St. Louis did not pass at all until well into the second half. His description of Robinson's long throw matched Edgren's account in many details, although there was no mention of verbal exchanges with Bruner, identified in the box score
Box score
A box score is a structured summary of the results from a sport competition. The box score lists the game score as well as individual and team achievements in the game....
as Kansas' right tackle. But Sheridan's description of Robinson's "marvel of distance and accuracy and result" had him waiting at "the 40-yard line" before he launched... not inside his own 25.
Dan Dillon 's "How the Game Was Played" in the Globe-Democrat
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat was originally a daily print newspaper based in St. Louis, Missouri from 1852 until 1986...
the next morning gave no yardage details but he wrote that, "(a)t this magnificent exhibition of the spectacular forward pass the crowd went wild and Kansas was plainly up in the air on account of the machine-like method with which it was executed for such material gains."
Robinson's teammate, SLU team captain Clarence "Pike" Kenney (later assistant football coach at Creighton
Creighton University
Creighton University is a private, coeducational, Jesuit, Roman Catholic university located in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1878, the school is one of 28 member institutions of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. The university is accredited by...
and head football coach at Marquette
Marquette University
Marquette University is a private, coeducational, Jesuit, Roman Catholic university located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1881, the school is one of 28 member institutions of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities...
), confirmed the 87-yard distance in a 1937 newspaper interview.
Robert Ripley
Robert Ripley
Robert LeRoy Ripley was an American cartoonist, entrepreneur and amateur anthropologist, who created the world famous Ripley's Believe It or Not! newspaper panel series, radio show, and television show which feature odd 'facts' from around the world.Subjects covered in Ripley's cartoons and text...
highlighted the toss in his famous "Ripley's Believe It or Not" newspaper feature in 1945.
On October 15, 1947, the St. Louis Star-Times
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat was originally a daily print newspaper based in St. Louis, Missouri from 1852 until 1986...
referred to the play as "a record that still stands."
A Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Northwestern University is a private research university in Evanston and Chicago, Illinois, USA. Northwestern has eleven undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools offering 124 undergraduate degrees and 145 graduate and professional degrees....
football program from the same year lists the 87-yard pass as one of the "Record Scoring Plays of All Time." It also credits "the late football chronicler Parke H. Davis" as its source.
Record-setting or not, Robinson's passing against the Jayhawkers impressed The Kansas City Times in a post-game analysis: "The forward pass was perhaps the most effective of (St. Louis') new plays which they used against Kansas. This was started from the punting formation. Robinson, an end, going back to pass the ball. Instead of making the usual basket-ball throw of the oval, however, he shot it straight forward in the same manner as he would throw a baseball, and wonderful indeed was the speed and accuracy with which it would fall into the hands of the backs waiting down the field."
"Huge and boney hands"
Professor Watterson wrote that, "Robinson ended up using passes that ranged from thirty to more than forty yards with devastating efficiency".In their book Coaching Football, Super Bowl
Super Bowl
The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League , the highest level of professional American football in the United States, culminating a season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year. The Super Bowl uses Roman numerals to identify each game, rather...
-winning player and coach Tom Flores
Tom Flores
Thomas R. "Tom" Flores is a retired American football quarterback and coach. Flores and Mike Ditka are the only two people in the National Football League history to win a Super Bowl as a player, as an assistant coach, and as a head coach...
and longtime coach Bob O'Connor report that "Robinson... was credited with several 50-yard completions in 1906."
In the build-up to the 1906 game with Iowa, the Post-Dispatch reported that Robinson could "throw the oval 65 yards."
Coach Nelson related that some observers chalked up Robinson's passing prowess to an anatomical advantage. "St. Louis had a great passer in Brad Robinson," Nelson observed. "He had huge and boney hands, which led other coaches in the area to conclude that it was not possible to excel as a passer without these attributes. Having a passer without huge, boney hands was reason enough not to have an aerial game."
Robinson believed his physical advantage was the result of accident as well as genes. He credited his uncanny ability to throw long and accurate passes in part to a crooked little finger on his throwing (right) hand that was the result of a childhood injury. The misshapen pinkie helped impart a natural spiral to his tosses.
Reporters of the era also noted Robinson's disciplined preparation, in terms of his drills and workouts. Even when Robinson was in his sixties, his right arm was much more heavily muscled than his left, a testament to years of repeated exercise and practice.
The first triple threat

Punt (football)
In some codes of football, a punt is a play in which a player drops the ball and kicks it before it touches the ground. A punt is in contrast to a drop kick, in which the ball touches the ground before being kicked....
have gone 60 yards."
Watching a St. Louis practice in 1906, journalist Dillon observed Robinson "kicking in fine form and with a slight wind behind him, was dropping them over regularly from the 45-yard line and was averaging close to 50 yards on his punts."
Robbie's prowess as a ballcarrier was particularly noted by a reporter after a November 11, 1904 victory over the University of Missouri
University of Missouri
The University of Missouri System is a state university system providing centralized administration for four universities, a health care system, an extension program, five research and technology parks, and a publishing press. More than 64,000 students are currently enrolled at its four campuses...
at Columbia
Columbia, Missouri
Columbia is the fifth-largest city in Missouri, and the largest city in Mid-Missouri. With a population of 108,500 as of the 2010 Census, it is the principal municipality of the Columbia Metropolitan Area, a region of 164,283 residents. The city serves as the county seat of Boone County and as the...
: "Robinson and (John) Kinney, the halfbacks of the visiting team were the fastest seen here in years and the Tigers seemed unable to stop them." Another writer at the game observed that Robinson's "offensive play was fast and in running back punts he gained much ground for his team, besides tackling well while on defensive." The St. Louis Globe-Democrat
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat was originally a daily print newspaper based in St. Louis, Missouri from 1852 until 1986...
added, "Robinson's return of punts electrified the spectators time and time again. He was always good for a gain of 20 yards or more."
Years before the term was commonly used by sportswriters, Bradbury Robinson had become the first triple threat
Triple threat man
In gridiron football, the phrase triple-threat man refers to a player who excels at all three of the skills of running, passing, and kicking. In modern usage, such a player would be referred to as a utility player....
in football history. Writing in October 1947, Ed Wray declared that the title belonged to Robinson "because throughout the [1906] season Cochems used Robinson to pass, kick and run the ball... He was an A1 punter, too... And run!... This three way use of Robby added greatly to the team's offensive deception."
The 1904 Olympics, the World's Fair & a perfect, unscored upon season
St. Louis University claims to have won the Olympic gold medal in American football in 1904, Robinson's first season at SLU. Both the third Olympic Games of the modern era and the World's Fair were held in St. Louis that year.Blue and White games were played before Exposition crowds.
St. Louis (under head coach Martin J. Delaney) went 11–0, outscoring its opponents 336 to 0 that year—including a win over Kentucky
Kentucky Wildcats football
The Kentucky Wildcats football team is a college football program that competes in the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision and the East Division of the Southeastern Conference.-History:Paul "Bear" Bryant Era...
by the score of 5–0, the 17–0 victory over Missouri
Missouri Tigers football
The Missouri Tigers football team represents the University of Missouri in NCAA Division I FBS college football. The team has competed in the North Division of the Big 12 Conference since the conference's inception in 1996...
and a 51–0 defeat of Arkansas
Arkansas Razorbacks football
The Arkansas Razorbacks football program is a college football team that represents the University of Arkansas. The team is a member of the Southeastern Conference's Western Division, which is in Division I's Football Bowl Subdivision of the National Collegiate Athletic Association...
. The Spalding Athletic Almanac of 1905 offered this commentary:
“The (Olympic) Department knew perfectly well that it would be unable to have an Olympic Foot Ball Championship, though it felt incumbent to advertise it. Owing to the conditions in American colleges it would be utterly impossible to have an Olympic foot ball championship decided. The only college that seemed absolutely willing to give up its financial interests to play for the World’s Fair Championship was the St. Louis University and there is more apparently in this honor than appears in this report. There were many exhibition contests held in the Stadium under the auspices of the Department wherein teams from the St. Louis University and Washington University
Washington Bears football
The Washington University in St. Louis football team represents Washington University in St. Louis in collegiate level football. The team competes in NCAA Division III....
took part and competed against other teams from universities east and west of the Mississippi River. The Missouri–Purdue
Purdue Boilermakers football
The Purdue Boilermakers football team is the intercollegiate football program of the Purdue University Boilermakers. The program is classified in the NCAA's Division I Bowl Subdivision, and the team competes in the Big Ten Conference. The Boilermakers have an all-time record of...
game was played in the Stadium on October 28.... The Olympic College Foot Ball Championship was won by St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., by default.”
All-around athlete
In addition to his exploits on the football field, Robinson was also a standout in baseballBaseball
Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The aim is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot diamond...
and track and field
Track and field
Track and field is a sport comprising various competitive athletic contests based around the activities of running, jumping and throwing. The name of the sport derives from the venue for the competitions: a stadium which features an oval running track surrounding a grassy area...
for the Blue & White, and was elected captain of both teams.
Upon his election as captain of the 1907 baseball team, the Post-Dispatch reported that, "Robinson has demonstrated, since his entrance at the blue and white school, that he is a good all-around athlete. He played an excellent game at end for Cochems' eleven and did all the kicking for that team. His punting was consistent and proved a very valuable asset to the blue and white eleven. Aside from this, Robinson won recognition for his work in negotiating the famous forward pass, which gained favor every time it was employed. He throws the ball virtually as far as he kicks it, and astounded many of the eastern enthusiasts by his work in this regard.
"He is a clever fielder and one of the hardest hitters on the varsity team. He also led the batters in the Bank Clerks' league, in which organization he played after the close of the collegiate season last year.
"He is a good hurdler and at present is pushing Schneider hard for the supremacy in this event at the Jesuit school. He was captain of the track team last year."
At the time of Robinson's election as track captain, a local writer reported: "Immediately before the dual meet with Central Y.M.C.A.
The Young Men's Christian Association is a worldwide organization of more than 45 million members from 125 national federations affiliated through the World Alliance of YMCAs...
Saturday night, (Brad) Robinson, the half back of the St. Louis rugby team last year, was chosen captain of the track team. Robinson's work on the track has been gilt-edged this season and his election to head the athletes was not a surprise.
"That Robinson is a competent and loyal man to fill this position was evidenced by the manner in which he conducted himself Saturday evening.
"He took first in the shot-put and ran almost a dead heat with Clancy in the hurdles, taking second place. When his school was short a man in the mile, owing to the sickness of Trotter, he entered the race, although he had not (run) in a long distance race before. He finished fifth."
Despite his own admirable performance, Robinson's team was not a winner that night...a loss he attributed to "overconfidence" and "poor luck." "Murray, the crack dash man, was left at his mark owing to the poor service of the pistol," Robinson explained after the meet. "The gun failed to go off three times in succession and when the report finally came it took most of the men unaware and the heat was run in slow time."
In both 1906 and 1907 Robinson and his teammates were the Western AAU
Amateur Athletic Union
The Amateur Athletic Union is one of the largest non-profit volunteer sports organizations in the United States. A multi-sport organization, the AAU is dedicated exclusively to the promotion and development of amateur sports and physical fitness programs.-History:The AAU was founded in 1888 to...
Indoor relay champions.
Medical career, military service, family
Robinson had pursued pre-med studies at Wisconsin before enrolling as a medical student at Saint Louis in 1904. In 1908, he left SLU, having earned his bachelor of science and his medical degrees there. From 1908 to 1910 he practiced surgery at St. Mary's Hospital, one of the two Mayo ClinicMayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit medical practice and medical research group specializing in treating difficult patients . Patients are referred to Mayo Clinic from across the U.S. and the world, and it is known for innovative and effective treatments. Mayo Clinic is known for being at the top of...
hospitals in Rochester, Minnesota
Rochester, Minnesota
Rochester is a city in the U.S. state of Minnesota and is the county seat of Olmsted County. Located on both banks of the Zumbro River, The city has a population of 106,769 according to the 2010 United States Census, making it Minnesota's third-largest city and the largest outside of the...
First marriage and son
On March 7, 1910, he married Melissa Mills, a strikingly beautiful St. Louis girl, who died just four years later. Their only child, Bradbury N. Robinson, III, was raised by his paternal grandparents. Like his father, he played college football, wearing number 51 as a standout end for the Minnesota Golden GophersMinnesota Golden Gophers football
The University of Minnesota Golden Gophers are one of the oldest programs in college football history. They compete in the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision and the Big Ten Conference. The Golden Gophers have claimed six national championships and have an all time record of 646–481–44 as...
from 1931 to 1933 and was a member of one of the All-America squads in 1931–32. He was chosen for the 1933 East–West Shrine Game played in San Francisco and he played for the East All-Stars in the Century of Progress
Century of Progress
A Century of Progress International Exposition was the name of a World's Fair held in Chicago from 1933 to 1934 to celebrate the city's centennial. The theme of the fair was technological innovation...
International Exposition game at Soldier's Field in Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
that same year. He was also a forward on the Gophers basketball team
Minnesota Golden Gophers men's basketball
The Minnesota Golden Gophers men's basketball team represents the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Golden Gophers have played in the Big Ten since the conference began sponsoring basketball in 1905...
, serving as its captain in 1932–33. After graduation, he went into the radio advertising business and spent some time as an analyst on college football broadcasts. One job had him supplying color commentary for a Chicago radio station, working with Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Wilson Reagan was the 40th President of the United States , the 33rd Governor of California and, prior to that, a radio, film and television actor....
as his a play-by-play partner.
World War I service
Upon the United StatesUnited States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
' entry into World War I
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...
, Brad Robinson, Jr. enlisted and was sent to the First Officers Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan. There he won his commission as a captain of infantry on August 15, 1917. He was then assigned to the command of Company L, 340th Infantry Regiment of the 85th Division. He was sent overseas in July 1918. In France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
, he became an instructor at the Inter-Allied Tank School in Recloses
Recloses is a commune in the Seine-et-Marne department in the Île-de-France region in north-central France.-External links:* * *...
, until his battalion was ordered to the front on November 1, 1918, ten days before the Armistice
Armistice with Germany (Compiègne)
The armistice between the Allies and Germany was an agreement that ended the fighting in the First World War. It was signed in a railway carriage in Compiègne Forest on 11 November 1918 and marked a victory for the Allies and a complete defeat for Germany, although not technically a surrender...
Second marriage, life in Europe, return to U.S.
Robinson elected to stay in France to pursue post-graduate work in 1919, where he met Yvonne Marie Dewachter (1898–1966), while both were students at the University of BordeauxUniversity of Bordeaux
University of Bordeaux is an association of higher education institutions in and around Bordeaux, France. Its current incarnation was established 21 March 2007. The group is the largest system of higher education schools in southwestern France. It is part of the Academy of Bordeaux.There are seven...
. Dewachter was the elder daughter of merchant and renowned landscape painter Louis Dewachter (nom de peintre Louis Dewis)
Louis Dewis
Louis Dewis was a Belgian Post-Impressionist painter, who lived most of his adult life in France.-Early life:Dewis was born Isidore Louis Dewachter in Mons, Belgium, the son of Isidore Louis Dewachter and Eloise Desmaret Dewachter...
. While Robinson spoke hardly a word of French, Dewachter was fluent in English. A courtship ensued and the couple were married on August 12, 1919 in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
. They had seven children: Lois, Nadine, Richard, Janine, Yveline, Jacqueline and Corrine.
The growing family moved from one European city to another as Robinson continued clinical studies across the continent from 1920 to 1926 as a surgeon on the staff of Hugh S. Cumming
Hugh S. Cumming
Hugh Smith Cumming was an American physician, and soldier. He was appointed the fifth Surgeon General of the United States from 1920 to 1936.- Early life :Cumming was born in Hampton, Virginia...
, Surgeon General of the United States
Surgeon General of the United States
The Surgeon General of the United States is the operational head of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and thus the leading spokesperson on matters of public health in the federal government...
. Cumming had been ordered to Europe to study the sanitary conditions of the ports to prevent the introduction of disease into the United States by returning troops. In 1925, he inaugurated a plan for the medical inspection of immigrants abroad in the principal countries of origin. Robinson played a role in both programs. The New York Times reported his arrival in New York City for a visit to the States in 1922:
- One of the first-cabin passengers who arrived yesterday from LiverpoolLiverpoolLiverpool is a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England, along the eastern side of the Mersey Estuary. It was founded as a borough in 1207 and was granted city status in 1880...
...on the White StarWhite StarThe White Star is a fictional, cruiser class combat spacecraft type in the science fiction television series Babylon 5.- Depiction :The White Star-class was designed and built through a collaborative effort between the Minbari religious caste and the Vorlon Empire...
liner AdriaticRMS Adriatic (1907)RMS Adriatic was an ocean liner of the White Star Line. She was the fourth of a quartet of ships measuring over 20,000 tons, dubbed The Big Four, the ship was the only one of the four which was never the world's largest ship however, she was the fastest of the Big Four...
was Dr. Bradbury N. Robinson of the United States Public Health ServiceUnited States Public Health ServiceThe Public Health Service Act of 1944 structured the United States Public Health Service as the primary division of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare , which later became the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The PHS comprises all Agency Divisions of Health and...
, who has been in EnglandEnglandEngland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
for two years assisting British officials at Liverpool and other ports in the examination of emigrants. He said that fully 25 per cent of the emigrants leaving Liverpool while he was there had to be what he termed "disinfested". Those who came from Southern EuropeSouthern EuropeThe term Southern Europe, at its most general definition, is used to mean "all countries in the south of Europe". However, the concept, at different times, has had different meanings, providing additional political, linguistic and cultural context to the definition in addition to the typical...
were clean because they had passed through so many disinfecting stations.
Robinson and his family moved to the United States to stay in 1926, locating to St. Louis, Michigan
St. Louis, Michigan
St. Louis is a city in Gratiot County in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 4,494. The 2010 census estimate places the population at 7,482.-Geography:...
in September of that year. He was drawn to the small city because of its natural mineral-rich water, which he believed would play an important role in his naturopathic and holistic medical practice. A frequent author on medical matters, he opened the Robinson Clinic in St. Louis in 1935. He was twice elected the city's mayor, in 1931 and 1937.
Warnings against the use of DDT
In the mid to late 1940s, Robinson became one of the earliest to warn of the dangers of using the pesticide DDTDDT
DDT is one of the most well-known synthetic insecticides. It is a chemical with a long, unique, and controversial history....
in agriculture. This was a radical view at the time, especially in St. Louis, Michigan. Beginning in 1944, DDT had been researched and manufactured in St. Louis by the Michigan Chemical Corporation, later purchased by Velsicol Chemical Corporation
Velsicol Chemical Corporation
Genovique Specialties Corporation was a Rosemont, Illinois based chemical company founded in 1931 that specializes in plasticizers....
. DDT had become an important part of the local economy. More than a decade passed before the dangers of DDT were the subject of Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson
Rachel Louise Carson was an American marine biologist and conservationist whose writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement....
's 1962 landmark book, Silent Spring
Silent Spring
Silent Spring is a book written by Rachel Carson and published by Houghton Mifflin on 27 September 1962. The book is widely credited with helping launch the environmental movement....
. DDT's use in agriculture was banned worldwide in the 1970s and 80s. The Gratiot County Landfill just outside of St. Louis, in which some of the chemicals from the DDT-producing plant had been disposed, became a Superfund
Superfund is the common name for the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 , a United States federal law designed to clean up sites contaminated with hazardous substances...
site in the 1970s.
Death and burial
Robinson died at the Veterans Hospital in Bay Pines, FloridaBay Pines, Florida
Bay Pines is a census-designated place in Pinellas County, Florida, United States. The population was 3,065 at the 2000 census. The community is home to Bay Pines Veterans Hospital and Bay Pines National Cemetery.-Geography:...
in 1949 from complications following routine surgery. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia, is a military cemetery in the United States of America, established during the American Civil War on the grounds of Arlington House, formerly the estate of the family of Confederate general Robert E. Lee's wife Mary Anna Lee, a great...
Honors and recognition
Robinson was inducted into the St. Louis Billiken Hall of Fame in 1995. In 2009, SI.com and Sports Illustrated Kids listed Cochems' development of the forward pass and Robinson's historic touchdown pass to Schneider as the first of 13 "Revolutionary Moments in Sports." In 2010, Complex magazine recognized Robinson as the "Best Player" on the 1906 St. Louis squad, which the publication ranked among the "The 50 Most Badass College Football Teams" in history, placing the Blue and White at 38th. Complex said it chose the teams based on "style, guts, amazing plays, and players and coaches that did things that just hadn’t been done before." In 2011, Amy Lamare, writing on Bleacher ReportBleacher Report
Bleacher Report is a website that provides news and fans' opinions of sporting events.The website was launched in February 2008 by California-based entrepreneurs Dave Finocchio, Zander Freund, Bryan Goldberg, and Dave Nemetz...
, named St. Louis' 1906 game at Carroll College one of "The 50 Most Historically Significant Games in College Football."
- St. Louis University archives
- Gregorian, Vahe, "100 years of Forward Passing; SLU Was the Pioneer", St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 4, 2006
- Nelson, David M., Anatomy of a Game: Football, the Rules, and the Men Who Made the Game, 1994
- Cochems, Eddie, "The Forward Pass and On-Side Kick", Spalding's How to Play Foot Ball; Camp, Walter, editor, 1907
- Memoirs and scrapbook of Bradbury N. Robinson, Jr., 1903–1949, including scores of newspaper clippings from the period, many without specific dates indicated