Boutros Khawand
Boutros Khawand was a member of the political bureau of the Lebanese
Lebanon , officially the Republic of LebanonRepublic of Lebanon is the most common term used by Lebanese government agencies. The term Lebanese Republic, a literal translation of the official Arabic and French names that is not used in today's world. Arabic is the most common language spoken among...

 Kataeb party
Kataeb Party
The Lebanese Phalanges , better known in English as the Phalange , is a traditional right-wing Lebanese political party. Although it is officially secular, it is mainly supported by Maronite Christians. The party played a major role in the Lebanese War...

 and one of the cofounders of its military council in 1975. He was kidnapped in front of his house in Horch Tabet on September 15, 1992.


Khawand began his political carrier in the Kataeb party in 1956. He held several positions within the party. In 1976, he became one of the major assistants of Bachir Gemayel
Bachir Gemayel
Bachir Gemayel was a Lebanese politician, militia commander, and president-elect...

, head of the Kataeb
Kataeb Party
The Lebanese Phalanges , better known in English as the Phalange , is a traditional right-wing Lebanese political party. Although it is officially secular, it is mainly supported by Maronite Christians. The party played a major role in the Lebanese War...

 Military Council (which later became the core of the Lebanese Forces
Lebanese Forces
The Lebanese Forces is a Lebanese political party. Founded as a militia by Bachir Gemayel during the Lebanese Civil War, the movement fought as the main militia within the Christian-dominated Lebanese Front...

). In 1982, he was elected to the presidency of the Military Council and at the same time, to the political bureau of the Kataeb party. He held the latter position until his kidnapping in 1992. He was known to have a good relationship with Lebanese Forces leader Dr. Samir Geagea
Samir Geagea
Samir Farid Geagea , born October 25, 1952, is a Lebanese politician. He is also a senior figure in the March 14 Alliance, alongside Saad Hariri and Amine Gemayel....



On September 15, 1992, at 9:15 AM, Khawand was heading to Kataeb headquarters in Beirut
Beirut is the capital and largest city of Lebanon, with a population ranging from 1 million to more than 2 million . Located on a peninsula at the midpoint of Lebanon's Mediterranean coastline, it serves as the country's largest and main seaport, and also forms the Beirut Metropolitan...

 when his car, a red Opel, was intercepted by two BMW cars and one red van, 100m away from his home. Between eight and ten gunmen were in the attacking squad. They pulled him out of his car and forced him into the van.


It is widely believed that he is still alive in one of the Syria
Syria , officially the Syrian Arab Republic , is a country in Western Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the West, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest....

n jails, most probably in Mezzeh prison or in the "Sab' Bahrat" (Seven Seas) prison (controlled by the Syrian Air Force
Syrian Air Force
The Syrian Air Force is the Aviation branch of the Syrian Armed Forces. It was established in 1948.-History:The end of World War II led to a withdrawal of the United Kingdom and France from the Middle East, and this included a withdrawal from Syria...

 intelligence service) in Damascus
Damascus , commonly known in Syria as Al Sham , and as the City of Jasmine , is the capital and the second largest city of Syria after Aleppo, both are part of the country's 14 governorates. In addition to being one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Damascus is a major...

 although some reports stated that he was later transferred to Tadmor prison
Tadmor Prison
Tadmor prison is located in Palmyra in the deserts of eastern Syria approximately 200 kilometers northeast of Damascus ....

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