Battlefield 1942-Mod: Battlefield 1918
Battlefield 1918 is a mod for FPS
First-person shooter
First-person shooter is a video game genre that centers the gameplay on gun and projectile weapon-based combat through first-person perspective; i.e., the player experiences the action through the eyes of a protagonist. Generally speaking, the first-person shooter shares common traits with other...

 computer game Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 1942 is a 3D World War II first-person shooter computer game developed by Swedish company Digital Illusions CE and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh . The game can be played in singleplayer mode against the computer game AI or in multiplayer mode...

. Battlefield 1918 has had several versions released since its launch in 2004 and is still actively updated to the present time.


The development of Battlefield 1918 began soon after the release of Battlefield 1942, by 2004 the first version of Battlefield 1918 had been released. By 2008 version 3.0, which added many new features but presented many new bugs, was released. In May 2011 Battlefield 1918 saw the release of version 3.1 which added Belgium and Canada as playable nations as well as added naval battles, increased singleplayer support greatly, added new weapons and maps, and fixed many of the bugs of version 3.0.


Battlefield 1918 is set during the First World War on multiple theatres and continents. Game maps or battles are often based on actual conflicts fought on and around Western Europe
Western Front (World War I)
Following the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by first invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The tide of the advance was dramatically turned with the Battle of the Marne...

, Eastern Europe
Eastern Front (World War I)
The Eastern Front was a theatre of war during World War I in Central and, primarily, Eastern Europe. The term is in contrast to the Western Front. Despite the geographical separation, the events in the two theatres strongly influenced each other...

, Southern Europe
Italian Campaign (World War I)
The Italian campaign refers to a series of battles fought between the armies of Austria-Hungary and Italy, along with their allies, in northern Italy between 1915 and 1918. Italy hoped that by joining the countries of the Triple Entente against the Central Powers it would gain Cisalpine Tyrol , the...

, the Middle East
Middle Eastern theatre of World War I
The Middle Eastern theatre of World War I was the scene of action between 29 October 1914, and 30 October 1918. The combatants were the Ottoman Empire, with some assistance from the other Central Powers, and primarily the British and the Russians among the Allies of World War I...

, North Africa
North African Campaign (World War I)
The North Africa Campaign was a series of conflicts during World War I, part of Middle Eastern theatre of World War I in southwest Libya and southern Tripolitania...

, Equatorial Africa
East African Campaign (World War I)
The East African Campaign was a series of battles and guerrilla actions which started in German East Africa and ultimately affected portions of Mozambique, Northern Rhodesia, British East Africa, Uganda, and the Belgian Congo. The campaign was effectively ended in November 1917...

, and Asia
Asian and Pacific theatre of World War I
The Asian and Pacific Theatre of World War I was a largely bloodless conquest of German colonial possession in the Pacific Ocean and China. The most significant military action was the careful and well-executed Siege of Tsingtao in what is now China, but smaller actions were also fought at Bita...

. To accompany the large selection of locations for battles (over 90 maps) the game includes a large selection of playable armies including:
  • Germany
    German Empire
    The German Empire refers to Germany during the "Second Reich" period from the unification of Germany and proclamation of Wilhelm I as German Emperor on 18 January 1871, to 1918, when it became a federal republic after defeat in World War I and the abdication of the Emperor, Wilhelm II.The German...

  • France
    French Third Republic
    The French Third Republic was the republican government of France from 1870, when the Second French Empire collapsed due to the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, to 1940, when France was overrun by Nazi Germany during World War II, resulting in the German and Italian occupations of France...

  • England
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was the formal name of the United Kingdom during the period when what is now the Republic of Ireland formed a part of it....

  • Russia
    Russian Empire
    The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia and the predecessor of the Soviet Union...

  • Austria-Hungary
    Austria-Hungary , more formally known as the Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council and the Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen, was a constitutional monarchic union between the crowns of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary in...

  • Ottoman Empire
    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

  • Italy
  • Belgium
    Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

  • India
    British Raj
    British Raj was the British rule in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947; The term can also refer to the period of dominion...

  • Canada
    Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

  • United States
    United States
    The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

  • Senegal
    Senegalese Tirailleurs
    The Senegalese Tirailleurs were a corps of colonial infantry in the French Army recruited from Senegal,French West Africa and throughout west, central and east Africa, the main province of the French colonial empire...

  • Askari
  • Schutztruppe
    Schutztruppe was the African colonial armed force of Imperial Germany from the late 19th century to 1918, when Germany lost its colonies. Similar to other colonial forces, the Schutztruppe consisted of volunteer European commissioned and non-commissioned officers, medical and veterinary officers. ...

Battlefield 1918 also has a large selection of vehicles, aircraft, weapons, and even ships that are not only represented but able to be used by the player. The actual game play of Battlefield 1918 is in many ways similar to Battlefield 1942 but there are notable differences. Among the most notable being the damage system, which tries to be more realistic, with which the soldier the player controls can take lethal damage from just one shot from any gun at the head or the chest of the soldier, including pistols.

Forgotten Honor Tournament cooperation

The inside1918 team has formed a partnership with the Forgotten Honor Tournament to release special tournaments of Battlefield 1918. Cooperation between these two groups is to the extent that a special version of Battlefield 1918 was made specifically for tournament use. At the present time Battlefield 1918 has seen 2 campaigns from the Forgotten Honor Tournament, these include "Blood in the Trenches" featuring France vs. Germany in 2009 and "Price of a mile" featuring England, India, and ANZACs versus the Ottoman Empire in 2010. It has been rumoured of a 3rd campaign and possibly even a 4th campaign in development.


Battlefield 1918 has received generally positive reviews from it's players.
Mod DB
Player's Choice*Best Indie Game: Tremulous*Best Released Mod: Point of Existence 2*Best Unreleased Mod: Black Mesa*By genre-2005:*-2004:*-2003:*-2002:*- External links :* *...

gave it a 9.6 out of 10 and gave it a 9.5 out of 10. Many who reviewed Battlefield 1918 praised the large amount of content, however a few made minor complaints of the limited singleplayer support and bugs of version 3.0.

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.