or actress, which is a person in theatre
, television
, film
, or any other storytelling
medium who tells the story by portraying a character
and, usually, speaking or singing
the written text or play
Most early sources in the West
that examine the art
of acting discuss it as part of rhetoric
One of the first actor
s is believed to be an ancient Greek called Thespis
of Icaria. An apocryphal story says that Thespis stepped out of the dithyramb
ic chorus
and spoke to them as a separate character
For an actress to be a success she must have the face of Venus, the brains of Minerva, the grace of Terpsichore, the memory of Macaulay, the figure of Juno, and the hide of a rhinoceros.
ACTOR: A professional exhibitionist who manufactures emotions in a manner convincing enough to earn a living, generally by reciting the daily specials to restaurant patrons.
It's not whether you really cry. It's whether the audience thinks you are crying.
For the theatre one needs long arms; it is better to have them too long than too short. An artiste with short arms can never, never make a fine gesture.
An actor's a guy, who if you ain't talking about him, ain't listening.
Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse. It's a bum's life. Quitting acting, that's the sign of maturity.
Acting is the least mysterious of all crafts. Whenever we want something from somebody or when we want to hide something or pretend, we're acting. Most people do it all day long.
If a studio offered to pay me as much to sweep the floor as it did to act, I'd sweep the floor. There isn't anything that pays you as well as acting while you decide what the hell you're going to do with yourself. Who cares about the applause? Do I need applause to feel good about myself?
The close-up says everything, it's then that an actor's learned, rehearsed behavior becomes most obvious to an audience and chips away, unconsciously, at its experience of reality. In a close-up, the audience is only inches away, and your face becomes the stage.
By the time an actor knows how to act any sort of part he is often too old to act any but a few.