2008 in Israeli film
A list of film
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects...

s produced by the Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

i film industry
Film industry
The film industry consists of the technological and commercial institutions of filmmaking: i.e. film production companies, film studios, cinematography, film production, screenwriting, pre-production, post production, film festivals, distribution; and actors, film directors and other film crew...

 in 2008
2008 in film
This is a list of all major films made in 2008.-Highest-grossing films:Please note that following the tradition of the English-language film industry, these are the top grossing films that were first released in the USA in 2008...


2008 releases

Premiere Title Director Cast Genre Notes Ref
8 Lemon Tree
Lemon Tree (film)
Lemon Tree is a 2008 Israeli drama movie directed by Eran Riklis and codirected by his cousin Ira Riklis. It stars Hiam Abbass, Ali Suliman, Danny Leshman, Rona Lipaz-Michael, Tarik Kopty, Amos Lavi, Lana Zreik and Amnon Wolf...

Eran Riklis
Eran Riklis
Eran Riklis is an Israeli filmmaker. His films include Cup Final , The Syrian Bride , and Lemon Tree . He was born in 1954 and he studied at the National Film and Television School in England. He is married to Dina Riklis and they have two children, a daughter, Tammy, and a son, Jonathan...

Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass , also known as Hiam Abbas or Hiyam Abbas, is a Palestinian actress and an Arab citizen of Israel. She is known for her roles in the films Satin Rouge , Haifa , Paradise Now , The Syrian Bride , Free Zone , Dawn of the World , The Visitor , Lemon Tree , and Amreeka...

, Ali Suliman
Ali Suliman
-Career:He starred in Paradise Now, which won the Golden Globe award for Best Foreign Film. In 2007, he appeared in the movie The Kingdom alongside Jamie Foxx. In the movie Lemon Tree he plays a lawyer, and the role of Omar Sadiki in the movie Body of Lies....

  • Israeli-French-German co-production
  • Won the 'Panorama Audience Award' at the Berlin Film Festival (Germany)
14 Restless Amos Kollek
Amos Kollek
Amos Kollek is an Israeli film director, writer and actor.-Biography:Amos Kollek was born in Jerusalem. He is the son of Teddy Kollek, the long-time mayor of Jerusalem. Kollek studied psychology and philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He became interested in film after working as a...

Moshe Ivgy
Moshe Ivgy
Moshe Ivgy is a Moroccan-born Israeli actor and director.-Biography:Moshe Ivgy was born in Casablanca, Morocco. He was married to actress Irit Sheleg. Their daughter Dana Ivgy is also an actress...

, Ran Danker
Ran Danker
Ran Danker is an Israeli actor, singer and model. He is the son of Israeli actor Eli Danker. He has sung such songs as "אני אש" . He has also starred in the hit Israeli series HaShir Shelanu...

, Michael Moshonov
Michael Moshonov
Michael Moshonov is an Israeli actor, singer, musician and TV host. Moshonov won the Ophir Award for Best Actor twice, for Lost Islands and for The Human Resources Manager.-Biography:...

Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...

15 Waltz with Bashir
Waltz with Bashir
Waltz with Bashir is a 2008 Israeli animated documentary film written and directed by Ari Folman. It depicts Folman in search of his lost memories from the 1982 Lebanon War....

Ari Folman
Ari Folman
Ari Folman is an Israeli film director, screenwriter and film score composer.-Biography:Ari Folman was born in Haifa to Holocaust survivors. His wife is also a film director...

Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways...

, Biography
A biography is a detailed description or account of someone's life. More than a list of basic facts , biography also portrays the subject's experience of those events...

, Drama
Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...

, War
War is a state of organized, armed, and often prolonged conflict carried on between states, nations, or other parties typified by extreme aggression, social disruption, and usually high mortality. War should be understood as an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political...

  • Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film
    81st Academy Awards
    The 81st Academy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , honored the best films of 2008 and took place February 22, 2009, at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles beginning at 5:30 p.m. PST / 8:30 p.m. EST...

  • 7 Days Ronit Elkabetz
    Ronit Elkabetz
    Ronit Elkabetz is an Israeli actress and filmmaker. She works in both Israeli and French cinema. She has won three Ophir Awards and has received a total of seven nominations.- Biography :...

    Shlomi Elkabetz
    Ronit Elkabetz
    Ronit Elkabetz
    Ronit Elkabetz is an Israeli actress and filmmaker. She works in both Israeli and French cinema. She has won three Ophir Awards and has received a total of seven nominations.- Biography :...

    , Yael Abecassis
    Yael Abecassis
    Yael Abecassis is an Israeli actress and model. She married Israeli actor Lior Miller in 1996 and has one child. They divorced in 2003. Abecassis is the daughter of Raymonde Abecassis, a Moroccan-born Israeli actress.- Career:...

    , Hana Laszlo, Moshe Ivgy
    Moshe Ivgy
    Moshe Ivgy is a Moroccan-born Israeli actor and director.-Biography:Moshe Ivgy was born in Casablanca, Morocco. He was married to actress Irit Sheleg. Their daughter Dana Ivgy is also an actress...

    , Keren Mor
    Keren Mor
    - Biography :While attending her mandatory military service in the IDF Mor studied acting in the Nissan Nativ Acting Studio in Tel Aviv. Mor's first major appearance was in the film "Abba Ganuv" . Later on she played in several films, including Amos Gitai's "Berlin-Yerushalaim" and "Shuroo"...

    , Alon Aboutboul 
    Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...

    , War
    War is a state of organized, armed, and often prolonged conflict carried on between states, nations, or other parties typified by extreme aggression, social disruption, and usually high mortality. War should be understood as an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political...

    3 Lost Islands Reshef Levy Oshri Cohen
    Oshri Cohen
    Oshri Cohen is an Israeli actor.He started his way as a kid at the Beit Lessin Theater in Tel Aviv.In 2006 Cohen won the Israeli Theater's award for "Promise of the Year."...

    , Michael Moshonov
    Michael Moshonov
    Michael Moshonov is an Israeli actor, singer, musician and TV host. Moshonov won the Ophir Award for Best Actor twice, for Lost Islands and for The Human Resources Manager.-Biography:...

    , Shmil Ben Ari
    Shmil Ben Ari
    Shmil Ben Ari is an Israeli actor, star of the award-winning TV series Meorav Yerushalmi , popular shows Like Zinzana, Merhav Yarkon, and Rechov Sumsum and films such as An Electric Blanket Named Moshe , Life According To Agfa, Lovesick on Nana Street, Nina's Tragedies and Yana's...

    , Orly Silbersatz Banai, Ofer Shechter
    Ofer Shechter
    Ofer Shechter is an Israeli actor, entertainer, model and TV host.- Biography :Schechter was born and raised in Moshav Hadar Am. At the age of seven Schechter took part in a commercial for a watermelon Ice pop which was broadcast on Israeli TV...

    Comedy , as a popular meaning, is any humorous discourse or work generally intended to amuse by creating laughter, especially in television, film, and stand-up comedy. This must be carefully distinguished from its academic definition, namely the comic theatre, whose Western origins are found in...

    , Drama
    Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...

    16 Out of the Blue Yigal Bursztyn Alon Aboutboul, Moshe Ivgy
    Moshe Ivgy
    Moshe Ivgy is a Moroccan-born Israeli actor and director.-Biography:Moshe Ivgy was born in Casablanca, Morocco. He was married to actress Irit Sheleg. Their daughter Dana Ivgy is also an actress...

    Comedy , as a popular meaning, is any humorous discourse or work generally intended to amuse by creating laughter, especially in television, film, and stand-up comedy. This must be carefully distinguished from its academic definition, namely the comic theatre, whose Western origins are found in...

    , Crime
    Crime is the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority can ultimately prescribe a conviction...

    , Drama
    Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...

    30 Adam Resurrected
    Adam Resurrected
    Adam Resurrected is an American-German-Israeli film, directed by Paul Schrader and adapted from Yoram Kaniuk's novel of the same name published in Israel in 1968 .Jeff Goldblum stars as the titular character, alongside Willem Dafoe, Derek Jacobi and Ayelet Zurer...

    Paul Schrader
    Paul Schrader
    Paul Joseph Schrader is an American screenwriter, film director, and former film critic. Apart from his credentials as a director, Schrader is most notably known for his screenplays for Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver and Raging Bull....

    Jeff Goldblum
    Jeff Goldblum
    Jeffrey Lynn "Jeff" Goldblum is an American actor. His career began in the mid-1970s and he has appeared in major box-office successes including The Fly, Jurassic Park and its sequel Jurassic Park: The Lost World, and Independence Day...

    , Willem Dafoe
    Willem Dafoe
    Willem Dafoe is an American film, stage, and voice actor, and a founding member of the experimental theatre company The Wooster Group...

    , Derek Jacobi
    Derek Jacobi
    Sir Derek George Jacobi, CBE is an English actor and film director.A "forceful, commanding stage presence", Jacobi has enjoyed a highly successful stage career, appearing in such stage productions as Hamlet, Uncle Vanya, and Oedipus the King. He received a Tony Award for his performance in...

    , Ayelet Zurer
    Ayelet Zurer
    Ayelet Zorer is an Israeli actress, perhaps best known for her roles in Nina’s Tragedies, Adam Resurrected, Munich, and Angels & Demons....

    Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...

    , War
    War is a state of organized, armed, and often prolonged conflict carried on between states, nations, or other parties typified by extreme aggression, social disruption, and usually high mortality. War should be understood as an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political...

  • Israeli-American-German co-production
  • S
    4 $9.99
    $9.99 is a 2008 Australian/Israeli stop motion film written and directed by Tatia Rosenthal, with the screenplay by Etgar Keret. This film marks the third collaboration between Rosenthal and Keret...

    Tatia Rosenthal
    Tatia Rosenthal
    Tatia Rosenthal is an animator and film director born in Tel Aviv, Israel.She served two years in the Israeli Defense Force, tried her hand at medical school and studied photography in Paris, before moving to New York City to attend the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University.She...

    Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways...

    , Drama
    Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...

  • Israeli-Australian co-production
  • O
    17 Eli & Ben Ori Ravid  Lior Ashkenazi
    Lior Ashkenazi
    Lior Ashkenazi , is an award-winning Israeli screen and stage actor.- Biography :Lior Ashkenazi was born to Sephardi Jewish immigrants from Turkey who moved to Israel in 1964. He grew up in the Neveh Yehoshua neighborhood in Ramat Gan. His father, Shmuel, worked as a printer. His mother, Victoria,...

    In human context, a family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children...

    , Drama
    Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...


    Notable deaths

    • 1 April – Mosko Alkalai
      Mosko Alkalai
      Mosko Alkalai was an Israeli stage and film actor. He was best known a for a string of hits including Blaumilch Canal, The Fox in the Chicken Coop and Yana's Friends.-Career:...

      , 77, Israeli actor (Blaumilch Canal
      Blaumilch Canal
      Blaumilch Canal is a 1969 Israeli comedy directed by Ephraim Kishon, which depicts the madness of bureaucracy through a municipality’s reaction to the actions of a lunatic....

      , The Fox in the Chicken Coop
      The Fox in the Chicken Coop
      Based on Ephraim Kishon’s satirical book by the same name, The Fox in the Chicken Coop is a 1978 Israeli film directed by Kishon. It features many prominent Israeli actors of the time, most notably Shaike Ophir and Seffy Rivlin...

      , Yana's Friends
      Yana's Friends
      Yana's Friends , directed by Arik Kaplun, is an Israeli movie awarded the Crystal Globe at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 1999....

      ) - respiratory failure. http://fr.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1207238168610&pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull (born 1931)
    • 1 April – Shosh Atari
      Shosh Atari
      Shosh Atari was an Israeli actress, born in Rehovot. She was the sister of Gali Atari.In the 1970s Atari joined Kol Yisrael and in the 1980s she was one of the stars of Reshet Gimel, where she was the host of the music hit programs - "Chadash, Chadish, U-mechudash", "Lohet", and other programs...

      , 58, Israeli radio presenter and actress - heart attack. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3526567,00.html (born 1949)
    • 20 April – Nissan Nativ
      Nissan Nativ
      Nissan Nativ was an Israeli actor, director and acting teacher.-Biography:...

      , 86, Israeli director, actor and acting teacher. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3533889,00.html (born 1922)

    External links

    • Israeli films of 2008 at the Internet Movie Database
      Internet Movie Database
      Internet Movie Database is an online database of information related to movies, television shows, actors, production crew personnel, video games and fictional characters featured in visual entertainment media. It is one of the most popular online entertainment destinations, with over 100 million...

    The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.