2000 British Touring Car Championship season
The 2000 Auto Trader RAC British Touring Car Championship season was the 43rd British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) season and marked the final year for Super Touring specification cars in the championship.
|- valign="top"
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align:center;"
! colspan=29 | Touring Class
|- valign="top"
!valign="middle"| Pos.
!valign="middle"| Driver
!colspan="2"| BHGP
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| THR
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| KNO
Kingdom of Scotland
!colspan="2"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SIL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| CRO
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SNE
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| BHI
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SIL
Kingdom of England
! valign="middle"| Pts
! 1
Switzerland Alain Menu
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7*
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3*
| align="right"| 195
! 2
Scotland Anthony Reid
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2*
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white" | DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret*
|align="right"| 193
! 3
Sweden Rickard Rydell
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4*
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white" | DSQ
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|align="right"| 178
! 4
France Yvan Muller
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|align="right"| 168
! 5
England Jason Plato
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|align="right"| 160
! 6
Italy Gabriele Tarquini
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2*
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
| align="right"| 149
! 7
Denmark Tom Kristensen
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1*
| align="right"| 143
! 8
England Matt Neal
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8*
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
| align="right"| 129
! 9
England James Thompson
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white" | DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3*
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8*
| align="right"| 129
! 10
Belgium Vincent Radermecker
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
| align="right"| 81
! 11
Scotland Colin Blair
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|align="right"| 26
! 12
Scotland David Leslie
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|align="right"| 15
! 13
Netherlands Peter Kox
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|align="right"| 2
! colspan=30 | Independent's Championship
! 1
England Matt Neal
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 8
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 8
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 8
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|align="right"| 348
! 2
Scotland Colin Blair
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|align="right"| 132
! 3
Scotland David Leslie
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|align="right"| 32
! colspan=29 | Class B
! 1
Alan Morrison
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 15
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 264
! 2
England James Kaye
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
| align="right"| 260
! 3
England Mark Lemmer
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 14
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white" | DSQ
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 15
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 185
! 4
England Rob Collard
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 81
! 5
England Dan Eaves
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
| align="right"| 53
! 6
England Nick James
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 16
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 51
! 7
England Marc Nordon
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 15
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 12
| align="right"| 30
! 8
England Tom Ferrier
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 18
! 9
Wales Gareth Howell
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
| align="right"| 18
! 10
Finland Toni Ruokonen
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 14
! 11
England Geoff Kimber-Smith
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
| align="right"| 11
! 12
Scotland Bryce Wilson
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
| align="right"| 10
! 13
England Andy Middlehurst
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 6
! 14
England Lee Linford
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 15
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 6
! 15
England Will Hoy
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 2
! 16
Scotland Gavin Pyper
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 1
! 17
England Simon Harrison
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 0
! 18
England David Pitcher
| align="right"| 0
!valign="middle"| Pos.
!valign="middle"| Driver
!colspan="2"| BHGP
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| THR
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| KNO
Kingdom of Scotland
!colspan="2"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SIL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| CRO
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SNE
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| BHI
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SIL
Kingdom of England
! valign="middle"| Pts
Note: bold signifies pole position in class (1 point awarded), italics signifies fastest lap in class and* signifies that driver lead feature race for at least one lap (1 point given).
‡ Retired before second start of race
Note: Unknown fastest laps from Rounds 17-20 for the Independent class and Class B.
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center;"
|- valign="top"
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Manufacturer
!colspan="2"| BHGP
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| THR
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| KNO
Kingdom of Scotland
!colspan="2"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SIL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| CRO
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SNE
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| BHI
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SIL
Kingdom of England
! valign="middle"| Pts
!rowspan=2| 1
|rowspan=2 align=left| Ford / Ford Team Mondeo
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
!rowspan=2| 515
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
!rowspan=2| 2
|rowspan=2 align=left| Honda
/ Redstone Team Honda
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
!rowspan=2| 411
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
!rowspan=2| 3
|rowspan=2 align=left| Vauxhall
/ Vauxhall Motorsport
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
!rowspan=2| 399
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Manufacturer
!colspan="2"| BHGP
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| THR
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| KNO
Kingdom of Scotland
!colspan="2"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SIL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| CRO
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SNE
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| BHI
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="2"| SIL
Kingdom of England
! valign="middle"| Pts
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center;"
|- valign="top"
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Team
!colspan="1"| BHGP
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| THR
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| KNO
Kingdom of Scotland
!colspan="1"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| SIL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| CRO
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| SNE
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| BHI
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| SIL
Kingdom of England
! valign="middle"| Pts
!rowspan=2| 1
|rowspan=2 align=left| Ford Team Mondeo
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
!rowspan=2| 205
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
!rowspan=2| 2
|rowspan=2 align=left| Vauxhall Motorsport
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
!rowspan=2| 196
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
!rowspan=2| 3
|rowspan=2 align=left| Redstone Team Honda
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
!rowspan=2| 176
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
!rowspan=1| 4
|rowspan=1 align=left| Team Dynamics Max Power Racing
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
!rowspan=1| 47
!rowspan=1| 5
|rowspan=1 align=left| PRO Motorsport
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
!rowspan=1| 19
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Team
!colspan="1"| BHGP
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| THR
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| KNO
Kingdom of Scotland
!colspan="1"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| SIL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| CRO
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| SNE
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| DON
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| BHI
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| OUL
Kingdom of England
!colspan="1"| SIL
Kingdom of England
! valign="middle"| Pts
‡ Retired before second start of race
Changes for 2000
- 1999 champion Laurent AïelloLaurent AïelloLaurent Aïello is a race car driver.In 1990 he won the Monaco Grand Prix Formula Three support race. His two seasons in International Formula 3000 were not successful however, and though he won the French Formula Three Championship. 2005 was his final competitive season...
did not return to defend his crown, the Frenchman instead signing with AudiAudiAudi AG is a German automobile manufacturer, from supermini to crossover SUVs in various body styles and price ranges that are marketed under the Audi brand , positioned as the premium brand within the Volkswagen Group....
to compete in Le Mans and the newly-revived DTMDeutsche Tourenwagen MastersThe Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters is a touring car racing series based in Germany, but also with rounds elsewhere in Europe....
championship in Germany. - Honda enlisted 1994 champion Gabriele TarquiniGabriele TarquiniGabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify...
and Le Mans winner Tom KristensenTom KristensenTom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive...
to partner James ThompsonJames Thompson (racing driver)James Thompson is a British auto racing driver and commentator for Eurosport's motorsport coverage. He has twice been champion of the British Touring Car Championship , and was third in the 2007 World Touring Car Championship.-Racing career:He started racing in the BTCC in a privately-entered...
. - Rickard RydellRickard RydellRickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series...
joined the Ford team from the departed VolvoVolvoAB Volvo is a Swedish builder of commercial vehicles, including trucks, buses and construction equipment. Volvo also supplies marine and industrial drive systems, aerospace components and financial services...
squad. - At VauxhallVauxhall MotorsVauxhall Motors is a British automotive company owned by General Motors and headquartered in Luton. It was founded in 1857 as a pump and marine engine manufacturer, began manufacturing cars in 1903 and was acquired by GM in 1925. It has been the second-largest selling car brand in the UK for...
, Yvan MullerYvan MullerYvan Muller is a French auto racing driver most noted for success in touring car racing. He is a two-time and the reigning World Touring Car Champion.-Single-seaters:...
was partnered by Jason PlatoJason PlatoTimothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times...
and Vincent RadermeckerVincent Radermecker-Early years:After starting in racing through karting in his home land of Belgium in 1986, he drove in the Benelux Formula Ford Championship. He was champion in his second year in the series in 1991. In 1992 he raced in Great Britain, with a drive in the British Formula Ford Championship, finishing...
, having joined from RenaultRenaultRenault S.A. is a French automaker producing cars, vans, and in the past, autorail vehicles, trucks, tractors, vans and also buses/coaches. Its alliance with Nissan makes it the world's third largest automaker...
and Volvo respectively. - A smaller Super Touring field for 2000 resulted in the introduction of "Class B" cars based on Super Production regulations.
Teams and drivers
Round | Circuit | Date | Pole Position | Fastest Lap | Winning Driver | Winning Team | Winning Class B | |
1 | R1 | ![]() Brands Hatch Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events... , Kent Kent Kent is a county in southeast England, and is one of the home counties. It borders East Sussex, Surrey and Greater London and has a defined boundary with Essex in the middle of the Thames Estuary. The ceremonial county boundaries of Kent include the shire county of Kent and the unitary borough of... |
April 9 | ![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R2 | ![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
![]() Anthony Reid Anthony Reid is a British auto racing driver, born on 17 May 1957 in Glasgow, Scotland. Although Scottish he now lives in England.-Formula cars:... |
![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
Vauxhall Motorsport Triple 8 Race Engineering Triple Eight Race Engineering is an auto racing team formed in 1996 to design, build and race Vauxhalls on behalf of the General Motors brand in the British Touring Car Championship . A close working alliance has developed during a decade of success and Triple Eight is now Vauxhall's technical... |
![]() James Kaye James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC... |
2 | R3 | ![]() Donington Park Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship... , Leicestershire Leicestershire Leicestershire is a landlocked county in the English Midlands. It takes its name from the heavily populated City of Leicester, traditionally its administrative centre, although the City of Leicester unitary authority is today administered separately from the rest of Leicestershire... |
April 24 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R4 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() James Kaye James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC... |
3 | R5 | ![]() Thruxton Circuit Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing.... , Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire is a county on the southern coast of England in the United Kingdom. The county town of Hampshire is Winchester, a historic cathedral city that was once the capital of England. Hampshire is notable for housing the original birthplaces of the Royal Navy, British Army, and Royal Air Force... |
May 1 | ![]() Yvan Muller Yvan Muller is a French auto racing driver most noted for success in touring car racing. He is a two-time and the reigning World Touring Car Champion.-Single-seaters:... |
![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
![]() Yvan Muller Yvan Muller is a French auto racing driver most noted for success in touring car racing. He is a two-time and the reigning World Touring Car Champion.-Single-seaters:... |
Vauxhall Motorsport Triple 8 Race Engineering Triple Eight Race Engineering is an auto racing team formed in 1996 to design, build and race Vauxhalls on behalf of the General Motors brand in the British Touring Car Championship . A close working alliance has developed during a decade of success and Triple Eight is now Vauxhall's technical... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R6 | ![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
![]() Yvan Muller Yvan Muller is a French auto racing driver most noted for success in touring car racing. He is a two-time and the reigning World Touring Car Champion.-Single-seaters:... |
Vauxhall Motorsport Triple 8 Race Engineering Triple Eight Race Engineering is an auto racing team formed in 1996 to design, build and race Vauxhalls on behalf of the General Motors brand in the British Touring Car Championship . A close working alliance has developed during a decade of success and Triple Eight is now Vauxhall's technical... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
4 | R7 | ![]() Knockhill Racing Circuit Knockhill Racing Circuit in Fife is Scotland's national Motorsport centre. The circuit is located in the Fife countryside about north of Dunfermline. The track, initially opened in 1974, is long and 10 metres wide and was created by joining service roads to a nearby disused mineral railway,... , Fife Fife Fife is a council area and former county of Scotland. It is situated between the Firth of Tay and the Firth of Forth, with inland boundaries to Perth and Kinross and Clackmannanshire... |
May 14 | ![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
![]() James Thompson (racing driver) James Thompson is a British auto racing driver and commentator for Eurosport's motorsport coverage. He has twice been champion of the British Touring Car Championship , and was third in the 2007 World Touring Car Championship.-Racing career:He started racing in the BTCC in a privately-entered... |
![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() Mark Lemmer Mark Lemmer is a British auto racing driver, who is also presently the managing director of the family run Barwell Motorsport racing team which was set up by his father Richard. The team have run cars in different disciplines around the world, in 2008 they entered Aston Martins in the American Le... |
R8 | ![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
Redstone Team Honda West Surrey Racing Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
5 | R9 | ![]() Oulton Park Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was... , Cheshire Cheshire Cheshire is a ceremonial county in North West England. Cheshire's county town is the city of Chester, although its largest town is Warrington. Other major towns include Widnes, Congleton, Crewe, Ellesmere Port, Runcorn, Macclesfield, Winsford, Northwich, and Wilmslow... |
May 29 | ![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() James Kaye James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC... |
R10 | ![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
Redstone Team Honda West Surrey Racing Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and... |
![]() James Kaye James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC... |
6 | R11 | ![]() Silverstone Circuit Silverstone Circuit is an English motor racing circuit next to the Northamptonshire villages of Silverstone and Whittlebury. The circuit straddles the Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire border, with the current main circuit entry on the Buckinghamshire side... , Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire is a landlocked county in the English East Midlands, with a population of 629,676 as at the 2001 census. It has boundaries with the ceremonial counties of Warwickshire to the west, Leicestershire and Rutland to the north, Cambridgeshire to the east, Bedfordshire to the south-east,... |
June 11 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Yvan Muller Yvan Muller is a French auto racing driver most noted for success in touring car racing. He is a two-time and the reigning World Touring Car Champion.-Single-seaters:... |
![]() James Thompson (racing driver) James Thompson is a British auto racing driver and commentator for Eurosport's motorsport coverage. He has twice been champion of the British Touring Car Championship , and was third in the 2007 World Touring Car Championship.-Racing career:He started racing in the BTCC in a privately-entered... |
Redstone Team Honda West Surrey Racing Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R12 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Yvan Muller Yvan Muller is a French auto racing driver most noted for success in touring car racing. He is a two-time and the reigning World Touring Car Champion.-Single-seaters:... |
![]() Yvan Muller Yvan Muller is a French auto racing driver most noted for success in touring car racing. He is a two-time and the reigning World Touring Car Champion.-Single-seaters:... |
Vauxhall Motorsport Triple 8 Race Engineering Triple Eight Race Engineering is an auto racing team formed in 1996 to design, build and race Vauxhalls on behalf of the General Motors brand in the British Touring Car Championship . A close working alliance has developed during a decade of success and Triple Eight is now Vauxhall's technical... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
7 | R13 | ![]() Croft Circuit Croft Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near Dalton-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, England. The tarmac circuit is just over long and is based on the lands of an airfield, but has long since moved on from being a basic airfield circuit... , North Yorkshire North Yorkshire North Yorkshire is a non-metropolitan or shire county located in the Yorkshire and the Humber region of England, and a ceremonial county primarily in that region but partly in North East England. Created in 1974 by the Local Government Act 1972 it covers an area of , making it the largest... |
June 25 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R14 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() James Kaye James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC... |
8 | R15 | ![]() Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit is a motor racing circuit in Norfolk, England. Owned by MotorSport Vision, it is situated on the A11 road some 20 km north-east of the town of Thetford and 30 km south-west of the city of Norwich... , Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk is a low-lying county in the East of England. It has borders with Lincolnshire to the west, Cambridgeshire to the west and southwest and Suffolk to the south. Its northern and eastern boundaries are the North Sea coast and to the north-west the county is bordered by The Wash. The county... ![]() |
July 8 | ![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
Vauxhall Motorsport Triple 8 Race Engineering Triple Eight Race Engineering is an auto racing team formed in 1996 to design, build and race Vauxhalls on behalf of the General Motors brand in the British Touring Car Championship . A close working alliance has developed during a decade of success and Triple Eight is now Vauxhall's technical... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R16 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Jason Plato Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times... |
![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() Rob Collard Robert Collard is an auto racing driver from Hampshire, best known for racing in the British Touring Car Championship, winning two races in a West Surrey Racing MG, and claiming the Independent's Cup title in 2003... |
9 | R17 | ![]() Donington Park Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship... , Leicestershire Leicestershire Leicestershire is a landlocked county in the English Midlands. It takes its name from the heavily populated City of Leicester, traditionally its administrative centre, although the City of Leicester unitary authority is today administered separately from the rest of Leicestershire... |
July 30 | ![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
![]() Anthony Reid Anthony Reid is a British auto racing driver, born on 17 May 1957 in Glasgow, Scotland. Although Scottish he now lives in England.-Formula cars:... |
![]() Anthony Reid Anthony Reid is a British auto racing driver, born on 17 May 1957 in Glasgow, Scotland. Although Scottish he now lives in England.-Formula cars:... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R18 | ![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
![]() Anthony Reid Anthony Reid is a British auto racing driver, born on 17 May 1957 in Glasgow, Scotland. Although Scottish he now lives in England.-Formula cars:... |
![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
Redstone Team Honda West Surrey Racing Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and... |
![]() James Kaye James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC... |
10 | R19 | ![]() Brands Hatch Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events... , Kent Kent Kent is a county in southeast England, and is one of the home counties. It borders East Sussex, Surrey and Greater London and has a defined boundary with Essex in the middle of the Thames Estuary. The ceremonial county boundaries of Kent include the shire county of Kent and the unitary borough of... |
August 28 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Matt Neal Matthew Neal is a British motor racing driver. He won the British Touring Car Championship in 2005, 2006 and 2011. He has also won a European Touring Car Championship race. He is 6' 6" tall, making him almost entirely unable to race single-seaters... |
![]() Matt Neal Matthew Neal is a British motor racing driver. He won the British Touring Car Championship in 2005, 2006 and 2011. He has also won a European Touring Car Championship race. He is 6' 6" tall, making him almost entirely unable to race single-seaters... |
Team Dynamics Racing Team Dynamics Team Dynamics is a UK-based motor-racing team based in Pershore, Worcestershire; best known for their successes as an independent squad in the British Touring Car Championship, including winning the Overall Drivers title in 2005 and 2006 with Matt Neal... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R20 | ![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
![]() Alain Menu Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() James Kaye James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC... |
11 | R21 | ![]() Oulton Park Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was... , Cheshire Cheshire Cheshire is a ceremonial county in North West England. Cheshire's county town is the city of Chester, although its largest town is Warrington. Other major towns include Widnes, Congleton, Crewe, Ellesmere Port, Runcorn, Macclesfield, Winsford, Northwich, and Wilmslow... |
September 10 | ![]() Anthony Reid Anthony Reid is a British auto racing driver, born on 17 May 1957 in Glasgow, Scotland. Although Scottish he now lives in England.-Formula cars:... |
![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
![]() Anthony Reid Anthony Reid is a British auto racing driver, born on 17 May 1957 in Glasgow, Scotland. Although Scottish he now lives in England.-Formula cars:... |
Ford Team Mondeo Prodrive Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R22 | ![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
![]() Gabriele Tarquini Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify... |
Redstone Team Honda West Surrey Racing Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and... |
![]() James Kaye James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC... |
12 | R23 | ![]() Silverstone Circuit Silverstone Circuit is an English motor racing circuit next to the Northamptonshire villages of Silverstone and Whittlebury. The circuit straddles the Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire border, with the current main circuit entry on the Buckinghamshire side... , Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire is a landlocked county in the English East Midlands, with a population of 629,676 as at the 2001 census. It has boundaries with the ceremonial counties of Warwickshire to the west, Leicestershire and Rutland to the north, Cambridgeshire to the east, Bedfordshire to the south-east,... ![]() |
September 16 | ![]() Rickard Rydell Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series... |
![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
Redstone Team Honda West Surrey Racing Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and... |
![]() Alan Morrison (racing driver) Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra... |
R24 | ![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
![]() Tom Kristensen Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive... |
Redstone Team Honda West Surrey Racing Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and... |
![]() Dan Eaves Dan Eaves is a British auto racing driver.- Career :He started racing karts in 1990 before switching to cars in 1994. He raced in the National Saloon Cup in 1999 and 2000, finishing 4th in the series both times with a Bowman Motorsport Peugeot 306... |
Championship results tables
|- valign="top"
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align:center;"
! colspan=29 | Touring Class
|- valign="top"
!valign="middle"| Pos.
!valign="middle"| Driver
!colspan="2"| BHGP
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="2"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="2"| THR
Thruxton Circuit
Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing....

!colspan="2"| KNO

!colspan="2"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="2"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

!colspan="2"| CRO
Croft Circuit
Croft Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near Dalton-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, England. The tarmac circuit is just over long and is based on the lands of an airfield, but has long since moved on from being a basic airfield circuit...

!colspan="2"| SNE
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit is a motor racing circuit in Norfolk, England. Owned by MotorSport Vision, it is situated on the A11 road some 20 km north-east of the town of Thetford and 30 km south-west of the city of Norwich...

!colspan="2"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="2"| BHI
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="2"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="2"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

! valign="middle"| Pts
! 1

Alain Menu
Alain Menu is a Swiss racing driver. He was one of the most successful touring car drivers of the 1990s, winning the prestigious British Touring Car Championship twice . He currently races for Chevrolet in the World Touring Car Championship.- BTCC :He is the son of a farmer...
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
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|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3*
| align="right"| 195
! 2

Anthony Reid
Anthony Reid is a British auto racing driver, born on 17 May 1957 in Glasgow, Scotland. Although Scottish he now lives in England.-Formula cars:...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2*
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
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|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret*
|align="right"| 193
! 3

Rickard Rydell
Rickard Rydell is a Swedish racing driver. He won the 1998 British Touring Car Championship, the 2011 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and has also been a frontrunner in the European/World Touring Car Championship.-Early career:In the early 1990s, Rydell raced in various Formula Three series...
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4*
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
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|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white" | DSQ
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
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|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|align="right"| 178
! 4

Yvan Muller
Yvan Muller is a French auto racing driver most noted for success in touring car racing. He is a two-time and the reigning World Touring Car Champion.-Single-seaters:...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
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|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|align="right"| 168
! 5

Jason Plato
Timothy Jason Plato is a British racing car driver currently competing in the BTCC for Silverline Chevrolet. He is a two time BTCC champion having previously won the series in 2001 when driving for Vauxhall and 2010 for Silverline Chevrolet. He has finished in the top 3 in the championship 8 times...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
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|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|align="right"| 160
! 6

Gabriele Tarquini
Gabriele Tarquini is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 78 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on May 3, 1987. He scored 1 championship point, and holds the record for the most failed attempts to qualify...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
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|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
| align="right"| 149
! 7

Tom Kristensen
Tom Kristensen is a Danish racing driver. He has won many championships in auto racing but his most famous achievement is being the only person to win the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times, six of which were consecutive...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
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|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
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| align="right"| 143
! 8

Matt Neal
Matthew Neal is a British motor racing driver. He won the British Touring Car Championship in 2005, 2006 and 2011. He has also won a European Touring Car Championship race. He is 6' 6" tall, making him almost entirely unable to race single-seaters...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8*
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
| align="right"| 129
! 9

James Thompson (racing driver)
James Thompson is a British auto racing driver and commentator for Eurosport's motorsport coverage. He has twice been champion of the British Touring Car Championship , and was third in the 2007 World Touring Car Championship.-Racing career:He started racing in the BTCC in a privately-entered...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white" | DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3*
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8*
| align="right"| 129
! 10

Vincent Radermecker
-Early years:After starting in racing through karting in his home land of Belgium in 1986, he drove in the Benelux Formula Ford Championship. He was champion in his second year in the series in 1991. In 1992 he raced in Great Britain, with a drive in the British Formula Ford Championship, finishing...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret*
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
| align="right"| 81
! 11

Colin Blair
Colin Blair was a British auto racing driver best known for his short time driving in the British Touring Car Championship...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|align="right"| 26
! 12

David Leslie (racing driver)
David Leslie was a racing driver. He was most associated with the British Touring Car Championship, in which he was runner-up in 1999. He was particularly noted for his development skill, helping both Honda and Nissan become BTCC race winners...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|align="right"| 15
! 13

Peter Kox
Peter Kox is a racecar driver from the NetherlandsKox began racing in karts in 1978, winning five titles until 1982. In 1983 he moved to automobiles, winning the Marlboro Formula Ford Challenge and was second and third in the Benelux and Dutch Formula Ford 2000 Championships, respectively, the...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|align="right"| 2
! colspan=30 | Independent's Championship
! 1

Matt Neal
Matthew Neal is a British motor racing driver. He won the British Touring Car Championship in 2005, 2006 and 2011. He has also won a European Touring Car Championship race. He is 6' 6" tall, making him almost entirely unable to race single-seaters...
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 8
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 8
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 8
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|align="right"| 348
! 2

Colin Blair
Colin Blair was a British auto racing driver best known for his short time driving in the British Touring Car Championship...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|align="right"| 132
! 3

David Leslie (racing driver)
David Leslie was a racing driver. He was most associated with the British Touring Car Championship, in which he was runner-up in 1999. He was particularly noted for his development skill, helping both Honda and Nissan become BTCC race winners...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|align="right"| 32
! colspan=29 | Class B
! 1

Alan Morrison (racing driver)
Alan Morrison is a British racing driver who resides in Northern Ireland.-Racing career:After spending his early racing years in motocross, he first started circuit racing in the Ford Fiesta championship in 1997 and again this time winning the championship in 1998. He entered the Vauxhall Vectra...
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 15
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 264
! 2

James Kaye
James Kaye is a British auto racing driver. He has been a stalwart competitor of Hondas in various championships since 1995, and has had 2 lengthy spells in the BTCC...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
| align="right"| 260
! 3

Mark Lemmer
Mark Lemmer is a British auto racing driver, who is also presently the managing director of the family run Barwell Motorsport racing team which was set up by his father Richard. The team have run cars in different disciplines around the world, in 2008 they entered Aston Martins in the American Le...
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 14
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white" | DSQ
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 9
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 15
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 185
! 4

Rob Collard
Robert Collard is an auto racing driver from Hampshire, best known for racing in the British Touring Car Championship, winning two races in a West Surrey Racing MG, and claiming the Independent's Cup title in 2003...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 81
! 5

Dan Eaves
Dan Eaves is a British auto racing driver.- Career :He started racing karts in 1990 before switching to cars in 1994. He raced in the National Saloon Cup in 1999 and 2000, finishing 4th in the series both times with a Bowman Motorsport Peugeot 306...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 9
| align="right"| 53
! 6

|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 16
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 51
! 7

|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 15
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 12
| align="right"| 30
! 8

Tom Ferrier
Tom Ferrier is a British racing driver, born 14 November 1981. The highlight of his long karting career was winning the 1998 British Championship...
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 13
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 18
! 9

Gareth Howell
Gareth Howell is a Welsh auto racing driver. He competed sporadically in the British Touring Car Championship from 2000 to 2008....
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
| align="right"| 18
! 10

|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 14
! 11

|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 13
| align="right"| 11
! 12

|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 11
| align="right"| 10
! 13

Andy Middlehurst
Andy Middlehurst is an active British racing driver. Andy runs a successful Nissan dealership in the North West of England that is famed for its involvement with the Nissan Skyline GT-R, resulting it being officially imported into the country and more recently the new R35 Nissan GT-R.After...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 14
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 6
! 14

|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 15
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 6
! 15

Will Hoy
William Ewing Hoy , was a British racing driver and the 1991 British Touring Car Champion, the highlight of a 20-year career in motor racing. Born in Melbourn, Cambridgeshire, Hoy did not begin racing until his late 20s and first raced at international level in 1985, taking on the full World...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 2
! 16

Gavin Pyper
Gavin Pyper is a British motor racing driver, currently contesting the Renault Clio Cup in the UK, for Mardi Gras Motorsport.-Racing career:...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 1
! 17

Simon Harrison
Simon Harrison is a British auto racing driver. Racing mainly in saloon cars, he is best known for his time spent in the British Touring Car Championship.-Racing career:...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
| align="right"| 0
! 18

| align="right"| 0
!valign="middle"| Pos.
!valign="middle"| Driver
!colspan="2"| BHGP
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="2"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="2"| THR
Thruxton Circuit
Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing....

!colspan="2"| KNO

!colspan="2"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="2"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

!colspan="2"| CRO
Croft Circuit
Croft Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near Dalton-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, England. The tarmac circuit is just over long and is based on the lands of an airfield, but has long since moved on from being a basic airfield circuit...

!colspan="2"| SNE
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit is a motor racing circuit in Norfolk, England. Owned by MotorSport Vision, it is situated on the A11 road some 20 km north-east of the town of Thetford and 30 km south-west of the city of Norwich...

!colspan="2"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="2"| BHI
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="2"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="2"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

! valign="middle"| Pts
Note: bold signifies pole position in class (1 point awarded), italics signifies fastest lap in class and
‡ Retired before second start of race
Note: Unknown fastest laps from Rounds 17-20 for the Independent class and Class B.
Manufacturers Championship
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center;"
|- valign="top"
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Manufacturer
!colspan="2"| BHGP
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="2"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="2"| THR
Thruxton Circuit
Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing....

!colspan="2"| KNO

!colspan="2"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="2"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

!colspan="2"| CRO
Croft Circuit
Croft Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near Dalton-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, England. The tarmac circuit is just over long and is based on the lands of an airfield, but has long since moved on from being a basic airfield circuit...

!colspan="2"| SNE
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit is a motor racing circuit in Norfolk, England. Owned by MotorSport Vision, it is situated on the A11 road some 20 km north-east of the town of Thetford and 30 km south-west of the city of Norwich...

!colspan="2"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="2"| BHI
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="2"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="2"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

! valign="middle"| Pts
!rowspan=2| 1
|rowspan=2 align=left| Ford / Ford Team Mondeo
Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford...
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
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|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
!rowspan=2| 515
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
!rowspan=2| 2
|rowspan=2 align=left| Honda
is a Japanese public multinational corporation primarily known as a manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles.Honda has been the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959, as well as the world's largest manufacturer of internal combustion engines measured by volume, producing more than...
/ Redstone Team Honda
West Surrey Racing
Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
!rowspan=2| 411
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
!rowspan=2| 3
|rowspan=2 align=left| Vauxhall
-Demography:Many Vauxhall residents live in social housing. There are several gentrified areas, and areas of terraced townhouses on streets such as Fentiman Road and Heyford Avenue have higher property values in the private market, however by far the most common type of housing stock within...
/ Vauxhall Motorsport
Triple 8 Race Engineering
Triple Eight Race Engineering is an auto racing team formed in 1996 to design, build and race Vauxhalls on behalf of the General Motors brand in the British Touring Car Championship . A close working alliance has developed during a decade of success and Triple Eight is now Vauxhall's technical...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF" width="20" | 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
!rowspan=2| 399
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Manufacturer
!colspan="2"| BHGP
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="2"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="2"| THR
Thruxton Circuit
Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing....

!colspan="2"| KNO

!colspan="2"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="2"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

!colspan="2"| CRO
Croft Circuit
Croft Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near Dalton-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, England. The tarmac circuit is just over long and is based on the lands of an airfield, but has long since moved on from being a basic airfield circuit...

!colspan="2"| SNE
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit is a motor racing circuit in Norfolk, England. Owned by MotorSport Vision, it is situated on the A11 road some 20 km north-east of the town of Thetford and 30 km south-west of the city of Norwich...

!colspan="2"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="2"| BHI
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="2"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="2"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

! valign="middle"| Pts
Touring Teams Championship
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center;"
|- valign="top"
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Team
!colspan="1"| BHGP
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="1"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="1"| THR
Thruxton Circuit
Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing....

!colspan="1"| KNO

!colspan="1"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="1"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

!colspan="1"| CRO
Croft Circuit
Croft Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near Dalton-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, England. The tarmac circuit is just over long and is based on the lands of an airfield, but has long since moved on from being a basic airfield circuit...

!colspan="1"| SNE
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit is a motor racing circuit in Norfolk, England. Owned by MotorSport Vision, it is situated on the A11 road some 20 km north-east of the town of Thetford and 30 km south-west of the city of Norwich...

!colspan="1"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="1"| BHI
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="1"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="1"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

! valign="middle"| Pts
!rowspan=2| 1
|rowspan=2 align=left| Ford Team Mondeo
Prodrive is a British motorsport and automotive engineering group based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. It designs, constructs and races cars for companies and teams such as Subaru, Aston Martin and Ford...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
!rowspan=2| 205
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
!rowspan=2| 2
|rowspan=2 align=left| Vauxhall Motorsport
Triple 8 Race Engineering
Triple Eight Race Engineering is an auto racing team formed in 1996 to design, build and race Vauxhalls on behalf of the General Motors brand in the British Touring Car Championship . A close working alliance has developed during a decade of success and Triple Eight is now Vauxhall's technical...
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
!rowspan=2| 196
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret‡
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
!rowspan=2| 3
|rowspan=2 align=left| Redstone Team Honda
West Surrey Racing
Founded in 1981, West Surrey Racing is a UK-based motorsport team run by New Zealander Dick Bennetts. He is responsible for masterminding the careers of such names as Ayrton Senna, Mika Häkkinen, Jonathan Palmer, Rubens Barrichello, Maurício Gugelmin and Eddie Irvine with his involvement in F3 and...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
!rowspan=2| 176
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: white"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
!rowspan=1| 4
|rowspan=1 align=left| Team Dynamics Max Power Racing
Team Dynamics
Team Dynamics is a UK-based motor-racing team based in Pershore, Worcestershire; best known for their successes as an independent squad in the British Touring Car Championship, including winning the Overall Drivers title in 2005 and 2006 with Matt Neal...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
!rowspan=1| 47
!rowspan=1| 5
|rowspan=1 align=left| PRO Motorsport
Pro Motorsport
Pro Motorsport is an auto racing team based in Italy.-International Formula Master:Pro Motorsport raced in International Formula Master from its inaugural season in 2005 up until the end of the 2008 season....
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 8
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
!rowspan=1| 19
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Team
!colspan="1"| BHGP
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="1"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="1"| THR
Thruxton Circuit
Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing....

!colspan="1"| KNO

!colspan="1"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="1"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

!colspan="1"| CRO
Croft Circuit
Croft Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near Dalton-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, England. The tarmac circuit is just over long and is based on the lands of an airfield, but has long since moved on from being a basic airfield circuit...

!colspan="1"| SNE
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit
Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit is a motor racing circuit in Norfolk, England. Owned by MotorSport Vision, it is situated on the A11 road some 20 km north-east of the town of Thetford and 30 km south-west of the city of Norwich...

!colspan="1"| DON
Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

!colspan="1"| BHI
Brands Hatch
Brands Hatch is a motor racing circuit near West Kingsdown in Kent, England. First used as a dirt track motorcycle circuit on farmland, it hosted 12 runnings of the British Grand Prix between 1964 and 1986 and currently holds many British and international racing events...

!colspan="1"| OUL
Oulton Park
Oulton Park Circuit is a motor racing track in the small village of Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. It is about from Winsford, from Chester city centre, from Northwich and from Warrington with a nearby rail connection along the Mid-Cheshire Line. It occupies much of the area which was...

!colspan="1"| SIL
Silverstone is a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire, England. It is about from Towcester on the former A43 main road, from the M1 motorway junction 15A and about from the M40 motorway junction 10, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Banbury...

! valign="middle"| Pts
‡ Retired before second start of race