1928 in the British Mandate of Palestine
1928 in the British Mandate of Palestine

1927 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1927 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Herbert Onslow Plumer* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein* Prime Minister of Transjordan - Hasan Khalid Abu al-Huda-Events:...

1926 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1926 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Herbert Onslow Plumer* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein...

1925 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1925 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Sir Herbert Louis Samuel until 30 June; Herbert Onslow Plumer* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein...

1929 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1929 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Sir John Chancellor* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein* Prime Minister of Transjordan - Hasan Khalid Abu al-Huda-Events:...

1930 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1930 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Sir John Chancellor* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein* Prime Minister of Transjordan - Hasan Khalid Abu al-Huda-Events:...

1931 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1931 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Sir John Chancellor until 20 November; Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein...

style="width: 100%; border-width: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-collapse: yes"> See also:
1928 in the United Kingdom
1928 in the United Kingdom
Events from the year 1928 in the United Kingdom.-Incumbents:*Monarch - King George V*Prime Minister - Stanley Baldwin, Conservative-Events:...

Other events of 1928

Events in the year 1928 in the British Mandate of Palestine.


  • High Commissioner
    High Commissioners of Palestine
    High Commissioners of Palestine were the highest ranking authority representing the United Kingdom in the British Mandate of Palestine. They were based in Jerusalem...

     - Herbert Onslow Plumer
    Herbert Plumer, 1st Viscount Plumer
    Field Marshal Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, 1st Viscount Plumer, GCB, GCMG, GCVO, GBE was a British colonial official and soldier born in Torquay who commanded the British Second Army in World War I and later served as High Commissioner of the British Mandate for Palestine.-Military...

     until 6 December; Sir John Chancellor
    John Chancellor (British administrator)
    Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John Robert Chancellor, GCMG, GCVO, GBE, DSO was a British soldier and colonial official.After a career in the British Army's Corps of Royal Engineers, which included service on the North West Frontier and being Secretary of the Colonial Defence Committee, he became a...

  • Emir of Transjordan
    The Emirate of Transjordan was a former Ottoman territory in the Southern Levant that was part of the British Mandate of Palestine...

     - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein
    Abdullah I of Jordan
    Abdullah I bin al-Hussein, King of Jordan [‘Abd Allāh ibn al-Husayn] عبد الله الأول بن الحسين born in Mecca, Second Saudi State, was the second of three sons of Sherif Hussein bin Ali, Sharif and Emir of Mecca and his first wife Abdiyya bint Abdullah...

  • Prime Minister of Transjordan - Hasan Khalid Abu al-Huda


  • 20 February – The first Anglo-Tranjordanian treaty is concluded following which Transjordan
    The Emirate of Transjordan was a former Ottoman territory in the Southern Levant that was part of the British Mandate of Palestine...

     becomes nominally independent, while Britain retains a degree of control over foreign affairs, armed forces, communications and state finances. The treaty fails to respond to Transjordanian demands for a fully sovereign and independent state.
  • 25 July – The first national Transjordanian Congress is held in Amman
    Amman is the capital of Jordan. It is the country's political, cultural and commercial centre and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. The Greater Amman area has a population of 2,842,629 as of 2010. The population of Amman is expected to jump from 2.8 million to almost...

     and calls for an independent state and the protection of the people's rights.
  • 28 September – The Western Wall incident occurs at the site of the Western Wall
    Western Wall
    The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount...

     in Jerusalem which leads to Muslim
    A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...

     fears of Jewish intentions were to take possession of the Al Aqsa Mosque, and triggers the intercommonal violence that later spreads across the Palestine Mandate.
  • 4 December – The founding of the kibbutz
    A kibbutz is a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. Today, farming has been partly supplanted by other economic branches, including industrial plants and high-tech enterprises. Kibbutzim began as utopian communities, a combination of socialism and Zionism...

     Beit HaShita
    Beit Hashita
    Beit HaShita is a kibbutz between Afula and Beit She'an, Israel founded on 4 December 1928 by members of "Kvuzat HaHugim" and members of "Tnuat HaMahanot HaOlim" from Haifa and Jerusalem. The kibbutz was named after the biblical town of the same name, where the Midianites fled after being beaten...

     by members of "Kvuzat HaHugim" and members of "Tnuat HaMahanot HaOlim" from Haifa
    Haifa is the largest city in northern Israel, and the third-largest city in the country, with a population of over 268,000. Another 300,000 people live in towns directly adjacent to the city including the cities of the Krayot, as well as, Tirat Carmel, Daliyat al-Karmel and Nesher...

     and Jerusalem.
  • 6 December – Sir John Chancellor
    John Chancellor (British administrator)
    Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John Robert Chancellor, GCMG, GCVO, GBE, DSO was a British soldier and colonial official.After a career in the British Army's Corps of Royal Engineers, which included service on the North West Frontier and being Secretary of the Colonial Defence Committee, he became a...

     assumes office as the High Commissioner of Palestine
    High Commissioners of Palestine
    High Commissioners of Palestine were the highest ranking authority representing the United Kingdom in the British Mandate of Palestine. They were based in Jerusalem...


Notable births

  • 14 February – Avner Treinin
    Avner Treinin
    Avner Treinin was an Israeli poet and professor of physical chemistry at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.-Biography:Treinin was born in Tel Aviv on February 14, 1928. At the age of two his family moved to Jerusalem...

    , Israeli poet and chemist (d. 2011
    2011 in Israel
    -Incumbents:* Prime Minister of Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu * President of Israel – Shimon Peres* Chief of General Staff – Gabi Ashkenazi until February 14, Benny Gantz* Government of Israel – 32nd Government of Israel-Domestic developments:...

  • 27 February – Ariel Sharon
    Ariel Sharon
    Ariel Sharon is an Israeli statesman and retired general, who served as Israel’s 11th Prime Minister. He has been in a permanent vegetative state since suffering a stroke on 4 January 2006....

    , 11th Prime Minister of Israel
    Prime Minister of Israel
    The Prime Minister of Israel is the head of the Israeli government and the most powerful political figure in Israel . The prime minister is the country's chief executive. The official residence of the prime minister, Beit Rosh Hamemshala is in Jerusalem...

  • 26 July – Netiva Ben-Yehuda
    Netiva Ben-Yehuda
    Netiva Ben Yehuda was an Israeli author, editor and media personality. She was a commander in the pre-state Jewish underground, Palmach.-Biography:...

    , Israeli writer and lexicographer (d. 2011
    2011 in Israel
    -Incumbents:* Prime Minister of Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu * President of Israel – Shimon Peres* Chief of General Staff – Gabi Ashkenazi until February 14, Benny Gantz* Government of Israel – 32nd Government of Israel-Domestic developments:...

  • 29 November – Shulamit Aloni
    Shulamit Aloni
    Shulamit Aloni is an Israeli politician and left-wing activist. She is a prominent member of the Israeli peace camp, founded the Ratz party and was leader of the Meretz party and served as Minister of Education from 1992 to 1993.-Biography:...

    , Israeli politician and left-wing activist.
  • Full date unknown
    • Khaled al-Hassan
      Khaled al-Hassan
      Khaled al-Hassan also known as Abu Said was an early adviser of Yasser Arafat, PLO leader and a founder of the Palestinian political and militant organization Fatah. Khaled is the older brother of Hani al-Hassan.-Early life:...

      , Palestinian Arab, founder member of Fatah
      Fataḥ is a major Palestinian political party and the largest faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization , a multi-party confederation. In Palestinian politics it is on the left-wing of the spectrum; it is mainly nationalist, although not predominantly socialist. Its official goals are found...

       (d. 1994).
    • Bracha Eden, Israeli pianist (d. 2006
      2006 in Israel
      -Incumbents in government:* Prime Minister of Israel – Ariel Sharon until January 4, Ehud Olmert * President of Israel – Moshe Katsav* Chief of General Staff – Dan Halutz...

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