1929 in the British Mandate of Palestine
1929 in the British Mandate of Palestine

1928 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1928 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Herbert Onslow Plumer until 6 December; Sir John Chancellor* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein...

1927 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1927 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Herbert Onslow Plumer* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein* Prime Minister of Transjordan - Hasan Khalid Abu al-Huda-Events:...

1926 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1926 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Herbert Onslow Plumer* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein...

1930 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1930 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Sir John Chancellor* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein* Prime Minister of Transjordan - Hasan Khalid Abu al-Huda-Events:...

1931 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1931 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Sir John Chancellor until 20 November; Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein...

1932 in the British Mandate of Palestine
Events in the year 1932 in the British Mandate of Palestine.-Incumbents:* High Commissioner - Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope* Emir of Transjordan - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein* Prime Minister of Transjordan - Abdallah Sarraj-Events:...

style="width: 100%; border-width: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-collapse: yes"> See also:
1929 in the United Kingdom
1929 in the United Kingdom
Events from the year 1929 in the United Kingdom.-Incumbents:*Monarch - King George V*Prime Minister - Stanley Baldwin, Conservative , Ramsay MacDonald, Labour-Events:...

Other events of 1929

Events in the year 1929 in the British Mandate of Palestine.


  • High Commissioner
    High Commissioners of Palestine
    High Commissioners of Palestine were the highest ranking authority representing the United Kingdom in the British Mandate of Palestine. They were based in Jerusalem...

     - Sir John Chancellor
    John Chancellor (British administrator)
    Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John Robert Chancellor, GCMG, GCVO, GBE, DSO was a British soldier and colonial official.After a career in the British Army's Corps of Royal Engineers, which included service on the North West Frontier and being Secretary of the Colonial Defence Committee, he became a...

  • Emir of Transjordan
    The Emirate of Transjordan was a former Ottoman territory in the Southern Levant that was part of the British Mandate of Palestine...

     - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein
    Abdullah I of Jordan
    Abdullah I bin al-Hussein, King of Jordan [‘Abd Allāh ibn al-Husayn] عبد الله الأول بن الحسين born in Mecca, Second Saudi State, was the second of three sons of Sherif Hussein bin Ali, Sharif and Emir of Mecca and his first wife Abdiyya bint Abdullah...

  • Prime Minister of Transjordan - Hasan Khalid Abu al-Huda


  • 18 February – The founding of the agricultural settlement of Netanya
    Netanya is a city in the Northern Centre District of Israel, and is the capital of the surrounding Sharon plain. It is located north of Tel Aviv, and south of Haifa between the 'Poleg' stream and Wingate Institute in the south and the 'Avichail' stream in the north.Its of beaches have made the...

  • 23 May – The religious Zionist
    Religious Zionism
    Religious Zionism is an ideology that combines Zionism and Jewish religious faith...

     youth movement Bnei Akiva
    Bnei Akiva
    Bnei Akiva is the largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world, with over 125,000 members in 37 countries. It was established in Mandate Palestine in 1929.-History:...

     is founded in Jerusalem.
  • 23 July - The Pro-Wailing Wall Committee
    Pro-Wailing Wall Committee
    The Pro–Wailing Wall Committee was established in Palestine on 24 July 1929, by Joseph Klausner, Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature at the Hebrew University, to promote Jewish rights at the Western Wall....

     is established by Joseph Klausner
    Joseph Klausner
    Joseph Gedaliah Klausner , , was a Jewish historian and professor of Hebrew Literature. He was the chief redactor of The Hebrew Encyclopedia...

    , Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature at the Hebrew University
    Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ; ; abbreviated HUJI) is Israel's second-oldest university, after the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. The Hebrew University has three campuses in Jerusalem and one in Rehovot. The world's largest Jewish studies library is located on its Edmond J...

    , to defend Jewish rights at the Western Wall
    Western Wall
    The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount...

  • 14 August - A 6,000-strong protest meeting in Tel Aviv
    Tel Aviv
    Tel Aviv , officially Tel Aviv-Yafo , is the second most populous city in Israel, with a population of 404,400 on a land area of . The city is located on the Israeli Mediterranean coastline in west-central Israel. It is the largest and most populous city in the metropolitan area of Gush Dan, with...

     organised by the World Federation of Hebrew Youth addressed by Revisionists
    Revisionist Zionism
    Revisionist Zionism is a nationalist faction within the Zionist movement. It is the founding ideology of the non-religious right in Israel, and was the chief ideological competitor to the dominant socialist Labor Zionism...

     and religious Zionists from Mizrachi
    Mizrachi (Religious Zionism)
    The Mizrachi is the name of the religious Zionist organization founded in 1902 in Vilnius at a world conference of religious Zionists called by Rabbi Yitzchak Yaacov Reines. Bnei Akiva, which was founded in 1929, is the youth movement associated with Mizrachi...

     adopts four resolutions and calls on the Chief Rabbinate and Klausner's Committee to continue the political struggle for the Western Wall
    Western Wall
    The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount...

  • 14 August - In the evening, Klausner and a Mizrachi representative address a meeting of several thousand at the Yeshrun synagogue in Jerusalem after which the congregation walks to the Western Wall.
  • 15 August (Tisha B'Av
    Tisha B'Av
    |Av]],") is an annual fast day in Judaism, named for the ninth day of the month of Av in the Hebrew calendar. The fast commemorates the destruction of both the First Temple and Second Temple in Jerusalem, which occurred about 655 years apart, but on the same Hebrew calendar date...

    ) - The Revisionist Zionist
    Revisionist Zionism
    Revisionist Zionism is a nationalist faction within the Zionist movement. It is the founding ideology of the non-religious right in Israel, and was the chief ideological competitor to the dominant socialist Labor Zionism...

     youth leader Jeremiah Halpern
    Jeremiah Halpern
    Captain Jeremiah Halpern was a Revisionist Zionist leader in Palestine who first came to prominence when he served as aide de camp to Ze'ev Jabotinsky in the 1920s when the latter was head of the Haganah in Jerusalem.Halpern, a certified ship's captain, was known as Rav...

     and three hundred Revisionist youths from the Battalion for the Defence of the Language
    Battalion for the Defence of the Language
    The Battalion for the Defence of the Language was a small but militant body established by Jewish students at the Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium in Tel Aviv, Palestine in the 1920s to urge Jews to use only the Hebrew language....

     and Betar
    The Betar Movement is a Revisionist Zionist youth movement founded in 1923 in Riga, Latvia, by Vladimir Jabotinsky. It has been traditionally linked to the original Herut and then Likud political parties of Israel, and was closely affiliated with the pre-Israel Revisionist Zionist splinter group...

     march to the Western Wall
    Western Wall
    The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount...

     proclaiming "The Wall is ours". The protesters raise the Zionist flag
    Flag of Israel
    The flag of Israel was adopted on October 28, 1948, five months after the country's establishment. It depicts a blue Star of David on a white background, between two horizontal blue stripes...

     and sing the Hatikvah
    "Hatikvah" is the national anthem of Israel. The anthem was written by Naphtali Herz Imber, a secular Galician Jew from Zolochiv , who moved to the Land of Israel in the early 1880s....

  • 16 August – Tensions are raised in Jerusalem by a 2,000-strong Muslim counter-demonstration after Friday prayers during which youths chase Jewish worshippers from the Western Wall
    Western Wall
    The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount...

     and burn prayer petitions and books.
  • 17 August – A Jewish youth, Avraham Mizrahi, is killed during a minor dispute and an Arab youth picked at random is stabbed in retaliation.
  • 23 August – 1929 Palestine riots
    1929 Palestine riots
    The 1929 Palestine riots, also known as the Western Wall Uprising, the 1929 Massacres, , or the Buraq Uprising , refers to a series of demonstrations and riots in late August 1929 when a long-running dispute between Muslims and Jews over access to the Western Wall in Jerusalem escalated into violence...

    : The 1929 Palestine riots break out following months of tension over the Western Wall
    Western Wall
    The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount...

    , a large violent mob of Arabs, armed with knives, stormed out of the Damascus Gate
    Damascus Gate
    Damascus Gate is the main entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem. It is located in the wall on the city's northwest side where the highway leads out to Nablus, and from there, in times past, to the capital of Syria, Damascus; as such, its modern English name is Damascus Gate, and its modern Hebrew...

     and attacked the Jewish neighborhoods located outside the gate. 19 Jews are killed, a synagogue and other houses are destroyed and burned.
  • 23–24 August – 1929 Palestine riots
    1929 Palestine riots
    The 1929 Palestine riots, also known as the Western Wall Uprising, the 1929 Massacres, , or the Buraq Uprising , refers to a series of demonstrations and riots in late August 1929 when a long-running dispute between Muslims and Jews over access to the Western Wall in Jerusalem escalated into violence...

    : In the 1929 Hebron massacre
    1929 Hebron massacre
    The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews on 23 and 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of the British Mandate of Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places...

    , Arab rioters massacre 67 Jews and wound 60 others; 435 Jews survive by virtue of the shelter and assistance offered them by their Arab neighbours, who hid them.
  • 29 August – 1929 Palestine riots
    1929 Palestine riots
    The 1929 Palestine riots, also known as the Western Wall Uprising, the 1929 Massacres, , or the Buraq Uprising , refers to a series of demonstrations and riots in late August 1929 when a long-running dispute between Muslims and Jews over access to the Western Wall in Jerusalem escalated into violence...

    : The 1929 Safed massacre
    1929 Safed massacre
    The 1929 Safed pogrom took place on 29 August during the 1929 Palestine riots. Eighteen Jews were killed and eighty wounded. The main Jewish street was looted and burned...

     occur. 18 Jews are killed by Arabs and 80 others wounded. The main Jewish street in Safed
    Safed , is a city in the Northern District of Israel. Located at an elevation of , Safed is the highest city in the Galilee and of Israel. Due to its high elevation, Safed experiences warm summers and cold, often snowy, winters...

     is looted and burned.

Unknown dates

  • The founding of the agricultural settlement Pardes Hanna by the by Palestine Jewish Colonization Association
    Palestine Jewish Colonization Association
    The Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, commonly known by its Hebrew acronym PICA , was established in 1924 and played a major role in supporting the Yishuv in Palestine until its disbandment in 1957....

    . The settlement is named after Hannah Rothschild, daughter of Nathan Mayer Rothschild
    Nathan Mayer Rothschild
    Nathan Mayer, Freiherr von Rothschild , known as Nathan Mayer Rothschild, was a London financier and one of the founders of the international Rothschild family banking dynasty...


Notable births

  • 11 January - Rafael Eitan
    Rafael Eitan
    Rafael "Raful" Eitan was an Israeli general, former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces and later a politician, a Knesset member government minister...

    , eleventh chief of staff of the IDF (d. 2004
    2004 in Israel
    -Incumbents:* Prime Minister of Israel – Ariel Sharon * President of Israel – Moshe Katsav* Chief of General Staff – Moshe Ya'alon until June 1, Dan Halutz* Government of Israel – 30th Government of Israel-Events:...

  • 11 January - David Maimon
    David Maimon
    David Maimon was an Israeli general of Yemenite origin. He held various posts including military governor of the Gaza Strip, head of the Israel Prison Service and president of the military court of appeals.-References:...

    , Israeli general, head of the Israel Prison Service (d. 2010
    2010 in Israel
    -Incumbents:* Prime Minister of Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu * President of Israel – Shimon Peres* Chief of General Staff – Gabi Ashkenazi* Government of Israel – 32nd Government of Israel-Events:...

  • 3 March - Mordechai Eliyahu
    Mordechai Eliyahu
    Mordechai Tzemach Eliyahu ) was a prominent rabbi, posek and spiritual leader. He served as the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1983 to 1993.-Biography:...

    , Israeli rabbi, former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel (d. 2010
    2010 in Israel
    -Incumbents:* Prime Minister of Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu * President of Israel – Shimon Peres* Chief of General Staff – Gabi Ashkenazi* Government of Israel – 32nd Government of Israel-Events:...

  • 31 May - Menahem Golan
    Menahem Golan
    Menahem Golan is an Israeli director and producer. He has produced movies for such stars as Sean Connery, Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Charles Bronson, and was known for a period as a producer of comic book-style movies like Masters of the Universe, Superman IV:...

    , Israeli film director and producer.
  • 25 July - Yosef Alon
    Yosef Alon
    Yosef Alon was an Israeli Air Force officer who was mysteriously shot and killed in the driveway of his home in Maryland, USA.-Early life:...

    , Israeli pilot, co-founder of the Israeli Air Force (assassinated in the United States in 1973).
  • 4 November - Shaike Ophir, Israeli actor, mime, comedian and entertainer (d. 1987
    1987 in Israel
    -Incumbents:* Prime Minister of Israel – Yitzhak Shamir * President of Israel – Chaim Herzog* Chief of General Staff - Moshe Levi until April 19, Dan Shomron* Government of Israel - 22nd Government of Israel-Events:...

  • 14 December - Shlomo Argov
    Shlomo Argov
    Shlomo Argov was a prominent Israeli diplomat. He was the Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom whose attempted assassination led to the 1982 Lebanon War.-Attempted assassination:...

    , Israeli diplomat (d. 2003
    2003 in Israel
    -Incumbents:* Prime Minister of Israel – Ariel Sharon * President of Israel – Moshe Katsav* Chief of General Staff - Moshe Ya'alon* Government of Israel - 29th Government of Israel until February 28, 30th Government of Israel-Events:...

  • Full date unknown
    • Ibrahim Dakkak
      Ibrahim Dakkak
      Ibrahim Dakkak Ibrahim Dakkak Ibrahim Dakkak (born in Jerusalem in 1929, is a Palestinian civil engineer and activist.-Early life:Dakkak completed his secondary education in Palestine and graduated from the American University in Cairo with degrees in science and mathematics in 1947. He worked as a...

      , Palestinian Arab civil engineer.
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