1797 in art


  • June 16 – Sophie Fremiet
    Sophie Fremiet
    Sophie Fremiet was a French painter.Born in Dijon, her father was the assistant curator of the city's museum, a patron of artists and a fervent Bonapartist. Sophie was taught by Anatole Devosge, a former pupil of Jacques-Louis David...

    , French painter (d. 1867
    1867 in art
    -Paintings:*George Henry Boughton - Pilgrims Going To Church*Giuseppe Calì - Death of Dragut *Edgar Degas - The Bellelli Family completed *Édouard Manet...

  • July 17 – Hippolyte Delaroche
    Hippolyte Delaroche
    Hippolyte Delaroche , commonly known as Paul Delaroche, was a French painter born in Paris. Delaroche was born into a wealthy family and was trained by Antoine-Jean, Baron Gros, who then painted life-size histories and had many students.The first Delaroche picture exhibited was the large Josabeth...

    , French
    French people
    The French are a nation that share a common French culture and speak the French language as a mother tongue. Historically, the French population are descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups...

     painter (d. 1856
    1856 in art
    - Works :*Samuel Colman - Meadows and Wildflowers at Conway*Hiroshige - Sudden Shower at the Atake Bridge*Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - La Source*John Everett Millais - The Blind Girl*Eugene von Guerard - View of Geelong...

  • August 8 – Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury
    Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury
    Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury was a French painter.Born in Cologne, he was sent by his family to Paris, and after travelling in Italy returned to France and made his first appearance at the Salon in 1824; his reputation, however, was not established until three years later, when he exhibited Tasso...

    , French
    French people
    The French are a nation that share a common French culture and speak the French language as a mother tongue. Historically, the French population are descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups...

     painter (d. 1890
    1890 in art
    -Works:*William-Adolphe Bouguereau - A Little Coaxing*Thomas Dewing - Summer*John Haberle - The Palette*William Harnett - The Faithful Colt *Ferdinand Hodler - Night...

  • September 19 – January Suchodolski
    January Suchodolski
    January Suchodolski was a Polish painter and Army officer.-Life:Suchodolski was born in Grodno and was the brother of Rajnold Suchodolski....

    , Polish
    Poland , officially the Republic of Poland , is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north...

     painter and Army officer (d. 1875
    1875 in art
    -Paintings:*Gustave Caillebotte - Floor-scrapers *Jean-Paul Laurens - L'Excommunication de Robert le Pieux ...

  • October 9 – Henry Collen
    Henry Collen
    Henry Collen was a miniature portrait painter to Queen Victoria and the Duchess of Kent. Later in life he turned to photography and was on the cutting edge in photography in mid-19th century in London...

    , English
    England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

     Royal miniature portrait painter
    thumb|250px|right|Portrait of [[Thomas Jefferson]] by [[Rembrandt Peale]], 1805. [[New-York Historical Society]].A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness,...

     (d. 1879
    1879 in art
    -Works:*Michael Peter Ancher - Vil han klare pynten *Albert Fitch Bellows - The Parsonage*William-Adolphe Bouguereau - The Birth of Venus*Edgar Degas - Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando...

  • October 29 – Friedrich Loos
    Friedrich Loos
    Friedrich Loos was an Austrian Biedermeier style painter, etcher and lithographer. He was born in Graz on 29 October 1797. He studied at the Vienna Academy with Joseph Mössmer and also went on study tours through the Austrian Alpine regions. From 1835 to 1836 he lived in Vienna, and as of 1846 he...

    , Austrian Biedermeier
    In Central Europe, the Biedermeier era refers to the middle-class sensibilities of the historical period between 1815, the year of the Congress of Vienna at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, and 1848, the year of the European revolutions...

     style painter, etcher and lithographer (d. 1890
    1890 in art
    -Works:*William-Adolphe Bouguereau - A Little Coaxing*Thomas Dewing - Summer*John Haberle - The Palette*William Harnett - The Faithful Colt *Ferdinand Hodler - Night...

  • date unknown
    • Tivadar Alconiere
      Tivadar Alconiere
      Tivadar Cohn Hermann Alconiere was a 19th century Austro-Hungarian painter. Cohn Hermann was his original family name.He was born in Mattersburg and began studying art in Vienna in 1812. Born to Jewish parents, he converted to Catholicism in order to pursue a career in art, and adopted the surname...

      , Hungarian painter (d. 1865
      1865 in art
      -Events:*July 21 - Charles Dodgson photographs Effie Gray Millais, John Everett Millais, and their daughters Effie and Mary at 7 Cromwell Place*Ford Madox Brown completes his painting Work after thirteen years....

    • Hiroshige
      was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, and one of the last great artists in that tradition. He was also referred to as Andō Hiroshige and by the art name of Ichiyūsai Hiroshige ....

      , Japan
      Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

      ese ukiyo-e
      ' is a genre of Japanese woodblock prints and paintings produced between the 17th and the 20th centuries, featuring motifs of landscapes, tales from history, the theatre, and pleasure quarters...

       artist (d. 1858
      1858 in art
      -Works:*Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - Self-Portrait at the Age of 78 *William Henry Fisk - The Secret*William Powell Frith - The Derby Day*Édouard Manet - The Boy with Cherries...

    • Charles C. Ingham
      Charles C. Ingham
      Charles Cromwell Ingham was an Irish portrait painter and later founder of the New York National Academy of Design during the 19th century....

      , Irish
      Ireland is an island to the northwest of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth...

       portrait painter and later founder of the New York National Academy of Design (d. 1863
      1863 in art
      -Exhibitions:*First exhibition of the Salon des Refusés, and coining of the term avant-garde.-Works:* Alexandre Cabanel - The Birth of Venus...

    • Joseph Stannard
      Joseph Stannard
      Joseph Stannard was an English marine and landscape painter, and etcher, a prominent member of the Norwich School of artists , which also included John Crome and John Sell Cotman.-Life:...

      , painter of the Norwich school  (d. 1830
      1830 in art
      -Events:*Clarkson Stanfield's panorama The Military Pass of the Simplon is featured in a Christmas pantomime in London.*Approximate beginning of the Barbizon school of painters.-Works:*George Catlin – General William Clark...

    • Nicolae Teodorescu
      Nicolae Teodorescu
      Nicolae Teodorescu was a Moldavian-born Romanian church painter , and the uncle of artist Gheorghe Tattarescu.In 1831, he was called on by Chesarie, the Orthodox bishop of Buzău to open a school for church painters at the local bishopric...

      , Moldavian-born Romanian church painter (muralist) (d. 1880
      1880 in art
      -Events:*Vincent van Gogh begins his career as a professional painter.*Anton Mauve paints Changing Pasture: His palette and usage of colour influences Vincent van Gogh.*Michael Peter Ancher marries fellow painter Anna Kirstine Brøndum.-Awards:...

  • probable
    • John O'Keeffe
      John O'Keeffe (Irish painter)
      John O'Keeffe was an Irish portrait and figure painter.Born in Fermoy, Co. Cork of humble parentage, O'Keeffe began painting at an early age and was apprenticed to a coach painter. He began painting scenes for local theatres, working his way up to religious pictures for local Roman Catholic churches...

      , Irish
      Irish people
      The Irish people are an ethnic group who originate in Ireland, an island in northwestern Europe. Ireland has been populated for around 9,000 years , with the Irish people's earliest ancestors recorded having legends of being descended from groups such as the Nemedians, Fomorians, Fir Bolg, Tuatha...

       portrait and figure painter (d. 1838
      1838 in art
      -Events:*August 31 - David Roberts sets sail for Egypt, with the encouragement of J. M. W. Turner, to produce a series of drawings for use as the basis for the paintings and lithographs.-Works:...

    • Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Japan
      Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

      ese artist of the ukiyo-e
      ' is a genre of Japanese woodblock prints and paintings produced between the 17th and the 20th centuries, featuring motifs of landscapes, tales from history, the theatre, and pleasure quarters...

       style of woodblock prints and painting and belonged to the Utagawa school
      Utagawa school
      The was a group of Japanese woodblock print artists, founded by Toyoharu. His pupil, Toyokuni I, took over after Toyoharu's death and raised the group to become the most famous and powerful woodblock print school for the remainder of the 19th century....

       (d. 1861
      1861 in art
      -Events:* Paul Cézanne and his friend Émile Zola arrive in Paris.* Berthe Morisot becomes a pupil of Corot.* Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co., "Fine Art Workmen in Painting, Carving, Furniture and the Metals", set up in London by William Morris, P. P...



  • March 6 – William Hodges
    William Hodges
    William Hodges RA was an English painter. He was a member of James Cook's second voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and is best known for the sketches and paintings of locations he visited on that voyage, including Table Bay, Tahiti, Easter Island, and the Antarctic.Hodges was born in London. He was a...

    , English landscape painter (b. 1744
    1744 in art
    -Births:*February 13 – David Allan, Scottish painter *October 27 – Mary Moser, painter *October 28 – William Hodges, English landscape painter *December 10 – William Berczy, Canadian pioneer and painter *date unknown...

  • August 29 – Joseph Wright
    Joseph Wright of Derby
    Joseph Wright , styled Wright of Derby, was an English landscape and portrait painter. He has been acclaimed as "the first professional painter to express the spirit of the Industrial Revolution"....

    , British painter (b. 1734
    1734 in art
    -Events:* Engraving Copyright Act in Britain protects original engravings.-Paintings:* Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin paints The House of Cards-Births:* March 9 – Marie-Suzanne Giroust, French painter...

  • December 14 – John Robert Cozens
    John Robert Cozens
    John Robert Cozens was a British draftsman and painter of romantic watercolour landscapes.-Biography:The son of the Russian-born drawing master and watercolorist, Alexander Cozens, John Robert Cozens was born in London. He studied under his father and began to exhibit some early drawings with the...

    , English draftsman
    Drawing is a form of visual art that makes use of any number of drawing instruments to mark a two-dimensional medium. Common instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, wax color pencils, crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastels, markers, styluses, and various metals .An artist who...

     and painter of romantic watercolor landscape
    Landscape comprises the visible features of an area of land, including the physical elements of landforms such as mountains, hills, water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including different forms of...

    s (b. 1752
    1752 in art
    -Events:*1 March - Painter Allan Ramsay elopes with and marries, as his second wife, the Jacobite heiress Margaret Lindsay.-Paintings:* François Boucher :**Marie-Louise O'Murphy**Allegory of Music...

  • date unknown
    • Don Manuel Alvarez
      Don Manuel Alvarez
      Don Manuel Alvarez , Spanish sculptor, was born at Salamanca. He followed classical models so closely that he was styled by his countrymen El Griego, "The Greek." His works, which are very numerous, are chiefly to be found at Madrid.-References:...

      , Spanish sculptor (b. 1727
      1727 in art
      -Events:* Pierre Subleyras, a Provençal painter, wins the Prix de Rome at the age of 28.-Paintings:* Giovanni Antonio Canal painted The Stonemason's Yard , in Venice ....

    • Giorgio Anselmi
      Giorgio Anselmi
      Giorgio Anselmi was an Italian painter.Born in Verona, he studied with Antonio Balestra and worked mainly in Veneto, Lombardy, Emilia and Trentino with frescoes and oil works...

      , Italian painter (b. 1723
      1723 in art
      -Births:*April 12 – Franz Anton Bustelli, porcelain modeller *July 16 – Joshua Reynolds, English painter, specializing in portraits *date unknown**Johann Ludwig Aberli, Swiss landscape painter and etcher...

    • Antonio Diziani
      Antonio Diziani
      Antonio Diziani was an Italian painter of the 18th century, active mainly in painting vedute or landscapes and vistas of Venice.His father, Gaspare Diziani, was a prominent rococo artist who painted canvases and decorative frescoes, but Antonio was more strongly influenced by Francesco Zuccarelli...

      , Italian
      Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

       painter of veduta
      A veduta is a highly detailed, usually large-scale painting of a cityscape or some other vista....

      , landscapes, and vistas (b. 1737
      1737 in art
      -Births:*May 22 - Tethart Philipp Christian Haag, German-born Dutch portrait artist *August 10 - Anton Losenko, Ukrainian-Russian Neoclassical painter who specialized in historical subjects and portraits...

    • Charles Joseph Flipart
      Charles Joseph Flipart
      Charles Joseph Flipart was a French painter and engraver. He was born in Paris, the brother of Jean Jacques Flipart, and initially trained under his father. He visited Venice, and studied painting under Tiepolo and Amigoni, and engraving under Joseph Wagner. After staying some time at Rome he was...

      , French painter and engraver (b. 1721
      1721 in art
      -Births:*January 17 – Charles Germain de Saint Aubin, draftsman and embroidery designer to King Louis XV *date unknown**Francesco Albotto, Italian painter **Charles Joseph Flipart, French painter and engraver -Deaths:...

    • Thomas Kirk
      Thomas Kirk (artist)
      Thomas Kirk was a noted English artist, book illustrator and engraver of the late 18th century.A pupil of Richard Cosway, Kirk exhibited the first of 25 works at the Royal Academy in 1785, and created many famous engravings based either upon his own work or works by, amongst others, Angelica...

      , British painter, illustrator and engraver (b. 1765
      1765 in art
      -Paintings:*Jean-Honoré Fragonard – Coresus et Callirhoe*William Pars – The Parthenon when it contained a mosque. Published in James Stuart and Nicholas Revett "The Antiquities of Athens" -Births:...

    • George Raper
      George Raper
      - Career :Raper was born to Henry and Catherine Raper in London, England on 19 September 1769. On 20 August 1783 he joined the Royal Navy's HMS Rose as a captain's servant. After further service on HMS Racehorse, he joined HMS Sirius on 15 November 1786...

      , nature artist (b. 1769
      1769 in art
      -Works:*Christopher Hewetson – Busts of Charles Townley and Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn*Jean-Honoré Fragonard – Self Portrait-Births:*April 3 – Josiah Wedgwood II, pottery owner, son of Josiah Wedgwood...

    • Josiah Spode
      Josiah Spode
      Josiah Spode was an English potter and the founder of the English Spode pottery works which became very famous for the quality of its wares. He is often credited with the establishment of blue underglaze transfer printing in Staffordshire in 1781–84, and with the definition and introduction in c...

      , potter (b. 1733
      1733 in art
      -Births:*January 8 – Anton von Maron, Austrian painter active in Rome *January 18 – Samuel Hieronymus Grimm, Swiss watercolour painter *March 13 – Johann Zoffany, German neoclassical painter *March 23 – Josiah Spode, potter -Births:*January 8 – Anton von Maron, Austrian painter active in Rome (died...

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