1590 in art


  • Annibale Carracci
    Annibale Carracci
    Annibale Carracci was an Italian Baroque painter.-Early career:Annibale Carracci was born in Bologna, and in all likelihood first apprenticed within his family...

     - The Beaneater
  • Hendrick De Clerck - Anne with the Virgin and Child for the Kapellekerk in Brussels
    Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...

     (now in the Koninklijke Musea, Brussels, inventory number 53).
  • Pomerancio - Frescoes of the finding of the True Cross, at the church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme in Rome
    Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...

  • School of Fontainebleau
    School of Fontainebleau
    The Ecole de Fontainebleau refers to two periods of artistic production in France during the late Renaissance centered around the royal Château de Fontainebleau, that were crucial in forming the French version of Northern Mannerism....

     - Gabrielle d'Estrees with a Sister.


  • December 3 - Daniel Seghers
    Daniel Seghers
    Daniel Seghers was a Jesuit brother and Flemish Baroque painter who specialized in flower still lifes, and is particularly well-known for his contributions to the genre of "flower garland" painting. His paintings were collected enthusiastically by courtly patrons and he had numerous imitators...

    , Jesuit brother and Flemish Baroque painter who specialized in flower still lifes (d. 1661
    1661 in art
    -Births:* Scipione Angelini – Italian painter best known for still lifes * Antoine Coypel – French painter * Lucas de Valdés – Spanish painter and engraver of the Baroque period...

  • date unknown
    • Bartholomeus van Bassen
      Bartholomeus van Bassen
      Bartholomeus Corneliszoon van Bassen was a Dutch Golden Age painter and architect.-Biography:Van Bassen was born in Antwerp. Little is known of his early life, but according to the RKD he became a member of the Delft Guild of St. Luke in 1613. In 1622 he moved to the Hague, where he became a...

      , Dutch
      The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...

       painter (d. 1652
      1652 in art
      -Paintings:* Carel Fabritius - A View of Delft; the painting showing use of exaggerated perspective.-Births:*February 13 - Anton Domenico Gabbiani, Italian painter born in Florence...

    • Jacopo Barbello
      Jacopo Barbello
      Jacopo Barbello was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. Born in Cremona, He trained in Naples. Painted in Brescia and Bergamo.-References:...

      , Italian painter (d. 1656
      1656 in art
      -Works:* The Procuress – Johannes Vermeer * Las Meninas – Diego Velázquez -Births:*April 9 - Francesco Trevisani, Italian painter of frescoes...

    • Christoffel van den Berghe
      Christoffel van den Berghe
      -Biography:Van den Berghe was born in Middelburg. He primarily painted landscapes and flower still lifes. He may have trained under Ambrosius Bosschaert. Some of his works can be seen at the Getty Museum. Van den Berghe lived all his life in Middelburg, and died there around 1645.According to the...

      , Dutch painter of the Baroque
      The Baroque is a period and the style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music...

       period (d. 1645
      1645 in art
      -Paintings:* approx. date - William Dobson - The Painter with Sir Charles Cottrell and another.* Claude Lorrain - Landscape with Apollo and Mercury .-Births:...

    • Gregorio Bausá
      Gregorio Bausá
      Gregorio Bausá was a Spanish painter of the Baroque period.Born in the island of Majorca and died in Valencia. He was the pupil of Francisco Ribalta, and painted devotional paintings.-References:...

      , Spanish painter (d. 1656
      1656 in art
      -Works:* The Procuress – Johannes Vermeer * Las Meninas – Diego Velázquez -Births:*April 9 - Francesco Trevisani, Italian painter of frescoes...

    • Juan Bautista de Espinosa
      Juan Bautista de Espinosa
      Juan Bautista de Espinosa was a Spanish still life painter.More paintings remain of him than biographical data and there is only one known painting remaining....

      , Spanish still life
      Still life
      A still life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural or man-made...

       painter (d. 1641
      1641 in art
      - Paintings :* Claude Lorrain - The Embarkation of St. Ursula.* Gerard Dou and Diego Velázquez are painting.-Births:*date unknown**Pasquale Rossi, Italian painter **Tao Chi, Chinese landscape painter -Deaths:...

    • Luciano Borzone
      Luciano Borzone
      Luciano Borzone was an Italian painter of the Baroque period , active mainly in his natal city of Genoa....

      , Italian painter with an antique style (d. 1645
      1645 in art
      -Paintings:* approx. date - William Dobson - The Painter with Sir Charles Cottrell and another.* Claude Lorrain - Landscape with Apollo and Mercury .-Births:...

    • Giovanni Bernardo Carlone
      Giovanni Bernardo Carlone
      Giovanni Bernardo Carlone was an Italian painter of the late-Mannerist and early-Baroque periods.He was born in Genoa. He was the son of Taddeo Carlone, a sculptor and historical painter, who placed him under the tuition of Pietro Sorri, and he afterwards frequented the school of Domenico...

      , Italian painter of the late-Mannerist
      Mannerism is a period of European art that emerged from the later years of the Italian High Renaissance around 1520. It lasted until about 1580 in Italy, when a more Baroque style began to replace it, but Northern Mannerism continued into the early 17th century throughout much of Europe...

       and early-Baroque
      The Baroque is a period and the style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music...

       periods (d. 1630
      1630 in art
      -Paintings:* Claude Lorrain - Landscape with Merchants * Rembrandt - The Rising of Lazarus, using chiaroscuro* Diego Velázquez – La Fragua de Vulcano-Births:...

    • Giovanni Battista Coriolano
      Giovanni Battista Coriolano
      Giovanni Battista Coriolano was an Italian engraver of the Baroque period.He was almost certainly the son of the German transplant to Italy, the engraver Cristoforo Coriolano. Giovanni Battista was born and died in Bologna. He studied painting under Giovanni Luigi Valesio, but found little work...

      , Italian engraver (d. 1649
      1649 in art
      The year 1649 AD in art is evidenced by a number of paintings and sculptures, notably western European.- Paintings :* Diego Velázquez - Juan de Pareja.* Salomon van Ruysdael - Ferry on a River- Births :* date unknown...

    • Giovanni Battista Discepoli
      Giovanni Battista Discepoli
      Giovanni Battista Discepoli was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in Milan.Born in Lugano, he was called by some, Lo Zoppo di Lugano, from his being a cripple. He was a pupil of the painter Camillo Procaccini...

      , crippled Italian painter (d. 1660
      1660 in art
      -Births:* Antonio Amorosi – Italian painter of the late-Baroque, active in Ascoli Piceno and Rome * Jakub Bogdan – Slovak still-life painter * Felice Cignani – Italian painter from Bologna , son of Carlo Cignani...

    • Caterina Ginnasi
      Caterina Ginnasi
      Caterina Ginnasi was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in Rome. She was the pupil of the painter Giovanni Lanfranco. In Rome, she painted altarpieces for the church of Santa Lucia. She was the niece of the patron and builder of the church, Cardinal Ginnasi. She would have...

      , Italian painter of altarpieces for the church of Santa Lucia
      Santa Lucia
      Santa Lucia is a traditional Neapolitan song. It was transcribed by Teodoro Cottrau and published by the Cottrau firm, as a "barcarolla", at Naples in 1849. Cottrau translated it from Napuletano into Italian during the first stage of the Risorgimento, the first Neapolitan song to be given Italian...

       (d. 1660
      1660 in art
      -Births:* Antonio Amorosi – Italian painter of the late-Baroque, active in Ascoli Piceno and Rome * Jakub Bogdan – Slovak still-life painter * Felice Cignani – Italian painter from Bologna , son of Carlo Cignani...

    • Esteban March
      Esteban March
      Esteban March was a Spanish painter of the Baroque period. He was born and died in Valencia. He was a disciple of the painter Pedro Orrente, and painted in the style of Jusepe Ribera. He is best known as a "battle painter" . He is described as having an eccentric and erratic personality, if not...

      , Spanish painter (d. 1660
      1660 in art
      -Births:* Antonio Amorosi – Italian painter of the late-Baroque, active in Ascoli Piceno and Rome * Jakub Bogdan – Slovak still-life painter * Felice Cignani – Italian painter from Bologna , son of Carlo Cignani...

    • Floris van Schooten
      Floris van Schooten
      Floris van Schooten, , was a Dutch Golden Age still life painter.-Biography:According to the RKD, Van Schooten was the son of a leading Catholic family of Amsterdam who came to live in Haarlem in 1612...

      , Dutch painter (d. 1655
      1655 in art
      -Paintings:*Nicholas Poussin - St. Peter Healing a Sick Man*Rembrandt - The Polish Rider*Vermeer - Christ in the House of Martha and Mary-Births:...

    • Raffaello Vanni
      Raffaello Vanni
      Raffaello Vanni was an Italian painter of the Baroque.He was born at Siena. He first trained with his father, Francesco Vanni, who died in 1603. He was afterwards sent to Rome, and recommended to the care of Antonio Carracci. He became a follower of the style of Pietro da Cortona. He painted a ...

      , Italian painter for churches (d. 1657
      1657 in art
      -Paintings:* Diego Velázquez, Las Meninas, 1656–1657* Salomon van Ruysdael, View of Deventer Seen from the North-West-Births:*January - Peter van Bloemen, Dutch painter *May 8 – Martino Altomonte, Italian painter of frescoes...

    • Cornelis Verbeeck
      Cornelis Verbeeck
      Cornelis Verbeeck , also known as Cornelis Verbeecq, was a Dutch Golden Age painter from Haarlem.-Biography:He is first mentioned along with Hans Goderis in the book Harlemias by Theodorus Schrevelius as choosing marine painting....

      , Dutch painter (d. 1637
      1637 in art
      -Events:* Claude Lorrain produces a series of etchings of a display of fireworks in Rome.-Paintings:* Claude Lorrain – Seaport and Landscape with a Country Dance* Pieter de Grebber – Elisha refusing the gifts of Naaman-Births:...

  • probable
    • Angelica Veronica Airola
      Angelica Veronica Airola
      Angelica or Angiola Veronica Airola was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in 17th century Genoa. She was notable by being a woman painter. She was a pupil of the painter Domenico Fiasella. She became a nun of the order of San Bartolommeo dell' Oliveta at Genoa. She painted...

      , Italian painter (d. 1670
      1670 in art
      -Paintings:*Jacob Isaakszoon van Ruisdael – The windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede*Vermeer - The Lacemaker-Births:*January 26 – Jacob van Schuppen, Austrian painter *August 24 – Louis Galloche, French painter *date unknown...

    • Camillo Berlinghieri
      Camillo Berlinghieri
      Camillo Berlinghieri was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. Born in Ferrara. He trained with Carlo Bononi. Among his paintings was a Gathering of the Manna in San Niccolo; and an Annunciation for Sant Antonio Abbate in Ferrara. His works are chiefly at Ferrara and at Venice, where he was...

      , Italian painter of the Baroque
      The Baroque is a period and the style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music...

       period (d. 1635
      1635 in art
      -Events:*Nicolas Poussin produces The Triumph of Pan and The Triumph of Bacchus to decorate Cardinal Richelieu's château.-Paintings:*Gerard ter Borch – Consultation* Abraham Bosse – Der Ball ...

    • Giovanni Campino
      Giovanni Campino
      Giovanni Campino was an Italian painter. He was born in Camerino. He traveled to Antwerp, and apprenticed under Abraham Janssens, then returned to Italy. He painted some pictures at Rome with sufficient success to procure him an invitation to the Spanish Court in Madrid, where he died.-References:...

      , Italian painter from Camerino
      Camerino is a small town of 7.135 inhabitants in the Marches , in the province of Macerata, Italy. It is located in the Apennines bordering Umbria, between the valleys of the rivers Potenza and Chienti, about 40 miles from Ancona....

       (d. 1650
      1650 in art
      - Paintings :*Claude Lorrain – Coast Scene with the landing of Aeneas and View of La Crescenza*Gerard Dou – The Dutch Housewife*Aniello Falcone – The Anchorite-Births:...

    • Paolo Domenico Finoglia
      Paolo Domenico Finoglia
      Paolo Domenico Finoglia, or Finoglio, was an Italian painter of the early-Baroque period, active mainly in South Italy, including Naples and towns in Apulia....

      , Italian painter of the early-Baroque
      The Baroque is a period and the style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music...

       period (d. 1645
      1645 in art
      -Paintings:* approx. date - William Dobson - The Painter with Sir Charles Cottrell and another.* Claude Lorrain - Landscape with Apollo and Mercury .-Births:...

    • Daniël Mijtens
      Daniël Mijtens
      Daniël Mijtens , known in England as Daniel Mytens the Elder, was a Dutch portrait painter who spent the central years of his career working in England.-Biography:...

      , Dutch portrait painter (d. 1647/1648
      1647 in art
      -Paintings: * Aernout van der Neer – Landscape with Windmill, painted 1647-49-Births:*November - Jan van Huchtenburg, Dutch painter *date unknown - Angelo Everardi, Italian painter of battle scenes *probable...

    • Mario Righetti
      Mario Righetti
      Mario Righetti was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.He was born at Bologna He became a pupil of Lucio Massari. In Bologna, he painted an Archangel Michael for the church of S. Guglielmo; a Christ appearing to the Magdalen for San Giacomo Maggiore; an Adoration of the Magi for S. Agnese;...

      , Italian painter active in his native Bologna
      Bologna is the capital city of Emilia-Romagna, in the Po Valley of Northern Italy. The city lies between the Po River and the Apennine Mountains, more specifically, between the Reno River and the Savena River. Bologna is a lively and cosmopolitan Italian college city, with spectacular history,...

       (d. unknown)
    • Abraham de Vries
      Abraham de Vries
      Abraham de Vries was a Dutch Golden Age painter.-Biography:De Vries was born in Rotterdam. According to the RKD he became a member of the Confrerie Pictura in 1644, and is known for portraits and landscapes....

      , Dutch painter (d. 1662
      1662 in art
      -Paintings:*The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis * Ex-Voto de 1662 by Philippe de Champaigne*Rembrandt van Rijn – The Sampling Officials-Births:* Pierre Gobert, French painter...



  • July 22 - Leone Leoni
    Leone Leoni
    Leone Leoni was an Italian sculptor of international outlook who travelled in Italy, Germany, Austria, France, the Spanish Netherlands and Spain. Leoni is regarded as the finest of the Cinquecento medallists. He made his reputation in commissions he received from the Habsburg monarchs Charles V,...

    , Italian sculptor and medallist (b. 1509
    1509 in art
    -Painting:* Raphael – Stanza della Segnatura – fresco Vatican Palace, Rome* Fra Bartolomeo – The Rest on the Flight into Egypt, with St. John the Baptist – Getty Museum* Gerard David – "The Virgin among angels and saint" is painted-Births:...

  • October 12 - Kanō Eitoku
    Kano Eitoku
    was a Japanese painter who lived during the Azuchi–Momoyama period of Japanese history and one of the most prominent patriarchs of the Kanō school of Japanese painting...

    , Japanese painter of the Azuchi-Momoyama period
    Azuchi-Momoyama period
    The came at the end of the Warring States Period in Japan, when the political unification that preceded the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate took place. It spans the years from approximately 1573 to 1603, during which time Oda Nobunaga and his successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, imposed order...

    , patriarchs of the Kanō school
    Kano school
    The ' is one of the most famous schools of Japanese painting. The Kanō school of painting was the dominant style of painting until the Meiji period.It was founded by Kanō Masanobu , a contemporary of Sesshū and student of Shūbun...

     of Japanese painting
    Japanese painting
    is one of the oldest and most highly refined of the Japanese visual arts, encompassing a wide variety of genres and styles. As with the history of Japanese arts in general, the long history of Japanese painting exhibits synthesis and competition between native Japanese aesthetics and adaptation of...

     (b. 1543
    1543 in art
    -Paintings:* Hans Holbein the Younger – Portrait of John Chambers* Lorenzo Lotto – Husband and Wife-Births:* Kanō Eitoku – Japanese painter of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, patriarchs of the Kanō school of Japanese painting...

  • Cesare Baglioni
    Cesare Baglioni
    Cesare Baglioni was an Italian painter of the Renaissance period. He trained under his father, then became renowned as a painter of quadratura. He painted in Parma and Rome. He befriended both Agostino and Annibale Carracci. He is not to be confused with the Baroque painter and art historian,...

     – Italian painter specializing in quadratura (b. 1525
    1525 in art
    -Events:* Albrecht Dürer - Publishes The Painter's Manual* Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen is named Court Painter to Archduchess Margaret of Austria-Painting:* Michelangelo – Head of Bearded Man Shouting* Pontormo - Youth in a Pink Cloak...

  • Niccolò Circignani
    Niccolò Circignani
    Niccolò Circignani was an Italian painter of the late-Renaissance or Mannerist period.Born in Pomarance, he is one of three Italian painters called Pomarancio. His first works are documented from the 1560s, where he painted frescos on the Old Testament stories for the Vatican Belvedere, where he...

     – Italian
    Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

     painter of the late-Renaissance
    The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. The term is also used more loosely to refer to the historical era, but since the changes of the Renaissance were not...

     or Mannerist
    Mannerism is a period of European art that emerged from the later years of the Italian High Renaissance around 1520. It lasted until about 1580 in Italy, when a more Baroque style began to replace it, but Northern Mannerism continued into the early 17th century throughout much of Europe...

     period (b. 1530/1535
    1530 in art
    -Works:* Antonio da Correggio completes Nativity-Births:* Nicolás Borrás – Spanish painter * Barthel Bruyn the Younger – German portraitist, son of Barthel Bruyn the Elder...

  • Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder
    Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder
    Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder was a Flemish printmaker and painter associated with the English court of the mid-16th Century and mainly remembered as the illustrator of the 1567 edition of Aesop's Fables.-Biography:...

     – Flemish printmaker and painter
    Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface . The application of the medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is...

     associated with the English court of the mid-16th Century
    Artists of the Tudor court
    The artists of the Tudor court are the painters and limners engaged by the monarchs of England's Tudor dynasty and their courtiers between 1485 and 1603, from the reign of Henry VII to the death of Elizabeth I....

     (b. 1520
    1520 in art
    -Events:* The oldest known painting depicting Stockholm was painted in the church of Storkyrkan.* Considered the start of the Mannerism art period-Works:-Painting:*Albrecht Altdorfer – Departure of Saint Florian* Domenico Campagnola – Gerolamo...

  • Domenico Poggini
    Domenico Poggini
    Domenico Poggini , was an Italian sculptor, engraver, medallist, goldsmith, poet, and artist.Poggini was born in Florence. His father Michele Poggini and brother Giampaolo Poggini were also artists. In 1556 he was appointed diecutter for the Florentine Mint. He died in Rome 1590. Some of his works...

     – Italian sculptor
  • Germain Pilon
    Germain Pilon
    Germain Pilon was a French Renaissance sculptor.-Biography:He was born in Paris. Trained by his father and Pierre Bontemps, Pilon was an expert with marble, bronze, wood and terra cotta; from about 1555 he was providing models for Parisian goldsmiths...

     – French
    French people
    The French are a nation that share a common French culture and speak the French language as a mother tongue. Historically, the French population are descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups...

    Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard materials—typically stone such as marble—or metal, glass, or wood. Softer materials can also be used, such as clay, textiles, plastics, polymers and softer metals...

     of the French Renaissance
    French Renaissance
    French Renaissance is a recent term used to describe a cultural and artistic movement in France from the late 15th century to the early 17th century. It is associated with the pan-European Renaissance that many cultural historians believe originated in northern Italy in the fourteenth century...

     (b. 1535
    1535 in art
    -Painting:* Hans Baldung Grien – The Seven Ages of Woman* Albrecht Altdorfer – The Fall of Man* Parmigianino – Madonna of the Long Neck-Births:* Germain Pilon – French sculptors of the French Renaissance...

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