Giovanni Battista Coriolano
Giovanni Battista Coriolano (1590–1649) was an Italian
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

 engraver of the Baroque
The Baroque is a period and the style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music...


He was almost certainly the son of the German transplant to Italy, the engraver Cristoforo Coriolano
Cristoforo Coriolano
Cristoforo Coriolano was a German engraver of the Renaissance.He was born in Nuremberg. He moved to Italy and changed his name from Lederer for that of Coriolano. He engraved on wood...

. Giovanni Battista was born and died in Bologna
Bologna is the capital city of Emilia-Romagna, in the Po Valley of Northern Italy. The city lies between the Po River and the Apennine Mountains, more specifically, between the Reno River and the Savena River. Bologna is a lively and cosmopolitan Italian college city, with spectacular history,...

. He studied painting under Giovanni Luigi Valesio, but found little work painting in churches at Bologna. He painted a St. Nicholas and a St. Bruno for the church of Santa Anna; and an altarpiece of Saints John, James, & Bernard for the Nunziata.

He was more successful as an engraver, the main familial profession, he worked both on wood and on copper. Those in chiaroscuro are dated from 1619 to 1625. In style they recall Francesco Villamena
Francesco Villamena
Francesco Villamena was an Italian engraver and artist.Villamena was born in Assisi. He studied under Cornelis Cort. Villamena produced primarily works of religious and historical subjects. He died in Rome in 1624.-References:...

, include:
  • Portrait of Vincenzo Sgualdi.
  • Fortunius Licetus.
  • Joannes Cottunius.
  • Image of the Virgin.
  • Miraculous Image of Virgin painted by St. Luke, held by 3 angels & Cupid sleeping after Reni
    Guido Reni
    Guido Reni was an Italian painter of high-Baroque style.-Biography:Born in Bologna into a family of musicians, Guido Reni was the son of Daniele Reni and Ginevra de’ Pozzi. As a child of nine, he was apprenticed under the Bolognese studio of Denis Calvaert. Soon after, he was joined in that...

  • Virgin and Child, & St. John after Alessandro Tiarini
    Alessandro Tiarini
    Alessandro Tiarini was an Italian Baroque painter of the Bolognese School.He was born in Bologna. His mother died when he was a child, and he was raised by an aunt, and early on they tried, unsuccessfully to guide him towards becoming a cleric...

  • Christ crowned with thorns; etched in imitation of a woodcut after Lodovico Carracci.
  • Twenty-seven plates for the Emblemata moralia aere incisa et versibus italicis explicata (1628) of Paolo Maccio; the entire work consists of eighty-three plates on iconography; the remaining 56 being by O. Gatti and A. Parasina.
  • Triumphal Arch in honor of Louis XIII.

He also engraved a number of theses and frontispieces.
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