One Woman: The Ultimate Collection
One Woman: The Ultimate Collection

Quotes concerning Cheese.
- Like chalk and cheese.
- An expression meaning completely different.
- A meal without cheese is like a beautiful woman who lacks an eye.
- A slice of pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze.
- Stephen King, Firestarter
- How can you govern a country where there are 246 different types of cheese?
- (attributed to Charles de Gaulle)
- Moe, Larry, cheese!
- Curly Joe, The Three Stooges
- I eat swiss cheese from the inside out. ~ Steven Wright
- Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.
- Many's the long night I've dreamed of cheese -- toasted, mostly.
- There's always free cheese in a mousetrap.
- To cut the cheese
- a euphemism for flatulence.
- It ain't easy being cheesy.
- Chubby Cheese
- Life is like a block of cheese, hard and smelly
- Anonymous
- [Cheese can] restore an old love and ... ripen a young one.
- Casanova, Histoire de ma vie.
- The moon is made of a green cheese.
- John Heywood, Proverbs.
- Cheese! Why won't it stop flirting with me?
- Joss Whedon, Whedonesque.com.
- I eat cottage cheese for dinner, with salt and pepper!
- "'Why did you yell, 'Cheese'?' And The Man would tell him mockingly, 'Because I felt like it, you stupid machine of poo." Breakfast of Champions (Chapter 16) Kurt Vonnegut
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