Judge Judy
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  Subject Replies Date
Do I have the right for my husband salary from his work? 0 2/21/2016
Illegal law suite 0 2/16/2016
I love this woman 0 6/9/2015
I have custody of my grandkids. My question is. Can I take the fathers to court to get an court order for a DNA test? I have tried child suppo... 0 3/27/2015
I have custody of my grandkids. My question is. Can I take the fathers to court to get an court order for a DNA test? I have tried child support but t... 0 3/25/2015
Judy favors cop 0 3/23/2015
(pretend I have a pen in my hand) phmppf phmppf 0 3/9/2015
Judge Judy's behavior 16 2/25/2015
Dear Judge Judy I love your show and I watch you here in Stockton,Ca. twice a day every day. I think you are great!!! My question to you is I am 59 y... 0 2/24/2015
lent daughter 1200 hundred dollars with the agreement of being paid back within one year if you get a judgement against her and she doesnt pay how... 0 2/11/2015
Judge Judy's grammar isn't perfect 2 1/15/2015
Why is she always so mean to men which is crap and kids she should be pulled off TV 1 12/30/2014
Airing Friday 11/26/10 0 11/27/2014
This is no real judge.. 6 11/16/2014
On the show which aired in Cleveland, Ohio on channel 8 Fox Judge Judy said she has never understood 0 9/17/2014
Why is Judge Judys favorite words "idiot" and "Listening ears." Why doesn't she put on her listening ears and quit judging people before they open the... 4 9/2/2014
Lace around judge judy robe 0 9/16/2013
Where did the lace around judge judy robe come from? 0 9/16/2013