Posts 1 - 17 of 17
Judge Judy might be a good judge in some other ways but her TV show is upsetting with her agressiveness and rute comments.She does not respect others opinon.I would wish someone would sue her for sometimes very insulting accusations.
I think her time is overdue and she should retire.
I like Judge Alex,he has manners and shows respect towards others regardless of their education or status.
Judge Judy has to go.
replied to: amgercanswis
Replied to: Judge Judy might be a good judge in some other ways...
Apparently ~ This is so obvious! ~ If you knew how to express yourself with CORRECT spelling...and correct thought process....maybe you could give a CORRECT opinion. Judge Judy is a woman I would vote for....
replied to: amgercanswis
Replied to: Judge Judy might be a good judge in some other ways...
Oh...and oops! Are you kidding me with Judge Alex? He doesn't have half the talent..wisdom..or just gosh dang 'bench experience' that you would ever want on your side. I take it that you didn't get the result you wanted to hear...that's too bad....
replied to: abhotty3
Replied to: Oh...and oops! Are you kidding me with Judge Alex?...
Our children Come over and they turn the Channel when Judge Judy Comes on. They asy if we would have been shouting around the house like She does They would have called the Police.(we have several officers in our Family} Her shouting and belitteling of The humane race is Disrespectfull and racest. and not called for; She should be Somewere alse. Not on prime time where children have acess to that loud. senceless shouting;; Life is good When I am with a decent croud.
replied to: amgercanswis
Replied to: Judge Judy might be a good judge in some other ways...
This show is so bad!!! I can't believe is is let to go on. I wouldn't ever go to her court.
replied to: typerider
Replied to: This show is so bad!!! I can't believe is is let...
If you are driving down the and some rude person cuts you off;; you get angery;; When one watchs The respectfully Judge Judy With the verbal abuse she uses it's discusting;; Sorry Just the facts;; Why would anyone spend there living minutes watching that show is beyound my knowelage;;
replied to: amgercanswis
Replied to: Judge Judy might be a good judge in some other ways...
We love Judge Judy, my husband and I never miss her show. She tells it the way it is, regardless of anything. I absolutely love her style, right to the point. Sorry I disagree with the above, she has to stay.
replied to: cebach
Replied to: Our children Come over and they turn the Channel when Judge...
I am British, and the Judge Judy show is seen over here with regularity. Our two forms of English are different, but I think cebach needs to check his spelling and grammar, and if necessary get a decent spell checker.
We don't have televised courtrooms here in the UK, and after seeing the way that counsel operate, on the whole I agree that it would not work here, but you can always go to see courts in action here as in the United States. Many people, however, want the 'instant access' that television or the internet provides, but all they have to do is go along to their local court to see how cases are tried; the people there should be more concerned with the rule of law and making just decisions. We shouldn't pander to ordinary people's inability to get off their backsides.
As I understand matters, judges here and the United States have to determine the truth or otherwise of cases heard in the Small Claims Court, and then determines the penalty (if any) transgressing the law by reference to existing case law verdicts. For the purposes of television, you do need a forceful judge who is opinionated, but I'm not sure we Brits would accept those opinions as easily as our cousins in the USA. Also, if the court depicted is not typical of British courts, there is no very good reason for showing it, whether the judge in the court is disrespectful or otherwise.
"Judge Judy" is an entertaining diversion but it surprises me that people in the USA prefer to have their cases heard in Judge Judith Sheindlin's mock court, and not before judges in more judicial surroundings, where the process of law is the paramount determinator, not television ratings.
replied to: amgercanswis
Replied to: Judge Judy might be a good judge in some other ways...
Dear amgercanswis,
What you rather politely in fact, an understatement. Judge Judy has about sent me through the roof on the unfortunate occasions I have had to bare to listen to her biased and rude and ignorant screeching comments to every single person that she judges..not on the facts..but on how they 'look'..Just recently I saw her insult a man for being short. Her words were, Sir! You may be short of stature but that doesn't mean you must be short on intelligence! To say this was rude is far too kind of me.
She never actually listens to anyone. I just counted how many times she said-LISTEN! To a defendant, yet refused to listen to the facts of the case herself. I find this offensive on so many levels. ( The times she screeched 'LISTEN' was 37, by the way)
Time after time I have heard her insult human beings before they ever had a chance to even begin showing their well documented evidence, which she simply refused to look at. She does Not know the law in all states, and so she just makes things up as she goes a long. I saw her call a young lady a liar when she said that her DMV only excepts cash. This happens to be a true fact in many states/counties.. including mine.
She is allowed to run rip shod over these poor people and her way of 'judging' if it can even be called to make snap judgements because of each persons appearance. Are you over weight? You lose. Are you plain with not so beautiful hair? You lose. Hispanic? Lose. Accent? Lose. I think my point is made.
She simply out yells everyone and refuses to ever hear the actual facts. Her 'power' has gone to her empty head and it shocks me that CBS allows such blatant racism, sexism, and whatever the word for being prejudiced against the over weight, the vertically challenged.. etc..
I happen to be a small sized blond, so am pretty sure I'd win my case if I sued my neighbor for stepping on my lawn.
Judge Judy? Get WAY over yourself..Please. And for goodness sakes, learn the law before making crazed and screeching judgements. And Stop abusing your power. You took an oath. let's see you stand by it.
And before any crazed fans come screaming to her defense? Yes..I could turn off the TV. However, I care for my paraplegic father, and he has nothing else to do but watch it.
Hence, I am stuck listening to her howling. I hope this helps some of the folks she has abused. No-I've never..ever..been on hers or anyone's show. But Lord save me from having to listen to this biased maniac constantly judging nearly Every case unfairly. Think about it.
Post Scrip:
I do also listen to Judge Joe Brown, and Judge Alex, etc..and all of them are fair and never scream 'LISTEN TO ME!!' Since they have the good sense to know they are there to Be the listener.
replied to: abhotty3
Replied to: Oh...and oops! Are you kidding me with Judge Alex?...
My My My...and whose payroll are You on? Hmmm..?
Your answers are asinine and those of what would appear to be someone with the IQ of perhaps 70? Am I close?
It's either that or you are simply being obnoxious for attention. To correct one's spelling does not make you smart. It makes you obnoxious. To make fun of Judge Alex does not make Judge Judy a better makes You appear to be an ass. Have a nice day. ;)
replied to: cebach
Replied to: Our children Come over and they turn the Channel when Judge...
Well said.
replied to: sweeney276
Replied to: I am British, and the Judge Judy show is seen over...
You are correct on most points. Although as you pointed out, this is for entertainment, and of course the states courts are run nothing like this show or any other on TV. You ask why these people even go there to be judged? Well my British friend..if you can read the small print when credits roll, you will find these people are paid for their appearance on the show. So I suppose that even if they lose? They win. I do believe I'll sue my daughter for washing my car with what she thought was soap-but in fact had a paint remover in it. She's 8. She can take it. I'll split the money with her. lol
replied to: kathymccartan
Replied to: We love Judge Judy, my husband and I never miss her...
Well, Kathy, I believe there is a huge difference between 'telling it like it is' and simply screaming louder then the person trying to be heard. You have every right to enjoy the show, and I mean no disrespect. I simply would like her to learn the law, stop insulting people, and for goodness sakes..stop screaming 'Listen to me'..And perhaps try listening herself. :)
( better yet-just go away)
replied to: SenileJudy11
Replied to: Well, Kathy, I believe there is a huge difference between 'telling...
I have watched her shows off and on. I have never witnessed a Judge so insulting. For TV ratings or not, she is degrading people on national TV with no cause usually.
I watched Judge Judy insult a mother about degrading her son at a football game and passed a judgement against this mother based on here say. The very next case Judge Judy took in that same program. She immediately insulted a father right in front of his son that was standing next to him. The young boy about 8 years old was crying right in court ! Shame on Judge Judy !
replied to: SenileJudy11
Replied to: My My My...and whose payroll are You on? Hmmm..?
If you are going to post on a public forum, then perhaps it wouldn't hurt to learn how to spell or at least use spell check. It is amazing to see the grammatical errors that people post right along with their misspelled words and it is not obnoxious at all to point that out. I think what is obnoxious is when one person (you) dares to try and second guess the IQ of another. All you have done is show that your IQ probably isn't much higher.
replied to: dhuntley
Replied to: If you are going to post on a public forum, then...
The issue is the J. Judy show ,, Lets not be to concerned about showing Our Intel/stupidity by trying to tell other posters to spell; I personaly miss spell words Be cause I konw it earatates Some people... Not to get off the topic. if your parents spoke to you like J judy speakes to some of the Lidegents. You would hate them tell you went to your GRAVE;; enough said Life is good .. Who through the first stone..
replied to: amgercanswis
Replied to: Judge Judy might be a good judge in some other ways...
I believe she fostors TOTAL DISRESPECT for the American System of Justice. Her conduct is ignorant at the least for an officer of the court sitting on the bench. She may have been a good judge (in her day) but now appears to seek popularity over respect and justice.