

(1)   The scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals


(2)   Convert into slag


From , or , whence German ; originally, perhaps, the splinters struck off from the metal by hammering.


  1. The impurities which result and are separated out when melting a metal or refining it from its ore; also, vitrified cinders.
  2. The scoria of a volcano.
  3. A woman (sometimes a man) who has loose morals relating to sex.
  4. A hard aggregate that is left as a residue from blast furnaces, which may be used as a surfacing material.


  1. To make slag.
  2. To talk badly about someone; to denigrate someone.

Related terms


  1. blow, knock
  2. battle
  3. beat, stroke, pulsation


  1. hit; punch
  2. stroke
  3. battle between to armies, navies or air forces
  4. kind; sort
  5. species


  1. hit; punch
  2. stroke (medical)
  3. battle between to armies, navies or air forces
  4. kind; sort



  1. hit; punch
  2. the hit of a ball by a bat or a racket
  3. battle between two armies, navies or air forces
  4. stroke; the striking of a clock
    Klockan slog just tre slag = The clock just struck three strokes
  5. stroke; the time when a clock strikes
    Han kom precis på slaget midnatt = He came on the stroke of midnight
  6. stroke; a loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted.
  7. kind; sort
    En fågel av ett ovanligt slag = A bird of an unusual kind
  8. while; moment; a short period of time
    Kom hit ett slag! = Come here a minute!
  9. A fold on the legs of a pair of trousers, where about an inch of the leg is folded upwards.