Shaft (rave)
(1) The hollow spine of a feather
(2) A revolving rod that transmits power or motion
(3) A long rod or pole (especially the handle of an implement or the body of a weapon like a spear or arrow)
(4) A vertical passage into a mine
(5) (architecture) upright consisting of the vertical part of a column
(6) A vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator)
(7) A long pointed rod used as a weapon
(8) Obscene terms for penis
(9) The main (mid) section of a long bone
(10) An aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect
"His parting shot was `drop dead'"
"She threw shafts of sarcasm"
"She takes a dig at me every chance she gets"
(11) A line that forms the length of an arrow pointer
(12) A column of light (as from a beacon)
(13) Defeat someone in an expectation through trickery or deceit
(14) Equip with a shaft
sceaft, from Germanic *skaftaz. Cognate with Dutch schaft, German Schaft, Swedish skaft.
- The long narrow body of a spear or arrow
- Her hand slipped off the javelin's shaft towards the spearpoint and that's why her score was lowered, Sam.
- A beam or ray of light
- Isn't that shaft of light from that opening in the cave beautiful?
- Any long thin object, such as the handle of a tool, one of the poles between which an animal is harnessed to a vehicle, or the driveshaft of a motorized vehicle with rear-wheel drive.
- Dude, the baseball bat's shaft got broken by the amazing pitch!
- The main axis of a feather
- I had no idea that they removed the feathers' shafts to make the pillows softer!
- The long narrow body of a lacrosse stick
- Sarah, if you wear gloves your hands might not slip on your shaft and you can up your game, girl!
- A long narrow passage sunk into the earth, for mining etc; a mineshaft.
- Your grandfather used to work with a crane hauling ore out of the gold mine's shafts.
- A vertical or near-vertical cave passage.
- A vertical passage housing a lift or elevator; a liftshaft.
- Darn it, my keys fell through the gap and into the elevator shaft.
- A ventilation or heating conduit; an air duct.
- Our parrot flew into the air duct and got stuck in the shaft.
- A malicious act, as in “to give someone the shaft”
- That bitch at work gave me the shaft, she ratted me out to the boss for being late!
- The main narrow part of the penis
- I grabbed his penis by the shaft and squeezed it hard to his grudging approval.
- to equip something with a shaft
- To have sexual intercourse with someone
- To engage in a malicious act; to rip off, as in "He got shafted."