

  1. A cylindrical bundle of small sticks of wood, bound together, used in raising batteries, filling ditches, strengthening ramparts, and making parapets; also in revetments for river banks, and in mats for dams, jetties, etc.
    • 1786, Francis Grose, A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, page 51.:
      Halberts differ very little from the bill, being like them constructed both for pushing and cutting: a halbert consists of three parts, the spear, or sometimes a kind of sword blade for pushing, an ax, or hatchet for striking and cutting, and a flook or hook for pulling down fascines, in the attack of trenches, or temporary fortifications.


  1. First-person singular indicative present form of fasciner.
  2. Third-person singular indicative present form of fasciner.
  3. First-person singular subjunctive present form of fasciner.
  4. Third-person singular subjunctive present form of fasciner.
  5. Second-person singular imperative present form of fasciner.


