Electricity (OMD song)


(1)   Keen and shared excitement
"The stage crackled with electricity whenever she was on it"
(2)   A physical phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electrons and protons
(3)   Energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a conductor
"They built a car that runs on electricity"


From , from , related to


  1. A form of energy usually carried by wires or produced by batteries used to power machines and computing, communications, lighting, and heating devices.
  2. A form of secondary energy, caused by the behavior of electrons and protons, properly called "electrical energy".
  3. A fundamental attractive property of matter, appearing in negative and positive kinds.
    • 1646, Sir Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, 1st edition, p. 51 (First known English usage)
      Again, The concretion of Ice will not endure a dry attrition without liquation; for if it be rubbed long with a cloth, it melteth. But Crystal will calefie unto electricity; that is, a power to attract strawes and light bodies, and convert the needle freely placed.
  4. The flow of charge carriers within a conductor, properly called "electric current".
  5. The charge carriers within a conductor, properly called "electric charge".
    • 1873, James Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism
      We may express all these results in a concise and consistent manner by describing an electrified body as charged with a certain quantity of electricity, which we may denote by e.
  6. A class of physical phenomena, related to flows and interactions of electric charge
  7. A field of physical science and technology, concerned with the phenomena of electric charge
  8. Excitement.
    Opening night for the new production had an electricity unlike other openings.


alternating current (AC)
current – n.
energy – n.
power – n.