Zambian slang
Like many other countries or cultures Zambia
contains a mixture of euphemisms in various provinces or different parts of Towns/Areas/Regions that often leave Zambians from various backgrounds/foreigners scratching their heads wondering the meanings of the catch phrases or terminologies.While most of the words are used in English
,some of the words are also commonly used in the local languages such as Nyanja and Bemba
which are widely spoken throughout some or most parts of Zambia.The following are terms/words/Phrases commonly used in Lusaka
, Copperbelt province and some parts of Zambia.
Ati how? - How are you? Very informal slang
. Origin ‘Ati bwanji’ became ‘ati bwa’ and ‘bwa’ was translated to English
Ba ka’amba - from ‘ba kalamba’ big man. Generally used to address either a friend or one whose name you don’t know
Ba'ane - Good friends. generally used to address very good friends or in jest to not so good friends
Bali - Father/Older Man.
Ba Rwanda (can be derogatory )- Beer
Scavengers. - usage arose at the time when Zambia had a lot of refugees from Rwanda in the
Balloon Type - Lady with Big Bums/Back side/Hips
Brush - sex
Better TV - A prostitute. [from a song by local musician Danny of the same title]
Bells - Length of time (usually long) or time of day. derived from a bell ringing at the top of the hour. e.g. Its 6 bells right now i.e. 6 am/pm. E.g., It's been bells since I saw him.
Blazed - To get drunk / high on drugs
Black album / blue movie - Porn movie
Black table - A table laden with lager beer Bottles, usually castle or mosi
Bolt - to run
Book - leave a location e.g. "Buta" lets book from here its getting "dry".
Box - reference to any area that is confined such as a room or a location.
Buta / Bootah - in reference to brotherhood. from "boet" or "boetie"
Bululu / Bururu - Relative from Afrikaans
"broer" meaning brother
Bwete - (Big Ass) A simultaneous shaking of a Woman/lady's Behind when walking.
Belegede - Drunk
Kanasaki (Kan-i-Saki) - Get Head—From the word Kawasaki
Cabin - House/Home.
Chakolwa - an alcoholic
Chamba - Marijuana/cannabis
Chux'd - To be detained/imprisoned by the Police.
Choncholi - rather derogatory reference to a Chinese person.
Chow(chau) - Eat.
Clap - to finish e.g. I've clapped all my homework so we can go play football now.
CNN / BBC - In reference to gossip and its ability to spread like the news
Coolie (Kuli) - An Indian
Colgate - Refers to ANY toothpaste
Crop - To fall down
Cut - 1)Going/Leaving e.g. I'm cutting cabin, its already 3 a.m. 2)Drunk e.g. My father was cut last night after the party, I had to drive him home. 3) What's cutting? = what's happening?
Damage - in reference to money spent. How much damage did you do last night? - 1 million Kwacha on dinner.
Departure lounge - someone very ill and most likely on their death bed.e.g. one with HIV could be said to be in the departure lounge.
Dicey - Tricky
Dop / Dope - Alcohol
Dos - To sleep
Doss / dossed - terminally ill (derogatory) used to describe persons suffering from AIDS (gossip type)
Down it - Bottoms up - drink at one go
Dry - Boring/Lame
Dyonko - sample/taste
Ek Se - Originally an Afrikaans term which means " I say " e.g. Ek Se what time is it?Its meaning has literally changed to refer to a friend or some one of your age you don't know.
Eh Eh/Ah Ah - An expression used to describe 'being surprised'. What the hell? E.g., Eh eh, didn't he "prang" his ride?.
Falisa/Falisis - ambiguous reference to any object, situation or action (popular among Copperbelt Kaponyas)
Fastele - Fast - From a cartoon Comic in local newspapers, 'The Post' from back in the days.
Father - used to call a man’s name you don’t know/Elderly Man(commonly use by call boys/Bus conductors)
Flat - Annoyed or upset or angry.
Flush - The act of aborting an unwanted pregnancy.
Fodia - Cigarette
Flamingo - (sexual position - Similar to Doggy Style) where the woman stands then bends over and touches her toes.
Free Kick - (Offensive) To abort a pregnancy as in She had a free kick
Frozen chicken - (sexual position) sexual position where the woman is lying on her back and her legs are over the man's shoulders.
Fuzi - side Kick
Gabon - anything bad, in reference to the Gabon air disaster of 1993 in which Zambia soccer player lost their lives.
Gon’ga - noun. an imitation product. verb. To be swindled/ugly girl.
G.P - Game Plan, i.e. organizing a plan of action
Graze - Food or the act of eating
Gun Powder - Groundnuts
Gooza / Guza - woman/lady
Gelo (Chi gelo) - A girl/woman
Gwamo - Go/Leave (Na gwamo - I have gone.)
Hammer - 1) to beat
Hard - to be considered something special or good e.g. That Items is Hard Ek Se.
How do you make it? - What time is it?
Hule - Prostitute
Item - Refers to a thing/anything.
Jam - to play e.g. We are jamming football tonight at the school football pitch.
Joll - 1)Come or arrive at a destination. e.g. Are you jolling to the party tonight? 2) In other parts of Africa joll can refer to a party or party atmosphere.
Joint - 1)place or location. e.g. This joint is nice. 2) Weed
John Cena - really big local buns
Kaponya - A street hawker or any individual found roaming the city streets aimlessly. Usually very vulgar
Kabwata - Body builder or well built muscular man commonly referred to as "chiKabwata" - named after Lusaka's first and oldest gym located in Kabwata Township
Ka ndile - A broke person that feeds off others and tries to keep up appearances like he/she is the spender
Ka nduli - Hot girl.
Kembo - A person of no substance (insulting) e.g. "Iwe Kembo!" English translation "Hey Jerk/funny guy/popper!"
Ku ma 'dizzy’ - Bar/Tavern
Ku ma yard [yadi] - Suburbs. [literally at the yards]
ka pulp - Nshima.
Kajansa - Masturbation
e.g. - Alibe Gelo,ama chaya che kanajansa daily.
ku dyela - Having a good time e.g. wa dyela, tina dyela
Ku yupa ma banana - Masturbation
e.g. - Ninamu pezekeza Ayupa ma banana mu Toilet.
Kui Typa - Bemba
Word for Fight.
Kapeta - Body builder or weightlifter
Kuli (coolie) - An Indian.
Ka saka - a bag of money.
Kopala - an indigenous citizen of the Copperbelt province (Usually an unruly member of this group of people)
Long Nose /4 Corner - formal shoes with a long front-end/4 Squared heal.
Laliga - Something good
Laka - nice, good, great. From Afrikaans
Lash - To give e.g. Lash me some Money Ek Se
Ma packs - Opaque beer. e.g. shake-shake,(Chibuku).
Maize juice or Blue print - Shake Shake/ Opaque Beer
Ma pint - Lager beer e.g. Mosi and castle
Mahafu - Money.
Mbama - Slap/ To Slap Someone.
Metre [Mita] - A million kwacha.
McGyver - Using ingenious methods and simple tools/materials to fix something. e.g. using wires instead of bolts and nuts to hold together two parts. From the popular 1980s TV series McGyver.
Mpopo - Hot Girls/Babes
Moko-Moko - Retarded person/Retard
Mwanaa - Refers to Friend/Young Person
Mune - Same as mwanaa, term of endearment for a good friend e.g. 'Shani Mune' "Hello my friend"; 'Shani baane' "Hello My friends"
Mali - Mother / Mum / in certain contexts a lady or woman
Mati - Mate/friend
Mao - Derived from Mal (French for sick/sickness). Being "sick in the head" or crazy. Usually as a reaction to someone doing something stupid. E.g., "ek se", how do you "dope" without "tuning" us "ek se", but you're mao.
Mauless - speechless or at a loss for words, used especially when shocked at something or by someone. Derived from the phrase, "Nilibe mau" meaning I've got no words or I've got nothing to say.
Mat - to leave - Mat ek se
Ma Bono - Local Buns
Milochi - kissing.
Michopo - Grilled steaks
MuZungu - Nyanja Word for White Person.
Mukalad - Nyanja Word for a Mixed Race person (coloureds).
Mwenye - Nyanja Word for Indian.
Nailos - Copperbelt slang used by Kaponyas. See the meaning of Falisis
Nikisi - Comes from the German
"Nichts" and means "Nothing", or "NO".
Ntakuko - Booty.
Njumi - Cute girl.
Nyaps - NSA[No Strings Attached] Partner.
Ponyo Ponyo/Kanjansa - Masturbation
Ndule - Girls.
Nkeche - Girls/Girlfriend.
Ngwele - side kick .
Nakata line - To get to know the trade.
Own - Guy e.g. "Tune" that own to "lash" me my "tong" - Tell the guy/person to give me my money.
One Piston - One who easily gets Drunk.
Open - to burst out into laughter e.g. Ek-se, I opened! (I really laughed)
Opan - to take a girls virginity e.g. I opaned the cherry! (I was her first sex) ;,the a is stressed when pronouncing.
Page - to give a "miss call", usually due to a lack of pre-paid funds on a mobile phone. e.g. I'll page you so that you know I'm here.
Peg - to die. e.g. This "own" pegged because of drunk driving.
Perch - To sit
Pin - denomination for a thousand Zambian kwacha e.g. 1 pin - K1,000,50 pin - K50,000
Prang - crash, normally the action of being in a motor-vehicle accident
Queen - mother
Rasta - Any person with dreadlocks
Remix - A Lie.
Ride/whip/G - car
Sawa - K1,000(One Thousand Kwacha)Commonly used by Bus conductors/passengers.
Saat/Sut - No
Scale - Steal
Scan - to look
Skim - to think
Swine - a vest/waistcoat.
Sheets - in reference to sheets of money
Span - plenty, a large number.
Shansha - Hustle, stay strong.
Shadow - Dark like Ronish
Skat - shoe
Spalour - Home
Scene - Club or event
Scoop - Get
Shanks - Toilet
Strap - Walk e.g. I had to strap all the way home because the car broke down.
Skwale! - To Run Away, normally leave the scene in a rush.
Susu - K10,000(Ten Thousand Kwacha) Commonly used by Bus conductors/passengers.
Tune (Choon)- To tell/say. "I tuned that kama bali" Originally from South African Slang.
Tune Out - To Tell Off
Turbulence - Distraction/Confusion in a Group.
Tong - Money.
Two (2) Pulls - short duration / amount for something. "Shani ko ka fwaka ... two pulls fye."
Wire [waya] - 1) to beat or cause harm to somebody 2)An Old/vehicle in bad condition.
Weeve - Beat/Fight.
Zali - A Hundred kwacha
(K100). Or a Hundred thousand kwacha
(K100,000). e.g. 2 zali = K200,000
Za yellow - A Person with bleached skin or is light skinned.
Zambia Airways - Refers to a chicken Wing.
Zed - Literally 'Z' Short for Zambia
. a. Zedians-Zambians
Zigolo - water and sugar
Zigs - Short-hand form of Zigolo
Zooker - Beer vulture.
ZNS - Refers to Green Flies (green bottle fly
) in relation to the Green uniforms Worn by Zambian National Service men and women.
Zimandola - AKA Kopala. Peoples of the Copperbelt province particularly from Ndola town
for clear adhesive tape or Panado for any Pain killer Tablets and as a result of popular usage, this eventually becomes their Generic name (noun) which is a process called Genercide. Brand names as a result of this have literally lost their status as ‘Brand Names’ in their relevant categories.
e.g.:Pamene wenzo tuma phone nenze kwendo mu Tank mu Cairo Road.
e.g.:Mu Boys ana chaya Gillette baka pokola/Na chaya Gillette.
and Police Service Training Academies. All service men and women who join the Force usually ‘Graduate’ from the academies with at least full knowledge of “Police Jargon” incorporated into Nyanja as well as its distinct accent. This is evident when one speaks to or hears Police
personnel conversing. This also makes it easy to identify them even when in plain clothes from the manner in which they speak.Also,Members of the public or civilians humorously refer the initials 'Z.P' in Nyanja as "Zabwino Palibe" (Nothing Good),due to the manner in which the Police 'Man Handle' Suspects/convicts during custodial situations.
Service officers do].
Zambia , officially the Republic of Zambia, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. The neighbouring countries are the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the north-east, Malawi to the east, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to the south, and Angola to the west....
contains a mixture of euphemisms in various provinces or different parts of Towns/Areas/Regions that often leave Zambians from various backgrounds/foreigners scratching their heads wondering the meanings of the catch phrases or terminologies.While most of the words are used in English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...
,some of the words are also commonly used in the local languages such as Nyanja and Bemba
Bemba language
The Bemba language, ChiBemba , is a major Bantu language spoken primarily in north-eastern Zambia by the Bemba people and as a lingua franca by about 18 related ethnic groups, including the Bisa people of Mpika and Lake Bangweulu, and to a lesser extent in Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the...
which are widely spoken throughout some or most parts of Zambia.The following are terms/words/Phrases commonly used in Lusaka
Lusaka is the capital and largest city of Zambia. It is located in the southern part of the central plateau, at an elevation of about 1,300 metres . It has a population of about 1.7 million . It is a commercial centre as well as the centre of government, and the four main highways of Zambia head...
, Copperbelt province and some parts of Zambia.
Album - (Offensive Term)Refers to Pregnancy/Birth – That girl just released an Album.Ati how? - How are you? Very informal slang
Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language or dialect but are considered more acceptable when used socially. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered taboo...
. Origin ‘Ati bwanji’ became ‘ati bwa’ and ‘bwa’ was translated to English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...
Ba ka’amba - from ‘ba kalamba’ big man. Generally used to address either a friend or one whose name you don’t know
Ba'ane - Good friends. generally used to address very good friends or in jest to not so good friends
Bali - Father/Older Man.
Ba Rwanda (can be derogatory )- Beer
Beer is the world's most widely consumed andprobably oldest alcoholic beverage; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. It is produced by the brewing and fermentation of sugars, mainly derived from malted cereal grains, most commonly malted barley and malted wheat...
Scavengers. - usage arose at the time when Zambia had a lot of refugees from Rwanda in the
Balloon Type - Lady with Big Bums/Back side/Hips
Brush - sex
In biology, sex is a process of combining and mixing genetic traits, often resulting in the specialization of organisms into a male or female variety . Sexual reproduction involves combining specialized cells to form offspring that inherit traits from both parents...
Better TV - A prostitute. [from a song by local musician Danny of the same title]
Bells - Length of time (usually long) or time of day. derived from a bell ringing at the top of the hour. e.g. Its 6 bells right now i.e. 6 am/pm. E.g., It's been bells since I saw him.
Blazed - To get drunk / high on drugs
Black album / blue movie - Porn movie
Black table - A table laden with lager beer Bottles, usually castle or mosi
Bolt - to run
Book - leave a location e.g. "Buta" lets book from here its getting "dry".
Box - reference to any area that is confined such as a room or a location.
Buta / Bootah - in reference to brotherhood. from "boet" or "boetie"
Bululu / Bururu - Relative from Afrikaans
Afrikaans is a West Germanic language, spoken natively in South Africa and Namibia. It is a daughter language of Dutch, originating in its 17th century dialects, collectively referred to as Cape Dutch .Afrikaans is a daughter language of Dutch; see , , , , , .Afrikaans was historically called Cape...
"broer" meaning brother
Bwete - (Big Ass) A simultaneous shaking of a Woman/lady's Behind when walking.
Belegede - Drunk
Kanasaki (Kan-i-Saki) - Get Head—From the word Kawasaki
Cabin - House/Home.
Chakolwa - an alcoholic
Chamba - Marijuana/cannabis
Cannabis (drug)
Cannabis, also known as marijuana among many other names, refers to any number of preparations of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or for medicinal purposes. The English term marijuana comes from the Mexican Spanish word marihuana...
Chux'd - To be detained/imprisoned by the Police.
Choncholi - rather derogatory reference to a Chinese person.
Chow(chau) - Eat.
Clap - to finish e.g. I've clapped all my homework so we can go play football now.
CNN / BBC - In reference to gossip and its ability to spread like the news
Coolie (Kuli) - An Indian
Colgate - Refers to ANY toothpaste
Crop - To fall down
Cut - 1)Going/Leaving e.g. I'm cutting cabin, its already 3 a.m. 2)Drunk e.g. My father was cut last night after the party, I had to drive him home. 3) What's cutting? = what's happening?
Damage - in reference to money spent. How much damage did you do last night? - 1 million Kwacha on dinner.
Departure lounge - someone very ill and most likely on their death bed.e.g. one with HIV could be said to be in the departure lounge.
Dicey - Tricky
Dop / Dope - Alcohol
Dos - To sleep
Doss / dossed - terminally ill (derogatory) used to describe persons suffering from AIDS (gossip type)
Down it - Bottoms up - drink at one go
Dry - Boring/Lame
Dyonko - sample/taste
Ek Se - Originally an Afrikaans term which means " I say " e.g. Ek Se what time is it?Its meaning has literally changed to refer to a friend or some one of your age you don't know.
Eh Eh/Ah Ah - An expression used to describe 'being surprised'. What the hell? E.g., Eh eh, didn't he "prang" his ride?.
Falisa/Falisis - ambiguous reference to any object, situation or action (popular among Copperbelt Kaponyas)
Fastele - Fast - From a cartoon Comic in local newspapers, 'The Post' from back in the days.
Father - used to call a man’s name you don’t know/Elderly Man(commonly use by call boys/Bus conductors)
Flat - Annoyed or upset or angry.
Flush - The act of aborting an unwanted pregnancy.
Fodia - Cigarette
Flamingo - (sexual position - Similar to Doggy Style) where the woman stands then bends over and touches her toes.
Free Kick - (Offensive) To abort a pregnancy as in She had a free kick
Frozen chicken - (sexual position) sexual position where the woman is lying on her back and her legs are over the man's shoulders.
Fuzi - side Kick
Gabon - anything bad, in reference to the Gabon air disaster of 1993 in which Zambia soccer player lost their lives.
Gon’ga - noun. an imitation product. verb. To be swindled/ugly girl.
G.P - Game Plan, i.e. organizing a plan of action
Graze - Food or the act of eating
Gun Powder - Groundnuts
Gooza / Guza - woman/lady
Gelo (Chi gelo) - A girl/woman
Gwamo - Go/Leave (Na gwamo - I have gone.)
Hammer - 1) to beat
Hard - to be considered something special or good e.g. That Items is Hard Ek Se.
How do you make it? - What time is it?
Hule - Prostitute
Item - Refers to a thing/anything.
Jam - to play e.g. We are jamming football tonight at the school football pitch.
Joll - 1)Come or arrive at a destination. e.g. Are you jolling to the party tonight? 2) In other parts of Africa joll can refer to a party or party atmosphere.
Joint - 1)place or location. e.g. This joint is nice. 2) Weed
John Cena - really big local buns
Kaponya - A street hawker or any individual found roaming the city streets aimlessly. Usually very vulgar
Kabwata - Body builder or well built muscular man commonly referred to as "chiKabwata" - named after Lusaka's first and oldest gym located in Kabwata Township
Ka ndile - A broke person that feeds off others and tries to keep up appearances like he/she is the spender
Ka nduli - Hot girl.
Kembo - A person of no substance (insulting) e.g. "Iwe Kembo!" English translation "Hey Jerk/funny guy/popper!"
Ku ma 'dizzy’ - Bar/Tavern
Ku ma yard [yadi] - Suburbs. [literally at the yards]
ka pulp - Nshima.
Kajansa - Masturbation
Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation of a person's own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. Masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism...
e.g. - Alibe Gelo,ama chaya che kanajansa daily.
ku dyela - Having a good time e.g. wa dyela, tina dyela
Ku yupa ma banana - Masturbation
Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation of a person's own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. Masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism...
e.g. - Ninamu pezekeza Ayupa ma banana mu Toilet.
Kui Typa - Bemba
Bemba language
The Bemba language, ChiBemba , is a major Bantu language spoken primarily in north-eastern Zambia by the Bemba people and as a lingua franca by about 18 related ethnic groups, including the Bisa people of Mpika and Lake Bangweulu, and to a lesser extent in Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the...
Word for Fight.
Kapeta - Body builder or weightlifter
Kuli (coolie) - An Indian.
Ka saka - a bag of money.
Kopala - an indigenous citizen of the Copperbelt province (Usually an unruly member of this group of people)
Long Nose /4 Corner - formal shoes with a long front-end/4 Squared heal.
Laliga - Something good
Laka - nice, good, great. From Afrikaans
Afrikaans is a West Germanic language, spoken natively in South Africa and Namibia. It is a daughter language of Dutch, originating in its 17th century dialects, collectively referred to as Cape Dutch .Afrikaans is a daughter language of Dutch; see , , , , , .Afrikaans was historically called Cape...
Lash - To give e.g. Lash me some Money Ek Se
Ma packs - Opaque beer. e.g. shake-shake,(Chibuku).
Maize juice or Blue print - Shake Shake/ Opaque Beer
Ma pint - Lager beer e.g. Mosi and castle
Mahafu - Money.
Mbama - Slap/ To Slap Someone.
Metre [Mita] - A million kwacha.
McGyver - Using ingenious methods and simple tools/materials to fix something. e.g. using wires instead of bolts and nuts to hold together two parts. From the popular 1980s TV series McGyver.
Mpopo - Hot Girls/Babes
Moko-Moko - Retarded person/Retard
Mwanaa - Refers to Friend/Young Person
Mune - Same as mwanaa, term of endearment for a good friend e.g. 'Shani Mune' "Hello my friend"; 'Shani baane' "Hello My friends"
Mali - Mother / Mum / in certain contexts a lady or woman
Mati - Mate/friend
Mao - Derived from Mal (French for sick/sickness). Being "sick in the head" or crazy. Usually as a reaction to someone doing something stupid. E.g., "ek se", how do you "dope" without "tuning" us "ek se", but you're mao.
Mauless - speechless or at a loss for words, used especially when shocked at something or by someone. Derived from the phrase, "Nilibe mau" meaning I've got no words or I've got nothing to say.
Mat - to leave - Mat ek se
Ma Bono - Local Buns
Milochi - kissing.
Michopo - Grilled steaks
MuZungu - Nyanja Word for White Person.
Mukalad - Nyanja Word for a Mixed Race person (coloureds).
Mwenye - Nyanja Word for Indian.
Nailos - Copperbelt slang used by Kaponyas. See the meaning of Falisis
Nikisi - Comes from the German
German language
German is a West Germanic language, related to and classified alongside English and Dutch. With an estimated 90 – 98 million native speakers, German is one of the world's major languages and is the most widely-spoken first language in the European Union....
"Nichts" and means "Nothing", or "NO".
Ntakuko - Booty.
Njumi - Cute girl.
Nyaps - NSA[No Strings Attached] Partner.
Ponyo Ponyo/Kanjansa - Masturbation
Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation of a person's own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. Masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism...
Ndule - Girls.
Nkeche - Girls/Girlfriend.
Ngwele - side kick .
Nakata line - To get to know the trade.
Own - Guy e.g. "Tune" that own to "lash" me my "tong" - Tell the guy/person to give me my money.
One Piston - One who easily gets Drunk.
Open - to burst out into laughter e.g. Ek-se, I opened! (I really laughed)
Opan - to take a girls virginity e.g. I opaned the cherry! (I was her first sex) ;,the a is stressed when pronouncing.
Page - to give a "miss call", usually due to a lack of pre-paid funds on a mobile phone. e.g. I'll page you so that you know I'm here.
Peg - to die. e.g. This "own" pegged because of drunk driving.
Perch - To sit
Pin - denomination for a thousand Zambian kwacha e.g. 1 pin - K1,000,50 pin - K50,000
Prang - crash, normally the action of being in a motor-vehicle accident
Queen - mother
Rasta - Any person with dreadlocks
Remix - A Lie.
Ride/whip/G - car
Sawa - K1,000(One Thousand Kwacha)Commonly used by Bus conductors/passengers.
Saat/Sut - No
Scale - Steal
Scan - to look
Skim - to think
Swine - a vest/waistcoat.
Sheets - in reference to sheets of money
Span - plenty, a large number.
Shansha - Hustle, stay strong.
Shadow - Dark like Ronish
Skat - shoe
Spalour - Home
Scene - Club or event
Scoop - Get
Shanks - Toilet
Strap - Walk e.g. I had to strap all the way home because the car broke down.
Skwale! - To Run Away, normally leave the scene in a rush.
Susu - K10,000(Ten Thousand Kwacha) Commonly used by Bus conductors/passengers.
Tune (Choon)- To tell/say. "I tuned that kama bali" Originally from South African Slang.
Tune Out - To Tell Off
Turbulence - Distraction/Confusion in a Group.
Tong - Money.
Two (2) Pulls - short duration / amount for something. "Shani ko ka fwaka ... two pulls fye."
Wire [waya] - 1) to beat or cause harm to somebody 2)An Old/vehicle in bad condition.
Weeve - Beat/Fight.
Zali - A Hundred kwacha
Zambian kwacha
The kwacha is the currency of Zambia. It is subdivided into 100 ngwee.-Etymology:The name derives from the Nyanja and Bemba word for "dawn", alluding to the Zambian nationalist slogan of a "new dawn of freedom"...
(K100). Or a Hundred thousand kwacha
Zambian kwacha
The kwacha is the currency of Zambia. It is subdivided into 100 ngwee.-Etymology:The name derives from the Nyanja and Bemba word for "dawn", alluding to the Zambian nationalist slogan of a "new dawn of freedom"...
(K100,000). e.g. 2 zali = K200,000
Za yellow - A Person with bleached skin or is light skinned.
Zambia Airways - Refers to a chicken Wing.
Zed - Literally 'Z' Short for Zambia
Zambia , officially the Republic of Zambia, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. The neighbouring countries are the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the north-east, Malawi to the east, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to the south, and Angola to the west....
. a. Zedians-Zambians
Zigolo - water and sugar
Zigs - Short-hand form of Zigolo
Zooker - Beer vulture.
ZNS - Refers to Green Flies (green bottle fly
Green bottle fly
The common green bottle fly is a common blow-fly found in most areas of the world, and the most well-known of the numerous green bottle fly species. It is 10–14 mm long, slightly larger than a housefly, and has brilliant, metallic, blue-green or golden coloration with black markings. It has...
) in relation to the Green uniforms Worn by Zambian National Service men and women.
Zimandola - AKA Kopala. Peoples of the Copperbelt province particularly from Ndola town
Nyanjalising-(English - Nyanja language Mix)
Nyanjalising is a combination of both English and Nyanja words/verbs, intertwined to produce an English finish of each word e.g.:-
- Nyanja word: 'Menya' meaning beat used in this context…”That guy was Menyerd(Pronounced Menyad) badly”/That guy was pononerd(pononad) badly.
Brand Name Generalisation
Around the world, common brand names are used to identify products in their category,e.g. SellotapeSellotape
Sellotape is a British brand of transparent, cellulose-based, pressure sensitive adhesive tape, and is the leading brand of clear, pressure sensitive tape in the United Kingdom. Sellotape is generally used for joining, sealing, attaching and mending...
for clear adhesive tape or Panado for any Pain killer Tablets and as a result of popular usage, this eventually becomes their Generic name (noun) which is a process called Genercide. Brand names as a result of this have literally lost their status as ‘Brand Names’ in their relevant categories.
- Honda : Any Motorbike/literally Honda is the default Noun for motorbike.
- Boom : Despite ‘Dynamo’ being popular back in the days. Any Detergent Paste is called ‘Boom’ by default which is a local popular soap brand.
- Shake-Shake : literally any opaque Beer.
- Cobra : Literally any Floor Polish product.
- Colgate : Literally any toothpaste product
- Panado : Any Pain killer tablet.
- Surf : Any Washing Powder product.
- Salad : Literally any Cooking Oil Product.
- Target : Literally any insecticide spray.
- Vaseline : Literally any Petroleum jelly product.
Other Terms/Phrases
- Kwendo mu Tank : stepping on it/or driving at high speeds/driving off.
e.g.:Pamene wenzo tuma phone nenze kwendo mu Tank mu Cairo Road.
- Kwendo mu Njila : Going/One who is always on the move/the act of leaving
- Gillette : leaving /act of running away[The term originated from the Sports show “Gillette World Sport Special” as a result of its association with sporting activities such as races/running/sprinting,it was adopted as a term to mean running away and later on to mean leaving/going]
e.g.:Mu Boys ana chaya Gillette baka pokola/Na chaya Gillette.
- Mau lendo : leaving/trip e.g.:Ali mau lendo pamene tikamba so.
- Shot : steal/leave/throw e.g.: Bani chaya shot cellphone/Na chaya shot ku bond boi/Banamu chaya shot malegeni ku matako.
- Yenza : steal e.g. Bani Yenzela cellphone baka ponya mu station.
- Lusaka : To get conned/steal – "bani chaya Lusaka ma tyre ya motoka"/"Ma boys bamu Katondo bani chaya Lusaka phone yamene na gulisa".
- Kitwe : To get fucked in the ass.
ZP (Zambia Police) slang
This is Nyanjaslang that has been passed on from Generation to Generation in the MilitaryMilitary
A military is an organization authorized by its greater society to use lethal force, usually including use of weapons, in defending its country by combating actual or perceived threats. The military may have additional functions of use to its greater society, such as advancing a political agenda e.g...
and Police Service Training Academies. All service men and women who join the Force usually ‘Graduate’ from the academies with at least full knowledge of “Police Jargon” incorporated into Nyanja as well as its distinct accent. This is evident when one speaks to or hears Police
The police is a personification of the state designated to put in practice the enforced law, protect property and reduce civil disorder in civilian matters. Their powers include the legitimized use of force...
A military is an organization authorized by its greater society to use lethal force, usually including use of weapons, in defending its country by combating actual or perceived threats. The military may have additional functions of use to its greater society, such as advancing a political agenda e.g...
personnel conversing. This also makes it easy to identify them even when in plain clothes from the manner in which they speak.Also,Members of the public or civilians humorously refer the initials 'Z.P' in Nyanja as "Zabwino Palibe" (Nothing Good),due to the manner in which the Police 'Man Handle' Suspects/convicts during custodial situations.
- Anso : Again/In fact/(may be used as question tag) - Wabwela Anso?/si ndiwe anso?
- Boma : Refers to Zambian Government.
- Bwana : (used to show respect) alternative for 'Boss'
- Contravening : Any Traffic offence.
- Choncho : isn’t it?/Fast: - si choncho ati ndiwe una tundila ku galimoto ya Boma?/Ubwele choncho ku station otherwise nima mbama chabe uka fika.
- Galimoto : Motor Vehicle.
- Hotel Luanda : Kabwata Police Station Jail/Cells.
- Inde : As you wish:e.g. Captain:Uyende anso ku Lilayi naba silikali ba tatu mu lete mpolyo mpolyo,Junior Officer:(Salutes)Inde Mwami!
- Ku Chimwa/ku lakwa : To be Guilty: e.g. wa chimwa iwe,uza kamba ku sogolo.
- Ma Wenge : HandcuffsHandcuffsHandcuffs are restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists close together. They comprise two parts, linked together by a chain, a hinge, or rigid bar. Each half has a rotating arm which engages with a ratchet that prevents it from being opened once closed around a person's wrist...
- Mwami : (used to show respect) Cop/High Ranked Officer.
- Mu Silikali/Ba Silikali :May refer to a Soldier or Policeman.
- Mpolyo Mpolyo : GunGunA gun is a muzzle or breech-loaded projectile-firing weapon. There are various definitions depending on the nation and branch of service. A "gun" may be distinguished from other firearms in being a crew-served weapon such as a howitzer or mortar, as opposed to a small arm like a rifle or pistol,...
/AK 47 Rifle. - Longa : Arrested/locked up. Literately the act a suspect of being thrown into a Police Van.
- Remind : Literally 'Remand' - Pre-charge detention.
- 'Uza kamba ku sogolo' : ZP Miranda Rights – "You will speak when you get to the PolicePoliceThe police is a personification of the state designated to put in practice the enforced law, protect property and reduce civil disorder in civilian matters. Their powers include the legitimized use of force...
Station". This is synonymous with the English Miranda rights; “You have the Right to Remain Silent” the phrase is usually used during custodial situations at the point of arrest. - Z.P : Zabwino Palibe.(Ain't Nothing Nice)
ZP - Police/Military slang Language Mix
This kind of language(*Relatively Unheard of*) is a mixture of the native Zambian languageNyanja with common ZP(Zambia Police) Phrases.It is made up of mating zp Phrases with Nyanja words producing a recipe that confuses people who know little of ZP slang words/Phrases. Below is a comparison of two sentences with same meaning one in native Nyanja and the other being the ZP/Nyanja Mix.[The language is spoken with an accent just as the Zambian PolicePolice
The police is a personification of the state designated to put in practice the enforced law, protect property and reduce civil disorder in civilian matters. Their powers include the legitimized use of force...
Service officers do].
- Native : Boi,ine manje na yambapo ku yenda bond.
- ZP - MIX : Boi,ise naku chaya Gillete ku bond.