X.net, known as the eXgae until November 2010, is a Spanish non-profit platform that supports and develops alternative models for cultural diffusion and royalties
Royalties are usage-based payments made by one party to another for the right to ongoing use of an asset, sometimes an intellectual property...

 distribution and defend Net Neutrality as a tools to increase democracy
Democracy is generally defined as a form of government in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law...

. It also lobbies politically at the national and international levels, through legislative proposals and viral campaigns.


The oXcars' are a non-competitive awards ceremony held at Sala Apolo in Barcelona
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the capital of Catalonia, with a population of 1,621,537 within its administrative limits on a land area of...

, Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

, in October each year. They are a public showcase that puts the spotlight on cultural creation and distribution carried out under the paradigms of shared culture. Through presentations and symbolic mentions of works in a series of categories, the oXcars uses parody as a strategy for showing real legal solutions. The award categories include: Music, Animation, Theatre, Human Tools, Future Markets and Great Leftovers of Spanish Culture, among others.


The FCForum is an international conference organised by X.net and a network of other groups and activists. It brings together organisations and experts in the field of free/libre culture and knowledge, with the aim of creating a strategic global framework for action and international coordination. It takes place annually in Barcelona.

The first FCForum was held in Barcelona from October 30 to November 1, 2009, to coincide with the 2nd oXcars awards ceremony. The principal organisations and active voices in the world of Free Culture and knowledge participated in the event. A series of working groups at the Forum produced a unique document known as the “Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge,” which proposes a series of reforms to the Spanish Intellectual Property
Intellectual property
Intellectual property is a term referring to a number of distinct types of creations of the mind for which a set of exclusive rights are recognized—and the corresponding fields of law...

 legislation, Telecoms Package
Telecoms Package
The Telecoms Reform Package is a law of the European Union, aimed at updating the EU Telecoms Rules of 2002 and unifying Europe's tele-communications market for all 27 EU member states...

 and other issues related to the circulation of information and net neutrality. The Charter was sent to a thousand governments and political and social institutions around the world. International bodies such as the European Union
European Union
The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 independent member states which are located primarily in Europe. The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community , formed by six countries in 1958...

 Committee on Culture and Education
Committee on Culture and Education
The Committee on Culture and Education is a committee of the European Parliament.- Responsibilities of the Committee :This committee has focused on the well-being of all members of the human race and the increased opportunities for education in all countries of the European Union...

 and the Government of Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

 (through the Department of Digital Culture) sent official observers to the Forum.

The second FCForum was held in Barcelona from October 28 to 31, 2010, and focused on the new models of sustainability in the digital era. Two documents were drafted as a result of this event: the “Sustainable Models for Creativity and the How-To Manual for Sustainable Creativity'.

D'Evolution Summit

The D’Evolution Summit was created as a civil society response to the European Forum for Cultural Industries, organised by the Spanish Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, which was held in Barcelona on March 29 and 30, 2010. Authorities, experts and lobby groups participated in the Forum, which focused on five core themes: financing and the cultural industries, intellectual property and royalties management, strategies for the internationalisation of culture, culture and territorial development, and the profiles and skills for culture industry professionals.

The Forum for Cultural Industries lent continuity to the International Conference on Economy and Culture held in May 2009, and took place just before the informal meeting of the 27 Ministers of Culture of the European Union on March 31 within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the EU.

The D’Evolution Summit was a counter-summit organised at the same time, to demand amendments to Spain’s Law of Sustainable Economy (known as the anti-downloads law) and an end to the monopoly of copyright collecting societies.

During three days, the D’Evolution summit organised Internet broadcasts of the proceedings of the Forum for Cultural Industries and the Informal Meeting of Ministers, staged concerts by groups who use free licences, and carried out actions such as the handing out music with free licences to hairdressing salons and the action “We won’t carry the bucket for an industry that refuses to adapt to reality” in which the comedian Leo Bassi dressed up as a clown and tried to give a giant inflatable duck to the ministers of culture. D’Evolution also organised viral campaigns and provided information on the topics being discussed at the Forum through social networks.

Parents are the Pirates

Parents are the Pirates is a self-published collective book consisting of contributions by fifty authors who were invited to write or illustrate, in 400 words or less, one of the following topics:
  • Culture in the digital era: new “profitabilities”
  • The creative ecosystem of the digital age: now or never
  • Digital information is what today’s memory is made of
  • Copying and its benefits
  • Lies, bits, the inquisition and P2P
  • 13,000,000 pirate homes: piracy does not exist, parents are the pirates
  • Banning communication in the communication age
  • P2P: Do we really want to follow in the footsteps of Pakistan, China, France and Sudan?
  • Lets talk about the middlemen: restructuring in times of crisis. Culture existed before the cultural industry
  • Lost profits is counting your chickens before they hatch (and the chickens are culture)
  • Public Domain
    Public domain
    Works are in the public domain if the intellectual property rights have expired, if the intellectual property rights are forfeited, or if they are not covered by intellectual property rights at all...

     vs benefits for parasites
  • The right to quote: the key to the link economy

The book was launched at the first oXcars, in October 2008. It was published under a 2008 season Poetic Licence and is distributed by independent publishing house Traficantes de Sueños.

Legal advice

X.net provides legal advice on copyright
Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time...

, licences, the Spanish levy on private copying
Private copying levy
A private copying levy is a government-mandated scheme in which a special tax or levy is charged on purchases of recordable media. Such taxes are in place in various countries and the income is typically allocated to the developers of "content"...

, private copies, P2P
P2P, P-2-P, P2p and P-to-P may refer to*Peer-to-peer, a computing or networking distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads among peers*Peer-to-peer...

, copyright collecting societies
Copyright collective
A copyright collective is a body created by copyright law or private agreement which engages in collective rights management...

, broadcast rights and other issues relating to the digital society. They provide artists with information about the licences they can use to cover their work without becoming dependent on a collecting society. They also advise businesses that are being sued by Spanish collective society SGAE and want to know their rights and obligations.

Change of name

On August 2, 2010, lawyers from Spain’s largest copyright collecting society, the SGAE, sent a certified fax to the eXgae demanding they shut down the domain name exgae.net and suspend their activities, alleging infringement of the SGAE brand and unfair competition. In the interests of avoiding a long and expensive legal battle, the collective changed its name to X.net, although it continues working in the same sphere of activity.

See also

  • Copyright
    Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time...

  • Free software
    Free software
    Free software, software libre or libre software is software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form either without restriction, or with restrictions that only ensure that further recipients can also do...

  • Private copying levy
    Private copying levy
    A private copying levy is a government-mandated scheme in which a special tax or levy is charged on purchases of recordable media. Such taxes are in place in various countries and the income is typically allocated to the developers of "content"...

  • Net neutrality
  • Telecoms Package
    Telecoms Package
    The Telecoms Reform Package is a law of the European Union, aimed at updating the EU Telecoms Rules of 2002 and unifying Europe's tele-communications market for all 27 EU member states...

  • Public domain
    Public domain
    Works are in the public domain if the intellectual property rights have expired, if the intellectual property rights are forfeited, or if they are not covered by intellectual property rights at all...

  • P2P
    P2P, P-2-P, P2p and P-to-P may refer to*Peer-to-peer, a computing or networking distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads among peers*Peer-to-peer...

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.